>US military bases are now less than 100 miles away from Taiwan

>US military bases are now less than 100 miles away from Taiwan
It's literally over for China isn't it?
How can Chinese navy hope to compete when US is stationed closer to Taiwan than even China is?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 year ago

    clearly they didn't send enough spy balloons

  2. 1 year ago


    super cool post Chang but your foreign keyboard layout is showing and your opinions on Chinese military capability do not matter because its never been demonstrated and never will

    • 1 year ago

      kek its from Bing/ChatGPT

      • 1 year ago

        Welp, I guess AI isn't taking over anytime soon if these are the halfwit takes that it can reckon from scraping 5 random news sources.

        • 1 year ago

          you can't expect anything other than an average of all available takes from GPT, its purpose is essentially just to choose the most likely following phrase in a context

        • 1 year ago

          as far as I know it's literally just stringing words together to form sentences. it's like a glorified autosuggest on a smartphone by 10,000x. lights are on but nobody's home, although that's half people anyway and all foreigners so I guess it's got that going for it.

        • 1 year ago

          this chat AI is going to be utterly reliant on where it gets its info from and how it weighs the reliability of its info.
          that is where you will see the control of what it thinks coming from.

      • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        >Automation threatens the wumaos with obsolescence

      • 1 year ago

        holy shit. replace journos with AI

  3. 1 year ago

    >Targets for rocket artillery and land attack missiles
    Those bases won't last an hour

    • 1 year ago

      >>land attack missiles
      bug claws typed this post

      • 1 year ago

        What do you think LAM stands for in TLAM?

        • 1 year ago

          Loads A Money

    • 1 year ago

      Will the Chinese bases last any longer?

    • 1 year ago

      It's not supposed to. They station the least liked marine there with an airsoft rifle and a 24/7 livestream so when he gets vaporized it's an automatic unquestionable Article 5 tripwire in a war that otherwise the US would have to launch an attack first against the Chinese being themselves fired upon. It's literally a "double the size of my alliance please" button not a force projection deal.

      • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        >Article 5 tripwire
        China has trigged it for 336/365 days in 2022 around Senkaku Islands. US won't do shit

        • 1 year ago

          Post one (1) article picture whatever of an article 5 violation I'll wait.

          • 1 year ago

            8 days ago lol

            Mutt won't do shit.
            >On 24 January 2021, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reaffirmed America's commitment to defend the Senkaku Islands and that it's covered by Article 5 of the U.S.-Japan security treaty.

            • 1 year ago

              Jesus fricking Christ's younger brother, Hong Xiuquan! Why can't the Chinese understand what "innocent passage" and "freedom of navigation" mean? Is there some weird genetic mutation found only among the Han people that makes it impossible for them to figure out how boats work? Did the CCP subject the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to the same damnatio memoriae as the day where absolutely nothing happened at the location they're not allowed to mention in this context? Did the pollution from their unregulated industrial and mining sectors give everyone in the hive cities downstream developmental disabilities? When did the wumaos become dumber than the vatniks and good morning sirs combined?

              • 1 year ago

                >"innocent passage" and "freedom of navigation"
                Going inside territorial water is not freedom of navigation you dumb dumb

              • 1 year ago

                No, but it is innocent passage, you ching chong.

              • 1 year ago

                LOL go read the law

              • 1 year ago

                Which of the terms in pic related do you believe the Chinese ships violated? The closest I can think of is 2a, but just following someone else's boat isn't exactly a threat or use of force. You might be able to make an argument for 2d, but since the boats just milled around for a bit and left again when the coast guard showed up that would be a hard sell.

              • 1 year ago

                We can tell you haven't read the law, ching chong. You ain't foolin' no one.

            • 1 year ago

              So sailing a boat close to a Non-Nato country triggers Article 5 (which specifies "an armed attack") how, exactly? Do back to blowing your stepdad, maybe he will stop selling your mom on the street

              • 1 year ago

                >bringing up nato in the pacific

              • 1 year ago

                >Article 5
                Article 5 of Jap-US defense pact. Senkaku islands is covered by article 5, if Chinese ship enters territorial water of Japan, US is obligated to chase them out, but mutts won't do shit.


                Which of the terms in pic related do you believe the Chinese ships violated? The closest I can think of is 2a, but just following someone else's boat isn't exactly a threat or use of force. You might be able to make an argument for 2d, but since the boats just milled around for a bit and left again when the coast guard showed up that would be a hard sell.

                > milled around
                Chinese coastguard patrols Senkaku islands territorial waters and expel any Japanese ships over 300/365 days in 2022.
                Does it look like innocent passage to you?

              • 1 year ago

                Let's talk about one situation at a time before we start talking others. Which of the terms of innocent passage were violated in the first incident you brought up?

              • 1 year ago

                Expelling Japanese ships form "supposedly" Japanese territorial waters on a daily basis would and keeping Japanese from accessing Senkaku islands violate at least:
                2a, c, d, k, i.

              • 1 year ago

                Is that what happened 8 days ago, or is this an unrelated incident you're now asking me to also look into? If that is what happened 8 days ago, do you have another link that details that, because the one you provided does not describe this activity.

              • 1 year ago

                Doesn't matter, Chinese ships chased Jap ship out of their own water, once is enough. The fact US doesn't respect US-Jap defense treaty show US is impotent.

              • 1 year ago

                Look, I'm not going to investigate every single accusation of China violating this treaty or that treaty, especially when some of those accusations are based solely on Reuters taking a Chinese spokesperson's narrative at face value. The fact that you opened this conversation with an incident that fundamentally does not support your position makes me think that either you don't know what you're talking about, or you don't care about the veracity of your claims and are just engaging in a firehose of falsehood. Either way you don't deserve to be taken seriously.

