So I have a question for all of you; do you think its foolish to carry a very expensive weapon for personal defense?

So I have a question for all of you; do you think it’s foolish to carry a very expensive weapon for personal defense?

When I first got into shooting/CCW, my go to was a Glock 19 since it fit me the best and I wouldn’t be very upset if I had to use it and it got confiscated as evidence. I’d only have been out a ~$500 firearm and that’s not so bad.

However, I know at least three people I can think of that carry guns that are upwards of $1,000 and more and that’s just not an idea I can get behind. Sure, I guess if you can afford it then go nuts, but I personally think that cheaper, “workhorse” guns are better for EDC and home defense. But I suppose this is the same argument car guys make. Why buy a nice car if you aren’t going to drive it, etc.

I also have a security guard buddy that carries a $1,700 Dan Wesson 1911, and that’s also dumb. Maybe for duty it’s different but there’s no way I’d carry such an expensive, beautiful weapon for duty work. I guess it does look good on his belt.

One has made the argument that most people will never use their EDC so it ultimately doesn’t matter what you carry, but I don’t think that’s a valid counter argument.

Thoughts? What do you carry?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Why stick around to let them take it away?
    If you didnt do anything wrong, you are free to go.

    • 2 years ago

      I don’t imagine you can just bounce after a defensive shooting scenario.

      • 2 years ago

        >has no imagination

      • 2 years ago

        Who's gonna stop you? You have a gun.

        • 2 years ago

          so do the cops numb nuts

          So I have a question for all of you; do you think it’s foolish to carry a very expensive weapon for personal defense?

          When I first got into shooting/CCW, my go to was a Glock 19 since it fit me the best and I wouldn’t be very upset if I had to use it and it got confiscated as evidence. I’d only have been out a ~$500 firearm and that’s not so bad.

          However, I know at least three people I can think of that carry guns that are upwards of $1,000 and more and that’s just not an idea I can get behind. Sure, I guess if you can afford it then go nuts, but I personally think that cheaper, “workhorse” guns are better for EDC and home defense. But I suppose this is the same argument car guys make. Why buy a nice car if you aren’t going to drive it, etc.

          I also have a security guard buddy that carries a $1,700 Dan Wesson 1911, and that’s also dumb. Maybe for duty it’s different but there’s no way I’d carry such an expensive, beautiful weapon for duty work. I guess it does look good on his belt.

          One has made the argument that most people will never use their EDC so it ultimately doesn’t matter what you carry, but I don’t think that’s a valid counter argument.

          Thoughts? What do you carry?

          if that extra $500 can save your life you obviously sacrifice that for the chance it'll help (i.e red dots, comps, other gucci shit)

          if it's expensive for the sake of it then you're doing it wrong

    • 2 years ago

      I carry a ~$220 Taurus G3C, a fool and his money are soon parted.

      Do not do this

  2. 2 years ago

    My carry setup costs about $1000.I do sometimes think about having the cops take it after a defensive use. Supposedly the cops keep the nice guns for themselves. But I figure if I had to shoot someone the cops will probably give me back my gun. If not, then whatever. My carry insurance will probably give me another one. Its a good fit for me, small, lightweight, 12+1 rounds and a spare for plenty of shooting. If I could get a setup like that for cheaper I guess I would have. But I like guns, making me a little more dedicated than some. It's a very personal choice. Just be willing to lose it. I wouldn't carry anything with sentimental value like your dad's gun you inherited for example.
    Don't forget the mad props your buddy gets for rocking a 1911 on duty.

    • 2 years ago

      I don’t think its foolish, moreso unnecessary. Past a certain point you’re essentially paying just for the brand, case in point Kimbers. If you’re going to the range and want to be the king of the shitheads or plan on using it as a race gun then go ahead, but carrying for defense can be done with damn near anything thats concealable. brings up a good point too, this isn’t the 1950’s anymore. Cops are about as trustworthy as the local crack dealer and I can’t guarantee some thieves in the department wouldn’t just make up some bullshit about how its “evidence” and they need it for an indefinite amount of time since they totally didn’t just take it for themselves. Likely? Perhaps not. Am I paranoid? Very much so. But just the fact there’s even a chance of that happening, and the fact you are beyond powerless actually testifying against them for something like that, doesn’t exactly leave me in good faith to trust them. I’d personally rather carry a beater I don’t care about dinging up than a nice fancy gun, but thats just me. We live in a good time (in a sea of shit) where inexpensive carry guns that’ll outlast you are a dime a dozen now.

  3. 2 years ago

    >confiscated as evidence
    >at worst going to jail for life
    >Somewhat less worse, being investigated, losing your life and no jail
    >At best being sent home with or withour your pistol
    Imagine worrying more about 900 dollars than not being dead.

