The North Korean Hypersonic Missile just dropped!

North Korea has beaten the United States in the race for a working hypersonic missile, joining an elite club that includes Russia, China and Iran.

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    >north korea says

    • 3 months ago

      If it failed then the US and RoK would have said so, also it isn't the first test. Hypersonic is easy, hitting anything is the hard part unless you are using a nuke.

      Why does the foreskin for that rocket have a ladder on it?

      That's the launch tube.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, the rocket foreskin. Still don't know why its up there when there's one at the base of the shaft.

        • 3 months ago

          Probably so they can unlock and lower the travel cover.

  2. 3 months ago


  3. 3 months ago

    Why does the foreskin for that rocket have a ladder on it?

    • 2 months ago

      In case someone needs to climb on it. Why else would it have a ladder?

      • 2 months ago


  4. 3 months ago

    Five posts and no implessive? Shamfu dispray /k/, absolutely shamfu.

    • 3 months ago

      >confusing nork for chink

      • 2 months ago

        they arr rook same

      • 2 months ago

        Shameful display is Japanese you frickwit.

  5. 3 months ago

    Looks actually pretty impressive.

    How did the test towards Japan go? International radars should have collected some interesting data and should corroborate if this thing is the real deal or a Potemkin missile to compensate for Kim's manhood.

    • 3 months ago

      >north korea says

      They have been testing them and being tracked for two years.

      • 3 months ago

        So what is the verdict so far? Do they work properly?

  6. 3 months ago

    so does it do anything that ballistic missiles from the 50s can't?

    • 3 months ago

      They go really fast on a flat trajectory making them very hard to intercept. In theory wonderful but they heat and ionize the air around them making impossible to receive guidance or to use onboard sensors. So you are left with inertial navigation with a extremely fast system making accuracy very difficult. It probably can't hit anything smaller than a city.

      So what is the verdict so far? Do they work properly?

      Useless except for nuking cities which is probably their intention.

      • 3 months ago

        >They go really fast on a flat trajectory making them very hard to intercept
        Anon I have very bad news for ya

      • 2 months ago

        >flat trajectory
        >very hard to intercept
        Anon, that's not how that works. What you've just described is an ABM dream-come-true.
        The whole point behind the hypersanic meme is that true ones are maneuverable and airbreathing, otherwise it just becomes a normal reentry vehicle with some pizzazz.

        • 2 months ago

          Flat and maneuverable are not incompatible. The first stage is a normal ballistic or semi ballistic flight, the upper stage then detaches and does the maneuvering. When they tested the liquid fueled version a few years back it flew normally until it detached, then they showed off by having it fly a figure eight.

          • 2 months ago

            Don't these types of glide vehicles lose speed during those maneuvers? How much burn time does the glide stage have, and can it shutdown and restart midflight? If it can do those things, then I guess it's not useless for the intended city-busting role.

            • 2 months ago

              They do have to slow down to at least Mach 5 to have any chance of hitting a small (like aircraft carrier) sized target, it needs to decelerate to get rid of the plasma sheath to have any sort of guidance. It is also required for it to change direction when it separates. The burn time is very short, mostly because the flight time is very short. The accuracy of all these fast missiles is very questionable, it is highly unlikely the PRC's anti ship version of the DF-17 uses anything other than a nuclear warhead. All their tests are against static targets in controlled optimal conditions.

              They really aren't useful for anything besides nuke lobbing at the moment and even then you still want to saturate AD just in case.

              By letting the west practice on Kinzals Russia is really fricking over other nations like China, the DPRK and India, much like Hamas/Iran fricked over the DPRK with the paraglider attack on Israel by giving everyone a wake up call.

          • 2 months ago

            Proof? Also, NK and China lack the material science for flat trajectory high mach operation. The dynamic pressure would be much too high for their materials to last at sustained high mach below 150k ft alt. And their guidance systems much to slow and unsophisticated for sustained high mach atmospheric flight.

        • 2 months ago

          >>flat trajectory
          >>very hard to intercept
          >Anon, that's not how that works. What you've just described is an ABM dream-come-true.
          >The whole point behind the hypersanic meme is that true ones are maneuverable and airbreathing, otherwise it just becomes a normal reentry vehicle with some pizzazz.
          yes, thats actually exactly how it works you shit brain

          >They go really fast on a flat trajectory making them very hard to intercept
          Anon I have very bad news for ya

          >They go really fast on a flat trajectory making them very hard to intercept
          >Anon I have very bad news for ya

          pic related for the dumb fricks^

          see that shit brains?
          virtually zero time from detection-to-impact
          they fly "under the horizon" untill mere moments from hitting the target

          • 2 months ago

            AI can think a million times faster than a human. Detects something coming at it at mach5. Blows it up. You still have several minutes of it being detected. You would have to launch a hundred of these to destroy a high value target like a carrier.

            • 2 months ago

              >You would have to launch a hundred of these to destroy a high value target like a carrier.
              >.gif related
              no you wouldnt, none of the wunderwaffe ships have even a fraction of the ammo to deal with ONE actual Anti-ship attack w/decoys e-war countermeasures etc.
              it would be near instantaneous destruction by the looks of it

              the houthis have chased at least 3 different euro nations out of the red-sea when they run out of ammo intercepting drones made out of fricking sticks and twine

              • 2 months ago

                what warship did the houthis actually sink?

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah what. The drones never got a warship. And you're talking about a couple frigates, not a carrier group with dozens of ships all armed with state of the art radar and half a dozen counter measures each. All designed to take out fast moving missiles.

              • 2 months ago

                what warship did the houthis actually sink?

                >what warship did the houthis actually sink?
                none yet, they chased them out of the fricking region into the mediterranean, where they launch f18 sorties one after the other 24/7 in a seethe

                the entire carrier group was run out of dodge, like the criminals they are

              • 2 months ago

                They shot down 28 done in one day. And they are still there. There was never a carrier group in the red sea. You're a fricking idiot.

