>wanna go camping. >all the campground spots are booked up for the next year

>wanna go camping
>all the campground spots are booked up for the next year
How am I supposed to camp?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 months ago

    Public land. If that fails do it in your back yard. If you don't have a back yard then pull a Steve and just say frick it and go to a random place.

  2. 4 months ago

    inna woods you dummy. wtf is a camping spot

    • 4 months ago

      I am just going by what I watch on Yuru Camp. As far as I can tell, she goes to campsites and rents a camping spot. She doesn't go into no woods.

      • 4 months ago

        Are you a fictional Japanese middle schooler?
        Wait, I remembered where I was, No, you are not one.
        Go use public lands like an adult.

        • 4 months ago

          Rin is a high schooler.

          • 4 months ago

            Nobody gives a flying frick

            • 3 months ago

              I do

              • 3 months ago

                thats why you're going to die alone as a kissless hugless permavirgin.

      • 4 months ago

        anon that's why she goes in the winter

        The Catskills or Palisades near New York.

        >The Catskills or Palisades near New York.
        Catskills you can backcountry camp for free, please don't pay for a site. Just hike in to a designated backcountry campsite a 4-5 hours before sunset you'll probably be able to snag one.

      • 4 months ago

        >yuru camp
        Don't burn down the forest anon...

  3. 4 months ago

    Give a general area where you want to camp. Solving your problems requires more data. This is a male dominated website: we don't come to b***h about problems we come here tolve them.

    • 4 months ago

      The Catskills or Palisades near New York.

      • 4 months ago

        head on over to state forest in pa and theres tons of places to camp, ny is more popular
        tioga state forest is beautiful
        most hikes to an overlook or even many drivable overlooks tend to have campsites at them
        and if you want something with more features there's plenty of campgrounds nearby

        nepa is the solution to your problem

        • 4 months ago

          >East coast bro delivers
          What about Canada? New Brunswick looks epic.

          • 3 months ago


            That shows you all crown land parcels in the province (legal to camp out for a maximum of 14 days in one location) Cross reference with google earth satellite imagery to find cool spots.
            >implying there are any cool spots in NB that haven't been raped by Irving

            Driving to a campgrounds is what everyone realistically does. No one goes backpacking into a back country trail — not to camp anyway. That’s only pretend shit on YouTube. Because it’s super uncomfortable and I doubt anyone can handle trying it more than once before concluding that was a huge mistake, or they keep finding excuses never to go again, or their wives refuse it and will only go camping again if it’s at a camp site with accommodations. I bet you if there are studies tracking this that the huge majority of campers only go to campgrounds and only a tiny minority, like low single-digit percent do backcountry trail camping more than once.


        • 4 months ago

          What about the Adirondacks or Vermont?

          • 4 months ago

            Probably not going to be that much better, campground-wise, than Catskills.
            For primitive campsites that don't need to be booked through Reserve America, check out the DEC Info locator: https://gisservices.dec.ny.gov/gis/dil/index.html?REC
            Adjust settings to look for primitive campsites and lean-tos.
            Note that on most of NY state public lands, you are allowed to camp anywhere that that's far enough from the road and water sources and isn't in the alpine climate zone. You aren't required to camp at these sites, but they are usually more convenient (fire pits, privys, etc)

            ...he said camping
            Not...that, that isn't camping. That's a cheap hotel.

            I know it's impossible to have a serious discussion on PrepHole with all the larping trolls trying really hard to be clever in every thread, but there's obviously a difference between a hotel and campsite camping. Especially since, at least in NY, there often aren't any hotels anywhere near places you might want to go. Maybe you're trying to sell your girlfriend on camping and she's not ready to shit in a hole in the woods.

            Picrel gets you a site directly on a lake where you can go swimming or boating (iirc you can canoe to the Hudson River). Hotels usually don't have 50 waterfront rooms. You're also 15 miles from the Upper Works Trailhead for various High Peaks wilderness hikes (including Mount Marcy, highest peak in NY State). The next closest hotel is 15 miles in the other direction.

            • 4 months ago

              why go to the crowded popular thing when northern pennsylvania exists and is wonderful?

