US military benefits

So i ets from the army this aug and i keep seeing people post here having disabilities and getting tax free money usually around $3000. Is it true that its for the rest of your life? Do i have to get hurt to get the benefits? I have no medical problems with me i am a healthy man. The only thing i have with me is a no shaving profile. Will the no shave profile give me even a little bit of money when i get out?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Dude talk to a career counselor about this, not a bunch of autists on a Mongolian kite flying board are you insane?

  2. 2 years ago

    Based on the demographics of who got no shave profiles when I was in I think you’re on the wrong frickin forum pal

  3. 2 years ago

    God I hate zoomers. You seem so young the way you type

    • 2 years ago

      Based on the demographics of who got no shave profiles when I was in I think you’re on the wrong frickin forum pal

      I enlisted at 2019 (3yr contract) and everytime i shave my face starts having blisters razor bumps and ingrown hair. I literally have no idea what to do once im out of the army and i just want to hang out and get paid without doing anything. So how do those people get them disabilities?

      • 2 years ago

        Buy a gun and blow your brains out you fricking homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      >lmao, how dare young people talk in a different way, ugh i am so grown up am i right fellow boomers?
      Black person you are 30 something stop acting like a fricking 70 year old, seeing the site you post you are highly unlikely to have had sex much less children or grand children,so shut the frick up.
      You havent earned the right to scoff "ugh youngster these days".
      t. 19 year old zoomie,get schooled millenial gay cope, dillate etc.

      • 2 years ago

        lol while you did pwn him, you got way to angry yourself over the matter. you both lose.

  4. 2 years ago

    literally talk to the VA rep when you do TAPS. Alternatively go get a copy of your medical records (if that isn't already a part of your outprocessing checklist) and hold onto that shit and give it to the VA in person. I don't know if you could claim anything from it, but in some states even a reply from them saying you're 0% disabled is enough to get disabled vet programs
    t. your NCO

    • 2 years ago

      The dd214 contains everything in it right? I heard that one of the guys that used to be in my unit started talking about lost of hearing and knee caps and that increased his rating.

      • 2 years ago

        shieeeeeeeeeeet I don't even know. Maybe, I know it has your dental info on there. When I transferred to the Guard I got in trouble because you're legally supposed to have a checkup as part of your outprocessing and I didn't do it.

        I'd still call your base medical though. Even some PT shamming sick call visit might be enough of a push to get you something

      • 2 years ago

        Stop larping kid. You would have already been getting your medical shit squared away 5 months ago if you wanted VA disability. Which is in fact tax free for life. You can get 3k on the high end if you have 100% disability, which is not the norm. I would say the average is much lower ata round 50% which is about 1k. I got rated 60% which is ~1450 because I am married with 2 kids. When I was single it was 1200.

        Nope. This only says your dates of service, job, and type of discharge. Its your proof of service for any veteran benefits. The only place that has records of your disabilities is the VA. In fact when you apply for fed gov jobs using veterans preference you have to navigate their shitty website to print out a PDF that says "I have XX% disability rating."

        If you arent larping, your dumbass waited too long and you need to make an appointment with your doctor ASAP to make sure you list any medical shit you want ASAP. If youre medical record is clean, you will have no proof of medical issues for when you schedule all the VA appointments to get this whole process started after you are out. FYI, you fricked up waiting this long because you have no time to get your VA medical shit squared away. Assuming you get rated any percentage, because you didnt get a rating before you got out, you will have to wait 8+ months from when you eventually do get rated to start getting payments versus 1-3 months if you had done it while in. Reminder, if you have a clean medical record, youre probably going to get rated low. 10% is like 140 bucks a month.

  5. 2 years ago

    have a nice day

  6. 2 years ago

    You're a thieving piece of shit bringing dishonor on the profession. Eat a bullet.

  7. 2 years ago

    lmao @ people virtue signalling when OP has the same outlook as at least half of the military but he's simply honest about it

  8. 2 years ago

    If your knees and/or back hurt, or you have trouble sleeping, or trouble getting hard, or tinnitus, or anxiety, make appointments with your PA before you get out so it's all documented. Go see the Pathfinders program at your USO or SFL-TAP office and ask about VA benefits.

    • 2 years ago

      this, document EVERYTHING form who you talked to, what time, how long you were on the phone notes on the conversation.

      make copies and send copies to your folks if theyre not morons like you. you should have been preparing for this since you swore in. its how everyone else does it.

      your back. lower and upper, your hips, your knees, you ankles and foot joints, complain about EVERYTHING your balls hurt, you got bad gas, HUH WHAT WAS THAT SPEAK UP. just dont lay it on too thick.

  9. 2 years ago

    get every dime you can, the rest is just gonna go to locksneed fartin' anyway.

  10. 2 years ago

    At your exit physical if you have ever had a sore back mention that you have back pain. Depending on your MOS you’re almost certainly going to have back and knee pain in ten or so years. Be sure to do an audiogram, because you probably lost some hearing, again depending on MOS it might be severe and you don’t even know it until you wake up with tinnitus in a decade. Finally, you should have gone to sick call when you had that cold that one time because if you deployed anywhere that burn pits were commonplace then you’re almost certainly entitled to a reasonable sinusitis claim. If you have no medical records of going to the doctor and you didn’t want to sound like a pussy complaining about headaches at your physicals or on your post deployment health forms then you’re going to be shit out of luck unless you can get some lay statements from people you served with eg “pvt chucklefrick twisted his ankle when we were on exercise” or whatever dings and aches you might have mentioned. If you snore, get a sleep study done, you could make an apnea claim, again because of burn pits. Thanks for your cervix, Lance Corporal Ernesto Toofrickinglate.

  11. 2 years ago

    don't let the neverserved taxpayer LARPers dissuade you: literally go see the doctor and have them check *everything*. They will find something you haven't noticed yet, and since they didn't catch it at MEPS, it's now "service connected" and at the very least you might be able to get VA treatment for the rest of your life for that condition.

    Shit's gotta be actually fricked up to get the VA disability gibs though.

  12. 2 years ago

    Unless you’ve got something in your medical file you’ll get 0%. If you have some issues that you dealt with while in they’ll give you 30-70%. Unless you’re an actual cripple you will have to keep going to the VA for years to get enough shit together to justify higher. Everyone I know who got higher than 70% spent like a thousand hours in treatment and resubmitting shit to the VA

  13. 2 years ago

    $3k is 100% disabled. Yes it's lifelong
    >Do i have to get hurt to get the benefits?
    You need to be fricking disabled guy. Your beard profile isn't shit

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