Suicides at gun ranges

I have a membership at an indoor range that’s close by and I’m always nervous about some crazy fricker renting a gun to off themselves. It has happened before at the place I go to. They don’t even make you do a background check to rent a gun at most ranges which is stupid IMO. Some mentally ill idiot could easily get their hands on a firearm and do some really stupid shit 3 feet from where I’m standing.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Why would you be scared if them shooting themself?

    • 5 months ago

      Because someone who is suicidal probably doesn’t give a shit about gun safety, is unpredictable, and might even decide to take a few random people with them?

      • 5 months ago

        Shoot him first Black person you've got a gun too

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah I’ll totally react in time while I’m focused on shooting my own targets

          • 5 months ago

            >Not ready for any and all targets
            filtered lmao

        • 5 months ago

          Just do the range theatre of looking left and right after every shot.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah I’ll totally react in time while I’m focused on shooting my own targets

        People who don't own enough land to shoot on honestly don't deserve to have guns

        • 5 months ago

          Come and take them then

        • 5 months ago

          Some people live in a town anon. You want them to call come build houses at the edge of your property?
          Regardless, I feel the same way about voting rights. Universal suffrage was a mistake.

      • 5 months ago

        Libshits who are suicidal and don't own guns are definitely likely to shoot a few random white men at a gun range. Should their be evaluations before letting guns be rented?

    • 5 months ago

      You might be surprised to hear, but people don't like it very much when they see someone pull the trigger on a .357 right in front of them, launching blood, chunks of skull and brain tissue all over other people and the room.

      • 5 months ago

        There's dividers between each lane though

        • 5 months ago

          You have a point

      • 5 months ago

        I wouldn’t mind that at all

    • 5 months ago

      Fpbp. Self-correcting problem.

    • 5 months ago

      Fpbp. Self-correcting problem.

      This is why.

    • 5 months ago

      Cause bullets overpenetrate
      I literally saw a video of a twink at a range shooting himself and also hitting the guy behind him

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah I'm the one that posted it. Don't stand behind other shooters.

  2. 5 months ago

    As long as he's shooting himself and not other people...

  3. 5 months ago

    wait until you find out about cars.

    • 5 months ago

      White people using cars to kill school kids?!

    • 5 months ago

      what's the purpose of a car? to move people and things from a to b
      what's the purpose of a gun? to kill things quickly from a distance
      that's the difference you fricking single digit IQ moron and why your argument is dumb af

      • 5 months ago

        Objects have no objective purpose. You can hammer a nail with a rock. Is the purpose of a rock to hammer nails? No. You can use an AK magazine as a stool to sit on. Is the purpose of an AK magazine to be used as a stool? No. Can either object be effectively used as such? Yes. Purpose is entirely abstract, nonexistent, and irrelevant to any conversation, and is not an argument for or against anything. You can argue that certain objects are suited towards certain things, but matter arranged in a certain way suited to a use is not an objective purpose given onto the organized assembly of atoms by god himself. An object's "purpose" is entirely defined by how it is used in a given moment by the conscious mind applying purpose to it, it is not inherent.

        • 5 months ago

          Then why would you buy and carry a gun for the sole purpose of killing something with it, when anything can be used to achieve that effect? Could it be that guns are designed to make that exact action as efficient as possible?
          Guns are designed for killing people. That's their purpose, and they do it well. I refuse to bend the knee to liberal bullshit. Guns, in the right hands, kill people. Unfortunately, some people (criminals) need to be killed. That's why they exist. I didn't buy an AR to put little holes in paper, I bought it to kill some motherfricker who tries to hurt me or my family. That's it's purpose. Stop giving them an inch and looking like a contrarian whiny ass in the process, have a fricking spine. The 2nd amendment gives me the right to have tools to kill people with, because some people are inherently evil. If they disagree, they can go to a prison in short shorts and make friends with all the tarnished and downtrodden dindus who just need rehabilitation and a wittle love.

