Soon you will be able to colour your hair, have tattoos and have more liberty in what you can wear in the Canadian army.

Soon you will be able to colour your hair, have tattoos and have more liberty in what you can wear in the Canadian army.

Do you think this will help fill the 10000+ member shortage?


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  1. 2 years ago

    Oh my god, tattoos in the ARMED FORCES!!!!
    This is the end of the world, like annuda soddom and gommora

    • 2 years ago

      Why loosen standards if they know they will get a less qualified army? That's just wasting money and time.

      This poster is either a woman or a very effeminate man.

      • 2 years ago

        Im somewhat effeminate but i know how to hide it

      • 2 years ago

        >This poster is either a woman or a very effeminate man.
        Redditors only know how to debate via snarky passive aggressiveness.

      • 2 years ago

        >get a less qualified army
        For every blue-haired demisexual that watches the girl with two moms recruitment ad and thinks "OMG literally me!" you're liable to get one mountain man larper that won't enlist unless he can keep he full sleeves and his mohawk, so I'd say it probably evens out.

        • 2 years ago

          Emigrate to US or Australia. Simple as. Canada is fricking done. I have at least 4 canadians in my company, god knows how many in the battalion.

          • 2 years ago

            America doesn’t accept white people and Australia is like living on a different planet

  2. 2 years ago

    i dont know im not canadian

  3. 2 years ago

    >fill the Army with even more ZOGbot degenerate homosexuals who will enforce totalitarianism like fricking Bolsheviks
    I look forward to the coming war.

  4. 2 years ago

    Baaaaaaah vatnik shill how dare your post a tweet from CAF official Twitter with a link to their announcement. SHHHHHIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

    • 2 years ago

      Canadians don’t even like Canada. I doubt it’s a vatnik.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes I was being facetious anon. In the other thread he tried to claim all criticism of Canada was vatnik shilling.

  5. 2 years ago

    Like I said in the other thread. This is about retention and morale. It might be about putting in more gender diverse homosexualry in the CAF but let's face it, little commie wienersuckers wouldn't Neve join the military anyway unless it was to spread communism or diversity.

  6. 2 years ago

    This your second try after getting BTFO when you posted the vatshit RT version? How cute. Try it on a board with a shorter memory, Sergei.

    • 2 years ago

      Are you capable of answering the question in the op or are you only able to say insults

    • 2 years ago

      >everybody who disagrees with me is a vatnik
      Hey frickwit. Remember, we discussed this already.

    • 2 years ago

      >post RT link get called shill
      >post CBC link, still a shill
      >post CAFS own pressure release, still a shill
      Frick these posters are annoying beyond belief. I suspect it's just a canadian trying to cope that his military is the laughing stock of the developed world, and I don't blame him. It must be hard when you're receiving daily threads about what a joke Canadian is, including from Canadians.

      • 2 years ago

        Spooks trying to meet quota for that fed healthcare so they can transition, then kill themselves.

  7. 2 years ago

    Any recruit who would have been dissuaded from joining by dress standards is an active liability, not an asset.

  8. 2 years ago

    >Do you think this will help fill the 10000+ member shortage?
    What actually are the problems that canadian military service is so unattractive?
    Are pay and services that bad?
    Is it such underfunded mess that it scares most potentially interested people away?
    Are the standards too high for potential recruits and people who could be easily molded into good soldiers are refused for only ticking 39 out of 40 boxes?

    • 2 years ago

      Getting in takes literal years from when you first sign up, terrible pay for cost of living here, there’s not enough military housing and you also get moved a lot so it’s a recipe for financial disaster

      Also, there’s nothing really cool about it, no fancy toys, no sense of glamour and prestige because everything is old and falling apart, constant sex scandals portray a bad image, understaffing leads to burnout for the remaining staff further fueling the bleed

    • 2 years ago

      The CAF are notoriously under-funded to the point where they don't even use live ammo for training, and all our planes and ships are old as frick and falling apart. Like

      Getting in takes literal years from when you first sign up, terrible pay for cost of living here, there’s not enough military housing and you also get moved a lot so it’s a recipe for financial disaster

      Also, there’s nothing really cool about it, no fancy toys, no sense of glamour and prestige because everything is old and falling apart, constant sex scandals portray a bad image, understaffing leads to burnout for the remaining staff further fueling the bleed

      said the whole outfit is as raggedy and shit as an ex-soviet army, and the fact that there is absolutely nothing about this fricking country worth fighting for, or even any actual wars to fight. The type of people who would normally join for reasons of patriotism and national pride are the type of people who would probably be working to overthrow this stupid fricking government, the people who just want a cushy government job aren't going to join the military for the aforementioned shit pay. The "Diverse and Inclusive elite military force" cooked up in some government bureaucrat's coke fueled dream doesn't fricking exist, and never will. The bullshit going on with the military feels like a purge, since Trudeau and Putin are likely on the same page and view a competent military as a threat to their power.

      • 2 years ago

        Ausgay here. Cheer up canadabros, we went through this shit in the 80s and early nineties where everyone thought the unipolar moment was forever and war was obsolete etc. Hopefully it gets better.

        As you're got the US right next to you though I reckon your pollies might continue to defund in which case your only hope is a good war. Honestly the west in general needs a world war to get straight again.

    • 2 years ago

      Shoddy equipment, shitty facilities, very few avenues for specialist training and career advancement. It has a very inflexible by-the-book culture that on one hand, makes for a highly professional force with the right candidates, but also creates a "no fun allowed" atmosphere that won't encourage people to stay in without other incentives (of which there are currently none)

      There's no war on to give you a sense of purpose like during the afghanistan days, so all you get are constant reminders of how pointless and unrewarding this shit all is as you freeze in a 1970s winter tent with a rifle built in the 80s.

      I remember after the Afghan mission ended, it was like rats fleeing the sinking ship. I don't see how it could have gotten any better.

  9. 2 years ago

    >In operation if coloured hair is inappropriate, soldiers can negotiate use of scarfs and other measures
    Imagine the frick absolute state. THE ABSOLUTE FRICKING STATE

    • 2 years ago

      >negotiate use of scarfs and other measures
      Mein sides

  10. 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago

    i dont think they actually want to fill the shortages in any western country

    • 2 years ago

      "We don't want to say we've badly missed recruitment goals so we'll slash end strength while bragging in our slide stack how our diversity ratios have improved" sort of faddish scientific management bs.

  12. 2 years ago

    if they want more people to join they should just pay them more, lol.

    • 2 years ago

      Best they can do is tell you to beg charities for housing ( I’m not kidding)

  13. 2 years ago

    What does canada even need an army for? We already have the US military to protect israelites and LGBTQIA+BRAP worldwide.

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