>Soviet vehicles were made for mud, unlike decadent western fat Abraham's

>Soviet vehicles were made for mud, unlike decadent western fat Abraham's
>drive column of vehicles on the road during attack like fricking morons

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    wtf am i seeing in this picture?

    • 3 months ago

      desert storm with a russian twist

      • 3 months ago

        desert storm with russian characteristics

        • 3 months ago

          What deep battle does to a mfer

      • 3 months ago

        >In Mother Russia, deserts storms you

    • 3 months ago

      glorious russian advance

    • 3 months ago

      Russian Armored Column under attack, the commander was zoomed out so you can see the indicators hovering above individual units. Amateur move, should have disabled them before taking a screenshot.

      • 3 months ago

        >t.expert tactician

    • 3 months ago

      23 destroyed russian armored vehicles in a failed attack on the village of Novomykhailivka

      • 3 months ago

        a few dozen more waves like this and the ziggers will take another hato superfortress with a prewar population of 500

      • 3 months ago

        Wait, are they publicly Vuhledar-ing themselves AGAIN? It's over some flyspeck on the map, I bet.
        >2001 population: 1,439
        >a paltry 39.8 km southwest of the center of Donetsk city
        >completely destroyed in the two years of fighting it took the RuAF to advance all that distance.
        The absolute state, dear Lord.

  2. 3 months ago

    This is too small. Post the video, I wanna see some explosions

  3. 3 months ago

    The biggest problem for Russia is their guys don't want to win, they want to survive. Lets say you are the commander of an armoured company or battalion, you have the following options.

    Option 1
    >advance in a giant column
    >you can put guys you hate on point
    >you can put yourself and your buddies at the back
    >on contact you can abandon the vehicle because it'll be droned later anyway hiding the fact you abandon a perfectly good tank

    Option 2
    >advance in a giant line
    >anyone could be hit first, maybe even you

    Which are you going with?

    • 3 months ago

      >Lets say you are the commander of an armoured company or battalion
      >ever attacking yourself
      Send everyone forward, hide 10km behind front, never get out of bunker, communicate only through baofeng with your underlings

      • 3 months ago

        >stay by yourself in the back
        >communicate only through baofeng
        >get ACK'd by spec ops

      • 3 months ago

        It's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see how it plays out for them.

        • 3 months ago

          GIVE ME higher res than this bullshit butthole.

          • 3 months ago

            Literally as best as I can do with the tools available to get it under the 4MB limit without compressing the frick out of it and make it even harder to see.

            • 3 months ago

              Upload to catbox or some shit.

              • 3 months ago

                Here you go:

      • 3 months ago

        >t. Sidorovich

    • 3 months ago

      thats why you advance in blocks so you can overun defenses at points

    • 3 months ago

      Recon enemy position, note dots and minefields in your plan of attack. Begin attack by saturating the area with rocket artillery and hopefully detonating the minfields. Use smoke to cover your advance.Use mortars to supress enemy forward positions, use tube artillery to provide counterbattery fire. Once the area suspected to be mined is reached, use mineplows and charges to clear a path. Once several breaches along the line of contact have been acheaved rush your mechanized battalion forward in units no larger than companies - companies should be at a minimum 500m of distance between. Individual vehicles in said company should have a minimum of 20m of distance between them. 300m away from the enemy trench order infatry to dismount. IFV autocannons provide suppression fire during the advance. Infantry pours into the enemy trench, while armour rolls over it continuing to a previously agreed point on a map, and established a defensive line to await the enemy counterattack