          • 5 months ago

            Nearly a hundred years after the 2nd amendment was created there were still thousands of Americans on American soil having their heads cut off and their daughters and wives gangraped to death by other humans. The unfortunate reality is that murder for the sake of murder still happens. I'm not giving up my tools of death until there's no chance that me or my family could be hurt and killed by other people, which will never happen, because there will always be inherently bad people who act on their worst instincts. This is reality.

          • 5 months ago

            >Then why would you buy and carry a gun for the sole purpose of killing something with it,
            Because they are efficient and effective for doing so, which is not the same as an objective purpose baked into the fabric of reality.
            >Guns are designed for killing people.
            Incorrect. Guns are designed to throw lead at high speeds, which so happens to be an effective method of killing.
            >That's their purpose,
            Incorrect. I already addressed this. You are failing to understand the distinction between what an object is effective at doing and it's objective purpose. No object has a purpose, a purpose is given by the use of an object in a moment.
            Your post is entirely comprised of ideological whinging, when my point was metaphysical in nature. You have not understood or refuted anything I said.

  4. 5 months ago

    this is what you get for shooting indoors.

  5. 5 months ago

    >paranoid schitzofrenic walks into a gun range...
    This chick shot and killed three and wounded one on a gun range in Helsinki. One of them was the RSO. She said she was a widow of an FBI agent and was getting a revenge for the death of her husband.

    • 5 months ago

      >She appeared to be a fan of The X-Files, and the police investigated the possibility of the series having a plot line similar to Sillanpää's actions, although nothing of the sort was found.

      Great way to score old VHS tapes of the X-files and watch em at work, well done bois. Also that is one mongo looking Finn. Was it the worst shooting they've had? 3 dead isn't bad by today's mass shooting standards I guess.

      • 5 months ago

        >Dude, this b***h has a closet full of vintage X-files VHS
        >Uhhh, yea, I'm signing a warrant for those. They uhh...might have evidence on them for a motive!

        Must be chill being a federal agent who can sign off theft.

      • 5 months ago

        >Was it the worst shooting they've had?
        Not since 2007 and 2008 because some morons decided to worsen our gun laws in one fell swoop because they got bullied at school
        Should have offed themselves

    • 5 months ago

      She’s cute af honestly besides the acne around her mouth.

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        And that ain't acne brah, bad news

    • 5 months ago

      >widow of an FBI agent
      >FBI agent
      That explains everything.

  6. 5 months ago

    go innawoods

  7. 5 months ago

    They should be shooting the people who made them want to die instead.

    • 5 months ago

      demons cannot be killed with bullets.

      • 5 months ago

        I bet the ones inside the Parliament can.

      • 5 months ago

        >demons cannot be killed with bullets.
        you just aren't trying hard enough.

    • 5 months ago

      They already do

  8. 5 months ago

    "SUICIDERS could be here" he thought, "There have been suicides on this range before. There could be SUICIDERS anywhere." The recoil felt good against his chest. "I HATE SUICIDERS" he thought. His handloads reverberated the entire stall making it pulsate even, as inhaled propellant particulates circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of suiciders at the range. "With your own gun, you can off yourself anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.

    • 5 months ago

      pissin hot loads

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      FRICK I love this meme so much, +1 internets to you my good man

  9. 5 months ago

    Anon you should stop worrying about things outside of your control, you will be a lot happier.

  10. 5 months ago

    >muh background checks!
    Cool story homosexual. Have fun offing yourself.

  11. 5 months ago

    I've only been on outdoor ranges and they have wooden partitions. Are those grey partitions bulletproof or just for show?

    • 5 months ago

      Those aren't stopping bullets unless you go to a very odd range

      • 5 months ago

        The one I go to has clear partitions rated for up to a 500 magnum…. Anon… if your gonna shoot indoors find a nice range.

        Also the one I go to doesn’t let first time shooters rent unless they’re with an experienced shooter.. or if they bring their own gun in…. Presumably if your gonna off yourself and already have a gun you don’t need to rent one.. and if your with a buddy your a lot less likely to an hero.