    • 2 years ago

      I could kind of see it either way. A lot of people say you should carry the cheapest functional gun you can possibly get away with because for one thing carrying can be hard on a gun's finish and you can get a lot of wear from rubbing in a holster and rubbing on your body and sweating all over it and so on, stuff you might prefer not to have to do with a really nice gun with maybe a nice blued finish that needs some attention to keep it nice, and then in the admittedly unlikely event you actually need to shoot in self defense there's the chance that it could be held up in evidence for a long time or even """""go missing.""""" That's all some bullshit that might not bother you so much if you're just carrying a stock Glock.

      On the other hand, carrying a really nice gun that you really enjoy shooting means you'll probably practice with it a lot and be really familiar with it and take good care of it, and the nature of it being a really effective gun that you know inside and out could be what saves your life if you need it. Personally I only carry guns that I like shooting. It feels good to have a really nice gun on you.

    • 2 years ago

      All of this.

      Who cares what it costs? I am all about buying a gun cause it's fun, or cause it was in Die Hard, or cause I like the historical value of it, or whatever reason. It doesn't have to be for defense (personal, home or country) or hunting and it's silly to try and justify gun purchases as practical.

      But obviously a CCW is meant to be a practical purpose. It's more nuanced than
      >Oh you need a Glock 19 cause carrying less than 15+1 is stupid
      It's also about how well you shoot the gun and what I think is most important: how comfortable you can carry the gun. At the end of the day nobody will carry something they find cumbersome.

      If that perfect formula of shooting it well and concealing/carrying it comfortably is $2,000 and you can afford it then why the hell not? You bought it to use it as a defensive weapon, are you gonna be standing over a freshly ventilated corpse with a smoking gun worrying if the police are gonna confiscate it indefinitely? Nah, I think you may have different priorities if you ever find yourself in that situation.

  4. 2 years ago

    I frequently carry my Rami BD with Cajun Gun Works pro package, a modified XD baseplate and custom grips from some based Hungarian guy with a woodshop. It cost me about $875 plus a lot of time since I did the CGW internals swap and trigger set screw work myself. Some people shit on the Rami and it can be picky about ammo, but I love this little brick of a gun, I shoot it well, and I’m proud of the work I put into it. If I lose it then I’d have to pay a few hundred bucks more to replace it than if I were carrying a Glock or something, so what? I have a gun that is actually enjoyable to train with and looks great.

    To each his own. If you want to carry something that would hurt less to lose, that is reasonable and I’m not going to criticize you for it. I’m also not going to criticize anyone who wants to carry something fancy. As that one muslim guy from the MEMRI meme said, “the gun is the israeliteelry of men.”

    • 2 years ago

      >OP asks about carrying an expensive gun
      >you post your trash tier poorgay carry piece that no one sane would trust thier life to

      • 2 years ago

        A) I never claimed to be rich but if you think a $700 MSRP all metal DA/SA pistol with CGW internals is a poorgay choice then I don’t know what to tell you except
        B) post guns
        C) you must be 18 years or older to post here.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Found the limp wrist

        • 2 years ago

          >$700 MSRP
          What point exactly are you trying to make there?

  5. 2 years ago

    i dont worry about it because in my area they dont take your gun if its clear cut self defense.

  6. 2 years ago

    >thinks 1700 dollars worth of confiscated gun is the MOST of his worries if he ever has to shoot someone.

  7. 2 years ago

    I was in a defensive shooting a few years back. I used my hand finished 1911 that was about 2 grand because I'd trust my life with it. Cops took it for evidence and kept it even after the case was closed for over a month. Kept asking the department to give it back but got nowhere. I finally had to get face to face with the sheriff and tell him to release it back to me or I'd fire up my attorney. Got it back the next day.
    I still carry it to this day but if you're not a fan of the idea of some fat public servant with an inferiority complex sit on it for an extended period of time, get something cheaper that you don't care about as much.

  8. 2 years ago

    If you can afford it and its still in production i dont see why not.
    Like if its was a family heirloom.1911 no dont carry that shit. But if it was insert 2k 1911 brand here and you dont give a shit about being out 2k go for it.
    A cheap gun is relative there are people who think a 500 glock is too expensive and decide to carry just as good keltec instead.

  9. 2 years ago

    >do you think it’s foolish to carry a very expensive weapon for personal defense?
    100% Yes. Police could lose it, misplace it, steal it, sell it, destroy it or take years to get back, if they get their hands on it. Happens all the time. Police aren't held liable or accountable.