      • 3 months ago

        >Recon enemy position, note dots and minefields in your plan of attack
        That's done by default and better than ever due to common drone recon
        >Begin attack by saturating the area with rocket artillery and hopefully detonating the minfields.
        You won't detonate all of them, you won't detonate even half of them. Because there's simply untold shitload of them.
        >Use smoke to cover your advance.
        You'll need obscene amounts of smoke to consistently cover yourself from drone recon. And you can't do it only in one place either because enemy would simply saturate that one area.
        >Use mortars to supress enemy forward positions, use tube artillery to provide counterbattery fire.
        Good, but why do you so confidently assume that you will overshoot your opponent?
        >Once the area suspected to be mined is reached, use mineplows and charges to clear a path. Once several breaches along the line of contact have been acheaved rush your mechanized battalion forward
        Average minefield is much larger than any charge can cover, so you'll need to roll them up to the middle of a minefield and shoot again, getting lucky not rolling over an unexploded mine while also being under artillery fire. And mineplows aren't invulnerable to mines, they have a limited resource, and chances are, they will run out of it long before your minefield runs out of mines, so that's a great way to get stuck in the middle of a minefield.

        The rest is a fantasy anyway, so let's just pretend everyone gets picked up by enemy artillery one by one.

      • 3 months ago

        gj you breached the outer minefield Layer #1
        Now to your front, left&right rear is mines.
        Then the artillery begins.
        Wut do?
        Aaaaaand you're dead.

        • 3 months ago

          Combined arms tactics are a lie invented by Big Army to get more M113 variants.

        • 3 months ago

          just think and act faster bro. dodge the bullets like wtf

          • 3 months ago

            also reload if you frick up or switch to an easier dificulty

        • 3 months ago

          ez pz

          Simply amass long(er) range artillery, knock out any enemies in the immediate area and badabing, badaboom, you'll have all the time in the world to clear the minefield the traditional way.

          The issue isn't that the orthodox approach doesn't work, it's that Ukies are given enough arms and ammo to accomplish it. As long as there are significant defenders left on the other side to contest the demining, it's gonna be a shitshow. Mobiks with AKs are irrelevant, a bunch of drone observers and Lancets aren't. So extirpate those first.

      • 3 months ago

        gj you breached the outer minefield Layer #1
        Now to your front, left&right rear is mines.
        Then the artillery begins.
        Wut do?
        Aaaaaand you're dead.

        Just go around the minefields lol

      • 3 months ago

        Russia lacks the troop training and coordination to do such a complex maneuver.

    • 3 months ago

      >Which are you going with?
      Order large quantities of unnecessary war materiel, skim off whatever won't be noticed, use mobik slaves to sell it off to whomever will buy it, use the profits to buy my passage away from the front lines, then buy a yacht. Can't get killed if you're not there in the first place. Survivability onion homieaaa

      • 3 months ago

        Would you like some tea or to sample some perfume or cologne?

        • 3 months ago

          No but if you would open the window so I can get some air that would be great.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah yeah, but what's Putin's cut in all this?

    • 3 months ago

      they can't advance in a line because they need to assault through a minefield, anon.

    • 3 months ago

      Option 3
      >advance in a giant line towards Moscow

      • 3 months ago

        Would honestly be the quickest way to resolve things.

    • 3 months ago

      Is attack under darkness just not a thing for the Russians? Obviously their slaughter slaves don't get NV goggles, but their relatively modern AFVs must have night optics.

      • 3 months ago

        >but their relatively modern AFVs must have night optics
        How many modern ones do they even have? Most of their confirmed losses are MT-LBs.
        Furthermore, would they just use them to bumrush trenches and hope the Ukranians don't
        have any night vision of their own? Send some blind cubics along to rush the trench and hope
        they secure it?
        For all I know they've done that already, and maybe even successfully. But I don't see it becoming
        a widespread tactic for the poccians - they aren't exactly flush with decent gear.

    • 3 months ago

      >Which are you going with?
      Order large quantities of unnecessary war materiel, skim off whatever won't be noticed, use mobik slaves to sell it off to whomever will buy it, use the profits to buy my passage away from the front lines, then buy a yacht. Can't get killed if you're not there in the first place. Survivability onion homieaaa

      this is the reason why the ATF lost the war for Ukraine . if they didn't ban 7n6 imports, Russia would've started the war with basically no ammo.

  4. 3 months ago

    How long can Russia keep these kind of meatwaves now that ukraine went full defense?
    2 years?