              • 1 year ago

                Wow this is the text word for word and it doesn't day shit about territorial waters you cum gargling homosexual

              • 1 year ago

                Is that what happened 8 days ago, or is this an unrelated incident you're now asking me to also look into? If that is what happened 8 days ago, do you have another link that details that, because the one you provided does not describe this activity.

                Let's talk about one situation at a time before we start talking others. Which of the terms of innocent passage were violated in the first incident you brought up?


                Which of the terms in pic related do you believe the Chinese ships violated? The closest I can think of is 2a, but just following someone else's boat isn't exactly a threat or use of force. You might be able to make an argument for 2d, but since the boats just milled around for a bit and left again when the coast guard showed up that would be a hard sell.

                No, but it is innocent passage, you ching chong.

                >Chinese warships and coastguard patrol Japanese territorial water covered by article 5
                >Don't worry bro, it's just innocent passage.

                Holy cope

              • 1 year ago

                They're all fine

  4. 1 year ago


    Troops don't mean shit in a naval war Chang.
    China counts commercial fishing vessels in it's navy

    • 1 year ago

      >China counts commercial fishing vessels in it's navy
      Mutt delusion

      • 1 year ago

        they dont have the sea lifting capacity needed to transport and supply a naval invasion of taiwan without conscripting civilian vessels

      • 1 year ago

        They do

      • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      The most important thing to note here is the quality of the people onboard those ships. The USSR had a pretty big navy all things considered, and funnily enough the largest merchant fleet in the world during its time, but it was never actually a serious contender against the USN because their vessels and crew were often total dogshit and more of a danger to themselves than anyone else. And the USSR was able to cross all across the Atlantic even, China can barely piss around in the SCS, let alone the rest of the Pacific. I don’t think those frickers ever actually deploy their vessels in any significant manner past their immediate ports, instead of doing what limp dick regimes like the CCP do best and having everyone be shiny display pieces on something thats never actually been used. Talk as much shit on the USN as you want, it fricking deserves it, but you’re smoking something fierce if you actually think China is somehow better.

      on one point that would assure victory yes, problem is more than half of the world depend on goods made in china, if you blow up factories and harbor you litteraly made 1/3 of the US and half of europe unemployed in 24 hours, population in the US will def recover from that but not in europe.

      a winning move is to get india on board using their stupid ass border fight as bait, let the PLA get busy with their naval assault on taiwan and as soon they think they got it get india to start their shit, then use taiwan invasion as an excuse to "liberate" china, assume air supperiority and keep using india as cannon foder while you assemble troops and take china and during all that time get all european to stop sending anything to china and force these cucks into rebuilding their factories so dependency to china is no more a thing

      You know that China’s been losing a lot of manufacturing across the board the last few years because of their response to the Covid shit, right? Hell even pajeets are starting to assemble iphones now. Its why they’ve been peawienering so hard the last year, people are getting tired of their shit and realizing their right around as impotent as Russia is now.

      • 1 year ago

        "depends on" is a bit of a stretch. Although it is true that China allows products to remain cheap for countries with high purchasing power do to differences in exchange rates, developed economies like the United States and Western Europe have more than enough economic leeway to transition to isolationist manufacturing policy, although it wouldn't be pretty. China on the other hand, simply cannot afford to stop exporting goods to the west.

        to be fair i was not looking into the current chinese factory situation until you bringed it up now, that make a good point.
        and yeah, let's hope that in case shit go south, even with the covid situation and the current happening in ukraine the economy shift in europe wouldn't be too damage of some sort., tho i was mostly sure that the chinks were starting their stupid shit over the petrol that was found around in south japan sea

        • 1 year ago

          Another important thing to note is that the overwhelming majority of what China makes are basic b***h consoomer goods, its not like they’re making vital components like Taiwan and their microchips.


          >I don’t think those frickers ever actually deploy their vessels in any significant manner past their immediate ports
          I'm hardly some expert but it's interesting to flip the map to look at if you were Chinese and staring out into the Pacific. To me it looks kinda like this. MS Paint version.

          The U.S. has some advantages because it has all that room out in the ocean to maneuver. The ocean is big. The PLAN is gonna be in serious danger if it tries to break through that island chain to battle the USN in the open ocean, because the USN can pull back and draw the PLAN into a trap. You can also see where China's flanks are vulnerable as it presses on Taiwan.

          But the PLAN doesn't have to be a global navy to win if they built their navy to fight in their immediate area to achieve their political goals in their immediate area (they are doing this).

          The other side of the coin is that China has depth of its own: China. There's a saying in naval strategy that a "ship can't fight a fort." Forts protecting harbors would basically always win against ships because they can be built out of earth and stone, so you'd have to land troops somewhere up the beach and then flank the fort and knock it out before you can take the harbor.

          In the missile age, you can basically turn China into one giant "fort." Their main challenge is being able to identify USN ships at sea, track them and hold the track long enough for a land-based ASM to connect.

          I guess my main point was that Chinese seamanship is almost certainly lacking at the absolute best. They never actually do much of anything outside of posturing. The USN for all the faults it has still does all kinds of shit innaseas every single day, between standard underway deployment shit as well as anti piracy actions or lobbing munitions at any places that need them. American sailors actually see action and know how to handle themselves and more importantly their ship in times of active combat, especially in regards to things like damage control which is one of the most important things passed down and hammered into them. I for one wouldn’t be shocked at all if the time ever came the PLAN gives the Mongols a run for their money in being absolutely inept at anything involving major naval warfare because its just simply something they haven’t really done. Ships are pretty complex things, operating them effectively even more so, and there is just no way in hell you could possibly have good habits passed down crew to crew if your crews just spend all their time swabbing the decks and looking pretty for the cameras. Case in point what we saw with the Moskva.