              • 2 months ago

                so all they achieved was providing skeets for western navies to get some target practice in

              • 2 months ago

                >so all they achieved was providing skeets for western navies to get some target practice in
                lmfao, and now the west is suing for peace.. weird!?
                >"Houthis are un-beatable, we..we....we'll take you off the "terror list if you stop! plz even!"

                Yes, the U.S., Russia, and China are still developing hypersonic missiles that can survive atmospheric re-entry at these speeds and some broke pissant nation with no money just magically solves the problem.
                Bravo, you win the internet

                >the country that literally used them in actual combat (Russia) is still *developing* and *planning* hypsersonic missiles
                lmfao, what was it like 3 minutes from Crimea to target last time?
                what else could possibly do that?
                RUssian magic?
                western hopes and dreams?

              • 2 months ago

                >now the west is suing for peace

          • 2 months ago

            >they fly "under the horizon"
            AWACS goes brrrrr

    • 3 months ago

      So what is the verdict so far? Do they work properly?

      It has a trajectory so flat that it makes Kim's big sister looks positively busty.

      It's literally just an ICBM on its side. Look at the picture, it's obviously not air-breathing.

      • 3 months ago

        So is the DF-17 which this was obviously based on. This thing did the same hookshot terminal maneuver as that. It isn't a wonder weapon but they are more useful for nuke lobbing than conventional missiles.

  7. 3 months ago

    Vibe check:

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago


      I'd get gulaged simply because there is no way i could stop myself from painting teeth and eyes on that things cover.

    • 3 months ago

      someone needs to dinosaur that like anon did the astutes

      I'd get gulaged simply because there is no way i could stop myself from painting teeth and eyes on that things cover.


    • 3 months ago

      the body is round.

    • 3 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        Is that Kim Ju-ae next to Kim Jong Un? She's almost as tall as he is now. Isn't she like 11?

        • 2 months ago

          12 and remember not only does he wear elevator shoes that picture is angled to make him look taller, she is probably as tall as him. Un himself is a few inches taller than Putin, by the time she is 16 she will tower over Vald like a girls high school field hockey enforcer about to bully a 10 yo.

          • 2 months ago

            I bet she'll be a real hottie in a few years. I'm sure her reign as Supreme Leader will be entertaining.

      • 2 months ago

        Why is he wearing Kevin Smith pants?

      • 2 months ago

        Praise kim. Thanks to best korea's best dad my waifu's voluptuous ass can fart and poop on capitalists with no restrictions or quotas.

  8. 3 months ago

    oh yeah well i just successfully tested a hyperhypersonic missile

    • 3 months ago

      Mine went so fast around earth counter clockwise next week during the eclipse that it turned back time and hit you before it launched. Now delete your post because your missile never existed.

  9. 3 months ago

    >Solid fueled hypersonic missile
    So... another ballistic missile?

    • 3 months ago

      It has a trajectory so flat that it makes Kim's big sister looks positively busty.

      • 2 months ago

        They made a missile that inflates Kim's sister?

  10. 3 months ago

    Kim has to be permanently shitfaced. There is no way he could put up will all this sober. The dude went to school in Europe & knows what the outside world is like. Guarantee he smashes a handle of his favorite liquor & smokes 3 packs of cigs per day.

    • 3 months ago

      Dude has someone who preps his matchbook so he doesn't have to open it himself.

      • 3 months ago

        >he smokes in the year 2024
        >he lights his smokes with matches
        Absolute Chad. How broccoli haired zoomers can even compete?

      • 3 months ago

        >He's saying more stuff, should I be writing it down? Everyone else is writing it down.
        >My pencil got gulag'd
        >I want one of those smokes
        >My feet are tired

        • 2 months ago

          Is that Shoigu?

    • 3 months ago

      Kim having grown up overseas is why the DPRK is making a serious attempt to reform

      • 2 months ago

        >serious attempt to reform

    • 3 months ago

      >Kim is an asian man.

    • 2 months ago

      >Guarantee he smashes a handle of his favorite liquor & smokes 3 packs of cigs per day.
      So he's a man from Asia, is what you're saying.

  11. 3 months ago

    >Zicron missile
    We have zicron missile at home

  12. 3 months ago

    I love all the generals with notebooks out. Each one of them obviously knows this fatso doesn’t understand any of this shit but you don’t get that many stars in North Korea without being a pro at the game so they’ll NEVER be without their notebooks and pens ready to make a show for the cameras. I bet being without one’s notebook or not having your pen a huge gaffe; maybe the photoshoot is delayed until he finds one while Kim politely pretends not to notice being such a kind Leader.

    • 3 months ago

      Also I just thought of something — maybe an Asian peasant society fundamentally doesn’t understand how clownish it looks to a triple-digit IQ middle class Western observer?

      >huge gaffe
      try learning to reply properly next time

      taking notes is basic corporate shit. let me guess - you just try memorising everything? or have you only ever been a shelf stacker so you've never actually been at a meeting?

      • 3 months ago

        >taking notes is basic corporate shit.
        Nah. Here it is commie shit going straight to romanting revolution times. Writing down what dear leader said and using his words as The Gospel is basic commie playbook. Words of dear leader are imbued with holy spirit.

        • 3 months ago

          bet you don't even use the Calendar on your phone

      • 3 months ago

        In a Western office that is done by a designated note-taker who compiles the meeting minutes and distributes them to attendees afterwards. Even in a client setting everyone standing around with a notebook in hand would seem clownish. The purpose of the Nork notebook-general is to show earnest devotion to the Leader hanging off his every word, recording every fragment of revealed wisdom. No Western society does that, it’s cringe and silly, not even in Nazi Germany under the full power of the semi-supernatural Kaiser cult.

        • 3 months ago

          >designated note-taker who compiles the meeting minutes and distributes them to attendees afterwards
          only for official minutes
          in practice, you can't trust the designated fella to jot everything down, and certainly not the way you want them to, in part because:
          >Even in a client setting everyone standing around with a notebook in hand would seem clownish
          everyone has different roles and responsibilities and takes different notes

          I've been client facing ever since I started out decades ago. notepads are bare basic essentials.