    • 3 months ago

      at this tempo they have tanks, ifv, guns and artillery for 2-3 years. missiles they expend at the rate they get produced(roughly)

    • 3 months ago

      The reputable analysts I've followed recently claim Russia can keep up this tempo for another 2-4 years.

      If Ukraine is smart (they aren't), they should switch into strategically defensive stance permanently, even if the U.S. starts supplying them again. That's pretty much what the American advisors have been telling them since the Kherson offensive.

  5. 3 months ago


  6. 3 months ago

    Isn't this during the first month of the war?

  7. 3 months ago

    Universe created more and bigger muds.

  8. 3 months ago



  9. 3 months ago


    I know russians are gypsies but they don't really breed the proper amount to sustain the beating they're currently getting



    wasn't the dude who came up with communism, ironically, german?

    • 3 months ago

      >they don't really breed the proper amount to sustain the beating they're currently getting
      That's why they're grabbing as many third worlders as they can from all over and throwing them in the front, even Indians are showing up in the meat pile, since shilling for ziggers online apparently doesn't pay as well as dying for them.

      • 3 months ago

        they're probably less effective than even the rusoid gypsy horde, I bet CO2 cultists are cheering at the amount of browns ukraine is removing

        >wasn't the dude who came up with communism, ironically, german?
        JFC, the goodest goy.

        doesn't really answer my question so I'll assume I'm right

        • 3 months ago

          >doesn't really answer my question so I'll assume I'm right
          not him and not a /misc/tard either, but i'm guessing he means that Marx is a israelite and israelites aren't german.
          Doesn't make sense of course since judaism is a religion and not a race and Marx hated israelites

          • 3 months ago

            A "small" detail people conveniently forget about Marx was that his father, who had been a lifelong rabbi, had converted to Christianity around the time Marx was born. In fact, I believe Marx was raised as a christian during his childhood before he became the stereotypical fedora atheist more than a century before it was popular. His father meanwhile continued being a christian for the rest of his life.

            Kinda explains the rather odd relationship Marx personally had with religion and things related to it like metaphysics.

    • 3 months ago

      >wasn't the dude who came up with communism, ironically, german?
      JFC, the goodest goy.

    • 3 months ago

      >wasn't the dude who came up with communism, ironically, german?

    • 3 months ago

      He was an incredibly antisemitic, german, israelite.
      One of his books is called "On the israeli Question".

      • 3 months ago

        It's sarcasm you illiterate moron, he's making fun of Bauer and the idea that there is even a "israeli question" to be answered 1/10 made me reply

  10. 3 months ago


    This is true. There are very few real patriots left in the west. Most of the population only cares about themselves, their career and getting money. No ideologists. Plus the constant demoralization from media/elon musk/tucker carlson etc. Makes it worse

  11. 3 months ago


    >Russian student found guilty of burning Quran sentenced to 3.5 years in prison
    >Despite the incident happening in Volgograd, Zhuravel was made to await his trial in a pretrial detention centre in the Muslim-majority republic of Chechnya. In September, Chechen head Ramzan Kadyrov posted a video of his then 15-year-old son Adam beating Zhuravel up in custody and said that he was proud of his son for his actions.

    • 3 months ago

      This is what happens in a proud multi-ethnic state chuds

    • 3 months ago

      >every single le fallen west /misc/ meme was projection

    • 3 months ago

      >The Investigative Committee has said that he was paid to burn the Koran by Ukrainian intelligence.
      lol how cucked can you get.

  12. 3 months ago

    Send the next wave.

  13. 3 months ago

    Designed for Russian mud = putter along at 4 mph in mud.

  14. 3 months ago

    Xaxaxaxa stupid hohols those are PIGGIE tanks! RUSSIA WINS AGAIN

    • 3 months ago

      I’m so demoralized…

  15. 3 months ago


    >is shockingly hurt at reality
    Gotta go back to your safe space chud lol

  16. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      this is what dicky deprivation makes out of a man

      • 3 months ago

        if america legalized dicky overnight do you think vatBlack folk like scott and armchair copelord would instantly switch sides

        • 3 months ago

          no, too late too late for “men” such as these

        • 3 months ago

          America trumps all. Scott Ritter is a failure as an American and a human being.

