Smart/Connected Watches

Do you guys use wrist-attached bing-bing-wahoos while PrepHole and ab/out/? If so, which one and why?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 6 months ago

    >ruining trails with a bike

    • 6 months ago

      calm down turbo
      The biking community where I live is the only reason the logging cartels have any sort of relationship with the outdoor community and have significantly improved access to DNR lands.

      Do you guys use wrist-attached bing-bing-wahoos while PrepHole and ab/out/? If so, which one and why?

      The last thing I want to do while going 40+MPH down a hill is look at my watch and the last thing I care about when riding to the top my email or anything else a "smart watch" will give me.
      Just accept it's a status symbol and everything else it does isn't really worth the price for how often you actually use those features.

      • 6 months ago

        this is the only time in my life where I have heard that the outdoor biking community has done something positive. my lifelong experience with trail bikers is that they frick up backpacking trails, shred through engineered runoffs, and leave trash behind.

        plus they are all self absorbed c**ts, kinda feeds into their wake.

        Shoo, nu-out. The people who actually go outside are talking.


        • 6 months ago

          I don't run with the mountain biking pack--so I can't speak for their personalities but they stick to logging roads (and paths between them that they've made). They worked with DNR to keep even remote logging roads open to the public... If you do see a biker it's almost always on the logging road portion which is super wide and never an issue.

          I can say mountain bikes are expressly banned on all the national park trails so I don't have any problem going to the high country and encountering mountain bikers--the DNR lands is all in the foothills.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah this dude has no idea what he's on about, 99% of mountain biking is done on purpose built MTB trails that MTB trail builders built for MTBs to ride.

        • 5 months ago

          >Sticks to the trails

    • 6 months ago

      Shoo, nu-out. The people who actually go outside are talking.

      • 6 months ago

        >Hey look mom I posted Nu-out again
        you post the same shit in every thread
        >contributes nothing
        go away newbie--stop spamming your moronation. you're not an oldgay--stop pretending you are.

    • 6 months ago

      That's just an image I pulled from Google Images, you autist.

    • 5 months ago

      My brother in Christ, if your trail is easy enough that a moron on a bike can show up and ride all over it, the issue isn't the bikers; The issue is that you're a huge pussy and need to go on real trails.

      • 5 months ago

        >it's only real hiking if it's pro-level
        What if I just enjoy walking on pretty trails and taking in the views?

        • 5 months ago

          There's better views on slightly more difficult trails.

          • 5 months ago

            Still no reason to be a gatekeeping homosexual.

            • 5 months ago

              Like how people shouldn't enjoy the outdoors on mountain bikes?

              • 5 months ago

                Like how bikes have no place on designated hiking trails when there are perfectly good biking trails.

              • 5 months ago

                The forbidden fruits

  2. 6 months ago

    I've thought about it, some of them do have some tempting features, but then i think to myself, when I'm PrepHole does it really do anything I "need" that my Rangeman doesn't, and i back it off for another few years

  3. 6 months ago

    Smartwatches are even more useless than activities trackers and e-readers.

    • 5 months ago

      Wut. How can you consider an e-reader useless?

      • 5 months ago

        >what is a library
        Maybe, maybe if you plan going PrepHole and read more than a book but it's wrong by default.

      • 5 months ago

        E readers are gay--they're even more gay in a camping scenario. People that use E-readers think Infinite Jest is good and wont shut the frick up about being a vegan or the gender affirmation surgery.

        • 5 months ago

          How is an e-reader gay, unless you're reading gay erotica on it? Why are you so obsessed with being perceived like a homosexual?

        • 5 months ago

          >E readers are gay
          you are gay. I can put 50+ books on my ereader and it can fit in my backpack no problem. battery lasts 10+ days if light use and I don't have to worry about pages getting wet or wrecked. people who unironically buy physical books in 2023 are fricking morons when you can get any book you want for free online and then put it into a sub $100 ereader. sorry dude but if anyone is gay here it's you.

          • 5 months ago

            50 copies of shades of grey doesnt make you less of a homosexual, homosexual.

