The year is 2040. Russia is under the direct rule of the EU parliament.

The year is 2040. Russia is under the direct rule of the EU parliament. The MEPs have selected you to serve as the Russian president for 4 years. It has been decided that Russia's old weaponry will be sold off to distant, low income countries and be replaced by NATO equipment. What equipment will you start producing?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    You're gonna need several more decades before they're de-Muscovized enough to build NATO quality gear.

    • 2 months ago

      Moscow is the only place in Russia that has the infrastructure and population density to bother with industry, so deMoscavation is a dumb idea

  2. 3 months ago

    >serving hato bulls

    • 3 months ago

      >Russia is under the direct rule of the EU parliament.

      EU is a trading bloc; not a governing block....

      • 3 months ago

        >EU is a trading bloc

      • 3 months ago

        Trade becomes ruling, it's the fundamental basis of the EU project, and why they basically have their own court and tax based system.
        Yes you are allowed autonomy within the system, but that's like the UK giving autonomy to Wales and Scotland, unless you're one of the big 4 you get little say.

      • 3 months ago

        That's just the lure. They tell you that it's just a trading bloc, but it's it's clearly attempting to transition into a political union. Britain would had never left if the EU was just a benign trading bloc.

        • 3 months ago

          >Britain would had never left if the EU was just a benign trading bloc
          yeah I'm sure your average barry on the street has a well-informed, comprehensive view on the long-term plans of the EU
          most people who voted don't even know what the EU is with any clarity

        • 3 months ago

          To the UK, it literally was a trading bloc. It was literally the only nation that reaped every benefit without any of the negatives.

      • 3 months ago

        You shitkickers keep telling yourself that when it hasn't been the case since 1992.

        The EU is happening whether you like it or not

      • 3 months ago

        You're stuck in the 2010's. This statement is wrong since a long time ago, to the point most national laws come directly from EU directives, at least in my country (France). That's why farmers are rioting and the French government can do frick all except trying to buy time.

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        >EU is a trading bloc; not a governing block....
        Indians of all people should know that's a very thin line.

      • 3 months ago

        The EU makes laws.
        But regardless the only reason you say that is beacuse we haven't established Reichland Moskowien under the direct rule of the European Commission, yet.

      • 3 months ago

        EU hates Brexit?

      • 3 months ago

        >EU is a trading bloc; not a governing block....
        Much to my disappointment.
        Only an unified politic system can make decision for the good of everyone instead of getting into petty rivalry and undermining each others.

        If EU was a governing block we would be mass producing ammo & weapons on the scale of the US.
        Russia barely have the GDP of one country of the Union.
        If Germany & France were mass producing tanks together we would build 2x Leopard 2 class tank for every ex-soviet wreck the Russian put back into service.

        The question of convincing the population that it is a good idea to vote in that direction would remain, but it at least it would mean less Gerrymandering US style.

      • 3 months ago

        The EFTA is a trading block, like NAFTA. The EU is a political and economic union which also manages trade.

      • 3 months ago

        EU is not a trading bloc, it's a supranational union which is a type of international organization that is empowered to directly exercise some of the powers and functions otherwise reserved to states. It has deep political, economic and social integration, which includes a common market, joint border control, a supreme court, and regular popular elections

        • 3 months ago

          >concise and accurate description

          You're wasting your time on these morons, mate.

        • 3 months ago

          >concise and accurate description

          You're wasting your time on these morons, mate.

          Also, where is that pic from?

          • 3 months ago

            The pic is from Ace Combat
            It's giant cannon meant to block asteroids falling on Earth, eventually get used for anti-air

      • 2 months ago

        Nah, it is.

        If the EU says we are eating bugs, we are eating them. If the EU says we're driving goypods, we are driving goypods. If the EU says we sucking gay troony wiener, we sucking gay troony wiener.

        • 2 months ago

          Ebin meme Rajesh, now please redeem your pass for a bath in the ganges.

    • 2 months ago

      Russian women serve NATO men for pocket change and no domestic violence, so they'll be especially easy to win over once all the mobiks are hamburger or alcoholism statistics

  3. 3 months ago

    Surely the implicit goal is to neuter the Russians as a potential military threat? If so, first gen MCXs for service rifle, worn-out SAWs for LMG, Leopard 1 for MBT, Warrior for the IFV, NH90 for transport helo, Tiger for gunship, anything by Boeing for transport plane.

    • 2 months ago

      I like your idea of neutering them, but I think we can do better. Place an arrogant French designer who only speaks french in charge of the Russian arms industry. Then this guy gets the job of developing Nato standard weapons that the Russians will produce and use. Make sure he gets his way no matter how moronic the design choices are.

      • 2 months ago

        I know just the guy for the job.

