Surviving a pandemic like in Garth Ennis' Crossed universe

What's the best strategy to survive a crossed pandemic ? Or at least to not be gang raped and butchered

>have a nice day

>flee to a remote location as far as possible

I don't think fighting is a realistic solution. Being mobile wouldn't work either (maybe on foot). Hiding might but only if you are in an easily defendable location far way from any kind of civilization.

You would need at least a fireteam with nvgs, suppressors, secured coms. Maybe a bow/crossbow to ensure total discretion in some situations

And what if frickers start to launch nukes or melt down nuclear plants ? You'd have to flee to an island in the fricking south hemisphere

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    Weaponized pee and cum bottles

  2. 5 months ago

    Explain the basic precepts of this universe.
    Not everyone is familiar with your obscure comic book.

    • 5 months ago

      >newbie detected

      Go back to where ever you came from you scum.

      • 5 months ago

        >newbie calling others newbie

    • 5 months ago

      Wikipedia has been around for over 20 years.

    • 5 months ago

      >virus makes people go crazy
      >virus transmitted by fluids (maybe aerosol)
      >infected kill themselves or attack other people
      >infected want to gangrape and eat you
      >infected can do almost everything a healthy person can
      >some completely moronic others highly intelligent

      • 5 months ago

        so they ripped off the Reavers from Firefly?

        • 5 months ago

          Reavers dont infect people though. There is a dwindling amount of Reavers (The survivors from that planet), every now and then some poor guy is driven mad and tries to imitate the Reavers, but is basically just an butthole loon, and not a survivor of the braingas.

          • 5 months ago

            Reavers before that shitty movie, they were essentially space crossed, some unknowable horror. Despite what anyone says, that premise is always bad wrighting.

    • 5 months ago

      So there's this virus or something, nobody knows what, that appeared one day and spread like wild fire. it causes a red cross shaped scar to appear on the faces of those infected, but more importantly drives them to become THE MOST murderous and depraved a human is capable of. They aren't just zombies though, as the Crossed are still very much capable of thinking, strategizing, using weapons, and driving vehicles. they seek out non infected tk rape, torture, mutilate, you name it. This applies to quite literally everyone and every living thing. Babies, children, men, women, the elderly. all will be fricked, raped, eaten, tortured, and if not killed, turned into psychos. this infection also spreads very very easily as even the smallest drop of their blood or fluids can turn a man in minutes. the Crossed are so intelligent that one issue had them coat bullets I think it was, with blood and cum to infect people at long range. Another issue had one guy raping a dolphin in the blow hole.

      the series follows multiple different groups of survivors in various scenarios as they try to survive, but most often end up dead as frick eventually. there is no surviving in Crossed forever.

      • 5 months ago

        If Garth used a crescent star instead of a cross it wouldn't even be fiction.

        • 5 months ago

          Funny you bring up Islam. It's said to be the only surviving religion 100 years after C-Day.

          • 5 months ago

            The goat frickers endure, like roaches

            • 5 months ago

              Honestly it made no sense to me since Islam would be so easy for Crossed people to frick up. Islamists need to pray like 3 times a day and a Crossed Islamist would know when and where to go bomb those prayers.

    • 5 months ago

      Zombie apocalypse, except the zombies are completely normal humans with a cross shaped rash on thier face a burning desire to rape and murder. All prior skills and memories intact, just with extreme rape on top. One of those stories obviously built around the writers fetish.

    • 5 months ago

      Crossed is PrepHole culture you troglodyte

    • 5 months ago

      28 days later in the violence department except the infected can still utilize guns and have basic intelligence.

      • 5 months ago

        So basically The Crazies or the James Herbert novel The Fog which features raping sadistic killers.

        • 5 months ago

          Basically, almost every other panel has to do with rape, there's even one where it features an infected little girl who taunts someone how her father fricked her

    • 5 months ago

      28 days later, but with an unending need to cause suffering (Preferably uninfected people, but other Crossed people are also more than fine.) The infected are just as intelligent as normal. but they essentially suffer from super AD-HD, so only a miniscule amount of them ever spend time on longterm planning (or hygiene/self care), and instead only focus on the next target.

    • 5 months ago

      Zombie virus that just makes you a sadist/masochist pyschopath instead of zombying you. You keep all knowledge, skills, and ability to learn.

      Basically worst case zombie scenario.

      • 5 months ago

        >virus makes people go crazy
        >virus transmitted by fluids (maybe aerosol)
        >infected kill themselves or attack other people
        >infected want to gangrape and eat you
        >infected can do almost everything a healthy person can
        >some completely moronic others highly intelligent

        So there's this virus or something, nobody knows what, that appeared one day and spread like wild fire. it causes a red cross shaped scar to appear on the faces of those infected, but more importantly drives them to become THE MOST murderous and depraved a human is capable of. They aren't just zombies though, as the Crossed are still very much capable of thinking, strategizing, using weapons, and driving vehicles. they seek out non infected tk rape, torture, mutilate, you name it. This applies to quite literally everyone and every living thing. Babies, children, men, women, the elderly. all will be fricked, raped, eaten, tortured, and if not killed, turned into psychos. this infection also spreads very very easily as even the smallest drop of their blood or fluids can turn a man in minutes. the Crossed are so intelligent that one issue had them coat bullets I think it was, with blood and cum to infect people at long range. Another issue had one guy raping a dolphin in the blow hole.

        the series follows multiple different groups of survivors in various scenarios as they try to survive, but most often end up dead as frick eventually. there is no surviving in Crossed forever.

        Zombie apocalypse, except the zombies are completely normal humans with a cross shaped rash on thier face a burning desire to rape and murder. All prior skills and memories intact, just with extreme rape on top. One of those stories obviously built around the writers fetish.

        28 days later, but with an unending need to cause suffering (Preferably uninfected people, but other Crossed people are also more than fine.) The infected are just as intelligent as normal. but they essentially suffer from super AD-HD, so only a miniscule amount of them ever spend time on longterm planning (or hygiene/self care), and instead only focus on the next target.

        You're all forgetting that due to Ennis being a huge moron who's character voices all bleed together with his rambling subconscious, Being a crossed turns you super Bri'''''ish.

        • 5 months ago

          This was the conclusion I was arriving at reading this thread, crossed is just viral British "culture"

          • 5 months ago

            The fatal englishmen arc has a direct reference.

    • 5 months ago

      Think hordes of violent trannies roaming in the streets

  3. 5 months ago

    There is no surviving it, it is just Garth Ennis's edgelord fantasy.

    • 5 months ago

      This. In reality the Crossed wouldn't even make it past the first week - just like any other zombie apocalypse - but Ennis invents what is basically a magical curse that hits every single part of the world at once and allows the Crossed to nuke major cities and wipe out the military because hurr durp durr.

      Any plan for survival would be invalidated by Ennis running into the room screaming "NUH UH! THE CROSSED DID A THING AND YOU DIED OR WERE INFECTED" like a child.

      • 5 months ago

        Fr. Honestly the crossed works for me as a natural evolution of the zombie thing but I like happy endings and the moronic asspulls to make the crossed win when they have so much stacked against them is incredibly gay and moronic

      • 5 months ago

        This. It’s just edgelord fanatsy screaming “RAPE!” as loud as it can for attention. There’s some straight up reddit athiest moments in there, too. It’s kind of sad because the idea has a lot of potential, but having a liberal manchild with no social interaction write the story really hurt it.

  4. 5 months ago

    Be criminally insane and then get infected and try to find other crossed that can be normal for more than a few minutes to rebuild society as you selectively breed normalcy back into humanity.

    • 5 months ago

      That was literally the plot to the post-crossed one wasn’t it? Crossed+100 or whatever

      • 5 months ago

        That one was written by Alan Moore, tho

    • 5 months ago

      Also the last story from one of the crossed comics. You follow one of the few "smart" infected and his twin lovers, and his uninfected slave "friend". As he tries to make a sustainable society over about 20 years.

