Technical question : why don't we have auto turrets ? Or even better, auto turrets mounted on land drones ?

Technical question : why don't we have auto turrets ? Or even better, auto turrets mounted on land drones ?

We have ballistic computers for missiles, artillery and even lasers but I don't remember seing any for automatic guns. Imagine a computer firing bullets with next to no reaction time and 99% accuracy on long range, aiming at anything moving in its line of sight, is it that hard to do ?

Modern computers can easily take in account distance, windspeed, recoil... Even predict human mouvements with AI models. So what's the hold up, why do we still use human infantry missing 95% of their bullets.

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  1. 1 month ago

    too much risk of targeting your own guys, I'd imagine, missiles are one thing, but trying to distinguish between 10 different people as they'er all screaming and running around manically

  2. 1 month ago

    China has allegedly deployed auto turrets on the disputed border with India.
    In the West there has been angst about letting computers pull the trigger without a human in the loop, but they're absolutely capeable of making it.

    • 1 month ago

      We've had CROWS mounts for 20 years. Its just better to keep them human controlled because AI is fricking stupid. Sure you could make them shoot indiscriminately at any movement, but mines are as indiscriminate and are vastly cheaper at holding down large areas. If you want to to discern targets (if only so it doesn't dump all its ammo on the nearest swaying tree), then you set hard criteria for it to be fooled.

      But with AI it's likely to have much better target recognition. You could probably even attribute a tag to your own soldiers so they don't get targeted (and then you have to make sure the ennemy can't hack or steal the tag).

      But just drop them in ennemy territory and you build a bridgehead in no time.

      • 1 month ago

        >But with AI it's likely to have much better target recognition.

      • 1 month ago

        >But with AI it's likely to have much better target recognition
        Go post this thread on PrepHole and/or PrepHole and see what they say. They'll be way easier to troll with this than us.

      • 1 month ago

        have a nice day

      • 1 month ago

        AI is da future

        • 1 month ago

          AI shouldn't be the end all be all though.
          I'm not saying ban it outright it will certain have it's uses but full on trying to shove it into everything is dumb and also causes an over-reliance issue.

      • 1 month ago

        But with AI it's likely to have much better target recognition.
        What are you basing this assumption off of?

  3. 1 month ago

    We've had CROWS mounts for 20 years. Its just better to keep them human controlled because AI is fricking stupid. Sure you could make them shoot indiscriminately at any movement, but mines are as indiscriminate and are vastly cheaper at holding down large areas. If you want to to discern targets (if only so it doesn't dump all its ammo on the nearest swaying tree), then you set hard criteria for it to be fooled.

    • 1 month ago

      I loved watching the little squares follow people around.

  4. 1 month ago

    >why don't we have auto turrets
    Maybe you don't have one. I have a good reason why I can't visit my garage anymore.

    • 1 month ago

      Its safe to visit your garage now, my battery has totally run out.

  5. 1 month ago

    Didn't Ukraine use a few?

  6. 1 month ago

    Computers are shit at ID'ing targets. Sure, you could train a computer to recognize a dude walking but have that man crawl, roll, cartwheel, or hide in a cardboard box and the computer loses it's mind.

    • 1 month ago

      Videogames do it all the time though. They have to teach computers how to miss so FPS are playable in PVE.
      > Limited set of moves.
      It also work in VR when you can do much more random mouvements.

      • 1 month ago

        Computer games don't detect enemies, moron. They decide where to put them.

      • 1 month ago

        Jesus Christ you don’t actually think your cawaduty bad guys AI is rendering their full graphical viewpoint and then performing image recognition to find your ass, do you?

      • 1 month ago

        Anon, the "AI" in computer games knows where you are at all times.
        Most of there detection algorithm is based off of the following
        >If I draw a line between the player and my head is there anything obscuring it and in front of the NPC's frontal 150 degrees?
        >(If no continue idle)
        >If yes, keep checking till 1 millisecond x (input range), trigger semi alert script for warning player of enemy detection
        Then when detected they also literally draw a line to your head location (they know your coordinates innately and that it's you through game code because it's programmed behaviour is designed around knowing where you are) and aim there. They have to weaken its aim so it does aimbot you because it can see you through walls.

