Tradies made me a handyman because of how retarded they are.

Tradies made me a handyman because of how moronic they are. Over 7 years of calling these rejects and there hasn't been one good experience. If you guys aren't cutting yourself and making me feed you bandaids and neosporin then it's you fricking up my floors, drywall, causing leaks, tracking shit on the carpet, and general having no idea what to do when you show up. How the frick is it that when I put in a work order of exactly what needs done or replaced I get a goblin who goes wideyed and said "never seen that before" or doesn't even know the product ordered. It's always a guaranteed extra hour of some dipshit on the phone shuffling around akwardly hoping god will give him insight. Then half of you just bail on the job and force me to go with someone else.

Frick all of you honestly. Whatever is in the media about tradies being valuable now is complete bullshit. Worthless creatures. kys.

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  1. 7 months ago

    I have this problem too. I don't know if 5g actually did cause moronation or something but maintenence people can get fricked. Especially if you go to some place like lowes or home depot they are going to send worthless shitskins everytime. Since they always fail what I really bought was probably someone casing my house for a robbery.

  2. 7 months ago

    Thirding, air-conditioners esp. Twice I had some gay tell me the whole unit needs replaced then a 2nd dude fixes it for $50. Would have believed the scammers if I didn't see investigative-reports on youtube.

    • 7 months ago

      >Thirding, air-conditioners esp.
      They don't need repairing that often, so they don't need the repeat business. I had all sorts of problems with my heating when I bought my house. Heating engineers are arrogant morons because they know you'll only phone them once every ten years. Plumbers rely a lot more on repeat business so they're much nicer.

  3. 7 months ago

    Tipped a nog $20 for bringing in a fireplace today. He just snatched it and walked out the door without a word like I'm the butthole. Many such cases

    • 7 months ago

      >giving anything to darkies
      being miserable bitter pieces of shit is their defining feature

  4. 7 months ago

    > gas guy comes over to help with a propane install
    > somehow fricks up the threading or something, it's not gonna work
    > effectively says he ain't dealing with it
    > leaves while I'm trying to talk to him
    > call company
    > "Yeah he does that, he's getting terminated"
    > "cool so can you send someone else?"
    > "We're not really taking those jobs anymore after this"
    > "cool so fix my broken shit?"
    > "you can put in a claim here"
    > put in a claim
    > ghosted

    • 7 months ago

      stop being a pushover for shit like that. take pictures, staple them to your receipt/service contract, and file against their business in small claims. costs $27 in my state to file at the courthouse and they are legally obligated to respond or you get a maximum default judgement against them that they either pay or the judge places a lien on them.

  5. 7 months ago

    i am a very lazy man learning to redo my own roof because of stuff like this. i do not want to redo my own roof.

  6. 7 months ago

    Waiting for a tradey to post #notalltradies, but it is. All my friends complain about it. I complain about it. The betting odds are that your services is gonna suck these days. Anyone know the real reason? Zoomers since their terrible at everything?

    • 7 months ago

      A 65 year old useless plumber flooded my place to shit last year so no

    • 7 months ago

      >Anyone know the real reason? Zoomers since their terrible at everything?
      It's part of the general collapse of society. Wages are worthless now, in real terms, so most jobs aren't really worth doing. Office jobs are all pointless busywork and so nobody tries; tradesman jobs are dead-end shit so nobody tries at those either. What's the point? You'll never get rich doing anything unless you have connections.

  7. 7 months ago

    My family has had terrible experiences with tradies. One fricked up our flooring and charged like twice the price initially promised.

    Fricking bullshit.

  8. 7 months ago

    Probably depends a lot on your area.

    • 7 months ago

      I have lived in california, colorado, new york, texas, washington, and pennsylvania. The tradies have sucked ass. I have friends in florida, ohio, michigan, hawaii, the connecticuts, tennessee, nevada, the uk, sweden, mexico, spain, australia, germany, and italy. The tradies have sucked ass for them.

      Where are they competent exactly?

      • 7 months ago

        Wherever I currently am.

        • 7 months ago

          The Apple Store doesn't count gay

  9. 7 months ago

    The only exception to this seems to be the flooring guys. I guess its hard to mess up.