      • 2 months ago

        I only have to take notes like that when I’m running 72 hours on 4 hours of sleep.
        Learn to hire competent people who can remember simple instructions.

        • 2 months ago

          >I only have to take notes like that when I’m running 72 hours on 4 hours of sleep
          Some of us deal with more complicated matters than remembering to stack what on which shelf. You wouldn't understand.

          • 2 months ago

            >Some of us deal with more complicated matters than remembering to stack what on which shelf. You wouldn't understand.
            hes in the chairforce give him a break
            theres only so much bang energy and zyns an airmen can do in one day

      • 2 months ago

        >I only have to take notes like that when I’m running 72 hours on 4 hours of sleep
        Some of us deal with more complicated matters than remembering to stack what on which shelf. You wouldn't understand.

        uh oh meltie!

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah just look at the guy in the back on the left.

  13. 3 months ago

    Also I just thought of something — maybe an Asian peasant society fundamentally doesn’t understand how clownish it looks to a triple-digit IQ middle class Western observer?

    • 3 months ago

      >*americans knelling to Floyd monument. jpg*

  14. 3 months ago

    That's nice, what's he gonna with it? Lob it into the sea of japan like every other time because no one in this clown world does anything to disrupt the status quo.

  15. 3 months ago

    so do countries just make something that looks like it's shaped "hypersonic" stick it on a ballistic missile to fool westerners?

    • 2 months ago

      >so do countries just make something that looks like it's shaped "hypersonic"
      >to fool westerners?
      lol. lmao, even.

  16. 3 months ago

    US beat them in the 70s

  17. 3 months ago

    >dr Pa-Weol I'm DPRK

    • 3 months ago

      >uh, you don’t get to bring food

  18. 3 months ago

    Where scramjet?

  19. 3 months ago

    The asiatics should tell America to frick off and start developing nuclear weapons.

    • 2 months ago

      They already have? Are you moronic? Or do you mean Cult Korea?

  20. 3 months ago

    tell me about the ridiculously wide pants, why do they wear them?

    • 3 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Same reason when I was in high school I wore jeans and now I wear sweatpants all the time.
      Because in high school i was 75 kg and now I'm 120kg.
      People don't understand how important pants are until they get real big.

      • 2 months ago

        tell me about the ridiculously wide pants, why do they wear them?

        It's casual Kim Day, he don't have to explain shit. Like when his daughter wears that fluffy white coat, the Nuclear Pompf was feeling her inner Water Tribe Princess and that's how things were going to be.

      • 2 months ago

        You’re a big guy

  21. 3 months ago

    Total Worst Korean Death
    It would be almost be a mercy killing at this point.

  22. 3 months ago

    Its probably as hypersonic as the kinzal.

    • 2 months ago

      We know it is hypersonic, they have had that for three years. The brag isn't that it is hypersonic but that it is solid fueled. As mentioned before hypersonic is easy, hitting with any accuracy is.

      Where scramjet?

      DF-17 based not BraMos. Basically it's a sideways ICBM and the big dart is a really fast second stage, when it gets within range the dart boosts and hits from a different direction from the semi ballistic path of the first stage. Because of the speed it can't get radio. IR or optical guidance due to a plasma sheath caused by air friction (which also somewhat absorbs EM) so it has to use inertial navigation.

      In this case it's sole purpose is to hit a city with more reliability than a standard ballistic missile.

      It is NOT a Kinzal type, that is a boosted Norksander dropped from a Il-28. That is barely hypersonic like Kinzal so it doesn't do the plasma thing so it can be used against ships.

  23. 2 months ago

    Kind of a mute point considering the Hypersonic Missiles are suppose to defeat anti ballistic systems of the West. While the second world doesn't have such systems we can launch our ballistic missiles at them without fear of them being shot down; at least in a total nuclear exchange scenario.

    • 2 months ago

      >mute point
      moot point, you mean.
      Sorry to be that butthole.

      • 2 months ago

        No it is alright, thanks for spotting that.

      • 2 months ago

        In a world where pedants who use other people as an escape goat are a diamond dozen, you are a blessing in the skies.

  24. 2 months ago

    >its another glide vehicle
    PATRIOT food, just like the rest

  25. 2 months ago

    That giant piece of shit works, and I’m the pope.

    • 2 months ago

      >That giant piece of shit works, and I’m the pope.
      the tests are declared and the US literally watches every fricking second of the test by satellite and every other means possible

      • 2 months ago

        And none of them are working right. North Korea exaggerates everything and this is no exception.

        • 2 months ago

          >And none of them are working right. North Korea exaggerates everything and this is no exception.

          >"During Tuesday’s test, the missile’s hypersonic glide warhead after being separated from the launch rocket reached a peak altitude of 62 miles and flew about 621 miles while performing various flight maneuvers before landing in waters between the Korean Peninsula and Japan, the KCNA said. The South Korean and Japanese militaries had assessed that the missile flew around 372 miles although Japan’s Defense Ministry announced a similar apogee with the North Korean report."

          >"South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff on Wednesday maintained its assessment that the missile flew about 600 kilometers (372 miles) and accused North Korea of exaggerating the missile’s flight performance, although acknowledging that the North’s technologies were improving. The previous day, Japan reported a similar flight distance, although its Defense Ministry reported a maximum height close to that claimed by the North."

          its Japan a liar now?
          why would Japan lie?

          lmfao when does the US leave thirdie status, and get one of its own?

          • 2 months ago


            • 2 months ago

              BALLISTIC TRASH
              >not flat trajectory
              >not "under the horizon"
              >not maneuvering
              lmfao this is the most shit-pathetic cope that pops up when hypersonic seething starts

              They shot down 28 done in one day. And they are still there. There was never a carrier group in the red sea. You're a fricking idiot.

              >They shot down 28 done in one day.
              hahaha total cost?
              >like $6gorillion dollars
              but hey, cheaper than the target right?
              wonder who can keep it up longer?

              • 2 months ago

                all your thirdie missiles are ballistic trash

              • 2 months ago

                >all your thirdie missiles are ballistic trash
                but enough about US missiles

                The US sees it as a combat exercise. They rotate crew so they get more experience. The drones are a none that to us forces and it's allies. They could keep it up indefinitely. You have no idea the size of the US military and its technologies.

                lmfao, then why is the pool closed?

