250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    Do you think his kids actually enjoy going on winter adventures with him?
    All the clips I’ve seen are just them looking miserable in their sleeping bag or saying they don’t wanna go on a trip

    • 5 months ago

      idk about the summer ones but in the winter ones theyre mostly playing video games in the sleeping bag and then go home after a day. they also dont sound too excited. i guess they may not see the appeal of such trips because theyre too young.

      • 5 months ago

        My dad used to take me camping, snowmobiling and ice fishing and I loved every second of it. I guess I didnt grow up with tv or games so my dopamine receptors still worked.

    • 5 months ago

      idk about the summer ones but in the winter ones theyre mostly playing video games in the sleeping bag and then go home after a day. they also dont sound too excited. i guess they may not see the appeal of such trips because theyre too young.

      keep in mind his kids are still pretty damn young so its not like theres much they can really do on winter campouts.
      In one video he says that his middle son likes the winter camping more than the other ones. But his oldest did request a snowmachine/hunting trip for his birthday so maybe its just an age thing. Plus he keeps it fun for them, they make sled runs, explore frozen waterfalls, ice fish, shoot guns etc.
      My dad used to take me on hours long road trips to model rocket launches, at the time it was pretty boring but looking back on it I enjoy the memories, its probably the same for his kids.

      • 5 months ago

        samgayging here but now that i think about it, theres quite a few videos where his kids are upset and crying that they cant go with him on certain trips. So im sure they enjoy the time with him at the very least.

      • 5 months ago

        >My dad used to take me on hours long road trips to model rocket launches, at the time it was pretty boring but looking back on it I enjoy the memories
        i think this used to be the norm but nowadays entertainment is too easily available, kids inmediatly get annoyed when they aren't doing anything for 30 seconds because they could instead have been watching tiktoks. but getting bored and looking around you is so fun even though we don't realize it at the time

        maybe i'm projecting because i was always locked at home looking at the screen, i have no experiences like the one you mentioned

        • 5 months ago

          >i think this used to be the norm but nowadays entertainment is too easily available, kids inmediatly get annoyed when they aren't doing anything for 30 seconds because they could instead have been watching tiktoks.
          Thats because parents these days just sit their kids in front of an iPad so they don't have to spend time with their kids.
          At the grocery store? Stick the iPad in the kid's hand while they're sitting in the shopping cart.
          The kid is crying a bit? Stick an iPad in there.
          Then they're shocked that they need constant stimulation from internet garbage

          • 5 months ago

            Honestly, while i do agree w you, i think the problem is cityoids and suburbians dont have enough woods to play in and are raised by either weak men or single moms who wouldnt let them shoot each other in the dick w bb guns. Plus social media. I grew up climbing trees and blowing my bros in the 90s, my brother is 12 years younger amd when he was born we lived in a neighborhood. He was a giant pussy dork until they moved to rural florida and he started doing outdoors shit with his hoodlum redneck friends. He back to being a pussy, but i blame college and the citadel for making him gay .he lasted 3 days at military school cause some older guy grabbed his dick in the showers lmao.

          • 5 months ago

            don't blame the parents. i mean, it's their fault, but what else are they going to do? the modern way of life is full of incentives for these kind of things, don't blame the players, blame the game

    • 5 months ago

      What kids want is irrelevant. When those kids become adults, they will become grateful for their experiences and exposure to nature.

      I hate mormons so fricking much.

      no one cares homosexual.

      • 5 months ago

        I dunno my parents didn't value my feelings at all as a kid and rarely asked me sincerely what was going on. They just yelled at me and blamed me and it really fricked me up and prevented me from being able to get along in society.

        • 5 months ago

          I didn't say it was okay to abuse your kids. My point is that kids are too dumb to know what's good for them. Just because they want gummy bears for breakfast doesn't mean you give it to them. They will thank you when they're older and not obese pieces of shit.

          • 5 months ago

            They don't see it as abuse because it was very rarely physical, mostly verbal.

            • 5 months ago

              Correction: They don't see it as abuse because they're not capable of admitting that they're abusers. My parents used to smack me around may more than was justified but they'll never admit it was wrong. But whatever, the past is the past, no point in crying about it as adults.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm sorry to hear that Anon, I hope you find your place in the woods instead

        • 5 months ago

          Nice blog post, but ignoring your child is different than taking them on nature trips they don't want to go to.

    • 5 months ago

      it's real core memory stuff and I'm grateful for all the stuff my parents dragged me along. Many evenings spitting sunflower seeds by the campfire quietly with my father while we whittled at sticks with pocket knives even if I would have rather been back home playing jak at the time. I feels he's doing a good thing

  2. 5 months ago

    I hate mormons so fricking much.

