
Wake up babe, over one hour of pure operator Kino just dropped.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 years ago

    I don't think I can stand watching an hour of Uvalde PD standing by and doing nothing to garbled left channel only audio.
    Does it reveal anything new?

    • 2 years ago

      the first 10 minutes are required viewing.

      go to 53:00 for the next time the shooter opens fire
      it's at this point they move to stack on the door.

      they then proceed to resume jerking off for nearly half an hour before breaching roughly 30 seconds before the video ends.

      • 2 years ago

        Are any students actually being shot from like 9 minutes onwards, or is the shooter just camping in a room?

        • 2 years ago

          It seems like he may have killed 1-2 students after the police were camping out, based on the later gunshots. You also have to consider the students that received no medical attention for an hour after being shot.

          • 2 years ago

            What's the chances an autopsy could determine whether or not the kids died instantly or could've been saved in time if the cops did their fricking job?

            • 2 years ago

              100% if the police don't put their fingers on the scale.

            • 2 years ago

              It's easy to tell if a gunshot was an instant kill. Headshot, heart shot, major artery shot, etc. Things like lung shots, limb shots and gut shots leave people with quite a lot of time before they bleed out.

          • 2 years ago

            >You also have to consider the students that received no medical attention for an hour after being shot

            there would have been fatalities, but this is the most critical. my heart physically hurt when an hour+ in this dude is standing there trying to stage medical triage with an open cat in his hand.
            Anyone who needed a CAT is fricking dead by that point.

            • 2 years ago

              What the hell are you talking about? What is a medical CAT? Google just shows me this bullshit.

              • 2 years ago

                Combat Application Tourniquet, based on my own search.

              • 2 years ago

                CAT, the tourniquet.

                >so the jurisdiction would either normally be the city police or, in this case, the posted school officer (since uvalde had a school police dept for reasons assumed to be free taxpayer income). so the chief has responsibility until he transfers command, but he never took command, so...
                yeah i get that, but something seems really fishy to me about what actually happened. it's pretty common to transfer authority when something becomes a Big Deal and you have a dozen agencies rolling on site. irl its really challenging to suss all that out in real time, even with the usual binders of incident policy you've had and reviewed.

                in their defense, despite the chief being radioless everyone except for Border Patrol, found their radios didn't work in the school. its just a clusterfrick and no one stood up to take command.

                this is why there are rules on who must stand up. when in a crowd no one wants to. it's just a poorly trained shitshow overall, and American police have an issue where buying stupid gear is more important than training.
                Actually I should just say 'Americans', because I know damn well I have the same problem too lol

              • 2 years ago

                Too many of those cops were overweight. They couldn't catch a purse snatcher, let alone an active shooter.

              • 2 years ago

                Officer in need of hot sauce at the taco stand, I repeat, officer in need of hot sauce

              • 2 years ago

                Not just overweight, morbidly obese.

              • 2 years ago

                anon we don't catch purse catchers in this country we either shoot them or shrug our shoulders and don't do anything.

                You're wrong and that's dumb as frick. Alot of their training is already steeped in "warrior ethos" and they're still fricking pussies. Only good thing about this is we know they won't do shit when it comes down to confiscation time.

                is the average rangechud a better shooter than the average cop?

              • 2 years ago

                >is the average rangechud a better shooter than the average cop?
                you clearly have no idea how dogshit cops are at shooting

              • 2 years ago

                I took an anti-gun friend shooting for his first time. When we left the range I told him he just fired more than average round count our police fire in training in a year.
                The look on his face was priceless.

          • 2 years ago

            Is the "say something if you need help" thing that was reported on video?

            • 2 years ago

              audio is very distorted, I didn't hear it when I listened to it

      • 2 years ago

        I wonder why they didn't do anything for 45 minutes

    • 2 years ago

      An active shooting is no excuse not to practice covid safe behavior. Social distance from the shooter and the kids hes murdering (wait for the kids to be dead because they wont spread covid now) and dont forget the hand sanitizer.

    • 2 years ago

      It shows a complete failure of tactical level leadership and initiative in the opening moments of the incident.

      Then it shows complete failure of operational leadership and initiative, and moral courage of the line and file to tell the commander to frick off.

      Entire incident shows cops stood outside doing literally nothing but panicking.

      • 2 years ago

        >b-but g-good guy w-with a gun!

        • 2 years ago

          the only actual good people involved in this whole thing are the kids, faculty, and the families who tried to save them, but were prevented to by the spigs, pretty much all of which were unarmed because they made the grave error of obeying unjust laws

          • 2 years ago

            Looking at the demographics of that town it might as well have been some cartel shit in mexico. Idk how you guys can get so worked up over any of this.

            • 2 years ago

              from a humanistic point of view, kids of any color shouldn't have to be gunned down like animals by some brown incel
              from a political point of view, leftists are using this to try and garner support for gun grabs
              if you haven't yet fapped all of the testosterone in your body away, the way these Hispanic pigs handled this ordeal should make your blood absolutely boil

              • 2 years ago

                The only part that effects me in the slightest is that it technically happened in the country i live in, though just barely considering how close to the border it was. If we're talking political point of views, if anything it's proof positive you can't fricking rely on cops for anything and every law abiding citizen needs a gun. the worse things will get the more normies will realize this.
                >the way these Hispanic pigs handled this ordeal should make your blood absolutely boil
                no more than seeing seeing dead bodies from cartel wars. not my people, not my problem, glad i don't live there.

              • 2 years ago

                >the worse things will get the more normies will realize this.
                if you honestly still believe this after the last 6 years, I wish you luck buddy. I wish I shared your optimism

              • 2 years ago

                This. Everyone is falling down a cliff together.
                A few people try to arrest their fall like a sane person would attempt.
                Most just scream.

              • 2 years ago

                Look at polls for the popularity of gun control immediately after 2020. These false flag mass shootings have caused it to reverse again but when every year has 2020 level civil unrest and supply shortages then you know all but the staunchest libs will be packing. Seeing people who i never thought in a million years would want a gun ask me for advice on what to pickup when the riots were happening blew my mind.

                Have you been sleeping under a rock the past 3 decades? These people are infesting the nation at an accelerated rate. Sure this is practically little mexico today, but next it could be small town, flyover, USA.
                >coulrn't happen to me, I live don't live in le cities!
                Just you wait

                sorry you live in el barrio anon. at least you can enjoy some spicy tacos at a food truck.

              • 2 years ago

                >the worse things will get the more normies will realize this.
                lmao, normies don't care, the American revolution was started by 10-15% of the population, the other 85% were complacent or bootlicking homosexuals. The old saying goes people are grass the tyrants are the winds or something like that.
                >no more than seeing seeing dead bodies from cartel wars. not my people, not my problem, glad i don't live there.
                Cartel wars deserve that, live by the cocaine die by it, or you get what you deserve for racking up debt with the cartel.

                >the worse things will get the more normies will realize this.
                if you honestly still believe this after the last 6 years, I wish you luck buddy. I wish I shared your optimism

                This. Everyone is falling down a cliff together.
                A few people try to arrest their fall like a sane person would attempt.
                Most just scream.

                Look at polls for the popularity of gun control immediately after 2020. These false flag mass shootings have caused it to reverse again but when every year has 2020 level civil unrest and supply shortages then you know all but the staunchest libs will be packing. Seeing people who i never thought in a million years would want a gun ask me for advice on what to pickup when the riots were happening blew my mind.
                sorry you live in el barrio anon. at least you can enjoy some spicy tacos at a food truck.

                There's still a chance, but it strongly depends on the first few resistances to a seizure of all our guns. The media will spin it as "armed extremists killing innocent cops" if the "insurrection" in the capitol was anything to go by.

              • 2 years ago

                >lmao, normies don't care
                normies start caring when they don't have go go juice for their cars and food on the table and the people in charge are telling them guns are the problem and the marauding hordes in the street arent.
                >but it strongly depends on the first few resistances to a seizure of all our guns.
                oh i agree.

              • 2 years ago

                so long as the long noses are keeping the flow of porn and readily available pussy flowing thanks to social media and Black person worship, nobody will do anything because they are too domesticated by vice and thots who crusade for any cause they're told to, pussywhipping weak, thirsty betas into doing their bidding

              • 2 years ago

                >normies start caring when they don't have go go juice for their cars and food on the table and the people in charge are telling them guns are the problem and the marauding hordes in the street arent.
                Most of the population would agree and hope it gets better because they aren't used to conflict. The news media would carefully (or uncarefully) paint the patriots as villains and cops as heroes, but then also conflictingly demean the cops as bad guys and the criminals as heroes when their pet groups burned a city down. I honestly see balkanization happening because of the dissonance.


                so long as the long noses are keeping the flow of porn and readily available pussy flowing thanks to social media and Black person worship, nobody will do anything because they are too domesticated by vice and thots who crusade for any cause they're told to, pussywhipping weak, thirsty betas into doing their bidding

                pussy isn't flowing, it's basically all just porn and instant gratification 80% of men are sexless losers with no direction. If the internet went down and there was no bread and circus then you might see some action. We're living in a particularly volatile time and it wouldn't take much to make everything go off.