                We had hypersonic missiles in the 70s moron.

                no we didnt
                the US has never had a flat-trajectory, "under the horizon", maneuvering hypsersonic cruise missile

                not ever
                and they routinely report to congress about their failures, and it has become a major issue for our deterrence efforts, if you cant tell by the state of the world

              • 2 months ago

                >The west have tried to raise an eyebrow and the houthis are still there! Xaxaxaxa fall of the west any day now
                Your thirdie mentality hurts. Unlike in whatever shithole you're from, we don't base our power on simply looking strong and thinking that way is a sign of poverty.
                >Today, I will sleep in an air conditioned house with running water and plenty of food. The houthi will squat in a sand pit and seethe
                >Tomorrow I will shitpost from the comfort of my bed all day, and the houthi will squat in his sand pits and seethe
                >Next month I will buy a new car, a new gun, and go enjoy my hobbies. The houthi will squat in his sand pit and seethe.
                You tell me who is winning

              • 2 months ago

                when your standards for victory are down to 'no one could force me to stop wallowing in my own filth today' you will always win

              • 2 months ago

                >we don't base our power on simply looking strong and thinking that way is a sign of poverty.
                ^actually, yes thats quite literally the entire gimmick of the US, since 1945

                all the rest?
                >"I didnt want the grapes anyway"

              • 2 months ago

                chink just stfu, nobody is buying the stupid ass hypersonic drivel.

              • 2 months ago

                >You tell me who is winning
                ultimately "winning" in war comes down to whether or not you're accomplishing the goals you set out to achieve. As far as I can tell, the Houthis are doing a better job of achieving their goals than their opponents, since the Houthis seem to have set out with the goal of just causing problems to shipping in the area, which they've pretty clearly achieved. The people trying to stop the Houthis from doing so seem to have failed to do so, so they Houthis seem to be undeniably winning.

              • 2 months ago

                >ultimately "winning" in war comes down to whether or not you're accomplishing the goals you set out to achieve.

                and in-fact "losing" no matter who you *lose* to is bad, very bad for your nation

              • 2 months ago

                raping and pillaging then leaving... is that considered losing?

              • 2 months ago

                >Houthis are doing a better job of achieving their goals than their opponents
                Houthis stated goal was getting Israel to stop its war in Gaza, needless to say that war is still ongoing.

              • 2 months ago

                >stated goal
                I can't think of a single time in modern history when a nation's stated goals were the same as their actual goals. Like back when people would just openly state things like "I want to genocide your people and steal all your shit" that could be taken more or less at face value, but since we aren't living in the year 800, we should probably take what people say their goals are with a grain of salt.

              • 2 months ago

                Then what was their goal?

              • 2 months ago

                I am reasonably sure that the DPRKs stated goals of 'frick off, give us your money and leave us alone or we will murder as many people as humanly possible with atomic fire before you take us down' are their actual intended goals.

              • 2 months ago

                >DPRKs stated goals of 'frick off, give us your money and leave us alone or we will murder as many people as humanly possible with atomic fire before you take us down'
                Those aren't the DPRKs stated goals. Their stated goal is still to conquer the south by force if necessary. But they are pretty plainly not pursuing that goal anymore.

                Then what was their goal?

                It seems like they just want to start shit because they are rowdy and want people to pay attention to them.

                >I can't think of a single time in modern history when a nation's stated goals were the same as their actual goals
                try Russia, 2024

                >muh defense contractors
                Eisenhower's remains should be disinterred and thrown into the Chicago sewage system for introducing all that MIC horseshit - it's never been about "defense contractors" alone, which make up an insignificant fraction of the US economy; but rather the OVERALL gains from introducing tens of millions of new participants to the US-led global economy.

                >try Russia, 2024
                so they are actually trying to stop Ukrainian Nazis?
                >the OVERALL gains from introducing tens of millions of new participants to the US-led global economy.
                you can put it in whatever bullshit Neo-(liberal/conservative) phrasing you want, the point of the war in Afghanistan wasn't the stated bullshit about setting up a democracy or whatever. They were out to make money.

              • 2 months ago

                >so they are actually trying to stop Ukrainian Nazis?
                they've long since stated their goal of de facto annexation of Ukrainian territory
                it's not fricking phrasing, dickhead, claiming that it's
                > funneling money to defense contractors
                ignores the VAST majority of the economy which is the true goal of such an endeavour, as if you're singling out 1 singular mong to blame and exonerating 199

              • 2 months ago

                >It seems like they just want to start shit because they are rowdy and want people to pay attention to them.
                That sounds moronic, do you really expect me to belive this? They just wanted to waste some ammo and endanger their own lives because they were bored?

              • 2 months ago

                >endanger their own lives

                lmfao, who poses a threat to North Korea?

              • 2 months ago

                >That sounds moronic
                dude, when have Islamic fundamentalists done anything that wasn't moronic?
                >They just wanted to waste some ammo and endanger their own lives because they were bored?
                I think they call it "Jihad".

                >so they are actually trying to stop Ukrainian Nazis?
                they've long since stated their goal of de facto annexation of Ukrainian territory
                it's not fricking phrasing, dickhead, claiming that it's
                > funneling money to defense contractors
                ignores the VAST majority of the economy which is the true goal of such an endeavour, as if you're singling out 1 singular mong to blame and exonerating 199

                >they've long since stated their goal of de facto annexation of Ukrainian territory
                k, so they did lie about it before then?
                >ignores the VAST majority of the economy which is the true goal of such an endeavour
                I think that funneling money to defense contractors was a large part of the plan, because the Bush admin was heavily influenced by groups like the Project for the New American Century, who believed that unless we got into a war right fricking then American military dominance would decay from budget cuts and lack of experience. Whether they were right or wrong, the point is that the goal of making sure that the military didn't become smaller because of the post cold war peace dividend seems to have been accomplished in large part through the invasion and subsequent occupation actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

              • 2 months ago

                >k, so they did lie about it before then?
                I mean they lied in 2022 invasion yhe but from the later half of 2023 and now 2024 they are outright saying yhe give us everything past dineper and Kyiv and we won't genocide you till we feel like it

              • 2 months ago

                >I can't think of a single time in modern history when a nation's stated goals were the same as their actual goals
                try Russia, 2024

                I'd say that the Houthis are winning too, just like how I'd say both the US federal government and the Taliban won the Afghanistan conflict, while the people of both countries lost. The US federal government fulfilled its goal of funneling money to defense contractors who were friends with people in the Bush administration, and the Taliban eventually got to take control of the country again. Both of them got what they wanted.

