US military dealing with natural disasters

What does the US military do when the country they are stationed in is dealing with a natural disaster?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    First stage is getting permission to utilize or construct a base. This usually takes a couple days to slam out and build up. Then there's medical support for the rescue teams digging people out of rubble or pulling survivors from lethal situations.

    After that, they work on restoring distribution networks for water and electricity as well as communications systems, these all dramatically increase the effectiveness of rescue operations and has the goal of getting things back to normal as quickly as possible. Thereafter they work on stabilizing things as best they can.

  2. 5 months ago

    Establishing a commo network is usually also up there.
    If you google, you will find pics of teams setting up sat-links, using field radios, etc.

  3. 5 months ago

    Ask permission from host nation and then assist. The US Army has a career specifically for these kinds of things called Civil Affairs.

  4. 5 months ago

    All those POGs who spent 6 weeks learning to pour concrete get to work.

    • 5 months ago

      Were you a POG?

  5. 5 months ago

    Depends on the disaster and what's expected. For instance, the needs of an area where a chemical or power plant exploded will be different from one where mostly residential buildings were damaged. In the case of the former, you could expect several CBRN units deployed to perform decontamination of equipment/personnel or search and rescue. In the case of the latter, expect more engineers to help clear rubble and search for survivors. In both cases expect the medical corps to set up hospitals, as well as the supply corps to bring in food, water, communications equipment, etc.

  6. 5 months ago


    >t. butthurt ESL thirdie whose sister got bred by strapping GIs who delivered food and saved his shitty brown village
    I’ll bet she kept the baby after they shipped out. Many such cases! Sad!

  7. 5 months ago

    They help out whatever is left of that government and start building a FOB.

    Navy and Chairforce logistic commands have like specific pallets that has all the equipment they need for a specific building and task kinda like RTS games.

    Aircraft carriers can produce fresh drinking water I believe and there is no shortage of helicopters and Ospreys to survey the area and rescue some people.

    If they need a runway they'll also build it and fly in Chairforce/Navy ATCs.

  8. 5 months ago

    Take for example that Indian Ocean tsunami in the early 2000s and that major Jap earthquake in 2011, American forces were eager to assist since Day 1 even though they didn't have to.

    The gigachad logistic energy kinda mogged everyone else, those Muhreens, semen and airmen didn't have to do all that shit and could have mailed themselves home.

  9. 5 months ago


    way to out yourself as a non american you fricking dipshit

    • 5 months ago


      Wtf is that?

      Seething yurocuck or thirdie. Either way die in a fire neverserved nofunz gay


      Dude is a brit

      • 5 months ago

        Dude is a Russian trying to speak English

        • 5 months ago

          This. They learn British english it’s one of the easiest ways to spot them. I’ve seen them pretend to be a concerned American citizen only to out themselves by calling someone “daft” or something.

  10. 5 months ago



  11. 5 months ago


    Wtf is that?

  12. 5 months ago


    Seething yurocuck or thirdie. Either way die in a fire neverserved nofunz gay

  13. 5 months ago



  14. 5 months ago

    The US federal government did not send a single helicopter with supplies from the nearby military bases to help the people of Lahaina, Maui Hawai'i after fires devastated their town.
    Within one week of the 10/07/23 Hamas attack on Israel there were 2 US Navy aircraft carrier strike groups in the eastern Mediterranean specifically tasked to aid Israel, cargo aircraft flown from America have already been unloaded in Tel Aviv Israel and US military forces are in Israel ready to assist with hostage rescue operations. As of 10/16/23, a Marine Expeditionary Unit with 5 US Navy amphibious assault support ships and 2,000 US Marines has been
    tasked to standby in the eastern Mediterranean in support of Israel.
    What explains the difference in responses from the US federal government ? Do the people in the US federal government in Washington DC have any consideration for the health, well being and concerns of the American people and our Constitutional Republic ?

    • 5 months ago

      >did not send supplies
      Thats the job of nasty girls, the federal military has a limited bureaucratic function that severely limits the federal military from operating in domestic soil. Its a law signed by the same people that wanted a small government. However, the national guard of Hawaii did get activated in response to the fires and helped out, so your entire paragraph is just bullshit.

      • 5 months ago

        Here is the law and also
        Here is the source about the Hawaiian national guards being deployed along with the assistance from the federal military to create a JTF.

        Warehouses full of supplies on military bases on the Hawaiian Islands but we just can't seem to figure out how to get any to Lahaina Maui after the fires. That is your federal government America.

        • 5 months ago

          >warehouse full of supplies
          moron, the national guard and the federal military literally helped out in distributing resources. Are you stupid?

          • 5 months ago

            That guys is a fricking moron. My aunt is from haw and she was given recourses and shelter by the US national guard. (I don't know about the federal military)

            • 5 months ago

              The federal military likely assisted the masty girls in giving supplies. They are all part of the joint task force created for these situations.

