So my house doesn't have any climate control and the summers have just gotten worse and worse.

So my house doesn't have any climate control and the summers have just gotten worse and worse. I'm thinking about doing something about it nowish.
My plan is to take my bedroom (which doesn't have a closet) and build a closet in one corner.
But instead of it just being a closet, I will just build it into a tiny room with a bed and a TV that I can just lay in during the hot parts of the day and air conditioner it because it will be very cheap to cool such a small area.

The downside is the place in the room to do it at has about 30in of usable width so the wall doesn't conflict with a window or a skylight
Is just 30in too narrow to be comfy? It would be 30in by 78in

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    How are we supposed to know what you find comfortable?
    Go put a piece of plywood 30 inches from the wall and sit in there.

    • 5 months ago

      i kinda assumed other people have similar things they have done in life

  2. 5 months ago

    are you in a dry area?

    evaporative cooling is cheap as frick and if you like a little more humidity it's perfect

    • 5 months ago

      I have an evaporate cooler and it is seen as a last resort because it only works for a couple hours before my body is covered in sweat and somehow that attracts dirt and forms an insulating layer. It's pretty bad, I'd have to shower every 30 minutes and it doesn't really get all too cold.

      I'll have to admit I'm mentally moronic and have extreme difficulty sleeping in temperatures over 10°c so for 8 months out of the year all I think about is dieing. My goal isn't just to survive the summer heat but build this as a sleeping chamber where I can simulate a cold winter night every night of the year, and run it from solar and batteries since I would need to pull very little BTU from the enclosure provided it is well insulated and I use very low wattage equipment inside it

  3. 5 months ago

    look up the average power draw of a window AC unit and multiply it by your price per kWhr and you will see that a window AC uses about $1 of electricity per day. Instead of working 20-30 hours to build this closet you're envisioning and spending $300 on lumber, drywall, trim, a door, etc, why don't you work a job for 20-30 hours. The resulting savings/earnings will be like 10 summers worth of electricity to power a window AC for the whole room, and you won't have to live like a fricking animal in a cage pretending you're "comfy"

    • 5 months ago

      A reasonable size a/c unit to cool the relatively large room down as far as a 15°c temp difference will cost 600+usd and use 1800w of power which is my best guess 12kw a day. Power is 0.36/kw so that is 4.32 a day, 133usd a month, 1000usd a year
      For example, the room idea is 200usd for the a/c, 80 for the door, 30 for insulation, I have dry wall and some studs but I might need ~5 more for 40
      And 2-300 optionally for extra batteries for solar if I even need to run it off peak which I don't think I do. I have 1kw in panels I bought for this last year so if I put 3-500w into a small window unit it should run for 6 hours straight in the summer.

      Like eventually sure I can cool the whole room but I'll need more panels, way more batteries, it's not something that is feasible at the moment. I'm really not interested in using grid power for anything

      • 5 months ago

        I think you're overestimating the running costs and underestimating how much labor it'll take you to build the closet but whatever, live in your cuckshed if you want to. The fact that the cost of running one window AC seems insurmountable to you, and the fact that you're willing to live in a box smaller than what prisoners are thrown into when they stab or rape someone and watch TV all day tells me you're a NEET and incel so it really doesn't matter what you do about the closet, you have much bigger problems to solve in your life

      • 5 months ago

        >133usd a month
        what the flying frick are you smoking
        I AC my entire house at near freezing temps 24/7 in the summer and my total electric bill is barely even that

      • 5 months ago

        Your power costs three times what I pay. Eventually it's cheaper to move away from places like that.

        • 5 months ago

          It's cheaper to go solar which I'm doing already, it's just difficult to do so with such high power things like an air conditioner.
          Pretty much everything else I own runs on the solar setup I have. I pretty much pay the minimum charge to the electric company and the minimum is enough to cover things like cooking food on my induction stove or my mini oven. Everything else is on solar, fridge, lights, fans, TV, computer, all of it. Not tied to mains at all, I have batteries and run everything either DC or off the inverter.