                >muh defense contractors
                Eisenhower's remains should be disinterred and thrown into the Chicago sewage system for introducing all that MIC horseshit - it's never been about "defense contractors" alone, which make up an insignificant fraction of the US economy; but rather the OVERALL gains from introducing tens of millions of new participants to the US-led global economy.

              • 2 months ago


                >The west have tried to raise an eyebrow and the houthis are still there! Xaxaxaxa fall of the west any day now
                Your thirdie mentality hurts. Unlike in whatever shithole you're from, we don't base our power on simply looking strong and thinking that way is a sign of poverty.
                >Today, I will sleep in an air conditioned house with running water and plenty of food. The houthi will squat in a sand pit and seethe
                >Tomorrow I will shitpost from the comfort of my bed all day, and the houthi will squat in his sand pits and seethe
                >Next month I will buy a new car, a new gun, and go enjoy my hobbies. The houthi will squat in his sand pit and seethe.
                You tell me who is winning


                It is worth noting that so far the DPRK is 'winning' this conflict(s) hands down; they are getting money hand over fist, revitalizing their industry, getting technology, fuel, food, ect and even engaging in a large scale reform to their agriculture. They now have a creditable deterrent and a functioning space program, they even got national cell coverage. Hell, they are bragging about food production more than weapons these day, they finished 4 massive greenhouse projects in the last month that have been delayed for 10-15 years. For every article about new tanks there are two about modernizing tractor factories.

                The modernization of their economy will make them a much bigger military threat and we will be seeing alot more of their weapons on the market, ironically right when they aren't going to be going to war any time soon and aren't interested in it.

                Pic related, something to fear long term more than any delivery system:

              • 2 months ago

                zigger, is that vertical farming. I thought the meme was dead?

              • 2 months ago

                Giant dome greenhouses, it makes sense for fast growing stuff in those. They are centerpieces, the vast majority of what they built are conventional tunnels. I'm 99% sure the big domes are just used to showcase technology or to start plants before they are moved to conventional tunnel styles.

                /k/ related because the DPRK being able to fed itself is almost as much a military threat as them having fuel for all their tanks.

                My Ag advisor actually worked with the PRC on a regular basis, you can thank him and URI for all the erosion prevention on those PRC artificial islands. The institute in the DPRK that is in charge of reforestation and erosion prevention in the DPRK somehow started out as a exact copy of the URI turfgrass building and associated greenhouses.

                Pic is the huge place they just finished to get veggies to Pyongyang.

              • 2 months ago

                Pretty much. It's like how the true winner of the iran/iraq war was the rest of the middle east and the true winner of the vietnam war was the soviets and china
                Sometimes things aren't so black and white as houthis chase away western ships and so the houthis win

              • 2 months ago

                I'd say that the Houthis are winning too, just like how I'd say both the US federal government and the Taliban won the Afghanistan conflict, while the people of both countries lost. The US federal government fulfilled its goal of funneling money to defense contractors who were friends with people in the Bush administration, and the Taliban eventually got to take control of the country again. Both of them got what they wanted.

              • 2 months ago

                Define defense contractors.

              • 2 months ago
              • 2 months ago

                Daddy, those people are making up lies on the internet again....

              • 2 months ago

                I bet she listens to kpop

              • 2 months ago

                I bet they get a kick out of parody songs and emulate them:

              • 2 months ago
              • 2 months ago


                >That is why no one fights them.
                All of their military assets are shit. The ONLY reason NK still exists is because the west doesn't want half a million South Koreans to die before they can flatten the north.

                Yes, because only half a million would die after a few dozen major population centers were hit with atomic weapons. Idiot.

              • 2 months ago

                NK doesn't have atomic weapons. Idiot.

              • 2 months ago

                > nobody has atomic weapons, only murika does
                this is not 1945.
                but if you really insist, you can frick about and find out. no? you lost in Afghanistan, Ukraine is losing under your "competent" management, you can't handle a bunch of houtis but surely you can deal with Best Korea once and for all?
                not holding my breath, btw.

              • 2 months ago

                The woman on the far right is pregnant.

              • 2 months ago

                >the US has never had a flat-trajectory, "under the horizon", maneuvering hypsersonic cruise missile
                Neither does anyone else. Or did you take chicom's word for it?

              • 2 months ago

                The US sees it as a combat exercise. They rotate crew so they get more experience. The drones are a none that to us forces and it's allies. They could keep it up indefinitely. You have no idea the size of the US military and its technologies.

              • 2 months ago

                Why is that chinks here are so smug? Is some sort of mental handicap from being the lone survivor from all their siblings getting aborted by daddy CCP or something? And why is that they double it down on the hypersonic hype? All these stupid rocket attacks from non-western actors have been failing against 80s tier systems.

              • 2 months ago

                >All these stupid rocket attacks from non-western actors have been failing against 80s tier systems.
                hahaha may we see the new 2020's systems?

              • 2 months ago

                What, did I touch a nerve? And go google it oh right, what is free internet but an obstacle for social harmony, tell you what, post here webm of you yelling outside a chink police station Jinping is gay or something and we will start taking you seriously.

          • 2 months ago

            Yes, the U.S., Russia, and China are still developing hypersonic missiles that can survive atmospheric re-entry at these speeds and some broke pissant nation with no money just magically solves the problem.
            Bravo, you win the internet

          • 2 months ago

            >Japan liar now
            >sources are South Korea

            >says non NK source says they work
            >greentexts the source actually saying they are exaggerated
            You're trying too hard with this falseflag.