      • 3 months ago

        if america legalized dicky overnight do you think vatBlack folk like scott and armchair copelord would instantly switch sides

        He found an image with the existing red arrows, then drew the big red arrows with the photo editor on his phone.

        every time I see this I'm amazed by this image
        does he think they'll just
        materialize a force out of thin air that magically ploughs throw estonia and latvia? that belarus will finally start moving?
        that kaliningrad will have any force projection?

        what are the bottom left arrows coming from? what are the fricked up splotches on the left for?

        I legitimately think Scott Ritter should be detained by our intelligence services, tortured for information on his FSB contacts until he either dies or becomes unable to answer questions due to his injuries, and then his remains should be incinerated in a furnace.

        >I hate Russia so much I want to become just like them!
        For what purpose? Unironically homosexuals like Ritter and Copelord are the price of freedom.

        It's always the same story with these people. For Ritter's case, he's an easy target to be a paid mouthpiece. Similar to many, he thinks he was wronged by US society because he got caught soliciting a teenage girl online. Common with narcissistic personality disorder. They never accept their own faults & always blame something/someone else & in his case, the blames the US. Similar to the Kim Dotcom guy. He feels he wronged by US society because the government fricked him for stealing other peoples' property & providing a price for people to get that property for free over the internet. Again, narcissistic personality disorder. In their minds, they can do no wrong. They are miserable, bitter & hollow/empty men, which as I said earlier, become easy targets to become paid propaganda mouthpieces.
        As for Copelord, he was a former US Army artillery officer. He was one of the types who was not offered a promotion, which means, the Army didn't want him anymore. It happens, but is very very rare in all the branches, especially if you didn't commit a crime or frick up multiple times. He was basically laid off. Was probably one of those types who would never go to his unit's morning PT because of 'officer stuff' he had to do. In reality, he was portably hated & worthless. Although different than Ritter, Copelord also is bitter to the US. Again, an easy target. In summation, however, they are all cowardly men who don't take responsibility for their actions & look of the easy way out.

        • 3 months ago

          >They never accept their own faults

          man you'd be surprised, in some rare moments he's pretty honest about his wrongdoings.
          >Ritter said, looking at me squarely across the table
          >My personal missteps — how many Americans have died as a result of that? None.
          >Other than my family, how many victims were there? None.
          >And yet, in refusing to engage in a responsible debate about Iraq, how many Americans died? Thousands.
          >And America seems to have no problem with that.

          he thinks of himself as a cassandra that highly overestimates the value of his opinions and supposed wisdom.
          he just can't accept the fact that nobody gives a shit about iraq and saddam and the usa would've invaded it no matter what.
          >no WMDs?
          >ok, no problem we'll find another excuse to frick them up
          >now or a year later, doesn't matter, saddam is marked for death

          • 3 months ago

            than my family, how many victims were there? None.
            Only because he got caught before he could slip the sausage to an ungeraged girl.

          • 3 months ago

            >He can accept his faults as part of a broad concept of validating his virtue by comparison
            >Sure I got caught before I was about to rape a child, but did you know the other guy was wrong about Iraq???

        • 3 months ago

          You just described the protagonist of Joseph Conrad's book the Secret Agent. Funny how things don't change

      • 3 months ago

        Isn't it still legal to marry a dickywife in the US? Surely it would be possible for Ritter to buy a wife from some poor Appalachian family with the Russian propaganda money he's receiving.

    • 3 months ago

      What I don't get is why he used MSPaint for one set of arrows and...something else for the others.

      • 3 months ago

        He found an image with the existing red arrows, then drew the big red arrows with the photo editor on his phone.

    • 3 months ago

      every time I see this I'm amazed by this image
      does he think they'll just
      materialize a force out of thin air that magically ploughs throw estonia and latvia? that belarus will finally start moving?
      that kaliningrad will have any force projection?

      what are the bottom left arrows coming from? what are the fricked up splotches on the left for?

      • 3 months ago

        You laugh, but the soviets are completing their chronosphere as we speak.