          • 1 year ago

            >majority of what China makes are basic b***h consoomer goods
            Ok boomer, I'm sure it's still 2003, not 2023

          • 1 year ago

            >looking pretty for the cameras.
            Every military tries to look pretty for the cameras and I understand all that, but I'd suggest that for China to ever be anything other than what you're describing, they have to drill and train and practice with their ships and everything you're suggesting. And you can look at these images of them doing what appears to be that, and say "this is all for show," until it isn't. On the point about Chinese manufacturing, it's true that much of their capacity is focused on goods which are lower down the global value chain, but even here, we're seeing China break into higher-value-chain goods which then precipitated the trade war with the U.S. since the U.S. wants to block China from competing at that level. The fact is, the trade war wouldn't have begun in the first place if the U.S. wasn't concerned about China breaking out of being a basic b***h consoomer good country, if only in certain industries.

            • 1 year ago

              >China breaking out of being a basic b***h consoomer good country
              When? Where?

              • 1 year ago

                China long ago surpassed US&EU in solar panel production


              • 1 year ago

                Wtf does this have to do with anything you bug Black person?

              • 1 year ago

                >globohomosexual wants green energy production
                >largest solar panel production is china

            • 1 year ago

              >drill and train and practice with their ships
              The problem is that all their training is based on second-hand reports of actual naval actions. No one currently in the PLAN has any operational experience besides harassing civilian fishing boats and some very limited anti-piracy patrolling off Somalia.
              As far as I know, the PLA Navy has fought a total of three naval actions in its history. The first was the 1965 Battle of Dong-Yin where a ROC destroyers engaged 8 PRC gunboats (half of which were sunk). The second was the 1974 Battle of the Paracel Islands where 4 South Vietnamese ships (three former US Coast Guard cutters and an ex-USN minesweeper) faced off against 4 PLAN ships (2 minesweepers and 2 corvettes), which admittedly China won. The third was the 1988 Johnson South Reef Skirmish where 3 Chinese frigates fought 4 Vietnamese landing ships, and where the only side with surface combatants unsurprisingly won.
              They don't even have any significant navy powers to conduct joint exercises with. The Russian Navy is a sad joke rusting in port, North Korea has a Somalian pirate-tier brown-water navy, and Pakistan's naval history consists of sinking the INS Khukri (a Blackwood-class, which wikipedia describes as a "minimal second-class anti-submarine warfare frigate" armed with three 40mm Bofors and depth-charges) at the cost of two destroyers, a frigate, a submarine. and ten gunboats.
              China hopes to pull off the second most difficult amphibious invasion anyone has ever even considered attempting (after Operation Olympic) and do it while the most powerful navy in human history tries to stop them. The Chinese honestly don't know enough to realize how badly mismatched their goal is with their capabilities. A Chinese invasion of Taiwan will look like a remake of the Dieppe Raid done on an Army Group-scale crossed with the 1894 Battle of the Yalu River

          • 1 year ago

            >Another important thing to note is that the overwhelming majority of what China makes are basic b***h consoomer goods, its not like they’re making vital components like Taiwan and their microchips.

            Chinas medical industry keeps America supplied with blood pressure medications, anticoagulants and insulin. In case of a chink-america total breakdown, 20-30 million eldery americans would die within 1-2 years due to lack of these medications. Without blood pressure medication, the probability of an adverse event (aka "stroke" or "infarct") in a typical fat 60 year old american shartlord is very very high. The probability of adverse events increase exponentially with blood pressure.

            • 1 year ago

              Elderly dying is not tgat big a issues.
              China also supply most of US antibiotics, directly or indirectly.
              Having 2-5 millions children die from lack of antibiotics is a bigger issues

              • 1 year ago

                children should not be using that much antibiotics. Get a real doctor.

            • 1 year ago

              >20-30 million eldery americans would die within 1-2 years due to lack of these medications
              Single handedly saving Social Security

      • 1 year ago

        >I don’t think those frickers ever actually deploy their vessels in any significant manner past their immediate ports
        I'm hardly some expert but it's interesting to flip the map to look at if you were Chinese and staring out into the Pacific. To me it looks kinda like this. MS Paint version.

        The U.S. has some advantages because it has all that room out in the ocean to maneuver. The ocean is big. The PLAN is gonna be in serious danger if it tries to break through that island chain to battle the USN in the open ocean, because the USN can pull back and draw the PLAN into a trap. You can also see where China's flanks are vulnerable as it presses on Taiwan.

        But the PLAN doesn't have to be a global navy to win if they built their navy to fight in their immediate area to achieve their political goals in their immediate area (they are doing this).

        The other side of the coin is that China has depth of its own: China. There's a saying in naval strategy that a "ship can't fight a fort." Forts protecting harbors would basically always win against ships because they can be built out of earth and stone, so you'd have to land troops somewhere up the beach and then flank the fort and knock it out before you can take the harbor.

        In the missile age, you can basically turn China into one giant "fort." Their main challenge is being able to identify USN ships at sea, track them and hold the track long enough for a land-based ASM to connect.

        • 1 year ago

          >There's a saying in naval strategy that a "ship can't fight a fort."
          That was largely due to the accuracy limitations of naval gunnery, which even by WW2 were fading.

        • 1 year ago

          >Their main challenge is being able to identify USN ships at sea, track them and hold the track long enough for a land-based ASM to connect.

          "Total strike-miles=(Range of an ASM × Warhead weight of an ASM) × Number of such missiles carried by a warship × Number of such warships in the navy
          It concluded the total firepower of the PLAN was 77 million strike-miles compared to 17 million strike-miles of the USN."
          warhead weight might be a flawed metric, but overall I'd say the PLAN isn't doing bad.

          Ultimately I just question the strategy of containment regarding china because this has allowed them to become this strong in the first place.

          I don't know if its reddit tourists because of ukraine, but most china threads are filled to the brim with "cHinA iS jUsT LiKe RuSsIa"

        • 1 year ago

          Forts were useless in WW2, and it hasn’t gotten better for them.