            • 2 months ago

              >illiterate homosexual cant finish a paragraph
              not my problem

              • 2 months ago

                Your garbage was not worth reading through.

  26. 2 months ago

    Really should speculate those curves on the status display and ignore Kim. /k/ is a technical board.

    • 2 months ago

      "...reached its first peak at the height of 101.1 kilometers and the second 72.3 kilometers while making 1 000-km-long flight as scheduled to accurately hit the waters of the East Sea of Korea".
      The two parabolas are visible in the display. Rather crude trajectory, "bouncing off the atmosphere" in old astro-speak. One bounce. Characterizing limits of lift gain and instantaneous thermal soak. An operational trajectory will be more linear.

      • 2 months ago

        Apollo 4 was going a lot faster coming in from lunar orbit, which translated (violently) to a similar traversal. Total traversal was 6 or 7000km for 16B (3500 nmi), but a lot of that was getting up to speed. 16B slower but better glider.

  27. 2 months ago

    We had hypersonic missiles in the 70s moron.

  28. 2 months ago

    i think there will be another war in the 2030s and holy frick its going to be ugly. I pray for my korean brothers.

    • 2 months ago

      >i think there will be another war in the 2030s and holy frick its going to be ugly. I pray for my korean brothers.
      lmfao, imagine thinking south koreans have the stomach for artillery war against the North
      its comedic if you actually do

      • 2 months ago

        if the norks ape out hard enough to disrupt starcraft in south korea they'll be extinct a year later

        • 2 months ago

          >if the norks ape out hard enough to disrupt starcraft in south korea they'll be extinct a year later
          south korean men are literally, imperically the most demoralized on the planet

          if best Korea turns off asiatic-click,
          they will all probably sulk, then an-hero en masse

          • 2 months ago

            they'll click on drones until whoever is responsible is dead then go back to clicking on zerglings

  29. 2 months ago


    >show me how much better it is to be a houthi
    Houthis seem to be living the life they want to live, and they're attacking the most powerful people in the world with near impunity. Sounds like more fun than either of us are having right now.


    >there's the type of winning that's going home to the richest country on earth as a looser while the winner gets to squat in his mud hut
    have you ever been backpacking or done something difficult in your life? I've felt far more alive when I spent a few months living under a tarp while hiking across Utah than I have at pretty much any other point in my life, and if I didn't have other obligations, I'd probably sell my possessions and go back to it.
    oh me, oh my

  30. 2 months ago

    There's some massive saber rattling and thirdie cope ITT, is north korea begging for food aid again?

    • 2 months ago

      No, lately they have been bragging about not needing it. For example:

      >Great Potato harvest (Belorussia)
      >Four massive new greenhouse complexes (Russia's gold reserves)
      >Modernization and expansion of tractor production factories (See above)
      >Modernization of fertilizer production (Making shells for Russia, see above)
      >Four fold increase in nitrate production (From Russia/Belorussia to make shells)
      >Doubling (or more) of GDP in one year (see above)
      >Great corn and grain harvest (Russia)
      >Great fruit harvest (actually did that themselves, pear cider for everyone!)
      >Kim apparently actually cares about agriculture, shot a bunch of people for not maintaining levees that resulted in a bunch of rice crops being hurt by seawater infiltration (he made the reclamation project that created it under his dad)

      >DPRKs stated goals of 'frick off, give us your money and leave us alone or we will murder as many people as humanly possible with atomic fire before you take us down'
      Those aren't the DPRKs stated goals. Their stated goal is still to conquer the south by force if necessary. But they are pretty plainly not pursuing that goal anymore.
      It seems like they just want to start shit because they are rowdy and want people to pay attention to them.
      >try Russia, 2024
      so they are actually trying to stop Ukrainian Nazis?
      >the OVERALL gains from introducing tens of millions of new participants to the US-led global economy.
      you can put it in whatever bullshit Neo-(liberal/conservative) phrasing you want, the point of the war in Afghanistan wasn't the stated bullshit about setting up a democracy or whatever. They were out to make money.

      >Their stated goal is still to conquer the south by force if necessary. But they are pretty plainly not pursuing that goal anymore.

      WRONG. They recently announced that unification as one nation was no longer possible and that the DPRK would treat the RoK as a hostile foreign nation. You are correct in saying that they don't want to fight, at the moment they seem to be focused on peaceful national development with Korean Characteristics. Which basically means they still intend to be a nuclear armed Mafia/ Monarchy but they don't intend to aggressively bother anyone (in a serious manner anyway) as long as they get a cut and they can get away with low level shit.

      Honestly it's the best option for everyone.

      Image: Imagine each bin of veggies is a Russian coffin since in a very real way it is. How is this not a win-win for all people involved?

      • 2 months ago

        >They recently announced that unification as one nation was no longer possible and that the DPRK would treat the RoK as a hostile foreign nation.
        I missed that, mind saucing me up? I honestly haven't paid much attention to the DPRK since about 2020. That's a pretty radical shift, I continue to be amazed by Kim Jong Un's capacity to tard wrangle.
        >How is this not a win-win for all people involved?
        I like Russians, I just think they really suck at picking leaders. I don't want more dead Russian peasants, since security camera footage of them produces about 30% of all lulz these days.

        • 2 months ago

          >I missed that, mind saucing me up? I honestly haven't paid much attention to the DPRK since about 2020. That's a pretty radical shift, I continue to be amazed by Kim Jong Un's capacity to tard wrangle.

          Damn it, now i have to go through the KNCA archives for last year, maybe i can find a western article that links to it faster. Their closed internet plus their dialect being about as understandable as Breen doesn't help. I'll try since you seem pretty cool.

          >I like Russians, I just think they really suck at picking leaders. I don't want more dead Russian peasants, since security camera footage of them produces about 30% of all lulz these days.

