So what weapons will we see the Serbs use?

So what weapons will we see the Serbs use? They bought HQ-22 surface-to-air missile systems and CH-92 armed drones from China last year and I think they have more Chinese systems. Serbia's president, Aleksandar Vucic seems like he's going to be using them soon.

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 months ago

    Please let them do it.I'm not asking for much but I need to see this.

  2. 2 months ago

    >He'll sacrifice Serbia so NATO enters war economy and they can save the world from the chicoms and steppeBlack folk.

    • 2 months ago

      ^I will need a crane to jerk off with if it happens.

    • 2 months ago

      >steppeBlack folk
      who? Mongolians?

      • 2 months ago

        Mongolians are the Steppechads.
        Russians are the SteppeBlack person who believe they are somehow both inheritors of the Mongol and Roman Empires.

        • 2 months ago

          And the Roman Empire. Don’t forget that.

          • 2 months ago

            This is the laziest attempt at reading a post i've seen in years

        • 2 months ago

          For as nasty as they were historically, I can't help but feel sorry for Mongolians when their society has been effectively rendered obsolete by advances in technology, turning their homeland into a glorified reservation.

          • 2 months ago

            >turning their homeland into a glorified reservation
            They export a ton of meat and dairy to China, if they closed their border completely, China would have a food crisis.
            They *could* be rich from mining but they frick up every project with corruption so there's only a handful of operational mines and they're not banking a sovereign wealth fund like they could be.

            • 2 months ago

              >china would have a food crisis due to monteBlack

              • 2 months ago

                >reads a post about Mongolia
                >china would have a food crisis due to monteBlack
                Most obsessed Serbian.

          • 2 months ago

            Happened to Sparta too. Weapons and tactics passed them by, their society and social structures crumbled after too many costly losses, bigger and better empires rose around them...
            By the Roman Republic era they got pushed around until they were little more than a tourist attraction for senators and scholars to visit, looking for those legendary "best soldiers in the world" Spartans from centuries ago.

            • 2 months ago

              Sparta's society was pants-on-head moronic. Towards the end there were only a few hundred full-citizen spartiates.

        • 2 months ago

          Russia is more of a tundra/frozen marshes than steppes
          Central asian countries are more of a steppeland. Ukraine as well

  3. 2 months ago

    For what?

  4. 2 months ago

    The frick are these subhumans going on about? How are their national interests threatened? Who is threatening their national interests?

    • 2 months ago

      Russia is going to cut off the cum supply if they don't start stirring up more shit to distract NATO

    • 2 months ago

      Serbs have an innate and national "little man" syndrome. They were cucks to the Ottomans, Soviets, and now the Russian Federation. They will spread their ass for any strong neighboring country, and simp for them in any way possible, while still acting they were 1v1ing the entirety of NATO.

    • 2 months ago

      >The frick are these subhumans going on about?
      Literally nothing, it's just them starting shit because Russia asked them to.

      >Serbia applied for EU membership in 2009 and has been a candidate since 2012
      I hate the, so much bros they are massive hypocrites

      >so much bros they are massive hypocrites
      That's more about the gibs that come with candidacy. The money is supposed to be for uplifting them to Euro standards but gibs are gibs when your economy is that small.

  5. 2 months ago

    So what you're saying is NATO is going to have to deal with Serbs constantly spam the 1 (one) F-117 while getting their shit pushed in AGAIN?? Does this mean we finally get to give Albainia the rest of Kosovo, and Bosnia gets to get in on the Serbian skull fricking?

    • 2 months ago

      Looks like that, but why would they do that is the question.

  6. 2 months ago

    Nobody thinks about Serbia. What are they on about this time? Is it about license plates like the last time?

  7. 2 months ago

    my heart goes out to the future victims of the Alien-Serbia Invasion

  8. 2 months ago

    Maybe….some false flag over Kosovo? Maybe they see the US is weak and the EU is focused on Ukraine so they think they can make a Kosovo play? Or threaten it and get some deal? Maybe Russian oligarch money is in play?

    • 2 months ago

      That would be a bad idea for them to try. I don’t think France/Italy/UK/USA will have any problem bombing them again.

      • 2 months ago

        That meta may not be in play anymore. For example killing US military personnel used to be an incredibly bad move, but now it seems to get you a few bombs while you continually shoot at US warships with further reaction. There’s no way countries with aggressive ambitions aren’t taking note of recent events. If Russia can get away with literally invading and annexing a European nation not once but twice these countries may start believing that they can, too.

        • 2 months ago

          The Houthis seem like they're in a kind of cosmic league of their own. Iran pulled the chain on the militias in Iraq who were targeting Americans once they got scared that it was about to escalate into a war.

          • 2 months ago

            That was when Trump was president

            • 2 months ago

              It happened a few weeks ago. The U.S. carried out some strikes in Iraq, and reportedly Esmail Qaani showed up and told them to stop because it risked a war with the U.S., and the Iraqi militias complained, like "but driving the Americans out of here is our whole raison d'etre" and he said "yes and we're all proud of you but seriously if you do it again and there's a war then that risks unraveling everything we've been working towards."

        • 2 months ago

          The only reason Russia is "getting away" with their invasion is because they still have a nuclear deterrent, meaning we can't just bomb them back to the stone age where they belong. Last I checked, Serbia doesn't have nukes.

        • 2 months ago

          Serbia would get smashed once and for all if they kick off a war in the Balkans and while Vucic is certainly someone of low ethical character he’s not a dummy. Serbia has been a thorn in Europes side since the 2000s and the Serbians know that the rest of Europe sees them as Putin ultra light (regardless if the comparison is justified). Not to mention the Serbs have cozied up a little too much to the Chinese for American and European likings.
          Europe wants to consolidate and Serbia stands in the way of that. For the last 20 years it’s been appeasement but there’s been increasing talks among European and American leaders to apply a little more pressure and threat of force. While vucic has pulled of one hell of a balancing act over the years at some point he won’t be in power and my bet is whoever takes over won’t be as good at the juggling.

          • 2 months ago

            > Serbia has been a thorn in Europes side since the 2000s
            > Europe wants to consolidate and Serbia stands in the way of that
            True. Serbia will never enter EU and NATO and neither will Bosnia because the Serb part will veto and NATO or EU plan.

            • 2 months ago

              The Serb part can screech all they want, if the EU wants Bosnia it’ll have it. For Serbia to have any chance at a future it needs to drop Vucic’s populist party and any dreams of military expansion. As long as the Serbians version of gen Xers maintain control of the political system you guys will keep becoming increasingly a backwater, isolated authoritarian state. But by the looks of your picture I imagine you think that’s a good thing.

              • 2 months ago

                The Hapsburgs thought the same, and they collapsed for it.