        • 1 year ago

          >There's a saying in naval strategy that a "ship can't fight a fort."
          The "Devil Ship" (as the Chinese called it) would disagree

        • 1 year ago

          >a "ship can't fight a fort."
          Standoff range + F35 having the radar return of a gumball makes this fortress talk moot. Add in Taiwan having the missiles to strike anywhere on the mainland and you have Evergrand + King Gold fraud + all the other rickety social and economic factors just waiting to implode on the CCP permanently.

          Progressivism is a symptom of success, evidence that the populous is so productive and comfortable that they have free time to think about progressively increasingly fringe issues that don't really matter instead of working to death for pennies or revolting.

          >technology allows the unfit to propagate like a virus until there are enough coomer demons to agitate for unfit coomerism that kneecaps the technical basis for their existence
          We have nuclear proliferation and other WMD equivalents in the hands of mass murdering regimes like Russia & Red China because people like you have human toxoplasmosis and are incapable of anything but half-measures against existential threats, or intermediate 'unrestricted warfare' antecedents to them.

      • 1 year ago

        >non-nuclear powered fleet
        >Blyat & Road oil supply a pipe dream
        >Taiwan has missiles with the range to strike 3 Gorges Dam & Beijing, and probably nukes after decades of nuclear energy collaboration with Japs
        The problem isn't that it's a non-starter, the problem is an evil inbred power structure that doesn't know it's fricked from all sides and doesn't have the sense to take its corrupt ball and go home to rule over its Potemkin shithole

  5. 1 year ago


    Usually on military discussion boards and forums it's not about shilling for governments as it is defending your own people/race and attacking the enemy (see the use of the word: chang)

  6. 1 year ago


    I'm sorry, but I'm degrading the Chinese military online for free. I'm never leaving.

  7. 1 year ago

    by controlling all of mineral resources in africa and still have shit ton of factories that make cheap ass goods that everyone in world will buy
    that's how they win

    • 1 year ago

      >Having an underpaid labor force to drive an export machine is actually a good thing!
      China has a GDP per capita similar to Mexico

      • 1 year ago

        their gdp numbers are fake so its probably less than that

        • 1 year ago

          A wank a day keeps China at bay.

    • 1 year ago

      Not useful when the countries surrounding them will blockade their merchant fleet

      • 1 year ago

        >Stops importing food to China
        >Blow up ports
        >Watch as China tears itself apart

        on one point that would assure victory yes, problem is more than half of the world depend on goods made in china, if you blow up factories and harbor you litteraly made 1/3 of the US and half of europe unemployed in 24 hours, population in the US will def recover from that but not in europe.

        a winning move is to get india on board using their stupid ass border fight as bait, let the PLA get busy with their naval assault on taiwan and as soon they think they got it get india to start their shit, then use taiwan invasion as an excuse to "liberate" china, assume air supperiority and keep using india as cannon foder while you assemble troops and take china and during all that time get all european to stop sending anything to china and force these cucks into rebuilding their factories so dependency to china is no more a thing

        • 1 year ago

          "depends on" is a bit of a stretch. Although it is true that China allows products to remain cheap for countries with high purchasing power do to differences in exchange rates, developed economies like the United States and Western Europe have more than enough economic leeway to transition to isolationist manufacturing policy, although it wouldn't be pretty. China on the other hand, simply cannot afford to stop exporting goods to the west.

          • 1 year ago

            this is not entirely the case. both germany and japan run export based economies as well. they are as much (if not more, because their number 1 customer is china) dependant on being able to export to china.

            Ultimately there are two options for china
            >annex militarily
            >annex peacefully

            Pros for the military invasion: Shorter timetable, legally taiwan is part of china, no country recognizes taiwan as a sovereign nation, not a member of any military alliance
            Cons: loss of chinese and taiwanese life and destruction of infrastructure (TSMC)

            Pros for peaceful annexation: no cost of lifes, capture of all infrastructure intact
            Cons: takes time to subvert/falsify election and legitimize chinese rule

            If I was china I'd probably go the peaceful route. Even though I believe that the US wouldn't do shit in case of invasion I just don't think china wants to take the risks of bombing the precious semiconductor factory to shit.

        • 1 year ago

          They said the same thing about sanctioning Russia and how Europe would freeze to death. And Europe seems pretty fine to me

    • 1 year ago

      >Stops importing food to China
      >Blow up ports
      >Watch as China tears itself apart

      • 1 year ago

        no dice, the various western powers have explicitly guaranteed that we will never use food as a weapon because we're all too "civilised" or some bullshit

        • 1 year ago

          the biggest food producer in the world by far is China. No one even comes close. The west of course doesn't want to play that game. There's nothing civilized about that. Mutts literal stole Eucucks medical supplies sent from China during the height of Covid. The west are just a bunch of Black folk because Black folk come from the west. Case in point: in Africa, there is no Black person, just african.

        • 1 year ago

          The west would never use food as a weapon. Now claiming that the war makes it too dangerous for civilian shipping to get within 500 miles of China, on the other hand...

    • 1 year ago

      ah yes, the old British colonial economy strat
      remind me again how well that worked out for them?

  8. 1 year ago


    homie really thinks the US budget is a giant scrooge mcduck vault

  9. 1 year ago

    >How can Chinese navy hope to compete when US is stationed closer to Taiwan than even China is?
    By endlessly coping and seething. as usual.

  10. 1 year ago



    kek its from Bing/ChatGPT

    wtf, are bots actually scraping threads with questions in them and feeding them into ChatGPT?

    • 1 year ago

      >wtf, are bots actually scraping threads with questions in them and feeding them into ChatGPT?
      Yes... bots. Have a nice day.

    • 1 year ago


  11. 1 year ago


    Mutts don't need to cope only bloated totally not corrupt and totally not empires need to. See pre Feb 2022 and see Russia now.