    • 5 months ago

      They're for deflecting hot brass back at you

  12. 5 months ago

    The only ones that make me nervous are the groups that show up where they're out having a good time, exciting to shoot the biggest gun they can rent and you just know they're going to have absolutely no muzzle or discipline.
    If I see a group like that in line, I tell them to put me in a stall far away.

  13. 5 months ago

    If I ever did I promise I’d do it in the far end bathroom stall with the wall as a backstop
    Almost embarrassed at how dumb I was since six months ago I was actively considering it and could have done it before a rash of good news came in

  14. 5 months ago

    It happens. You can go out for less than $50 and make a wagie clean it up instead of your family.

  15. 5 months ago

    a lot of ranges won't rent to people by themselves or people that don't already have guns

    • 5 months ago

      doesn't really accomplish much, my local range had this policy and then someone just signed up for a class and domed himself in the middle of it

      • 5 months ago


        isn't it easier to just buy a gun kys at home ?

  16. 5 months ago

    >It has happened before at the place I go to
    On the bright side, atleast that's one less for you to worry about.

  17. 5 months ago

    Don't be afraid of potential threats , be the threat yourself.
    You afraid of somebody shooting himself?
    Just have a nice day in the range .
    Problem solved

  18. 5 months ago

    I remember that webm where the person suicides in front of the instructor. The person went for a chest shot, so the bullet went through him and killed the instructor.

  19. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >marxist street

  20. 5 months ago

    Frick these people and I'll tell you why.
    They're leaning on bench, to stabilize themselves. They're pretending to shoot standing but they might as well be sitting.
    They're also holding they're gun in front of the partition which is less safe but also makes their guns considerably louder to the people next to them.
    2 of the people are shooting rifles at pistol distances and have no visible tools suggesting they're doing a sight in or maintenance.
    I guarantee you all of their groups would suck if this weren't a staged photo.
    Obviously it's a staged photo, which makes their habits even worse.

    • 5 months ago

      Post groupings larper boy.

      • 5 months ago

        Most recent group pictures I have, sighting in the AR at 100 yards. Group A and Group B are sight in and Group C is just quickly dumping the rest of the mag. I'm getting some parallax error with the ACOG, struggling a bit with good head position.

        • 5 months ago

          There are older pictures, same table obviously.

          Post groupings larper boy.

          Okay, now you.

        • 5 months ago

          100 yards Andy over here thinking hes king shit

          • 5 months ago

            Post groups, 100 yards is the longest range I have access to. Post your groups. You have groups to post right?

            • 5 months ago

              Lol no I dont because I dont care about my groupings nor do I seethe over stock photos.

              • 5 months ago

                You should probably have a nice day

              • 5 months ago

                If you get mad over stock images you should do a flip.

              • 5 months ago

                What the hell does stock images have to do with anything? You are a gay for saying "post groups" then he does and you don't. have a nice day.

              • 5 months ago

                You're a moron lmao. Keep giving me (You)s.

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                That you?

              • 5 months ago

                >You're a moron lmao. Keep giving me (You)s.

              • 5 months ago

                that pic has been popping up for days now, does anybody have the source video?

                i assume its form a drone shot

              • 5 months ago

                >Vatnik gets spotted by drone
                >Pleads to not get bombed (picrel)
                >Drone is leading him to UKR territory
                >Vatnik pulls a SIKE and dives into a nearby trench, never to be seen again

              • 5 months ago

                Shut the frick up.

    • 5 months ago

      >2 of the people are shooting rifles at pistol distances and have no visible tools suggesting they're doing a sight in or maintenance.
      What are you supposed to do if you only have an indoor range available? Shoot in the parking lot?

      • 5 months ago

        Drive to an outdoor range or find an indoor range with a longer yardage. Most indoor ranges only go to 25 yards. There's no reason to "practice" shooting an AR at 25 yards while standing stationary in a stall. AR pistols in particular are universally hated by anyone next to you and I guarantee there is a 100 yard range well inside of an hour of you.
        Frankly, even if you disagree with everything above, there's nothing more embarrassing than popping off groups that are worse than the groups the guy 2 feet from you is getting with his handgun. Even off handed you should be able to group your AR pretty tightly out to 50 yards.