  10. 7 months ago

    If the work you hired out was something a handyman could do, then you've created a self fulfilling prophecy where the only "tradies" who accept the work are the grunt tier losers who need to take on odd jobs from some anal retentive autist who orders his own stuff and talks about "putting in work orders" like he's the contractor.

    Competent contractors and skilled laborers don't need that shit, and smell you coming and go the other way.

    Meanwhile your self assumed big boss contractor skilz are so weak that in seven years you've never managed to find one good worker, and only learned they weren't until after the damage was done.

    So you finally sucked it up and do your honey-do punchline jobs yourself, rather than hiring people and insinuating that you know how to do their jobs better than they do.

    • 7 months ago

      >assmad tradie detector spiking 3.6 roentgen

    • 7 months ago

      >tu quoque ad hominem strawman word babble

      Lol shut up b***h you don't know what I've had done, for who, or on what levels of business. You guys are an unreliable fricking mess basically every time.

      • 7 months ago

        >Lol shut up b***h you don't know what I've had done, for who, or on what levels of business.

        Sorry, I was just going by your fairly detailed moaning about how as a "handyman" you are now doing all your own work, and how you are of superior skill and intellect to every single person you hired. If that's not true, then you being an unreliable histrionic homosexual narrator just proves the point that you are a pain in the ass to work for. People like that inspire even capable workers to say "frick this" and bail with less than top grade effort having been made, maybe stop being one.

        >You guys are an unreliable fricking mess basically every time.

        LOFL now who is making ad hominem attacks against strawmen?

        Someone hips you to how not being an overbearing know-it-all cheapskate prick with an attitude gets you better results with tradesmen and they MUST be an incompetent tradesman?


        • 7 months ago

          didn't read

        • 7 months ago

          >You guys are an unreliable fricking mess basically every time.

          >LOFL now who is making ad hominem attacks against strawmen?

          Nta but that is neither a strawman nor an ad hominem.

          • 7 months ago

            Yes it is, he pulled "you guys" out of his ass based on nothing more than the illogical notion that anyone who disagrees with his asessment MUST be "you guys" and defending his own shoddy work as a member of that group.

            That is a textbook case of both "appealing to the emotions rather than to logic or reason" and "the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction."

            • 7 months ago

              >derails over semantics like "you guys" instead of looking inward again
              You guys (lol) would rather slit a baby's throat than be slightly better at your menial partswap jobs. Be more poor as less people give you jobs via your stunning inadequacies.

            • 7 months ago

              >Yes it is, he pulled "you guys" out of his ass based on nothing more than the illogical notion that anyone who disagrees with his asessment MUST be "you guys"
              That’s an interesting strawman you’ve set up there because OP never said this. You’re projecting ideas into his argument.

              >and defending his own shoddy work as a member of that group.
              I’m lost here.
              >That is a textbook case of both "appealing to the emotions rather than to logic or reason"
              Not if he has had experience after experience. Noticing patterns isn’t an appeal to emotion no matter how uncomfortable it may be for some. I’m not arguing it’s a valid stance. I personally have found tradespeople to be reliable and reasonable. I making a generalization so does that mean I’m strawmaning? When I’ve rented I’ve found landlords and property managers to be liars and cheats. Is that strawmaning because I’m noticing a pattern?
              >and "the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion

              That’s literally the discussion the thread is about. This thread is about tradespeople being wholly unreliable. You knew this when you responded. Op sticks to his argument and you cry foul when they do and attempt to restructure it (straw manning).
              >, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction."
              Op has no duty to restructure their argument in order to suit you.

              You also never explained how what you described as ad hominem, was. It’s interesting he called you a “bitch” in that post, which is ad hominem, yet you ignored that.

              Btw are you the anon who occasionally makes posts about hvac that sound like a college lit assignment?

    • 7 months ago

      >Lol shut up b***h you don't know what I've had done, for who, or on what levels of business.

      Sorry, I was just going by your fairly detailed moaning about how as a "handyman" you are now doing all your own work, and how you are of superior skill and intellect to every single person you hired. If that's not true, then you being an unreliable histrionic homosexual narrator just proves the point that you are a pain in the ass to work for. People like that inspire even capable workers to say "frick this" and bail with less than top grade effort having been made, maybe stop being one.

      >You guys are an unreliable fricking mess basically every time.

      LOFL now who is making ad hominem attacks against strawmen?

