Thoughts about the largest warship built in Asia since the Yamato?

Thoughts about the largest warship built in Asia since the Yamato?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 month ago

    Japs built Yamato in 4 years.
    China has been building the Type 003 for 9 (nine) years.

    • 1 month ago

      Did the Yamato have EMALS and displace 85000-90000 tons?

      • 1 month ago

        your mom displaces even more it's not that big of a deal

        • 1 month ago

          At least that anon still have his mom lmao

          • 1 month ago

            at reast that anon stirr have his mom rmao

        • 1 month ago

          Haha, gottem

        • 1 month ago

          Ba Zing ha

      • 1 month ago

        I mean, sure, cope however you must.

      • 1 month ago

        The YAMATO is literally a space ship.

        • 1 month ago

          Even that conversion took less time to do than the Chinese AC, and they did it on the ocean bed!

    • 1 month ago

      And the US nowadays takes 10 (ten) years minimum to build ships that size.

    • 1 month ago

      >China has been building the Type 003 for 9 (nine) years.
      wrong and dumb.

      • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Thoughts about the largest warship built in Asia since the Yamato?

      Ever East Asian Navy wants to burn that thing down. Korea and Japan can easily do it.
      Nips are flabby and need the exercise. We need to see some Japanese war face

      • 1 month ago

        >asiatic speak in the corner

  2. 1 month ago

    Let's see if we can get the other thread to line up beside this one for another screencap

    • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago


      look at this seething zipperhead, look at him and laugh

  3. 1 month ago

    Thats a very nice and legal looking helicopter carrier

  4. 1 month ago

    I actually fully believe China could build a decent ship.
    Here's my list of concerns:
    >Battlespace coordination
    >Use in combined arms
    >How does this fit into strategic goals/planning, or is it just a pyramid project
    >The aircraft it will use are subpar
    >AFAIK China doesn't have an AEGIS equivalent, which is pretty fricking necessary for a carrier
    >Lack of nuclear power represents significant limits on capability
    The design of the tower looks hideous to me aesthetically, but that's just a personal gripe. I almost wonder if the choice of steam power was to assuage US concerns over the buildup.
    Either way, I think it's more of a developmental stepping stone for China, to gain experience in ship design, building, and figuring out how to use carriers effectively.
    I'm curious as to how identical their carriers are, or if they're actively experimenting and iterating with each keel. If they are, that'd indicate they're actually serious about gitting gud.

    • 1 month ago

      That it's not a CVN limits its capabilities. It'll be a brown water boat, projecting power close to home.
      Chang will learn a lot from carrier ops though.

  5. 1 month ago

    Based, can't wait to see It conducting FONOPS in the Gulf of Mexico whilst docking in Cuba

    • 1 month ago

      First, lmao y'all arent sailing that far. Second, the US isnt as fragile as China and doesnt throw a shitfit when people sail in international waters.

    • 1 month ago

      All their industries except ship wharves (almost exclusively fishing/commercial ships) and chinesium EV factories are nosediving - in case you're wondering why the chinks are desperately trying to force their shitty ships and cars down your throat on the daily. It's to take focus away from the absolute state of their economy at large.

      can't wait to see it sunk in the taiwan strait before accomplishing anything of value. Chinkshit is forever chinkshit. China has no power projection and no amount of coping will convince me otherwise.

      • 1 month ago

        B-but in Mercenaries 2 they invade Venezuela and attack the US Army!

  6. 1 month ago

    >no ramp
    Ok I’m actually worried

    • 1 month ago

      OH NO!

    • 1 month ago

      OH NO!

      I don't know shit about boats. Why is this concerning?

      • 1 month ago

        it's a penis joke

  7. 1 month ago

    Looking foward to watch it break.

  8. 1 month ago

    I thought China made carriers obsolete with memesonic missiles
    has the paid narrative changed?

    • 1 month ago

      China isn't planning on attacking themselves with their carriers.

      Carriers are for exerting influence over Thirdies, not for defending the homefront where you have airfields that cost 1/100th that of a carrier and which can't be sunk.

    • 1 month ago

      People stopped giving as much of a shit about them when Russia showed that A) they're actually quite easy to intercept and B) they have shit all for accuracy when trying to hit a non stationary target. You know, the things people has been saying for years but no one listened until they saw it firsthand

  9. 1 month ago

    Thoughts about "Thoughts about this Chinese stuff" threads?

    • 1 month ago

      As annoying as they are, I'm sure we're just a blip on their schedule.
      It's so low effort.