                That's not how they do it. They'll treat illegal guns like any other crime, pick them up in the course of events, and the pro-gun criminals will have to live in fear of getting snitched out by their own ex-wives, kids, neighbors, etc. That intimidates the average suburbanite. There's no need to confiscate literally every gun when you can cause a country-wide chilling effect.

                I said as much elsewhere, most people are pussies, and all they have to do is strong arm a few high profile events to get everyone else to bend the knee.

              • 2 years ago

                What's the literal wall of text say? tl;dr pl0x

              • 2 years ago

                Qué mierda acabas de decir sobre mí, pequeña perra? Te haré saber que me gradué de honor en mi clase de los Navy Seals,he estado envuelto en numerosos ataques sorpresa a Al-Quaeda, y tengo 300 asesinatos confirmados. Estoy entrenado en tácticas de guerra revolucionistas y onions el mejor francotirador en todas las fuerzas armadas de la US. No eres nada para mí, sólo un blanco más. Te borraré con una precisión nunca vista antes en este planeta, recuerda mis putas palabras. Piensas que te puedes salir con la tuya diciéndome esa mierda a través de la internet? Piensa otra vez, cabrón. Mientras hablamos estoy contactando my red secreta de espías alrededor de los Estados Unidos y tu IP está siendo rastreada en este mismo instante,así que deberías prepararte para la tormenta, gusano. La tormenta que destroza la patética cosa que llamas tu vida. Estás muerto,chico. Puedo estar dondequiera, cuandosea, y puedo matarte en más de setecientas formas, y éso sólo con mis manos desnudas. No sólo estoy entrenado extensivamente en combate desarmado, sino que también tengo acceso al arsenal entero de la Marina de los Estados Unidos y la usaré para borrar tu miserable existencia de la faz de continente,pequeña mierda. Si tan sólo hubieras cerrado tu pinche boca. Pero no pudiste, no lo hiciste, y ahora es cuando pagas el precio, maldito idiota. Haré llover furia sobre ti y te ahogarás en ella. Estás muerto,chaval

            • 2 years ago

              Have you been sleeping under a rock the past 3 decades? These people are infesting the nation at an accelerated rate. Sure this is practically little mexico today, but next it could be small town, flyover, USA.
              >coulrn't happen to me, I live don't live in le cities!
              Just you wait

            • 2 years ago

              Have you been sleeping under a rock the past 3 decades? These people are infesting the nation at an accelerated rate. Sure this is practically little mexico today, but next it could be small town, flyover, USA.
              >coulrn't happen to me, I live don't live in le cities!
              Just you wait

              it's nothing to do with cartels, they wouldn't bother sending in a lone gunman to do shit like this, and he sure as hell wouldn't kill himself or wait to be killed afterwards.

              If there's anything fishy it's probably some kind of American-Years-of-Lead/MKULTRA-spinoff. or some kind of "sting" operation that went haywire like the buffalo shooting.

              • 2 years ago

                you have terrible reading comprehension

              • 2 years ago

                Nobody said it had anything to do with cartels and you know it

              • 2 years ago

                >Buffalo Shooting


              • 2 years ago

                more schizo babble that doesn't want to face the fact that the shooter posted on /misc/

              • 2 years ago

                Did he really? If he did then I'm not surprised

          • 2 years ago

            The faculty are also at fault as this school has a policy to be locked during class and it wasn't when he waltzed in

          • 2 years ago

            No. Faculty left the door fricking unlocked

            • 2 years ago

              >Faculty left the door fricking unlocked
              It's worse.
              The locks the school had could not be locked from the inside.
              So a teacher had no method of locking the door from the inside unless she went into the hall, had a key, used the key, and then went back into the class.
              Gross incompetence. Gross negligence.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah if the parents had guns, they would have rushed in, shot the troony, and saved the kids. The cops were there to arrest the parents and make sure the glow-op went off without a hitch.

          • 2 years ago

            >glowies did this!
            but glowies also showed up to end it
            get your story straight, schizo

            • 2 years ago

              those glowies showed up in time to mill about til it was all over and prevent any of the parents from stopping it

              • 2 years ago

                meds, now

                One off-duty border patrol agent ended it. Border patrol aren't glowies. If they were, their budget wouldn't be getting cut.

                >No True Glowie

              • 2 years ago

                >border patrol
                u moronic?

            • 2 years ago

              One off-duty border patrol agent ended it. Border patrol aren't glowies. If they were, their budget wouldn't be getting cut.

              • 2 years ago

                >One off-duty border patrol agent ended it.
                I've read here on /k/ that he was getting a haircut when he heard about the situation, and borrowed the shotgun he used from the barber. Anyone know if that's correct, or was that someone just fricking around when he posted that?

    • 2 years ago

      They were just social distancing.

  2. 2 years ago

    >American police spend their time looking at cool Punisher logos rather than actually saving lives
    Why even bother militarising local police with SWAT tier gear if they're just LARPers at the end of the day?

    • 2 years ago

      Now you're getting it.
      Go look at /gq/ and think about what you just said.

      • 2 years ago

        I know /gq/ gets a lot of shit, and rightly so, but I'm willing to bet money that someone in that thread would have done more.

        • 2 years ago

          Most people "would have done more" until they actually have to.

          • 2 years ago

            I disagree, unless there's some benefit to it, most people ordinarily don't volunteer themselves. They will pass judgement on the cops but if asked "well would you go in?" they'd say, well, someone who's trained should do it! Etc.

            Sacrificing your life to try to save some children is not a bad way to end your life story.

            • 2 years ago

              >Sacrificing your life to try to save some children is not a bad way to end your life story.
              too bad none of the cops thought that

        • 2 years ago

          /gq/ has a few active .mil dudes who lurk in the threads and I'd be willing to bet money that at the very least they'd go in. A majority of the regulars however are fat/or underweight spergs

        • 2 years ago

          Active milgay with CIB here, one of few
          I would have entered, and I know I would have

        • 2 years ago

          >rush into classroom to save the heckin spicarinos
          >get domed by troony
          >bunch of anons post S in thread about me on /k/
          sign me tf up

      • 2 years ago

        >vatnik seething about American hasguns on /gq/

  3. 2 years ago

    But cops don't even have to protect you. They can just go for doughnuts and coffee.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, they don't have a duty to protect you, because look at how incompetent they are at protecting you. The supreme court ruled that to set a self defence precedent instead of relying on big brother to protect you. Police shouldn't have to protect you because they are too fricking stupid to protect you and can frick up and get you killed in a million different ways. The best and safest way to save your life is to save your own, unironically. The more people that get involved in a situation, the more chances there is to frick everything up. If any of the teachers had a gun, even a fricking pistol, and were trained on how to properly use it, the killer would be dead and the kids still alive.

      • 2 years ago

        >If any of the teachers had a gun, even a fricking pistol, and were trained on how to properly use it, the killer would be dead and the kids still alive.
        teachers and security aren't allowed to have guns on the premises. Same shit for most colleges, you can guess which ones have the most shooting related fatalities and which ones have zero or minimal.

        • 2 years ago

          >teachers and security aren't allowed to have guns on the premises
          Texas has an armed teacher program. Forget what it's called but a teacher can go through the program and emerge able to carry concealed on campus.
          It's sort of like the FFDO program for pilots but not done by the feds, not trained out of FLETC, and with less emphasis on hand to hand.

          • 2 years ago

            I like the idea in principle, but has any teacher actually nailed a mass shooter/scumbag on campus? Seems legally precarious of teachers start shooting and hit the wrong person, I know my local school district would rather burn down entire classrooms children and all than face a lawsuit.

            • 2 years ago

              >has any teacher actually nailed a mass shooter/scumbag on campus?
              Yes, look up Pearl, Mississippi. The school principal didn't stop the shooter during the attack, but the principal retrieved his firearm from his car and citizens-arrested the guy.


          • 2 years ago

            Wasn't aware that was a thing in most states or cities. security personnel should be trained in this by default. In public schools there's plenty of security guards who just exist to eject kids or stop fights.

            Is this a program for all texas schools, I'd want this mandated training for all teachers.

            • 2 years ago

              >Is this a program for all texas schools, I'd want this mandated training for all teachers.
              It's an opt-in program. Teachers in Texas can enroll. They don't have to, but they can.

              • 2 years ago

                IF the district allows it and has a program.
                This district thought the money was better suited to a standalone police department with a fat frick making 204k a year as chief was preferable.

              • 2 years ago

                >204k a year as chief
                That's amazing. He's not chief of the town.
                He's chief cop at a fricking school district.
                Talk about a job that screams "useless eater".

              • 2 years ago

                IF the district allows it and has a program.
                This district thought the money was better suited to a standalone police department with a fat frick making 204k a year as chief was preferable.

