*solves weapons*. Why isnt the MIC working on prototypes?

*solves weapons*

Why isn’t the MIC working on prototypes?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 month ago

    They are.

  2. 1 month ago

    We're still decades away from having power sources that could run a projected magnetic bottle deflector in such a small footprint.

  3. 1 month ago

    They had a giant in-universe weakness in that they're really, REALLY expensive and so losing just one is a big deal

    • 1 month ago

      >faction of various space israelites doesn't want to incur the expense of having a death robot which is effective

      checks out

      • 1 month ago

        Tbf the TF is supposed to be Space Ming China with the accents of Space Japan

      • 1 month ago

        Trade Federation feels more Saudi than anything.
        >bought the best gear
        >completely incompetent with it.

    • 1 month ago

      No they didn't. Even Jedi struggled to deal with them. They were expensive, that was it. The Colicoids didn't make bad products.
      If the CIS had been run intelligently, they would have had organic troops with droidekas implemented at the squad level.

      • 1 month ago

        The point of droids was that Palpatine couldn't realistically pretend that the CIS could have a better trained army than the Republic, so he ordered the highly trained clones for the Republic and waves of cheap droids for the CIS. If they used organics, then support on their side would have dropped massively but by using droids and local reinforcements they were able to keep morale high because the only morale that mattered in their army was the organics who were defending their homes. Droids meant that they had an army which could be slaughtered by the dozens to hundreds by clones and jedi without worry, but when they needed to defend they had local militia with terrain knowledge and eager to defend their homes. Not using organics was actually a pretty smart move by Palpatine, but it was in practice almost too effective because it was kind of contrived that so few clones could hold out against so many droids, even if both sides were tactically moronic. But that's a tangent for another time.

      • 1 month ago

        >they would have had organic troops with droidekas implemented at the squad level.

        The Star Wars universe is full of pussies who are too afraid to spill their own blood.
        >Republic needs an Army
        >Instead of drafting citizens or making a volunteer army they clone one dude 5 million times
        >CIS needs an Army
        >Instead of drafting an Army or asking for volunteers from the independent planets they make a highly ineffective droid Army
        >Empire needs an Army
        >They continue using copies of the previously mentioned dude or enslave people

        The rebels were the only with a legit Army.

        • 1 month ago

          To be fair, for the republic they were demilitarized for a long time before the start of the war and Palpatine didn't have an excuse to put together a republic army before Geonosis so he needed a way to pull a large army out of his ass with very little prep time, and most of the republic was still against militarization for a while after geonosis. For the CIS, Palpatine needed them to be willing to fight the Republic for as long as he needed, needed a justifiable way for the CIS to put up a fight, and, most importantly, needed them to be willing to join the empire with relatively little friction as right when it first started would have been a really bad time for an actual rebellion from an army that had been fighting the Republic for years which he wasn't in control of. By using droids with some local militia help during defense, he could meatwave the clones without caring about morale for reasons I stated above. Also, he could bring the CIS neatly into the empire because most CIS citizens didn't really lose anyone personally fighting against the republic, so the same pressures which caused people in Iraq and Afghanistan to join terrorist groups against USA IRL just didn't exist for the CIS once the empire came in. After the empire was formed, it was just easier to keep the clones because the factories and deals already existed, and there were still clones being produced who would finish training long after the end of the clone wars. Additionally, they already had the deals in place to order more soldiers, so it was just easier to keep using them. Conscription also would have decreased the quality of soldiers and made the public resent the empire because most people didn't really give a shit about conflicts happening half a galaxy away so why should they be forced to give their lives for it?

