Uniform quality

Which country has the best uniforms in terms of quality and practicality?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 11 months ago

    Probably some western Euro country, while US uniforms are still made in the US due to the Berry Amendment it's usually beaners making them. Being NIR compliant is also a concern so it doesn't glow under night vision which I imagine most first world countries have covered.
    Most military uniforms today are streamlined - which is to say, most of them are exactly the same with some variations.

    • 11 months ago

      Australia and Norway both have very well equipped infantry, since they both get big money from extractive industries. Not sure of the process of it, but its seems like in garrison Norwegian troops wear regular uniforms (probably NFM), but on deployment they get issued crye uniforms. Hence why there used to be so many Nkamo cryes on ebay.

    • 11 months ago

      >usually beaners making them
      wtf does this even mean

      • 11 months ago

        He means that it's made by low wage labor. Which is a dumb complaint because literally everything is made by low wage laborers.

        >t. Low wage laborer

        • 11 months ago

          he just wants to be race brained

        • 11 months ago

          And it's a serious fricking problem.

          When war breaks out with China, literally 89% of all of our supply lines are going to disappear overnight. We have so much Made in China shit we use in the military that alone could cripple our readiness.

          And then when you factor in all the stuff we get from third-world labor, a whole bunch of that is going to vanish too once the CCP either cuts off our supply lines or bribes them to stop supplying us.

          • 11 months ago

            No, we don't and we can outsource many of our shit to other countries. If a war starts out, shit will get expensive, but we can manage.

          • 11 months ago

            >When war breaks out with China, literally 89% of all of our supply lines are going to disappear overnight.
            This assumes war breaks out with China overnight.

          • 11 months ago

            >When war breaks out with China

            That's the neat thing. It won't. The CCP loves to bark like a dog that's about to charge but it won't do anything. Do you know why? Because the moment they do, we cut them off from all of their overseas supply lines. They're far more reliant that we are on foreign goods. The moment they're at war with the US, all bets are off and EVERYBODY dogpiles them. And the CCP knows that. They don't want an uprising in Hong Kong. They don't want an uprising in Tibet. They don't want an uprising in Xinjiang. They don't want to have to defend against ballistic missiles launched from Taiwan at mainland China. They don't want to have to deal with Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, India, Japan or Indonesia jumping in for a chance to settle their territorial disputes while the Chinese are distracted by war with the US and struggling to maintain civil order in the face of starvation and resource shortages.

            • 11 months ago

              I think people forget that america has missiles pointed at china at the south china sea and can target their manufacturing capabilities. China doesn't have many friends that can produce their shit and also host ships/troops for them

              • 11 months ago

                3 missiles, one dam.

          • 11 months ago

            >When war breaks out with China, literally 89% of all of our supply lines are going to disappear overnight.

        • 11 months ago

          No he means spics.

          he just wants to be race brained


  2. 11 months ago


    >American uniforms are just one of a long list of reasons why we're going to get our shit kicked in during the next conventional war.
    What's wrong with them?

    • 11 months ago

      >Ridiculously expensive
      >Massive supply chain shortages
      >Fabric rips easily
      >Camo ink fades after a single wash
      >Zippers break after a few dozen zips
      >Boots are ergonomic nightmares using outdated styles that have caused foot issues among troops to quadruple
      >Pattern doesn't blend into fricking anything
      >Ink is reactive to certain detergents and will literally glow neon-bright under NVGs or infrared.
      >The people wearing them are out-of-shape, emotionally sensitive homosexuals who identify as 12 different genders, think manual labor is a form of discrimination, and think our enemies are misunderstood innocent victims.

      • 11 months ago

        Have you actually owned the uniforms? From my experience they are pretty high quality. Also multicam blends in way better than ucp did. Comparing American uniforms to Chinese uniforms is like comparing an airsoft gun to the real deal.

