The 3D printed gun community is close to making a reliable semiauto handgun that doesn't require gun parts to make.

The 3D printed gun community is close to making a reliable semiauto handgun that doesn't require gun parts to make.

It's remarkable how fast development is happening.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 months ago

    How are they doing for barrels?

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Aliexpress "explosion-proof pipe"

      • 2 months ago

        Are the Chinese pipes of dubious quality?

        • 2 months ago

          Nah, they're fine for pistol cartridges. I'd order from the updated list of suppliers on the many tutorials tho. I'm sure now that the FGC-9 and similar projects have been going on for years now, there are probably some lower quality suppliers on Ali now looking to make a quick buck. The main ones are all good.

        • 2 months ago

          they arent particularly accurate, dont have fancy coatings on them so they can corrode easily, and you cant really do large calibers outside of 20 and 12 gauge
          the fact you can get it from lowes though makes it neat

      • 2 months ago

        I still don't trust it for all the yuropoors out there. Didn't they get Jstark from his Ali orders?

        • 2 months ago

          Ebay iirc

        • 2 months ago

          Ebay iirc

          At the time people were saying he was offloading/onloading crypto through Coinbase and that is how they got him. That seems more plausible than him buying something gun-related on eBay or Ali.

    • 2 months ago

      There are already plans out there. You buy hydraulic pipe from the hardware store and then etch the rifling and chamber into the interior with a 3d printed jig, copper wire, a bucket of salt water, and a car battery.

  2. 2 months ago

    I appreciate it in principle, but it seems like a whole lot of effort to avoid using your hands. If gay French resistance guys wearing berets and striped shirts were able to make Sten guns in their basements out of plumbing supplies using hand drills and files, why can people nowadays? Similarly, the Owen gun was made by a 14 year old boy in his garden shed. If the barrel was a standardized gauge of steel pipe that you'd buy from a hardware store and cut to length, they could have had a working gun years ago.

    • 2 months ago

      >If gay French resistance guys wearing berets and striped shirts were able to make Sten guns in their basements out of plumbing supplies using hand drills and files, why can people nowadays?
      Because it's easier that way?

      >If people could travel trhough the sea to go from Europe to America in the past, why do people fly nowadays?

      Are you stupid?

    • 2 months ago

      the goal is to make owning a gun an unalienable right of all humans, no matter the country
      the easier its made to create firearms and the more designs we have, the more it can spread and get arms into the hands of the people
      guns are currently centralized for the most part, governments can stop imports and control the flow from manufacturers or monitor them
      when its decentralized the government cannot stop it

      • 2 months ago

        it's like you didn't even fricking read what he wrote

        • 2 months ago

          It's like you are too moronic to realize that pressing a button is a lot easier than making something with hand tools. This helps with proliferating weapons.

          • 2 months ago

            have you ever 3d printed something? it's not easier, the problem set is just different.

            • 2 months ago

              It's way fricking easier. You have clearly never worked metal using hand tools.

              • 2 months ago

                I forgot metalwork was the realm of rocket scientists. You have clearly never had to print something more complex than picrel.

              • 2 months ago

                Dude I'm not

                It's way fricking easier. You have clearly never worked metal using hand tools.

                but stop beeing stupid. Of course 3D printing is easier and faster than metalwork, most of the time. Cheaper too, and you can do it in an appartment. Plus it only requires a few - limited - computer skills. That's what 3D printing is all about, and why it was invented.

              • 2 months ago

                Sadly there's still not 3d printing that can replicate pressure bearing parts for anything past 22lr... At least not as consumer grade printable stuff.
                For the bolt face and barrel you need steel, at least for 9mm, which implies metal work.

                Don't get me wrong, 3d print is a big step up for mag and trigger group.

              • 2 months ago
                Sieg Heil

                im ucking etarded and i can program a haas cnc mill

                i guarantee you anyone in this thread can make a gun on a haas in a day or less

                youll probabl make it faster and better than i could and i was paid t do that shit

                its very easy just go do it

              • 2 months ago

                A haas CNC mill is NOT a hand tool you can hang in your garage
                That thing eats what, 3kw?

              • 2 months ago

                sieg just shits up 3d printing threads
                when the Menendez mag files came out he claimed that using the print to make a plaster of paris mold and then casting it out of metal would work better than using the print itself.