    >Thoughts? What do you carry?
    Don't buy a firearm with the intention to use it lethally if you aren't willing to lose it. If you use it, you're not getting it back and at worse, you'd be saying good bye to a normal life. I have 2 daily carries, one was worth $200, the other $400. I have other more expensive stuff I carry for funsies, but aren't my daily drivers or work horses. I have a $300 shockwave as my home defense despite having multiple $2000 rifles.

    • 2 years ago

      How many guns have you lost after personal defense?
      Im up to 2 either missing or being held indefinitely, but Im not including the 2 times that they held for more than a year. I have two identical 300 dollar carries. So when they take 1 I can just roll the next day with no worries.

      • 2 years ago

        Where the frick do you live or who the hell do you hang out with where you have multiple self defense cases? Something's gotta change, anon.

      • 2 years ago

        >How many guns have you lost after personal defense?
        I don't live around Black folk. I purposely chose a job that's 1hr and 5mins from where I live.

        >Im up to 2 either missing or being held indefinitely,
        to avoid having to move next to them.
        I think it's time to leave that hell hole, come home white man. Having single encounter where you have to draw and shoot is one too many, and you've had 3?

  10. 2 years ago

    I mean, if you are rich, why would you care?

    I'm not rich and even losing 1000 bucks worth of gun and accessories (I assume the cops are not nice enough to take the light and other aftermarket parts off, do they keep the holster too?)

    As a minimum I CCW a S&W 642 which is relatively cheap, but then I also have a Glock 23, and PX4 full size.

    I have a IWB holster for my Springfield TRP, which is my most expensive gun, but I don't carry it and I only really have the IWB holster for emergencies, otherwise it's OWB or Duty holster.

    Yeah, the reason why Glock 19's and such are the most sold handgun in America, is that you won't cry if it gets stolen by the cops.

    • 2 years ago

      Hey redditor, how do you like that Springfield TRP? is it nice? Have you shot it a lot?

    • 2 years ago

      >being rich means you don't care about wasting money
      If you didn't care about wasting money you wouldn't be rich.

    • 2 years ago

      Always hand over the gun without the holster. It took me 2x to learn this lesson. Now it is part of my post shooting mental checklist. I have saved 60 bucks on this alone. Shit adds up.

    • 2 years ago

      >I mean, if you are rich, why would you care?
      Kinda off-topic, but I've got a gripe with this statement. I grew up poor after, and was lucky enough to marry into a wealthy family. I've learned the tricks of the trade with wealth, and have learned to spot the difference between overnight "ballers" and actual old-money types.

      Overnight ballers are the MC Hammer types. Sure, they'll accrue a shit ton of money REALLY fast. And because they now HAVE money, they think they'll ALWAYS have money. So they buy lots of expensive shit, show it off, break replace it, etc. Then the money runs out.

      Old Money buys cheap, always. Old money knows where the free stuff is, and does not need to flash their wealth around, as they understand the detriment behind that type of irresponsible behavior.

      Just my take.

      • 2 years ago

        >Old Money buys cheap, always
        Old money also has at least 1 frickup kid that they end up needlessly funneling frick loads of money into for one reason or another. Either for drug rehab, legal expenses, or they're batshit crazy and require tons of therapy and meds.

  11. 2 years ago

    Why are you trying so hard to win an argument? If he bested you with the line that ultimately it doesn't really matter because chances are extremely slim you'll ever have to use it in your lifetime, then why can't you accept that? Seems like a logical conclusion to me. Doubly so because you say he's an armed guard and carries said pistol for work. Even better than his duty pistol is his carry pistol (though I may have misunderstood you here). Ultimately, you carry what you need. Not what John Wick needs, not what Jerry Miculek needs, but what YOU need. I carry a USPc because it has all the features I require, known for it's reliability, and I am a good shot with it. Another person will have other needs and wants.

  12. 2 years ago

    My EDC is cheap, my HD is not and my range fun is spendy

  13. 2 years ago

    you're more likely to get mugged than anything else
    the mugger will take your gun

  14. 2 years ago

    >do you think it’s foolish to carry a very expensive weapon for personal defense?
    A safe queen worth couple grand, sure. Enjoy waiting for a very long time / forever for them to release it from evidence.
    Moderately expensive because it's a good quality piece and has a decent light / MRDS so it can do its job well? Nope. My life is worth more than $1500.

  15. 2 years ago

    Some people are gun snobs who feel they will only draw quickly and fire accurately with expensive shit

    Some people are also really, really bad at shooting and can't get a stock glock to group, a sign that they can only barely get a $2000 1911 to shoot something resembling a group.

    The most fanciness I can allow for is an optic because zoomers eyes are unable to accomplish proper front sight focus due to screen use related degeneration.

    • 2 years ago

      Literally me with the my office job. By 4pm, everything is a blur from staring at screens all day.

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