So these are just never going to be widespread in the U.S.?

So these are just never going to be widespread in the U.S.?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 months ago

    if you beg PSA really hard they might make one in 20 years. they might even make one that actually works 5 years and 3 production generations after that

    • 4 months ago

      I love entering different hobby boards and seeing that every fricking company is an incompetent shithole

      • 4 months ago

        the above poster is bullshitting tbh. PSA has occasional QC issues and a few meh gen 1 releases but is generally fine and well liked

        • 4 months ago

          You never, ever live down bad products. Ruger is a good example of that. Nor should you be allowed to unless you're like hi-point and your answer to 'gun don't work' is a no-questions-asked fix or replacement.

          • 4 months ago

            Ruger has had a transferable, mostly no questions asked warranty for decades now.
            A lot of low to mid end manufacturers offer ones of varying coverage
            It's good PR and can bring those who received a heirloom or bought used closer to the company, possibly resulting in the purchase of new guns.
            Somewhat cynically, it also allows money to be saved in QC by passing the buck on to the consumer.
            This can be best seen in hi point, who, love them as I may, have some of the worst QC in the business.
            Especially their magazines goddamn those are chintzy. Even if they work they need to be broken in 9/10 to feed reliably from full capacity.

      • 4 months ago

        I did that with PrepHole recently.

  2. 4 months ago

    is that famas

    • 4 months ago

      no, it's a Bullpup, you can see how the mag is behind the trigger

    • 4 months ago

      m16m4 i believe

    • 4 months ago

      AR-47 with triple clip and fish attachment

    • 4 months ago

      one fricking job Anon

    • 4 months ago

      Ppsh heck of a shotgun

  3. 4 months ago

    What do you mean? Springshit started importing them like 2 years ago

    • 4 months ago

      >VHS is a Famas

      So these are just never going to be widespread in the U.S.?

      Blame the shitty American laws. If not for them, you could have
      >literally every Chinese and Russian weapon, including $800 SVDs
      >every country's surplus, like Famas, etc
      >battlefield pickups

      • 4 months ago

        france gives their surplus to their colonies

        • 4 months ago

          Sadly. What a waste

          • 4 months ago

            If it’s brown, flush it down.

            • 4 months ago

              If by it you mean my penis and by down you mean down her throatnthen yes

            • 4 months ago

              You mean, "if she's brown, take to poundtown?"

            • 4 months ago

              French are brown?

              • 4 months ago

                The Southern ones are pretty brown.

        • 4 months ago

          We still have a lot of FAMAS here, but you won't see 'em, mutts

          • 4 months ago


            >3 round burst with a magazine with 25 rounds. (25 is not a multiple of three)
            >Cannot switch to standard mags, so no transparent polymer magazines.
            >No attachment points for lights/lasers/grips
            >Threaded in something strange so no silencers either without an adapter that doesn't exist yet.
            >Requires FRENCH ammo to function properly, will not work with NATO ammo.

            The FAMAS F1 is objectively a piece of shit. They fixed most of the issues with the G2, but that one was only used by the French Navy.

            Honestly a body kit for the VHS/Hellion rifle that makes it look like the FAMAS would be 10x better than an actual FAMAS.

            • 4 months ago

              >>3 round burst with a magazine with 25 rounds. (25 is not a multiple of three)
              The complete autism of this statement always make me laugh.

              • 4 months ago

                >>3 round burst with a magazine with 25 rounds. (25 is not a multiple of three)
                Damn imagine the horror when you're an accounting officer and the amount of cartridges in your magazine is not exactly a multiple of 3!

                Imagine samegayging like this.

              • 4 months ago

                No I'm the 2nd reply I didn't read the 1st.
                Let's try again


                >3 round burst with a magazine with 25 rounds. (25 is not a multiple of three)
                >Cannot switch to standard mags, so no transparent polymer magazines.
                >No attachment points for lights/lasers/grips
                >Threaded in something strange so no silencers either without an adapter that doesn't exist yet.
                >Requires FRENCH ammo to function properly, will not work with NATO ammo.

                The FAMAS F1 is objectively a piece of shit. They fixed most of the issues with the G2, but that one was only used by the French Navy.

                Honestly a body kit for the VHS/Hellion rifle that makes it look like the FAMAS would be 10x better than an actual FAMAS.

                >>3 round burst with a magazine with 25 rounds. (25 is not a multiple of three)

              • 4 months ago

                It still doesn't quote properly...