          • 5 months ago

            Strong argument to reinforce the proclamation of your gayness

        • 5 months ago

          E-readers are the ultimate camper's tool when you think about it. For less than the weight/size of 1 book you can carry 100+! With more battery life than you could possibly use; I would run out of food 20+ days before this kindle runs out of juice.

          Also, Infinite Jest is a fun book at times but due to its verboseness I'm listening to it on audiobook (from my e-reader).

          • 5 months ago

            People go on and on about having 100+ books on their E-Reader. Honestly the best selling point is it's a fixed weight item, regardless of what book I'm reading. Even just having 1 book on it, it's lighter than the book would be.

            • 5 months ago

              do people really switch between 100 different books? Are they really that similar to people channel surfing?

              • 4 months ago

                I don't think so, i was more complaining about the highlights people give about them. Like

                E-readers are the ultimate camper's tool when you think about it. For less than the weight/size of 1 book you can carry 100+! With more battery life than you could possibly use; I would run out of food 20+ days before this kindle runs out of juice.

                Also, Infinite Jest is a fun book at times but due to its verboseness I'm listening to it on audiobook (from my e-reader).

                wether serious or not. I think people look at them as a bookcase replacement not so much channel surfing but for books.

  4. 6 months ago

    I have a Garmin Instinct
    Essential and very functional, the breadcrumb routes and trackbacking are a godsent

  5. 6 months ago

    What's with all the Garmin shills lately here? Board is almost dead, but gays still have the urge to tell us they do own the Garmin device.

    • 6 months ago

      ...ironically the GPS thread is loaded with cellphone shills...
      Garmin has like 4 good products--the rest are overpriced for what they are.

      • 5 months ago

        Are the big color screens that show topo maps/etc. necessary, are is something like a Garmin Instinct that just "tracks" you and points you back to your starting point good enough? I'm still not sure I understand how the Instinct GPS really works but I don't think I'll need all the shit a Fenix/big screen watch has plus my Forerunner 45 running/daily watch is a lot more enjoyable than the Apple Watch I had a few years ago

        OR, is downloading a bunch of maps from AllTrails onto your cell phone/an old beater phone with your SIM popped in more than enough?

        Which are the 4 good ones? Are any of them watches?

        • 5 months ago

          You can load a route to the instinct 2 and use it for navigation. Just without any actual map or landmarks it can get difficult in confusing terrain, but it will tell you if you're off course. Found the compass to be unreliable though.

          Used to hike with the phone for navigation and I just hated breaking the zen to fiddle with the phone map. The watch isn't nowhere as distracting as it's a two second glance to get a general sense where to go.

    • 6 months ago

      I went whitewater rafting and stupidly stuck my paddle in a rock and fell in and another guy in the boat yanked me right back in (I am large), and he was ex-military, and there was another guy on the boat, who was also ex-military, and they both had the fanciest Garmin smartwatches possible. If you have money to burn, sure why not, but your smartphone can do all that and more, and it's easier to use.

      They are paying people to sell their crappy devices here. Garmin has a pure monopoly on the standalone outdoor GPS device market. I mean, can you name their competitors? Nah. So they never innovate, and sell shitty stuff, and wonder why smartphones are eating their numbers.

      • 6 months ago

        >They are paying people to sell their crappy devices here.
        How could I land that gig? I looked into writing software for them but I don’t want to move to Iowa. I think it’d be cool to work on their watches. I like mine and have posted about it a few times. But they’re not perfect, in fact my wife’s watch started locking up daily after the latest software update. If one of you shills could tell engineering to unfrick that I’d appreciate it. Or put me on payroll to be a shill and I’ll act like it’s perfect.

        • 5 months ago

          Ask the dude that shills Caltopo, battery packs and iphones in every GPS thread--rather shocked he hasn't shit up this thread yet. I'm hard pressed to believe he does it for free--no one could have that much of a hard on for cellphone navigation software.

          • 5 months ago

            He actually made his own thread to talk about it in

            • 5 months ago

              ...yeah, I bumped it in the hopes it will be a containment for his over the top shilling.

