Vehicles with weirdly specific battlefield roles

Things like this that are designed for a very specific role that probably aren't good for anything else:
>We need to attack unescorted basic b***h M113s
>And they only have .50s
>From a flank protected by a water obstacle >Possibly at night
>Does it do anything else?
>Sir, maybe put a bunch of missiles on it? That is our brand after all...
>But it would be really easy to..
>Um, ok here you go Sir...

Anything else that really only does one thing?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    Also very confused as to why a twin 14.5mm turret needs a coax 7.62x54.

    • 5 months ago

      14.5x114mm is pretty bulky as well as expensive so i guess ammo preservation to help deal with infantry and surprising fire

  2. 5 months ago

    the sturmtriger
    designed to knock out buildings in a single hit, after heavy urban fighting in stalingrad and kharkov showed how hard it could be to attack fortified positions
    and they used a tiger as a base, since they needed an armored chassis to get close without getting destoryed

    it was too slow, expensive, and heavy to be an assault gun like other anti-fort vehicles like the stug could be
    it fired too slowly and had too little accuracy to be a TD, though it could knock out any enemy tank from the sheer force of its attack it was way less effective at it than the 88mm on the regular tiger
    so it was really good against buildings and nothing else

    • 5 months ago

      What is it about urban combat that turns military planners into drooling morons?

      Look at the terminator

      • 5 months ago

        It necessitates a little bit more chaos than normal.

      • 5 months ago

        The Algerian BMPT-62 is objectivity better simply by being able to hit things at BMP 2 range but Russia had to have two guns and worthless hull mounted AGLs because 'urban combat'

  3. 5 months ago

    any bridge layer, mine layer, Black person whipper and just a plain old fricking dozer.
    OP pic is pretty much the standard apc that is just rifle and frag proof to provide infantry mobility, storage and firepower which is pretty multi task already.

    • 5 months ago

      >rifle and frag proof

      Its based on a amphibious tank so it is a bit tougher than that, the real problem is it is just barely tough and shooty enough that a commander will pretend it is a IFV and it isn't.

      norktard thread

      >Says a Nork vehicle isn't very good
      >Must be nork propaganda!

      Meds dude, take them.

      • 5 months ago

        yeah im the crazy one you got me

        • 5 months ago

          Wow, you are so smart finding repeat images of something that has maybe 3-4 pictures of it on the whole planet!

          You must be still really sore over everyone finding out that the KN-23 was better than iskander last week.

          there's gargantuan black market in norkia, whole country is still somehow functions to this day only because people just began mass smuggling shit from the China and government was too weak to stop it.
          They can't put it down because ALL executive middle and lower branches live off it and profit the most.
          And they don't really want to put it off, because apparently at some point they understood that people will start to starve to death again if they do.

          I remember there were stories about middle aparatchiks buying chink fridges as a status objects. They couldn't use them because electricity is more off than on, so they just use it as a documents shelf.

          Obviously they are corrupt however actually wearing blue jeans is a big no no, they literally teach kids that US soldiers wore them while raping babies.

          • 5 months ago

            Try change file name more often next time.

            • 5 months ago

              I'll fully admit half of those posts were me but it's paranoid to think it's some conspiracy. I like early cold war designs and it looks like something that would have been really badass in the late 1960s.It kinda almost looks east german.

              I know it isn't great but it looks awesome and i think it would be fun to ride around in. It is probably mildly effective as a scout but not much else. As they haven't covered with AGLs or parade missiles it probably works as advertised.

              I like the COMBLOCK waterjets, the idea of having a gear that turns you into a boat is neat and is something the west never did that much.

              I am not trying to troll or spam and i could care less about politics, i just like this particular vehicle alot. I think it looks really cool and like how bare bones and functional it looks. Please don't hate me for that.

              I could use a tripcode if you like so when i post about it you can know it's me or put me on a ignore list if it bothers you so much.

              • 5 months ago

                What is the cylindrical object in front of the commander hatch? It looks like a CITV but surely norks couldn't possibly...?