          I think you're overestimating the running costs and underestimating how much labor it'll take you to build the closet but whatever, live in your cuckshed if you want to. The fact that the cost of running one window AC seems insurmountable to you, and the fact that you're willing to live in a box smaller than what prisoners are thrown into when they stab or rape someone and watch TV all day tells me you're a NEET and incel so it really doesn't matter what you do about the closet, you have much bigger problems to solve in your life

          I think you're underestimating the sheer BTU of my 3.5M by 8M bedroom with its very poor insulation and the cost to sustain up to a 15°c difference in temperature from the outside.
          In order to even do this, the a/c MUST run every day and it must run on a strict schedule that starts in the morning when the target temperature is very cheap to get to and it then must come on all throughout the day pulling BTU out of the room as it leaks in. It does not mean that I will be home for all this time, I will be at work, but it must still run like this as it is more efficient and uses less overall power. I can then come home to a cool house.
          I've done the estimates already and came up to 12kw a day. To cool such a large space, and that's not even the whole house, just the bedroom.
          Keep in mind that sometimes 15°c under outside isn't even my ideal temperature as the outside can get up to 40°c and I'm much more comfortable with 14-16°c I just don't think this is feasible so it skews the average.
          With a very small space that has almost no heat generated inside it, that is trivial to achieve.

          • 5 months ago

            what country do you live in?
            why not just get a couple fans, they take almost no power to run and make you feel quite cool when they're pointing at you

            • 5 months ago

              I moved to the usa
              I have fans and they do not work well when it is 38°c inside the house for what reason

              Like I did think about a portable air conditioner that I can connect to a oversized bed sheet to cool the bed but I think it would still be the same issue because as soon as it gets to temp and turns off, it rapidly heats up and would have to turn on a minute later until the whole room is cold

              I could also build a sleeping coffin and insulate that but it would look very bad in the room. But also I could use the top of it for storage or as a bench or some purpose.
              My autism requires that everything be as efficient as possible

      • 5 months ago

        >Power is 0.36/kw
        Yoooo... I live in Maine where they rape us on purpose for fun, and mine is $.14/kw, soon reduced to $.10.

        Where the frick are you? California?

        • 5 months ago

          Same here, they put up a bunch of solar panel """farms""" and then raised the cost of electricity.

        • 4 months ago

          probably europoor,
          and thats if you have a old contract.

          last year ppl got fricked when their "cheap" resellsers whithout powerplants went bankrupt, and they were switched over to the big guys demanding >0,50€ (they cant deny you a contract but charge the frick out of you for not being a loyal customer)

          german goverment decided to shut down nuclear and coal at the same time, leaving us dependend on russian gas to fire up gas turbines if its not windy at night

          France has old piece of shit reactors which they need to shut down in summer because they overheat the rivvers.

    • 5 months ago

      >a window AC uses about $1 of electricity per day.
      This… has not been my experience.

      • 5 months ago

        >This… has not been my experience.

        Typical worthless PrepHole post. Hey, I've got an idea! Why not mention things like your cost per kwh, temperature outside, indoor setting, BTUs, etc.

        Nah, that would make too much sense.

  4. 5 months ago

    I love these threads, where the unconscious OP assumes we are mindreaders.

  5. 5 months ago

    Lie on your side.

  6. 5 months ago

    The closet is a bad idea.

    Set up a fan to do like pic related or look up Coolshirt technology and make a mattress pad that you can pipe cold water through.

  7. 5 months ago

    If you own the place, there's probably a ton of stuff you could do to improve the passive cooling of the property. Is the roof paintable? If so, is it white yet? Paint it white. Massive difference. Are the curtains on the sunward sides of the house backed in white, and do you close them during the day? Start doing that. Are you thermally managing the house (open up in the morning and overnight when cool, close up during the heat of the day)?
    Adding white external ranch shutters that can be closed to stop heat penetrating the window glass is also very effective. So is wall insulation.
    Building some weird cuck cabin inside your house instead of making proper improvements seems very moronic.