              • 2 months ago

                Nah I said print the jigs to make metal forming dies to make the mags

                Glock mags are relatively simple and you can deconstruct the. To their basic generic shapes and fold and weld them rather than print it

                Especially with PLA printing up in z you only have the walls holding each other together

                What is that half a MM on a 20 in fill part

                >these morons think major manufacturers use hand tools to build guns and not CnC and machine tools
                >Already passed the inversion where CnC is more common in industry than a traditional machine tool with jigs

                >these morons think major manufacturers use hand tools to build guns and not CnC and machine tools
                >Already passed the inversion where CnC is more common in industry than a traditional machine tool with jigs

                This modern day guns are just forgings then finished milled on tombstones

                They pay dudes less than McDonald’s wages to program, setup and operate a whole fricking warehouse of these machines and most of them even do pallet loaders for Op1 a and shit now

                They hire mostly duckies, ex drug dealers, felons, dudes that can’t get a job anywhere else because they were violent or chronically unemployed dudes minimum wage

                Like titans of cnc was one of the felons that made it out of the machine shop prison pipeline

                A lot of machinists were on meth at my old place, they worked fricking fast and nonstop but their order of operations were goofy and while they knocked out of lot of work fast they would also disappear for several days at a time

                Also if you didn’t lock up your tools they’re going to be at the pawn shop thanks to your coworkers

              • 2 months ago

                No you frick, because I called you out on it and you specifically coped by mentioning that the cast could be filed if you were getting misfeeds.
                We then proceeded to bully you into posting your cast mag, which you never did.

              • 2 months ago

                No way home cast aluminum is fricking weak, it’s not industrial 6061-t6511 bar we’re talking here

                You’re talking dirty aluminum cans gravity cast into a coffee can into ingota then machined

                You’re going to have pockets of oxidation and whatever crap you stirred into the metal

                Which is probably fine for followers and base plates but I think 3d printed followers and base plates probably are fine as is

                Diy cast aluminum really isn’t good material

                I would advise going to a metal recycler and buying off cuts and drops from industrial suppliers before home casting

              • 2 months ago

                No way home cast aluminum is fricking weak, it’s not industrial 6061-t6511 bar we’re talking here

                You’re talking dirty aluminum cans gravity cast into a coffee can into ingota then machined

                You’re going to have pockets of oxidation and whatever crap you stirred into the metal

                Which is probably fine for followers and base plates but I think 3d printed followers and base plates probably are fine as is

                Diy cast aluminum really isn’t good material

                I would advise going to a metal recycler and buying off cuts and drops from industrial suppliers before home casting

                why the frick do you use a tripcode in a thread like this?
                are you trying to get partyv&?

              • 2 months ago

                He's an attention prostitute and would cum so hard from that you have no idea.

              • 2 months ago

                I don’t build guns or gun accessories, it’s cheaper to buy them than to do all this shit to build them

              • 2 months ago

                I build things because I enjoy it. I can buy a magpul VFG for $20 or print my own for less than $2.

            • 2 months ago

              dude, it is way fricking easier, quit being moronic

            • 2 months ago

              It's orders of magnitude easier, my moronic friend. You can literally buy a off-the-shelf printer for cheap, with things like auto-calibration and shit, and start pumping out parts. Sure, sometimes you might need to experiment with materials (filament) and models (if you design them yourself), but still. This is zoomer-tier in complexity.
              Compare that to actual metal working: not only would even long obsolete mills and lathes cost a ton, be a pain to transport, require very specific conditions to operate (good luck having one in your room), but then you're only starting the journey of butthurt, because you actually need a ton of theoretical and practical knowledge how to do metal working. It's not like you can buy a modern multi-axis CNC mill for $1,500 and have it start pumping out parts just based on CAD files.

              • 2 months ago

                Arguably you can't really buy a 3d printer and just start pumping out good parts, either, and if you try to move away from the plastic that prints easy you'll start having to learn a lot more. The knowledge floor is still there, it's just lower.

              • 2 months ago

                >Arguably you can't really buy a 3d printer and just start pumping out good parts, either
                I know this is very anecdotal, but my friend has an actual small manufacturing business (just about 25 people AFAIK), a ton of the shit they need has to come from suppliers, both local and international. So... just a month ago he bough a 3d printer and after a few days of playing around printing random crap for shits and giggles they had that 3d printer producing components for their products. It's literally better for them to produce some of the components of an off-the-shelf 3d printer then having to deal with moronic suppliers and all of their crap, bureaucracy, logistics and all that. The experience was so good for them, that they're now planning to purchase a dozen more 3d printers and expand the usage of the for way more components, just because of how better it is for them to have stuff done in-house when they need it, instead of having to deal with morons.

              • 2 months ago

                If you can get calipers and do a few test prints you really can dial in settings to be nearly perfect with a basic $200 printer. Also basic b***h PLA+ is already a magical material with obscene properties and once you tread into carbon fiber or nylon you literally couldn't be making a higher quality product.