              • 2 months ago

                Cool. So you’re comparing the modern world to 1918? This is what I’m talking about. This is delusion. We’re in the age of spy satellites, nano chips, robot dogs and so on and so forth. Meanwhile you’re talking about the Hapsburgs. Adapt for the future or die in the past.

              • 2 months ago

                robot doggerinios!

              • 2 months ago

                The Hapsburgs weren't allied with the US, France, Germany and the UK. Oh, and they fricking eviscerated the so-called Serbia for it and set in motion the events that ultimately ended in it becoming the sad, sorry, pathetic and wholly impotent thing it is today.

          • 2 months ago

            My dude the country of Serbia isn't a thorn in anyones side, except maybe the Serbian population.
            Oh, and Vučić is a legit moron who gets confused and rattled by any and all questions asked by a non Serbian reporter, just watch any foreign interview. Just another dumb eastern European mafioso.

        • 2 months ago

          Iran gets away with it because key elements within the Administration *like* the mullahs and want them to become *the* regional power in the Middle East. Russia gets away with it because they have nukes, and the Administration is split between different factions, some of which (led by SecDef) want to oppose Russia, and others (led by NSC) want to appease Russia.
          What does this mean for Serbia? It's hard to guess, because it depends on 1) how individuals and cliques within the Administration *feel* about Serbia, and 2) whether or not being on one side or another can secure them votes this fall (as with the sudden material support for Hamas in an attempt to "save" Michigan's electoral votes). It's likely that many of the players involved don't even know which way they'll jump.

        • 2 months ago

          *under Biden

    • 2 months ago

      didn't they (or was it the russians) try that last year and get caught before it even started?

      • 2 months ago

        Russia is the literal worst at false flagging because their claims are just idiotic claims like "NATO is planning on invading Kaliningrad using African immigrants loaned from ISIS

        • 2 months ago

          No, I remember that a bunch of weapons and vehicles bearing Kosovonese insignia were seized like a year ago.
          I think it was because of local elections or something?

      • 2 months ago

        Yup, the kosovo speciale police force
        Killed 2-4 serbs and captured a Shit ton of weapons and made the rest of the serbs run like little b***hes.

        • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            That looks like a wild weekend of fun.

            >The West has to obey the morality we preach
            what have we preached that would prevent Kosovo from joining NATO?

            >what have we preached that would prevent Kosovo from joining NATO?
            Nothing but it's not our words or interpretations that fuel their delusions, it's their interpretation of our words that does.
            We're "hypocrites" if we don't conform to their interpretation and of course we couldn't bear that so we'll buckle and do as they say that we said we should.

            That doesn't even make sense to me as I write it but I'm pretty sure it's what they believe.

            There is no rule, but no NATO member would ratify Kosovo due to the territorial disputes.

            >no NATO member would ratify Kosovo due to the territorial disputes
            It's because they don't bring much to the table, the territorial dispute isn't a real rule and we can set aside any rules that existed anyway. If a country "violates" NATO rules and NATO doesn't care then the rule doesn't matter. It's not international law, it's just a treaty and if the treaty partners don't care then it doesn't matter.

            It's like if you had a rule with your sister not to date strippers but then you met a hot one and did anyway, might you regret it? Maybe but breaking the rule doesn't get you sent to jail or disowned, your sister just might laugh at you if turns bad.

            Let’s be real — if Serbia made a grab the current world would let them do it. Europe is historically weak, weaker than any point in history (as nations).

            >if Serbia made a grab the current world would let them do it

            >I’ve just got to ask this: what supervisory agency do you think exists that has veto power over NATO?
            The honour code.

            That's really the answer they're thinking of, The West has to obey the morality we preach because we're weak and servile, trapped by our own rules and afraid of being labelled as hypocrites.
            While they (Serbs this time, usually Russians or Chinese) are of course, cunning and strong with iron will, Übermenschs who are above such petty moral concerns and can use cunning deceptions and bold defiance of slave morality to take what is theirs by right as the apex predator in the world.
            That their position in the world is so hilariously removed from this self-image is comical but just underscores how this belief is at heart a form of magical thinking.

            >p..pls let us win
            Every claim that they can win comes down to this in the end, there's no realistic path to victory for them so they look to deus ex machina, like a petty crook trying to intimidate victims into robbing themselves because they know they couldn't actually rob them by force and wouldn't get away with anything if anyone talked.
            For more local versions of this, remember the insane election updates about how Trump could still win via legal challenge, state congresses making their own choices about electors, VP intervention...all sorts of things got said, it was the same sort of appeal to god as Serbian/Russian/Chinese ideas about how they can conquer their neighbours.
            Though in China's case, it's untested and unknown enough to raise some pulses even if it will probably never happen.

            Can we just carpet bomb the entire balkan region into oblivion already and be done with it?

            >Can we just carpet bomb the entire balkan region into oblivion already and be done with it?
            No, just Serbia.

            It's the only part of it causing any real trouble, you're not getting us to frick off friends by acting like a b***h and then saying "it takes two to tango".

    • 2 months ago

      The NATO is invested in the Ukraine. They cannot spare a single bomb. The time is now. Do it, Servia.

      • 2 months ago

        >They cannot spare a single bomb.
        Brilliant! Let's see if this will stop the bombings this time around

    • 2 months ago

      They'll get obliterated by kfor so kosovo is not an option, but they can stir shit up in bosnia easily

      • 2 months ago

        Serbian here, we get these scares every few months, mostly before some election. You can all ignore it, god knows we do

        We can take it, we cant hold it

        • 2 months ago

          >We can take it, we cant hold it
          Lol, your meme army wouldn't even be able to cross the border before getting annihilated

      • 2 months ago

        Bosnia most likely, there's been some chimpout from the Republika Srpska politicians about some Bosnian electoral law and they're threatening to secede

  9. 2 months ago

    Someone should really just unite the Balkans into one entity a la Nobunaga or they'll just kill each other over and over

    • 2 months ago

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah I wonder what happened to that one

        • 2 months ago

          what if we unite them and then set them loose on turkey as revenge for fricking up the region? They loved being the neutral 3rd party (in giant air quotes) during the cold war so

          • 2 months ago

            Turkey should annex them instead, the only way for serbs to not ape out is to keep them on a very tight leash. Show kindness to them and it will be taken it as a sign of weakness and its inevitable for the serbBlack person to ape out and backstab you, spit and treat the serb like trash and they'll love and respect you

            • 2 months ago

              >Turkey should annex them instead
              This is the real reason why we keep them in NATO, so that Serbia knows who'll come to MonteBlack's aid.

      • 2 months ago

        Turns out diversity was not their strength

    • 2 months ago

      They did, but it immediately fell apart when he died. Tito ruled Yugoslavia by being a dictator who was 'fair'. An Albanian Muslim murdered a Christian Serb? Well the best way to deal with this is to execute the Albanian Muslim and a Christian Serb! That way, nobody is upset or claims there is persecution of their religion/race by the government, because they were equally punished! But as soon as the strongman 'frick everybody' guy died, people immediately look to fill the power vacuum and a lot of them were nationalists (for their own particular race/culture) or religious fundamentalists (for their own particular religion) and decided they - and only they - could get rid of the thing they didn't like. Which means wars.

      also, anal bottle fricking.