          I said people not Russians anon. Since you like them so much i'll leave you with a image of Russian coffins going to their final resting place as well as clue you in on a new Korean innovation that could save countless numbers of them:

          • 2 months ago

            >I said people not Russians anon.
            even if you don't think Russians are people, can you at least feel sorry for me for all the future potential dash cam videos of vodka fueled Russian antics/fist fights I have been robbed of by the current war?
            >a new Korean innovation that could save countless numbers of them
            idk if that link worked properly for me or if I just am misreading it, but it just sounds like they set up a basic system of first aid training. If that is the joke, allow me to extend a hearty chuckle, but it's hard to tell since it wasn't loading in Firefox or Chrome for me so I ended up having to load it in Tor of all things. I think there is broken Javascript on the page, but that might just be because Tor didn't load it right.

        • 2 months ago

          On the bright side the DPRK will no longer be trying to force unification and instead focus on defense and internal development. This will over the long term result in them probably having more mature relations with the RoK and eventually a normal relationship as much as is possible given the circumstances.

          On the downside they have abandoned all pretense of not blasting the living shit out of the south and vaporizing their population in a general war although that might be a disguised blessing. Ever since the Clinton administration the DPRKs WMDs have ensured peace in East Asia simply because no one wants to take the hit if someone tries to take them down.

          Deterrence works, it might be ugly but peace is peace no matter how unpalatable.

          >I said people not Russians anon.
          even if you don't think Russians are people, can you at least feel sorry for me for all the future potential dash cam videos of vodka fueled Russian antics/fist fights I have been robbed of by the current war?
          >a new Korean innovation that could save countless numbers of them
          idk if that link worked properly for me or if I just am misreading it, but it just sounds like they set up a basic system of first aid training. If that is the joke, allow me to extend a hearty chuckle, but it's hard to tell since it wasn't loading in Firefox or Chrome for me so I ended up having to load it in Tor of all things. I think there is broken Javascript on the page, but that might just be because Tor didn't load it right.

          >it just sounds like they set up a basic system of first aid training. If that is the joke, allow me to extend a hearty chuckle,

          That's the joke. It is roughly translated them setting up a nationwide coordination center for making sure that local, town, regional and national first aid services are coordinated so they can shift injured people who need it to better facilities, coordinate the response to mass medical emergencies and how to dal with them. North Korea invented a national medical response system, maybe the Russian military should try that.

          Have some Kim directing the repair of the inner zone of the Nampho tidal barrier after a whole bunch of people got shot for letting it get fricked up in the first place:

          • 2 months ago

            >I said people not Russians anon.
            even if you don't think Russians are people, can you at least feel sorry for me for all the future potential dash cam videos of vodka fueled Russian antics/fist fights I have been robbed of by the current war?
            >a new Korean innovation that could save countless numbers of them
            idk if that link worked properly for me or if I just am misreading it, but it just sounds like they set up a basic system of first aid training. If that is the joke, allow me to extend a hearty chuckle, but it's hard to tell since it wasn't loading in Firefox or Chrome for me so I ended up having to load it in Tor of all things. I think there is broken Javascript on the page, but that might just be because Tor didn't load it right.


            >I missed that, mind saucing me up? I honestly haven't paid much attention to the DPRK since about 2020. That's a pretty radical shift, I continue to be amazed by Kim Jong Un's capacity to tard wrangle.

            Damn it, now i have to go through the KNCA archives for last year, maybe i can find a western article that links to it faster. Their closed internet plus their dialect being about as understandable as Breen doesn't help. I'll try since you seem pretty cool.

            >I like Russians, I just think they really suck at picking leaders. I don't want more dead Russian peasants, since security camera footage of them produces about 30% of all lulz these days.

            I said people not Russians anon. Since you like them so much i'll leave you with a image of Russian coffins going to their final resting place as well as clue you in on a new Korean innovation that could save countless numbers of them:

            I am enjoying this conversation very much, it is the type and level of discourse that /k/ should be having.

            However i don't want to get off topic and have either of us get banned for off topic or off board discussion so we should probably limit any further discourse to prevent that. I have enjoyed this conversation and recognize your writing style and i am sure you recognize mine however we are getting a bit off topic as some mods may see it so let us not risk a annoying three day ban.

        • 2 months ago

          >I like Russians, I just think they really suck at picking leaders.
          Why? They have a history of acting like sadistic degenerates, regardless of who their leaders were. Sure, communism fricked them, but it only brought out the absolute degeneracy that was already there, and reinforced it by exterminating anyone with a brain, work ethics or a sense of morality.

          • 2 months ago

            >They have a history of acting like sadistic degenerates
            you know you're on PrepHole right? If you aren't a sadistic degenerate you aren't going to fit in here.
            >it only brought out the absolute degeneracy that was already there
            I'd say it is more that it allowed all Russians to act like sadistic degenerates, instead of only the nobles having the ability to do so. True communism in action I guess.
            >exterminating anyone with a brain, work ethics or a sense of morality.
            the chemo that could cure /b/

            >k, so they did lie about it before then?
            I mean they lied in 2022 invasion yhe but from the later half of 2023 and now 2024 they are outright saying yhe give us everything past dineper and Kyiv and we won't genocide you till we feel like it

            >from the later half of 2023 and now 2024 they are outright saying yhe give us everything past dineper and Kyiv
            sauce? I admittedly don't pay much attention to the politics part of wars. Them suddenly being honest is refreshing, but it's definitely unusual.

            Define defense contractors.

            I already elaborated more on what I meant in the last part of this post.

            >That sounds moronic
            dude, when have Islamic fundamentalists done anything that wasn't moronic?
            >They just wanted to waste some ammo and endanger their own lives because they were bored?
            I think they call it "Jihad".
            >they've long since stated their goal of de facto annexation of Ukrainian territory
            k, so they did lie about it before then?
            >ignores the VAST majority of the economy which is the true goal of such an endeavour
            I think that funneling money to defense contractors was a large part of the plan, because the Bush admin was heavily influenced by groups like the Project for the New American Century, who believed that unless we got into a war right fricking then American military dominance would decay from budget cuts and lack of experience. Whether they were right or wrong, the point is that the goal of making sure that the military didn't become smaller because of the post cold war peace dividend seems to have been accomplished in large part through the invasion and subsequent occupation actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

      • 2 months ago

        >Kim apparently actually cares about agriculture, shot a bunch of people for not maintaining levees

        • 2 months ago

          It is rather strange that /k/ think that it is more likely that the DPRK made a hypersonic weapon instead of some food.