              • 4 months ago

                We're full

            • 4 months ago

              Campgrounds are great for taking first-timers to. I do a couple of reservations every year; even if no newbies sign up I get an easy camp right near a trout lake.

      • 3 months ago

        I really love Harriman State Park. Been there three times in spring and fall, the lean-tos are first come first serve and are entirely set up for you, but it's quite a hike to get there so don't pack a tent if you're just doing lean-tos. Both seasons are great, in spring you get that brisk morning and see all the animals come out, in fall you can collect hundreds of walnuts if you want

  4. 4 months ago

    jesus man, that's grim.
    what's the point of camping around 30 odd strangers?!?!?!?

    • 4 months ago

      getting power and water hookups, hot showers, flush toilets

      • 4 months ago

        ...he said camping
        Not...that, that isn't camping. That's a cheap hotel.

        • 4 months ago

          hotel means they provide the walls and bed
          im just trying to shill for nepa, I don't care if you do backcountry camping sites that take a day to reach or developed campgrounds
          i just think its a cool area and is shilled less hard than the catskills/ny area

          What about the Adirondacks or Vermont?

          thats fine and all its just more common popular
          your complaint was campgrounds being full
          I am trying to suggest less popular alternatives

          im not as familiar with that far north

          • 4 months ago

            80% of the US population lives East of the Mississippi anon.

      • 3 months ago

        Ah, so a place for city addicted pussies to feel safe?

    • 4 months ago

      I used to frequent state park campgrounds while on road trips in my early 20s, they were cheap and convenient, and not nearly as crowded with filthy casuals as they are today. Now, they're far more pricey and they'll often sell out weeks or more in advanced. I've been doing BLM/National Forest dispersed camping for years now. The last time I camped in an established campground, it was because someone else had booked it, and then not been able to get the time off work, so they gave the spot to me and my now ex. It was in a nice area near the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, so I figured why not? It's free, and we can explore the surrounding areas during the day.

      The people in the adjacent campsite actually brought a fricking projector and sound system, and were watching movies on the outside of their trailer. I just don't understand what the point of that even is. If I want to watch a movie, I'll do it at home. Why go through the trouble of lugging your entire living room out into the forest so you can be a fat slob out there too?

      After the first night, I proposed finding a free dispersed site somewhere else, by but my (thankfully now ex) girlfriend vetoed that idea for some inexplicable reason.

      • 4 months ago

        >girlfriend vetoed that idea for some inexplicable reason.
        Women are naturally risk-averse and comfort-driven. They need a strong male influence to push them out of their comfort zone on anything. Even if they end up enjoying themselves and finding the activity worthwhile they'll fight against it if they perceive it a threat to their immediate comfort.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah, this woman was far from rational, I'm glad to have some distance from her.

          Dating someone else now who's a lot of fun to go camping/hiking with.

    • 3 months ago

      Spying on people with thermal scopes

  5. 4 months ago

    Why not just go into the woods or on some mountain?
    Is it illegal to camp in the wil where you live?
    For me the main purpose of camping is to get away from other people.

    • 4 months ago

      It'll be my first time camping. Why would you recommend I go into the wilderness? I don't want to die.

      • 3 months ago

        Unless you set fire to your tent or try to winter camp with a summer bag and shit tent, you won't die.
        Just go PrepHole, you don't have to go deep the first few times, just push your comfort zone bit for bit.

  6. 4 months ago

    Driving to a campgrounds is what everyone realistically does. No one goes backpacking into a back country trail — not to camp anyway. That’s only pretend shit on YouTube. Because it’s super uncomfortable and I doubt anyone can handle trying it more than once before concluding that was a huge mistake, or they keep finding excuses never to go again, or their wives refuse it and will only go camping again if it’s at a camp site with accommodations. I bet you if there are studies tracking this that the huge majority of campers only go to campgrounds and only a tiny minority, like low single-digit percent do backcountry trail camping more than once.

    • 4 months ago

      Pretty much every hunter and fisherman do exactly that.
      Well, most go off trail, so beyond what you think "nobody" does.

      • 4 months ago

        You mean an outfitter’s tent city with cots, toilets and kitchens? Why gaslight?