        • 5 months ago

          You shoot three-round "groups" and your opinion is therefore invalid

        • 5 months ago

          >There's no reason to "practice" shooting an AR at 25 yards while standing stationary in a stall

          UH...Yes there is you moron, most fighting in wars nowadays occurs at a distance of 25 yards

          • 5 months ago

            A Brit can instinctually point shoot an AR effectively at that distance. You be far better served practicing tactical movement or playing airsoft. All you're doing at a stall is annoying other people while looking like a chode.

            • 5 months ago

              Stop shooting 3-round "groups" and you'll have an argument

              • 5 months ago

                3 round groups are standard sight in procedure you groupless mongoloid.
                >fire 3 rounds
                >adjust scope
                >fire 3 rounds
                >adjust scope
                How do you not know this?

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah lmao the moment you shot more than 3 you were all over the place, cope.

              • 5 months ago

                Go away.

              • 5 months ago

                No argument huh

              • 5 months ago

                So if I confirm zero with five rounds, I'm allowed to use three per adjustment (11 rounds total)?

              • 5 months ago

                Do it however you like. I was told when I first got into shooting that you do 3 shots, adjust, 3 shots, adjust then do a final confirmation. If your 3 shot groups are too lose, then you probably need to 5. If you stacked all 3 though, why would you bother moving to 5? That makes no sense. Similarly, if you final confirmation shot is dead on, that's good enough for me that I would trust a single shot confirmation. You just did a group that matches so whatever.
                What you sometimes see people doing at the range is firing 1 shot, then adjusting. Which is terrible and they end up chasing errors around the target all day, never actually getting it sighted in. So you have to shoot groups of at least 3 sighting in. 1 shot is a point. 2 shots is a line. 3 shots is a plane/triangle. 3 shots gives you a center to the group on a geometric plane but if your 3 shot group is too sloppy, go to 5, or bring the target closer.
                Arguing that sighting in a gun using 3 shot groups, as opposed to 5 shot groups is somehow not valid or meaningful is idiotic at best. My problem here


                Most recent group pictures I have, sighting in the AR at 100 yards. Group A and Group B are sight in and Group C is just quickly dumping the rest of the mag. I'm getting some parallax error with the ACOG, struggling a bit with good head position.

                isn't group size, it's parallax error.

              • 5 months ago

                >My problem here


                Most recent group pictures I have, sighting in the AR at 100 yards. Group A and Group B are sight in and Group C is just quickly dumping the rest of the mag. I'm getting some parallax error with the ACOG, struggling a bit with good head position. isn't group size, it's parallax error.
                3 MOA with a fricking ACOG out to 100y is a problem with group size.

              • 5 months ago

                Are you actually illiterate? The last group was semi-rapid fire, a quick dump of the mag. The 2 groups for sight in were both sub moa with a 2x ACOG, they're fine. The problem, the thing I'm struggling with, is a consistent cheek weld at the range bench.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah yeah, let's make excuses for our inability to shoot shall we

              • 5 months ago

                You've been doing your thing on /k/ for a while and I'm sincerely curious what is actually wrong with you? You know you have some kind of defect. Would you like to talk about it?

              • 5 months ago

                >You've been doing your thing on /k/ for a while
                You've got me mixed up with someone else.


                So if I confirm it with five rounds, but use three per adjustment leading up, my zero will then be valid (11-round procedure)?
                Replied to you by mistake, but I agree

                I just shoot 10 round groups anyway because it'll group anyway regardless of zero

              • 5 months ago

                No, you're surprisingly recognizable and you have a certain brand of flawed thought processes. I'm just going to chuck it up to autism and move on.

              • 5 months ago

                >chuck it up
                Can't shoot, can't write.

              • 5 months ago

                So if I confirm it with five rounds, but use three per adjustment leading up, my zero will then be valid (11-round procedure)?