        • 5 months ago

          You're French, so frick off.

    • 5 months ago

      >did not send supplies
      Thats the job of nasty girls, the federal military has a limited bureaucratic function that severely limits the federal military from operating in domestic soil. Its a law signed by the same people that wanted a small government. However, the national guard of Hawaii did get activated in response to the fires and helped out, so your entire paragraph is just bullshit.
      Here is the law and also
      Here is the source about the Hawaiian national guards being deployed along with the assistance from the federal military to create a JTF.

    • 5 months ago

      >do the people
      Didn't the "people" barred the federal military from engaging in domestic affairs? Hang all libertarians.

    • 5 months ago

      >The US federal government did not send a single helicopter with supplies from the nearby military bases to help the people of Lahaina, Maui Hawai'i after fires devastated their town.
      This is just blatantly false

      • 5 months ago

        The federal military likely assisted the masty girls in giving supplies. They are all part of the joint task force created for these situations.

        That guys is a fricking moron. My aunt is from haw and she was given recourses and shelter by the US national guard. (I don't know about the federal military)

        >warehouse full of supplies
        moron, the national guard and the federal military literally helped out in distributing resources. Are you stupid?

        Pics or it didn't happen.

        • 5 months ago

          You got a picture of your "warehouse full of supplies"?

          • 5 months ago

            So your argument is that the military bases located on the Hawaiian Islands do not have any supplies to spare for Americans struck by a horrific disaster.
            1) Schofield Barracks Located on the island of Oahu, Schofield Barracks is one of the largest military installations in Hawaii. Serving as headquarters for the US Army Hawaii garrison, it hosts the 25th Infantry Division,
            Hawaii’s strategic location in the Pacific Ocean has made it an important center for various military operations and training activities over the years. If you’re short on time, the 11 current and former major military bases in Hawaii are: Schofield Barracks,
            Fort Shafter,
            Tripler Army Medical Center,
            Marine Corps Base Hawaii,
            Pearl Harbor naval bases,
            Coast Guard bases,
            Hickam Air Force Base,
            Wheeler Army Airfield,
            Pohakuloa Training Area,
            Makua Military Reservation, and Kahoolawe Island reserve.

            • 5 months ago

              So you have no pictures?

              • 5 months ago

                it's almost as if most of these are military installations used for warfare and support of warfare, not handing out water bottles to civilians

                which they do have warehouses for btw. That would be the National Guard, which as anons have said probably 10 times already, did in fact get deployed, you fricking schizo

                Your argument is literally that the US military did not have any supplies available to support Americans that lost everything in a wildfire. Americans that live within CH47 range of huge American military installations located in the Hawaiian Islands.
                And you are all good with that.
                You are glow homosexuals extraordiniare for carrying that bullshit.

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                And the ones that have those supplies were the national guards. None of those bases have the resources to aid civilians except for the national guards, which is DESIGNED to handle domestic affairs without the federal military.

              • 5 months ago

                So your answer to this question

                The US federal government did not send a single helicopter with supplies from the nearby military bases to help the people of Lahaina, Maui Hawai'i after fires devastated their town.
                Within one week of the 10/07/23 Hamas attack on Israel there were 2 US Navy aircraft carrier strike groups in the eastern Mediterranean specifically tasked to aid Israel, cargo aircraft flown from America have already been unloaded in Tel Aviv Israel and US military forces are in Israel ready to assist with hostage rescue operations. As of 10/16/23, a Marine Expeditionary Unit with 5 US Navy amphibious assault support ships and 2,000 US Marines has been
                tasked to standby in the eastern Mediterranean in support of Israel.
                What explains the difference in responses from the US federal government ? Do the people in the US federal government in Washington DC have any consideration for the health, well being and concerns of the American people and our Constitutional Republic ?

                Is that it is just too hard. Not set up for it. sorry

              • 5 months ago

                Anon, are you stupid? When it comes to natural disasters, the first one to go in are the national guards with the aid of the federal military in logistical resources such as helos or whatever. Those military bases nearby were likely not equipped to handle natural disasters, but they did send personnels and equipment that may be suitable for it. The burden of proof is on you because you said "warehouse" full of supplies. Which is something you're supposed to provide tangible proof for.

              • 5 months ago

                If you need someone to explain to you how major United States military bases have warehouses full of MRE's, tents , medical supplies and other things that would greatly help Americans who just lost everything in a wildfire,, you are beyond arguing with.
                Seriously, your position is that the major American military bases in the Hawaiian Islands did not have supplies available to help the people of Lahaina Maui Hawaii ?
                You need a picture to prove that there are warehouses full of supplies on major military installations that would help ease the suffering of fellow Americans that just lost everything in a wildfire ??

              • 5 months ago

                You asked for the pictures first


                Pics or it didn't happen.

                By your logic, Norad should've helped Colorado when they had those major fires.
                Why should Norad help? It isn't their job. That is why the Colorado National Guard exists.