        • 3 months ago

          Everyone here does DYI hunts.
          Think it's mostly rich city gays that would use those even in burgerstan.
          Here we have outfitters doing salmon fishing and bird hunting for outsiders, nobody local uses these.
          So no, I do not mean tent cities and cots, I mean hiking with everything you need and making camp with what you carry in.

    • 4 months ago

      yes more people camp in campgrounds but you are still full of shit. tens of thousands of people apply for backcountry permits in yosemite every year. no hunting allowed in national parks, these people just go to camp in the backcountry

      • 3 months ago

        I’m sure lots of people enjoy going to these places to backpack…hiking. Very few are actually camping there. Very very few would be attempting to camp after trying it for the first time. I don’t have the actual stats of course but I’m comfortable with the statement that only a tiny minority of visitors are there to actually camp. Understandable because of how uncomfortable it is. Campgrounds are different because those offer comforts needed for most people to consider it an acceptable vacation. Just notice how little video and images we see of these backpacking nature trail camping trips on PrepHole — that’s because no one actually does it, or they did it once years ago or otherwise just pretend they are via fake YouTube videos. Everyone here knows that’s true.

        • 3 months ago

          those are permits for overnight backcountry camping. it means tens of thousands of people backpack in and camp at just one national park every year. those are not dayhikers

      • 3 months ago

        >loicense to camp in nature
        The land of the free, folks, the land of the free.

        • 3 months ago

          I think those are only for specific parks that have large amounts of tourism, as far as I know most local public forests just have simple rules you need to follow (don't be a Black person, basically) and you can go wherever you want

    • 4 months ago

      >nobody does the thing I don't like
      >if I can't hack it, nobody else can either

    • 4 months ago

      Anon this site is full of autists you can't use hyperbole like "no one" they will take you 100% literally even if your meaning is clear from context.

      • 3 months ago

        Anons keep proving this true

      • 3 months ago

        Anons keep proving this true

        It's clear you don't understand what's going on here.

        On reddlt morons are used to group think.
        We, everyone, all of us.. people use those terms all the time.

        however, on 4pol you get to speak for yourself and your own ideas and that's it. If you want to make the appeal that your idea is "shared" you don't get to say "we think this because [popular]"
        You get to say "I think this and here is why"

        This is the biggest reason reddltards get shit on on every board on PrepHole.

        The insult is simple and Redltards are oblivious

        • 3 months ago

          >r*ddit spacing
          imagine typing all of this while being a r*dditor yourself.

          • 3 months ago

            imagine being triggered by a carriage return

            • 3 months ago

              imagine being a r*ddit transplant pretending to be from PrepHole

              • 3 months ago

                Is this your life story?

              • 3 months ago

                imagine projecting

    • 4 months ago

      What is even the point of camping at a site full of people and amenities? Camping is for getting away from people and modern niceties and connecting with nature, but those crowded campsites are basically just modern city life in a tent instead of a house.

      • 4 months ago

        >What is even the point of camping at a site full of people and amenities?
        access to water and fun and healthy outdoor activities especially for kids and families

      • 3 months ago

        Camping is actually to enjoy nature and the outdoors. Campgrounds offer that experience while providing for a minimum level of comfort that the vast majority of people find acceptable. We all love the IDEA of heading into the backcountry and enjoying solitude in the great outdoors, but in REALITY the very poor comfort level keeps us away from actually doing it.

      • 3 months ago

        >What is even the point of camping at a site full of people and amenities?
        Being able to take a shit and actually wipe properly.

        • 3 months ago

          You will poop in the bag.

          • 3 months ago

            And do what with it? I'm not carrying a bag of shit.

            Best shits I've taken were innawoods

            I don't want to walk around with a shitty asscrack.

            • 3 months ago

              >I don't want to walk around with a shitty asscrack.
              wipe with that funny plant with 3 leaves

        • 3 months ago

          Best shits I've taken were innawoods

    • 4 months ago

      The people you describe are the primary source of all of my used gear scores on Craigslist. Also, if your wife doesn't like camping and exploring cool shit, then you've fricked up at choosing a mate.

    • 3 months ago

      nigguh it has been 20 years since i last used a legit campsite. what a homosexual you are.