      Someone hips you to how not being an overbearing know-it-all cheapskate prick with an attitude gets you better results with tradesmen and they MUST be an incompetent tradesman?


      This is all very probably true, but it doesn't mean you're good at your job. I'm sure someone somewhere must be, but everyone picks the cheapest monkey in the zoo to fix their shit (due to everyone being a poorgay now; see my other post) so the economic system fundamentally self-selects for hopeless shitters. Maybe you're amazing, but all that means is you're almost certainly broke.

      There is also the issue that manufacturers like to make things that cannot be repaired, to artificially increase their profits. So even a competent tradesman will often be tasked with repairing with something that has been designed to break.

      • 7 months ago

        It's not just that-
        >everyone picks the cheapest monkey in the zoo to fix their shit
        -they do that in combination with harboring a palpable level of contempt for tradespeople as a group; they won't even refer to them by occupation but insist on using the dismissive and belittling term "tradie" to lump them all together with an elitist wink.
        They can't hide the fact that they think they know ALL about how the work should be performed and only hire people because they feel they are above DIYing it.
        Because of this they are more often than not extremely grudging in their assessment of even the best work that went beyond the scope of what was asked and paid for. The attitude is that they deserve no less because the " tradie" is overpaid anyway, because after all the client *could have* just done it himself.

        It's in this atmosphere- which has only gotten worse since TV and the internet began featuring home improvement/repair content- that tradespeople develop their prices and policies, and the fact is that smart ones who do good work simply don't need to deal with this kind of client, who will devote all kinds of time and effort to badmouth them for an honest mistake or price they didn't like paying, but wouldn't offer more than a shrug of the shoulders if you built them the Taj Mahal for the cost of a double wide.

        It's pretty simple- if you want people to want to do a good job for you and give lots of consideration to your personal concerns and desires, you need to give them reasons to beyond just cutting a check while you piss and moan about it.

        If you want workers who excel at their jobs and solving problems, you need to be a client who excels at making it easy to do that.

        Dealing with someone who starts from the premise that "all "tradies" are incompetent cheaters doing work that is beneath me" is not that, and quality tradespeople don't tolerate it

        • 7 months ago

          >Dealing with someone who starts from the premise that "all "tradies" are incompetent cheaters doing work that is beneath me" is not that, and quality tradespeople don't tolerate it

          Invalid. You have earned that reputation and apparently don't care to dig yourselves out of it.

          • 7 months ago

            LOFL, thanks for proving the point that you refuse to apply simple logic and pre-judge all "tradies" as one monolithic group where individual members bear responsibility for the alleged bad actions of others, no matter how unrelated the work might be.

            People know that there's no point trying to change this kind of bigoted moron mindset, and if they aren"t desperate enough for work to tolerate it, stay far away.

            The funny part of all this is that people like this refuse to believe that just like bad contractors get a bad reputation by word of mouth, so do shitty customers among a far smaller group of labor providers who have a shared interest in identifying people of ill will who think nothing of smearing them all as a group all because someone didn't grovel before their self assumed authority/superiority.

            • 7 months ago

              incompetent tradie rage, plugging ears at the cancer in your profession. There are a billion nightmare stories about you dipshits online. The more bad than good rep is so fricking earned and skewed at this point it's laughable.

    • 7 months ago

      This. Nobody likes doing service calls. I personally hate renos because
      >owners don't really know what they want at the beginning
      >owners usually nickel and dime everything so we have no budget for (proper) supplies
      >you have no idea what's behind the wall/floor and how the previous guy did it
      >once you find out, you're probably already fricked off enough to not want to fix it

      • 7 months ago

        Also don't forget

        >demanding a fixed bid because they assume that time + materials is just an excuse to scam them because "all tradies are dishonest and can't be trusted"
        >if you bid high enough to cover unforseen contingencies, they also accuse you of scamming them with high bids

        > if you don't and run into unforseen problems they refuse to pay more, treat you like a scammer and smugly say, " well, you are the contractor, you should have planned for that" and treat it as evidence of their superior smarts for having stuck you with the risk and loss

        > if you do bid high enough to cover any unforseen contingencies and *don't* encounter them they get all pissy at having paid so much for a relatively small amount of work, and call it a "ripoff" based on what time and materials alone would have cost, had they agreed to that plan and assumed some of the risk of unforseen problems.