        It doesn't take a lot of computing to do it in a game, it's not as easy with real people and things the AI might think might be people (like weirdly shaped trees).
        A robot irl has to recognise the target, and then account for range, it can't just ask the memory for the coordinates of the player, it's not as easy at all.

      • 1 month ago

        Video Game AIs cheat. The AI actually knows everything and only pretends it doesn't.

      • 1 month ago
  7. 1 month ago

    SK had some, so did Isreal irc. Kinda silly SK has its own hippies who complained about 'autonomous killbots' on the DMZ even though it makes alot of sense there. So basically there glorified CROWs

  8. 1 month ago

    The Koreans and Ukrainians do, but targeting technology is still primitive enough that if you aren't wearing your safety patch that tells the turret not to shoot you, you get shot, so the both of them leave turrets out in places where few people are likely to wander.

  9. 1 month ago

    AI for assisting a human gunner might work but I imagine we're pretty far from trusting a fully autonomous turret to do its job alone

  10. 1 month ago

    >why don't we have auto turrets ?
    We do and you can build your own.

  11. 1 month ago
  12. 1 month ago

    Landmines are cheaper

  13. 1 month ago

    there was not much motivation for it for even machine gun nests on tanks are more of a after thought for crews as a last ditch self defense weapon from creeping up infantry.

    Now with drones being a thing this should change in theory. Cope cages, aside from looking ridiculous, really are only somewhat usable against very basic DIY drones with basic ass hand grenades or mortar rounds. EW like jamming is still more of a passive defense and creates problems for your own stuff that wants to use the frequencies. Like say tank crews that should start adopting integrated drones following the machine for a much superior situational awareness.

    This leaves putting a machine gun nest with in built radar and sensor arrays to detect anything slow moving thing flying in the vicinity and then swatting it down. kind of like a miniature gepard mounted on all major armor units like tank turrets. Lasers are and will remain a theoretical meme for a long time without breakthrough in energy storage. Much like power armor.

    • 1 month ago

      >Lasers are and will remain a theoretical meme for a long time without breakthrough in energy storage
      Energy storage is a big problem for handheld laser weapons meant to engage people, or for larger scale laser weapons. But for something meant to shoot down small drones at relatively close distances, and it's vehicle mounted? Energy is not the problem there.

      • 1 month ago

        antipersonnel lasers are technically easy but using them is a war crime

        • 1 month ago

          blinding ones, yeah.

  14. 1 month ago

    because computers are stupid and you can deploy enough decoys to frick with them for next to nothing compared to cost of turret
    imagine if MG crew shot at every deer running across just to run out of ammo and get mogged by guy just slowly walking towards them with a stick

  15. 1 month ago

    We do. Samsung makes one of them, it's on the DMZ line.
    Targets have to be individually ID'd so it's not a perfect system but if the shit gets hot they can just deploy them and leave them on.

  16. 1 month ago

    cost - you can equip at least 100 mobiks for the price of one of those

  17. 1 month ago

    >screeching intensifies

    • 1 month ago

      This. If moronic Marines didn't load their sentry turrets with half empty magazines, the movie would have been a lot shorter.

      • 1 month ago

        >If moronic Marines didn't load their sentry turrets with half empty magazines
        They were going in for recon and only had what was coincidentally in the APC, they weren't deployed expecting to set up a FOB.

  18. 1 month ago

    >Technical question : why don't we have auto turrets ? Or even better, auto turrets mounted on land drones ?
    We do. Ever seen that video of CIWS targeting a civilian airliner? That answers your question.

  19. 1 month ago

    The Israelis use/did use a sentry gun tower on their wall border with Gaza, but it isn't self-targeting, just a CROWS/RWS mount on a concrete tower.

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