  5. 5 months ago

    if I was in Crossed knowing what Crossed was, I'd legit kill myself before I was used as a communal rape doll with new holes being cut open to be fricked. living is genuinely not worth the risk. then there's the shit you might do to the people you care about if you live.

    • 5 months ago

      >if I was in Crossed knowing what Crossed was, I'd legit kill myself
      What I was thinking. I might just get drunk do a bunch of cocain and rape might hot neighbor milf before I off myself

      So there's this virus or something, nobody knows what, that appeared one day and spread like wild fire. it causes a red cross shaped scar to appear on the faces of those infected, but more importantly drives them to become THE MOST murderous and depraved a human is capable of. They aren't just zombies though, as the Crossed are still very much capable of thinking, strategizing, using weapons, and driving vehicles. they seek out non infected tk rape, torture, mutilate, you name it. This applies to quite literally everyone and every living thing. Babies, children, men, women, the elderly. all will be fricked, raped, eaten, tortured, and if not killed, turned into psychos. this infection also spreads very very easily as even the smallest drop of their blood or fluids can turn a man in minutes. the Crossed are so intelligent that one issue had them coat bullets I think it was, with blood and cum to infect people at long range. Another issue had one guy raping a dolphin in the blow hole.

      the series follows multiple different groups of survivors in various scenarios as they try to survive, but most often end up dead as frick eventually. there is no surviving in Crossed forever.

      >coat bullets I think it was, with blood and cum to infect people at long range
      Well that's moronic because firing those bullets would sanitize them before they even get out of the barrel

      • 5 months ago

        the comic jumps the shark a bit towards the later entries, but if you wanna see edgy fricked up deaths, there's nothing better.

      • 5 months ago

        Crossed: Wish you were here has a fortified military outpost under seige by an Amy of the crossed. They end up flinging babies above the walls and blasting them skeet shoot style so the gore and viscera raining down will infect anyone it comes into contact with it.

        • 5 months ago

          Seems like a good idea to me. Europeans did the exact same thing during medieval times when besieging a castle.

      • 5 months ago

        I remember that there is one story about a gangster getting infected and decides to kill his way to a police station to save and or kill his cop girlfriend. When he gets there he finds her dead and decides to get assblasted on drugs from the evidence locker and goes on a rampage throughout the city(I think it was Washington DC). Before passing out in a drug fueled blackout, having lost most of his memories of the day. Only to wake up a few days later and decide to find his girlfriend again. Its not really stated just how many times that cycle has happened though.

        • 5 months ago

          name of the story ?

          • 5 months ago

            Its chapter 19-20 of Crossed Badlands. Its partly written by the writer for Crossed Wish you were here. Which is widely seen as one of the actually well written Crossed stories

    • 5 months ago

      At least you know that it will only be painful for about 30 seconds before you loose your mind to the infection. But yeah, death is preferable.

  6. 5 months ago

    Hunker down until AIDS culls them and Muslims take over the world just like in canon

    • 5 months ago

      They died of age and natural causes and the Muslims only took over Murfreesboro.

  7. 5 months ago

    Its just not worth it, no matter how well-planned and solid your security is theyll still get authorial assistance to asspull thier way around it. Im surprised Garth Ennis doesnt just start a patreon for rape and cuck porn commissions, its clearly where his interests lie

  8. 5 months ago

    horse wiener

    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >did a read-a-long of Crossed on PrepHole years ago
      >"Horse wiener!!??!" Is the first thing that comes to mind
      Great minds think alike.

    • 5 months ago

      A great antagonist for a story.

  9. 5 months ago

    Just get infected fast. The crossed look like they are enjoying themselves. It's just the uncrossed that are having a bad time when they get caught by them.

  10. 5 months ago

    >The real monsters are....LE US!!!
    woah hot take comin thru

  11. 5 months ago


    It fricking sucks, it’s like it’s written by a 12 year old trying to write the edgiest things he can think of. Garth has much better comics. Better off doing literally anything else.

  12. 5 months ago


    It fricking sucks, it’s like it’s written by a 12 year old trying to write the edgiest things he can think of. Garth has much better comics. Better off doing literally anything else.

    I enjoyed it, but I was in my early 20s when I read it.

  13. 5 months ago


    I liked the not spinoff that was from the perspective of dogs wondering why the frick all the humans are suddenly murdering each other and them trying to survive. It's still edgy nonsense but has its emotional gut punches if you've ever owned a dog or like dogs/animals in general.

    • 5 months ago

      I thought that one was mass suicide but yeah, the military working dog standing his post and the one dying of radiation poisoning were well done emotional pieces I thought.

      • 5 months ago

        The military dog was fighting a war that was already over, one under a flag he may not have understood

  14. 5 months ago


    Garth Ennis hates that people can own guns, yes, he is bad

  15. 5 months ago

    loud music, flashing lighta and Big sign that says "COCAINE" pointing to a pile of quick lime

    crossed gonna find out that impulse control and predicting consequences are what keeps the frail human body alive

  16. 5 months ago


    It's one of the edgiest dumb fricking things I've ever read. It lacks the charm of sophisticated sadists like Cenobites or the artho edginess of melborneans or whatever the frick elric's dark-eldar are called. I recall one page with some scholarly nerd and his family and he deduces that a salt circle will stop the crossed. So for a moment the crossed act like it stops them - then the next panel he and his wife are being raped, she's chastizing him for being a fricking idiot and their children are I'd assume eaten/killed because not even Ennis edgehomosexualry would do child rape.

    Then again he's also got a fictional comic where a crossed academic theorizes some kind of homosexual sapien offshoot that was crossed and they have ships of flayed skin and bones, use screams of people for long range communication and I think there was an arena where they had little human children killed off or worse.

    • 5 months ago

      Found it.
      It's so fricking stupid that I'm less disturbed and more just contemptuous of it. Granted even cartel footage won't phase me anymore but I'd like to know why so many british authors end up disgusting little misanthropic Black folk. Especially as I 'think' Ennis does punisher and it was generally fine. And Preacher didn't feel over the top like this. Part of getting older but I just don't get doing this kind of gratituous miseryporn.

      • 5 months ago

        >I'd like to know why so many british authors end up disgusting little misanthropic Black folk
        It's the weather

      • 5 months ago

        >Let me get this out of the way: Crossed isn’t for everyone. It is harsh. Brutal. It is every worst nightmare you’ve had given comic book form. It will frick you up, and if you are turned off by that language SKIP THIS REVIEW. Because Crossed will make you infinitely more unsettled than a few bits of harsh language.
        Mom's gonna FLIP!

      • 5 months ago

        Man I really am a b***h, because I found the panel of that dumbass with the salt cirlce getting his family killed and it made me sick seeing the kid like that. Biggest sign of a hack writer is using the death of a child or a dog as cheap shock/depression value.

        • 5 months ago

          Most Crossed is borderline BABY FRICK/IT'S AWWWRIGHT levels of so edgy it's just dumb/funny in a bad way, to be tbh. Don't know why it's so highly rated here, but it has been for ages so there is clearly some appeal.

          • 5 months ago

            I can kinda understand the appeal of shit like Crossed, Preacher, and The Boys, I just really don't vibe with the particular brand of edge Ennis uses. It's not funny enough to make me laugh but it isn't taken seriously enough to make it compelling either, at least in my opinion. I will say Preacher sounds fairly interesting all things considered. But at least his comics have shock value going for them, the TV show adaptations of Preacher and The Boys seems like they're even more up their ass than Ennis is.

            Also again I'm just really sensitive to kids and animals getting hurt or killed. Bad enough in happens in real life

          • 5 months ago


            Man I really am a b***h, because I found the panel of that dumbass with the salt cirlce getting his family killed and it made me sick seeing the kid like that. Biggest sign of a hack writer is using the death of a child or a dog as cheap shock/depression value.