    • 3 months ago

      I’m sure lots of people enjoy going to these places to backpack…hiking. Very few are actually camping there. Very very few would be attempting to camp after trying it for the first time. I don’t have the actual stats of course but I’m comfortable with the statement that only a tiny minority of visitors are there to actually camp. Understandable because of how uncomfortable it is. Campgrounds are different because those offer comforts needed for most people to consider it an acceptable vacation. Just notice how little video and images we see of these backpacking nature trail camping trips on PrepHole — that’s because no one actually does it, or they did it once years ago or otherwise just pretend they are via fake YouTube videos. Everyone here knows that’s true.

      It depends on the terrain. I hate dispersed camping in temperate rainforest, I've only done it twice, and the second time I scoped out a spot in advance rather than trying to find one because it's such a frickaround. At the same time I'm planning trips to dry woodlands and to desert in the winter where it'll be easy to find a good open spot, because the established campsites aren't close enough together and there's no way to get into the most interesting areas without camping.

      If you're not in a fricking rainforest or teatree scrub or something equally horrible to camp in then the spots are just as good as a booked campsite. No toilets and no water, but that's something you have to plan around and be comfortable with.

      You will poop in the bag.

      Begone sierragay.

    • 3 months ago

      Mans really gassed out

    • 3 months ago

      This is some of the weakest shit I've ever read, way to project that you can't handle leaving a glorified parking lot. I go camping at least every 2 months, and always just scope out a spot in a remote area to camp, no campsite or permit most of the time. You just show up late, leave early, and don't leave any trash or signs you were there. You don't need power or running water for one night. Exactly one time I went camping at a "campsite" on purpose (gf at the time's family was going and invited me), and it's hell. Especially if it's full, there's gonna be boomers with RVs and generators running floodlights, kids screaming, everyone who wants to "go camping" but not put in work other than spending money.

      I’m sure lots of people enjoy going to these places to backpack…hiking. Very few are actually camping there. Very very few would be attempting to camp after trying it for the first time. I don’t have the actual stats of course but I’m comfortable with the statement that only a tiny minority of visitors are there to actually camp. Understandable because of how uncomfortable it is. Campgrounds are different because those offer comforts needed for most people to consider it an acceptable vacation. Just notice how little video and images we see of these backpacking nature trail camping trips on PrepHole — that’s because no one actually does it, or they did it once years ago or otherwise just pretend they are via fake YouTube videos. Everyone here knows that’s true.

      Again anon, you're just wrong. Yes, in non-designated areas the vast majority of people are there to hike/fish/hunt/whatever, but plenty of people camp outside of "designated campsites". I have done it more than I can count, it's fun, I'll do it again soon. Maybe the sports board or video games board is more your speed?


      Dispersed camping in a national forest / wilderness.

      Looks cozy anon. I did a very similar setup 2 weekends ago (picrel, euromode atm), stayed comfy

      Anyway, OP, here's my real suggestion for you. Right in the middle of the area you're interested is a thing you may have heard of called the Appalachian Trail. Along this trail are shelters, which are semi-wild campsites for people hiking the trail, but also just anybody can show up and use them. They're gonna be packed in late spring/early summer when the yearly AT rush comes but now is fine. You can just show up without a permit, set up a tent or hammock in one of the cleared areas near the shelter (really just a three-walled hut for people to sleep in) and usually there are also some cool people to talk to. There's always an outhouse with toilet paper, and they're often a pretty easy walk from a road. Here's a map where you can see the shelters: appalachiantrail.org/explore/hike-the-a-t/interactive-map

      • 3 months ago

        Pretty sure the "nobody goes camping" anon is a troll or an autist. He's been posting that shit in a bunch of threads

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, it seems like serious autism, I shouldn't have taken the bait. But still, don't want his sorry ass discouraging people like OP on the verge of exiting the basement.

          OP, what kind of gear do you have?

        • 3 months ago

          Lots of people go camping. At campgrounds, from their cars. What they don’t do is go backpack camping deep in the backcountry. Bushcrafting is an entertainment genre on YouTube. People dislike being uncomfortable, inconvenienced and dirty which is why they go to campgrounds to minimize these negative factors. If it was up to the huge majority of people they’d be in a full camper RV with climate control, TV, bed and full bathrooms and only going outside for a barbecue grill or maybe light hiking. People want to experience the great outdoors but hate experiencing discomfort — PrepHole is no different at all. Every single one here can go PrepHole if they really wanted to…but they don’t really want to, not so much as to put up with the hassle.