  10. 1 month ago

    >china builds its supercarrier
    >turkey and korea are also planning their own 60k ton carrier and are likely to do it together
    >india is looking at the possibility of acquiring QE class

    Heavy carrier fad is in, people

    • 1 month ago

      For both China and korea it's an overreaction when Japan chose to build Izumo Class "helicopter destroyer". Turkey saw Korea's CVX programme and decided to join in the fun because why not (also countries like S
      spain an italy are reluctant to build bigger A/C for turkey because france. And germoney)

      • 1 month ago

        > uk carrier which is already small looks like shaquille oneill next to the jap "carrier"...
        > converted jap carriers the laughing stock of navies worldwide

        Hi nipshill weeb troony

        China doesn't even look at japan as a rival, they are building vessels to out-do the US whether realistic or not

        South Korea has helicopter carriers too and F35Bs can already fly off of them, but the ROK Navy laughed at the notion of a converted helicopter carrier, the latest is the CVX will be 80k tons with KF21Ns so essentially creating another MIC related market

        • 1 month ago

          have a nice day VANK "cyber diplomat"

        • 1 month ago

          Izumo is slightly shorter than QE whilst being 1/3 the displacement.
          >laughing stock
          nervous laugh you meant. Both korea and especially china went apeshit when Japan unveiled Izumo

          >the rest
          It could be summerized as "keeping to the Joneses" as both china and korea trying to outdumb each other even when they're perfectly aware that shit like
          >hypersonic missile
          >extra spicy torpedos
          >act of God
          could kill their little cargo cult project to emulate America

        • 1 month ago

          Lol is the japanese carrier really that small?

          Izumo is slightly shorter than QE whilst being 1/3 the displacement.
          >laughing stock
          nervous laugh you meant. Both korea and especially china went apeshit when Japan unveiled Izumo

          >the rest
          It could be summerized as "keeping to the Joneses" as both china and korea trying to outdumb each other even when they're perfectly aware that shit like
          >hypersonic missile
          >extra spicy torpedos
          >act of God
          could kill their little cargo cult project to emulate America

          The order of merit for navies in east asia (excluding the US) is: 1) CCP China, 2) ROK, 3) Norks, 4) Japan, 5) Taiwan

          China, ROK and Norks all have subs with ballistic missiles, both China and Norks are nuclear, ROK is building a nuke sub as we speak

          On top of this the current VLS count is:

          China: 5000+ estimated
          Japan: 1300
          South Korea: 1100
          Norks: 10
          Taiwan: 0

          But when factoring VLS counts of confirmed + approved:

          China: 6000+
          ROK: 2000
          Japan: 1500
          Norks: 10
          Taiwan: 0

          Proper carriers active + planned/approved:
          China: 11
          South Korea: 1
          Japan: 0
          Norks: 0
          Taiwan: 0

          Submarines active and planned/approved:
          China: 78 + 23 more planned/approved, 6 nukes with 13 more nukes planned/approved
          ROK: 24 + 5 more planned/approved, 3 nukes
          Norks: 35 + 1 more planned/approved, 1 nuke
          Japan: 23 + 2 more planned/approved, 0 nuke
          Taiwan: 4 + 1 more planned/approved, 0 nuke

          Japs are shitting manlet bricks literally on suicide watch bending over and spreading cheeks for the US and ROK to save the day, the funniest part is that the US refuses to let japs put ballistic missiles on their subs

          • 1 month ago

            that's a lot of "planned' cope

          • 1 month ago

            >the gesture that destroyed the asiaticshill

          • 1 month ago

            >Norks ahead of Japan and behind South Korea
            Both Japan and South Korea had a naval battle against North Korea post war.
            >Japan kills 15 norks with 0 losses
            >South Korea loses an ASW ship and 46 asiatics to a midget submarine based on old Imperial Japanese designs

        • 1 month ago

          Izumo is slightly shorter than QE whilst being 1/3 the displacement.
          >laughing stock
          nervous laugh you meant. Both korea and especially china went apeshit when Japan unveiled Izumo

          >the rest
          It could be summerized as "keeping to the Joneses" as both china and korea trying to outdumb each other even when they're perfectly aware that shit like
          >hypersonic missile
          >extra spicy torpedos
          >act of God
          could kill their little cargo cult project to emulate America

          according to Peter Zeihan, the Royal Navy has a less capable carrier force and less projection ability than the JMSDF

          Zeihan on the JMSDF:
          >Japan doesn’t only build but also designs its own naval vessels and has since the 1880s. Japan’s navy is easily the second-most powerful expeditionary force in the world…the entire Japanese fleet is blue-water capable.

          >It is Japan, not China, that boasts the world’s second most capable navy. It is that navy that is second only to the United States in the number of aircraft carriers floated (Japan claims those carriers are only for helicopters but that is, if you’ll forgive the repeat, just some more PR bullshit).