    • 2 months ago

      >anything by Boeing for transport plane.
      We still want them to be able to contribute my guy

  4. 3 months ago

    there's no way we'll be producing anything other then small arms up to NATO standard if russia fricked up enough to be under direct EU rule

  5. 3 months ago

    >Russia is under the direct rule of the EU parliament.

    • 3 months ago

      They did it. The Germans finally did it. Motherfrickers.

      • 3 months ago

        Iupiter has avenged his hero.

      • 2 months ago

        They played the long game and got the Anglos to do it for them, right down to the ethnic cleansing

  6. 3 months ago

    They let the dream die.
    last chance to:
    >oppose China
    >leave the jungle and join the garden
    >be ruled by the beautiful people

    • 3 months ago

      navalny would probably make them cuck to america and give up their nukes so they could get mcdonalds back.
      boring timeline

      • 2 months ago

        Cucking to America would get him assassinated. A reasonable Russian leader would attempt to rein in the old Imperial sphere through the CSTO by offering an actual economic deal instead of bribes and crime. A great move would be to get Western investors to finance a refurbishment of the 1970s era pipelines that supply almost all of Russias revenue

    • 3 months ago

      navalny would probably make them cuck to america and give up their nukes so they could get mcdonalds back.
      boring timeline

      People in the West have some strange ideas about what Navalny stood for just because he opposed Putin. He was still a Russian nationalist who would've acted with Russian interests in mind if he ever came to power somehow. Frankly there isn't even any guarantee if he would've cleaned up Russia's deeply rooted corruption problem once in office or if he just would've become the next commander-in-thief instead. God knows he wouldn't be the first hopeful to disappoint. At least he was Russia's best chance for actual change, that much is true.

  7. 3 months ago

    >What equipment will you start producing?
    Affordable automobile designs, and I'd look at consumer goods with higher margins. With Boeing having screwed the pooch on their reputation, the time might be ripe for a new player in commercial civilian jet transport if we can get quality assurance polished to a mirror shine. There's probably enough institutional knowledge in helicopter design to partner with Textron or something, too.
    The one thing I don't need to worry about producing is military equipment, since you specified it's all being replaced by NATO gear. I can sleep soundly knowing that my guys will have access to the best of the best, and it's time for us to concentrate on export goods so we don't wind up as a failed petrostate or something.

  8. 3 months ago

    Have you been making a similar thread for months now?

    I can remember listening to neocon think tank speeches 10-15 years ago where they envisioned Russia being aligned with NATO against China.

  9. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Simple as.
      t. Big Baz

      • 3 months ago

        >Yes it is simple as! Haha look smal little girlie says good job Nigel. In my oblast also lip is stiff upper while carry on in cricket tea m8 simple as. Are the arsenal not impressive performance, game of two side, b rexit mean brexit, it is danerous to poke with the bear of nuclear armed mighty Russia, have the jaffa cake and simple as yes.?

        • 3 months ago

          >I also support Brexit in my oblast as has been directed by the central authority. I like tea. Look it is a cricket and we play. I am from 2016 where this was the way. There is much to admire in President Putins win in the free election in Russ.

          >>Yes it is simple as! Haha look smal little girlie says good job Nigel. In my oblast also lip is stiff upper while carry on in cricket tea m8 simple as. Are the arsenal not impressive performance, game of two side, brexit mean brexit, it is dangerous to poke with the bear of nuclear armed mighty Russia, have the jaffa cake and simple as yes.?
          It is untrue his blackmail was underage child sex in Moscow with the camera such as the false accusation of the George galloway. Such lies. Simple as.

    • 3 months ago

      >I also support Brexit in my oblast as has been directed by the central authority. I like tea. Look it is a cricket and we play. I am from 2016 where this was the way. There is much to admire in President Putins win in the free election in Russ.

      • 3 months ago

        I wonder what these two have in common.

        • 3 months ago

          Both of them oppose Scottish independence.

    • 3 months ago

      thoughts on brexit being a complete waste of everyone's time?

      • 3 months ago

        I am cynical as frick but I still wouldn't have expected this. So basically at least half the population unthinkingly swallows literally everything they see on TV, no matter how dumb?
        Fricking grim

      • 3 months ago

        At least now we have a demonstration that it is better to be in the EU rather than become a satellite state of the US.
        Britain had a superb custom-made arrangement as a node for fiscal optimization and tax evasion, getting money from the EU and having vote/veto power over what the EU do.
        So I'm actually glad to have seen them throw it all away. When they inevitably rejoin decades later they'll have no choice but to accept the same rules & money as everyone else.

  10. 3 months ago

    >The year is 2040. Russia is under the direct rule of the EU parliament.
    It's impressive that Ziggeria somehow ended up with even worse ruling class than exists now.
    t. yuro

  11. 3 months ago


    >What kind of /k/ope is this?
    Its literally what neocon think tanks used to wank over on CSPAN 10-15 years ago.

