>want to repaint my walls. >watch videos and read up on websites to make sure I paint my walls properly

>want to repaint my walls
>watch videos and read up on websites to make sure I paint my walls properly
>one person says to use tape
>another person says not to use tape
>one person says to paint the trim first
>another person says to never paint the trim first
>professional painter goes on about how priming is unnecessary thanks to new paint technology
>another painter says that if you don’t use primer you’re literally insane and will cause the house to explode
>ask friend who repainted his room how he did it
>says he just put on one coat of paint with a roller and some shitty brush and it came out mint

Why must things be like this?

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  1. 8 months ago

    every PrepHole israelitetube channel, with very few exceptions, is trying to sell you something, either because the products they shill are from a channel's sponsor, or because they're getting something free out of it for themselves.
    if you ever feel like dying, just watch an abom79 video and take a swig of whiskey every time he mentions a product name.

    • 8 months ago

      are you the machinist schizo who can't comprehend the reason people buy starret tools?

  2. 8 months ago

    It’s painting, just frickin do it.

    The wife watched a Youtube video on painting once and was like “I need to sand everything!” so I handed her the orbital sander and walked away. I think she sanded 1/3 of a single wall and gave up.

    Fwiw, paint is straight but if you’re putting the tape on trim that you just painted a couple days ago, there’s a real chance you will rip the paint off when you pull the tape.

    • 8 months ago

      >The wife watched a Youtube video on painting once and was like “I need to sand everything!” so I handed her the orbital sander and walked away. I think she sanded 1/3 of a single wall and gave up.
      my wife and i just painted the combined living room, kitchen, and dining room with 25ft cathedral ceilings in our house
      she wanted to trim, sand, and roll everything
      i bought a graco x5 sprayer for $150
      she could do half of the entryway in the time it took me to do 2 entire walls
      sure I hit the crown molding with overspray, but that shit was dingy after 20 years anyways, we'll go back over them with a brush in half an hour
      women underestimate the amount of sweat things take in most cases

    • 8 months ago

      >Fwiw, paint is straight but if you’re putting the tape on trim that you just painted a couple days ago, there’s a real chance you will rip the paint off when you pull the tape.
      This, did it once and learned the hard way

  3. 8 months ago

    Just paint it. One solid coat will be fine as long as the colors are not too far apart. Since you are new use tape. Do not leave the tape on too long because it will pull the paint right off of what it's taped to. Paint the walls first than trim anyone saying otherwise should be shot. Best of luck, anon. It's painting its not difficult. If you have anymore questions I will try to answer them.

    • 8 months ago

      Thank you my friend.

    • 7 months ago

      This except I use the expensive frog tape. I leave it on the trim for days while I cut in 2 coats with a brush and then roll 2-3 coats. It always pulls up without a problem.

      Taping, removing then retaping for a second coat is madness to me.

    • 7 months ago

      >Paint trim first if spray trim
      >paint trim second if brush/roll trim
      This assumes you will brush and roll the wall regardless, also always use tape when rolling as it spatters tiny fricking paint particles EVERYWHERE, the longer the nap the worse

    • 7 months ago

      I do the trim first because I can hide the brush strokes with the roller as much as possible. Maybe its moronic but that's my logic

      • 7 months ago

        Thats not moronic at all mate. You want an even surface. Having brush strokes all over the fricking place kind of ruins that. The brush is in its entirety only usefull for areas too small to roll, or places where the roll wont reach even if you push it in there. The only exception to this is wood work in general and especially high gloss wood work where people dont want you to use the roller for no reason at all

    • 7 months ago

      >Paint the walls first than trim anyone saying otherwise should be shot
      I guess thats perfectly reasonable if you prefer broad brushed on a rolled surface, otherwise stop giving advice you absolute fricking moron. The correct answer is tape and trim with the roller.


  4. 8 months ago

    The best way to make sure you do a professional job painting is to make sure you ask for a shot of black when you buy the paint. Everything else is really kind of variable.

    • 8 months ago

      >shot of black
      whatcha mean?

    • 7 months ago

      > shot of black
      Old school


      >want to repaint my walls
      >watch videos and read up on websites to make sure I paint my walls properly
      >one person says to use tape
      >another person says not to use tape
      >one person says to paint the trim first
      >another person says to never paint the trim first
      >professional painter goes on about how priming is unnecessary thanks to new paint technology
      >another painter says that if you don’t use primer you’re literally insane and will cause the house to explode
      >ask friend who repainted his room how he did it
      >says he just put on one coat of paint with a roller and some shitty brush and it came out mint

      Why must things be like this?

      I feel your pain. The good news is either way you won’t frick up badly. The worst that happens is you need to touch up some trim. I get stuck in these loops all the time while planning out a project. Recently I had to repair fish tank leak. The install carpet -> trim -> paint ordering had me in loop scared to frick it up. I DID do it wrong, but it wasn’t that big a deal. Just paint some shit. You’ll do it differently next time maybe.

  5. 8 months ago

    Gonna add to the other practical advice, don't buy the shittiest tape money can buy. You don't need some gimmick frog foot or whatever tape, but don't buy it at the dollar tree. Shit will tear constantly and piss you off.

  6. 8 months ago

    >Why must things be like this?
    because the internet is full of "professionals" who blow smoke up their own asses and don't actually know much because they were told exactly how to paint by their bosses and then later on they just kept doing the same thing over and over and over. They don't experiment to see what works and what doesn't work because they don't want to frick up a customer's house and have to re-do it later.
    I painted some panels 3 years ago, bought some random white paint from the hardware store and a roller. I just put 2 coats of white paint straight onto the unprepped plywood and there is absolutely no deterioration with the paint today.

