Stop obsessing over gear and go outside.

Stop obsessing over gear and go outside.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    No one here goes out just like no one on /k/ actually shoots except for maybe once or twice a year for one night. Its all consoomerism larping

    • 3 months ago

      Speak for yourself, m8

    • 3 months ago

      How much do they pay you to shill this same post every fricking day?

  2. 3 months ago

    Being outside is painful and hard.
    Some gear compounds the pain tenfold by being shit, like bad shoes causing blisters, tents leaking when you are already cold, the head tube being the wrong length causing inflammation in your elbows or any other god damn thing.
    You should be good at embracing pain to excel at outdoors but in your very nature you seek to minimize pain by obsessing about ways to avoid it.
    Sure, if have not even been outside, there is little point in obsessing.

    • 3 months ago

      Going outside = embracing pain
      It's not that serious

      • 2 months ago

        I kind of agree with OP. Just go outside. But also, lighter gear means you can carry it farther, better boots mean you won't get blisters as soon, all that stuff. Just cause going outside means embracing some pain and discomfort doesn't mean you have to be miserable


        Spending too much time on /misc/ will have you thinking the nazis invented everything from sliced bread to national parks

  3. 3 months ago

    This was one of Ted's worst takes. I agree with him on a decent few aspects (for the feds, that doesn't include blowing people up), but saying everything you do needs to be necessary for survival is moronic. Even primitive people did cave painting, storytelling, music and other enjoyable things.

    • 3 months ago

      >no practical motive to hit a little ball into a hole
      yeah sure, the millions of dollars a pro golfer makes is 100% not a "practical motive". Who here could think of a single "practical" thing they could do with tiger woods net worth of $1billion.

    • 3 months ago

      Destroying the planet and all its natural resourves in order to consoom and ~~*earn a living*~~ are not the same as drawing on a cave wall with mud or singing a song using nothing but air.

      • 3 months ago

        Why is it always America in these stupid ass memes? Europe has been raping their land for thousands of years

        America invented the entire idea of national parks and forests not to mention conservation itself

        • 3 months ago

          I'm not simping for the states but THIS

          Europe is 1000% worse than the US

      • 3 months ago

        Just got back from a long tiring day at work. I had like 50 truck batteries I was supposed to disassemble and ecologically dispose of but why the frick would I do that? Just dumped them in a pond directly from the truck and moved on, done it before will do again, never gotten caught. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH, that's right.

      • 3 months ago

        In the modern 1st world context, Isn't "going outside" a surrogate activity?

        Why is it always America in these stupid ass memes? Europe has been raping their land for thousands of years

        America invented the entire idea of national parks and forests not to mention conservation itself

        not to mention there absolutely are places in Europe that look more or less like this, mini economic zones that pop up around highway exits, just with more roundabouts and European signage

  4. 3 months ago

    >needing to deify a notorious killer just to step outside
    god damn it's over

    • 3 months ago

      >quoting someone is deifying them

    • 3 months ago

      I'd trade a thousand of you for Ted

    • 3 months ago

      >needing to jump on the moral high horse on every possible chance
      >being unable to distinguish between a man's ideas and a man's actions


      • 3 months ago

        The thing is, if a man's actions don't correspond to what he says, you ought not listen to the fricker.

        • 3 months ago

          Kaczinski was one of the few environmentalists to actually practice what he preached though, living minimalistically in a cabin in the woods. Same with Linkola. Most modern environmentalists just tell people to eat bugs and take the bus filled with the violent and homeless while they zoom around the world in private jets.

        • 3 months ago

          And yet he has been completely right. Makes you wonder if ideas should be taken on their own merit instead of on showmanship.

          • 3 months ago

            What has he been right about?

            • 3 months ago

              Technology taking over every facet of society as we know it and government entities using it to further tighten their tyrannical grip on us. Even people that disagree with him admit he was correct in his predictions. Youre either a shill or a moron, either way go back to morondit you moronic Black person spermburping homosexual

              • 3 months ago

                But that was true back when he said it.