    • 5 months ago

      I would save your hatred for groups that are actively trying to destroy you

      • 5 months ago

        death to all fairytale cultists. Holding back humanity in favour of their specific delusional sky friend

        • 5 months ago

          this said it better than I could have, and I agree 100%

    • 5 months ago

      and they don't think about you at all

    • 5 months ago

      death to all fairytale cultists. Holding back humanity in favour of their specific delusional sky friend

      this said it better than I could have, and I agree 100%

      every mormon I've ever met only wanted to know if I was feeling happy or not and that's a lot more than the average person I've meet
      I don't get all the fairy tale shit myself but they're nice people who like guns and I can get behind that

      • 5 months ago

        Never met one so not sure what the hate is about. Maybe the Amish are cooler

    • 5 months ago

      Mormons are scum. They frick their kids and they have an absolute cult mentality when it comes to everything. They'll completely frick you over if you're an outsider, even if it's not justified and they've completely taken over the justice system. If you frick some Mormon chick, it'll turn out she's married and instead of fessing up to her husband, she'll take you to court for rape. I'd stay out of areas that they control. Don't listen to naïve anons who say they're your frens.

      • 5 months ago

        The irony is Luke has only talked about his faith a couple times on his channel. I wouldn't have even known he was a mormon were it not for all the seething atheists going fricking nuts about it

  3. 5 months ago

    >all videos have comments disabled
    is he based or just a stubborn moron? his early catfishing videos screamed ignorant hick but he had genuine charm

    • 5 months ago

      apparently youtube does it and he cant do anything about it

  4. 5 months ago

    i have that pillow and it sucks

  5. 5 months ago

    Uug, good morning! *yawn* Just came back from the crew’s RV, I slept in the rear bunk this time and I’m a little sore! Still, had to force myself up to came back to site for the "waking up" scene. The guys made eggs for breakfast but, you know, I’m doing a show here so I didn’t want to ruin my appetite for the camp breakfast bit…*yawn*…right, time to shoot breakfast…

    • 5 months ago

      lol if you think hes faking it that way, its more like
      >well i'm tired i'll see you in the morning
      >runs out of flimsy tent that looks like a plastic bad to the nearby 5 star lodge for the night
      >runs back to the tent in the morning
      >good morning its soooo cold

    • 5 months ago

      lol if you think hes faking it that way, its more like
      >well i'm tired i'll see you in the morning
      >runs out of flimsy tent that looks like a plastic bad to the nearby 5 star lodge for the night
      >runs back to the tent in the morning
      >good morning its soooo cold

      SEA survival scam videos have really ruined some people's perception of youtube campers

      • 5 months ago

        It's more like narcissists desperately wanting things to see themselves as superior over.
        >All these normies watching youtubers but *I* know they're just faking it!
        >All these npcs just consoooming wheras *I'm* le based trad (posted from a 1800 dollar PC inside an air conditioned house while he eats micowave meals)
        >All these normies enjoying something popular, *I* never get on a bandwagon!
        >All these normies using X piece of gear, *I* use Y!
        Of course this is a thing in all age groups but it seems even more common with zoomers. Maybe it's because they were all raised to think they were the most special in the world and never got hit after talking shit (Modern kids don't even get into fights at school).

        • 5 months ago

          spot on, imagine if the youtube comments weren't disabled. We would have all manner of armchair survivalists critiquing everything from their RGB keyboards and slumping gaming chairs like this vitriolic child:

          Uug, good morning! *yawn* Just came back from the crew’s RV, I slept in the rear bunk this time and I’m a little sore! Still, had to force myself up to came back to site for the "waking up" scene. The guys made eggs for breakfast but, you know, I’m doing a show here so I didn’t want to ruin my appetite for the camp breakfast bit…*yawn*…right, time to shoot breakfast…

          • 5 months ago

            I see you are a man of good vocabulary taste

  6. 5 months ago

    Why do they always pretend to wake up while the camera is rolling? You know damn well they don't leave the thing rolling all night. They wake up, set it up to record, go back into bed and pretend to wake up then and there

    • 5 months ago

      for the same reason he (and others) record their cars going around or walking certain distances, its for the video
      of course they will have to go back and get the camera but its a nice thing to do for the video

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah, but when they drive or walk they are legitimately driving and walking. When they're "waking up", they are merely pretending and not actually doing it

        • 5 months ago

          I've gotten a bit tired of all the extra shots in solo videos like this, because I can't help but keep thinking about how the guy had to set up the camera and go back, then return to pick up the camera. It takes me out of it.

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