              • 4 months ago

                You have to delete the first > when you copy and paste for your replies
                I think the other anon assumed you were samegayging because you both made the same mistake

            • 4 months ago

              >>3 round burst with a magazine with 25 rounds. (25 is not a multiple of three)
              Damn imagine the horror when you're an accounting officer and the amount of cartridges in your magazine is not exactly a multiple of 3!

            • 4 months ago

              >3 round burst with a magazine with 25 rounds. (25 is not a multiple of three)
              That's a good thing. You can fire 8 bursts, swap mags, and be ready to fire without have to rack the action.

            • 4 months ago

              Based FAMAS aficionado. Can confirm. The FRENCH ammo is steel-cased for some reason, apparently it won't feed brass

              • 4 months ago

                It'll feed brass just fine. It's just not meant for the longer/heavier 62gr loads since France stuck with 55gr.

            • 4 months ago

              Any bullpup is a piece of shit. Ungodly trigger, shit ergo while prone, and not an FAL. Just buy an FAL

              • 4 months ago

                >*Blocks your path*

            • 4 months ago

              Almost every thing i've just read is bull fricking shit, Jesus, that's an hell of a prowess
              He took the 3 rounds-meme that nobody gives a single shit about seriously, he brought back le-french ammo meme that has NEVER been true (in fact i've never, ever, used french ammo nor steel 5.56 in a FAMAS)
              Get a fricking load of this moron, why don't you go back in some place where you belong that starts with a R ?

          • 4 months ago

            Have you?

          • 4 months ago

            You don't own guns yuroshit

        • 4 months ago

          Wonder if someone could go to a country like Gabon and grease some wheels to get them exported as parts kits

      • 4 months ago

        >if not for shitty american laws, we could be sending billions of dollars a year directly to our geopolitical enemies arms manufacturing plants
        I don't know who wrote this post, but I think I can guess their country of origin within three tries

        • 4 months ago

          Is France our geopolitical enemy?

          • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            De Gaulle liked to think so, (muh France is still relevant and GRANDEUR)

          • 4 months ago

            Apparently you're a fricking zoomer who was born after Freedom Fries was a thing

            • 4 months ago

              No one gives a shit about that anymore except for Frances /misc/tards

            • 4 months ago

              No one gives a shit about that anymore except for Frances /misc/tards

              Uncomfortable truth: nobody cared about freedom fries even when it was "a thing"

          • 4 months ago

            More like a seething has-been who can only sabotage their allies in a attempt to seem important.

          • 4 months ago

            We are still mad at france about vietnam.

            • 4 months ago

              And France is still mad about the US literally backstabbing them and the UK during the Suez crisis. Making it go full nuclear, quite literally.
              It evens out.

              • 4 months ago

                Who gives a shit, honestly? France has never been, and will never be, an actual world power. They don't get to decide what happens in other countries. Quit pretending like you do, frog

              • 4 months ago

                We wuz colonizers and shieeet

                Muh Napoleon

              • 4 months ago

                >France has never been an actual world power

              • 4 months ago

                France has the most military victories of any society, in all of human history. you dumb Black person.

            • 4 months ago

              >We are still mad at france about vietnam.
              >The US did not help the French against the japanese in Indochina in 1945.
              >Japs committed numerous war crimes against French civilians there.
              >The US then helped Ho Chi Minh conduct more terror attacks against french civilians.
              >The whole idea was to oust the French from Indochina and make in an American colony instead since Americans were so sure Ho was a nationalist.
              >Turned out he was a communist.
              >1951 happens, American weapons captured on South Korea soldiers by the North Koreans mysteriously end up in the Viet Minh's hands.
              >The French have to convince americans the enemy is the same in both fronts.
              >1954 happens, France leaves Indochina entirely.
              >Eleven years later Americans decide to get involved
              >De Gaulle actually called Kennedy before his assassination to tell him it was a bad idea
              >Shit still happens nevertheless
              >Vietnam War
              >Military fiasco
              Fast forward today
              >MUH VIETNAM WAS BECAUSE OF FROGS!11!1!!1
              Why are francophobic burgers and angloids always the most moronic representatives of their people?

              Who gives a shit, honestly? France has never been, and will never be, an actual world power. They don't get to decide what happens in other countries. Quit pretending like you do, frog

              Case in point.
              Let me guess, you're also mad at France because of Iraq? Right?

              • 4 months ago

                Quoi? C'est merde. Some quick facts

                >The US did not help the French against the japanese in Indochina in 1945.
                False, OSS and American assets (of which Uncle Ho was one) were operating in Indochina throughout the war supported via OSS.