              • 2 months ago

                Anon, let me tell you: that's a knowledge floor some people who have completed an MBA literally cannot get above.

              • 2 months ago

                >Arguably you can't really buy a 3d printer and just start pumping out good parts, either
                I know this is very anecdotal, but my friend has an actual small manufacturing business (just about 25 people AFAIK), a ton of the shit they need has to come from suppliers, both local and international. So... just a month ago he bough a 3d printer and after a few days of playing around printing random crap for shits and giggles they had that 3d printer producing components for their products. It's literally better for them to produce some of the components of an off-the-shelf 3d printer then having to deal with moronic suppliers and all of their crap, bureaucracy, logistics and all that. The experience was so good for them, that they're now planning to purchase a dozen more 3d printers and expand the usage of the for way more components, just because of how better it is for them to have stuff done in-house when they need it, instead of having to deal with morons.

                If you can get calipers and do a few test prints you really can dial in settings to be nearly perfect with a basic $200 printer. Also basic b***h PLA+ is already a magical material with obscene properties and once you tread into carbon fiber or nylon you literally couldn't be making a higher quality product.

                i have a 3d printer i had laying around and had no intent until a few days ago to do anything with, and after putting it together and an hour of playing with settings i immediately started shitting out perfect gun parts
                i've only had one failed print due to not understanding how pla works, and its still mostly usable just not great looking
                i'd say the bigger hurdle than 3d printing is part design, you actually need to know what you have, but for the average tard using online stuff it doesnt matter
                most printers these days are already self tuning aswell, and have presets for different filaments which just werk

    • 2 months ago

      >make Sten guns in their basements out of plumbing supplies using hand drills and files
      Making submachineguns is easier than most non gun people think but a LOT harder than what the dunning kruger morons who only parrot shit they heard think.
      If you want to be able to make an open bolt submachinegun covertly in a reasonable amount of time and with acceptable safety you’ll want lathes and mills primarily.
      Absolutely it can be done with just hand tools but will take forever. Even just a Luty isn’t something you just slap together in your garage an afternoon as a small project.
      Neither said resistance people nor the people in that Darra place are making guns with just old hand files, all the heavy lifting is done by old mills from the 40s and then dimensions that aren’t critical to the operation of the firearm (like the outside of the slide on a pistol) are filed by hand where labor is practically free.
      3d printing allows weapons with a similar or better effectiveness as a conventional open bolt SMG with a tiny fraction of the actual invested time and money in places like dormitories or other places where you can’t just buy a huge mill.
      Inb4 that baiting “3d printing is just a fad!” dogfricking furgay shows up and derails the thread

      • 2 months ago

        >Inb4 that baiting “3d printing is just a fad!” dogfricking furgay shows up and derails the thread
        He's shitting up diy last i heard, think they hate him even more than k does.

        • 2 months ago

          >think they hate him even more than k does
          I don’t believe that

          • 2 months ago

            You'd be surprised

    • 2 months ago

      >If gay French resistance guys wearing berets and striped shirts were able to make Sten guns in their basements out of plumbing supplies
      they weren't, they used sten guns dropped from planes by the British. now stop being a Black person and drop me an MP5 for free.

      • 2 months ago

        You can print MP5 at home now.

        • 2 months ago

          on a related note I have printed a Cetme, but the difference is immaterial.

          • 2 months ago

            Wouldn't the difference be "material"?

            I love the character of guns I've made myself. It is like that good feeling you get from home auto repair.

    • 2 months ago

      >I appreciate it in principle, but it seems like a whole lot of effort to avoid using your hands. I

      • 2 months ago

        that graph is the gayest thing ive ever seen "geeks" require non "geeks" with practical skills to actually build the machines and materials they need to "geek out" automation just isnt ready for total rollover yet either, i work at a factory and recently weve been getting rid of a lot of equipment to replace with temps on an assembly line, eventually sure your "hecking smart azz science!" will reach human capability but hopefully by then society collapses

        • 2 months ago

          You are here.

          • 2 months ago

            here let me illustrate it for you moron

            • 2 months ago
            • 2 months ago

              Yeah so this same graph shows why

              I appreciate it in principle, but it seems like a whole lot of effort to avoid using your hands. If gay French resistance guys wearing berets and striped shirts were able to make Sten guns in their basements out of plumbing supplies using hand drills and files, why can people nowadays? Similarly, the Owen gun was made by a 14 year old boy in his garden shed. If the barrel was a standardized gauge of steel pipe that you'd buy from a hardware store and cut to length, they could have had a working gun years ago.

              this post is fricking stupid. "Why can't people nowadays?". Well you just explained it. IT'S FRICKING EASIER THIS WAY YOU moron, even for "non geeks".