      • 2 months ago

        It's also worth noting that the entire "socialist" economy was propped up by cheap foreign credit lol
        Guess what happens when the foreign taxpayer base you rely on goes into recession kek, to think that Yugoslavia would still be around if it wasn't ever a marxist state. What a fricking joke.

    • 2 months ago

      This. Bring back the Austro-Hungarian Empire!

      • 2 months ago

        >Bring back the Austro-Hungarian Empire!

        t. Czech

        • 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      multi kulti will always fail unless its a totalitarian police state full of state sanctioned violence
      im honestly surprised US still hasnt devolved into tribalism

      • 2 months ago

        >im honestly surprised US still hasnt devolved into tribalism
        oh but it has

        • 2 months ago

          yeah i know tim pool talks about civil war every other say since 2016 but it hasnt happend

          • 2 months ago

            It hasn't happened yet cause one of the factions hold so many guns and has so many combat veterans that the war would last about a week and result in the other faction getting displaced and forced to leave the country in the larges mass exodus in history.

          • 2 months ago

            That's why a federal government exists. Every nation could easily devolve into that without a strong government providing positive and negative incentives why not to.

            • 2 months ago

              yugoland was a federal state that was very authoritarian including murder of political opponents yet it failed

      • 2 months ago

        The problem is resolved by constantly expanding the definition of the 'in group' and also by supporting civic, rather than ethno, nationalism
        once protestants position became untenable, they rolled their previous rivals, the catholics (italian/irish/spanish) into the party
        now that christians position is untenable, the establishment wing of the GOP has been trying to roll hispanics into the 'white christian' larp (ex. rubio, cruz, bush marrying a latino and giving shout outs in spanish at rallies)

        sadly, the balkans can not copy this strategy

        • 2 months ago

          Balkanites have no such tact.
          They ape out on each other or start a fight and claim victim from the other party

          • 2 months ago

            >Balkanites have no such tact.
            >They ape out on each other or start a fight and claim victim from the other party
            Croatians seem to have calmed down, I don't hear anything out of them.
            Montenegrins have too much internal stuff to worry about to think about war but they're more interested in being separate from Serbia than trying to take clay from anyone else. They only ever wanted more of Croatia's coastal cities to get the Dalmation set bonus, without Serbia to help they're quite powerless to do that and have turned away from war because they definitely don't want to be on Serbia's team any more.

            • 2 months ago

              There is a good chance that a civil war will break out in MonteBlack. In MonteBlack, over +40% of the population are Serbs.
              This is the reason why the results of the last the population census is not being published.
              In MonteBlack

              • 2 months ago

                >There is a good chance that a civil war will break out in MonteBlack. In MonteBlack, over +40% of the population are Serbs.
                >This is the reason why the results of the last the population census is not being published.
                There's not going to be a war here, if Serbians caused too much trouble, MonteBlack is a full NATO member.
                The price of the NATO base in Bar is that NATO will secure MonteBlack's borders.

                But! This is an internal threat, right?
                The government will, assuming it's not compromised itself (more on that later) just call the Serbian presence "foreign agitators" or militia or something and ask NATO for help to expel them. It will be over quickly.

                Unfortunately, the government is hilariously unstable and has changed so many times recently that after I lost track, my local friends can't even tell me who the current government is because they've stopped paying attention to all the scandals and resignations.
                If it really goes badly, it will be because Serbians infiltrated the governing party and get a sympathetic president and enough other government positions to prevent a formal request for NATO assistance.
                Even then, it's odds on that Montenegrins could do something about it anyway, I'd back a Montenegrin in a fight over a Serbian any day. They're sleepy but definitely not harmless.

              • 2 months ago

                Milo lost, get over it lol

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                MonteBlack will flip without a fight and NATO will be given a date to leave. They will do so.

              • 2 months ago

                Did this come to you in a dream?
                I think maybe you're right about wanting to be Turkish again, we should make that happen.

              • 2 months ago

                Did this come to you in a dream?
                I think maybe you're right about wanting to be Turkish again, we should make that happen.

                Oh oh, Serbia tries to instigate a civil war in MonteBlack, Turkey comes to Montengro's aid as a NATO member and bombs Serbia and sends in troops to pacify them again.

                We have to meme this into reality.

              • 2 months ago

                There will be no civil war. The Montenegrins will put a Serbian flag beside their Montenegrin flag. NATO will be given the order to withdraw after a referendum and they will obey.

              • 2 months ago

                >i made it the frick up

              • 2 months ago

                >NATO will be given the order to withdraw after a referendum
                That has strong Vatnik energy.

                >our victims will just want us to conquer them!
                >they just will!
                >nrother Montenegrins would never fight Serbians
                >they want to be part of us.

                Why did they want to leave you again?

              • 2 months ago

                i always wondered, what bills did the wadded jacket want paid?

              • 2 months ago

                >what bills did the wadded jacket want paid?
                I think it's in the sense of "get what's coming to you", presumably revenge for the collapse of the USSR and just generally being rich while Russia became poor, see that rant about Poland.

                Though if they weren't moronic, that rant about the Poles could be developed into a coherent argument something like:


              • 2 months ago

                >NATO will be given the order to withdraw after a referendum
                NATO is under no obligation to obey orders from an illegitimate terrorist regime occupying an allied state, nor to acknowledge any fake "referendum" held by such an illegitimate entity. Quite to the contrary, they'd be obligated to remove said terrorist threat.

                Tl;dr: We will bomb Belgrade again. And it will be a good thing.

              • 2 months ago

                The Montenegrins will tell you to leave and if you don't your positions will be encircled and shelled until you are destroyed. There is no second option.

              • 2 months ago

                Just like last time?Are serbs just suicidal or do you really think that you could shell any NATO position without being bombed to shit?

                The Hapsburgs thought the same, and they collapsed for it.

                Are you just ignoring the fact that serbia was occupied by 1915 or do they not teach that in serbian schools?Without the west your country wouldn’t even exist and AH didn’t lose the war because of Serbia.

              • 2 months ago

                >The Montenegrins will tell you to leave
                Lol, no. Sorry to burst your bubble, but your pretend "Montenegrin" terrorist puppets will be ignored as just that.

                >and if you don't your positions will be encircled and shelled, resulting in the Belgrade-sponsored terrorists attempting so to be one-sidedly annihilated to a man in short order, followed by Belgrade being bombed until the leadership of the terrorist regime of the so-called Serbia are handed over to stand trial at the Hague. Again. There is no second option.
                FTFY. Imagine wanting to repeat a past that has seen your delusional shithole utterly humiliated and emasculated, only now with the odds even worse against you.