                How do I get to be a useless piece of shit and collect 200k a year doing literally nothing.

                But we know the cops do, as I just cited. They do it nonstop. A few cops pussying out doesn't mean shit compared to tens of thousands grabbing every day every year for decades.

                I contend this isn't a contradiction, either between our positions, or for the cops; because there's a simple explanation: cops are afraid of people who will definitely shoot them (school shooters), wary of people who might shoot but suck at it (rando DV thugs with nines), and unafraid of people who they know won't (regular gun owners and larpers who claim they'd resist confiscation).

                Still that's a few elite teams, or cops in decent areas. I would think Florida cops know they might get shot in a seizure, versus blue state cops where the guys they steal from have no guns to defend themselves with despite seeing lots of action. I would contend 90% of the force is probably useless, slightly less so for the feds, and 100% fore the atf

              • 2 years ago

                >How do I get to be a useless piece of shit and collect 200k a year doing literally nothing.
                be brown and complain

              • 2 years ago

                >Still that's a few elite teams
                No, not at all. It's what regular, paunchy patrol cops do everyday across America. It's one of the most common time-wasters in a cops career.

              • 2 years ago

                routine stops and seizures and they do get killed during that. It still would change how it's done the minute they had to get all guns, and if a precedent was set that the people fight back, or the cops shoot you dead, those routine check s would stop being so common and be delegated to door kickers.

              • 2 years ago

                Average Joe cop can do a traffic stop on a car driven by someone who is known to have guns and calls for backup. Sure.
                But we just saw 20+ cops get stopped by a single determined individual. People cute that Rona bar bust as why no one does anything. But imagine if those larpers went hot?
                If one person with minimal gear can hold up 20+ cops for an hour(like what this thread is about) imagine what a dedicated team of 10 ex-larpers with gear and real planning could do. And all it takes is one night to have a bad raid and you loose 1/4th of your A-Team. The crack special team that just took an hour to get one person.

              • 2 years ago

                That's a point I made earlier, if they had fought back it would've set a precedent like the Athens seige. Lambasting by media would've followed but we'd see an acceleration or stagnation of a police state from then on.

              • 2 years ago

                yeah, it's a political appointment by the school board if anything.
                5-6 officers, including master chef there. imagine the wasted admin overhead they spend on that shitty department every year.

                I've been hunting for the budget details from UCISD to see if I can find something, but I haven't seent it yet. I probably don't want to know. They have the chief + 5 officers right now + a security guard. to be conservative, its going to be at least 500k to handle the base minimum of salaries (including butthole's 200k), benefits being typically +20-30% on top of base pay. Thats 625k + salary for any administrative personnel who are not mentioned on the CSID's website. + equipment. + "training" + vehicles.
                Basically there's a high likelihood that this special department is closer to a million a year on someone's budget.

                There's no dedicated line item for police on the Uvalde CISD budget. It could be paid for by the city? But then if it is, why pay someone big bucks to be the chief of a baby department when you should just have city cops are SROs at the school and they all report to the same actual Chief of Uvalde police.
                It's all just a scam to give someone fat paychecks.

              • 2 years ago

                The ISD is just that, an Independent School District.
                > in texas
                > 500 students (and their parents)
                > can form their own independent school district
                > state supplies guidelines / requirements
                > district determines how to achieve
                I'm in infosec. I've worked direct with several ISDs in Texas. They range from really switched on to no fricks given.
                One ISD in west texas gave a strong "we're milking this for everything we can" vibe.
                > shit tons of new gear
                > little of it deployed
                > senior network staff didn't know shit
                > senior security staff didn't know shit
                > left critical assets exposed to the internet via database, RDP, RPC, SMB/CIFS
                > left a fricking domain controller exposing 88 (kerberos) to the internet
                When you point out how bad this is, strong vibe of "so, who cares? nobody has reported anything, is it time for you (vendor) to buy us lunch?"

              • 2 years ago

                Im also in TX, and what kills me is that the extremely large ISD near me just calls the county sheriffs for security. like, bruh, they have way more justification for a standalone police, and they even cross county lines.

                >gave a strong "we're milking this for everything we can" vibe.
                I believe this 10000000000%

              • 2 years ago

                > shit tons of new gear
                > little of it deployed
                I'll expand.
                They had a fleet of new Cisco Nexus gear in boxes. Not deployed.
                > "we will get to that, maybe, this summer. Not sure."
                They had a frick ton of new VOIP phones, call managers, etc. Not deployed.
                > "not sure when we are going to get that deployed."
                They had just given the students new laptops for the current school year and were mulling over buying all new laptops for next year.
                They had a really nice Palo Alto firewall that was set to effectively allow all from any source IP.
                > even though the threat management was classifying inbound traffic as hostile
                Most of their critical infra was cloud hosted by a 3rd party. Grades, scheduling, transportation, attendance.
                > so all the servers here on prem, what exactly do you do with them?
                > they didn't really have an answer
                Had high privilege accounts (think domain admin) with password set to not expire.
                They enforced multi-factor auth on staff and students but not on themselves.
                > too much of a hassle, always leaving phone somewhere
                The kicker was seeing 1,000,000 failed logins in a week and the security team not giving a frick. "Nobody has complained."

              • 2 years ago

                fricking brilliant

              • 2 years ago

                >IF the district allows it and has a program.
                There are two progams.
                > the guardian program (2007)
                > the school marshal program (2013).
                Texas's Commission on Law Enforcement oversees the marshal program.
                > 80 hours of training
                > pass a psych exam.
                There are 256 school marshals operating in 62 school districts.
                > there are 1,204 districts in the state
                > best case: 1 marshal per district means 5% of school districts participate.
                > marshals tend to cluster in smaller, more remote districts
                > so actual participation rate is probably 1%-2% of districts
                Here's the root cause of the problem:
                > “We already expect teachers to do too much and play too many roles,”
                > said Zeph Capo,
                > president of the Texas American Federation of Teachers.
                And there you have it. Teachers are marking time toward retirement. Students and parents are annoyances to be dealt with and an inconvenient part of being a teacher.
                Protect the students? Frick that. When is my break?

  4. 2 years ago

    imagine being one of the parents and seeing this

    • 2 years ago

      It'd make one wanna go Terminator at their PD, for sure.


      This is a demoralization slide

      aka jerry springer-esque garbage intended to distract you from how bad eueocucks suck and how big a closeted homosexual russia is being

      Shut up you stupid fricking Black person, I can cheer on Russians dying while still being pissed at problems in the US.

  5. 2 years ago

    I knew things were going to be bad after the initial shooting but jesus frick thats bad.

  6. 2 years ago

    This is a demoralization slide

    aka jerry springer-esque garbage intended to distract you from how bad eueocucks suck and how big a closeted homosexual russia is being

    • 2 years ago

      no, not really. this would still happen and we'd still be wondering wtf are these morons doing if there wasn't a war in europe

    • 2 years ago

      >if we just point to Europe and Russia we can ignore the problems in our own country

      • 2 years ago

        >bu...but the jan 6th overthrow-siege-coup-rebellion-insugency
        MORE TV!!

    • 2 years ago

      You know, part of me suspects posts like these are falseflags to make a perspective seem annoying or preachy.
      No one reasonable thinks like this. It seems designed to annoy people.

    • 2 years ago

      quit worshipping cops you boomer cuckold

    • 2 years ago

      Say what you will, but when jihadis in Russia are holding up a movie theater or school, they're throwing in aks, nerve gas, tanks. No dilly daddling.

      • 2 years ago

        > Nord-Ost siege
        > All 40 of the insurgents were killed, and up to 130 hostages died during the siege, including 9 foreigners, due to the toxic substance pumped into the theater.

        Pretty effective, no hostages - no obstacles

      • 2 years ago

        > Beslan school siege
        > By 7 September 2004, Russian officials stated that 333 people had died, including 156 children; at that point, 200 people remained missing or unidentified.

      • 2 years ago

        It was fentanyl gas

  7. 2 years ago

    >an hour of police just standing there behind ballistic shield while an incel guns down a bunch of elementary school children
    cops really are useless huh

    • 2 years ago

      >cops really are useless huh
      They will be promoted to Border Patrol.

  8. 2 years ago

    Imagine if a 3-man team from a nearby neighborhood was prepared to make entry to eliminate the gunman. These same law officers would either arrest them or kill the 3-man team. That would be grounds for conspiracy to collaborate with the shooter, Ramos.

    • 2 years ago

      The police stopped parents and officers from different departments entering. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but they are definitely covering something up (they shot some of the kids)

      • 2 years ago

        >they shot some of the kids
        They did.

      • 2 years ago

        >be police officer
        >have to leave your donuts behind because there is an active shooter
        >no one thanks you for your service as you arrive making you confuse and tilted
        >hopefully the shooter is a Black person
        >enter that weird place where kids go for doing the learning stuff
        >see kid
        >cop brain takes over
        >bang bang bang bang bang bang bang
        >reload, get winded
        Bang bang bang bang bang bang

        • 2 years ago

          >they didn't comply
          Good shoot.