            Honestly once I got over the initial disgust I just wasn't impressed? Yeah sure, you got a lot of sick shit on panel, but after the gazillionth time of seeing these depraved morons do something vile it just all blends together. And then you realize that the series has absolutely nothing to say. It just revels in edge like a pig in shit.

        • 5 months ago

          Honestly after watching cartel and isis videos for years on PrepHole Crossed didn't impressed me. I just like the post apocalyptic setting

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah I've definitely seen a lot worse in real pictures and videos. Like I've seen real dead kids, I'd just rather not see fictional depictions of it either unless the story has a good reason for it. And to be fair to Crossed, it's an apocalypse, of course kids aren't gonna last long in a setting like that.

          • 5 months ago

            >Honestly after watching cartel and isis videos for years on PrepHole
            Dude, whoa

        • 5 months ago

          The salt guy was so moronic
          >Crossed falls face first into a pile of salt
          >Starts screaming in pain
          >This might be an actual weakness (The Crossed don't give a shit about pain or get off on it)
          >So does he throw salt at them?
          >No he makes a moronic salt circle

          • 5 months ago

            It all depends on the context. If he was in Supernatural, then he would be the only survivor.

            • 5 months ago

              The salt guy was so moronic
              >Crossed falls face first into a pile of salt
              >Starts screaming in pain
              >This might be an actual weakness (The Crossed don't give a shit about pain or get off on it)
              >So does he throw salt at them?
              >No he makes a moronic salt circle

              At the point where a fictional world is this moronic its entirely the author's choice if salt dude is the most intelligent or moronic.
              Plus it wasn't like he was going to survive a long time anyways, at least he tried something.

              • 5 months ago

                In one Wish you were here, theres one guy who was immune to the Crossed infection, but he still gets stabbed by a Crossed and dies.
                The only winning play is to be as far away from other people as possible.

              • 5 months ago

                Standing still in a salt circle is dumb
                Salt might hurt them but it clearly does not scare them (See the guy that tripped into a pile of salt)
                Throwing the salt in their face might have worked; or firing salt from a shotgun

              • 5 months ago

                BTW i am not saying salt is their weakness (There is no weakness for plot armor)
                But he could at least have tried harder

        • 5 months ago

          Most the stories just use extreme shock value
          >hurr durr me make infected little girl take dads peepee look how edgy it is
          entire story is just the authors fetishes

      • 5 months ago

        >Leftie homosexual makes a comic where he can write characters saying Black person and chink freely to get his kicks but also as le epic satire and brutality so he can write it one handed
        Who falls for these "disguises"

        • 5 months ago

          homosexual makes a comic where he can write characters saying Black person and chink freely
          I guess this explains the part where the dumb scientist gets infected offscreen and proceeds to do the needful with the PM lmao
          But really everyone is extremely moronic in that story; she just deals the final blow

    • 5 months ago

      Wasn’t the point of the prehistoric crossed that it was utter bullshit and we were just reading the fake narrative of the gaylord professor who wanted to pound his hit students by making shit up, which was revealed to the protagonist in the end making all his sacrifices worthless in true crossed fashion?

      • 5 months ago

        It wasn't worthless, since the professor got to pound at least one of his students.

    • 5 months ago

      Melinboneans, actually. And they're kino because elves in that are basically worshipping dark gods and Eric is the first one to say "ok just let me have my wife and you can do whatever" and they try to kill him for it.

    • 5 months ago

      Child rape was mentioned in one of the comics where a guys kids were infected by some dude and they were all eating his wife or something, been a while since I read any of it.

    • 5 months ago

      >melborneans or whatever the frick elric's dark-eldar are called


  17. 5 months ago

    that comic is a snuff porn comic.
    written by a societal outcast and super autist (Ennus, tha gay writer).
    he lives out his rape and pedo torture fantasies.
    the entire story of each of the books is only a build up to the final slaughter scene.
    thus, the main tactic of the crossed is PLOT ARMOR. they just appear out of nowhere and suddenly swarm the victims. simply shitty writing.

    put plot armor away, and any professional police or military force can mop up the crossed easily.

    • 5 months ago

      Pretty easy enemy to identify since infected are easy and don't pose as regulars nore do they have battle tactics.

      • 5 months ago

        That's not true at all. Even the dumb impatient ones can be tricksy, and the smart ones are capable of hiding and blending in, waiting for opportunities, and coordinating other smart ones or even herds of dumbfricks to act together.

    • 5 months ago

      With how quickly and easily the rash can spread, no organized force could possibly be organized before millions if not tens of millions are already infected and raping their way across the country. A few intelligent ones mixed in, and they'd easily find a way to infect town's water supplies, or a million other methods, to make sure it can't be contained. The chaos of public panicking would make it difficult to coordinate evacuations, and only the most rapid, harsh methods to contain the outbreak could possibly work, like nuking our own cities, firebombing nature, and using chemical weapons to create no-go zones hostile to all life. It is nothing less than the most virulent, lethal virus in human history. It's a bioweapon with perfect lethality and infinite vectors for infection. A single cunning rashc**t could cover up his rash, make it into a human population, and simply cough or sneeze on people to turn them all in a matter of hours, or less. Take away the plot points that make for a convenient story, and you still have a threat only second in danger to space born threats. Even full-scale nuclear war would be more survivable for the species.

      • 5 months ago

        homie, that magic virus spread wont work in reality. no virus was or is like that, nature isnt working like comic book fantasies.
        remember covid? well, it ended as a cough.
        its just another plot armor, as i wrote before, coming out of nowhere swarming everyone everywhere bullshit.

        • 5 months ago

          it was a mutated man made virus

        • 5 months ago

          Black person, even covid spread though every country of the world, including fricking Greenland and that's without (as far as we know) people trying to spread it on purpose.
          We were lucky that covid was mostly harmless in 99% of the cases, but it demonstrated that an actually dangerous and highly infectious virus would completely frick our species.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah, it wasn't being spread intentionally...

          • 5 months ago


            Yeah, it wasn't being spread intentionally...

            Sorry, wrong image.

      • 5 months ago

        come on, these crossed homies run around in winter and snow naked or in rags and magically dont freeze to death?
        what do they eat? grass? leaves?

        its full of inconsistent bullshit.
        to depict the writers fetish and to project the typical lefty hatred against normal white societies . i guess because these weirdos will never be part of it.

        • 5 months ago

          In the first couple releases it does show the crossed succumbing to the elements. But yeah the plot armor is very strong throughout the series, becoming damn near magical in the later badlands & 100+ issues.

      • 5 months ago

        >It is nothing less than the most virulent, lethal virus in human history.
        it's made up shite by a butthurt irishman with 0 knowledge of biology, who can't get over The Troubles so he vents on christianity with his hamfisted analogies over both spirituality and its abscence. The Preacher sucks too once you're not 16 anymore and have read better things.

      • 5 months ago

        Biological warfare is probably the best choice
        >Most are filthy and too stupid too take care of themselves
        >Crossed increase their numbers by the same means as other virus
        >If a Crossed is infected with a deadly disease anyone he infects will also catch this disease

        • 5 months ago

          One problem would be disposing of the corpses afterwards
          You could burn them alll and there would still be a vulture who finds a bit of uncooked flesh and infects people or other magic bullshit

          • 5 months ago

            Just nuke the cities or any big concentration of population at this point. Maybe use a neutron bomb if you plan on saving some infrastructures.

        • 5 months ago

          One problem would be disposing of the corpses afterwards
          You could burn them alll and there would still be a vulture who finds a bit of uncooked flesh and infects people or other magic bullshit

          Just nuke the cities or any big concentration of population at this point. Maybe use a neutron bomb if you plan on saving some infrastructures.

          Rashgays love to frick, so if we can make it an STD it would lower accidental secondary transmission, and still run through them like wildfire. Of course some poor victims would also get POZZED with hyper-AIDS but collateral damage is only reduceable, not avoidable.