        • 11 months ago

          >Ridiculously expensive
          No, lol.
          >Massive supply chain shortages
          No? The U.S. instead makes a shitton of surplus that will eventually go to Government markets.
          >Camo ink fades after a single wash
          No, i have both MCCUU, ABUs, OCP/UCP. They all didn't fade after washing.
          >Fabric rips easily
          Nope, the fabric are pretty durable, so you're just talking out of your ass.
          >Zippers break after a few dozen zips
          Nah, and some uniforms don't even use zippers. But even then, the buttons and zippers mostly are pretty durable.
          >Boots are ergonomic nightmares using outdated styles that have caused foot issues among troops to quadruple
          The boots are not that bad either.
          >Pattern doesn't blend into fricking anything
          Which pattern? Ucp? I can agree. Multicam/marpat? They are great.
          >Ink is reactive to certain detergents and will literally glow neon-bright under NVGs or infrared
          Not really, i washed my shit and its still doesn't glow lmao.
          >The people wearing them are out-of-shape, emotionally sensitive homosexuals who identify as 12 different genders, think manual labor is a form of discrimination, and think our enemies are misunderstood innocent victims.
          Active troope are fit and the uniforms are in many sizes. You being obsessed with trannies/homosexuals is not an argument. It doesn't effect the way they do their jobs. Your post shows that you never owne the uniforms and also based most of the shit out of you hatred for trannies or whatever.

          I'm fricking active-duty, you contrarian little bawd. I've got 7 years of bullshit dealing with these shitty uniforms and useless fricking technology and worthless piece of shit subordinates and superiors raining down on my head.

          • 11 months ago

            Being a POG doesn't make you an expert in anything. I have the uniforms and they are not what you said.

            • 11 months ago

              I'm Maintenance.

              • 11 months ago

                And that makes you an expert in other fields because??

              • 11 months ago

                I'm saying that I work in a job where my uniform is actually supposed to take a beating, and it absolutely fricking can't.

              • 11 months ago

                I work for a highway department which is comparable wear and tear, my gear gets beat to shit. Current surplus is as durable as anything else, I have seen none of these issues, except the boots aren't great. Buy your own boots I guess? It definitely doesn't glow under NVGs.

            • 11 months ago

              And that makes you an expert in other fields because??

              NTA but Shut up homosexual. The regular OCPs we get issued rip open on the ass after 3 or 4 months of Flightline use. Anyone who does actual work has to superglue the little ass flaps closed from time to time or buy new pants if you have a dickhead NCO on your shift

              • 11 months ago

                >rip open on the ass

                Then maybe you should do something about your plump ass, Anon. I've got a normal shaped ass and it's never blown the back of my trousers out no matter how much stress I've placed on it. The only time the ass has torn was when an Afghan kid shot me in the ass with a 9mm. Not a regular occurrence, I promise you.


                Thats a problem when my Uniform allowance and Boot letters are only an annual occurrence. We burn through them 3x as fast as they give us replacements.

                The frick are you doing where you're ruining so many uniforms in a single year.

              • 11 months ago

                >Afghan kid shot me in the ass with a 9mm. Not a regular occurrence, I promise you.
                Whats the story on that? Did some moron gave a kid a 9mm to play around with?

              • 11 months ago

                There is no story. He's a liar

              • 11 months ago

                >some Taliban plink away from a ridge with PKs at a convoy
                >we get sent to only village close enough for them to hide in case they're not innacave somewhere
                >check out the houses
                >platoon sergeant notices two young guys who are purposely looking anywhere but at us
                >well, we probably found them
                >notices a couple of prayer mats laying out
                >it's not time for prayer yet, slides them out of the way and finds a board
                >lift the board and bang there's a small hole with a couple AKs, a PK and a couple of bootleg looking pistols
                >we grab the two guys after the dad realizes we're going to grab him as well and finally fesses up
                >think we're done and start getting ready to head back
                >nice and easy cool
                >suddenly feel like someone smashed in the back of the head with a baseball bat
                >then another four in my back and finally one last smack on my ass
                >stumble forward and fall on my knees
                >turn around just in time to see a kid holding a visibly jammed pistol get grabbed by the hair by our SAW gunner and his feet kicked out from under him
                >realize I've just been shot
                >pull off ACH in shock, find a 9mm jammed halfway into it
                >move to undo my IOTV and my squad leader stops me
                >end up riding back with my bare ass exposed to a very much amused medic who keeps telling me I have a beautiful butthole

                Not really that exciting. Kid was hiding one of their guns and when he realized we were taking away his big brother tried to be a little Taliban hero. Don't know what happened to him, don't care.