        There's also the guy who orders his own equipment and materials because he thinks he'll be "ripped off" if the contractor supplies it, but then expects the contractor to eat all of his time involved in finding out that it's the wrong thing and specing out what is needed. Even better is when they special order materials and equipment from a box store and expect the contractor to handle all the bullshit that entails when they inevitably frick the order up.

        • 7 months ago

          >and treat it as evidence of their superior smarts for having stuck you with the risk and loss
          I mean, if they convinced you to shoulder that sort of risk, then perhaps they are smarter than you.

          • 7 months ago

            >I mean, if they convinced you to shoulder that sort of risk, then perhaps they are smarter than you.
            Sometimes tradies try to be good people by giving the benefit of the doubt, and usually that's when we get bit in the ass. Retroactive to 5 years ago, I'm at the point where I don't want to be nice anymore

            • 7 months ago

              Being a prick to people who hired you because you're eepy will be great for the longevity of your company.

              • 7 months ago

                >will be great for the longevity of your company.
                Contrary to popular belief, any trades company that operates in a decent size metro area doesn't actually need any one person in particular as a client. My friend who runs our little 2 man company has turned down at least 6 contracts this year because there were one or more reasons we either didn't like the people, or the job itself. I personally only want new construction, because there's a set blueprint to follow, there is little in the way of budget, and I can throw things or swear since there's nobody around to complain about it

              • 7 months ago

                nothink boomer brainrot

                >we turn stuff down, we can be dicks
                This is how companies go from hired to dead in a year.

              • 7 months ago

                Never heard anybody say eepy in my life, and I haven't hit 30 yet
                >This is how companies go from hired to dead in a year.
                We're starting to get more work from big companies that I have contacts with. We don't need you or your refusal to understand why we have to charge more

              • 7 months ago

                Welcome to the internet then newbie. And again "we don't need you" is a very moronic thing to have hanging out in your work philosophy. Don't b***h when you find that out one day.

              • 7 months ago

                "eepy" is a common upcoming cuteslang for "sleepy," obviously meant condescendingly here, which is all shockingly easy to figure out in this context with even the slightest amount thought. You are truly a tradie sir. Would you like some more time to read the pdf?

        • 7 months ago

          i had a guy once buy all the switches to his house. he bought all three ways.

      • 7 months ago

        This homie knows. Additionally:

        >client tries to haggle over the final bill when the job is completed ontime and under budget

      • 7 months ago

        i like service calls actually. if its a trouble shooting thing its nearly always fixed the same day, so i like figuring out a problem then fixing it the same time, and if it's easy and i finish quick, then i get paid a ton since my minimum is for two hours.

        and it's your own fault if you don't express to the client what to expect with the job regarding the unpredictability of service work. and they absolutely don't tell you how much it should cost. you do. if they don't like it then dont do the job. its a trade in itself being able to talk to people well.

        • 7 months ago

          I personally talk to people well. But I don't like having to do things more than once, which includes explaining why something is not going to work for XYZNWKF reasons. I enjoy the Final Solution to everything, which in this case is just not doing residential altogether

  11. 7 months ago


    Dont you know that you're supposed to just accept that the browns are rude and stupid and will ruin your shit? Come on Karen, get woke!

  12. 7 months ago
  13. 7 months ago

    I've had a plumber gouge my wall and refuse to pay for it and an electrician shock himself doing some wiring and getting kinds shitty with me about it lol. I am not zeus, sir. I call you to avoid these demon forces beyond my comprehension

    • 7 months ago

      >an electrician shock himself doing some wiring and getting kinds shitty with me about it
      Kek, if an electrician shocks himself it's 100% his fault.
      That's like touching lava and complaining about getting burned.

  14. 7 months ago

    Let's see, you went cheap as possible, you got a guy whose never done the job before Aka not a trade at all, and then you got even cheaper?

  15. 7 months ago

    Had two guys look at my heat pump, couldn't fix it. After getting a multimeter found out the start capacitor blew. 40$ in parts later it runs perfectly fine. When it comes to narrow trades such as "I only work on these specific units" I have no sympathy for moronation.

    • 7 months ago

      i imagine they're like car mechanics, in that the vast majority of them are parts swapping morons who barely understand (at a high level) how electrical and mechanical systems even work. many, many, many such cases.

