Squad Automatic Shotguns

With FPV drones making warfare gay and lame, I have a few ideas to counter them:

>equip one man per squad with an automatic shotgun and some form of quick-acquisition, wide field of view anti-aircraft/drone sight
>kind of like your designated machine gunner except his one job is to detect and counter drones
>heavy gauge bird-shot
>hearing devices that are tuned to pick up on drone rotors from further distances
>this isn't future tech, your Grandpa's hearing aid can do this
>BDU's with light kevlar lining or inserts that can stop low-velocity shrapnel
>idea is that even drones you shoot down can still kill you if you're within the range of lethal shrapnel - this would mitigate that
Thoughts? I know things like jammers and radars exist, but I'm not familiar enough to know how implementable they are on the level of an infantry squad. These are some fairly low-tech solutions. How would you counter drones?

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  1. 1 month ago

    FPV drones are only a problem for third world shithole militaries

    You know why you haven't seen IDF troops getting turned to paste by FPV drones? Because they have actual EW capability.

    Unlike Slavs

    • 1 month ago

      Even slavs could equip one man per squad with an automatic shotgun, or even just commercial grade shotguns as an interim.

    • 1 month ago

      >not a third world shithole military
      Israel is a shtetl with an air force (it's the US air force). They're the OG middle eastern terrorist state.

      • 1 month ago

        Listen Muhammad, unlike the Arabs around them, the israelites in Israel don't frick their first cousins like the pedophile "prophet" Muhammad did, so they have functional IQ's and are able to combined arms and EW

        You may not like it, but they don't need to rely on shotguns, because they just jam the drones and force them to land.

        • 1 month ago

          I don't support Palestine but implying that orthodox israelites don't commit incest is ludicrous

          • 1 month ago

            Of course they do. But most of Israel isn't orthodox

            Whereas incest and pedophilia are the norm I'm Islam, because Muhammad did them

        • 1 month ago

          >israelites in Israel don't frick their first cousins
          >he doesn't know

          This is what shotgun vs drone results in.

          • 1 month ago

            Are you just low IQ, Anon? Yeah it's gonna be pretty hard to hit a drone with anything while doing 60mph down a dirt road.

        • 1 month ago

          >the israelites in Israel don't frick their first cousins like the pedophile "prophet" Muhammad did
          no, the frick their nieces instead

      • 1 month ago

        Terrorizing middle eastern mudslimes with their mere presence is alpha as frick, ngl

    • 1 month ago

      Could that EW tech be useful across a front line as wide and thinly spread as Ukraine? Every video I see of some dude getting splattered by a drone, it's some dude on his own in what seems to be the middle of nowhere. No squad or anything, just one guy and sometimes two. I have to assume this case because manpower is spread so thinly on both sides.

      This is why I like the idea of shotguns. It's not that expensive to give every second or third guy a shotgun.

      • 1 month ago

        How are you talking about drones in Ukraine in 2024 and are not aware EW is an ongoing massive issue with drone warfare there? In some spots its useless because its on old channels/freqs and there are new drones there, in others they match and drones are wienerblocked out of the sky.

        • 1 month ago

          Because every day there's like 20+ new drone gore vids. If EW was so effective that just wouldn't be the case.

          • 1 month ago

            Holy shit are you a real one? I have a new concept for you to learn: sample bias.

            • 1 month ago

              It's evidence enough to suggest that there should be something on the squad level to combat drones if one layer of protection is insufficient, which it is if new videos are appearing with frequency they are.

  2. 1 month ago

    flechette shotgun shells are the new AAA flack gun against drones.

    • 1 month ago

      New? They're been a meme since Vietnam. Worse than birdshot.

    • 1 month ago

      why would they be better than heavy gauge bird shot? Range?

  3. 1 month ago

    How many times will morons make this thread?
    Shotguns do not have the range required.

    • 1 month ago

      would you rather take a drone explosion from 30 feet away or 5 feet away?

  4. 1 month ago

    >another 'shotgun r anti-drone' thread. No one wants a shotgunner in their squad, re-roll

  5. 1 month ago

    And that would be the designated drone BTFO’ers entire role? I wonder if you couldn’t equip everyone with a small, holsterable shotgun revolver (holy frick am I shilling for Taurus now?) in 20-12 gauge or something, maybe with a foldable VFG and red dot, in case of incoming drones, and that way everyone can shoot at it and have a better chance of destroying it before it fricks shit up. Do soldiers even use their sidearms nowadays? Mightaswell replace it with something useful.

    If a revolver is too hard to shoot shotshells with accurately (prob is, never done it), ok give it a telescoping stock. Still holsterable, would be smaller than an mp7

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        Oh I’m aware of the 410 revolvers. I meant a revolver in 12 gauge. 410 is pointless against drones.

        I’ve been away from here for some weeks. Have there been updates on Paul barrel’s condition?

  6. 1 month ago

    40 mm anti-drone drone.
    give everyone a lightweight underbarrel launcher.

    • 1 month ago


      And that would be the designated drone BTFO’ers entire role? I wonder if you couldn’t equip everyone with a small, holsterable shotgun revolver (holy frick am I shilling for Taurus now?) in 20-12 gauge or something, maybe with a foldable VFG and red dot, in case of incoming drones, and that way everyone can shoot at it and have a better chance of destroying it before it fricks shit up. Do soldiers even use their sidearms nowadays? Mightaswell replace it with something useful.

      If a revolver is too hard to shoot shotshells with accurately (prob is, never done it), ok give it a telescoping stock. Still holsterable, would be smaller than an mp7

      I’m this guy

      I completely forgot about the existence of picrel. I think it flopped/got canceled, as I haven’t heard/seen anything about it in years, but it might be a super useful accessory now.

    • 1 month ago



      I’m this guy

      I completely forgot about the existence of picrel. I think it flopped/got canceled, as I haven’t heard/seen anything about it in years, but it might be a super useful accessory now.

      • 1 month ago

        What would you do with it though? That is not a defense weapon.

        • 1 month ago

          Drone defense*

  7. 1 month ago

    The best idea would be an auto shotgun with flak slugs that disperse high-speed shot after detonating midair, but if the US is willing to discontinue the xm25 over muh explosive bullets than there's no way this will work.
    Which means it will have to be a 40mm shell instead, basically a mini HIMARS tungsten rain
    >t. put a shitton of thought into it as soon as drones appeared in Ukraine

  8. 1 month ago

    Much better off with something like a portable DroneShield device, but this is from a US perspective.

  9. 1 month ago

    You have no idea how fast drones go huh? Or what color they are lol. People have trouble hitting low flying slow moving neon orange clay pigeons dipshit. Shotguns are a feelgood talisman hail Mary last attempt. Everyone would be better off putting the effort into figuring out another way to beat drones.

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