  12. 1 year ago



  13. 1 year ago


    botpost. At least try to make it not obvious you just copied from chatgpt

  14. 1 year ago


    hyeprsonic missile can't sink submarines wung po and commercial fleet can't have unlimited escorts

  15. 1 year ago

    China and the United States will never go to war with eachother since China relies on the US being its largest trade partner just to fricking exist and the US needs a country to export labor to in order to keep the cost of cheap shit down for themselves. It's a symbiotic relationship. This taunting over Tiawan is nothing short of geopolitical autism.

  16. 1 year ago


    yes yes like all those hypersonic missiles that russia has.
    china lies about shit even more than russia.

  17. 1 year ago

    >Zero Hedge (or ZeroHedge)[b] is a far-right[13] libertarian[18] financial blog and news aggregator.[14][15][19] Zero Hedge, per its motto,[a] is bearish in its investment outlook and analysis, often deriving from its adherence to the Austrian School of economics and credit cycles.[23] While often labeled as a financial permabear,[24][25] Zero Hedge has also been described as a source of "cutting-edge news, rumors and gossip in the financial industry".[26]
    >Over time, Zero Hedge expanded into non-financial political content,[c] including conspiracy theories and fringe rhetoric[3][28] advancing radical right,[15][29] alt-right,[30][31][32] and pro-Russia positions.[1][33][34][35] Zero Hedge's non-financial commentary has led to multiple site bans by global social media platforms, although its 2019 Facebook ban[36][37] and 2020 Twitter ban were later reversed.[15][38]

  18. 1 year ago


    Holding defensive positions especially on an island are more advantageous than trying to Mario kart landing crafts to have a beach party with anti aircraft and anti navel guns firing on you.

  19. 1 year ago

    Pretty telling that Xi is trying to shill peace deals everywhere isn't it?

  20. 1 year ago

    Western response to China invading Taiwan will be supplying arms and monetary aid only.

    • 1 year ago

      I wouldn't count on that.

    • 1 year ago

      Bullshit. US isn’t doing anything in Ukraine because we don’t shit where we eat and we don’t want to piss off Europe. We don’t care about pissing off anyone in Asia. We’ve nuked it before lol. My great uncle bbqed a lot of zips

  21. 1 year ago


  22. 1 year ago


    They'll just get it from the various balkanized Russian successor states that pop up

  23. 1 year ago


    >Unironically citing Zerohedge

    Not going to make it my Russian friend

  24. 1 year ago


    Every reactionary state the west has ever fought have lost

    • 1 year ago

      reactionary like USSR?

      • 1 year ago

        The USSR killed themselves

  25. 1 year ago


    These sorta things are exaggerated for political effect. Realistically, Russia has a rather more "liberal" culture than some countries the U.S. is quite friendly with. It's not as based and trad as people exaggerate on either side of the coin. There are drag shows in Moscow, they haven't been banned. Nobody cares about the junta in Egypt though.

  26. 1 year ago


    Cope lol

    • 1 year ago

      Sorry for hurting the feelings of the chinese people.

  27. 1 year ago

    Free Tibet!

  28. 1 year ago


    Entertainment Weekly is the best of the history books.

  29. 1 year ago


    because he puts the norm in normie you fricking buffoon, imagine if I made some
    stupid fricking hulk joke and went
    >hehe I don't get to bust out the MARVEL jokes very often!!!
    You are the exact kind of person who will die unhappy

    • 1 year ago

      Cry some more

  30. 1 year ago


    >Most of the chink navy is shitty costal patrol and torpedo boats
    Which side has more aircraft carriers again?

  31. 1 year ago

    America can just sit back, eat some popcorn (with mountains of salt and butter of course) and enjoy watching China suffer a demographic collapse the likes of which the world has never seen before.

    • 1 year ago

      Is it time to short chinese boipussy or should I buy and hold for the long term?

      • 1 year ago

        hold you fool, there will be an initial downturn as supply drops but that demand is never going away so your stocks are only going to become more valuable in the long term

    • 1 year ago

      And for China it will be the worst;

      The west is relatively absent of brain drain, and has been padding its young populace with migrants, irrespective of what you think of this.

      Meanwhile China has been running a hyper restrictive immigration system for decades now that all but makes it impossible to naturalize, and consequently does not only have brain drain; it is literally impossible for it to attract western citizens on account of the dumb naturalization laws and the second class citizen state being a foreigner puts you in.

      • 1 year ago

        even their current young generation is miserable and entitled, and has a neet crisis that makes japan's look like childs play.

      • 1 year ago

        They've lured in a significant number of taiwanese to work there with high salaries. However every Taiwanese I know that went working in bugland has quit and never went back. And this was all before covid.

        The thing about TikTok/douyin is that it really does a number on their own kids. Every other young Chinese is either a neet or prostituting themselves. The CCP try to push down the rot with oppressive laws against usage but as we all know that just makes teenagers want to do it more.

        • 1 year ago

          They will just force deadbeats into factories. Nothing new

      • 1 year ago

        Oh wow, US will never loose all the Mexican and African scientists to china, how will CHina ever survive

        • 1 year ago

          A Mexican intellectual flew over my house

      • 1 year ago

        You don't seem to realize that China, like Israel, only needs technology transfer from ethnic Chinese living in western countries, it doesn't need "western citizens" and "diversity".

        • 1 year ago

          >it doesnt matter that the average age is gonna be in the 50s and none of the younger generation is working, youre just muh joos!

      • 1 year ago

        Well china does have other methods regarding brain drain. As in stealing tech and copying it. Theres a reason the chinese tourist with his camera is a meme on trade show floors.
        They also send students to european (and presumably american) universities, but I hear mixed reports on the efficiency of that, some say they are constantly cheating on exams while segregating themselves or driving around brand new BMWs, others say they are actually hard-working. others yet again simply prefer them over the african migrant students with BO.