      • 7 months ago

        >the vast majority of them are parts swapping morons
        No company wants to spend hours with a machine down paying some guy to dink around when an $X part gets it up and running immediately.

        • 7 months ago

          >poke around like a moron for 30 minutes
          >try to sell customer a new HVAC unit for $6k cost + $3k markup
          >poorgay customers and non-moronic customers refuse this
          >$200 show-up fee + $200/hr * 1 hr """diagnostic fee""" = $400
          >get dinged with shitty reviews because you're a moron

          >spend 2 hours troubleshooting, find problem
          >$200 show up fee + $200/hr * 2 diagnostic fee = $600
          >charge 1 hour labor @ $200/hr + 25% margin on $100 part = $225
          >customer happily pays $825 because it's a shitload cheaper than $9k
          >get good reviews because you saved the customer $9k

          • 7 months ago

            Cashier big mad his ice machine is down.

            • 7 months ago

              i work in accounting and likely make considerably more money than you.

          • 7 months ago

            >$200 just to come out

            You're out of your fricking mind. Plus a diagnosis fee? That's double dipping.

            • 7 months ago

              outside of working hours if a non regular customer calls, particulary if its a private/residential one, i make it absolutely clear that just the drive there and back again even if i dont do anything will be charged minimum 330€, simply for bugging me with your bs on my time off. so its their call, right now or wait until next work day when its only 66€ for the same. price is the best karen filter there is.

        • 7 months ago

          >poke around like a moron for 30 minutes
          >try to sell customer a new HVAC unit for $6k cost + $3k markup
          >poorgay customers and non-moronic customers refuse this
          >$200 show-up fee + $200/hr * 1 hr """diagnostic fee""" = $400
          >get dinged with shitty reviews because you're a moron

          >spend 2 hours troubleshooting, find problem
          >$200 show up fee + $200/hr * 2 diagnostic fee = $600
          >charge 1 hour labor @ $200/hr + 25% margin on $100 part = $225
          >customer happily pays $825 because it's a shitload cheaper than $9k
          >get good reviews because you saved the customer $9k

          also we're talking about residential/consumer services, not fixing mission critical components and systems at some big israeli corporation. in cases like those, you're within your right to inflate prices if not outright scam and steal.

          • 7 months ago

            Nah this guy said he puts in work orders, that's for commercial and industrial sites.

            i work in accounting and likely make considerably more money than you.

            So when exactly do accountants make work orders?
            They don't. Floor people and management usually do.

            >Spend an hour diagnosing and troubleshooting a sensor.
            >DiD yOu ChEcK tHe OuTlEt?

  16. 7 months ago

    >Be maintenance.
    >Go to work.
    >Some cashier sends a work order.
    >They explain how to fix the issue.
    >It's never correct but I play along anyways.
    >Spend an hour reading the pdf for the machine schematics.
    >Spend another hour dismantling the machine.
    >Look at pdf again for parts numbers.
    >Call to see if we have the part in stock.
    >Spend another hour trying to order some obscure sensor because we never do.
    >And they're always on backorder when you do find them.
    >Cashier think's I'm just hanging out on the phone and just left the machine broken.

    Go back to ringing up sandwiches, homosexual.

    • 7 months ago

      >Part finally comes in
      >Spend an hour reassembling machine
      >Same fricking problem
      >Say frick it
      >Try what homosexual told me in the first place
      >Holy shit, it works! And only took half an hour!

      Next time don't assume people you don't know are stupid. Possibly think about ringing up sandwiches yourself when they find your replacement and fire your dumb ass.

      • 7 months ago

        Everyone already knows about your big cashier secret of turning whatever off then back on. There's no hidden knowledge you have that the manual or youtube video won't, sorry to burst your bubble.

    • 7 months ago

      Maybe your bullshit tradie business should be more organized and stocked so being a moron on the phone all day isn't normal for you.