              • 2 months ago

                All it would take is a couple drunk Chetniks with knives to make the 20 Americans in MonteBlack to think the boogeyman has come for them.

              • 2 months ago

                All it would take is a single F-35 to make Vucik and his cronie spiss and shit themselves in their bunker in Belgrade.

              • 2 months ago

                I think he's just baiting for (you)s.

                So what you’re saying is that you’ve given up on Kosovo and decided to cope with an even less likely scenario? Why not roll Croatia and North Macedonia into this hallucination, since their inclusion literally doesn’t make it any less likely?
                Eh, you do you.

                Why do you type like that

              • 2 months ago

                Are you gays gonna run to Corfu again?

              • 2 months ago

                So what you’re saying is that you’ve given up on Kosovo and decided to cope with an even less likely scenario? Why not roll Croatia and North Macedonia into this hallucination, since their inclusion literally doesn’t make it any less likely?
                Eh, you do you.

              • 2 months ago

                I just want any war that involves MonteBlack. Not because I like or dislike them, I just wanna see how many Zoomers get their social media disabled or hidden because of shitty automod programs and algorithms detecting a lot of "Black" being said in their vids.

              • 2 months ago

                >I just wanna see how many Zoomers get their social media disabled
                I think people will quickly learn the words Crna Gora the way that we learnt Magyar and some of us learnt Sakartvelo

              • 2 months ago

                Probably. I just hope some will try and call it "Monte N-word" before they switch to the official name. Would be funny.

              • 2 months ago

                >Monte N-word
                I'm pretty sure PrepHole will call them Mountain Black folk on principle but mostly with affection.

              • 2 months ago

                I'm aware third world nations run the drug trade but you don't have to take them yourself

              • 2 months ago

                >MonteBlack will flip without a fight
                Yeah, like Ukraine when they welcomed their russian brothers with open arms into Kyiv. Right?

                >and NATO will leave
                LMAO. No. What you gonna do about it?

              • 2 months ago

                I don't think it's really a comparable situation. Ukraine has a long and established history, MonteBlack is just a rump-state split off for geopolitical purposes, no?

              • 2 months ago

                No? MonteBlack was a separate Republic from Serbia, just like Ukraine in the USSR.

              • 2 months ago

                I see. What was the purpose of that? It just seems like unnecessary bureaucracy and division.

              • 2 months ago

                what's the purpose of having 50 federal states in the US?

              • 2 months ago

                >MonteBlack is just a rump-state split off for geopolitical purposes, no?
                MonteBlack has mostly been a distinct principality/kingdom/state, often paying tribute or tax but not to Serbia.



                No? MonteBlack was a separate Republic from Serbia, just like Ukraine in the USSR.

                said, it was a republic within the Yugoslavian federation, like Connecticut is to New York.

                Mountain Black folk are hard to rule which is why they have a reputation for being lazy, scamming thieves. Somehow they just didn't feel like doing an honest day's work for their Ottoman rulers (or anyone else) and liked to make life as hard as possible for anyone who wanted to tax them. There's traces of it still among the politicians and police lol

                Before slavs it was just a piece of Illyria or the Roman version of that, then after the Slavs it was initially a collection of principalities, maybe around 1000ad or so.
                A couple of principalities ended up being unified, then later there was the Kingdom of Dalmatia which was coastal MonteBlack plus Croatia from Split to Dubrovnik, which is also why MonteBlack and Serbia teamed up to shell Dubrovnik, trying to break off southern Croatia to get the Dalmatian set bonus for MonteBlack.
                The non-Dalmation part of MonteBlack is basically the mountains that nobody really ruled (because butthole tribesmen and no roads), buttholes in foreign capitals had fun drawing lines on maps though.

                There was some stuff with Venetians and Ottomans and they both had pieces at different times for a few centuries, I don't think either one got everything and they mostly had to share.

                Eventually, there was independence again and then a long while later, the Serbian and Montenegrin kingdoms merged and this is where the Serbian claim comes from, it lasted a little while but it wasn't permanent and eventually the kingdom broke down, kings were assassinated or in exile and shit and MonteBlack was a principality again for five minutes before Yugoslavia formed.

              • 2 months ago

                I see, thanks for the elaboration.

              • 2 months ago

                Educate yourself Black person

              • 2 months ago

                It's not that deep bud. Besides, wouldn't a more 'academic' source be more insightful than skimming wikipedia

              • 2 months ago

                >wouldn't a more 'academic' source be more insightful than skimming wikipedia
                Then go to the references for the page and read those works and you'll get a real education on the topic.

                Skimming wikipedia is the bare minimum a lazy anon can be trusted to do though.

            • 2 months ago

              >Croatians seem to have calmed down
              We accomplished all our geopolitical goals and like to pretend nothing exists on our Eastern borders, be it Bosnia or Serbia. These failed states are unironically beneath our notice.

              My simply guess is Vučić is just making sounds for his domestic populace, because Serbia is becoming poorer and poorer while the prices of everything are sky high. Everything is expensive as frick in Serbia, including basic food and necessities. The country has no future whatsoever so I'm assuming Vučko and his junta are just going to turn Serbia into a kind of Belarus or North Korea to stay perpetually in power. Unlike the civilized world that is disgusted by Russia, Putin and so on Serbia idolizes that system and emulates it. Nevermind that their quality of life is plummeting, that nothing is functional anymore or that people literally can't get medical help etc. etc. Just lurking Serbia's reddit is a blackpilling experience to a Croat like me. I unironically pity them while not wanting them to get better because they'd just go on to make Russia tier problems on a smaller scale. That's how you should think about Serbia in general. It's just a much smaller version of Russia with the same problems and mentality and meaningless pride to match it.

              It took Croatia 20 years of agony to unfrick itself from the War and communism, just to reach the BOTTOM tier of functionality, the raw basic from which we then built up modern Croatia. Serbia did not do that and cannot do that. It would take about 50 years of cultural, civilizational and root changes for Serbia to even be able to smell our shit. Croatia for all its problems is the West for Serbia, like Germany was one for us. The differences are THAT stark. To make matters even more silly Serbia is effectively surrounded by the EU on all sides. Nobody wants to play with them. They are an atrocious people and a failed state, so let Vučić crow as much as he wants. It's a society of gay Smurfs.

              • 2 months ago

                > Just lurking Serbia's reddit
                Go back

              • 2 months ago

                >It would take about 50 years of cultural, civilizational and root changes for Serbia to even be able to smell our shit.
                Quality bants

    • 2 months ago

      Several ethnicities that all hate each other united under one country have an infinitely higher chance of killing each other when compared to them all living in their own countries.

      • 2 months ago

        >Several ethnicities that all hate each other united under one country have an infinitely higher chance of killing each other when compared to them all living in their own countries
        Tito made it work so it's not impossible, most people here still like him.