        • 2 years ago

          >Ordering them to get on the ground
          >Not using this as your opportunity to force them to play a combination of Twister and Simon says


      • 2 years ago

        >they shot some of the kids
        They did.

        Nah they didn't, check OPs video

        • 2 years ago

          >video stops before the police start shooting
          >"full" video is edited

          • 2 years ago

            >>"full" video is edited
            Uncensored video will never be released.
            Full transparency will never be achieved.
            Full accountability will never be found
            Full closure will never be resolved.
            The school will be turned into a GoFundMe memorial.
            The cops will never ever ever be prosecuted for wrongful death.
            Waco all over again, boys.

            • 2 years ago

              >Uncensored video will never be released.
              Apparently it already has been. I don't know where to find it, I'm just going by comments in the Barfcom thread about it.

              • 2 years ago

                I know, CNN. frick those guys. But this is a pretty good summary of the timeline.
                I watched McGraw's testimony and his insistence on staying with factual data points (from body cams, from radio recording) and staying away from rumor or 2nd/3rd hand information.
                The timeline is painful.
                11:33 - shooter enters
                11:36 - three Uvalde Police Department officers with two rifles enter from the same door as the gunman
                11:36 a.m., one officer with the Uvalde School District, as well as Chief Arredondo, and two Uvalde Police Department officers enter through another door of the school.
                > 3 minutes in there are 7 cops. More than enough to seek out and engage.
                3 seconds later - three additional Uvalde Police Department officers and one district officer enter through the same door as the gunman
                > we're up to 10 cops at 2 entry points, more than enough to seek out and engage.
                11:37 - shooter shoots and injures officers approaching the classroom doors. Two of those officers received grazing wounds.
                Painful phone calls.
                People die.
                Cops stand around.
                12:50 - authorities enter the room and shoot and kill the gunman. Seven officers went in, with four going in first, followed by three more
                They waited for 74 minutes. They had a team of 7 officers 3 minutes into the shooting and yet pussied around for another 74 minutes.

                All these frickers have blood on their hands.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh yeah because it shows what happens when they finally go in. Moron.

      • 2 years ago

        >The police stopped parents and officers from different departments entering.
        They're also harassing the shit out of the one mother they weren't able to stop from going in and getting her kids.

        • 2 years ago

          >harassing the shit out of the one mother they weren't able to stop from going in
          She needs to be TASED and arrested for noncompliance.

          • 2 years ago

            And you need to be raped by a wild pack of Black folk.

      • 2 years ago

        They made an out of nowhere statement at some point that they totally didn't shoot one of the kids, and given that the footage available is edited, it's guaranteed that they shot one of the kids.

        >>"full" video is edited
        Uncensored video will never be released.
        Full transparency will never be achieved.
        Full accountability will never be found
        Full closure will never be resolved.
        The school will be turned into a GoFundMe memorial.
        The cops will never ever ever be prosecuted for wrongful death.
        Waco all over again, boys.

        I'm just saying.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah that statement was buckwild. Completely unprompted. It's like if your boss started telling you that you weren't getting laid off next month. You can bet I'd be on the job hunt that same day

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah that statement was buckwild. Completely unprompted. It's like if your boss started telling you that you weren't getting laid off next month. You can bet I'd be on the job hunt that same day

          Can anyone link me to the video of the cops saying “we didn’t kill any kids”?

          • 2 years ago

            >just wounded to death
            I just don't buy it.

      • 2 years ago

        You're not a conspiracy theorist, just a fricking moron, probably from pol

        • 2 years ago

          This isn't a conspiracy theory you fricking moron homosexual, it's verified fact. You're either brain damaged or a Uvalde pig doing damage desperate control.

        • 2 years ago

          they literally peppersprayed and tased the parents trying to save their kids

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe. But the prospect of them just standing around for an hour while the shooter is holed up and killing kids AND kids were bleeding out is bad already.
        Their leadership was was shit and all those cops were too afraid of liability for their actions if they did decide to say “frick this” and go in themselves. Too afraid if they went in and fricked up or the outcome wasn’t good, they’ll be the main fall guys.
        Perfect snapshot of what police will do when they’re under pressure as a whole with their jobs on the line, they’ll more likely take the route of safeguarding their job. This means if their boss ever orders them all to go out and do extremely unconstitutional things, you can bet your ass they’ll do it without blinking an eye because they’d lose their job ptherwise.

    • 2 years ago

      You don't have to imagine it; the wife of one of the Uvalde cops was one of the teachers inside who had been shot. The other Uvalde cops disarmed him and handcuffed him so that he wouldn't go in. She slowly bled out and died from blood loss eventually.

      If I were him, I would kill all of my fellow officers who had disarmed me and prevented me from rescuing my wife. Assuming I liked her, of course; who knows, maybe he wanted her dead.

      • 2 years ago

        sucks for that guy because all of the "my wife just died" sympathy pussy will evaporate once they find out he was one of the cops

  9. 2 years ago

    >a fully-loaded tactical SWAT battalion to deal with one disturbed incel
    the absolute state

    • 2 years ago

      Remember, it's police unions that push gun control too 🙂

      • 2 years ago

        The cops fear the gun owner

        • 2 years ago

          >dozens of trained macho cops can't take on a shooter but a numale with a ccw can
          oh i am laffin

          • 2 years ago

            When the chips are down, someone needs to act, Uvalde PD didn't.

        • 2 years ago

          >Then the police killed him
          How often does this happen?

          • 2 years ago

            have you ever taken any ccw training, it's one of the main things they warn you about. there were enough examples in my classes to make me believe it.

          • 2 years ago

            have you ever taken any ccw training, it's one of the main things they warn you about. there were enough examples in my classes to make me believe it.

            there are around a dozen examples from the last 30 years of legal concealed carry.

            In other words, it's not hugely common even compared to defensive shootings (which are themselves rare), but it's something you should probably think about.

            Honestly, you're probably more likely to get shot as collateral damage in a regular officer involved shooting.

          • 2 years ago

            have you ever taken any ccw training, it's one of the main things they warn you about. there were enough examples in my classes to make me believe it.

            there are around a dozen examples from the last 30 years of legal concealed carry.

            In other words, it's not hugely common even compared to defensive shootings (which are themselves rare), but it's something you should probably think about.

            Honestly, you're probably more likely to get shot as collateral damage in a regular officer involved shooting.

            >it's not hugely common
            That's only because usually in a self-defense shooting, the gunfire is long over by the time the cops arrive, and most self-defenders are smart enough to recognize that once the criminal has been neutralized, they can put their gun down so that they won't be shot. Most self-defense shootings are people protecting their homes from robbers, or protecting themselves from one or a few violent criminals.

            In less well-defined situations like "mass shooter at the mall" or "terrorist attack", it's actually common for the police to gun down the guy who just saved everyone because they think "he has a gun, he must be the psychopath!"

        • 2 years ago

          >suburban Colorado cops

          They probably shot him because he deprived them of the chance to fellate a black perp. Aurora cops would probably shoot the Arvada cops so they would have the honor of wrapping their lips around his member first, though.

  10. 2 years ago

    I think only people with infantry training should be police officers. In a foreign battle they would have moved on ramos within 5 minutes or less.

    when you give joe blow a gun and a badge, they freeze up because their only work experience is office jobs or fast food.

    • 2 years ago

      >infantry training should be police officers.
      Funny, I met a guy who advocated putting soldiers to work on forest fires, because they weren't doing anything anyway.

      • 2 years ago

        I've been activated to fight forest fires twice in Washington state. We already do that. Not even NG.

      • 2 years ago

        You're wrong and that's dumb as frick. Alot of their training is already steeped in "warrior ethos" and they're still fricking pussies. Only good thing about this is we know they won't do shit when it comes down to confiscation time.

        • 2 years ago

          This. The "Jackbooted thugs" meme falls apart when you see just how incompetent they actually are. It would take them 1000 years to "round up" all gun owners and they know it.

          • 2 years ago

            they roll out their A team and crack down hard on real Americans, like when that whole bar decided not to go along with the vax and they sent a whole fricking swat team and an armored vehicle to force them to comply.

            They would make shows of force like that to start to scare the populace. It'd be enough to rattle weaker men, unless people started firing back at them since they only have a couple of useful officers who would be capable enough and willing to enforce gun seizure laws. If enough were wounded or killed they'd switch to feds and mp for the rest.

            • 2 years ago

              >they roll out their A team and crack down hard on real Americans, like when that whole bar decided not to go along with the vax and they sent a whole fricking swat team and an armored vehicle to force them to comply.
              if people ion the bar had gun and said they were gonna shoot the SWAT team the SWAT team wouldn't have come.
              they may have firebombed the bar, but they wouldn't have come inside.