      • 3 months ago

        > what are the bottom left arrows coming from? what are the fricked up splotches on the left for?

        VDV drops

        • 3 months ago

          >VDV drops
          Heh, I haven't heard that name in a long time
          >Operation Baltic Cauldron is about to commence
          >Ground troops are ready to invade the Baltics
          >The last two VDV prepare to drop
          >One drops north-east from Copenhagen
          >The other more north, at Seethenhagen
          >They are under canopy for a bit, then touch the ground
          >Now, with the right equipment, they are unstoppable
          >They are behind enemy lines, so there are no resupplies
          > There are only two of them, and they are miles away
          >They can't get nourishment from their buddy's cum
          >They starve and die
          >The rest of the ground forces bog down in the peat bogs
          >The invasion stops 11' into Latvian territory

          • 3 months ago

            >One drops north-east from Copenhagen
            >The other more north, at Seethenhagen
            Check'd and kek'd

    • 3 months ago

      if america legalized dicky overnight do you think vatBlack folk like scott and armchair copelord would instantly switch sides

      I legitimately think Scott Ritter should be detained by our intelligence services, tortured for information on his FSB contacts until he either dies or becomes unable to answer questions due to his injuries, and then his remains should be incinerated in a furnace.

      • 3 months ago

        >I hate Russia so much I want to become just like them!
        For what purpose? Unironically homosexuals like Ritter and Copelord are the price of freedom.

        • 3 months ago

          This is a really important thing to remember. You don't need to become a shithole to defeat shitholes.

        • 3 months ago

          To be honest, I agree with the other guy almost exclusively because Scott's a pedophile.

        • 3 months ago

          You're not wrong, but the tolerance paradox does illustrate there must be limits.

        • 3 months ago

          Scott Ritter and Copelord think Russia is based, so we should treat them like they're in Russia

          • 3 months ago

            Based take, give them what they want, give them what they deserve!

        • 3 months ago

          Only way to beat shitholes like yours is to act to your people the same way you act to ours.
          Muslims behead people? Hang their entire families. Russians jail everyone that doesn't support them for 10 years? Jail everyone that supports Russia for 10 years. Eye for an eye.

          • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            >Muslims behead people, hang their entire families
            Critical failiure to understand the goatfricker "mind", they strap bombs to their own kids and dont give a frick. Better to introduce their families to MLP and turn their sons gay

            • 3 months ago

              >Better to introduce their families to MLP and turn their sons gay
              >Show about an ethnostate of horses lead by a divine ruler for millennia slowly getting worse and worse as they adopt the values of inclusion and socialism, bringing hordes of non-horse creatures into their society where it nearly culminates in an actual racewar
              This isn't going to pan out like you think it will.

              • 3 months ago

                >communist leader trying to dismantle the societal order where every member of society receives a brand determining their job and role in society
                >divine ruler sends her hit squad led by the newly ascended member of the immortal master race after the commune
                >communist manipulates time only to find out every timeline where she dismantled the order was a dystopian nightmare
                >capitulates, gets Operation Paperclip'd and becomes one of the biggest assets of the regime

                Uhhhh based department??

              • 3 months ago

                What the frick happened after season 3?

              • 3 months ago

                Creatures man, creatures happened.

              • 3 months ago

                Im sorry what
                Is there a plot summary worth reading on this, because this sounds fricking wild

              • 3 months ago

                >ponies ruled by one ruler for several millennia
                >NEET horse taught by god emperor horse gets sent to the countryside to make friends
                >makes friends
                >ends up slowly being taught how to rule the world because god horse is old and done with that shit
                >FF many seasons
                >NEET horse goes full Merkel and tries to force other creatures to integrate into horse society
                >many, MANY problems ensue
                >show tries to play it as a good thing
                >comes across like a "THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON MIGRANTS" PSA
                >rebuilds the education system to just teach everyone about being friends while throwing out the entire previous institution because they wouldn't teach the pony equivalent of critical race theory
                >last two episodes are about pony society nearly collapsing because a couple bad characters ran a bunch of false flags and blaming other races for them
                >I shit you not that is the actual plot
                >The people responsible, including an actual child, are fricking executed for their actions
                >A major theme of the show is also redemption btw
                It's even wilder and less coherent if you've been following it since 2011.