  12. 3 months ago

    Why would the replace Russian equipment in favor of inferior and timefold more unjustifiably expensive NATO equipment?

    • 3 months ago
  13. 3 months ago

    I think Russia will instead dissolve into a bunch of separate states with nukes run by all sorts of pissed off people who will probably accept being PRC puppets like North Korea out of their hate for the west.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm fine with it as long as we can burn down Moscow after they chimpout eventually agianst NATO

    • 2 months ago

      If you think those nukes won't be seized by Ranger battalions the second Russian C&C breaks down you've got a warped view of American aggression

  14. 3 months ago

    > The year is 2040. Russia is under the direct rule of the EU parliament

    The EU parliament has no actual power but merely functions to provide the semblance of democracy to an intransparent corrupt organisation and enrich its members which most of the time don't even bother to show up.
    The EU parliament is an affront to Democracy in Europe.

    • 3 months ago

      As long as russia exists, nothing is a greater affront to any democracy.
      Note also, that people who don't like the EU are free to leave. I wish they did, in fact if they keep yapping about "ee-yuu baaad".

      • 3 months ago

        How globohomobrained do you ever need to be to think Russia is more relevant than China lol

  15. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      I bet you think Russia is doing good.

      • 3 months ago

        Russia doesn't have to do well for the EU to frick itself up because of the climate madness to which everything in the UE is subjugated.

        • 3 months ago


          Ah. Say hi to Marine, you fricking prick.

          • 3 months ago

            He's right though. Kiss Von Der Layen c**t for me.

        • 3 months ago

          We'll take about that after Russia is gone and not poisoning the debate to try and keep the EU buying its shitty low quality oil.

      • 2 months ago

        It's possible to have low expectations of both states futures

    • 3 months ago

      More like الخلافة الأوروبية المقدسة

  16. 3 months ago

    >The year is 2040. Russia is under the direct rule of the EU parliament
    It would take a generation or longer for Russia to adopt rule of law, democracy, freedom of the press and ant-corruption measures. There is no sign that most of the population even understand what these are. Russia will not be invited to join the EU, it was on that path 20 years ago and deliberately alienated not just the EU but all the European peoples as well with its fawning on the mass murderers of Stalin and his USSR. I can't see Russia ever being in the EU, maybe some portion of it if it breaks up but even then not for a generation. Russia would never be trusted as an honest member. Russia should make toilets and install them and hot water for its people. Its 70 year old stockpile of weapons has done nothing but make Russia even worse off under Putin. No onne will but Russian weapons again anyway , when they are demonstrably inferior.

    • 3 months ago

      >It would take a generation or longer for Russia to adopt rule of law, democracy, freedom of the press and ant-corruption measures.
      Who said anything about any of that? The people of Russia are worthless, it's the land that has value. Keep them poor, ignorant, and slowly sterilize them until they're gone.

    • 2 months ago

      >it would take 20 years for the Russian people to adopt rule of law
      Who cares? The only law that matters is the corporate directives of the multinational corporations running the Russian resource extraction operations. Any corruption will be handled by internal corporate investigations and, ultimately, by American governmental oversight

  17. 3 months ago


  18. 3 months ago

    Snowmalia is not going to be allowed to or invited to join the EU this century and neither is Somalia for similar reasons.

  19. 3 months ago

    The year is 2040. The western European islamic republics are completing the architectural demolitions in urban areas. The african people's republics are still boating in their relatives, 10% down, 90% to go. All the euro globohomosexual apparitchiks have been liquidated, and their families. Starvation and disease are common. Haiti offers to send aid to these poor unfortunates.

    Russia has rebuilt the Berlin Wall, in reverse.

    • 3 months ago

      >The year is 2040.
      Progress, after decades of study the team at the St. Petersberg academy of science discovers that the small lever makes the HATO technology release liquid. Trains take black and white film to be shown of this development to Russia's regions, the only way of viewing moving images in Russia since Tsarina Putina the First finally abolished the internet and digital media and switched to a potato based currency

      • 3 months ago

        everything except the potato based currency

        • 3 months ago

          >everything except the potato based currency
          Thew will have no potato in Russia in 2040. You are correct. It will have to be a hope of potato based currency instead of an actual potato based currency.