              • 5 months ago

                ha yah,
                >literally attached to China
                >"they could never get a thermal site!"
                Good absolute God

              • 5 months ago

                Clearly not since it still has the giant IR floodlight

              • 5 months ago

                ha yah,
                >literally attached to China
                >"they could never get a thermal site!"
                Good absolute God

                What is the cylindrical object in front of the commander hatch? It looks like a CITV but surely norks couldn't possibly...?

                The floodlight is for the guns, its a AA mount. There is no reason you can't have thermal and IR, most western armor does.

                Also that isn't the unit commander its the gunner, the squad leader is the guy next to the driver. It does not carry a full squad just a squad section, they are almost always seen in pairs with a officer in one and a NCO in the other. A company of dismounts is roughly 32 of them.

                If you think about it that isn't bad at all, 60+ 14.5mm guns supporting a single company is an alarming amount of large bullets.

              • 5 months ago

                >If you think about it that isn't bad at all, 60+ 14.5mm guns supporting a single company is an alarming amount of large bullets.
                30+. IRL doesn't follow warhammer rules for ground combat, so twin-linked is just a waste of a gun. If Ukraine should have taught us anything about AFV design, it's that the Soviet "accuracy by volume" approach to autocannons via high ROF, dual mounting etc, is vastly inferior to the western approach of precision with lower rates. Maybe in a AAA role this isn't true, but Gepard seems to suggest it still is.

              • 5 months ago

                True but it is a decent amount of dakka. Consider a single upgrade that i am sure we will see soon enough: That turret is basically a shell over a motorized ZPU, it is identical to the mount they use for the towed version of their rotary 14.5. So it should be very simple to swap in the gun as the ballistics don't change.

                Half a afternoons work turns it into a CnC gatling tank.

                14.5x114mm is pretty bulky as well as expensive so i guess ammo preservation to help deal with infantry and surprising fire

                Seems logical.

              • 5 months ago

                >Goes from adamantly denying it to admitting it

            • 5 months ago


              I'll fully admit half of those posts were me but it's paranoid to think it's some conspiracy. I like early cold war designs and it looks like something that would have been really badass in the late 1960s.It kinda almost looks east german.

              I know it isn't great but it looks awesome and i think it would be fun to ride around in. It is probably mildly effective as a scout but not much else. As they haven't covered with AGLs or parade missiles it probably works as advertised.

              I like the COMBLOCK waterjets, the idea of having a gear that turns you into a boat is neat and is something the west never did that much.

              I am not trying to troll or spam and i could care less about politics, i just like this particular vehicle alot. I think it looks really cool and like how bare bones and functional it looks. Please don't hate me for that.

              I could use a tripcode if you like so when i post about it you can know it's me or put me on a ignore list if it bothers you so much.

              If you don't believe me that i just like it i'll go one about her lovely details: Look at the handle for her side hatch in the image above. Her bottom opening access acts as a Stirrup to climb up and mount her, the middle is a handle so you can open up her entrance and the top is a step so you can dismount when you are done. She is very well designed and i love every detail of her hull..

  4. 5 months ago

    norktard thread

  5. 5 months ago

    >be commie engineer
    >sit over papers in the office, can't steal coolaid like cool boys do
    >take already existing thing, adjust some shit here and there, don't invent anything new, just readjust existing parts
    >get yourself "Anal govnet SUPER SPACE AMPHIBIOUS BTR™"
    >drink vodka with project reviewer
    >"da comrad, I see now, it is truly glorious invention that will help us destroy those cyka capitalists! Let's open next bottle."
    >get a medal and monetary reward, buy real western jeans for your kid
    That's how it works.

    • 5 months ago

      Pretty sure Norks kill 3 generations of your family for owning blue jeans

      • 5 months ago

        there's gargantuan black market in norkia, whole country is still somehow functions to this day only because people just began mass smuggling shit from the China and government was too weak to stop it.
        They can't put it down because ALL executive middle and lower branches live off it and profit the most.
        And they don't really want to put it off, because apparently at some point they understood that people will start to starve to death again if they do.

        I remember there were stories about middle aparatchiks buying chink fridges as a status objects. They couldn't use them because electricity is more off than on, so they just use it as a documents shelf.

  6. 5 months ago

    This is what Pentagon Wars thinks the Bradley should have been.

  7. 5 months ago

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