                Kys moron

                Jesus Christ, you have the body of a gangly 17 year old.

              • 11 months ago

                Assuming you got OCP uniforms, did it took place between 2010-2014?

              • 11 months ago

                This was in 2012 so it was UCP/MultiCam only then. OCP wasn't until like 15/16?

              • 11 months ago

                Oh, that nice. I heard UCP uniforms had quality inconsistencies. Was that true?

              • 11 months ago

                NTA but I have some UCP surp pants. Scratchy as frick but durability seems okayish

              • 11 months ago

                I also have some surplus pants. The quality seems fine also a bit faded since i had them for a few years. Although i heard from other people that the pants had production problems

              • 11 months ago

                I also have some surplus pants. The quality seems fine also a bit faded since i had them for a few years. Although i heard from other people that the pants had production problems

                I haven't posted yet and don't have a side in the shitflinging earlier in the thread, but the UCP uniforms were actually better than the OCPs in terms of durability. The fabric held up better, the stitching was better, they were just more robust. The multicam FRACUs I found less durable.

                I don't know if maintainer anon is wearing the aramid aircrew uniforms, but those are extremely not durable.

              • 11 months ago

                I found the regular ACUs with the insect repellent to be more durable. I heard fire resistance clothing gets worn out pretty easily in both the MCCUU and ACUs.

              • 11 months ago

                >The only time the ass has torn was when an Afghan kid shot me in the ass with a 9mm.
                Post DD14. That never happened. You're a larper.

                >The frick are you doing where you're ruining so many uniforms in a single year.
                I'm an aircraft mechanic. It's clear that you're a never served otherwise you'd know how shit things are

              • 11 months ago

                Kys moron

              • 11 months ago

                Someone get this boy a fricking sandwich.

              • 11 months ago

                Eat some protein, anon

                Yeah I know I'm a twink but I'm not fat. That Black person is a lying homosexual who sits a fricking desk all day

              • 11 months ago

                Thats not even a twink. You're literally all bones. Just eat some protein, especially if you're doing shit like maintenance.

              • 11 months ago

                My point still stands.

              • 11 months ago

                Eat some protein, anon

              • 11 months ago

                when will you hit puberty?

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah I know I'm a twink but I'm not fat. That Black person is a lying homosexual who sits a fricking desk all day

                Someone your size is equally as bad as a fatty.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't think someone doing maintenance work will look that skinny. You don't even look toned. Are you eating ok?

              • 11 months ago

                wtf is going on with your collar bones

              • 11 months ago

                You're built like Idubbz.

              • 11 months ago

                My good sir have you ever heard of this thing called food?

              • 11 months ago

                thank you skeleton

              • 11 months ago

                >brown boot camp towel in the back
                >dumb boot status: very yes
                bro get the frick out of the barracks and go get some pussy or some shit. It's Sunday morning lmao

              • 11 months ago

                He's literally me.

              • 11 months ago

                Your bony ass is what's causing the fabric to rip open

              • 11 months ago

                >these are the people schizo posting on PrepHole
                Lmfao, God that must be a hit to the ego

              • 11 months ago

                DYEL as frick. Thank you hungry skeleton. Probably can't even LMAO 2p late diddlylift

                Someone get this boy a fricking sandwich.