              • 2 years ago

                They had guns. They said they brought them to defend the bar against jackboots.
                The police confidently called their bluff because cops know the only thing softer than a pig is a larper.

              • 2 years ago

                They did, and they complied and gave up to SWAT. If they had fought back they probably would've been jailed for life and the media would've spun it as "crazed terrorists refusing to protect America" Which they kinda did. America has lost it's spine, unfortunately people are too happy to comply just to keep what little they have.

                Ok. Now be apart of the A Team and get sent on multiple calls a night to an armed suspect. Nightly calls would be the only way to police arms that didn't get turned in within a reasonable timeframe to reduce crime.
                How many calls can you go on every night until you slip up? A month straight of no-knock will leave you wishing you never went LEO to start with.

                This is true, but most are spineless and soft, and won't actually put up a fight. You get a few high profile daytime knocks to scare teh pussies, everyone hands in their guns or "loses" the ones they won't give up, and the psychos/do or die patriots in the woods get left alone or mopped up later on the quiet. This shit happened in Australlia in the 80s when they banned their general gun ownership, not a fight was given and they lose more and more ground each year.

              • 2 years ago

                >A nation given it's independence by it's master
                >A nation given it's independence by conflicting with it's master
                Yes the two are very similar parallels.

            • 2 years ago

              Ok. Now be apart of the A Team and get sent on multiple calls a night to an armed suspect. Nightly calls would be the only way to police arms that didn't get turned in within a reasonable timeframe to reduce crime.
              How many calls can you go on every night until you slip up? A month straight of no-knock will leave you wishing you never went LEO to start with.

              • 2 years ago

                they roll out their A team and crack down hard on real Americans, like when that whole bar decided not to go along with the vax and they sent a whole fricking swat team and an armored vehicle to force them to comply.

                They would make shows of force like that to start to scare the populace. It'd be enough to rattle weaker men, unless people started firing back at them since they only have a couple of useful officers who would be capable enough and willing to enforce gun seizure laws. If enough were wounded or killed they'd switch to feds and mp for the rest.

                That's not how they do it. They'll treat illegal guns like any other crime, pick them up in the course of events, and the pro-gun criminals will have to live in fear of getting snitched out by their own ex-wives, kids, neighbors, etc. That intimidates the average suburbanite. There's no need to confiscate literally every gun when you can cause a country-wide chilling effect.

              • 2 years ago

                >Get snitched out by ex wife
                Ok then when do they get the gun? The police aren't going to respond to an armed individual with anything but the A Team.

              • 2 years ago

                Every day in America, hundreds of cops do thousands of DV visits or felon in possession calls.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah I know that. But the context of this post chain is how the police don't have the ball to do the DV or felons grabs.
                The webm of the dozens of cops flinching after a round is fired not even at them above show that those A-Teams would falter after enough actions.

              • 2 years ago

                But we know the cops do, as I just cited. They do it nonstop. A few cops pussying out doesn't mean shit compared to tens of thousands grabbing every day every year for decades.

                I contend this isn't a contradiction, either between our positions, or for the cops; because there's a simple explanation: cops are afraid of people who will definitely shoot them (school shooters), wary of people who might shoot but suck at it (rando DV thugs with nines), and unafraid of people who they know won't (regular gun owners and larpers who claim they'd resist confiscation).

          • 2 years ago

            They have no difficulty rounding up law-respecting larpers who don't fight back. It's the people who might shoot back that cops fear.

        • 2 years ago

          >Only good thing about this is we know they won't do shit when it comes down to confiscation time.
          When it comes to confiscation time, time and again we see 50 cops surround a house and 20 swat and ATF agents go inside a house to arrest 1 guy after blocking off the roads,

    • 2 years ago

      >entire PD is staffed with grunts
      >active shooter called in, he's holed up in a classroom
      >grunts call in a JDAM
      >mission accomplished

      I get what you're saying but as a grunt myself we aren't the gods of BD6 or anything. I just don't get why all these PD's have a budget to buy all sorts of high speed tactical gear but every time they seem to be really lax on actually training. Any competently trained SWAT team or even just 2 or 3 officers responding first should have been able to make entry and take out ramos.

    • 2 years ago

      >HVT approaching school
      >visual confirm
      >call in drone strike
      >slam a hellfire into someone's house on the same block
      >highfives all around, let's go home boys

    • 2 years ago

      Cops should be able to think a little, tap into other methods, talk and de-escalate as well. Otherwise you get trigger happy fricks who’ll let off a few rounds when you’re drunk, sobbing, and playing twister.

    • 2 years ago

      >Fill that room with 'nades!

  11. 2 years ago

    What I find interesting is the last time footage was released like this was during columbine, right?

    I'm not aware of any other school shootings releasing full length video footage.

  12. 2 years ago

    i dont understand why literally anyone would be a cop. like 40% of people will hate you outright just for being one with no other information. then you have to deal with societies lowest day to day and active shooters if worst comes to worst.

    on a bad day at the office i might send an email to the wrong person or be late on an assignment. for these guys a bad day is they accidentally shot someone who looked like they had a gun but didnt actually and so will have to spend the next 5 years in hiding from the media

    • 2 years ago

      Because for the majority it is an easy low effort and low qualifications job where you can make six figures plus tip

    • 2 years ago

      >i dont understand why literally anyone would be a cop
      Low IQ, low social status, and a strong desire to hold authority over others. People become cops because they're school bullies who just want the high of getting to abuse people with no consequences back but they're too fricking stupid to go into business or politics.

  13. 2 years ago

    Lol at the end of the video. There were so many officers and agencies there that they needed a man to push them all away before they trampled each other. Pathetic.

  14. 2 years ago

    One teacher with a ccw pistol could have stopped this. But no, teachers are peace loving hippy fricks that educate children to be homos.

    • 2 years ago

      >One teacher with a ccw pistol could have stopped this.

      I don't think an armed teacher in the first room would have had a chance to take him out with a small caliber pistol. If theinitial security features for the building are fricked, teachers being armed isn't going to save shit. I work for delivery apps and I think it's insane they let me walk into schools without any verification of anything. The shooting happened at 11am so I assume that's why the doors were unlocked, they were expecting food deliveries incoming. A lot of teachers order food in during lunch time.

      I actually live and work in texas so I'm most certain the rules on food deliveries will drastically change during the next school year.

      • 2 years ago

        120 cops couldnt stop them lmao. teachers wouldve been better for real

      • 2 years ago

        >I don't think an armed teacher in the first room would have had a chance to take him out with a small caliber pistol.
        High caliber 9mm, blow the lungs right out of school shooters.

        • 2 years ago


  15. 2 years ago

    weapons, armor, shield, number, doesn't mean anything without the will to use them.

  16. 2 years ago

    daily reminder that pigs have no legal obligation to protect anyone, meaning their one and only true function is to be used against you

    when weapons confiscation or mass unrest occur, the piggies will come around in their MRAP's and $10K tax-payer funded LARP gear to shoot your dog, rape your wife/daughter/female relatives, take your food, fuel, and weapons, and leave you and everyone you care about dead.

  17. 2 years ago

    >It got released and got leaked,” said Javier Cazares, who lost his nine-year-old daughter Jackie in the shooting.
    >“They didn’t have our permission to do so,” he said during a press conference. “We didn’t want any audio and these sons of b****** did it. It got leaked. It got shown all over the world and we are pissed.”
    >Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, Steven McCraw, said he was “deeply disappointed this video was released before all of the families who were impacted that day and the community of Uvalde had the opportunity to view it as part of Chairman Dustin Burrows’ plan.”

    Apparently we weren't supposed to see this video.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like ol' Javier needs to spend less time sperging about the media and more time working out the logistics of carving his daughter's name in to one of these cowardly swine's corpses.

  18. 2 years ago

    I wonder if the few seconds of footage depicting the shooter will be used in a similar vien to those uwu edits people make about other school shooters.. Though it'd be pretty hard to romanticize the killing of bunch of elementary aged kids, compared to whatever deranged bullying/retribution thing you could come up with to sympathize with the columbine shooters.

    • 2 years ago

      I think those homosexuals will still find something to make an edit out of, mocking the cops and bassed out pictures of whatever is going to be released next. They'll probably use that kid that saw him before he started shooting too.

  19. 2 years ago

    high fricking lel

    • 2 years ago

      why are beaners so lazy?

      • 2 years ago

        Because our woman stop looking good past 25

        • 2 years ago

          Maybe, but that is sheer bangable fun weekend.

        • 2 years ago

          i miss my ex bros

    • 2 years ago

      >Punisher logo background on his phone
      >Stands around stroking his wiener in an active shooter situation
      Jfc, I don't know how I'd honestly react in this situation, but I'd off myself if I performed this miserably.

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly a few minutes' delay is understandable. Shit for trained professionals, but understandable. An hour...

    • 2 years ago

      el police chief Wiggumez

    • 2 years ago

      Dont each one of those lines on his left sleeve mean 5 years of service?