  20. 3 months ago

    >it's all gonna be troony Islam

  21. 3 months ago

    ethnically targeted bioweapons to get rid of hamosemitic and sub saharan african peoples on the european continent and overly complex electronically guided munitions produced by third worlders brought into russia and my country by the EU to ensure there will be as many possibilities of failure as possible and overly complex weapon systems also guaranteed to fail with a great variaty of different systems to target as many markets as possible and have as little inter system compatibility or parts compatibility as possible with many projects stopped halfway through not started or only partially started or stopped with the many production schemes started in the middle without the the first half of parts needed produced hiring as many diversies as possible and then shifting blame to minorities for not being lgbtqefwsf enough or lgbaalplusers for not being mixed race or of diverse origin enough

    with a thousand little resource drain projects being started and being able to rely on EU bureaucratic incompetence i will know that bruxelles will be helpless to halt any of the projects after my term and will be politically unable to do so as most of them will be closely tied to diversity schemes cultural marxism and other globalist agendas being symbols as i start them of russia's opening up and acceptance of western values such as diversitification and lgba'alt and judeo-islam i will cover those things in resistance and establishment names wit such wordings literred all over it so that it will be political suicide for brüssels to stop the projects or even oppose if they complain i call them racist islamophobic homophobivi transphobic cis gender whitemale exhibiting parsons

    the other things produced is a vast variaty of high performance goods that require constant maintenance or simple high quality weapons and weapons systems but which are all tied to thousand different incompatible systems leaving no compatibility
    and effective but hard to replace parts

  22. 3 months ago

    Would letting Russia in be worse than letting The Turks in?

  23. 3 months ago

    > Russia is in EU but Ukraine isn't
    holy kek

  24. 3 months ago

    all of it

  25. 3 months ago

    Unironically the best, wholesome ending for Russia.
    Also, Russia has a frickhuge territory that's eyed up by Chang south of the border, so they're still gonna need a plethoric army to discourage the bugmen from attacking.
    I'm giving them a T-72 derivative with a NATO standard 120mm gun and an autoloader in a turret bustle, a 5.56 AK-12 and 7.62 NATO PKP, and I'm having NATO precision munitions integrated on Su-35s and Ka-52s.
    If there's some extra unstolen money laying aground, I'm having the AK-12 replaced with a derivative of the AM-17 chambered in 5.56 that takes STANAG mags.
    The only NATO standard shit that I'd rather die than adopt is, ironically, something Putin's Russia has adopted. Multicam. Multicam is a crime against humanity.

  26. 3 months ago

    More big fluffy tsarist era hats. Nothing else is important, time to bring back the ancient rizz.

    • 3 months ago

      Image for reference. This will be the russian army of the 22nd century. All will cower in fear of our drip and brisk sexy dance moves.

  27. 3 months ago

    puccians are a bunch of clowns

  28. 3 months ago

    Ziggercattle need to be exterminated, including the one Black person-skinned vatnik janny from PrepHole

  29. 3 months ago

    I buy all of the stuff that's too cool for the US to handle.
    >Textron NGSW with L3Harris optic
    >SB-1 Defiant

  30. 3 months ago

    >its another shit nogunz /uhg/troon thread
    I guess Eglin Airbase Black folk really do work on weekends.

  31. 3 months ago

    >What equipment will you start producing?
    Metric shitloads of various small arm and artillery munitions, standard AR pattern rifles, and anything else easily mass producible.
    I will not rest until the world drowns in steelcase 5.56 and kalash brand ARs.

  32. 2 months ago

    >The year is 2040. Russia is
    still a miserable corrupt shithole making cheap low quality weapons for second rate dictators to murder their own peoples with

  33. 2 months ago

    I will not "start producing" ANY weapons with the remains of the enemy MIC because Russia is ontological existential enemy to civilization. No reason exists to revive the enemy armed forces. They are a cost center and a burden on a poor country.

    I focus Russian industry on construction and resource extraction to make money for the average Russian because people care much more about their own jobs than war. Former military must not be left unemployed or they go full Baathist. I convert appropriate parts of armed forces into public works units under strict EU oversight and with full public disclosure of all funds spent.

    All Russian weapons manufacturing is scrapped onsite and the funds raised are used to pay workers to scrap the military shit then convert to civilian manufacture. Everything in life is about money and only if the new government improves the lot of the masses will it gain support.

    The Russian navy except for icebreakers and resource extraction support is scrapped. Its workforce are directed to build new shipyards in the Black Sea for two reasons, climate and ability to bottle up those shipyards in the inevitable next war. The INW will come because Europeans have the memory of tardigrades and will imagine Russia reformed.

  34. 2 months ago

    I produce enough bombs to kill all remaining animals sitting inside the territory formerly known as Russia. The whole of former Russia becomes a wildlife preserve. The only place remaining where Russia is still spoke is Hell.

  35. 2 months ago

    Small arms, Humvees, 5 ton trucks, and radios should cover everything the local Russian units need to maintain order as MPs. Every other aspect of national defense can be handled by trustworthy NATO forces and importation deals with Germany

  36. 2 months ago

    Russia will never be invited into the EU, it is a dictatorship

    • 2 months ago

      Who said anything about an invitation? Russia will be forcefully liberated.

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