          • 5 months ago

            tbh std is kinda overly specialized, just want something generally fluid born, id think rabies might be the best choice if you GE'd it to be human to human communicable. even better if you could make it non-communicable to other mammals
            >100% fatal
            >fluid borne, not air born, if you exchanged fluids with the crossed youre fricked anyways
            >massively effects CNS in middle and late stages, turning crossed against each other, does not change threat profile to non infected, considerably reduces combat efficiency before terminal stages
            >already have vaccines available for normal rabies, vaccine for new rabies could be created easily and deployed in limited situations if desired

            • 5 months ago


              Ebola-chan will save us, not fricking kidding,

              Ebola-Zaire will frick them over hardcore, with their love of spiling blood all over each other will make the vector super easy to spread amongst them.

              Then just wait a few weeks for all of them to fall apart

              Ebola will kill them less than a week, it's bloodborne, and it's fatal, also it makes their bodies nice and squishy as their connective tissue dissolves so they'll explode into bags of blood when other crossed attack them.

        • 5 months ago

          Ebola-chan will save us, not fricking kidding,

          Ebola-Zaire will frick them over hardcore, with their love of spiling blood all over each other will make the vector super easy to spread amongst them.

          Then just wait a few weeks for all of them to fall apart

          • 5 months ago

            Wasnt Ebola used for the rage virus in 28 Days Later? I think it was mentioned in one of the comics

      • 5 months ago

        The entire premise of Crossed is moronic and there's no way it would've spread as far as it did.

        >hurr NORAD is going to be taken with piss and cum bottles
        >cbrn gear, what's that?

        come on, these crossed homies run around in winter and snow naked or in rags and magically dont freeze to death?
        what do they eat? grass? leaves?

        its full of inconsistent bullshit.
        to depict the writers fetish and to project the typical lefty hatred against normal white societies . i guess because these weirdos will never be part of it.

        In the first couple releases it does show the crossed succumbing to the elements. But yeah the plot armor is very strong throughout the series, becoming damn near magical in the later badlands & 100+ issues.

        This. People IRL die from even just one day or night of exposure all the time. All because they were unprepared and/or ill-equipped.

        The Crossed don't have zero survival instinct, but negative survival instinct and will actively put themselves in harm's way. They're constantly hurting themselves and each other, being naked or half naked, and forgoe basic necessities like food and water so they can rape and kill more. Yet they rarely die from the elements despite them being more or less as durable as a normal human. It's all bullshit plot armor.

        • 5 months ago

          >Star Wars can't real because no noise in space

          Just try to have fun for once in your miserable life.

          • 5 months ago

            >magical rape zombie horde teleport behind you
            >repeat for 10 volumes

            • 5 months ago

              >zombies aren't real cuz gramma won't wake up
              >God not real cuz I stub my toe

              Really I curse the bastard that made you open a thread about a thing you don't like and comment on it. Damn him.

              • 5 months ago

                I can tell from this post you must enjoy Bethesda's writing

              • 5 months ago

                Out of all the things in this thread, this is the most heinous war crime of all

        • 5 months ago

          Well the Crossed DO eventually mostly die out eventually, with the only ones who survive being those who can mostly control their impulses and lead by "super-crossed" who are in complete control.
          Also what people don't realize is that Ennis only wrote the first volume.

        • 5 months ago

          >>cbrn gear, what's that?
          There was a surprise attack
          One of the smarter ones fooled them into opening the door by offering them supplies
          They apparently ignored all security clearances because they were tired or some shit

  18. 5 months ago

    >What's the best strategy to survive a crossed pandemic ?

    Immediate suicide seems like the best option given what the world becomes. Not just the immediate and several years long rapefest leaving a contingent of smart and capable infected frickers, but because the post-apocalyptic hellscape left afterwards is hardly worth living in. Society is gone, language is devolving, and at any point a sneaky rash rapist could shoot a hot POZ load up your virgin ass and turn you. Normal people aren't always much better, either. Rather go out my own way than let someone frick my blowhole and turn me.

    Maybe if I have access to a serious military or government bunker, I'd try, but frick trying to survive on the surface at all. Even remote islands eventually get found by seafaring c**ts. You couldn't sleep a wink knowing that sadistic, horny predators are out there, some patient enough to wait to frick with you and stalk you. It's one of the worst fates imaginable to live among the rashgays.

    • 5 months ago

      Hidden luxury bunkers was a plotpoint in the comics, so just buy a timeshare in one of those. And dont sperg out by opening the vault just to let one guy in.

  19. 5 months ago

    Ennus sucks. Crossed sucks.

  20. 5 months ago

    >Maybe a bow/crossbow to ensure total discretion in some situations

    >be anon, sneaking around
    >see potential hostile, need to take him out
    >might have freinds around, so I'd better use the bow for total discretion
    >total discretion achieved

    • 5 months ago

      More like *thwang*, bows really aren't as silent as people like to belive. They aren't guns but you'd sure as shit hear one let loose.
      t. Does archery

    • 5 months ago

      That does happen in the comics, it promptly leads to a lot of death.

  21. 5 months ago

    Flee to Australia. Put hundreds of miles of uninhabitable wasteland between your little patch of slightly more habitable wasteland and the next guy.

    • 5 months ago

      One of the first stories in Crossed Badlands, is about people who did that. The one who does it best is a longhaul trucker doing supply runs and is creating his own harem army.

  22. 5 months ago

    Crossed is unironically a good concept for zombies as far as the horror aspect goes. They're just people that want to do the worst thing possible to uninfected. It's bleak and hellish.

  23. 5 months ago


    Garth Ennis is just one of the edgiest fricks to write comics and actually make a living from it. Not Jhonen Vasquez type edgy where its all tongue in cheek and more of a piss take to the creator himself, but the super cereal donut steel schlock type edgy. The Boys was made just so he could have dudes in trench coats beat up not Superman and not Captain America in ways that a demented 12 year old that just discovered Deviantart would think of. Even for the nonexistent standards of capeshit he is hilariously bad/shameless.

    • 5 months ago

      >GARTH ENNIS isn't tongue in cheek
      fricking yanks

  24. 5 months ago

    >Nu/k/: Total Zigger Death! All Russians need to die the most horrible deaths imaginable. ZIGGERS (look mom I said ZiGgEr again)! TZD!

    >Also nu/k/: our refined taste judge this fictional comic book tasteless and edgy. Who would ever want to be needlessly edgy?

    • 5 months ago

      As bad as crossed is it's still bellow real snuff (That gets spammed here all the time) on the edgelord scale

      • 5 months ago

        Thank you for making an even better point. Drone footage and dead soldiers are paraded around here like it's nothing, but a FICTIONAL comic book is apparently too edgy.

        • 5 months ago

          One is reality, the other is someone's dream

          • 5 months ago

            >One is reality,
            Even more edgy since you look at real people dying

            • 5 months ago

              Reality isn't edgy, it's real. A zombie rape fantasy is the writers thinly disguised fetish.

    • 5 months ago

      All homosexuals born after 2000 have mental health problems. They are either moronic schizos or massive homos
      That being said some of Crossed comics are quiet bad from a writing pov but I still enjoyed them (except for the +100 years one full of muslim and woke bullshit)

      • 5 months ago

        >tfw 99gay

    • 5 months ago

      Well yeah, one of those is centered around humans, the other is russians.

      • 5 months ago


  25. 5 months ago


    I enjoy anything post apocalyptic for the imagery alone, always have and Crossed does it well. From what I remember most people will concede Wish You Were Here is a good story within the comics since it dials the edge down quite a bit. It's always a shame to see wokeshit enter where it logically has no sense being, kinda like Cod: Vanguard.

