Ukraine deletes more oil reserve

Can repeated bombing of russia's oil refinery kneecap it's ability to manufacture arms and armor?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 months ago

    Going to be some aggressive pajeet posting on /k/ tomorrow morning.

    • 4 months ago

      >Tomorrow morning
      Dude they have been foaming at the mouth on here all day. I've seen probably 10 mental breakdowns in just the last few hours. Kek

      • 4 months ago

        I'm curious about how true the rumours of a drone attack on a Tula weapons and aircraft designer plant is. That's also supposedly from today.

      • 4 months ago

        >I've imagined probably 10 mental breakdowns in just the last few hours
        ftfy anon.

        • 4 months ago

          >10 mental breakdowns
          Thank you for your contribution

      • 4 months ago

        Two attacks on St. Pidorsburg and still not a peep from Gerasimov will do that LMAO.

        I wonder how hard they'll tilt out when the Russkies finally do pic relevant with Gerasimov.

  2. 4 months ago

    >Can repeated bombing of russia's oil refinery kneecap it's ability to manufacture arms and armor?
    Yes, moscow is already on rolling blackouts

    • 4 months ago

      Not just Moscow. Other cities as well

    • 4 months ago

      Not just Moscow. Other cities as well

      >LNG terminal
      >Near SpB
      >internal consumption

      I hate PrepHole.

      >please stop targeting the funding for the war and just hit the easier to repair infrastructure

      Attacks like these aren't designed to knock stuff out forever. They're Doolittle raids that hit visible targets. Hence why they don't go for the jugular and sever the Power of Siberia line.

      The west isn't buying Russian oil. China and India are and the west doesn't care of those countries get screwed.
      Those oil exports to China and India are providing most of the funding to the Russian war machine. Throttling that is a worthwhile use of drones.

      Demand has a knock-on impact complicated further by uncertainty. If China and India do lose exports then they will compete on the international market and as prices are projected forwards the risk of significant disruption raises costs anyway.

      • 4 months ago

        Russians are fed up with heating blackouts and local authorities' inaction
        In the suburbs of Moscow and across Russia, multiple accidents on the heating networks are plunging households into the winter cold. Residents blame local authorities for long-standing infrastructure problems and under-investment.
        By Nicolas Ruisseau (Moscow (Russia) correspondent)
        Published on January 18, 2024, at 1:57 pm

        Vladimir Putin has reportedly ordered rolling energy blackouts across Moscow as temperatures reach - 22C.

        The blackouts are said to cover the entire Moscow metropolitan area which has a total population of around 22 million.

        The order issued states that electricity is "not to exceed 12 hours per day" with the blackouts in place from January 14 through March 31 2024, according to Ukraine commentator Igor Sushko.

        Sushko posted on X: "The entire Moscow metropolitan area, population 22 million, will have rolling blackouts of electricity "not to exceed 12 hours per day" from January 14 through March 31, 2024.

        Russia arrests three officials over heating outages south of ...

        Reuters › world › europe › three-arrest...
        9 Jan 2024 — Russian investigators said on Tuesday they had arrested three people over heating outages south of Moscow

        Russia Maps Show 25% of Moscow Without Power Amid Winter Freeze 'Emergency'
        Jan 09, 2024 at 10:32 AM EST

        • 4 months ago

          Now explain in detail how an LNG terminal on the Gulf of Finland, one near the Estonian border, leads to Russia's inability to supply electricity and to Moscow that hit the news weeks ago.

          • 4 months ago

            >>Can repeated bombing of russia's oil refinery kneecap it's ability to manufacture arms and armor?
            >Yes, moscow is already on rolling blackouts

            Russia has had numerous 'accidents' at all types of refineries all over Russia. It has also exported all refined fuel stocks for foreign currency leaving it with internal shortages, requiring further laws to ban and control exports. This effects everything from transport to last years harvest and every attack on a refinery further weakens russias ability to get foreign currency or access refined fuels on its internal market, Arms manufacture needs running transport and supply logistics. Are you there yet?
            This is an oil depot in Russia a day ago

            • 4 months ago

              >This information melts the vatniks brain. You need to understand your audience. Perhaps you should say...

              "Sergei, lets say you have 10 bottles of vodka. Ukrainians break 3 of your bottles of vodka leaving you with 7 bottles. You must understand Sergei that this means you have less vodka! You will run out of vodka if this continues Sergei, this is not good for you!"