    • 8 months ago

      > doing the same thing over and over
      Same with paint manufacturers.
      Primer is just thinned out paint with less pigment in it and more pva (glue). The basic latex formula is almost identical across the board with minor variations, like your wife’s face cream.

      I just painted a room with primer (since I had some cans of it around) and it didn’t look great, so I just hit it with primer again and now it looks mint.

      Don’t forget, nobody touches or inspects the ceilings close-up… therefore ceiling paint is the shittiest and chaulkiest stuff around. Make it flat (matte) as you can.

  7. 8 months ago

    >want to repaint my walls
    Go for it
    >watch videos and read up on websites to make sure I paint my walls properly
    The guy at the hardware store would be better. He has to kinda know about the paint types since it has to be mixed and what not
    >one person says to use tape
    Good for making straight lines and covering areas you don't want paint
    >another person says not to use tape
    Good for them if they are skilled enough they don't need it... Otherwise they are just being sloppy
    >one person says to paint the trim first
    Doesn't matter. Personal preference.
    >another person says to never paint the trim first
    Literally does not matter.
    >professional painter goes on about how priming is unnecessary thanks to new paint technology
    True in most cases if you get paint+primer and are painting dryway
    >another painter says that if you don’t use primer you’re literally insane and will cause the house to explode
    Obvious exaggeration, but there are times when you would want to prime first. Wall paneling can be paint over, but you need to prime first so the paint adheres properly. If you are working with drywall, primer+paint in one can should work just fine
    >ask friend who repainted his room how he did it
    >says he just put on one coat of paint with a roller and some shitty brush and it came out mint
    He probably used paint+primer. Beyond that it's pretty straightforward.
    >Why must things be like this?
    Because every shithead has an opinion and thinks their way is the best way

    Don't forget about finishes. Flat paint should be avoided in bathrooms and kitchens.

    • 8 months ago

      >Don't forget about finishes. Flat paint should be avoided in bathrooms and kitchens.

      Flat paint? You mean matte paint or?

      • 7 months ago

        Yes he means matte. Gloss translates directly into durability and washability when it comes to paint. Also gloss is vapor proof so your shit wont rot after a few years of showering. I mean, theres a reason they make paint specifically for these kind of areas. And theres a reason they cost twice that of matte paint

        • 7 months ago

          Good to know, thanks anon.

      • 7 months ago

        Flat paint should be avoided anywhere except the ceiling.
        I thought
        >we're all adults here, scuffed walls and the like shouln't be an issue.
        hell no. it scuffs if you look at it funny.

    • 7 months ago

      Thanks for such a detailed answer. I'm not OP but your comment was very good.

  8. 8 months ago

    i'm in the same boat. but i have to
    > do the ceiling as well.
    > install a drop in anchor for pendant light.
    > fix the door frame and wall, which came out after the door slammed.
    i don't wanna hire anyone cause they'll botcher it. and i've never done any of this shit before.

  9. 8 months ago

    Learn to cut with a brush and you can avoid taping long straight lines. You'll learn what you need to tape off the more you roll, brush, and spray. Until then, it's most likely everything. There are also some tricks with caulking the tape line for perfect lines that I've never bothered to learn.

  10. 8 months ago

    paint is toxic don't do it

  11. 7 months ago

    Only use a primer if you think you'll need more than one coat which is only the case if the colors are far apart. The reason is a can of primer cost way less than whatever paint your finishing with.
    Besides that you can ignore everything anyone says. It doesn't matter which you do first, trim or walls. Get a stick for your roller if you don't have one.

    • 7 months ago

      Primers are only needed when painting on materials that either absorb moisture, or shit that is actively falling apart or leaking shit out of it through the paint.

      This is fairly important since primers go for 150%+ of paint, depending on what the surface is made out of.

      Also dont buy cheap paint, theres a reason paint is expensive. The difference mainly being how many times you have to paint shit. But more importantly, durability, washability(?), and using the correct material (using oil based paint on a mineral surface will cause it to turn into soap, literally, see fight club indian story for reference)

  12. 7 months ago

    ask chatgpt

  13. 7 months ago

    As a rule of thumb: If 2 pros disagree on something, it probably doesn't really matter.

  14. 7 months ago

    Painting is easy. It's just smearing a liquid on a surface. It is so easy that mexicans can do it.

  15. 7 months ago

    My advice is start at the top and work down, so if you drop you dont have to start again.
    If you are painting fresh drywall you need a watered down primer, if you are painting a much lighter color then prime to save money on coloured paint.
    If you have a steady hand look up cutting in and forget the tape, tape let's you get away with very little mistakes, you cant go hog wild it will still bleed under, so it's kind of a waste if you can make a great job of it with tape chances are you could make almost as good without it.

  16. 7 months ago

    Best way to learn is by doing. Try it out, see what works and what doesn't. One nice thing about painting is you can always repaint it.

  17. 7 months ago

    I have a 3.5 year long education in housepainting, a journeymans letter.

    Do whatever the frick you want mate, just dont use outside paint indoors, its full of shit that will break down your immune system over time.

    I would probably advice you to use tape on shit you dont intend to paint, and also cover anything in direct vicinity. I can trim to the glass on a window with my eyes closed, you can too, but it will take you a long fricking time to do it right (seen through my eyes)

    It doesnt fricking matter, its your wall. Trimming with no tape can be a b***h though it the surface isnt smooth. But as long as you are not charging anyone money for the job it doesnt matter.

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