    • 5 months ago

      >I enjoy anything post apocalyptic for the imagery alone, always have and Crossed does it well.
      Yep I love the feeling of emptiness you get when reading/watching this genre
      >Wish You Were Here is a good story
      My favorite one. Well written and the fricked up things being less recurrent make them more impactful when they occur
      >It's always a shame to see wokeshit enter where it logically has no sense being, kinda like Cod: Vanguard.
      Basically everything since 4-5 years...

    • 5 months ago

      My favorite post apocalyptic movie/book is still The Road.

  26. 5 months ago

    Crossed is one of the only comics I've read. I hardly read books. 10/10 very good comic.

    Any recommendations for if you liked Crossed?

    • 5 months ago

      Are you looking for ? The ultra violent rape/torture thing or the hopeless post apocalyptic theme ?

      • 5 months ago

        Not him but its nice that there are dozens of female characters including protagonists sucking dick in it from the crossed orgies or survivor on survivor. Its just rare to see in a comic so many women explicity having their mouths full of dick or having cum on their faces. Even the crossed girls do random stuff like suck off random corpses which is supposed to be horrifying but ends up being buried in some of the larger orgies.

      • 5 months ago

        Both, either together or separate. I also like the Fallout universe which is post-apocalyptic and quite bleak. Are there more comics like that?

    • 5 months ago

      Violence Jack if you’re okay with manga/anime

  27. 5 months ago

    That guy's expression isn't very convincing
    >fool, this is in fact my fetish!

    • 5 months ago

      god i wish that were me

  28. 5 months ago

    am I on /k/ or is this rotten cartoon tomatoes? get this gay shit outta my face

  29. 5 months ago

    This comic series just sucks. It's not good just violence porn.

    • 5 months ago

      >violence porn
      nothing wrong with that

      • 5 months ago

        Theres also a lot of normal porn too

  30. 5 months ago


    The following are the best parts of the series:
    >Thin Red Line
    >The Fatal Englishmen
    >The Folly
    >homosexual Torto
    >Conquers All
    The first Crossed storyline dances between interesting and the pointless kind of edgy.
    At the best of the series it is dealing with the idea of at what point survival stops being an act of human courage and dignity and turns into just scrabbling like a rat with no greater purpose and all else stripped away, at worst it's just serial killer jerk off material. homosexual torto verges on that, but it's interesting from the perspective of seeing the Crossed as a brutal pillaging and enslaving Aztec-style civilization (but far worse and without the infrastructure) from the perspective of human hunter gatherers.

  31. 5 months ago

    How much time do you have to prepare? What kind of resources are at your disposal?
    It isn’t a regular apocalypse that one typically preps for so if it were to happen right now, everybody would be completely caught off guard.
    There’s also completely bullshit ways to get infected that have to be taken into account
    I’m thinking if anything from a platoon to company sized elements were to fortify a location with access to ground water and a few years’ worth of food using anti-personnel mines, razor wire, punji sticks, IEDs, and a few million rounds worth of ammo, they could hold out indefinitely. The more hardware that they have at their disposal, the better chance they have, unless thousands to millions of them swarm at once

  32. 5 months ago
  33. 5 months ago

    Sounds like you could just put on makeup that looks like the cross rash on your face as camouflage and act like a moron around others you know are infected.

    • 5 months ago

      They tried that, it didn’t work

      • 5 months ago

        Why not?

        • 5 months ago

          probably because the infected only really stop murdering when there's nothing else to murder. Whenever infected don't see uninfected or know of their presence, they immediately start raping and killing eachother.

          Crossed is a shit series btw, read literally anything else.

    • 5 months ago

      Doesnt work that well, since infected will torture rape other infected, if they cant find uninfected people. So either way you are going to end up taking it in the butt.
      It might work if there is other uninfected in the area, that the infected can focus on, but even then its not a guarantee.

  34. 5 months ago


    Yeah, people jerk off about how the Crossed are allegedly "smart" but really it boils down to plot convenience like any other zombie. Depending on what's more shocking for the moment, they can be depraved morons murderfrickings their way across the page or stealthy ultra ninjas who can sneak up on survivors to infect their asses.

    So typical zombie fare, just up its own ass because it's Garth Ennis.

  35. 5 months ago

    The infection or curse or whatever works too fast. If they actually got you and started torturing you you'd probably turn in 5 minutes and start enjoying it.

    • 5 months ago

      In some cases it was down to 20 or so seconds for turning.

  36. 5 months ago

    Crossed is fricking gay

  37. 5 months ago

    Im probably a huge pussy, but crossed is the only piece of media that ever made me genuinly scared. Had a shitty fricking nightmare after reading it (mostly because i started to ponder if a virus like that is really possible irl)

    • 5 months ago

      It's possible but it would also sap a lot of the users presence of mind, so they wouldn't be using guns or cumming on ammunition to spread the virus, they'd be shambling around like normal zombies with brief periods of extreme fear/rage as the virus triggers your fight/flight response. Left For Dead's Zombies are a good example of how something like that would work.

  38. 5 months ago

    >all this seething about “le edge” and how they’re just “zombies but smart!”
    No one here is saying it’s realistic, it’s intentionally kept vague how the virus works or even if it is a virus as we know them. For all they know it could be god’s punishment or a curse. I find the concept of infected that keep their memories and skills completely intact much more interesting than just “zombies but smart”. Leads to a lot of interesting thoughts and entertaining moments plot lines like how they prevented nuclear meltdowns.
    >hurr durr it’s not making a point!
    It’s entertaining for some who are interested in the world, not every story needs a moral.

    • 5 months ago

      What's the world like though? There's nothing interesting happening, it's always
      >"oh look, a survivor community"
      >one diabolus ex machina later
      >"well, they've all been"
      if that, even

    • 5 months ago

      What's the world like though? There's nothing interesting happening, it's always
      >"oh look, a survivor community"
      >one diabolus ex machina later
      >"well, they've all been"
      if that, even

      Bro nobody actually gives a shit that the virus or whatever isn’t realistic, the fact that it is unrealistic only even gets brought up because the writing is so shitty and boring with the constant asspulls of why the crossed win. If the stories were actually good a lot more would be forgiven

      • 5 months ago

        I remember that one where a maximum security bunker just gets infected? How? Frick you, that's how. It all happened offscreen, the PM of the UK is gonna get ripped apart. Depending on the needs of the plot, the Crossed are either what they usually are, or suddenly turn into Solid Snake with a really bad skin condition.

        • 5 months ago

          >or suddenly turn into Solid Snake with a really bad skin condition.

        • 5 months ago

          IIRC it went like
          >This is the safest bunker so let's keep patient zero here and study him!
          >They decide seal the PM in lowest level of the bunker
          >One of the scientists (Brown woman) researching the virus somehow got infected
          >The b***h somehow sneaks up on the PM's elevator
          >TFW England cannonically destroyed by pajeets fricking up

        • 5 months ago

          I think the Big Buttrash, is the Patient Zero of the Crossed virus. Maybe he was special in some way.

        • 5 months ago

          lmao i remeber that one, I had to go back and look for where the frick the doctor got infected but its not in the story at all. He wrote himself into a corner and just drew that in to get out of it, the lazy frick didnt even try to fix it in the backstory.

        • 5 months ago

          The entire premise of Crossed is moronic and there's no way it would've spread as far as it did.

          >hurr NORAD is going to be taken with piss and cum bottles
          >cbrn gear, what's that?

          This. People IRL die from even just one day or night of exposure all the time. All because they were unprepared and/or ill-equipped.

          The Crossed don't have zero survival instinct, but negative survival instinct and will actively put themselves in harm's way. They're constantly hurting themselves and each other, being naked or half naked, and forgoe basic necessities like food and water so they can rape and kill more. Yet they rarely die from the elements despite them being more or less as durable as a normal human. It's all bullshit plot armor.