        Then you have foreign companies that act as chinese proxies, where western engineers do the R&D in an office in the west by a company that used to owned by the west but now has chinese majority shareholders or is wholly owned by them.

        • 1 year ago

          >some say they are constantly cheating on exams

          The Chinese cheat!? Say it ain't so!

      • 1 year ago

        >The west is relatively absent of brain drain, and has been padding its young populace with migrants, irrespective of what you think of this.

        These migrants are a massive net drain, not an asset. And west has massive pseudo brain drain trough dysgenics. Practically it doesnt matter if they disappear by emigration or to the grave, in neither case they leave a replacement behind. This is particulary pronounced in english speaking countries.

  32. 1 year ago

    they can't, the usa doesn't even need bases super close; even with all the other cool stuff in its arsenal, the usa has LRASMs and b-2s and those are enough alone

  33. 1 year ago


    Progressivism is a symptom of success, evidence that the populous is so productive and comfortable that they have free time to think about progressively increasingly fringe issues that don't really matter instead of working to death for pennies or revolting.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        >Cursed to live in the panel that represents wealth, power, grandeur, and the zenith of human civilization.
        Why even go on, my fellow Ameribros?

    • 1 year ago

      >Progressivism is a symptom of success

      Its a symptom of socitetal degeneracy.

  34. 1 year ago

    >US military bases are now less than 100 miles away from Taiwan
    So the US just moved their soldiers, planes into range of the PHL-191? That's supposed to be a bad thing?

    • 1 year ago

      wow fire dragon, very original

    • 1 year ago

      the point being china will now have to attack the phillipines if it wants to hit the bases. ukraine didn't hit belarus when russia was storming the north for a reason, you global south moron.

      • 1 year ago

        Then the US shouldn't try to intervene/attack chinese forces during the invasion of Taiwan, is that simple. If they try to do anything (bomb landing forces or anything), then whichever airbase that US plane/bomber who did t is fair game, even if It's in one of the US lapdog countries (SK, Japan and now Phillipines). If those countries don't want that to happen then ban the US from doing strike operation from their airbases (thus only US aircraft carriers would be targets from PLARF and long range rocket artillery)

        • 1 year ago

          I'm sure China wants to declare ware on several countries in the Pacific.

    • 1 year ago

      Keep four things in mind:
      1. The PRSM has the same range as the PHL-16
      2. American ABM systems aren't vaporware.
      3. The US has vastly better ISTAR capabilities.
      4. It's much easier to conceal a HIMARS than a landing ship.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh, we make missire rauncher tat can hit sumting, implessive, vely implessive technorogy

      • 1 year ago

        >US military bases are now less than 100 miles away from Taiwan
        So the US just moved their soldiers, planes into range of the PHL-191? That's supposed to be a bad thing?

        Thank our best ally, the chinks got their 370mm, rocket tech from them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynx_(multiple_rocket_launcher)

        • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            Yeah, because that's the version from Israel. The chinks got the 370mm rocket and extended the range from 400km to 500km and uses Beidou instad of GPS

            • 1 year ago

              cringe GLON"ASS" tier
              >10m CEP confirmed

    • 1 year ago

      It’s like the PRC has the only missiles and they all work perfectly and everyone else is a stationary target.

      • 1 year ago

        Ammo & fuel depots are static and taking them out can cripple any army, see how HIMARS have been used to stop Russian offensives and forced them to retreat because their logistics got rekt by them. So China with long range MRL and TBM's can achieve the same thing against the US bases in the region without having to kill many US servicemen whilst significantly reducing their capabilities in the process (what's the use of Abrams tanks, Apaches, F-22/F-35 without fuel and ammo?

        • 1 year ago

          Reducing their capabilities? Absolutely. But against a country with a naval air wing so large it's the 2nd largest airforce in the world, and whose airforce is actually the largest, which is facilitated by the largest airborne tanker fleet in the world, and has already flown multiple bombing raids on other continents from within the continental US, with verifiably some of the most (if not THE most) precise standoff weapons in the world, it isn't exactly a checkmate.

  35. 1 year ago

    Taiwan's with us. Frick off chang.

  36. 1 year ago


    Progressivism is part of being the best.
    You can't afford to worry about minorities in your country, if you're living in a shithole.

  37. 1 year ago

    Dubs checked, but the US will never go to war with China for the same reason we never went to war with the USSR/Russia, because we know we would lose.

    • 1 year ago

      no one is losing to russia
      this "multi-polar" world they are baseding about will exist without them.

    • 1 year ago

      Winning a cold war is comfier than winning a nuclear war

  38. 1 year ago


    >US Treasury runs out of money it, itself, issues.

  39. 1 year ago


    Are the pajeets shilling on behalf of China now? What a strange timeline...

  40. 1 year ago


    If what you say is true, then you're b***hing to bots about how many bots there are. That's the life you've chosen to live. That's what you're doing with your limited time on Earth. Pathetic.

  41. 1 year ago


    >Picture of the civilian head of the Public Health Service next to some black lady.
    Oh, no! How will our military recover from this completely unrelated thing that in no way pertains to them?

  42. 1 year ago

    Anything posted that close to China is getting plastered with missiles in the opening hours of a conflict.
    This is actually a serious problem that US does not take seriously enough, exercises have shown that most USAF losses in a SCS conflict would be on the ground and likely in the order of hundreds of aircraft.

    • 1 year ago

      yes please

      start the war by surprise attacking all the surrounding countries

      better yet do it around Pearl Harbor time

      the americans won't do anything, they just won't cos trannies and stuff

  43. 1 year ago

    china and america are both known to be great losers of wars so it would be interesting to see who would win if anyone it could be a draw

    • 1 year ago

      The difference is that the US often loses wars, but just as often doesn't, but China? Let's just say China doesn't have a mixed record.