  20. 2 years ago

    What a bunch of pussy do nothing larping losers. Biggest gang in the US has no balls.

  21. 2 years ago

    Disgusting, honestly.

    • 2 years ago

      Is it? Seems like you're making assumptions.

      • 2 years ago

        >pay taxes for police force to keep the town safe
        >get the biggest test of their career, they stand around for 50 minutes while kids die until the feds arrive
        yeah i think that's pretty disgusting

        • 2 years ago

          real heroes flee from a shooter while their improperly secured vest flops around on their morbidly obese body

        • 2 years ago

          Cops aren't going to get themselves killed for no reason.

          • 2 years ago

            I would think potentially saving the lives of a few children might be sufficient motivation to risk getting shot.

          • 2 years ago

            then why do i have to pay their salaries?

            • 2 years ago

              You don't have to if you're smart enough.

            • 2 years ago

              Cops don’t protect the people, they enforce the government’s authority. Just look at historical rail and mining strikes, the supreme court even ruled that police are under no obligation to enforce restraining orders. The cops exist to dispose of dissenters, not criminals.

  22. 2 years ago

    What's worse? Standing around while a school is shot up or trying to cover your ass at every step up to threatening to arrest the dead kids' parents? Regardless it's almost like these guys who we're supposed to rely on and have all these unconstitutional protections so they can "do their job" don't feel any impetus to actually do it anymore.

  23. 2 years ago

    They had the man power to stop the shooting around the 8:50- 9:25 min mark. Unfortunately they didn't appear to have fireteam training in order to carry that out. But the good thing is this is where the shots fade away.

    Ramos fires four more shots at 9:30 and 1 or 2 shots at 10:15. 1 shot at 12:35, 1 shot at 15:41, and is killed far later on.

    Around 100 shots fired before police arrive. Analyzing the footage logically, we can see the damage has already been done. Perhaps the cops received too much bad press here. I don't think many if any of the kids could have been saved if they evacuated the bodies sooner.

    The cops knew they had him cornered. The shooter knew he was cornered. Should have they gone in by the 20 minute mark at least? Yes of course, but I don't think it would have made a grave difference.

    • 2 years ago

      True, but they're not clairvoyant. They didn't know that the vast majority of the killing was already over. That's just something we know with the benefit of hindsight.

      I don't think we should be judging based on that, but based on the information they had on hand at the moment. There would have been drastic loss of life no matter what, but I don't think that's the core issue.

      • 2 years ago

        >True, but they're not clairvoyant
        That's irrelevant.
        Basic active shooter training is "run to the gunfire, distract the shooter".
        The core principle is "do something". They actively teach "don't just stand around".

    • 2 years ago

      That's sort of what I'm thinking. There's also a lot of footage of fat cops waddling around without a clue, though. One guy is struggling to figure out how his armored vest works (watch the comedy at 11:13 onwards).

      They also may have gotten there late, but "active shooter" means active shooter. Clock's ticking and all that. They should be trying to resolve the situation instead of standing around.

    • 2 years ago

      It is incredibly irresponsible to assume that all the kids just died instantly and there wasn't a number of them that could've been saved if immediate action was taken.
      Especially since the DSA reported that 911 calls came from within the classroom as late as half an hour after the initial shooting.
      It is safe to assume that any shot we hear later is from him methodically executing yet another kid as the police sits by.

    • 2 years ago

      Ahh yes we should not concern ourselves too much with the small children bleeding out in agony for an hour while the man who shot them leers over their entire classroom and continues shooting.

      • 2 years ago

        A child's body is not the same as an adult body. A rifle round will blow their leg clean off. Most bled out and died within a couple minutes after being shot.

        • 2 years ago

          >Most bled out and died within a couple minutes
          citation sorely needed

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          why is literally everyone involved in this a spic
          from the shooter to the cops to mr dr guerrero here
          is it really that bad in texas?

          • 2 years ago

            >Why is everyone in a spic-dominated town a Hispanic
            Next you'll be asking why everyone from Boston is white or why everyone from San Francisco is a homosexual

            • 2 years ago

              bad example m80

          • 2 years ago

            Texas is mostly Hispanics larping as white.

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >>why is literally everyone involved in this a spic
            Welcome to the browning of america its been happening for dec ades, yes decades, the USA is not a white country.

          • 2 years ago

            Look at a map idiot.

          • 2 years ago

            aside from bordering a frickton of mexico an joe's open border there's been a huge influx of cali commies so yeah

        • 2 years ago

          >A rifle round will blow their leg clean off
          No it fricking won't, this is a highschool, these aren't infants.

          • 2 years ago

            it's an elementary school
            they're like K-5th graders, and like 5-12;
            the teachers are either 20-somethings or 60 something.

            • 2 years ago

              Again, not severing an entire leg at those ages.

        • 2 years ago

          >A child's body is not the same as an adult body. A rifle round will blow their leg clean off. Most bled out and died within a couple minutes after being shot.
          It's a good thing they TOTALLY DIDN'T SHOOT ANY RANDOM KIDS THEN.

    • 2 years ago

      >the children are already dead we should make sure he has more time to kill children before we stop him
      It's ONE a single spic-cel against dozens of cops armed to their breasts. I generally understand what you mean, but the cops deserve more bad press, not less.

    • 2 years ago

      >appear to have fireteam training
      Yes, they did.
      Part of Texas' peace officer / cop training is Active Shooter.
      Rule 1 of active shooter response is: run to the gun fire
      Rule 2 is distract the shooter with your gun fire
      The goal is to stop the killing.
      Hell, Texas State (I think) has a National Center of Excellence that studies active shooter situations and provides training. Funded by state of Texas BTW, not the feds. Cops from around the nation to to this thing to learn how to respond to active shooter.
      tl;dr: they did have the training, they had the equipment, they lacked the will to do their job.
      They were pussies.

      • 2 years ago

        You're just making shit up.

        • 2 years ago

          I surely hope this is bait anon

          • 2 years ago

            There's no "Rule 1, Rule 2" thing.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, there is:
              "ALERRT teaches that first responders’ main priority in an active shooter situation is to first Stop the Killing and then Stop the Dying"
              1. stop the killing by distracting the shooter
              2. stop the dying by killing the shooter

              • 2 years ago

                Putting quotes on something doesn't make it true.

                >Bro just distract the shooter
                >Like dress up as a clown and do a routine or something

                Here's a better response method.
                1. Assess the situation
                2. Make a plan
                3. Act

              • 2 years ago

                That is something that also didn't happen in the incident.

              • 2 years ago

                Thats what these guys were doing. Assessing and making plans. The act part took awhile. Same with Columbine. National standard for LE response to active shooters is move towards the gunfire and kill the shooter as soon as possible to mitigate casualties and then facilitate first aid efforts. These guys b***hed out or there was some kind of coverup where they shot a kid and panicked or something. No excuse for this mickey mouse shit. When I was a cop we ran yearly drills using simunitions at the schools (during summer) to assault the building and kill the shooters. Complete with bad guys etc. Our part time swat team wasnt as decked out as these uvalde homosexuals and wouldve handled business. Frick these fat hispanics and frick Texas cops horseshit PR about how big and bad they always are.

              • 2 years ago

                No. They did the worst thing possible, which was nothing.

              • 2 years ago

                For almost thirty years now, it's been known that the best course of action is to immediately Rush B when it comes to school shootings. Time spent assessing is time children spend dying and 90+% of school shooters are pussies who commit suicide the moment they meet resistance. Time spent assessing is time wasted, because you don't have the assets you need to assess (so you can't learn anything useful). and the officers in question lose their nerve and their urgency while they try to sort through 500 evacuated idiots to find the two or three that might actually know something and then filter that testimony for bullshit, which it's apt to mostly be. Run to fire, aim high so misses don't hit collateral, put pressure on the suicidal teenager who's trying to make his name live in infamy, if you don't dome him, he's going to cower behind a desk and suck start his weapon 95 times out of 100.

                It's not rocket surgery, school shooters aren't ISIS.

    • 2 years ago

      t. uvalde cop

    • 2 years ago

      no, they're all lazy fat fricks, and they had no idea the kids were dead or dying at that point. If they actually cared about doing their job instead of jerking themselves off on their phones with punisher logos, they would have actually gone in ASAP.

      Compare these worthless Black folk to the chicago pd who were actually doing their jobs, or the SWAT that all quit because one of their own got fired with revoked pay for knocking over a professional protester who was acting like a threatening lunatic during a lockdown.

      Chicago pd had a red tape issue, this pd has a completely incompetent staff issue.