          • 3 months ago

            >t. autist troll

  7. 3 months ago

    Dispersed camping in a national forest / wilderness.

    • 3 months ago

      what's the point of camping in the forest? currently i only do mountaneering, where you can't really camp like htat with a tarp because there are no good places (too much wind, cold, nowhere to tie the tarp). but i don't see the interest in doing a 2 day hike just to see a forest. what is it really about, is it based around doing other activities like fishing or hunting?

      • 3 months ago

        The term "national forest" is more of a legal definition than a literal one. It means land managed by the us forest service, which is pretty laid back compared to the national park service. For an example of a non-foresty area, Mount Evans in Colorado is within the Arapaho national forest, although due to its popularity it has more usage restrictions than other places.

        As for the point, where I live the only nearby location with with elevation change where I can work really hard to walk up a hill and sleep outside is a forest in a wilderness area, and that's all I really want from a weekend trip. There's usually some stuff to look at, too.

      • 3 months ago

        >on this board
        >doesnt understand being out for the sake of being out

      • 3 months ago

        >where you can't really camp like htat with a tarp
        Good thing there is this thing called a tent.

  8. 3 months ago

    An example of a backcountry camping youtuber who doesn’t obviously do fake scenes: https://youtube.com/@LostLakes
    Also an interesting car-camping channel (some guy in Japan) shows what a “realistic” car camping adventure looks like: https://www.youtube.com/@rentalcarcamping369 I like this guy because he uses a smart system.

  9. 3 months ago

    >find some trees
    >check if there is anyone around
    >go innem

  10. 3 months ago

    what about Vernooy Kill State Forest. right near catskills, would be a good place to dispersed camp. technically you're supposed to get "at least 150 feet away from the nearest road, trail, or body of water. Camping for more than three nights or in groups of ten or more requires a permit from a Forest Ranger."

    if a trailhead allows overnight parking you can park there and march in a bit until you find somewhere quiet and out of sight. otherwise if your vehicle can handle driving around two-track roads, then just wander around during the day looking for sites or off shoot roads that other people have already broken in a bit. or find your own site. dont underestimate how quickly your tires can sink into mud, careful if it just rained. if you do get stuck dont panic just figure out how to get a tow truck. its expensive and sucks but not the end of the world

  11. 3 months ago

    >Wild camping laws vary, however wild camping without the landowner's permission is illegal in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Many landowners will be happy to allow campers, as long you respect the land. Simply ask them beforehand. Over in Scotland, wild camping is permitted anywhere thanks to right-to-roam laws.
    You got a loisence to go innawoods?

  12. 3 months ago

    What kind of land can I camp on wherever I want? BLM land? National Park land? State Park land? How do I find maps of land near me that I can camp on legally?

    • 3 months ago

      Blm and national forests are good for it. Typically you don't need a permit and can just drive up to a trailhead and hike wherever and camp. If it's blm there aren't really trails or maps (only been on blm once so this may be wrong for the majority of cases). For national forest land you can find the trail maps online on either their website or all trails. Either way, if you park at a trailhead, there will be a large map that you can take a picture of and usually pamphlets with maps on them.

  13. 3 months ago

    Dispersed camping is full/ b&, kindly frick off, we're full.

    • 3 months ago

      Frick off larper.

  14. 3 months ago

    Three years ago, I frequently went camping up in various off-season unoccupied campsites in the Allegheny National Forest. It was a nice way to avoid people and still have a neat, well-maintained site. But ever since I got an PrepHole job, I haven't been camping. When I'm home between rotations I just want to play vidya and relax before I go back out for another 2 weeks of work. I wish I could find that desire again, to go innawoods, or even just to a campground, since it's not like I'm camping at work. Maybe it's just 10 hours a day of outdoor labor wearing me down, maybe I'm just weak. Idk.

    • 3 months ago

      I mean, I generally avoid engineering when I'm not at work unless it's for some really dumb selfish reason so I get not wanting to work during your recovery time.

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