    • 7 months ago


      Let's go over how stupid you are

      >Be maintenance.
      >Go to work.
      >Some cashier sends a work order.
      >They explain how to fix the issue.
      >It's never correct but I play along anyways.
      >Spend an hour reading the pdf for the machine schematics.
      Why don't you already know the machines you're working on?
      >Spend another hour dismantling the machine.
      Almost nothing like that or in home appliances take an hour to disassemble. You are slow and stupid.
      >Look at pdf again for parts numbers.
      >Call to see if we have the part in stock.
      If you do this all day this process should be streamlined as frick. Apps exists. Hire a coder.
      >Spend another hour trying to order some obscure sensor because we never do.
      I ordered three things while typing this sentence, you are moronic.
      >And they're always on backorder when you do find them.
      Why do you refuse to stock components for the things you service? If you vaugely know the problem have the potential fix before your fatass shows up just to leave for another few weeks.
      >Cashier think's I'm just hanging out on the phone and just left the machine broken.
      You are, you did.

      • 7 months ago

        Companies that offer services aren't retailers. They don't keep random parts in bulk on the off chance your particular model needs one.

        • 7 months ago

          Right so just come on in and waste a day and take a shit in my loo so you can look at exactly what I already informed your company about including model numbers, pics, videos. Do you see how people are one step off bothering to frick with you at all when you refuse to be proactive in the slightest?

          • 7 months ago

            >I already informed your company about including model numbers, pics, videos

            When this butthole transposes a number or his pics and video aren't sufficient and the tech comes out with the wrong part, his first response will be, "well, I'm not a factory trained technician so it's not really my fault that you relied on what I thought was adequate information".

            • 7 months ago

              such a cope post over not wanting to do a better job. How you gonna frick this up when you're given a picture. Are you a monkey that can't read a serial number or comprehend a video? Do you think I photoshoped the wrong information into a picture to frick with you? Tradie level moronation

            • 7 months ago

              NTA but this post sounds like you want to make an unnecessary trip just to drive around.

          • 7 months ago

            I'm lucky that I'm not in a trade where I need specific part numbers as I can just replace wood with wood, but I can see why other trades hate residential customers/service calls. If it was easy and you could do it yourself, please do it. We encourage self sufficiency. It saves us the bother of having to spend a day on a small fix for low pay.
            >Do you see how people are one step off bothering to frick with you at all when you refuse to be proactive in the slightest?
            I don't know you and I can't trust that you know what they/I know. Everything has to be seen in person to verify. I wish it wasn't like that, it would be easier for everyone

            • 7 months ago

              >Everything has to be seen in person to verify

              Hard disagree. You feel that way because you are stuck in the 1970's and afraid of video and online communication to save time. You literally want to drive out to get paid to stand around looking at exactly what you were sent digitally for an entire unnecessary trip. Instead of making a streamlined path for customers to better provide this information on your terms to get what you need accurately, you buck things as common as zoom calls and force people to deal with you twice "just because." You are terrified of progressing. OP is correct here.

              • 7 months ago

                I've never even seen a contractor be hired by someone my age since nobody young can afford a house here. Everyone has been middle aged or older, so therefore video calls don't even exist for us. But for other larger companies, its because you're probably not dealing with the guy who is sent out. You should all know better than us that businesses are dividing responsibilities between more employees and the quantity of knowledge held by the office workers is far below what it used to be

                Welcome to the internet then newbie. And again "we don't need you" is a very moronic thing to have hanging out in your work philosophy. Don't b***h when you find that out one day.

                >And again "we don't need you" is a very moronic thing to have hanging out in your work philosophy
                You (and everyone else siding with you) don't seem to get it through your head that most tradesmen out in the field don't like maintenance work. The fact that they show up is a courtesy in itself.

              • 7 months ago

                >most tradesmen out in the field don't like maintenance work.
                Maybe don't be a tradie then?

              • 7 months ago

                I don't do it because I love it, I do it because its useful and men should do useful things. I'd rather be an athlete or kickboxer, but that's neither useful to myself nor lucrative until you get to the highest levels


                >video calls don't exist for us
                >you're not dealing with us directly
                >you should know better that things are getting worse
                >we don't like the work
                Mfw you don't realize you're arguing for everything OP is complaining about.

                I'm not, because I don't personally do maintenance or any of this shit you people complain about. I'm a carpenter and equipment operator who does new construction on big buildings. I've known from the very beginning that I hated dealing with residential customers, so I've avoided it as much as possible.

                Holy shit pussy try being a tech admin. We have to smile at demons who ruin their computers with 50 porn viruses with zero respect for our time and talk to use like they want our children dead. If we shuffled our feet and gave side-eyed flak to our customers the way you do we'd be out the door that day. Grow up.