                Do it however you like. I was told when I first got into shooting that you do 3 shots, adjust, 3 shots, adjust then do a final confirmation. If your 3 shot groups are too lose, then you probably need to 5. If you stacked all 3 though, why would you bother moving to 5? That makes no sense. Similarly, if you final confirmation shot is dead on, that's good enough for me that I would trust a single shot confirmation. You just did a group that matches so whatever.
                What you sometimes see people doing at the range is firing 1 shot, then adjusting. Which is terrible and they end up chasing errors around the target all day, never actually getting it sighted in. So you have to shoot groups of at least 3 sighting in. 1 shot is a point. 2 shots is a line. 3 shots is a plane/triangle. 3 shots gives you a center to the group on a geometric plane but if your 3 shot group is too sloppy, go to 5, or bring the target closer.
                Arguing that sighting in a gun using 3 shot groups, as opposed to 5 shot groups is somehow not valid or meaningful is idiotic at best. My problem here [...] isn't group size, it's parallax error.

                Replied to you by mistake, but I agree

            • 5 months ago

              >All you're doing at a stall is annoying other people
              nogunz moron. the majority of people at an indoor range at any given time are shooting ARs since literally everybody owns at least one. the only people bothered by it are seething euros

              • 5 months ago

                >the only people bothered by it are seething euros
                I'm a Eurogay and I'm defending the practice though
                Personally I would love it if I had an indoor range close enough, going out to shoot in -22 Centigrade sucks

              • 5 months ago

                >going out to shoot in -22 Centigrade sucks
                when and where did you last have -22°C?

                we don't have shit for winter anymore here in Austria

              • 5 months ago

                Today, Finland
                Was -28 yesterday but I think I'll be delaying my range trip a bit

              • 5 months ago

                >the only people bothered by it are seething euros
                I'm a Eurogay and I'm defending the practice though
                Personally I would love it if I had an indoor range close enough, going out to shoot in -22 Centigrade sucks

                If you own an AR and you don't have anywhere else to shoot it fine. I'm just telling you that it's no where near enough of a training tool to develop any skill, not stationary at a 25 yard indoor range. Because it's an indoor range, the extra noise is also amplified. So they're louder. That is what it is, they're rifles after all but I've seen people just thoughtlessly shooting paper at 10 yards with their AR grouping worse than most of the actual handgun people. You look like a chode. If you're methodical at maximum range, it's not such a bad look.
                A similar, though somewhat separate issue, are the people that bring their 10" compensated AR pistols and just fire off as many rounds as they can afford to for fun at the indoor range. Those guns are so annoying not just through the decibels and comp but also the tone, that I promise everyone else in the range just wants you to go away. Nobody is going to be smiling at you. You'll be an inconsiderate ass.

    • 5 months ago

      Dude, get a girlfriend.

  21. 5 months ago

    You're way, way more likely to encounter morons who cant aim and will just send rounds into the wall, ceiling or if you're unlucky theyll strike something hard and cause ricochets. Saw someone aiming 6 inches higher than the target was, kept hitting the heavy steel target holder and the ricochets were making massive holes in the target. Guy was quite impressed with his shots, I packed up and left.

  22. 5 months ago

    If you see a sign up or a rule at the range that says NO SINGLES/PARTNERS ONLY or something like it, that range has 100% had a self shooter die in it. Sometimes a place just get cursed after the first one, place near me had to close down after 3 suicides in like 5 years. I won't shoot at a suicide spot, too many better options than going to some ghoul-haunted bloodstained joint

  23. 5 months ago

    Cant believe I buckbroke a rando, talk about effective collateral damage.

  24. 5 months ago

    nobody does a background check for a gun rental lmao, at most they will restrict first time visitors from renting. indoor ranges attract morons of all flavors not just suicidal ones. luckily morons rarely go anywhere before noon, for indoor ranges i just plan on getting there at 10 am or something.

  25. 5 months ago

    Unironically go on weekday mornings when the range first opens and nobody else is there.

  26. 5 months ago

    >They don’t even make you do a background check to rent a gun at most ranges which is stupid IMO
    A slimy israelite typed this
    >Just wait 1.5 hours, it won't affect the health or growth of the hobby, goyim!