              • 3 months ago

                That makes him right, doesnt it

              • 3 months ago

                But it doesn’t make him a prophet.

              • 3 months ago

                Nobody said it does

              • 3 months ago

                This dude did:

                Technology taking over every facet of society as we know it and government entities using it to further tighten their tyrannical grip on us. Even people that disagree with him admit he was correct in his predictions. Youre either a shill or a moron, either way go back to morondit you moronic Black person spermburping homosexual

                >Even people that disagree with him admit he was correct in his predictions.

              • 3 months ago

                Touch grass

              • 3 months ago

                >types his reply out on a smart handheld device that you can not function in society without

                Yea, thats totally not happening at all, you sure showed him....

  5. 3 months ago

    Having the right gear is the difference between a good time and a bad time, though. It could even be the difference between life and death.

    Going PrepHole is not like sex or pizza where even if it's bad it's not like BAD bad. A bad time PrepHole can be horrific or even fatal. And what makes the difference is to a large degree your gear.

    Obsess over gear. Make spreadsheets and lists. Spend days reading reviews. Watch YouTube videos on your gear. Consume.

    • 2 months ago

      Eh, if the weather is decent it really doesn't matter what is on you.

      • 2 months ago

        One of the comfiest pics I've seen recently, anon. What sort of AK is that?

        • 2 months ago

          Don't worry about it.

  6. 3 months ago

    I left PrepHole more than 10 years ago because mutts and good goys were just vomiting brands all over the place and this is the first thread I see in so many years and it makes me a bit content

    • 3 months ago

      >I left PrepHole more than 10 years ago
      No you didn't

  7. 3 months ago

    The concept of life in prison is so effeminate. You don't want to kill them so instead you just leave them in a cage, out of sight out of mind. Historically prison was only for political prisoners and noble hostages, normal people didn't go to prison for very long, you either killed them, exiled them or cut their hand off/threw them in the stockade or something. Prison is one of the worst developments of the so-called civilized world. Ted should've been exiled to some jungle Island to live out his days in the wilderness rather than kept in some concrete block in the desert to waste away from cancer. The Brits unironically had it right by exiling criminals to Australia. Prison abolition is probably the only thing I agree with leftists on.

  8. 3 months ago

    Dude was a massive midwit. Anyways, it's slightly too wet right now with all the rain and the melting snow, I'll go a bit later.

  9. 3 months ago

    >more DARPA bait
    Nice thread glowie.

  10. 3 months ago

    Holy cringe

  11. 3 months ago

    True, just go outside, I do it and use almost nothing to be honest, not even a special knife cause it is useless
    when I go out I usualy search for a watterfall or a river to swim and chill and thats it

    no need for boots, no need for special clothes etc etc

    I never go PrepHole in the rain either, it is just dumb ... wait one day or two and then go out instead

  12. 2 months ago


    Yellowstone was established like 50 years before the nazis existed. before Hitler was even born.

  13. 2 months ago


    Yeah. National parks are straight up a US invention. Yellowstone was established as a park in 1872 and is the first national park in the world.

  14. 2 months ago

    When I first got into going out I was a no-gear. I continued being no-gear out of principle. I finally bit the bullet a couple years ago and got some good quality gear. It's night and day. Don't be a prideful homosexual, just get good equipment so you can focus more on being out and less on your clothing chafing, your shoes not having good traction, your backpack having holes, etc etc.

    • 2 months ago

      I think OP and Ted are talking less about going from a $5 yoga mat to something lighter with better insulation that's in fact a huge upgrade, and more about obsessing over whether you have a Nemo Dickbutt or a Thermarest Cumfart Plus when they're both fine.

      There's literally nothing wrong with buying a sleeping bag because you want to be warmer or go to colder places unless sleeping bag collecting becomes an obsessive hobby and part of your identity. Going PrepHole is more likely to be the surrogate activity than buying fit-for-purpose gear then not thinking about it for a decade.

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