              • 4 months ago

                stupid westerner*~~*~~)
                russia big*~~) BIG))
                many vodka and also tigers*~~

              • 4 months ago

                video seems to work

                >>Can repeated bombing of russia's oil refinery kneecap it's ability to manufacture arms and armor?
                >Yes, moscow is already on rolling blackouts

                Russia has had numerous 'accidents' at all types of refineries all over Russia. It has also exported all refined fuel stocks for foreign currency leaving it with internal shortages, requiring further laws to ban and control exports. This effects everything from transport to last years harvest and every attack on a refinery further weakens russias ability to get foreign currency or access refined fuels on its internal market, Arms manufacture needs running transport and supply logistics. Are you there yet?
                This is an oil depot in Russia a day ago

                >Russia has had numerous 'accidents' at all types of refineries all over Russia.








                etc etc

              • 4 months ago

                The NORSI refinery in Nizhny Novgorod is one of the biggest oil refineries in the country, and Monday’s unspecified incident is the third such incident since the beginning of the New Year. Stoppages affected thousands of tons per day in two separate incidents in the first week of January, according to Reuters.
                NORSI has the capacity to process some 340,000 barrels per day.

                Citing Interfax, Reuters reported that Lukoil has halted gasoline exports and is now attempting to rally other oil companies to help make up supply of some 200,000 tons of high-octane gasoline this month and next.

                Reuters cited two sources as saying that the refinery will see a 50% reduction in high-octane gasoline production, with one of those sources warning that the refinery will have to purchase gasoline on the market to supply its petrol stations.

                "The breakdown is serious... There will be a reduction in production of AI-95, AI-98 (gasoline grades) this month," Reuters cited one source as saying.
                In mid-November, Russia lifted a ban on gasoline exports put in place two months prior, citing a 2-million-metric-ton surplus but warning that export bans could be reimposed should the surplus vanish.

                Soaring prices and shortages as crude oil rallied in mid-September and the Russian ruble weakened forced Moscow to take action to restrict both diesel and gasoline exports in order to stabilize the market.

                When the ban was lifted in mid-November, it was on the condition that at least 50% of producer supplies fed the domestic market. The bulk of Russian diesel now goes to Turkey, the Middle East, Africa and South America–the new destinations for Russian diesel following a European Union embargo that went into effect in February last year.

              • 4 months ago

                and where is your proof that destruction of 3 vodka bottle results in less vodka?

  3. 4 months ago

    Ukraine should keep doing it. Even if it has no effect.

    • 4 months ago

      Ah, the "we didn't need it anyway" cope. That didn't take long. Lmao

    • 4 months ago

      >we didn't need that lng terminal
      Why is Moscow freezing then?

      • 4 months ago

        Just a guess, but it may have something to do with it being winter, and Russia is kind of noted for being cold in the winter.

        • 4 months ago

          The rolling brownouts are new

          • 4 months ago

            You have to be 18 to post here. They have been happening regularly ever since the fall of the soviet union, and probably even before then but they were better at hiding them then.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah but they are having controlled blackouts in Moscow and a lot, a lot of heating infrastructure went kaput, that doesn't happen yearly

          • 4 months ago

            >that doesn't happen yearly
            It used to happen every few weeks. If it's now only happening yearly then they've made vast improvements.

            • 4 months ago

              >It used to happen every few weeks
              When? Fricking 1991? Heating infrastructure struggling isn't exactly usual for Russia, especially on this scale

        • 4 months ago

          There's a webm of a guy excavating his apartment from snow anon. There's another of a family begging putin to fix it. That's not normal for Moscow.

  4. 4 months ago

    you must target civies, average vatnik is so bolshevized that it must suffer to understand anything

  5. 4 months ago

    >manufacture arms and armor?
    Just to clarify. Russia does not and has not manufactured entirely new armour in decades. It uses hulls from its stockpiles and parts from them. This is why it has no/few T72s getting cleaned up and shipped out as it has cannibalised them all already for repairs and exports as well as looses. Thus the straight to T62s etc. The big issue for them was casting turrets and the metallurgy involved and welded turrets for T-90s which were again cannibalised parts from runs before the USSR collapsed that they had. They managed to nearly start making them but could not. Russia does not manufacture new tanks or apcs, its a mad max scrapyard place where it does shit to old hulls and renames them and has been for decades.

    "In 2005 the Russian army resumed delivery of the T-90, requesting the "original" specification for the vehicle with a cast turret. But with the new order numbering 14 tanks, and the large capital investment required to set up production of new cast turrets, the Russian Ministry of Defence agreed on a new configuration very close to the Indian T-90S, which was expeditiously accepted into service without any trials as the Object 188A1 or T-90A."

    • 4 months ago

      It was nice of them to show that on camera too.