                Here is another example to get it through your skull. Why aren't paramedics helping put out fires, they are also emergency responders like fireman. How come they can't help out?

              • 5 months ago

                You don't have an argument you dumb Russian c**t. Look up what the National Guard of the United States is. I know, it's daunting when the American military has more departments than you've had hot meals, but in this country people actually do the jobs they're paid for and it would (and was, my family lives on the fricking island) the national guard in charge of the aid. I'm not going to try and explain what a JTF is because you people aren't capable of cooperation and that's why you live in the stone age, but at this point you have nothing left to say to me. Good luck surviving whatever shithole you live in, it'll be my tax dollars that save you when it collapses.

                No pictures of any US military help for the people that lost everything in the Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii fires.
                Just middle school insults from butt hurt glowies

              • 5 months ago

                So Norad Command Center should help putting out forest fires?

              • 5 months ago

                Anon, those are not essential supplies for relief directly. And most likely they gave them to the national guards, who were deployed to aid civilians there. The purpose of a joint task force is for an efficient mean of disaster relief. The federal military provides whatever support to the national guards, whos main purpose is to involve themselves in state affairs.

              • 5 months ago

                So Norad Command Center should help putting out forest fires?

                The fact of the matter is no one can provide any proof of the federal government providing any aid to the people of Lahaina, Maui Hawaii after the devastating wildfire destroyed everything and caused many deaths. Contrast the response with the aid and assistance sent immediately to Israel as mentioned in this post

                The US federal government did not send a single helicopter with supplies from the nearby military bases to help the people of Lahaina, Maui Hawai'i after fires devastated their town.
                Within one week of the 10/07/23 Hamas attack on Israel there were 2 US Navy aircraft carrier strike groups in the eastern Mediterranean specifically tasked to aid Israel, cargo aircraft flown from America have already been unloaded in Tel Aviv Israel and US military forces are in Israel ready to assist with hostage rescue operations. As of 10/16/23, a Marine Expeditionary Unit with 5 US Navy amphibious assault support ships and 2,000 US Marines has been
                tasked to standby in the eastern Mediterranean in support of Israel.
                What explains the difference in responses from the US federal government ? Do the people in the US federal government in Washington DC have any consideration for the health, well being and concerns of the American people and our Constitutional Republic ?

                It is a fair question to ask.
                What explains the difference in responses from the US federal government ? Do the people in the US federal government in Washington DC have any consideration for the health, well being and concerns of the American people and our Constitutional Republic ?

              • 5 months ago

                >Do the people in the US federal government in Washington DC have any consideration for the health, well being and concerns of the American people and our Constitutional Republic
                To an extent, but that is the states problem to deal with. States rights and all that.
                Also you have still provided no pictures of your warehouses.
                Again. Should paramedics also help firemen put out fires since they are all emergency responders? Yes or no?

              • 5 months ago

                You don't have an argument you dumb Russian c**t. Look up what the National Guard of the United States is. I know, it's daunting when the American military has more departments than you've had hot meals, but in this country people actually do the jobs they're paid for and it would (and was, my family lives on the fricking island) the national guard in charge of the aid. I'm not going to try and explain what a JTF is because you people aren't capable of cooperation and that's why you live in the stone age, but at this point you have nothing left to say to me. Good luck surviving whatever shithole you live in, it'll be my tax dollars that save you when it collapses.

            • 5 months ago

              it's almost as if most of these are military installations used for warfare and support of warfare, not handing out water bottles to civilians

              which they do have warehouses for btw. That would be the National Guard, which as anons have said probably 10 times already, did in fact get deployed, you fricking schizo

        • 5 months ago

          Anon, they literally created a JTF that involves the Pacific fleet. Are you stupid?

    • 5 months ago

      The US govt can't send anyone other than coasties and nasty girls to do shit on US soil. I would be really surprised if they weren't there in Hawaii.

      • 5 months ago

        They can, but its a really long bureaucratic process.

  15. 5 months ago


    >start with 100 tons of aid
    >70 tons of aid utilized by troops
    >30 tons utilized by locals
    >50 tons magically appear out of nowhere and then immediately go to waste
    When did you drop out of school?

    • 5 months ago

      >american education at work

  16. 5 months ago

    How does russia deal with natural disasters?

    • 5 months ago

      russia is a natural disaster, so it does quite well

      • 5 months ago


  17. 5 months ago


    I bet a bunch of the local girls got knocked up by GI Joe and you're still malding about it.

  18. 5 months ago


    The really third world shit about this post is that he thinks 100 tons is some massive, exorbitant amount of supply to be hauled in.

  19. 5 months ago

    >avalanche disaster in austria 24 years ago
    >an avalanche buried a skiing resort village
    >several thousand people need evac
    >roads buried, impassable
    >austrians dont have enough choppers, ask for help
    >americans send a fleet of black hawks from their bases in germany
    >rescue thousands of people

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