        Anyway, only Serbia is still causing trouble and probably because they chose Russia over Europe.

        • 2 months ago

          Tito didn't make it work, he just killed anyone speaking up against him. If it did work, it wouldn't take less than 2 years for tensions to rise up

          • 2 months ago

            >he just killed anyone speaking up against him.
            So he made it work?

          • 2 months ago

            People have already explained how Tito made it work in this thread. It was simple
            >Don't prioritise your particular ethnicity/race/religion/culture/nationality
            >Don't gain a favourite ethnicity/race/religion/culture/nationality
            >If one person from a specific ethnicity/race/religion/culture/nationality harms a different ethnicity/race/religion/culture/nationality, punish both ethnicity/race/religion/culture/nationality, one for the crime and the other simply to avoid accusations of favourtism
            And then it fell apart because the guys who replace them end up trying to make their ethnicity/race/religion/culture/nationality the No.1 guys, act out revenge fantasies, try to purge/eliminate ethnicity/race/religion/culture/nationality they don't like etc.

    • 2 months ago

      Just have to kill all the locals and it's a nice place really.

  10. 2 months ago

    >Serbia applied for EU membership in 2009 and has been a candidate since 2012
    I hate the, so much bros they are massive hypocrites

    • 2 months ago

      They'd be an even more worthless and belligerent member than hungary if they ever joined. serbia does not deserve to be a member of any union, organization, alliance etc.

      • 2 months ago

        They are in the middle of the Danube, that’s unironically the only reason why they are allowed to join

  11. 2 months ago

    USA could send their 30 year old nighthawks in 2024 and still win

    • 2 months ago

      >30 year old

      I'm sorry but she ain't 30yo any more.

  12. 2 months ago

    What's the source of this
    Can't believe almost 30 posts in and nobody asked this. Like, I know it's interesting to talk about the possibilities, but come on

    • 2 months ago

      >What's the source of this
      It is explained in the OP. Aleksander Vucic said it. Just google his name and click 'News'. (his personal instagram)

      • 2 months ago

        Alright, thanks

  13. 2 months ago

    >can't go 5 seconds without pointless killing

    • 2 months ago

      Whitest Serb.

  14. 2 months ago


  15. 2 months ago

    russian semen supply is probably almost gone
    it would be difficult for the serbian population when they introduce russian semen rations
    pray for sebia

  16. 2 months ago

    This thread is filled with homosexuals

    • 2 months ago

      couldn't resist to join in, huh queer

  17. 2 months ago

    What is this about? Some Council of Europe bullshit? Serboids won't go to war over something like this, they'll bark as usual but that's it

    • 2 months ago

      Nobody knows. Vucic just said he had received information that threatens Serbia so he's gone all macho. Might be a planned terrorist attack by IS?

      • 2 months ago

        >pussy lips
        Vicicu, pederu

        • 2 months ago

          More like Pucic.

      • 2 months ago

        >Might be a planned terrorist attack by IS?
        That would be pretty fricking kino.

      • 2 months ago

        >Vucic just said he had received information that threatens Serbia
        There's nothing, it's bullshit.
        He's making a "threat" out of thin air because Putin told him too and he can use it to justify some nationalistic chest thumping.

        • 2 months ago

          Seems odd to say something, then say you'll say more over the coming days and then NOT do something.

          • 2 months ago

            He wants to make people talk about who's threatening Serbia and what Serbia will do in response.
            He wants people to feel afraid and threatened and cling to him for security.

            Nothing needs to happen though I dare say he'll find an excuse to do something.

      • 2 months ago

        >received information that threatens Serbia
        Reality "threatens" Serbia, not sure this actually means anything at this point

  18. 2 months ago
  19. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      English motherfricker, do you speak it?!

      • 2 months ago

        UBIĆU TE JA

  20. 2 months ago

    Is Serbia the best present-day example of mass psychosis?

    • 2 months ago

      That would be israel, but serbs are a close second

  21. 2 months ago

    Russia will win
    Serbia will win
    China will win

    • 2 months ago

      China is not taking the side of any these morons.

      • 2 months ago

        Sadly, being the opposition to the hegemon means you need to assemble a coalition of Allies out of dysfunctional rejects like Iran, Serbia, and North Kora

    • 2 months ago

      3 commie subhuman nations

  22. 2 months ago

    Total Shumadian Death when?

    • 2 months ago

      As soon as those Rafales finally reach Zagreb, give us unironic 2 weeks

  23. 2 months ago

    NATO cannot make Kosovo a member. It is illegal. You are enemies of law.

    • 2 months ago

      >It is illegal
      I’ve just got to ask this: what supervisory agency do you think exists that has veto power over NATO?

      • 2 months ago

        >I’ve just got to ask this: what supervisory agency do you think exists that has veto power over NATO?
        The honour code.

        That's really the answer they're thinking of, The West has to obey the morality we preach because we're weak and servile, trapped by our own rules and afraid of being labelled as hypocrites.
        While they (Serbs this time, usually Russians or Chinese) are of course, cunning and strong with iron will, Übermenschs who are above such petty moral concerns and can use cunning deceptions and bold defiance of slave morality to take what is theirs by right as the apex predator in the world.
        That their position in the world is so hilariously removed from this self-image is comical but just underscores how this belief is at heart a form of magical thinking.

        >get fricked in slovenia
        >get fricked in croatia
        >get fricked in bosnia
        >get belgrade fricked
        >p..pls let us win

        There is a fricking reason Croatia and Slovenia became functional states. Around serbs never relax.

        >p..pls let us win
        Every claim that they can win comes down to this in the end, there's no realistic path to victory for them so they look to deus ex machina, like a petty crook trying to intimidate victims into robbing themselves because they know they couldn't actually rob them by force and wouldn't get away with anything if anyone talked.
        For more local versions of this, remember the insane election updates about how Trump could still win via legal challenge, state congresses making their own choices about electors, VP intervention...all sorts of things got said, it was the same sort of appeal to god as Serbian/Russian/Chinese ideas about how they can conquer their neighbours.
        Though in China's case, it's untested and unknown enough to raise some pulses even if it will probably never happen.

        • 2 months ago

          >The West has to obey the morality we preach
          what have we preached that would prevent Kosovo from joining NATO?

          • 2 months ago

            There is no rule, but no NATO member would ratify Kosovo due to the territorial disputes.

            • 2 months ago

              not too familiar with the situation there, but that only applies to claims the applicant has on foreign soil, right? Is Kosovo claiming parts of serbia?

              • 2 months ago

                No, it's either way. It isn't a rule but nobody would agree to it.

              • 2 months ago

                Countries with separatist problems of their own will tell the Kosovars to frick themselves. Most notably Spain. The goal is to not create precedents for one sided declarations of independence.