                >The US then helped Ho Chi Minh conduct more terror attacks against french civilians.
                When, where, are you referring to the OSS trained force that targeted Japanese and then transitioned to French targets on July 4, 1946?

                >The whole idea was to oust the French from Indochina and make in an American colony instead since Americans were so sure Ho was a nationalist.
                Abject bullshit. Ho was (attempting to) engaging American delegates as early as 1919 in France. The US never carried any plans for permanent seizing of Vietnam and did not have boots on the ground in Vietnam until the early 60s/late 50s training the South Viets following the massive French frickup that was the Vietnam war of the 1950s. Which by the fricking way was completely subsidized by the United States as early as 1953 The reason the US was funding France (despite explicitly telling them they did not support their war) was that DeGaulle kept throwing France as a potential ally to the Soviets and thru that blackmailed the US into financing their campaign.

                >Eleven years later Americans decide to get involved
                The US was sending advisors to Vietnam as early as 1950 to support the French. Following the French total failure to stop the Minh those advisors were transitioned and ramped up when South Vietnam was forming.

                >MUH VIETNAM WAS BECAUSE OF FROGS!11!1!!1
                Because it was dipshit. As early as 1950 you were making the US partake in a pointless colonial war that you still failed at (despite the funding and backing of the US). To make matters even funnier you left Vietnam with your tail between your legs and in the US/UN hands as you completely failed to even attempt to pacify the Minh.

              • 4 months ago

                >making the US partake in a pointless colonial war
                It was anything but colonial (for once), Vietnam Laos and Cambodia were already autonomous and in transition to independence. It was a war against communism, something something cold war.

                >despite the funding and backing of the US
                The entire plan at Dien Bien Phu was to be backed by the USAF... guess what, they never showed up and offered the victory to Viet Minh. Treason on purpose.

              • 4 months ago

                >It was anything but colonial (for once), Vietnam Laos and Cambodia were already autonomous and in transition to independence. It was a war against communism, something something cold war.
                Why are you making shit up? Literally go read the French on their own fricking war

                >The entire plan at Dien Bien Phu was to be backed by the USAF... guess what, they never showed up and offered the victory to Viet Minh. Treason on purpose.
                But they did show up moron, in fact it's a matter of public record
                [Source] -

                >According to the Mutual Defense Assistance Act, the United States provided the French with material aid during the battle – aircraft (supplied by the USS Saipan), weapons, mechanics, 24 CIA/CAT pilots, and U.S. Air Force maintenance crews

              • 4 months ago

                >US sources
                Zero air strike when the plan was to bomb the shit out of the Viet Minh troops...

              • 4 months ago

                I think you mean
                >Sources? I have none!
                Begone Frenchie you fricked up Vietnam, no one else. Had you listened to the US in 1946 Dien Bien Phu would never have happened. Instead it set the stage to watch your empire violently unravel and I still laugh about it to this day

        • 4 months ago

          >we could be sending billions of dollars a year directly to our geopolitical enemies
          We already give trillions to China every year. Giving a few billion to Russia wont change anything.

      • 4 months ago

        The VHS-2 is the closest thing from the FAMAS you'll be able to get relatively easily, unless you dedicate your life to that goal like Gun Jesus did.

      • 4 months ago

        EU countries have signed a weapons non-proliferation treaty. All the surplus that isn't sold or given away is systematically destroyed. There is next to nothing that is sold to the civilian market. Not to mention with the lastest EU law of 2018, once a machine gun, always a machine gun. Firearms that used to be select fire cannot be owned by civilians anymore.

  4. 4 months ago

    It's outdated when compared to every other modern bullpup and the retro gun market won't buy it because it's not another meaningless retro AR clone so theres no reason to invest in the tooling required to make them

    • 4 months ago

      Idk I like the concept of the bullpup and I hear the FAMAS is pretty good. I want something in 5.56 (TM)


      >3 round burst with a magazine with 25 rounds. (25 is not a multiple of three)
      >Cannot switch to standard mags, so no transparent polymer magazines.
      >No attachment points for lights/lasers/grips
      >Threaded in something strange so no silencers either without an adapter that doesn't exist yet.
      >Requires FRENCH ammo to function properly, will not work with NATO ammo.

      The FAMAS F1 is objectively a piece of shit. They fixed most of the issues with the G2, but that one was only used by the French Navy.

      Honestly a body kit for the VHS/Hellion rifle that makes it look like the FAMAS would be 10x better than an actual FAMAS.