                >me being direct with people and telling them I don't like them is being a pussy
                Yeah ok dude, can you see your stomach from how far your head is up your own ass? You could call it stupid but you could never call it cowardly

              • 7 months ago

                >video calls don't exist for us
                >you're not dealing with us directly
                >you should know better that things are getting worse
                >we don't like the work
                Mfw you don't realize you're arguing for everything OP is complaining about.

              • 7 months ago

                >You (and everyone else siding with you) don't seem to get it through your head that most tradesmen out in the field don't like maintenance work.
                Nice to see a tradie admit it. This is the explanation, the reason this thread exists.

              • 7 months ago

                Holy shit pussy try being a tech admin. We have to smile at demons who ruin their computers with 50 porn viruses with zero respect for our time and talk to use like they want our children dead. If we shuffled our feet and gave side-eyed flak to our customers the way you do we'd be out the door that day. Grow up.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm an sys admin and if someone cops an attitude with me I just send hr an email. I have no time to deal with dicks and buttholes about access to a specific table that they desperately need that second or their boss Mr. Finklegoldberg will get pissy with them. I just don't care.

              • 7 months ago

                > *that* admin detected

                I'm sure people just love you too

              • 7 months ago

                Everyone but the workday buttholes who think they're too good to be nice to anyone, except for upper management.

              • 7 months ago

                > no time to be nice to dicks and buttholes
                > complains about buttholes that are too good to be nice to people
                You're adorable

      • 7 months ago

        not that guy but i play along
        >why dont you know the machines you work on
        lolling right there from your pure bliss of ignorance. too many makes and models, all doing things slightly different. and when you show up they have lost the english manual leaving only the spanish, russian or whatever. so its google time or even worse find the importer and have them email you one.
        >hour dismantlig
        thats quick. they are often assembled inside out, upside down from the back and using stainless rivets. then you try to get out the parts in the middle without tearing down the entire structure they are glued and bolted down to.
        >parts numbers
        again, 7gazillion different products, different dealers, different countries, shipping time and the standard reply "yeah we have that in stock..... at the warehouse abroad thats closed for 4 weeks holiday right now"
        >so keep them in stock
        i do. standard and common parts enough to fix 90% of stuff. 3/4 of that fits inside a regular transit the rest is larger stuff we keep at the shop. im not stocking parts for obscure shit i didnt even knew existed. maybe you should have thought about that before buying the cheapest shit out there? would you expect the local carage to stock tesla battery packs?

  17. 7 months ago

    Just recently I had a leak in my first floor ceiling. I called a plumber, he took one look at my upstairs shower and first thing he literally said was:
    >"your piping is recalled, you're going to have to replace the plumbing of the entire house, it'll probably be like 150k, you should probably call your insurance"

    then he cut open the drywall and said
    >"oh nevermind it isn't that. you just have a leak in your shower drain"
    Then he quoted me 1250$ to fix it.

    I bought some plumbers putty and a new seal and installed it myself in 10 minutes for 25$. 3 months later no issues. What the frick is the problem with these guys?

    • 7 months ago

      Probably the fact that if they tell you what they're doing, you will do it yourself for free and they won't get paid. This is especially the case with plumbers, where literally all of it is stuff you can do yourself if you know what needs doing.

  18. 7 months ago

    homie open the pdf and hit ctrl+f, why are you reading in my home for an hour. You want a robe and slippers too?

  19. 7 months ago

    >thing broke, it's beyond what I have time to mess with or requires electrical knowledge
    >explain it and hire a guy to come
    >enter exactly what I explained in google
    >"you need this part" say google
    >guy shows up, takes an hour to visually inspect thing for some reason
    >"you need this part" says the dipshit who didn't bring the part.
    Every single time

  20. 7 months ago

    >everyone I hire is an idiot!

  21. 7 months ago

    I've been in HVAC for 9 years and I'm kinda with OP on this. My current company is Kino and makes things fast and clean, but I see that combination of brain damaged service guys that pussyfoot around and incompetent management that sends out unprepared techs far too often.

  22. 7 months ago

    >op shocked that people who ate pencil erasers as kids and think STEM is shitty weed had to work on washing machines with their lives.

  23. 7 months ago

    I quit working for a person just like you, OP.