  24. 2 months ago

    The only way to fix the Balkans once and for all is pic related. Just return to Serbia all of her historical ethnic territories.
    > b-but muh Croissants and muslimanjeros
    They're artificial nations, kinda like Ukrainians, so they have no historical right or say in anything.

    • 2 months ago

      They tried that but Hillary demanded they be bombed

      Source: my ex was a Croatian and celebrated the fact that NATO let them get away with ethnic cleansing

    • 2 months ago

      The only historical time period where the Balkans functioned were when Greeks or Romans had them under an iron boot.

      So the solution is total annexation by a superior ethnic group. Unfortunately, as they are a shithole, nobody wants them.

      QED The Balkans can never be fixed.

      • 2 months ago

        >The only historical time period where the Balkans functioned were when Greeks or Romans
        before the Slavs migrated?

        • 2 months ago
        • 2 months ago

          >before the Slavs migrated?
          You'd think that but the regions that were Slavs within Venetian culture were pretty good.

          Split and Dubrovnik were extremely wealthy and powerful cities under the Venetian Republic and they weren't directly ruled very often, usually affiliates, tributaries or allies.
          Dalmatia in general was nice so there's more to it than just Slavs. It might have something to do with Orthodox theocracy, Serbia and MonteBlack were ruled by Prince-Bishops and those were basically the worst times in their history until the Ottomans took that as a challenge.

          So…if Serbia DOES make a play for Kosovo what kind of forces do they gave to accomplish that?

          >if Serbia DOES make a play for Kosovo what kind of forces do they gave to accomplish that?
          Not much, NATO can pretty much leave the Kosovo cops set to automatic like a CWIS and just watch the fireworks.
          Though it's not going to stop them from making some fireworks of their own of course.

        • 2 months ago

          Almost all IT workers from Russia I know have moved to Belgrade. Especially yandex fab israelite motherfrickers

    • 2 months ago

      >They're artificial nations
      All nations are artificial.
      Serbia doesn't get to own other people anon, give up your dreams of conquest or remain a backwater shithole sucking the wieners of richer nations.

      I travel in the Balkans a lot, I'm in MNE right now, a good 75% of the Serbian men I've talked to for more than a minute have managed to steer conversation to how countries around them aren't real and don't exist and should be owned by Serbia who'd presumably kill or enslave the population but they try to avoid talking about that.

      The Serbian women I've met have all been fine, more interested in fricking than talking about ethnic cleansing.

      • 2 months ago

        You may think that’s insightful but you’ve only just recognized the two methods, respective to the genders, that Balkan folx fantasize of personally taking control of the region

      • 2 months ago

        >The Serbian women I've met have all been fine
        Fine, but batshit more than half of the time

        • 2 months ago

          >Fine, but batshit more than half of the time
          Well, I fricked them, I didn't date them.
          Admittedly one did have "Caмo Бoг мoжe дa мe cyди" tattooed beneath a breast.

      • 2 months ago

        >All nations are artificial.
        wrong and stupid, borders are the result of natural conflict resolution between cultures which form into nations, an artificial nation is one where the borders are drawn not out of cultural homogenity but political gain

        • 2 months ago

          >an artificial nation is one where the borders are drawn not out of cultural homogenity but political gain
          So all of them?

        • 2 months ago

          That's still artificial, anon. The only reason nation states like that exist are because their populations agree they do. A nation isn't a naturally occurring phenomenon, but something that people make up.

          • 2 months ago

            OK? And you only exist because the world agrees that we shouldn't kill babies at birth, that doesn't make borders have no value, nor does it make lines befitting circles of influence of political bodies any less real.
            Nation states aren't going away because you said "borders not real", just because you're some rich daddies boy that has the passport, education and money to pretend they don't exist doesn't stop them being real either.

            • 2 months ago

              Who tf are you arguing against, anon? No one ever said that nations are bad because they're artificial.
              >Nation states aren't going away because you said "borders not real", just because you're some rich daddies boy that has the passport, education and money to pretend they don't exist doesn't stop them being real either.
              Good god take some fricking meds, you're fighting ghosts

            • 2 months ago

              take your meds. unironically.
              reading a book might help too

          • 2 months ago

            >A nation isn't a naturally occurring phenomenon, but something that people make up.

            >natural conflict resolution

            >an artificial nation is one where the borders are drawn not out of cultural homogenity but political gain
            So all of them?

            just because im moronic doesnt mean youre right >

            look at picrel and tell me what is the difference between the borders in africa and the borders in europe. Europeans brought about national borders through natural processes, they unified clans, established kingdoms and spread, "borders" only came to exist once they came into conflict with another culture, the border is a result of mutually competing interests.

            For africa such a thing did not happen, their borders came about because external parties cognizant of larger political conflicts drew out plans to split up a landmass so as to gain their resources or advantage over enemy parties. The definition changed from cultural expansion through natural process (reproducing and requiring more land) to political war games (owning this land benefits me over my enemy).

            I'm appealing specifically to John Locke's writings on the ownership of property which can be extrapolated to national borders, basically he writes that everything is in a state of common ownership as long as it exists as nature allowed it to (tribals count as natural), until someone comes in and through their effort change the landscape then it becomes their own, such a thing did not happen for african countries in which tribal territories and national boundaries come into conflict with each other. The african tribals and the balkan cultures share the same position here, where they exist as small cultural blocs in a large region, where the territorial disputes of their governments don't directly benefit them. If serbia took over the Balkans and returned to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia tomorrow, the people would still identify with their cultures: greek, turk, macedonian, etc. which would make these borders artificial, as they were drawn for the benefit of someone not participating in the culture. Hope I explained my austism. if not frick you

            • 2 months ago

              We're talking about the existence of nations itself, not the specific locations of their borders. How can you miss the point this hard for this long?
              >I'm appealing specifically to John Locke's writings on the ownership of property which can be extrapolated to national borders, basically he writes that everything is in a state of common ownership as long as it exists as nature allowed it to (tribals count as natural), until someone comes in and through their effort change the landscape then it becomes their own
              John Locke's theory of property applies to individuals, not groups of people.
              Further, the concept of "natural borders" of a state is itself artificial, as it is only by common convention that the borders of a nation is where they are. A border established through war, diplomacy, or following ethnic lines is one established through agreement (whether forceful or not) by certain parties, and the continued existence of the border is likewise determined though the will of those states involved. I.e. every border, every nation, is artificial, something man made.

              • 2 months ago

                >How can you miss the point this hard for this long?
                the locations of the borders is what defines the nation from other nations this is not a hard concept to understand, by defining territorial behavior as artificial you are arguing behavior shared by pretty much every species is artificial

              • 2 months ago

                You missed this part
                >Further, the concept of "natural borders" of a state is itself artificial, as it is only by common convention that the borders of a nation is where they are. A border established through war, diplomacy, or following ethnic lines is one established through agreement (whether forceful or not) by certain parties, and the continued existence of the border is likewise determined though the will of those states involved. I.e. every border, every nation, is artificial, something man made.
                tl;dr borders themselves are always artificial

            • 2 months ago

              And if you're going to use Locke as an authority on this, surely you'd know that he theorized nations begin when groups of people DECIDE to form a common government, the purpose of which is to preserve their properties and rights?
              AKA nations are MADE by groups of people, not that they naturally spring into existence?