          It's pointless to think about this thing with realism in mind as in the Patient Zero arc the virus or whatever is heavily implied to be supernatural in origin. The most plausible, more or less rational, explanation would be that the Crossed factor is something all humans already have and coming into contact with the blood, piss and/or fluids merely triggers the change. A scientist speculates as much in the Patient Zero story, that it's something that was "on the planet's DNA" from the beginning

  39. 5 months ago

    And actually as I read what I just posted, the crossed asspulls aren’t actually the worst thing. It’s the nonstop “people are the real monsters” it’s always beating you over the head with

  40. 5 months ago

    The crossed plot is sorta interesting. The dialogue fricking sucks. So much rambling and incoherent thoughts. It's confusing as frick. Like an AI wrote it. It's impossible to understand what's going on.

  41. 5 months ago


    >slightly interesting concept that could be something worhwhile if handled by a good author.
    Some are decent, or at least better than the others in that aspect. I'll second

    The following are the best parts of the series:
    >Thin Red Line
    >The Fatal Englishmen
    >The Folly
    >homosexual Torto
    >Conquers All
    The first Crossed storyline dances between interesting and the pointless kind of edgy.
    At the best of the series it is dealing with the idea of at what point survival stops being an act of human courage and dignity and turns into just scrabbling like a rat with no greater purpose and all else stripped away, at worst it's just serial killer jerk off material. homosexual torto verges on that, but it's interesting from the perspective of seeing the Crossed as a brutal pillaging and enslaving Aztec-style civilization (but far worse and without the infrastructure) from the perspective of human hunter gatherers.


    I enjoy anything post apocalyptic for the imagery alone, always have and Crossed does it well. From what I remember most people will concede Wish You Were Here is a good story within the comics since it dials the edge down quite a bit. It's always a shame to see wokeshit enter where it logically has no sense being, kinda like Cod: Vanguard.

    in that Thin Red Line, Wish You Were Here, and The Fatal Englishman being more or less solid little stories with the rest of it usually being shit.

    And actually as I read what I just posted, the crossed asspulls aren’t actually the worst thing. It’s the nonstop “people are the real monsters” it’s always beating you over the head with

    I don't remember what it was called but I do remember enjoying one of the short stories which revolved around some sociopath who tries to pull the usual manipulative bullshit to frick over his survivor group except he gets called out and left to die horribly before he can really screw anyone over.

  42. 5 months ago

    >Apocalypse type situation
    >Mark on the forehead of the evil ones
    I know a guy who might be able to help us win.

    [spoiler]The Archangel Michael ends up throwing the Beast, Satan, and prostitute into the abyss and Christ comes in His glory. At that time EVERY knee shall bend and and EVERY head shall bow. The kings shall cast their golden crowns at the feet of the Lamb and seraphim and cherobim and all the legions of the saints shall proclaim "holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, the God who was, and is, and is to come."

  43. 5 months ago

    Every time. Its been a decade and every time people miss the point. Crossed is supposed to take the piss out of I will survive types. The point in Crossed is that it begins nearly instantly and people are so frozen in horror as a mass of bodies builds that you can't find anywhere safe. Between the various cannibal rapists running around you see survivors dictating new rules to society and frequently fricking other people over. The survivors aren't heroes. Just the opposite they are the people brutal enough to survive. Each Crossed story isn't about any one person being bad, its about collective society truly failing for the first time in history as a true collective arises with the only goal of being absolutely awful. Every MC in Crossed has done all of the awful things seen elsewhere. The point of Crossed is that no matter where you are the core element of the Crossed is still with you (evil in humanity). Which is why in every Crossed story the finale begins with the human evil letting the Crossed kick off the finale. Later stories build on this really well as lucid Crossed attempt to create a society and have to deal with members that are literal morons.

    • 5 months ago

      So the people saying its trite "humans are the real bad guys" bullshit were absolutely right? Seems like calling it misanthropic misery porn is consistent with your assessment of it.

      • 5 months ago

        Not really. Humans aren't bad innately, but the folks who would survive such evils are not what we would call good. The most "hero" any survivor becomes is a typical last stand moment (which usually gets turned on its head)

        What the frick even is the difference between a crossed and a human then? They're just the same thing, except one is more brazen and acts on its urges, meaning it's all a "humans are le REAL evil" in the end.

        The fundamental point is that each human is typically wrestling with these choices which usually ends with them dying or wishing they were dead. The point is that every day you survive in Crossed world is a day of misery. For those that wish to survive they typically become tired and willing to expend others for their own safety. The Crossed are just the reminder of what the alternative is. Case in point in the first book there is a survivor with a child. She loses her child and then later on wipes out an entire group of kid survivorship for the simple fact that it would be impossible to survive with them. Everyone in the group recognizes the utility of thus but doesn't fight it. They are survivors, they prioritize living for another day. They aren't evil, but a reflection of how the drive to survive strips them of the old trappings of humanity. Which is also why so many humans die early on. Fundamentally they simply cannot do what is needed to survive, and if you can, then you have to face what that means. There's a later series that deals with a trio of cannibals who deal with it by literally playing make believe and adopting identites similar to pulp comic heroes. They each commit to the role 100% and then every month die and are reborn as someone new. Effectively they use this to cope with their reality. Similarly there's a run that deals with humans who are already psychos using the Crossed to take over positions in society that get left open as non survivor brains rush in to be heroes and die.

    • 5 months ago

      What the frick even is the difference between a crossed and a human then? They're just the same thing, except one is more brazen and acts on its urges, meaning it's all a "humans are le REAL evil" in the end.

      • 5 months ago

        Humans are able to do horrific shit. Crossed are for the most part compelled to do horrific shit. There are a few instances of Crossed not being horrible and they are promptly fricked over by their fellow Crossed.

    • 5 months ago

      Not really. Humans aren't bad innately, but the folks who would survive such evils are not what we would call good. The most "hero" any survivor becomes is a typical last stand moment (which usually gets turned on its head)

      The fundamental point is that each human is typically wrestling with these choices which usually ends with them dying or wishing they were dead. The point is that every day you survive in Crossed world is a day of misery. For those that wish to survive they typically become tired and willing to expend others for their own safety. The Crossed are just the reminder of what the alternative is. Case in point in the first book there is a survivor with a child. She loses her child and then later on wipes out an entire group of kid survivorship for the simple fact that it would be impossible to survive with them. Everyone in the group recognizes the utility of thus but doesn't fight it. They are survivors, they prioritize living for another day. They aren't evil, but a reflection of how the drive to survive strips them of the old trappings of humanity. Which is also why so many humans die early on. Fundamentally they simply cannot do what is needed to survive, and if you can, then you have to face what that means. There's a later series that deals with a trio of cannibals who deal with it by literally playing make believe and adopting identites similar to pulp comic heroes. They each commit to the role 100% and then every month die and are reborn as someone new. Effectively they use this to cope with their reality. Similarly there's a run that deals with humans who are already psychos using the Crossed to take over positions in society that get left open as non survivor brains rush in to be heroes and die.

      Imagine writing all this text to excuse someones wank material. Garth Ennis gonna Garth Ennis, his other shit also hyperfocuses on how much he hates someone, that's all there is to it.

  44. 5 months ago

    Garth Ennis is at his best when he's not allowed to write hypergore and misery porn like in the ghost rider comic.

  45. 5 months ago


    There are some legitimately great short stories. But most of it is edgy as all hell.
    Crossed: Badlands, is made up of short stories by different authors. So that might be worth checking out, if you are at all interested.

  46. 5 months ago

    Ennis is great at writing the Punisher as well as a few other established characters/settings, but the second he's allowed to do whatever, it ends up being:
    >trite edgelord shit
    >hurrr saint paddy's day plastic irishmen guhhhh
    >dem frickin nazis AGAIN
    >cool French guy (this schtick's actually okay nvm)
    >Jesus bad, Jesus BAD

    • 5 months ago

      You forgot about

  47. 5 months ago

    Without plot armor and the author's god-gun helping the crossed win at every turn?