  27. 5 months ago

    I remember the days when people worry about this, but years ago when I bought one of my pistols I was in a hurry and the DOJ check took 2 hours. I wanted to verify that the gun fired, so I asked to use the store range. I'd been to the range a dozen times and even brought my own ammo, but the range officer was giving me the side eye the entire time. Screw you man, I was tempted to put a round off the ceiling.

  28. 5 months ago

    If a person is going to kill himself anyway wouldnt he just max out his credit card and buy a gun?

    • 5 months ago

      >credit card
      Not an option with a suicidal degree of poverty

      • 5 months ago

        You'd be surprised how predatory credit card companies can get.

        • 5 months ago

          It is. You start with a secured credit card and build your way up. The issue is most suicidal people aren't exactly going to go through that effort as suicide is usually a spur of the moment thing when they could just go to a range.
          t. appalachian hick who grew up without running water, skipping food every other day, and was never taught to drive because my parents couldn't afford a car. Still poor as frick, but with a credit score of 770


      • 5 months ago

        It is. You start with a secured credit card and build your way up. The issue is most suicidal people aren't exactly going to go through that effort as suicide is usually a spur of the moment thing when they could just go to a range.
        t. appalachian hick who grew up without running water, skipping food every other day, and was never taught to drive because my parents couldn't afford a car. Still poor as frick, but with a credit score of 770

  29. 5 months ago

    Pistol ranges in Australia have been cucked for a decade thanks to literally 1 person going to the range and hiring a gun so they can self terminate.

    • 5 months ago

      Why are Australians so effete? In Finland someone deleted themselves at a range a while ago and nothing changed. It's actually surprisingly rare here but maybe kys'ing among other people is too frightening a prospect for most suicidal Finns

      • 5 months ago

        The only difference between Brits and Aussies is that the Brits admit they're cucked. They tried to ban prop guns in tv because some dude deleted himself while making a music video.

    • 5 months ago

      what the frick is that goofy shit? does the range janny have to hook you in?

      • 5 months ago

        The gun clamped/welded to the steel cables and impossible to turn around. The shooters are harnessed in so they can't jump the stand and stand infront of the gun. Other ranges have plexiglass barriers either side of the pistol.

        At no point dose anyone bring up the fact that in order to have a nice day at a gun range you'd have to.
        >research the gun range
        >drive to the gun range
        >speak to the person behind the desk about hiring the lane
        >pay for the lane and fill out paperwork
        >have a safety breif from the RSO
        >wait till the RSO isn't paying attention then have a nice day

        >step in front of a train (don't do this you'll probably get wedged between the station and slowly die of internal crush injuries
        >buy some rope from the hardware store (make sure you snap your neck rather then spend a couple minutes slowly suffocating)
        >take a bunch of pills (a handful of paracetamol won't work)
        >hose pipe in the car window (doesn't work on modern cars thanks to emissions standards and engine that automatically turn off after an hour of idelling.
        >slit your wrists in the bath(warm water stops blood coagulation and it's down the road not across the street. )

    • 5 months ago

      When I go to the range, I keep a loaded EDC on my hip at all time, whichever one I don't plan to shoot that day. This is just in case someone does whatever.

    • 5 months ago

      Hey, Aussies! Does your mommy eventually let you walk on your own, or are you always led around by a leash!!!

      God, how did the diggers turn into such total pussies?

      • 5 months ago

        the same way you ended up with a bunch of dead 7 year olds in schools. small steps.

  30. 5 months ago

    My ex wife works at a range. They have had three suicides since she was there, two while she was on the clock. One was a frizzy mulatto chick and two were pajeets. All three rented a pistol and bought a box of 50, blasted 49 at the target, and then blew their brains out.

  31. 5 months ago

    Good. Frick off fed. No there shouldn't be more fricking checks you cuck servant b***h nor should there be blocks or fake white knights like you preventing people from an heroing if they want.