              • 2 months ago

                to add to that i've got a fair amount of ideas for homemade guns and i have no intent of ever really being a professional gunsmith, yet have enough designs and knowledge to plan it out, and know what equipment i need to machine it all myself on a tight budget

            • 2 months ago

              Actually legit why engineers get paid, and why you should have enough self-control to not do work for free as an engineer.

        • 2 months ago

          The difference between running a cnc machine is the difference between running a mill with jigs and tooling and without jigs or tooling. Sure you might be able to freehand a tiger tank in 1938, but none of the parts are interchangeable and repair parts have to be machined to fit. I have difficulty understanding how you could be this stupid rather than simply trolling.

          • 2 months ago

            you fricking indignant moron look at my post, yes we do benefit from automation and precision BUT the "geek" is still reliant on the role and abilities of the non "geek" to manufacture, transport, and assemble whatever "innovation" they cook up in their freakish large pale heads and hald the time it doesnt do half of what they claim it does

            • 2 months ago

              You're obsessed with the Hollywood idea of a weakling geek. Get over yourself.

        • 2 months ago

          >hecking smart azz science!
          Ever post you r*dditfugee homosexuals make seethes with rage at being banned from r*ddit. Just make another account and go back already.

          • 2 months ago

            pick up on the fricking context moron

            • 2 months ago

              The context is you are a gay.

              • 2 months ago

                if im a gay then i will frick your ass

              • 2 months ago

                >if im a gay then i will frick your ass
                You might be a homosexual, but you aren't enough of a man to dominate me in such a way. Because you are gay and a homosexual, and your wrists are so limp that I could easily dominate you and homorape you
                Pause. No homo.

              • 2 months ago

                on the off chance your half as big as you think you are i will gutshot you and rape your screaming mouth. pause all homosexual ive been drinking olde English all night and ive been imbued with rapist Black person energy

              • 2 months ago

                You didn't need the booze for the homosexual Black person energy, i can tell you that much

          • 2 months ago

            He clearly said that to mock redditgays, you moron.

    • 2 months ago

      The Danish resistance made Stens in bike shops.
      The French resistance spent most of their time being gay commie morons or actual criminal gangs whenever British intelligence wasn't herding them.

    • 2 months ago

      Only people who've never worked with hand drills and files will pretend that tools with complicated features made with hand drills and files can compete with computer numeric controlled servos.

    • 2 months ago

      3Dgays need to find a justification the machines they bought.

  3. 2 months ago

    stupid question maybe but don't people that don't have access to guns also not have access to ammunition?

    • 2 months ago

      You can also 3D print these. And the power to go in it.

  4. 2 months ago

    reminder to not pay any fed honeypots like defcad for stl files

  5. 2 months ago

    Have you tried the el rato? Thoughts?

    I already made a G19 and was wanting to make a 10/22 bullpup with as few purchased parts as possible. Seen some .22lr with printed bolt faces. I'm wondering if it might be better to do a FGC9 style bolt that is printed with a metal face, maybe even soda can face.

    I just like making things. Have completed several non gun 3d projects already and it feels good when you model the whole thing from scratch using a scrap paper of measurements you wrote down.

  6. 2 months ago

    >Could literally make any shape he wants
    >Makes a fricking sig


  7. 2 months ago

    can make 6in semi-auto pipegun w/magazine size of your choice from Lowes too.

    • 2 months ago

      Correct. And you can woodwork a stock, or 3d print a stock. These are all manufacturing methods available.

      3d printing is very fun, I recommend it. You do a little 3d modeling and then tell your printer how you want it constructed and then hit the go button and watch your additive CnC work.

      • 2 months ago

        I've had a 3D printer for years but only got into making edits of models in the last year, and that's when I started having the most fun with 3D printing. I made my own edit to an existing STL so I could print an output attachment to a kitchenaid mixer I've got. Then I was really enjoying it.
        Its definitely useful for customizing existing STL files or for cutting them into pieces for printing only what you want.

        • 2 months ago

          Definitely a big learning curve not only for CAD software but just to think of things to print. Then people start sharing what things they would want and you're a hero by having that perfectly sized bracket that is also aesthetically pleasing and needs no supports, even if it took you a prototype that failed the test fit and then you thought of some good improvements between the next two prints.

  8. 2 months ago

    did you know that you can make coat hangers with a 3d printer?

    • 2 months ago

      Where do people get the stl files for coat hangers, giggle buttons, etc?