    Uh, hide and wait for starvation to do its thing and thin the herd, then
    >if you live in the south wait for summer to cull the herd
    >if you live in the north wait for a winter to cull the herd
    And thats not counting hurricanes, forest fires, polar storms, flooding and the like which would, again, kill a lot of people (infected or otherwise) in a world w/o basic services or disease which would do the same (52 000 people die from the flu per year, in a healthy population group if we look what the flue does to an unhealthy population group - look at the Spanish Flu).

    Thats why the entire zombie genre has to have CHOBHAM-tier plot armor for the infected, human biology is pretty shitty and even when humans have full function not dying to the weather (w/o electricity), or getting nutrition (in a world w/o supply-chains) is incredibly hard. For a literal moron to survive these things is beyond impossible.

    Thus, you just have to hunker down and wait it out. Running would be dumb, as anyone who has been in a hurricane evacuation can tell you - you go nowhere fast will drown in a sea of humanity. Unironically 28 days later was pretty accurate, after the intial collapse the landscape becomes depopulated and you get pretty significant freedom of movement.

    As for the author
    >i... its a commentary on the human condition!
    If that is so then its nothing but projection of his own human condition because I have never felt the urge to perform unspeakable acts, even on people I hate. If its not that then its just shock value to cover for shitty writing.

    • 5 months ago

      And what about nukes and nuclear plants ? Chemical plants ? Dams ? Massive wild fires and burning cities ?
      Half of the world would be an polluted and radioactive wasteland. You'd have to flee to a remote island in the middle of the pacific ocean to survive on the long term.

      This applies to any scenario where 90-95% of the population dies. The only difference here is that you have cannibalistic degenerates able to launch nukes or trigger a reactor meltdown even faster.

      • 5 months ago

        Most modern western plants are impossible to force into super critical states. Because magnets.

        • 5 months ago

          Not even that, nuclear reactors running on passive shutdown modes and with containment structures already assembled before activation has been the standard in the west since before Chernobyl happened.
          You have to be a special kind of fricking moron to think all western infrastructure is going to start spontaneously combusting if the staff don't clock in for a week.

      • 5 months ago

        One guy in the comics does hypothesise that once there are too few uninfected left to hunt, some of the smarter Crossed would either try to create sustainable civilisations for them selves. But the majority of the surviving Crossed would try to ruin everything for everyone, once the dopamine from hunting people run out. And it would be through shit like starting wild fires and ruining infrastructure.

        • 5 months ago

          There was one story where they ran around NYC trying to demolish any buildings that were left
          By that point the subways had already flooded

    • 5 months ago

      >projection of his own human condition
      I wonder if he's one of those guys who thinks intrusive thoughts represent desires instead of fears.

      • 5 months ago

        Wait, really?
        That is… incredibly relieving to hear.

        • 5 months ago

          Its kinda like standing at a ledge and suddenly getting the urge to jump, its your brain coming up with worst case scenarios.

        • 5 months ago

          Intrusive thoughts are worst case scenarios that you find repellent, upsetting and alarming. So you might for example have a mental flash of suffering an accident because you were careless handling a knife while cooking and recoil at the prospect, leading you to heighten your guard against what you envisioned.

          Don't worry, you're probably not a sick frick like you've been fearing.

          • 5 months ago

            Unless you act on the thoughts of course

    • 5 months ago

      You're being super moronic. While some crossed are so mind broken that they don't think to put on a jacket when it gets cold, but many of them are still cognizant enough to calculate things such as "Surviving the cold means I can kill more people". The number one priority of a crossed person is to bring suffering to others. Some people who are good at the whole delayed gratification thing will be able to take care of themselves in service to this goal.

      The crossed would still get destroyed by regular militaries, though.

  48. 5 months ago

    Wouldn't the Crossed be cut down by
    >Cholera and Dysentery
    >Infections from lack of hygiene
    >Lack of widely available food

    • 5 months ago

      Some of the smarter Crossed, are noted to take care of their personal hygiene and the Crossed will live off of the food that is already made/ things they can catch. They wont farm or set up any renewable source of food though (Unless they are being forced to, by a bigger smarter Crossed), so the majority of them will eventually starve, but it wont be anytime soon. Disease is probably the biggest natural danger to them.

      • 5 months ago

        >Disease is probably the biggest natural danger to them.
        Yes, a large group of filthy people is screwed
        In pre-modern wars diseases killed more people than combat

        • 5 months ago

          >Reading up on that shit
          >French invasion of Madagascar and this is with quinqine invented, but they didn't bring it or some stupid shit
          >Lost like 32 guys to combat
          >Lost 1/3rd of the army so around 4000 men to disease
          >Some 18th century French Guyana expedition having something like a 90% mortality rate
          Medicine is the 1 reason why it was ever possible to colonize the interiors of Africa excluding East Africa and South Africa. And by interior I mean 'more than a few miles inland'.

          • 5 months ago

            History also shows wanting to bite or frick anything can lead to new and exciting epidemics
            >AIDs used to be a chimp disease until people started eating/fricking chimps
            >It was still fairly rare until it infected a guy who went to gay orgies

            • 5 months ago

              Body is weird. I was saying in another thread, or meant to, that zomboid is over the top with infection risks. You don't get a death-dealing infection every time you get a little scratch or we'd never have survived as a species. At the same time that can happen if the RNG rolls against you - whoops I got a little cut and now I am infected with brain eating amoeba or I lose all my limbs from bad sushi.

              last is not hyperbole, it happened recently.

              • 5 months ago

                >At the same time that can happen if the RNG rolls against you
                In case of Crossed they would be constantly rolling due to their moronic behavior; so the chance of a bad roll is higher
                They also like to rape animals which might lead some disease to migrate to humans

              • 5 months ago

                Like a dolphin

      • 5 months ago

        Wouldn't the "dumber" crossed just gang up on the "smarter" ones and rape them to death?

        • 5 months ago

          Probably usually, the main "Smart" one we see was a massive beast of a man, dressed as a fire fighter and carrying a fire axe, we are shown how at several points tames other groups of "Dumb" Crossed, by killing enough of them that the rest of them realise that they will see more death and suffering by simply following him. There was also a couple twin "Smart" girls, im not really sure how they made it, but they did at one point have a small army of infected boyscouts to protect them. But yeah realistically they wouldn't have made it,

        • 5 months ago

          This is arguably the classic zombie problem, how do the zombies/infected distinguish humans from one another? Stuff like "oh, well they don't attack zombies because zombies moan and shuffle about" doesn't really work in the Crossed scenario, because the Crossed are fricking nuts. Same problem in 28 Days Later.

          • 5 months ago

            They all like bill mahr and his benign beigeness is understood by those that comprehend it

    • 5 months ago

      I doubt any of the factors will take hold, crossed will either kill each other before any of that happens.

  49. 5 months ago

    >What's the best strategy to survive a crossed pandemic ?

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        An alternative would be being a buxom teenage blonde bawd with extremely developed survival skills for no justifiable reason and/or deep psychopath tendencies.
        A fixation on dad and a tendency to undress in public at any excuse would also help.
        The authors have very easily identifiable fetishes, after all, just use them.

  50. 5 months ago

    99.999% of crossed would die from infection, malnutrition, dehydration, etc within a week.

    The "Plot armor super smart 1-in-1000" ones wouldn't be "leading" they'd be the only ones alive.

  51. 5 months ago

    I don't know why everyone is blaming Ennis for ALL the shittyness of crossed.
    Don't get me wrong I don't particularly like the dudes writing either but he only wrote (two?) story arcs, and they were some of the least moronic ones.
    In fact I gotta say that the first arc is the only one that isn't just the horrible torture porn that crossed is known for, still edgy still largely moronic but not the absolute dogshit the rest of the series is.