              • 3 months ago


                you got a link?

              • 3 months ago

                WTF, I love ponies now!?

      • 3 months ago

        Idk I'm getting the feeling these are all just cia assets who are purely just there to gaslight Russia into oblivion

    • 3 months ago

      >on the ground
      yeah, about that.. is peat bog ground?

      • 3 months ago

        it does not matter. did you see the thickness of the arrows? They go above, around and through the bogs with the sheer might of it

      • 3 months ago

        bro no the arrow is clearly moving to cauldron the red circles encirclement soon tick tock piggies

    • 3 months ago

      I thought this was a joke until I read the replies. Dude seriously went "easy, all you have to do is put troops everywhere and you win" and fully believes it.

    • 3 months ago

      >future war will be won in the air
      >by a country that can't get air superiority over their tiny poorgay neighbor 2 years into a full scale invasion

      How do we tell him

    • 3 months ago

      Scott Ritterov is correct, arrows win wars!

  17. 3 months ago

    He still believes the "I can have troops in major capitals in 3 days" Putin brag that has been categorically proven wrong in the last two years?

    That's adorable.

  18. 3 months ago

    >no one itt mentions that both sides HAVE to advance in narrow, easily destroyed columns because of the realities of mine clearing.

    • 3 months ago

      >5 Ukrainian destroyed vehicles vs 30 Russians
      >The Ukrainian column was a once off, a new russian column drops nearly every day
      have a nice day

      • 3 months ago

        >totally misunderstands the post
        >gets angry because he think's his team's honor has been challenged

    • 3 months ago

      Wait this tank got destroyed AGAIN?

      • 3 months ago


        >totally misunderstands the post
        >gets angry because he think's his team's honor has been challenged

        Unless you have a way to push through a minefield without concentrating into a column to share with us?

      • 3 months ago

        yeah HATO manages to recover those vehicles, repairs them, only to then send them against russian forces and they end up in a mine field again and again. they've been doing this twice per week since summer. always the same tanks and bradleys*~~))

    • 3 months ago

      They look in better shape than the Soviet crap.

      • 3 months ago

        got disabled by mines, the crew and transported infantry dipped.
        meanwhile russian vehicles end up exploding like a pressure cooker once hit. everyone inside is crispy mush

      • 3 months ago

        yeah HATO manages to recover those vehicles, repairs them, only to then send them against russian forces and they end up in a mine field again and again. they've been doing this twice per week since summer. always the same tanks and bradleys*~~))

        Wait this tank got destroyed AGAIN?


        >5 Ukrainian destroyed vehicles vs 30 Russians
        >The Ukrainian column was a once off, a new russian column drops nearly every day
        have a nice day

        >seething about the picture
        Christ, I'm sorry I included it.
        Any thoughts on the fact there's no other way to push through a minefield?

      • 3 months ago

        Aside from the leftmost one and one more (don't remember which) all vehicles in that photo were recovered and repaired a few days later. The other 2 were damaged beyond repair. Picrel is one of the lighter damaged Bradleys getting repaired

        • 3 months ago

          Whenever I get worried about the Russians recovering a Bradley in a condition like this, because they might get a design lesson through their alcoholoc brains from it, I'm reminded that they already have a T-15 Kurganets demonstrator in existence. They will never mass produce any IFV design beyond BMP-3, even with a superior idea from their very own design bureau already rolling around. The Russian military today is already its final, terminal form.

          • 3 months ago

            Picrel, one of the vehicles that a decade from now, alongside the Armata, melancholically nostalgiac Russians will point to while groaning, "Oh... if only we had just...."
            And yet even those nostalgiac Russians will still not have a combat ready fleet of any such platform, only the very last dregs of boneyard specimens.

    • 3 months ago

      >no one itt mentions that both sides HAVE to
      Because they don't have to. Ukies completely gave up "RUSH B SUKA" a week after trying.