          • 11 months ago

            post CAC

          • 11 months ago


            NTA but Shut up homosexual. The regular OCPs we get issued rip open on the ass after 3 or 4 months of Flightline use. Anyone who does actual work has to superglue the little ass flaps closed from time to time or buy new pants if you have a dickhead NCO on your shift

            dude you wear out any clothing after 3-4 months in any high maintenance jobs you stupid moron

            • 11 months ago

              You think I dont know that dumbass? You got called out for being a fricking pog or nonner of whatever fluff job you work

            • 11 months ago

              Thats a problem when my Uniform allowance and Boot letters are only an annual occurrence. We burn through them 3x as fast as they give us replacements.

          • 11 months ago

            Implessive. I'm very demoralized now.

            • 11 months ago

              This is a meaningless post. Which ever bot farm posted this needs to unfrick their shit. This comment is completely irrelevant

              • 11 months ago

                I know it's difficult with your autism but the post was sarcastic. You see I used this little thing called context to figure it out. Seeing as how the original post was some twat trying to say American army is going to lose because of its uniforms (this is an obvious attempt at demoralizing people on the internet because morons think this is an effective thing to try and do) and then funny guy comes in and says "wow you did good job at making me sad" and then another moron (you) comes in and doesn't get it. Then another moron (me) comes in and explains it to you. As you were.

          • 11 months ago


            Thats a problem when my Uniform allowance and Boot letters are only an annual occurrence. We burn through them 3x as fast as they give us replacements.


            >The only time the ass has torn was when an Afghan kid shot me in the ass with a 9mm.
            Post DD14. That never happened. You're a larper.

            >The frick are you doing where you're ruining so many uniforms in a single year.
            I'm an aircraft mechanic. It's clear that you're a never served otherwise you'd know how shit things are

            Opinion immediately discarded


            Kys moron

            Holy SHIT anon how tall are you and how much do you weigh
            Why would you post that

            • 11 months ago

              6'5, 180lbs

          • 11 months ago

            >Ridiculously expensive
            > 50 dollars for the end user is expensive for a combat uniform
            >Massive supply chain shortages
            What are you even talking about, every single PX for 1000 miles is stocked and every single Joe is being issued a full set
            >Camo ink fades after a single wash
            >Zippers break after a few dozen zips
            Are you unironically mentally handicapped at this point
            >Boots are ergonomic nightmares using outdated styles that have caused foot issues among troops to quadruple
            No, but I'm noticing a pattern here
            >Pattern doesn't blend into fricking anything
            t. has never gone outside
            >Ink is reactive to certain detergents and will literally glow neon-bright under NVGs or infrared.
            "Woah, if you don't treat NIR fabric correctly, it loses its properties! Someone should break physics for us so this doesn't happen!"
            >The people wearing them are out-of-shape, emotionally sensitive homosexuals who identify as 12 different genders, think manual labor is a form of discrimination, and think our enemies are misunderstood innocent victims.
            There is is.

            Boots are shit too. They'll pop seams if you pull them off your feet too hard to kick a parking break in the wrong way. Having to kneel down on concrete every day will rub the fabric thin around the steel inserts and then they become unserviceable in the eyes of leadership and QA


            Anon what the frick are you even talking about, I still have the same pair of shit kickers I bought in 2015 that have been through 2 deployments and a dick load of NTC/JRTC rotations. There's minor holes in the rough out suede, because that's what happens when you wear boots for years. I have literally never once fricked a pair of OCPs up beyond regular wear and tear, after being a regular light infantryman in the 101st, 82nd, 173rd, and 10th Mountain, and I bought a set the day they were authorized. The worst that's happened is they tore when I was fricking off with some c-wire or I forgot a pen in the pocket and stained some. It really seems like you're just autistic and conflating regular wear in a high demand field with shit, or outright moronic in the case of zippers.

            NTA but I have some UCP surp pants. Scratchy as frick but durability seems okayish

            In 2013 I had one pair of UCP ACUs that had a fricked up cargo pocket. That was the extent that I've seen IRL

        • 11 months ago

          They're only high quality if they just sit on coat hanger all day.

          The seems bust real easy and they fall apart from simple rubs on trees.