          • 5 months ago

            I wear a garmin instinct 2 but I mainly have it for pacing while running and cycling, I have notifications disabled. Its great as a watch and I like recording what I do. Saving locations is nice too, especially when exploring a state park over a couple days. I don't think smart features are a necessity at all though, and I consider it more of a nice tool watch than a smart watch

            Well you could theoretically strap your phone to your wrist and then you'd have a smartwatch that can run caltopo

          • 5 months ago

            have you ever used it? it basically requires maximum autism to spend the time understanding & using it (unless youre a SAR guy and its your job or something)

            Garmin gets points for better user interface

            But honestly why are there no threads on land navigation with a map and compass? Or just general land navigation. As soon as your toy breaks youre fricked

          • 5 months ago

            I like CalTopo on a real computer for route planning, but I wouldn’t rely on it for navigation in the field. It can export to various formats which is also helpful. I’ll put them on my Garmin watch which makes for convenient spot checks when I’m running or ski touring, times when I don’t really want to stop moving. I have had it get my position wrong so I wouldn’t rely on it for life and death situations. Navigation skills are still important to have, as is general awareness. They’re just tools with their own pros and cons, and they have utility when used properly.

            • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                Kool-aid is very sugary, I think it could make for fast and easy calories if you’re doing some endurance sports. Its lack of carbonation also means it might be a little easier on the stomach than soda. Just make sure you’re getting plenty of water as well. As a matter of fact, if you’re doing something self-supported you could carry those packets of kool aid mix and a sawyer filter, and make some kool aid from a stream. I think I might do that next year when it’s warm again.

      • 5 months ago

        >Garmin has a monopoly
        .. and that's it.

      • 5 months ago

        > If you have money to burn
        oh its just a poorgay envy

    • 6 months ago

      >Thread asking about gps outdoors watches
      >Field monopolized by *BRAND*
      >Thus you get mostly *BRAND* answers
      Black personhomosexual. Also like it or not they are very practical despite not being perfect.

    • 5 months ago

      What Garmin shill, Black person? I literally did not name the brand in the OP and used the first result Google Images gave me for "outdoor connected watch". I'm just considering buying one and want people's opinion on this type of gadget in general and also which brand/model they like.

      • 5 months ago

        10 rupees have been deposited into your account

  6. 6 months ago

    Frick no
    I dont even take my phone

  7. 6 months ago

    No. I have a $40 timex that I’ve had for 10 years. What would be the point of a “smart watch” when out?
    Phone (for the camera, on the off chance there’s something I’d want a picture of) oh and a walkie in case of mechanical injury- but anything else is a distraction imo

  8. 6 months ago

    I do. Coros Pace 2, because it's cheap and lasts long time. Sometimes I just wanna save the route if I'm walking somewhere interesting, and GPS watch is good enough for that. But 95% of the time it's just showing current time and time of sunset, since I have all notifications disabled.

    • 6 months ago

      You’re gonna get roasted for those dainty wrists my man. Nice watch tho I guess?

      • 5 months ago

        Don't talk about my friends wrists like that or I will Frick. You. Up.

  9. 6 months ago

    It'd only distract me.
    I also put my phone on flight mode to save battery in case anything happens, and to avoid the distraction.
    Knowing my heart rate wouldn't help me with anything, just add stress I don't need.
    I'm sticking to a comfortable pace, I don't give a shit what zone that happens to be.

  10. 5 months ago

    >goes out for a week days
    >can't tell time anymore by day 3 because your watch fricking dies
    many such cases, sad!

  11. 5 months ago

    Get fenix 6 or 7 if you have the money. Pretty much nothing better on the market if you want insane battery life along with so many functions you'll never learn them all.