    • 5 months ago

      >Don't get me wrong I don't particularly like the dudes writing either but he only wrote (two?) story arcs, and they were some of the least moronic ones.
      Oi mate imma fakkin crossed ya fukkin wanka eyy c**t fak chink a chink chinkaroo oy think black is a fakkin curs word.

      • 5 months ago

        Oi m8
        Use avin a gigl a' mi espense?
        'Ll smaak use n tha gobber sweer un me mum.

  52. 5 months ago


    >Check early life page on Wikipedia
    >Literally states that he's an Atheist

  53. 5 months ago

    The way I see it going down is:
    >Crossed is some edgelord that kicks a cat
    >Everyone stop running away and immediately gets pissed off
    >We show them what being 'cross' is really like
    >Muslims, Christians, Russians, even Swedes joining together to deliver beatings

    Earth belongs to toxoplasmosis.

  54. 5 months ago

    Probably to move to a area that is as isolated as possible, preferably in one of the luxury bunkers that are shown in the comics, but an isolated forest cabin would probably do too.
    If you want to live around other people. then maybe something like the town from the 30 of nights movie/comic. Since that is a relatively small isolated community, in a very hostile environment, which means that newcomers likely wont approach the area.
    Food and Water could be an issue though.

  55. 5 months ago

    Shoot myself.
    Even if I manage to survive the initial clusterfrick, Diabolus ex Machina means I will be (probably literally) fricked no matter what I do.

    • 5 months ago

      good job anon you missed and are now paralized from the neck down and fully aware as you are sodomized to death

      • 5 months ago

        Which does actually happen in the comic

        • 5 months ago

          which one ?

          • 5 months ago

            In Badlands during chapter 81-86, in the later half if i remember correctly. One of the gay guys tries to kill himself while hiding, but only manages to paralyze himself while alerting the Crossed to his presence.

      • 5 months ago

        That's why you use a 12 gauge and duct tape

  56. 5 months ago

    Just learned that there was a Crossed movie in pre-production, written by Ennis and partially produced by fricking Kevin Spacey during 2012.

    • 5 months ago

      >produced by fricking Kevin Spacey
      might as well just make gay rape porn on pornhub

    • 5 months ago

      >"Kevin, there's no violence or stuff in this script. It's just three hours of constant anal rape."

      • 5 months ago

        >"Kevin at least make the rapist Crossed"

        • 5 months ago

          >"Kevin at least wait until the cameras are rolling to rape them."

  57. 5 months ago

    Never read or gave a shit about this series, but always thought some of the ideas and themes in certain cover art or editions were interesting.
    Any body know the one with pilots getting infected?

    • 5 months ago

      If you mean the one with the nuke at the end, set during the initial outbreak, then its The Thin Red Line.

      • 5 months ago

        That's probably it, thanks. All I can remember were some screencaps posted here like 10 years ago.

        • 5 months ago

          Theres a continuation with the same soldiers, called The Fatal Englishman. If you liked that story.

  58. 5 months ago

    damn when did PrepHole become so "mature"
    Crossed is definitely my favorite comic, love the insanity of it and its bleak as all hell. You don't get that kind of hopelessness in a lot of stories.
    I also liked The Road for similar reasons.

  59. 5 months ago

    You literally can’t. This is the problem with no-talent hack writers like Garth Ennis, any realistic scenario you can envision in which you win is immediately undone by him throwing a tantrum and giving his edgy pets some kind of superpower or plot armor to automatically beat you.

    You somehow find yourself on a well-stocked, well-staffed battleship out at sea? Ennis throws a handful of playground sand at you before shrieking “well my CROSSED learned how to SAIL an EVEN BIGGER ship and now they’re going to RAPE YOU and also you CANT STOP THEM because they’re BULLETPROOF now and also their bigger battleship is ALSO BULLETPROOF frick you frick you frickyoufrickyoufrickyou I WIN I am BETTER THAN YOU”

    Why bother even discussing survival in such a scenario? The world of crossed is a poorly written fantasy ruled over by a vicious little man who got cucked by his girlfriend and is now determined to vicariously rape every human on the planet so he can feel big again.

    • 5 months ago

      The battleship scenario only happens twice.

      • 5 months ago

        >it only happens *twice*


        • 5 months ago

          And by this i mean where it literally happens on battleships.

      • 5 months ago

        And by this i mean where it literally happens on battleships.

        For real?

        • 5 months ago

          Iirc then one of the cases its the main "Smart" Crossed taking a battleship doing one of the later stories of Badlands. The other time its a fleet of cosplay pirate Crossed taking another military battleship and winning.

          • 5 months ago

            I think the "Smart" one did it by having a horde of Crossed climb onboard and then cut their own arteries to aggressively bleed on the active soldiers in order to turn them.

    • 5 months ago

      Just a reminder, Ennis only wrote two story arcs of crossed. The original and one much later in the badlands series.
      The original didn't feature ridiculous plot armor and actually had a hopeful (if not bittersweet) ending.
      You're either somebody that read a lot if it when you were an edgy young homosexual and now is over compensating in an effort to forget. Or worse (and more likely) You're regurgitating others opinions in the hope you receive some form of validation from the rest of the gays in the thread.

      • 5 months ago

        What? Noooòoo. Don't call me that, hahaha, I don't like it when you do that, hahaha.

      • 5 months ago

        >white knighting for crossed
        Yeah, it’s DEFINITELY everyone else in the thread who’s an edgy homosexual

        • 5 months ago

          Hate to say it but I'm actually white knighting for Ennis, not crossed.
          The collection of works as a whole deserves the criticism it gets.
          I don't even like Ennis or crossed but so much of this thread smacks of people who haven't actually had to sit through the actually shitty parts of crossed or Garth's writing. It seems they are simply repeating parts of the complaints they saw from people who actually read the shit almost a decade ago.

  60. 5 months ago

    Does he manage to shoehorn in seething about Irish-americans and St. Patrick's Day into Crossed also somehow? I've never read it but he's somehow managed to shoehorn it into every single series of his I've read.

    • 5 months ago

      He inexplicably seethes about Americans in crossed a shit ton.
      >Gordon Brown calling Bush during the initial outbreak, and it's implied that Bush is infected and raping Condoleezza Rice
      Wish You Were Here has the most
      >obese American tourist crossed in England day 1 of the outbreak, eating human flesh and complaining about how shit British food is
      >American character in the group is a timid useless fat woman whose whole fat family was gruesomely killed
      >when a fleet of cruise ships full of Americans approaches their little island it's considered worse than if they were crossed
      >the Brits seethe about how friendly and well fed and polite the Americans are when they visit
      >turns out the whole reason the Americans were even talking to them is because they wanted to trade for the Brits' oil supplies
      >whole American fleet later gets burnt by crossed in rowboats

      • 5 months ago

        Just read a good portion of the comics. It's pretty decent if you want some hopelessness porn or action scenes with a bunch of gore. The main part I didn't like was how a bunch of issues went on about "oh woe is me, humanity is innately evil".

      • 5 months ago

        Simon Spurrier.
        I am almost convinced I'm the only one in the thread who has actually read this shitty comic.

        • 5 months ago

          I read some of it some years ago, about up the point the Americans shows up on their ships. But i have read the original and all of Badlands.

  61. 5 months ago

    Good post-apocalyptic genre recommendations comics???

    • 5 months ago

      If you want something light-hearted, then check out Gone with the Blastwave

    • 5 months ago

      Xenozoic Tales
      Stand Still, Stay Silent
      Eden: It's an Endless World

  62. 5 months ago

    same solution to everything. innawoods. we cracked the code a long time ago.

  63. 5 months ago

    Biohazard suit and lots of molotovs

  64. 5 months ago

    Crossed was so good, I read every single one until they stopped making it, wish they would make them again.

    • 5 months ago

      eh, some poor fricks getting raped, mutilated and/or turned into psychos is only entertaining the first few times. After that it's just like a giant where's waldo of gore porn.

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