  44. 1 year ago

    So, what’s going on with Chinese naval SAM development? They claim to have HQ-9B (HQ-9 with dual-mode seeker) but is there any confirmation of these being loaded onto PLAN vessels? What about the ESSM (quad-packed US missile) competitor? Was there some sort of disagreement or different concepts from two different engineers or something like that? Anyone with better understanding of CN sources please help an anon out.

  45. 1 year ago


    Anon, I...


    • 1 year ago


      Ya, EU spent all its money to buy natural gas caused a temporary price collapse which will result in a massive price spike this winter

  46. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Black folk cant help themselves

    • 1 year ago

      You know things are bad when you can't prevent your own citizens from being killed by Wagner mongols.

      • 1 year ago

        pretty sure it's a CIA operation and they trying to pin it on Wagner

        • 1 year ago

          >it's a CIA operation
          Ah, the second and third world's cope for everything. They use it the same way medieval Europeans attributed their misfortunes to witches.

    • 1 year ago

      Is that seriously the whole point of Xi's visit? Pooh going in to have a term talking-to with his pet, and now Wagner are reportedly getting pulled off the battlelines. It's like Im watching some shitty mob show, somebody better be getting whacked at the end of this.

    • 1 year ago

      Did gayner kill them?

      • 1 year ago


  47. 1 year ago

    homie it has been over since Japan let the USN/USMC use a huge chunk of Okinawa to run bases in 1970 and park the seventh fleet at Yokosuka

  48. 1 year ago

    Are you getting paid? Aren’t you tired?

  49. 1 year ago

    The Chinese have an enormous advantage in basing:


  50. 1 year ago





    Could I get a samegay check? Hand pic optional.

  51. 1 year ago

    >All the deleted posts
    Chicoms are 200% mad.

  52. 1 year ago

    wheooaaahhh, foorish westerners, hearts poisoned with pride like toxic lillypads, wirr cower like startled beasts before mighty dragon emperor xi jinpingpongpoo, in year of wiener festival

  53. 1 year ago




    Post a timestamped picture of yourself riding an escalator in safety and comfort.

  54. 1 year ago


    >You lose more vs Chinese fentanyl than we do
    Well, they say the best defense is a good offense, so it seems the United States has no choice but to launch the Third Opium War. Frick around and find out, etcetera.

    • 1 year ago

      >Third Opium War
      Please do, and let China teach the US how it feels like to fight the world's factory.

      • 1 year ago

        >to fight the world's factory
        The second war with China looks really likely that'd be Vietnam, Mexico, India, and/or any number of other poor countries with cheap labor and a desire for tons of foreign business. You are not the only game in town. Your economy would be obliterated, ours would be hurt for the time it takes for factories to fire up elsewhere. Your economy cannot exist without the nations that would stop buying from you. You however are replaceable to the rest of the world. China's ambitions will be crushed the instant all that foreign business goes elsewhere, before a single shot is fired.

        The best part is a lot of those potential replacements will probably do a better job. China is a nation of scammers, liars, and thieves.

        • 1 year ago

          >You are not the only game in town. Your economy would be obliterated
          Lol, stop living in the 90s. How's inflation working out for you?

          • 1 year ago

            Hive has robots for some for it's drones to use. Neat. Now who are you going to sell the things they make to when most of your old customers, including the biggest one, are the very same people you've gone to war against and now no longer buy from you?

            Also, the inflation isn't fun but if it were really bad we'd probably be doing more than b***hing about it.

            • 1 year ago

              It's 2023 and you still think China is an export based economy?

              • 1 year ago

                >China's GDP per capita: $12,970
                >65th highest GDP per capita in the world
                >Costa Rica is 64th
                Yes, the Chinese economy is 100% reliant on exports for survival. You can't support a high-tech industrial base with just domestic demand when the average Chinese person produces half the economic value as the average Iranian.

          • 1 year ago

            that image also misses the fact china owns germany's largest robotics manufacturer kuka by now. which probably makes up a large number of those robots in germany

      • 1 year ago

        >let China teach the US how it feels like to fight the world's factory for things with less than two stars on Amazon.com

        • 1 year ago

          keep coping

          • 1 year ago

            Maybe retire your MiG-21 clones from active service before you try talking shit. It's 2023 and you're still flying fighters that entered service when Eisenhower was president. And goddamn, at least the Russians are bringing their T-55s out of long-forgotten storage. The PLA still has units equipped with T-54 clones straight outta 1 9 4 7.

            • 1 year ago

              >in pic: turning old plane into cruise missiles
              >you're still flying fighters that entered service when Eisenhower was president

              Mutts can't read lol

              • 1 year ago

                >in active service in 2023.
                Chang can't read.

              • 1 year ago


                Maybe retire your MiG-21 clones from active service before you try talking shit. It's 2023 and you're still flying fighters that entered service when Eisenhower was president. And goddamn, at least the Russians are bringing their T-55s out of long-forgotten storage. The PLA still has units equipped with T-54 clones straight outta 1 9 4 7.

                lol they're flying that trash. What a failed nation

      • 1 year ago

        3rd verse same as the first and second

        • 1 year ago

          We should go back to calling Chinese warships "junks".

      • 1 year ago

        >the third opium war will be China and South America forcing amerifats to take the jab

  55. 1 year ago

    This dumb chigga actually believed that a vatnik could ever tell the truth.

  56. 1 year ago


    really what did saudi arabia do except accept the gift of iranians giving up the houthis?

  57. 1 year ago

    positioning jets close to china is exactly the wrong thing to do. 90% of US losses are predicted to be on the ground because of a lack of shelters and being concentrated on a handful of bases.