              • 2 months ago

                You missed this part
                >Further, the concept of "natural borders" of a state is itself artificial, as it is only by common convention that the borders of a nation is where they are. A border established through war, diplomacy, or following ethnic lines is one established through agreement (whether forceful or not) by certain parties, and the continued existence of the border is likewise determined though the will of those states involved. I.e. every border, every nation, is artificial, something man made.
                tl;dr borders themselves are always artificial

                We're talking about the existence of nations itself, not the specific locations of their borders. How can you miss the point this hard for this long?
                >I'm appealing specifically to John Locke's writings on the ownership of property which can be extrapolated to national borders, basically he writes that everything is in a state of common ownership as long as it exists as nature allowed it to (tribals count as natural), until someone comes in and through their effort change the landscape then it becomes their own
                John Locke's theory of property applies to individuals, not groups of people.
                Further, the concept of "natural borders" of a state is itself artificial, as it is only by common convention that the borders of a nation is where they are. A border established through war, diplomacy, or following ethnic lines is one established through agreement (whether forceful or not) by certain parties, and the continued existence of the border is likewise determined though the will of those states involved. I.e. every border, every nation, is artificial, something man made.

                I concede, makes sense to me, I think I was appealing to a sense of nature as far as it influences people to act independent of a government, ignoring the purpose of one being created in the first place, thanks for enlightinening me

              • 2 months ago

                Well now I feel bad. I wanted more vitriol

              • 2 months ago

                NTA but actually based of you to concede. Please internalize this and don't mind dump this conversation and argue again in a week for ethnostates

                i dont post often and i wanted to fight but anons were patient with me even when i was being obtuse on purpose and i felt bad. i wont forget this convo i promise.

              • 2 months ago

                NTA but actually based of you to concede. Please internalize this and don't mind dump this conversation and argue again in a week for ethnostates

        • 2 months ago

          >natural conflict resolution

          • 2 months ago

            >natural conflict resolution
            It's a Serb insisting that only Serbia is a real nation, so when they say natural conflict resolution, it means mass rape and genocide.
            How Serbians always resolve their conflicts.

            • 2 months ago

              >How Serbians always resolve their conflicts.
              I thoughed it was more like "get the shit kicked out of you and beg for other to save your ass" would be far more inline with Servia

              • 2 months ago

                They might beg you to stop kicking but I don't think anyone is really going out of their way to save Servia.
                They do fine against civilian populations, it's just actual militaries and police that they lose to.

    • 2 months ago

      This but under joint Croatian-Slovene rule and with the serbs put into box cars and shipped to Russia.

    • 2 months ago

      >Just return to Serbia all of her historical ethnic territories.
      This is why you got bombed.

      • 2 months ago

        NATO should open more doors to peace with massive bombs.

    • 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      How about we just nuke Serbia and be done with it?

    • 2 months ago

      Lol what makes you think that Serbs have a say in anything? We will just kill them all again.

    • 2 months ago

      >j-just return our lands westoids!

    • 2 months ago

      >They're artificial nations
      So like the so-called Serbia.

    • 2 months ago

      Get -acked, /misc/ and/or Serb slime.

      • 2 months ago

        >le serb removing kebab
        - ACK

        LOOOOOOOOOOL, epic own!!
        xDDDDDDDD got'em deez nutz

    • 2 months ago

      >get fricked in slovenia
      >get fricked in croatia
      >get fricked in bosnia
      >get belgrade fricked
      >p..pls let us win

      There is a fricking reason Croatia and Slovenia became functional states. Around serbs never relax.

      • 2 months ago

        >Around serbs never relax.
        Don't swerve for serbs?

        • 2 months ago

          Around Serbs be perturbed.

          • 2 months ago

            >Around Serbs be perturbed.
            Sounds like a winner to me.

    • 2 months ago

      MonteBlack has no desire in rejoining Serbia

      t. rural Montenegrin

  25. 2 months ago
  26. 2 months ago

    How do I get a Serbian gf?

    I have dated and fricked, American, British, German, Russian, Italian, Chinese, majority of latinas and currently talking to Turkish girl but I for the life of me cannot get a girl from Balkans to like me. I don't get it. Do I really have to be built like pic related?

    >t. White passing latino

    • 2 months ago

      >>t. White passing latino

      ngmi, they're gonna sense the Black person in you

      • 2 months ago

        …thus triggering their own self-loathing at their T*rk rape genes

    • 2 months ago

      you are not in the correct income bracket

      • 2 months ago

        He's clearly american so hes not that poor

        • 2 months ago

          Still, the time where $10 and a gum wrapper were enough are long gone. Now you gotta compete with various businessmen and Arabs with above-average income. Or you have to have immaculate charm and personality, which I'm not expecting from a latino on PrepHole asking *us* how to catch a Balkan bride.

  27. 2 months ago

    Do the serbroaches want to lose even more land?

    • 2 months ago

      They're big on historical claims so I think they want to be given back to the Turks.

      • 2 months ago

        they will manage to shoot down one bayraktar then spend 30 years bragging about it

  28. 2 months ago

    I'd take serbs over kosovan muslims any day
    too bad they are too busy sucking vatBlack person cum all day, then again I guess they got no one else to suck and I think they toned down on that too

  29. 2 months ago

    Clearly they're going to annex Hungary. It's pretty obvious really if you've been paying attention to the complete lack of sense in the world lately.


    • 2 months ago

      >Clearly they're going to annex Hungary
      Putin's pawns turning on one another lol

      Serbia was a bulwark against the Austrians for a while so it's not entirely without precedent.

    • 2 months ago

      A Serbian-Hungarian war would be too kino for this gay timeline.

  30. 2 months ago

    He says that every couple of months, nothing's happening apart from the Russian cum reserves drying up.

  31. 2 months ago

    So…if Serbia DOES make a play for Kosovo what kind of forces do they gave to accomplish that?

    • 2 months ago

      Literally nothing, lol. Nothing ever happens. It's just sabre-rattling.

  32. 2 months ago

    Turn Belgrade into a parking lot, complete extermination of every last Serb. Maim, kill, burn. Maim, kill, burn.

  33. 2 months ago

    I am going to reenlist to go to the 82nd just in case I get to kill Serbs

  34. 2 months ago

    I swear to God can you guys over there in Serbia just keep a lid on things long enough that I can get a Zastava M91? If I lose anther chance at another quality Dragunov look-alike to an import ban because another slavic country chimped out I'm gonna shit myself.