      • 11 months ago

        >Ridiculously expensive
        No, lol.
        >Massive supply chain shortages
        No? The U.S. instead makes a shitton of surplus that will eventually go to Government markets.
        >Camo ink fades after a single wash
        No, i have both MCCUU, ABUs, OCP/UCP. They all didn't fade after washing.
        >Fabric rips easily
        Nope, the fabric are pretty durable, so you're just talking out of your ass.
        >Zippers break after a few dozen zips
        Nah, and some uniforms don't even use zippers. But even then, the buttons and zippers mostly are pretty durable.
        >Boots are ergonomic nightmares using outdated styles that have caused foot issues among troops to quadruple
        The boots are not that bad either.
        >Pattern doesn't blend into fricking anything
        Which pattern? Ucp? I can agree. Multicam/marpat? They are great.
        >Ink is reactive to certain detergents and will literally glow neon-bright under NVGs or infrared
        Not really, i washed my shit and its still doesn't glow lmao.
        >The people wearing them are out-of-shape, emotionally sensitive homosexuals who identify as 12 different genders, think manual labor is a form of discrimination, and think our enemies are misunderstood innocent victims.
        Active troope are fit and the uniforms are in many sizes. You being obsessed with trannies/homosexuals is not an argument. It doesn't effect the way they do their jobs. Your post shows that you never owne the uniforms and also based most of the shit out of you hatred for trannies or whatever.

        • 11 months ago

          Boots are shit too. They'll pop seams if you pull them off your feet too hard to kick a parking break in the wrong way. Having to kneel down on concrete every day will rub the fabric thin around the steel inserts and then they become unserviceable in the eyes of leadership and QA


      • 11 months ago

        >The people wearing them are out-of-shape, emotionally sensitive homosexuals who identify as 12 different genders, think manual labor is a form of discrimination, and think our enemies are misunderstood innocent victims.
        You didn't make it through MEPS, huh?

      • 11 months ago

        US uniforms are surprisingly shit, but somehow listed nine reasons and I disagree with eight of them (I can't confirm the IR/NVG one).
        I just think they aren't very comfortable, can't breathe (IHWCU fixes both of those for OCP), and have no stretch. Seriously I can't believe they don't stretch. Why would someone design a uniform that's expected to see active combat and not at least throw 1% spandex in there? I know special ops units just buy Crye because they have big budgets but I feel bad for infantry and maintenance and shit.

        I semi-ironically liked ABUs btw.


        Kys moron

        my god

    • 11 months ago

      >Which country has the best uniforms in terms of quality and practicality?
      The 1990s German flecktarn gear was peak. Do other nations have good gear? yes for example the British gortex bicy bag, even the much maligned IAB/OTV/IOTV/MTV etc are good gear but the basic uniform, the field blouse, combat pants, gortex shell, parka and liner, gloves and caps (including the cold weather one with ear flaps) the pouches, holsters, cleaning kit, sewing kit etc etc the kip mat, levl 4 plates and good helmet Bristol vest and the quality of it all was outstanding from an era when they ere really expecting to fight a hellish front line war against the USSR. I know all its flaws but I love their flack vest cut as well. Perfect back support. Anyway.

      I have some of the US artic warfare kit, the outer trousers with the braces and they are excellent in snow, same with their kevlars, good stufff

  3. 11 months ago


    This. American uniforms are the worst in the world. I hope we buy Indian uniforms.

    • 11 months ago

      >I hope we buy Indian uniforms.
      The poo. It goes. In the Loo.

  4. 11 months ago


    Black person, you said the same thing about ARs in another thread. Take your chink shilling elsewhere because you're just talking out of your ass.

  5. 11 months ago


  6. 11 months ago

    UFPro comes from Slovenia so I guess western Euro countries
    If you ever had UFPro or Lindnerhof pants you know they’re the best.

  7. 11 months ago

    IDF uniform is completely unrivalled for the past half a century and counting

    • 11 months ago

      How good are they in terms of quality?

  8. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      A green "boot" is still more equipped and capable in combat than someone with zero firearms training or combat experience.

  9. 11 months ago

    I like croatia's specifically because they have little croatias as part of the pattern and I find that adorable

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