  58. 1 year ago

    I would like to express my appreciation to the janitorial staff for dabbing on chinks and such lately

  59. 1 year ago


    >kills off a good chunk of our old and sick tax burdens with covid
    >creates an anti authority back lash in the US due to lock downs
    >kills off our junkie tax burdens with fet.
    >gives us a casi belli to crush the cartels and maybe annex more of mehico
    >gets all our advisories united so we can give them a thorough curb stomping
    >gives the MIC a new boogymam (yes mam) now that russia has been shown to be a joke

    Thanks china!

  60. 1 year ago

    It just take 1 Earthquake in Japan and China can make its move.
    Remember this.

  61. 1 year ago

    Chink this Chink that, why are you so obsessed with us golden bvlls? Do you have no shame?

    • 1 year ago

      burn alive.

  62. 1 year ago

    When the frick is japan remilitarizing? Like seriously how much longer are they gonna live in their pacific bubble while having chicom insects as their neighbour?

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >japan remilitarizing
      Just make Japs die faster

  63. 1 year ago

    China is becoming Russia's vassal.
    oil and food for everything you have, Chang.
    or else you die of hunger.

  64. 1 year ago

    >How can Chinese navy hope to compete when US is stationed closer to Taiwan than even China is?


  65. 1 year ago

    Why doesn't Taiwan allow an American on their soil?

    • 1 year ago

      There are already US troops there. It is only a matter of time before they ask the US to set up a base.

      • 1 year ago

        >Congressman admits there are US troops in Taiwan
        >Chinese official seethe and tell them to take them out right now!
        >US says no lol
        >China hides any mention of the fact that US has troops in Taiwan because it makes China look weak
        What a pathetic paper tiger China is

        >already US troops there
        You got 200 saboteurs whose job is to blow up taiwan.

        • 1 year ago

          Nice cope

    • 1 year ago

      There are already US troops there. It is only a matter of time before they ask the US to set up a base.

      >Congressman admits there are US troops in Taiwan
      >Chinese official seethe and tell them to take them out right now!
      >US says no lol
      >China hides any mention of the fact that US has troops in Taiwan because it makes China look weak
      What a pathetic paper tiger China is

      • 1 year ago

        >brings no weapon.
        >denies being at official duty
        what paper tiger. Even worse, there are American troops on mainland China and the CCP is hiding them!!

        • 1 year ago

          Hey Chang. Learn English and try again

          • 1 year ago

            only NPCs before 2020 cannot comprehend a sentence without perfect syntax. You cannot be a bot before the AI in 2023 is better than this.
            -100 FICO score. You now have to suck Black wieners to pay for that hospital bill.

            • 1 year ago

              ah so you are moronic. If you mark anyone with military training as "troop" then China itself has tons of american troops.
              clear? fricking seanig i swear.

              Lol learn English Chang. China was seething because US was sending Navy Seals to live in Taiwan and train the troops. Chang officials told them to leave right now and they didn't.
              You can seethe all you want Chang, still lost to the Kinmen.

              • 1 year ago

                lol it's navy seals now. That makes perfect sense. Kek. You seanigs are hilarious.

              • 1 year ago

                >No argument
                >Only being angry
                Why are you like this Chang?

              • 1 year ago

                there's nothing cope about it. The US has lured recalled one of them back to Australia and is now trying to extradite him. Keep up with the news.
                Oh wait! I get it now it was a 5D chess move, sending troop to China to train them wrong then arrest said troop to make it more credible!
                At least I can truly see xD

                This is some utterly extreme levels of cope.
                >NO TAIWAN IS APART OF CHINA
                Then why are US troops stationed there Chang?

              • 1 year ago

                because the "taiwanese" are occupying it and committing treason. That's the perfect justification for taking it back when it's convenient to do so. Surely you don't think that just because you live on a piece of land for 80 years it will be yours right? kek

              • 1 year ago

                >when it's convenient to do so.
                So never

              • 1 year ago

                you can compare the frequency of appearances of USN in SCS and Taiwan strait in the 90s, 00s and now to get a trend. Look at the location of those ships too.
                When the PLA starts building a lot of amphibious land ships you know that they are not serious. But when they start building nuclear submarines, carriers, DDGs, AWEC, nuclear warheads, early warning satellites etc. you should be very worried, which is what they are doing BTW.

              • 1 year ago

                Yes 2 more weeks. Kek.
                If they want to get BTFO by America and Japan be my guest though.

              • 1 year ago

                I agree. It's silly to think the US sent Navy SEALs to train the Taiwanese military. That's what the Green Berets are for.

            • 1 year ago

              >-100 FICO score.
              And they say the Chinese can only copy the west.

        • 1 year ago

          I have no idea what the frick you are trying to say. Why are Russian shills so much better at English than Chinese ones?

          • 1 year ago

            ah so you are moronic. If you mark anyone with military training as "troop" then China itself has tons of american troops.
            clear? fricking seanig i swear.

            • 1 year ago

              >If you mark anyone with military training as "troop" then China itself has tons of american troops.
              This is some extreme cope

              • 1 year ago

                there's nothing cope about it. The US has lured recalled one of them back to Australia and is now trying to extradite him. Keep up with the news.
                Oh wait! I get it now it was a 5D chess move, sending troop to China to train them wrong then arrest said troop to make it more credible!
                At least I can truly see xD

  66. 1 year ago

    Americans don't control US Government foreign policy. They could waste 100,000 zoomers fighting the Chinese then let controlled opposition party #2 take over. Before you know it normies don't remember what happened.

  67. 1 year ago

    It's over

  68. 1 year ago

    >US Dollar is backed by stability of US economy
    >Raising China/Russia/MiddleEast/India are a threat to US economy inherently through competition
    >US uses military to guard trade routes and prevent other countries from encroaching on US economic spaces
    This is all that matters. US will continually expand it's military to protect is economic interest.
    No other country/groups of countries have the isolation or military power to enforce this level of stability, and we saw that with covid.

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