    • 2 years ago

      You could say... he washed his hands of the situation

    • 2 years ago

      11:36 a.m.
      UCISD Chief Arredondo, plus another UCISD officer and two UPD officers, enter the school through its south entrance door, within five seconds of the first three UPD officers' entry.
      12:03 p.m.
      A female student calls from classroom 112, identifying herself and the classroom number; after 1 minute and 23 seconds, she ends the call.
      12:13 p.m.
      The student in classroom 112 calls 9-1-1 a third time, reporting multiple people dead in the classroom.
      12:19 p.m.
      A student from classroom 111 calls 9-1-1 but hangs up when another student tells her to end the call. Both students are killed afterward.
      12:21 p.m.
      Three shots are heard in a 9-1-1 call.
      12:36 p.m.
      The student in room 112 calls 9-1-1 for a fifth time, reporting that Ramos has shot a door. She is instructed to stay on the line and be very quiet.

      > Analyzing the footage logically, we can see the damage has already been done. Perhaps the cops received too much bad press here. I don't think many if any of the kids could have been saved if they evacuated the bodies sooner.
      Yeah, no

  24. 2 years ago

    supposedly the Chief of police for the school police (lol) was the homosexual in charge at this. does anyone see his fat bald ass anywhere?

    the rules dictate that the first ranking officer on the scene takes charge as the incident commander. I'm trying to even find where he is in this footage, at the least to make fun of him

    • 2 years ago

      He looks fricking surreal, like a fat bald white dude who's tanned as much as he can (or put on lots of fake tan), so that he can look like a fat bald black dude.

      • 2 years ago

        He's a fat bald native american

    • 2 years ago

      >the rules dictate that the first ranking officer on the scene takes charge as the incident commander.
      this can't be real, ic duties tend to bounce upward as more authority arrives, you pass the baton and move into advisory role, it's the only way to keep lateral cohesion as more entites become involved in an incident

      • 2 years ago

        >Establishment and Transfer of Command
        >The Incident Commander or Unified Command should clearly establish the command function at the beginning of an incident. The jurisdiction or organization with primary responsibility for the incident designates the individual at the scene responsible for establishing command and protocol for transferring command. When command transfers, the transfer process includes a briefing that captures essential information for continuing safe and effective operations, and notifying all personnel involved in the incident.

        so the jurisdiction would either normally be the city police or, in this case, the posted school officer (since uvalde had a school police dept for reasons assumed to be free taxpayer income). so the chief has responsibility until he transfers command, but he never took command, so...

        I will say that TX DPS makes the claim I mentioned in their hearings that the first officer on the scene is the commander, until command is relinquished to another authority. I have yet to find a clear document which says explicitly that, but what I quoted above is from the DHS's policies everyone is supposed to follow post-9/11

        • 2 years ago

          >so the jurisdiction would either normally be the city police or, in this case, the posted school officer (since uvalde had a school police dept for reasons assumed to be free taxpayer income). so the chief has responsibility until he transfers command, but he never took command, so...
          yeah i get that, but something seems really fishy to me about what actually happened. it's pretty common to transfer authority when something becomes a Big Deal and you have a dozen agencies rolling on site. irl its really challenging to suss all that out in real time, even with the usual binders of incident policy you've had and reviewed.

    • 2 years ago

      >the rules dictate that the first ranking officer on the scene takes charge as the incident commander. I'm trying to even find where he is in this footage, at the least to make fun of him
      McCraw, Dir of Dept of Public Safety for state of Texas was on C-SPAN a couple of weeks ago testifying in front of Texas State Senate. About a 90 minute presentation.
      McCraw was very careful in his words but did say a few things.
      > Ulvade school chief of police arrived without a radio
      > radios didn't work inside the school
      > Uvalde school chief of police assumed incident command
      What struck me was this fat fricker (Uvalde school chief of police) then lost hist shit.
      He fixated on reasons _not_ to do anything.
      > need cops
      > need rifles
      > need ballistic shields
      > need perimeter
      > declares "we have shooter isolated/barricaded" when they didn't
      > OMG doors! we need keys
      > keys don't work
      Here's the kicker, the doors were INCAPABLE of being locked from the inside. So there was no way for teachers to lock the doors. So keys weren't needed.
      This fat fricker has blood on his hands.

      • 2 years ago

        >the doors were INCAPABLE of being locked from the inside. So there was no way for teachers to lock the doors.

        Seems like being able to lock the doors from the inside would be really useful during a shooting.

      • 2 years ago

        as much as I want to blame that fat, incompetent frick, there is plenty of blame to go around. he was SUPPOSED to take charge but that doesn't mean he has to be the only one to.
        I mean, 100% let's crucify that guy in court. Him talking shit and having his gay interview (https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/09/uvalde-chief-pete-arredondo-interview/), pretty much proves that he was only there as a political assignment as Chief of the school police, which is already a joke on its face.
        His salary was 204,000 a year, in a county where the standard of living is probably frickall and the median HOUSEHOLD income is 27,164.

        that all said as gay as he is, I put the biggest fault on the first 4-6 officers on scene, who retreated after getting shot at once despite at least all having vests and having at least one rifle.
        the rest who showed up are relying on someone taking charge, and they're in the back not knowing what's going on up front. It's a shame but there is a real 'cooks in the kitchen' problem. they're all going to feel guilt for not stepping up as time moves on.

        • 2 years ago

          >I put the biggest fault on the first 4-6 officers on scene
          Entirely valid. from the PDF by ALERRT:
          > (bottom page 14) The third issue revolves around losing momentum. The first three responding UPD officers enter the west hall exterior door at 11:35:55 and an additional four officers entered the south hall at 11:36:00. Audio recordings indicate the suspect was actively firing his weapon until 11:36:04. The
          first responding officers correctly moved toward the active gunfire, which was acting as their
          driving force (ALERRT & FBI, 2020, pp. 2-15 to 2-16, 2-26, 2-33). The seven officers converged
          on rooms 111 and 112 at 11:37:00. As the officers approached the doors, the suspect began firing.
          This gunfire caused both teams of officers to retreat from the doors.
          They ran away from gunfire.

          • 2 years ago

            exactly. everyone's going to focus on the mass of people at the end, but the real problem is the first couple minutes where they refused to try to breach and engage.
            it's easy to armchair and say that I would go in there, being very likely to take potentially rifle fire against my soft armor, but it feels like you can at least distract the shooter, cause a delay, and flank. with the 7 officers on scene within minutes, they could have at least fricked with the shooter and the two doors to the room (nonetheless the windows).

            some of it is hindsight, sure. but there are children dying inside, not a virus. quarantining is not the right answer.

        • 2 years ago

          >pretty much proves that he was only there as a political assignment as Chief of the school police, which is already a joke on its face.
          >His salary was 204,000 a year, in a county where the standard of living is probably frickall and the median HOUSEHOLD income is 27,164.
          that's actually fricking sick, if I were the father of one of these dead kids or hell, the father of a kid in this school I would be sueing his ass into oblivion.

      • 2 years ago

        >Here's the kicker, the doors were INCAPABLE of being locked from the inside
        Source: https://www.alerrt.org/r/31
        "Robb Elementary School Attack Response Assessment and Recommendations" prepared by ALERRT at Texas State University

    • 2 years ago

      what race is this?
      my eyes say Samoan but my brain says that's unlikely

  25. 2 years ago

    >footage is edited
    >10+ cops initially go in from two sides
    >they just stand there and jerk off for an hour against a confirmed single gunman
    >later on more cops show up with shields
    >they look at how cool the shields are for half an hour
    >Entire militarized PD now in 1 hallway, tactifat comes in to discuss how to breach for 20 minutes
    >Cuts out before the cops start shooting some extra collatoral kids who proudly went down to kill some incel
    José can you see or something?

    • 2 years ago

      >confirmed single


      I bashed this officer that was having a panic attack in the video and now I feel like a dick learning this afterwards lol

      is this the "grabass" game I've heard so much about?

      >tactical hand sanitizing before door breach

      based and sanitation pilled


      >Noooooooooo you have to run in and catch a bullet from some crazed NEET to save my hekin childerino!!!!

      its funny because the law agress with that dumbass troll opinion you posted as a joke

  26. 2 years ago

    I bashed this officer that was having a panic attack in the video and now I feel like a dick learning this afterwards lol

    • 2 years ago

      Jesus frick, what a cuck. If it was my kid i would've run in not giving a frick if i get life in prison or shot to death by my colleagues.

    • 2 years ago

      This just makes it more werid, Why the frick didn't they enter sooner?

    • 2 years ago

      He's going to kill his coworkers, just watch. He'll either suicide or go Dorner by the end of the year.

    • 2 years ago

      If there's gonna be a whistleblower, this is the guy.

      • 2 years ago

        It's been long enough they've probably disappeared his ass because he might talk.

    • 2 years ago

      How much are you willing to bet upholding the thin blue line is more important that his dead kid?

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Lmao ok lets see him leak anything or come forward to the cameras and media.

  27. 2 years ago


    >If you're first on the scene
    not first, first ranking, grunts are already there. in something like a active shooter in any city you'd have a beehive of leo + fire + ems + county +fed on your neck rather fast. someone like a head of a school police force would be forced to punt the authority ball

  28. 2 years ago

    >tactical hand sanitizing before door breach

  29. 2 years ago

    >Noooooooooo you have to run in and catch a bullet from some crazed NEET to save my hekin childerino!!!!