    Was working on a store that was opening in an old building. Not properly excavated underneath; no room to work. I don't own an SDS and basically was into doing this as something to improve the local economy, as it's absolute dogshit around here - largely due to the attitudes of the existing boomers. Children leave; they can see the adults have their heads so far up their ass, they are only fooling themselves.

    I replaced all the plumbing, anyway, as it was all broken. It's all previously moronic CPVC, replaced w the same, but that's what he wants. I note numerous issues underneath: wood so damp the joists smoosh like a marshmallow when myself and a helper tried to lift the floor to level it. Sunken due to a broken support span underneath, that - you guessed it - had turned into soft cellulose.

    Improper ventilation, bordering on mold. Once mold gets in, you might as well tear the building down, and sell the land. It's toxic, and a terrible heath problem. Boomer then wants to go in the opposite direction, well, his out of control ego does, to seal up the basement, because he thinks this will make the floor warmer.

    He had 3 months, where I had told him to get an SDS (used Bosch is $65), so I could spend days at a time underneath, removing excess clay and giving us room to work. That would have included getting to the old gas pipe, which was direct-buried underneath the building, in the no-clearance crawl space.

    That never happened: He went to get the gas turned on, and it leaked bad. Pipe was still buried. So no heat and winter is coming on. And he thinks that sealing up the basement is the answer, instead of fixing the underlying issue.

    I tell him I won't support lunacy, after telling him what a bad idea that is, and why, a couple of times. Self-destructive, nihilistic narrow-minded, ego-blind boomers. It's not bad enough they fricked the country up for 50 years, but they have to keep fricking it up.

    • 7 months ago

      What does any of this have to do with op? Sounds like you just ran afoul of an isolated self destructive boomer with a really complex problem that was too involved in the first place. Op is talking about tradies who come in and frick up their one basic job that he wants to pay to avoid entirely.

  24. 7 months ago

    Just use reputable companies

    • 7 months ago

      > 5-stars online
      > the no-think mutant that shows up at my house to fail
      Literally every time

      • 7 months ago

        Damn where can I get some of those knipex crescent pliers

        • 7 months ago

          An ai bot's toolkit when they finally wipe out tradie ineptitude

  25. 7 months ago

    I've been doing industrial electrical work for years and I fricking hate when a friend/family member asks me to do something at their house. I still do it because I'm white, but I really do not like doing residential work. For one, the nec(as far as residential is concerned) is completely ass backwards. It's so glaringly obvious that the nfpa is in cahoots with the manufacturers of these parts you need and you know they're making money hands over fist. There should be no reason why new building wire cannot be used to its full 90°c rating in residential applications.

    But as far as op's thread is concerned, I have never and will never pay somebody else to come work on my house. And if I do, it's going to be someone local for big shit, like the concrete pad I want to have built so I can put up a workshop.

  26. 7 months ago

    is this the stupid repair story thread?

    >be me an unlicensed electrician
    >get call from a clients friend that her dishwasher isnt working and they want me to look at it
    >two other guys came by and couldn't figure it out
    >took them two days
    >told they were opening outlets all over the kitchen
    >get there
    >pull out dishwasher
    >its not wired to anything
    >box behind dishwasher is open
    >no wires in the box connected it to the rest of the kitchen
    >pull 4 ft of new wires and connect whip
    >im done in an hour in a half
    >took other guys 2 days and they couldn't do anything other than take things apart
    >i still have no idea what they were trying to do

    • 7 months ago

      Sounds like one of the other guys fixed it but forgot to hook it up.

  27. 7 months ago

    Seems like a thread of normal experiences with typical unskilled workers and a bunch of cope posts by those workers like usual. I'm sure "you're not the one" but, yeah right. Maintenance people are awful these days. Expecting tradesmen to be slightly self aware about their failings is an undue credit.

  28. 7 months ago

    yep, I'll learn how to wire a switch or run a drain auger before I pay some alcoholic high-school dropout his month's wages to do it for me. if somebody with GED and a meth problem can learn how to do it, I sure can.

  29. 7 months ago

    Thanks to tradies failing at their one job I've learned plumbing, drywall, fridge maintenance, outlet installs, landscaping, wiring, dryer repair, etc. For a lot of it I'd have liked to just pay to have it done but you literally can't do that reliably anymore. Southpark had it wrong with their latest special by implying these people can get the job done in the first place. Apparently the kids in the special needs classes all went into parts swap jobs.

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