      • 4 months ago

        They actually sold the good cast turrets they had a few hundred to India on export models. They then found out in a clown world episode they only had about 20 left and could not make any more and would not spend the money on a facility for it. The 'welded' turret with 'composite' armour and ERA they place on the T90 is a mix of welded plates from salvage, aluminium panels from salvage (like on the MB-LT) plastic (yes...really). Never underestimate Russian incompetence and lethargy. A simple question for Russians who claim they make new tanks or make thousands of them, is why are you forces fielding in frontline combat T-64s, T54s and even T-10s the last of the stalin heavy tank line, why are the Russian forces using ancient APCS and artillery tractors like the MB-LT to transport troops? Russia has very few tanks that can move and shoot and have more than a few rounds of main gun munitions left by the way, roughly a thousand. They clean up about 10 old tanks a year(initially they had decent stocks of fairly clean older models in use by reserves up to the 90s that could be spat out, that's where the T10s came from) but the easy pickings are gone. Russia is not the USSR. The USSR was vastly more populous and skilled and started with a lot of loot. Russia will never rebuilt teh USSR tank and armour fleets, its just not possible, its a small poor place without the money or facilities or skilled workforce to do it. It can't even make a reliable car or bus or tram. Even its raptor military patrol boats use caterpillar engines all its civilian transport is western based or has western engines. The only vehicles worth starting in Russia were made by western owned and run factories like German car plants. Russia looses roughly 100 artillery guns (the barrels are a similar story) and vehicles a day. 1000 men a day. Russia has zero ability to stay in the fight, its being disarmed while we watch. They stop being a mechanised army in any sense in May.

        • 4 months ago

          >They clean up about 10 old tanks a month,
          sorry fixed

  6. 4 months ago

    Yeah if they can hit that deep it's a problem for Russia for sure.

    • 4 months ago

      That’s not that far Satan. Ukrainian glowies blasted some trains near the urals a few months ago if I remember correctly.

      • 4 months ago

        That's glowshit though,this is conventional.

  7. 4 months ago

    Oil doesn't matter, this will in no way affect the russian conquest of Ukraine.

    Brave manly russian soldiers will just push the tanks into combat.

  8. 4 months ago

    No but it'll annoy Ukraine's backers when it impacts global prices with uncertainty. The better target would be crippling Russia's rail network which complicates both frontline logistics but also broader infrastructure is Russia's Achilles heel.

    • 4 months ago

      >please stop targeting the funding for the war and just hit the easier to repair infrastructure

    • 4 months ago

      The west isn't buying Russian oil. China and India are and the west doesn't care of those countries get screwed.

      It’s good to see Ukraine can still find strategic targets to hit after Moscow and the major industrial centers have been locked down with AD. If nothing else it boosts morale and may pull additional AD assets away from Ukraine. Ultimately though it’s just a gesture and is meaningless in terms of military objectives.

      Those oil exports to China and India are providing most of the funding to the Russian war machine. Throttling that is a worthwhile use of drones.

      • 4 months ago

        *Funding to Putin's bribes

        The actual money used for the war comes from loans.

      • 4 months ago

        >The west isn't buying Russian oil. China and India are and the west doesn't care of those countries get screwed.
        India has been selling it to the West after buying it cheaply from Russia.

    • 4 months ago

      Ukraine should keep doing it. Even if it has no effect.

      some say that once vatnigs run out of oil they will start burning indians

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >when you blow up our oil terminals, we win

    • 4 months ago

      World oil prices are being actively pressured downward by US supply and production. Russian exports are only really a factor for Pajeets and and the Stans.

  9. 4 months ago

    It’s good to see Ukraine can still find strategic targets to hit after Moscow and the major industrial centers have been locked down with AD. If nothing else it boosts morale and may pull additional AD assets away from Ukraine. Ultimately though it’s just a gesture and is meaningless in terms of military objectives.

  10. 4 months ago

    Where they frick do you think Russia's oil comes from?

  11. 4 months ago

    I think the bigger W is destroying POL infra that will be making the kleptocrats howl especially since repairing shit like that needs imported parts and equipment that Russia can't easily procure.

    Putin's oligarchs don't care how many peasants die in the meat grinder but having their gas money fricked is going to cause a lasting damage to Russia.

  12. 4 months ago

    If they can strike the Gulf of Finland, they can strike more critical depots.

  13. 4 months ago

    they should've been doing this from the start. delete everything in Russia of economic value. do it fast enough and the oligarchs will delete Pootin.

    • 4 months ago

      ziggeria is actively hoping for the Middle East to blow up so that oil prices would rise above USD 70 per barrell again.

  14. 4 months ago

    Is this fake news? I’d expect something like this to be all over Dvach (Russian 2ch) but there’s nothing.

    • 4 months ago

      2ch is completely controlled by the Russian government nowadays. Saying anything that makes Russia look bad is an instant permaban

      • 4 months ago

        It doesn't necessarily mean that the government controls 2ch, it may simply mean the admins don't want to be arrested and subsequently cubed.

        • 4 months ago

          what is the difference?

    • 4 months ago

      It's middle of the night in russia/Ukraine.

  15. 4 months ago

    When will the next aid package finally be approved bros? Biden and Johnson won't stop doomposting. I'm getting worried

  16. 4 months ago

    No, but it can put a big dent into their foreign cash flow.

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