  30. 2 years ago

    i love how this thread about the shooting stays up, but others are taken down.
    are the jannies high? only one off-topic thread about a topic allowed?

    • 2 years ago

      You made duplicate threads.

  31. 2 years ago

    it's better than 100, but military and police stuff is typically allowed on /k/. Perhaps the other threads were more political.

  32. 2 years ago

    I'm no thin blue line gay, but we obviously need to consider the fact that these are mostly fat wetbacks, arguably the most violent, laziest, most incompetent people the world over, the likes of which put even the Indians to shame, which is saying something
    there's a reason why m*xico is such a shithole, and it's not because of the cartels

    • 2 years ago

      You can’t differentiate Mexicans from Indians. Blood meridian has a little bit about that. They are both Black folk in every sense. An Indian is a savage Black person and a Mexican means they’re from Mexico and possibly mixed with Spanish blood. Only the highest class of Mexicans are pure white Spanish. Much less common now than it was back in the day. Even your wealthy hispanics will be part Black person.

  33. 2 years ago

    Blood. On. Their. Hands.
    > officers enter minutes into the event
    > officers w/ rifles are there a few minutes later
    > 90 minutes of standing around, checking phones, not moving
    Run to the sound of the gun.
    Distract / disrupt the shooter.
    These frickers, ALL of them, have blood on their hands.

    • 2 years ago

      Not the guy who sanitized his hands lmao.

      • 2 years ago


  34. 2 years ago
  35. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Brown people have always been and will always be cowards.

      • 2 years ago

        Bad take.

        • 2 years ago

          >the exception which proves the rule

      • 2 years ago

        cope. there's multiple yts in the video also with their thumb up their ass

        • 2 years ago

          lol sure paco

          • 2 years ago

            It's okay, anon. I know you're wrong, you know you're wrong. Hopefully you pull the wool from your eyes and see the true enemies and traitors to the republic. Cops and politicians.

            • 2 years ago

              point out one (ethnically) white cop involved in this whole affair and I'll eat my sombrero
              you are right about the enemy, but heaven knows I'd trust a white cop over a brown one any day

  36. 2 years ago

    At what point do the off duty border patrol agent come into the building to take control. Are they visible in the video?

    • 2 years ago

      what would have happened if he didn't? how long would the shooter have been in there?

  37. 2 years ago

    Who is the guy cleaning his hands? What is his hands? I mean if he is a medic it would make sense. He looks unarmed.

  38. 2 years ago

    Who is flannel guy? He has no rifle and some anons claim he is there because he is medical which some anons point out the litter near him in the texting photo.
    But if he is med shouldn't they already have gloves on for life saving procedures?
    I don't want to believe he is standing there browsing social media for posts about the shooting but I really have no idea.

    • 2 years ago

      why would you have a dedicated police medic? do gangs and incels follow geneva conventions to not shoot at unarmed medics?

      • 2 years ago

        It is generally nice to have a police with EMT training for rapid treatments right after the scene is clear.. Like the same way and EMT with SWAT training would be useful.
        But if you don't use that training?

  39. 2 years ago

    Can't wait for Ready or Not to add interactive hand sanitizer machines lmao

  40. 2 years ago

    What a joke

  41. 2 years ago

    Is the unedited footage ever going to show up?

    • 2 years ago

      No, because its involves the police lustily gangbanging dying children's gunshot wounds that may or may not have been caused by them

  42. 2 years ago

    >all of these anons claiming standard active shooter procedure nationwide is wait for backup and rush shooter
    >This has been learned since V-Tech

    How many posters in this thread weren't even alive to see v-tech on TV?

    • 2 years ago

      it's classic cognitive dissonance. the people writing walls of explanations are also pro-cop so they're pulling out every excuse in the book EXCEPT gross incompetence

  43. 2 years ago

    Protect and serve? More like eat donuts and post pics of my tacticool punisher patch on Instagram

  44. 2 years ago


    Every single one should be fired and prosecuted for cowardice.

  45. 2 years ago

    Nobody likes dying and I get that people's first instinct when faced with the prospect of being shot is to run away and hide but if children aren't worth risking your life for then what the hell is? These cops failed in every way possible and I don't know how anyone could see it differently.

    • 2 years ago

      >if children aren't worth risking your life for then what the hell is?
      there's the golden question
      the answer for this hedonistic world: yourself, and nothing else

      • 2 years ago

        >golden question
        The question is "would you kill for your children or die for them?"

  46. 2 years ago

    After this video, I'm thinking of starting a GoFundMe to buy a gross of pink panties to mail to these fricking cowards.

    • 2 years ago

      No you aren’t. You want those pink panties all to yourself.
      Anyway I would personally recommend https://poopsenders.com/

      • 2 years ago

        I want your mom's skidmark-stained pink panties to use as a circus tent, b***h.

  47. 2 years ago

    Cops won't hesitate to surround and arrest law-abiding 2nd amendment activists lawfully carrying their firearms, yet are absolutely terrified of active shooters despite numerical and technological advantage.

    • 2 years ago

      >He doesn't mace the ghosts

  48. 2 years ago

    Spics are cowards, they would lose a race war against fricking somalis, they're all talk.

    • 2 years ago

      >they would lose a race war against fricking somalis
      at least Somalis took down some blackhawks, when faced in war the wetbacks rolled over and let us take their capital lmao

  49. 2 years ago

    How long before we find out that the shooter was only armed with a kitchen knife, and that the cops shot not just one, but all of the kids?

  50. 2 years ago


    ultimately they are paid to care, if they don't do their job then I shouldn't pay my taxes since they don't benefit me. No taxation without representation.

  51. 2 years ago

    >be me, wishes a famous capeshit line takes hold as it is fricking succinctly perfect for this situation

  52. 2 years ago

    >You're not a conspiracy theorist, just a fricking moron, probably from pol

    • 2 years ago

      Nice projection, go say something about Russia being based and tradpilled or whatever the frick you morons say

  53. 2 years ago

    Why has no one still not shown them making a statement specifically saying that they didn't shoot the kids?

  54. 2 years ago

    >if you're against police overreach, you're for russia!
    no (You) for you, thin blue line cuckold

  55. 2 years ago


  56. 2 years ago


    They held parents back from going in, also the shooter was not a troony. Also it's your moral duty as a cop, otherwise you shouldn't be a cop.

  57. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I hate that being charitable to these fricks but honestly if you've ever been in a stressful situation sometimes you just do dumb shit without thinking. I doubt he was actually so nonchalant that he thought that was a good time to get hand sanitizer, it's probably more than his mind was racing at a million thoughts per minute and just absentmindedly got some since he saw it there

      • 2 years ago

        In high stress you start fussing and you take immaculate attention to detail

        >Greg Woodcox
        >California Wildfire
        >Goes to his neighbors house to save them
        >Family won't leave because one of them is busy doing their makeup and hair in the bathroom
        >Woodcox bolts the frick out before he dies with them
        >Returns a few days later, finds their convoy
        >Literally fricking ashes
        >Human spine seen in passenger seat of car
        His video is gone from YouTube but it was brutal

        • 2 years ago

          >Greg Woodcox
          >California Wildfire
          That was the Camp Fire in Cali.
          Read up on that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Fire_(2018)
          California power company, PG&E, plead guilty to 84 counts of man's laughter.
          And they declared bankruptcy, and got the Cali legislature to give them special exemption to pass the cost of the fire, due to PG&E's negligence, on to rate payers.
          > The same month, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), the utility company responsible for the faulty power line, filed for bankruptcy, citing expected wildfire liabilities of $30 billion.[2] On December 6, 2019, the utility made a settlement offer of $13.5 billion for the wildfire victims; the offer covered several devastating fires caused by the utility, including the Camp Fire.[24][25] On June 16, 2020, the utility pleaded guilty to 84 counts of involuntary manslaughter.[26]
          Deadliest fire in US since 1918.

    • 2 years ago

      >Literally washing his hands of responsibility

  58. 2 years ago

    Cowardice is contagious. Doesn't even look like anyone is in charge. Their body language saying "I don't wanna die for this shit." Such is life for the government employee.

  59. 2 years ago

    kinda want to see what the Uvalde PD's academy is like, kek.

    if it even exists

  60. 2 years ago

    why havent they created some sort of barricaded subject removal robot? you could literally attach some armored plates to a tracked robot with some shooting holes in it and itd be perfect

    • 2 years ago

      Barricade is different from active shooter. They are two different approaches.
      > shooter is isolated to one room
      > has taken hostages
      > isn't moving
      > is done shooting
      Active Shooter:
      > unknown location
      > possibly mobile
      > isn't done shooting.
      Current accepted doctrine is to treat "barricaded" and "active shooter" different.
      This is shit everybody learns at the academy.

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