  32. 5 months ago

    I got a story about dis
    >Be me
    >Work nights
    >Co-worker is also into guns
    >We go shooting together in the mornings sometimes
    >Be this past September
    >Go to range with co-worker before work
    >I bring an ar-10 and an ar-15
    >He brings a couple ars and a couple handguns
    >Brought ar-10 I was gonna let him try out because he was thinking about getting one
    >While we're getting set up there's an RSO showing a handgun to an Asian lady, late 20s-early 30s
    >She goes towards shooting area
    >Notice that she left the target on the counter
    >Don't think anything of it at at the time
    >Co worker notices and mentions it, RSO goes catches her before she goes into the shooting area and she goes back and grabs the target
    >Get set up
    >Indoor range
    >Two shooting areas seperated by glass door, each with 7 lanes
    >Me and co worker in area 1, on our own lanes, lady is only person in area 2
    >I'm closest to area 2, probably 10-15 away through the glass door to the lady
    >Get targets set up and get to shooting with Co worker
    >Bullshitting, swapping guns, etc
    >Pull out AR-10 and put like 5 rounds through to make sure my new hand loads cycle ok before I give to coworker to try
    >He's busy in his lane with a handgun while I load up the AR 10 mag
    >Be loading the mag and just looking around trying to see what the boomers have
    >Turn and see through the glass door that the Asian lady is on the ground, blood pooling around her head
    >RSO rushes by calling a ceasefire
    >Leave rifle on bench and go out into the lobby with everyone else
    >Sheriff shows up, EMS shows up
    >Give statement
    >Sheriffs get the video feed
    >Go home then go to work a bit late

    Was spooky at the time but overall id say it was a good experience for me because it snapped me out of a deppresive episode where I was considering killing myself. Now that I've been up close to it, it's not appealing anymore.

    Also got 2 range vouchers and went again that weekend with one of my friends. RSOs definitely more attentive now tho.

    Pic rel

    • 5 months ago

      >Leave rifle on bench and go out into the lobby with everyone else
      was your rifle okay ?

      • 5 months ago

        It was benched.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah my firle ended up being ok, before the sheriffs pulled the security footage they were talking about trying to get my coworker, me and a couple other guys to consent to having pics taken for evidence which was really weird. I was a bit nervous because my rifle was built on an 80% and my state is in a gray area lately about homemade guns

        • 5 months ago

          in search of what?

  33. 5 months ago

    >paying money to shoot at a range
    Why would anyone do this? Just go outside, setup some targets, and shoot lmao

    • 5 months ago

      this doesn't work in most countries on the planet
      it doesn't even generally work in most states in the US

      • 5 months ago

        I can do that in Eurostan on my land but I don't really have enough land to shoot anything that's not a .22LR.

  34. 5 months ago

    that's why most ranges have a no singles policy for rentals unless you already brought at least 1 gun.

    • 5 months ago

      Sucks ass for me, a non-suicidal autist who knows no one to shoot with.
      At least there's plenty of random wooded areas around me to shoot in.

  35. 5 months ago

    Why would you go to an indoor gun range? They don't even let you draw from the holster or do anything beyond shooting at a target in one spot. This isn't training, this is day 1 noob shit. "Ranges" like this are for function testing a gun or shooting for your first time ever where you need to strictly go over safety protocols. You seriously bought a membership to a place like this? And you're afraid someone is going to shoot you because it's full of other day 1 noobs? Yeah, you're a moron.

  36. 5 months ago

    A lot of ranges won't let you rent guns alone unless you are bringing a gun you own.

  37. 5 months ago

    Don't ranges have a private lane or private shooting room that you can rent out? That seems like the obvious choice here.

    • 5 months ago

      Ranges have special back drops to catch the bullets, are built like bunkers and have air filtration equipment that blows all the smoke and vapors downrange where it gets filtered out. You could port that all over into more of a private space but it would simply not be cost effective.

      • 5 months ago

        Then look for a range that has a private lane or room available, or if you have money to spend just rent out the whole range.

  38. 5 months ago

    >somebody else kills himself
    >somehow thats your problem

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