    • 5 months ago

      The roof is reflective sheet metal white and the sun facing window I covered up with insulation rectangles ages ago
      Every night I run a fan drawing in night air and turn it off in the morning
      It can hold temperature for quite a while but by 5pm it's all fricked

  8. 5 months ago

    30 is fine and you can hang the TV from the ceiling to eliminate that footprint. Sailors bunked in that sized space or less. Smart play would be building a central bunkbed to use the top for storage and have a freestanding box in the middle of the room so you have a 360-degree air gap instead of being stuck against a poorly insulated wall. 4x4 frame with plywood sheet on one side and the ends and top for strength and a couple of thicc hanging quilts over the side as a door would be cheap and easy.

    We did similar for our fap shacks inside our tents on deployment and made AC ducts from large water bottles and duct tape. Your "door" could also be any tarp with eyelets hung on nails.

    This sort of thing has all been done before. I would try a portable (not window which are awkward) AC on just the room before going full mental illness. Alternate portable option would be scaffolding (cheap used) and hanging tarps/blankets/ponchos. Scaffolding does double duty as heavy mobile shelving and of course as scaffolding.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah I'm also particularly interested in just building a little blanket fort instead.
      Like the thing is that building anything will cost time and money, and if it doesn't work out then we'll I now have a closet, so zero loss.

      Actually my other plan was, since the house is about 1 meter off the ground, I build a trap door in the floor and have a small 1x1x2 meter capsule under the floor that I can crawl into.
      I think since it's insulated by the entire house, it would stay pretty cool naturally, and I can also use that for storage if it doesn't pan out

      • 5 months ago

        Damn dude first a cuck box now chopping the floor of your house so you can crawl into a hole like some fricking worm.

        You must be trolling at this point I swear your next idea will be to cover yourself with shit to keep you cool or to sleep in a pool of piss to help with evaporation. Can you really not afford to air condition one fricking room like a normal human instead of doing all this weird shit?

        I don't think this will ever be a problem for you but imagine the off chance you somehow bring a woman to your room and then you're gonna be like "hey baby I know it's 90 degrees in the room but get in this trap door on my floor, it'll take you to a 1x1x2 meter capsule under my house which is only 80 degrees cuz it's insulated by the entire house wait where are you going no I'm not a dangerous schizophrenic wait don't call the police"

        • 4 months ago

          actually im thinking of pouring concrete down there eventually and setting up a naturally cooled man cave. ill dig out some dirt by hand so i can at least crawl around comfortably. i wont have things like TVs or computers as they generate some heat, itll just be a place to hangout and maybe read a book. how realistic is it to mix and pour concrete in a confined area?

      • 5 months ago

        Post pics of floor door from the bottom.

  9. 5 months ago

    where are you gonna put the door? Most doors require at least 3 feet of width including trim so they won't fit on the short side
    Which state are you in btw and how tall are your ceilings?

  10. 5 months ago

    The less air in whatever space you do this in the more times the unit will have to turn on. Even the smallest units expect to cool 100 square feet, 8 feet tall. It will be short cycling the whole time. A window unit for the room will be the most efficient for cooling and use of space. Your autism for "electrical efficiency" is overcoming space efficiency. If the room isn't well insulated you could just insulate the one room. Easiest ugliest way would be just putting foam board overall all the walls. Second being cutting circular holes at the top of your drywall between each stud and pumping in loose fill insulation. Take the drywall circles you removed for the holes and mud them back in, and paint to finish.
    Maybe 200 in materials and loose fil machine rental. Then putting door gap sealer around the door 20 bucks. Finish it off with a midea inverter driven window ac and bam done 300 bucks. At the end you'll have usable space, appear normal if you use loose fill, have better sound insulation and appear less neurotic than you are.

  11. 5 months ago

    vent to basement?

  12. 5 months ago

    How poor are you?
    I can find used window AC units big enough to take the humidity out of a 1200 sq ft house used for $200 USD
    This would cost less than your moronic corner room idea by a long shot.

    • 4 months ago

      It's about autism and doing things in a specific ritual way, not actual results. Very common on PrepHole where people who have never done a thing and have zero experience feel they know better than knowers and doers. Their goal is the process not the result.

      OP wants a hugbox.

  13. 5 months ago

    Honestly I would just ac the entire bedroom

  14. 4 months ago

    >Is just 30in too narrow to be comfy?
    That sounds fricking miserable.

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