      • 2 months ago

        it takes a bit of searching and i'm afraid i'd get banned if i linked anything specific
        however you could look in the link in my post here to see if theres anything since its just an archive of a bunch of different stl files

        reminder to not pay any fed honeypots like defcad for stl files

      • 2 months ago

        • 2 months ago

          jesus you're an actual saint

        • 2 months ago

          I love you.

  9. 2 months ago

    Want to attach a light to your weapon? Well you could use a zip tie and shims, could buy a light mount or print a light mount. If you were adventurous enough you could buy a LED, resistor, switch and battery and print the flashlight case and mount.

    Why when weapon lights are cheap? Because you can.

  10. 2 months ago

    I'm more interested in 3D printed suppressors. The baffles, or entire inside of the expansion chamber could be made in a shape that's otherwise not possible with other machining methods.

    • 2 months ago

      You could print the entire suppressor as one piece and whatever geometry you could imagine. Even with PLA+ you could fire a magazine before heat becomes an issue and at $16/kg it is cheaper to replace. A more robust filament with carbon fiber, glass or other material would tolerate heat much better.

      The problem is legal, not technical. The solution would be a stamped can that you can open and replace baffles as a wear item.

      Some promising changes in ATF/NFA challenges, but I would do your own research.

      • 2 months ago

        >You could print the entire suppressor as one piece and whatever geometry you could imagine.
        Even better than that, geometry can be made so complex that I can't really even imagine it. The biggest hurdle with suppressors seems to be the fact that the bullet needs to travel straight through it and because the gas will travel through that hole too, suppressors can't really silence a gunshot sound as well as people expect them to. But cheap mass production could make for easy procedural generation of a design that could manipulate the Coandă effect in some way I can't even begin to figure out, which could lead to a design that reduces or redirects the airflow in a way that makes a gunshot nearly silent.

  11. 2 months ago

    The 3D gun community is full of commies and troons so i dont like it

    • 2 months ago

      The rest of the gun community is the same, with an even thicker dose of homosexual veterans

    • 2 months ago

      Feel the same way about them, but I'm not going to not take advantage of their free labor.

    • 2 months ago

      thats because you're looking at the wrong part of the gun community
      3d printing is far more cool when it comes to explosives designs
      and in case any janny is looking, the grenade in this image is legal

    • 2 months ago

      This is the only valid criticism of 3d printed guns in the thread.

    • 2 months ago

      The rest of the gun community is the same, with an even thicker dose of homosexual veterans

      thats because you're looking at the wrong part of the gun community
      3d printing is far more cool when it comes to explosives designs
      and in case any janny is looking, the grenade in this image is legal

      This is the only valid criticism of 3d printed guns in the thread.

      Wrong, the commies and trannies infiltrated it so they can gatekeep innovation and snitch. None of them actually do any work.

      • 2 months ago

        The 3D gun community is full of commies and troons so i dont like it

        People on the left side of things are generally more open to changes in technology so it makes sense that you'd see them in the 3dpg community rather than seeing old boomer who cry about assault magazines for hunting etc.

        • 2 months ago

          I can't tell if you guys are trolling (in that case: GG) or if you're actual morons.

          My money is on the latter

          You forced me to post this. Here is your boomerfud wisdom.

    • 2 months ago

      The rest of the gun community is the same, with an even thicker dose of homosexual veterans

      Feel the same way about them, but I'm not going to not take advantage of their free labor.

      thats because you're looking at the wrong part of the gun community
      3d printing is far more cool when it comes to explosives designs
      and in case any janny is looking, the grenade in this image is legal

      This is the only valid criticism of 3d printed guns in the thread.

      Wrong, the commies and trannies infiltrated it so they can gatekeep innovation and snitch. None of them actually do any work.

      I can't tell if you guys are trolling (in that case: GG) or if you're actual morons.

      My money is on the latter

    • 2 months ago

      >I hate thing because person does thing!
      Whoops, better stop breathing!

  12. 2 months ago

    >these morons think major manufacturers use hand tools to build guns and not CnC and machine tools
    >Already passed the inversion where CnC is more common in industry than a traditional machine tool with jigs

  13. 2 months ago


    True it’s 99% posting on Twitter and discord talking about gay sex fur suits pronouns and dildos and like pretty much just sharing like whatever Hoffman releases

    Wrong, the commies and trannies infiltrated it so they can gatekeep innovation and snitch. None of them actually do any work.

    Exactly this, that’s why it’s best to avoid it
    It’s all anti gun lefties and atf

    I learned that early on

  14. 2 months ago


    Yes anon, everyone that has a different opinion than you is in a secret cabal.
    gays liking guns? Oh my that's absolutely absurd dearie me it just be a israeli ploy oh how this makes me feel like the most special person knowing about this secret.

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