      I thought the mag cap at 25 was there to let the person know they were out of bullets?

  5. 4 months ago

    No one wanted them when they were being imported by Century

    • 4 months ago

      In fairness they cost around $2400 when adjusted for inflation back then

  6. 4 months ago

    I think it'd be tricky. probably the best you probably could do is a parts kit and rebuild here. I don't think the ATF will be happy with practically any full-auto delete and I doubt there are many pure semi-autos running around.

  7. 4 months ago

    The lowest price for a bullpup: 1000+

    The lowest price for an AR-15: 400+

    • 4 months ago

      That's just market forces and mass production at work. Could be any other gun to enjoy that too

  8. 4 months ago

    I just want one to larp out my counterstrike 1.5 days in fy_iceworld
    >Steam is gay

  9. 4 months ago

    Oh, this old thing? What, is something special about it?

    • 4 months ago

      It’s supposed to be one of the only bullpups that isn’t complete garbage. By the Aug, MDR/WLVRN, X95, and possibly the VH-1 and Kel Tec offerings are pretty much solved problems at this point
      Personally I’d like to see the FS2000 get some love and a modern update. That and the VH-1 look more than a bit like Halo rifles which is the only reason I like bullpups at all

      • 4 months ago

        Am moronic

  10. 4 months ago

    why do you even want these lel
    tons of objectively better guns available and yet you still want this israelite shitstick

    • 4 months ago

      >israelite shitstick
      Thats the Tavor not the Famas

  11. 4 months ago
  12. 4 months ago

    The VHS is a ex commie cheap knock off FAMAS, its not as good but it scratches the itch.

  13. 4 months ago

    I still see some soldiers patrolling the city with these, thought everyone would have switched to the HK416 by now but it seems there's not enough money.

    • 4 months ago

      >soldiers patrolling the city with these
      Where the frick do you live? Mali?

      • 4 months ago

        They are literally used all over France, can you perhaps guess why?

        • 4 months ago

          Excuse my ignorance, but it's uncommon for police in the USA, where I'm from, to patrol around urban centers with rifles, even with our crime rates. I didn't think a relatively more peaceful country like France needed drastic law enforcement like that.

          • 4 months ago

            I really don't know why you're lying when literally every fricking patrol car in the US now contains a god damn DoD surplus AR. Further more I don't know why you are being moronic and pretending that being an American means you thought that just cause countries deploy military to cities the other Anon was in Mali. What is most telling about your post is that you clearly have not traveled even a little because if you had you would recognize how common armed soldiers are in literally almost every country on the planet. Even more so in Europe where their police are rarely default equipped with firearems. tl;dr I'm an American you dipshit and yes you literally do see officers frequently with full rifles on patrol, especially so in areas that you would see in Europe. Pic fricking related

            • 4 months ago

              >literally every fricking patrol car in the US now contains a god damn DoD surplus AR.
              No they don’t
              >I'm an American you dipshit and yes you literally do see officers frequently with full rifles on patrol, especially so in areas that you would see in Europe
              No you don’t. American police only have long guns out on special occasions, even in major metropolitan areas.

  14. 4 months ago

    They tried that in the 1980s with the civilian version MAS .223 but they sold like shit so nobody bothered since then. Blame gun owners back in the 80s for not giving a shit.

  15. 4 months ago

    Theres some in alaska

    • 4 months ago

      Are you in Alaska? Can you sell me one?

  16. 4 months ago

    At least we can finally get L85 at home.

    AKB-23 from some ak builders

  17. 4 months ago

    No. Why should they? There are things you aren't supposed to own. Military technology from other countries is part of that.
    Some Americans really think everything exists just so they can have it as toys

    • 4 months ago

      Just because you can’t own guns doesn’t mean you can stop us from owning old military tech from 3rd world countries like France.
      >We have our own government here cucking us in that regard

  18. 4 months ago

    Are there any conventional layout lever delayed rifles out there or do the baguettes have a monopoly on the action?

  19. 4 months ago

    it's a piece of shit rifle with no available parts kits, shares absolutely zero parts commonality with any existing production lines, is relatively niche (bullpup morons are not a substantial corner of the market) and the average person who would buy one, would not buy one for the price it would take to put these into production economically. its only real value is as a collector piece/curio.
    the only way they will ever hit the market is if the french military sold their surplus rifles to gun dealers to import as parts kits, which will never happen because france hates freedom. they are getting scrapped or sent as military aid.

    you are never getting one. get over it homosexual

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