        • 1 month ago

          To be fair, for the republic they were demilitarized for a long time before the start of the war and Palpatine didn't have an excuse to put together a republic army before Geonosis so he needed a way to pull a large army out of his ass with very little prep time, and most of the republic was still against militarization for a while after geonosis. For the CIS, Palpatine needed them to be willing to fight the Republic for as long as he needed, needed a justifiable way for the CIS to put up a fight, and, most importantly, needed them to be willing to join the empire with relatively little friction as right when it first started would have been a really bad time for an actual rebellion from an army that had been fighting the Republic for years which he wasn't in control of. By using droids with some local militia help during defense, he could meatwave the clones without caring about morale for reasons I stated above. Also, he could bring the CIS neatly into the empire because most CIS citizens didn't really lose anyone personally fighting against the republic, so the same pressures which caused people in Iraq and Afghanistan to join terrorist groups against USA IRL just didn't exist for the CIS once the empire came in. After the empire was formed, it was just easier to keep the clones because the factories and deals already existed, and there were still clones being produced who would finish training long after the end of the clone wars. Additionally, they already had the deals in place to order more soldiers, so it was just easier to keep using them. Conscription also would have decreased the quality of soldiers and made the public resent the empire because most people didn't really give a shit about conflicts happening half a galaxy away so why should they be forced to give their lives for it?

          The rebels' only option was an organic army because clones would have been too expensive for them and droids both too expensive and were feared as a result of the clone wars, so their only real option was a volunteer force paid for by donations. If they could have used an alternative, they absolutely would have, they were just too broke to even reliably equip a volunteer force.

        • 1 month ago

          barring a few units stormtroopers were largely normal human recruits

          • 1 month ago

            New canon or legends? From my memory, Empire was mixed with mostly clones in old Canon and mixed with almost exclusively conscripts in New canon.

            • 1 month ago

              Nta but in legends the clones were phased out (and hunted down) after Palpatine realized "hmm, maybe it's not such a great idea to have an army whose loyalty is literally a switch in their head"

              • 1 month ago

                in old canon most clones were gradually phased out and only kept in some units or as elites; like the 501st, they were conscripts there too since even before the AT-AT became commonplace

                True I was thinking about really newly formed empire from my previous posts (the long autistic rants), thanks for correcting me I should probably get some more sleep tonight.

            • 1 month ago

              in old canon most clones were gradually phased out and only kept in some units or as elites; like the 501st, they were conscripts there too since even before the AT-AT became commonplace

  4. 1 month ago

    >put shield on super battle droids
    Why did they keep it on the droidekas? The slow switch between rolling and battle ready is a huge moment of vulnerability, the super battle droids would only have the unavoidable limited shield duration with no other downsides

    • 1 month ago


      They had a giant in-universe weakness in that they're really, REALLY expensive and so losing just one is a big deal

      For this they can put it on every 100 or 1000 super battle droids, whatever the rate of droideka production is but just on a super battle droid instead. Then it would be even crazier because youd never know if youre fighting a super battle droid with a shield or not until they activate it

      • 1 month ago

        >until they activate it
        And then it gets sniped before it can do so. Oops.

      • 1 month ago

        The bulk of the expense was the shield generator itself. They were actually skeletonized to the extent that they were just heavy blasters and a shield generator with the bare minimum locomotion to get them in place.

    • 1 month ago

      The droideka has a generator powerful to support the shields and heavy blasters, a super battle droid doesnt

    • 1 month ago

      Cost. Remember they were corrupt corpos manipulated into war by Palpatine. Cost cutting is in their blood

    • 1 month ago

      It's basically heavy armor that can fit into a hallway. You'd need an AT crew or a jedi to take down just one of these things holding a position

  5. 1 month ago

    The MIC is a special term for corruption. it does not do anything but be a parasite.

    • 1 month ago

      >t. pacified thirdie one mouse-click away from instant death along with his entire family
      The MIC keeps thirdies seething and its worth it for that alone, luckily it has numerous other benefits like security, innovation, diplomacy, power projection, and more.

  6. 1 month ago

    The main disadvantage is the heavy weight from the shield generator which is why it’s legs end in needle points and it doesn’t use a commonly and cheaply available repulsor lift that even cheap speeder bikes have.

  7. 1 month ago

    Couldn't you just toss a grenade at it?
    Star wars shields let slow moving objects through iirc

    • 1 month ago

      That was a common in universe method of beating them, but even then you have to get relatively close to actually do it.

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