          Everyone has been saying that the DPRK should focus on agriculture for decades but now that they re doing that everyone is scared.

          • 2 months ago

            >everyone is scared

  31. 2 months ago

    What does the North Korean military even do? In an active war, they would be curb stomped harder than Iraq during the Gulf War. And then they have China as their main reliant power.

    Why don't they use the money they are using for their military and personnel and use them to not to starve to death?

    • 2 months ago

      >In an active war, they would be curb stomped harder than Iraq during the Gulf War. And then they have China as their main reliant power.

      They have the largest artillery, MLRS and chemical weapons stockpile on earth, the only significant chemical weapons stockpile that exists anymore. They have one of the worlds largest armored forces. They have the worlds largest SF operations force. They have one of the worlds largest Submarine forces. They have the worlds largest ballistic missile stockpile. They have several dozen atomic weapons and are the only nation on earth that can prove that their nukes actually work for the last three decades. They have the worlds most concentrated air defense network. That is why no one fights them.

      >not to starve to death?

      You obviously haven't been paying attention, they are feeding their people lately which is the problem. They are even telling the PRC to frick off in their fishing grounds.

      • 2 months ago

        >That is why no one fights them.
        All of their military assets are shit. The ONLY reason NK still exists is because the west doesn't want half a million South Koreans to die before they can flatten the north.

    • 2 months ago

      They don't have to be strong enough to win, they just have to be strong enough to make conquering them unprofitable.

      • 2 months ago

        Americans focus on the ability of the DPRK to possibly hit a few West Coast US cities.

        America is not the main threat to the DPRK's independence, the PRC and Russia are although Russia should be worrying about the DPRK bossing them around these days.

        They ignore the simple fact that if the DPRK has the ability to threaten the USA mainland with a few atomic weapons they defacto have the ability to exterminate the majority of the PRCs population as well as the ability to destroy Moscow. The majority of the DPRKs nukes are not aimed at western allied nations, they are aimed at Beijing and Moscow.

        The DPRK is effectively immune to any sort of conventional aggression, the PRC, USA, RoK, Japan and Russia contain them like they were Godzilla. No one wants to start that fight and no one will want to be the first ones the DPRK hits.

        Since the DPRK considers 'victory' as survival they have 'won' every fight they have ever been in. If they ever lose a fight for their survival then they will be worse losers than Israel would be who they base their nuclear defense strategy on.

        • 2 months ago

          >Diplomatic negations with the DPRK, 2030:

          >“Don't say another goddamn word. Up until now, I've been polite. If you say anything else--word one--I will kill myself. And when my tainted spirit finds its destination, I will topple the master of that dark place. From my black throne, I will lash together a machine of bone and blood, and fueled by my hatred for you this fear engine will bore a hole between this world and that one. When it begins you will hear the sound of children screaming--as though from a great distance. A smoking orb of nothing will grow above your bed, and from it will emerge a thousand starving crows. As I slip through the widening maw in my new form, you will catch only a glimpse of my radiance before you are incinerated. Then, as tears of bubbling pitch stream down my face, my dark work will begin. I will open one of my six mouths, and I will sing the song that ends the Earth.”

          • 2 months ago

            If Kim Ju-ae grows up to be the kind of IRL troll that quotes webcomics from before she was born during high stakes diplomatic negotiations, I am defecting immediately.

            • 2 months ago

              If she ever gives Samuel L. Jackson's monolog from the dinner scene in Pulp Fiction, we'd better just surrender.

  32. 2 months ago

    >he put back on the weight
    Damn shame

  33. 2 months ago


  34. 2 months ago

    Wow North Korea’s working on Mach 5 and the U.S. is working on Mach 20, let’s give them a round of applause for finally catching up to 1970

    • 2 months ago

      > North Korea: achieving visible results
      > US of A: two more years, guys. honest! here, have a CGI animation to see how magnificent our wunderwaffe will be

      • 2 months ago
        • 2 months ago

          > we have this ayylmao plane, folks
          > Serbia: not anymore
          reality check is a b***h

          • 2 months ago

            This is an interesting read about that incident.

          • 2 months ago

            Didn't do them a whole lot of good seeing as they still couldn't stop us from bombing the shit out of them and throwing their political leaders in jail.

      • 2 months ago

        >achieving visible results

        • 2 months ago

          that's actually a pretty nice achievement
          look no further than Gaza and the rest of the Middle East.

          • 2 months ago

            >finally rises above the average African shithole
            it's like... watching a moron finally graduate elementary...

            • 2 months ago

              yeah, your mom was probably very proud that day

  35. 2 months ago

    Just leave the Norks alone for God’s sake. The West doesn’t need yet another Asian peasant workforce to wipe out Western economies even harder. MUCH better to let them live in subsistence serfdom. The West is now starting to be desperately sorry for supporting the South, because oh look, Asian peasant workers tied with corrupt business-first conglomerations run circles around the West in industry. Now that machines do everything THEY just run their machines a lot more cheaply than we do and that’s not something Western polities can deal with.

  36. 2 months ago

    Also, we should keep a set of “house Asians” like Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, MAYVBE Vietnam and a few other little dragon countries — and the rest of of them can go straight to embargo and/or war to put them back into agricultural serfdom with maybe light industry being allowed and that’s it. We should pick and chose a few of those countries to be a part of our world and the rest can go to hell.

  37. 2 months ago

    Shit forgot to add: the CCP is fine, they can stay, but they can’t run a massive industrial powerhouse off their peasant workforce and corrupt government support. Instead of trying to oust the CCP, force them to give up on their industrial ambitions in exchange for getting to keep their shitty communists party power structure, They’ll have to be beat down substantially for that to happen but it’s preferable to liberating them just to turn them into a stronger South Korea, frick that.

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