          >Japan…has four aircraft carrier battle groups that can make it that far. The point is less that the Japanese would use carriers for convoy duty, and more that the Japanese could scrub Chinese naval power out of existence from Hormuz to Malacca with a minimum of fuss.

          Zeihan on the RN:
          >At each step the Queen Elizabeth carrier program had to re-justify itself and fight for funding anew. And now, with Brexit looming, they’re having to slim the rest of the naval force to keep their supercarrier program on track.

          >Which means the Brits no longer have sufficient ships to protect their new supers once they are fully operational.

          >The British Navy has atrophied so much for so long that it can no longer assemble two credible battlegroups and still defend Great Britain itself.

          >For the Queen Elizabeths’ deployments, this is nothing short of a Charlie Foxtrot. The new British supercarriers dare not venture further away from shore than the reach of British air power, whether that air power be launched from the United Kingdom itself or from the territory of a trusted ally. Support ships can certainly be built up more quickly (and cheaply) than the supercarriers themselves, but ships don’t grow on trees. This will be the state of the British Navy for at least a decade. Probably two.

        • 1 month ago

          Lol is the japanese carrier really that small?

          The order of merit for navies in east asia (excluding the US) is: 1) CCP China, 2) ROK, 3) Norks, 4) Japan, 5) Taiwan

          China, ROK and Norks all have subs with ballistic missiles, both China and Norks are nuclear, ROK is building a nuke sub as we speak

          On top of this the current VLS count is:

          China: 5000+ estimated
          Japan: 1300
          South Korea: 1100
          Norks: 10
          Taiwan: 0

          But when factoring VLS counts of confirmed + approved:

          China: 6000+
          ROK: 2000
          Japan: 1500
          Norks: 10
          Taiwan: 0

          Proper carriers active + planned/approved:
          China: 11
          South Korea: 1
          Japan: 0
          Norks: 0
          Taiwan: 0

          Submarines active and planned/approved:
          China: 78 + 23 more planned/approved, 6 nukes with 13 more nukes planned/approved
          ROK: 24 + 5 more planned/approved, 3 nukes
          Norks: 35 + 1 more planned/approved, 1 nuke
          Japan: 23 + 2 more planned/approved, 0 nuke
          Taiwan: 4 + 1 more planned/approved, 0 nuke

          Japs are shitting manlet bricks literally on suicide watch bending over and spreading cheeks for the US and ROK to save the day, the funniest part is that the US refuses to let japs put ballistic missiles on their subs

          >replying to yourself again

        • 1 month ago

          Lol is the japanese carrier really that small?

          The order of merit for navies in east asia (excluding the US) is: 1) CCP China, 2) ROK, 3) Norks, 4) Japan, 5) Taiwan

          China, ROK and Norks all have subs with ballistic missiles, both China and Norks are nuclear, ROK is building a nuke sub as we speak

          On top of this the current VLS count is:

          China: 5000+ estimated
          Japan: 1300
          South Korea: 1100
          Norks: 10
          Taiwan: 0

          But when factoring VLS counts of confirmed + approved:

          China: 6000+
          ROK: 2000
          Japan: 1500
          Norks: 10
          Taiwan: 0

          Proper carriers active + planned/approved:
          China: 11
          South Korea: 1
          Japan: 0
          Norks: 0
          Taiwan: 0

          Submarines active and planned/approved:
          China: 78 + 23 more planned/approved, 6 nukes with 13 more nukes planned/approved
          ROK: 24 + 5 more planned/approved, 3 nukes
          Norks: 35 + 1 more planned/approved, 1 nuke
          Japan: 23 + 2 more planned/approved, 0 nuke
          Taiwan: 4 + 1 more planned/approved, 0 nuke

          Japs are shitting manlet bricks literally on suicide watch bending over and spreading cheeks for the US and ROK to save the day, the funniest part is that the US refuses to let japs put ballistic missiles on their subs

          god i hate asiaticshills so fricking much
          it's like they saw the poojeets getting all that negative attention for being abject human trash online(inb4 >implying they aren't irl too) and decided they wanted some of it too

        • 1 month ago

          Your pic shows the Ise (right side of this pic) which is the same size as Korea's largest ship class. The Izumo (left side) is the one getting F-35s and displaces around 8000 tons more than Korea's Dokdos which were considered too small for F-35 ops. By calling the Ise small you are just insult yourself since you have no ships larger than it.