    • 3 months ago

      >Western equipment makes its path through the field
      >Russian equipment sticks to the road

    • 3 months ago

      If the Ukrainian request for DPICM, more infrared drones, and ATACMS cluster bombs were approved before the operation started, Russian lines would have been strained and breakthroughs would’ve increased.
      The simple fact is The White House has treated Ukraine’s counter offensive with a general disregard to military reality. The Kremlin is also like this, by doing the same zerg rushes without depleting Ukraine’s rear support system.

    • 3 months ago

      If Ukraine is just going to waste Bradleys like fricking chimped out morons I am against giving them more

      • 3 months ago

        Da, Sergey Smith, I am of Michigan oblast and agree completely. Bradleys need of staying in storage until eventual disposal, not given to Oinkrainians to murder innocent Russian tourists in Donbass.

        • 3 months ago

          He's not wrong though, we already had an "America gives an incompetent military a bunch of shiny toys" episode and the withdrawl from Afghanistan is the reason Putlette got uppity in the first place. Would rather we just stop playing frick frick games and bomb every Russian west of the pre-2014 borders into paste instead of seeing one more Pajeet thread about whatever mighty wunderwaffle the Ivans managed to disable, bonus is congress would have one less thing to use as an election year distraction from domestic issues.

          • 3 months ago

            That's an acceptable alternative but doesn't seem on the table right now. Besides, comparing Ukies to Afgh*nis is disingenuous to the extreme. The Ukies already chose democracy over backwards authoritarianism on their own a decade ago and are willing to risk life and limb to defend it. The issue with the towelheads was that they not-so-secretly preferred their stone age society and its opium-smoking, boy-raping, Poohammed-worshipping ways. You could've given them all the weaponry in the world and they would still have thrown up their hands in surrender against approaching Taliban with rusty AKs.

  19. 3 months ago


    >the last time I heard about ukie airforce usage was probably a year ago at this point.
    That's because of your /cum/chugging echo chamber, /misc/troon. What do you think is dropping the Ukies' glide bombs? Cardboard drones?

    Ask the orcoids sperging out on Telegram what they think about 'em, they'll tell you.

    • 3 months ago

      >Ask the orcoids sperging out on Telegram what they think about 'em, they'll tell you.
      Found one on X.

      • 3 months ago

        Bit moronic, are ya, gay?

  20. 3 months ago

    These homies clearly haven't played enough wargame

  21. 3 months ago


    There was actually a massive schism in the fandom during the 2020 Summer of Love because the lefty cultists and trannies tried to turn the show into a BLM soapbox and the rest told them to frick off, resulting in a big hissy fit and lots of these types "leaving the fandom" demonstratively, and getting a bunch of unironic naziposting in response.

  22. 3 months ago



    That's what /misc/ unironically called themselves back in the day. They were Chuds and proud of it. You must've seen them post le based chudjak at some point in your time here?

  23. 3 months ago


    Being exclusively attracted to children is a mental illness on par with homosexualry and troonyism, triply so if talking about toddlers and younger.

  24. 3 months ago


    >implying it only ever stays at fapping
    Much of the degeneracy today, at least at the personal level, is a direct result of molestation (cf. child rape rates among kids who later become gays, troons etc.).

  25. 3 months ago


    A little, but more in the 2012 edgy humor way than the modern "I hate the west" way.

  26. 3 months ago

    its cus of the mine density in the fields anon.. not the mud....

  27. 3 months ago

    were T-72s ever really that much better than the M1s in the mud?

    the T-72 is supposed to have a ground pressure of 0.9 kg/cm2
    the M1A2 has a ground pressure of 1 kg/cm2 and the original M1 had 0.9 as well
    so even the heaviest M1 will only sink slightly deeper into mud than a T-72
    but the M1 has way more pull since it has 25 hp/t compared to just 18 on the T-72, so the M1 can just brute force its way past rough terrain if it had to

    does anyone know how much mean-maximum pressure either tank has?
    since thats what determines agility over rough terrain but few sources write that down for modern tanks

  28. 3 months ago

    Warno new update?

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