    • 2 months ago

      You can't reason with them, the only language they understand is carpet bombing.

  35. 2 months ago

    Total Serbroach Death.

  36. 2 months ago

    Let the serbs murder all the ragheads and then wipe them out under some stupid religion of piss dindu nuffin excuse, we get rid of slimes, exterminate ziggers and get humanitarian points.

  37. 2 months ago


    No you fricking moron, it is not a israeli conspiracy to suggest the simplest principle of geopolitics; all nations are artificial, and they only exist by virtue of other people agreeing that they do. If the whole world, tomorrow, suddenly disagreed that your country was actually real, it would, for all intents and purposes, cease to exist.

    • 2 months ago

      >all nations are artificial, and they only exist by virtue of other people agreeing
      I'd argue that the defining trait of a nation is that the people of that nation agree that the nation exists.
      External agreement just makes it able to do business as it were.

      E.G. Declaration of Independence made USA a nation, rather than France agreeing to this or England conceding that the point.

      And in this sense of course; people disagreeing that they're a part of the nation means that the nation doesn't encompass them. Hence why Kosovo, Croatia, Albania and MonteBlack are not Serbia and exist as independent nations.

  38. 2 months ago

    >"Serbia will win"
    Europe's lowest iq is showing again. They're both stupid and deranged. Just get the show started already and end that corrupt shithole. Krautcucks will pay for the bombs again. The country is an eyesore on the map of europe.

  39. 2 months ago

    what are they salty about this time?

    • 2 months ago

      They're tsundere masochists, that's their way of asking for another Belgrade bombing

  40. 2 months ago

    Time for the next shrinkening of s*rbia?

  41. 2 months ago

    I believe that Serbian reliance on Russian cum supplies was a geopolitical mistake. They should strive towards cum independence and go frick themselves.

  42. 2 months ago

    So did he introduce all the challanges or what?

  43. 2 months ago

    Let’s be real — if Serbia made a grab the current world would let them do it. Europe is historically weak, weaker than any point in history (as nations).

    • 2 months ago

      do it, pussy.

    • 2 months ago

      >made a grab of their own country
      Wow it's like Hitler grabbing western germany back and the world does nothing to stop him.

  44. 2 months ago

    Why can't Serbia just be normal?

    • 2 months ago

      Putler is rationing their cum supply

    • 2 months ago

      Corrupt oligarchy I guess. I genuinely do not understand the behaviour of the ruling classes. One would think that there's a certain joy derived from playing sim city irl when you're at that level of influence. Even as a Bosnian Serb (living abroad kek) it genuinely boggles my mind how you can have access to so many strings and intentionally pull all the wrong ones in succession, then continue to do so. Like don't all those petty cosmopolitan indulgences eventually get boring? There's only so much alcohol one can drink, so many drugs one can abuse, so many women one can sleep with, until you just get bored of it and start asking what the point of it all is. Idk, it just seems entirely mentally ill. The common folk are trapped under the yolk of these repulsive subhuman bureaucrats and mafiosos, and worse yet there's still plenty of them who somehow agree with state policy. It's like stockholm syndrome lol and ofc ego.

      • 2 months ago

        Don't they get bored?
        Why do you think they start shit? Because they need too to get a new dopamine hit, and they gonna get it even if it's means starting a war because they aren't the ones dying.

  45. 2 months ago

    Craziest thing that happened during the Yugoslav wars is the west calling a successful operation that killed 8,000 insurgents a genocide. Made no sense and still doesn’t today.

    • 2 months ago

      cope you smelly turk.

  46. 2 months ago

    Can we just carpet bomb the entire balkan region into oblivion already and be done with it?

    • 2 months ago

      Croatia is fine and Albania is funny landmine and bunker country, so I think they should be allowed to stay.

      • 2 months ago

        Landmine country is Bosnia

  47. 2 months ago
  48. 2 months ago

    is there a reason that they sound like they're qposting without fail every single time? is it just how the language translates? or is it an intentional form of schizobabel

    • 2 months ago

      >or is it an intentional form of schizobabel
      tl:dr; all Nationalism is a form of schizobabel

      Nationalism isn't real, it's a shared believe in an idea that if used positively, can help unify a society. Like how we've talked about nations being artificial constructs that we make because we want them to exist.

      Unfortunately, nationalists often miss the point and try to force people to conform to their belief, essentially attempting "conversion by the sword".
      Since they're literally trying to meme an untrue thing into being true, and they're forcing an idea that nobody but themselves believes, this is pretty much the definition of schizobabel.

      Nationalism is more successful when it's spread politically, through persuasion and inspiration.
      If you succeed then you're a nation builder, if not then you're a schizoid. The former are deified and name successor states after themselves and the latter end up dead or in jail.
      Fail big: The Hague (Milošević/Putin?) or die (Hitler/Tojo)
      Fail small: your own country's jail or die drunk and poor (Girkin or

      The only way to fix the Balkans once and for all is pic related. Just return to Serbia all of her historical ethnic territories.
      > b-but muh Croissants and muslimanjeros
      They're artificial nations, kinda like Ukrainians, so they have no historical right or say in anything.

      , many such cases)
      Fail middling: a ditch in the country you wanted to conquer (countless mobiks)
      Succeed: Attaturk, Mao, CKS, Ho, Washington (or Paine/Jefferson etc)

    • 2 months ago

      On top of being pidgin Croatian, serbs are genuinely *that* schizo. When they say that God is a serb, they mean it without a hint of irony. Common forms of schizoidal behavior with them is historical revisionism (we didn't lose all yugoslav wars since we still exist, we dindu nuffin in Srebrenica but we wish we had, muh 600000000 gorillion dead in Jasenovac), conspiracy theories (they shot down a B2 along with a second F-117, Yugoslavia fell apart due to CIA, they lot bodied in WW2 due to CIA, they got bodied during WW1 due to CIA, ottomans enslaved them because of CIA) and claiming historical figures as their own (literally anyone you point to, they will make a claim they were a Serb, Elon Musk included

      • 2 months ago

        >literally anyone you point to, they will make a claim they were a Serb, Elon Musk included
        Haha, it's like a reverse israeli bloodline conspiracy theory.
        Serbian women gtfo and marry foreigners and don't teach the children Serbian but then Serbs claim the entire bloodline as Serbian while the people in question never even notice.

      • 2 months ago

        She's made fun of here, nobody takes her serious

  49. 2 months ago

    >So what weapons will we see the Serbs use?
    concentrated butthurt and moronation paired with impotent barking

  50. 2 months ago

    No his not going to use them, it's just his regular populist tactic, everybody here knows war will not happen, don't be idiots and believe everything you see on the internet

  51. 2 months ago

    So did anything happen yet?

    • 2 months ago

      US embassy called Dodik a pussy and stated "I wish a homie would"

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