        • 1 month ago

          >the latest is the CVX will be 80k tons with KF21Ns so essentially creating another MIC related market
          The ROK defense establishment has been dragging ass since CVX was announced as a notional program. They know it's a bad idea, and it will never be built (unlike the PLAN, who are plowing ahead on building Virginia food).

    • 1 month ago

      just as meme carries become obsolete due to USV lmao, cargo cult mentality because they want to emulate the US

    • 1 month ago

      India is aiming to start construction on the third carrier derived from the IAC-1 that we comissioned a year or so ago, but as far as i remember, the navy's trying to build up the submarine fleet a bit more before starting the work on the third carrier.

      • 1 month ago

        The IAC-2 would try and integrate EMALS to enable CATOBAR ops instead of the ski-jump

      • 1 month ago

        i _ _ _ _ _ _
        _ h _
        _ _ e _ _

      • 1 month ago
  11. 1 month ago

    Isn't the Fujian out of the dock for sea trials rn?

  12. 1 month ago

    Be a shame if it caught fire in multiple places on its shakedown cruise.

  13. 1 month ago

    >since the Yamato
    If the chinks get cheeky it'll suffer the same fate as the Yamato

  14. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      Vely implessive

  15. 1 month ago

    Why would china even build a carrier? The thing will never leave south china sea.

    • 1 month ago

      they want to protect the sea lane to the persian gulf

    • 1 month ago

      they want to protect the sea lane to the persian gulf

      Lol keep deluding yourselves you know precisely why the chinks are doing this but too scared shitless to do anything about it…ww3 is us+sk+maybe japan vs china/russia…western euros have no impact on the outcome and will just end up being the servant class to whoever wins…

      • 1 month ago

        Still seething over the Opium Wars?

      • 1 month ago

        >yadda yadda
        ok boomer

      • 1 month ago

        tong daaoowww ching chong pee poo

    • 1 month ago

      Bully thirdies who're threatening the Belt and Road stuff.

  16. 1 month ago

    Wasn't their prior aircraft carrier the largest warship built in Asia since the Yamato?

  17. 1 month ago

    isn't this pos bigger than the Yamato (also pos)

  18. 1 month ago

    Is it single hull like their tin can frigates kek

  19. 1 month ago

    How long will it take for china to develop the necessary military culture in order to manage an aircraft carrier.

    There is a lot of stuff going on when an airplane takes off or lands.

    • 1 month ago

      They already know how to take off and land from their two STOBAR carriers. Now with their first CATOBAR, the switch will be even easier since it'll be like going from a manual transmission car to an automatic one:
      This is the reason why they called their previous carriers, "training carriers".

  20. 1 month ago

    it's gonna be immediately sunk if they decide to try it on with someone.

  21. 1 month ago

    No one, literally no one outside of Japan knows frick all about the ship. We’ll get some hints later when it goes on shake-down and then some more when it actually begins operations. And even then we won’t know about many critical stats and specs until it goes to war. The very long time it took to be constructed could mean that it’s built to a high quality standard unlike other PLAN vessels, but maybe not — it’s just a possibility. We don’t know and will never know until the Chinese deploys it operationally somewhere.

  22. 1 month ago

    It will be food for LRASM if they ever ape out over Taiwan.

  23. 1 month ago

    May it meet a similar fate as the Shinano, alhamdulillah

  24. 1 month ago

    I'm unironically of the mind that this took them too long. It was certainly unexpected that it would take them this long after how quickly they built their Kuznetsov-derivative. I would step up construction a bit, maybe build a couple more of the Type 002. Sure it's got a cope slope but if your only theater of battle isn't that far from your coasts the reduced range & payload isn't a huge deal + US isn't the only competitor.

    • 1 month ago

      What a dumb design, those two jets are gonna collide as soon as they attempt to take-off, lmao

      • 1 month ago

        You do realize they don't take off at the exact same time, right?

  25. 1 month ago

    > nipshill weeb troony getting uppity because it only got three loads of pig semen injected into its boipussy today

    > one kss nuclear subs sinks all of japan into the earthquake prone shelf and nothing japs can do about it but you already know this nippie

    ROK still has the CVX on the strategic plan and with the team yoon election debacle the CVX appears to be guaranteed at this point given the ROK Navy wants it and its only yoon that is waffling

    That said, the direction ROK politics is headed what is a given is that ROK is going full bore on the nuclear subs, ROK military leadership publicly stating its a necessity and again yoon the only obstacle + with 90%+ public support for not only nuclear subs but nukes too, they are already building three of picrel and will likely build to a fleet of 30+ nuclear subs

    • 1 month ago

      you are absolutely seething Kim
      no one is impressed by your infographics of hypothetical ships and ridiculous obsession with VLS

  26. 1 month ago


  27. 1 month ago


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