    • 5 months ago

      Would you even consider an Instinct? Or is a Fenix just that much better? I run a lot and feel like having that huge chunk of metal on my wrist would suck. Also, are topo maps readily available at all times, or do you have to download them to the watch ahead of time...let's say I'm going to go spen 3 days in the Wasatch mountains, what pre-work goes into that with a Fenix? Appreciate any insight kind stranger :^)

      • 5 months ago

        >Would you even consider an Instinct? Or is a Fenix just that much better?
        If its just running then I feel fenix 7 series is overkill, for most people instinct or fenix 6 is more than enough or any of their other watches, though as for the hunk of metal, even with my manlet wrists the largest 7x is not cumbersome in any activity. It also has storage for music/audiobooks and spotify, podcasts etc. stuff in the store so that might be a plus if considered for running.
        >Also, are topo maps readily available at all times, or do you have to download them to the watch ahead of time
        Thats the good thing, I got garmings TopoActive Europe maps and no worries about having to download some update or lagging in the woods, you have the maps and they will be with you regardless of connections, weather or location. Also very good GPS, accurate and quick and the touchscreen makes it breeze to use.
        You can also fiddle with the maps as with most garmins and I for example installed finnish woodland maps which shows property lines which makes hunting easier along with better details in the bush vs. the official maps it came with.

        BUT it is very expensive if you get one with all the bells and whistles which is what I would recommend, the sapphire solar 7x has the best battery life especially considering all the stuff it can do and the led-light seems silly but is sooooo goddamn useful from outings to midnight bathroom adventures.
        But if you feel its too much then the Instinct or fenix 6 is just fine and there'll be cheaper 7's in the future once the consoooomers have had their fill and they get their hands on the next shiny toy lol.

      • 5 months ago

        If it’s for one trip you can get by pretty easily without any watch. It’s not exactly remote.

      • 5 months ago

        Are the big color screens that show topo maps/etc. necessary, are is something like a Garmin Instinct that just "tracks" you and points you back to your starting point good enough? I'm still not sure I understand how the Instinct GPS really works but I don't think I'll need all the shit a Fenix/big screen watch has plus my Forerunner 45 running/daily watch is a lot more enjoyable than the Apple Watch I had a few years ago

        OR, is downloading a bunch of maps from AllTrails onto your cell phone/an old beater phone with your SIM popped in more than enough?

        Which are the 4 good ones? Are any of them watches?

        OP here. I ended up getting an Instinct 2S Solar lol.
        I like the small size and simple screen. I fricking hate being covered in heavy tech gadgets while trying to move around, or having my wrist ringing and vibrating constantly, so I disabled notification alerts (I can still see notifications but I have to manually check). It seems like I can get 10 days of battery if I use the GPS everyday for an hour, plus heart sensor on 24/7 with sleep tracking and whatnot.
        As far as GPS navigation goes I think it's enough. You can just see the trace to know which direction you're supposed to walk towards, and if somehow there is still some doubt then I can just pull out my phone to check.
        So far I don't regret going for the basic black and white screen instead of a Fenix or some other fancy pants wrist-attached smartphone.

      • 5 months ago

        I had Fenix but switched to Instinct. Like the look, screen, and battery way more on the Instinct.

      • 5 months ago

        Instinct is heavier if I recall. I have the fenix 6 (there's also a small and large version too) and wear it 24/7 because I like how it tracks sleeps and shit

        I also trail run and got it for that and the GPS mapping function. It doesn't feel heavy imo, I barely notice it now

    • 5 months ago

      Enduro 2 is $800 on Amazon right now. If you were gonna blow money on the fenix 7 just get that instead.

      • 5 months ago

        Enduro seems to be going in a different direction. The entire point is to have a transflective display which uses less battery, doesn't get washed out in the sun and doesn't blind you at night.

        I got a garmin watch as a christmas present a few years ago and its trash
        >hr tracker wildly inaccurate
        >compass is 100-200 degrees off at any given moment
        >gps activity tracker plots plots maybe 20% of my movement
        >battery will die randomly from 100%
        It lives in my junk box

        All wrist based optical trackers are wildly inaccurate unless you strap them down hard.
        It's bad, but not that bad. Calibrate.
        Only had that happen when I literally went caving as part of a hike.
        Whatever happened to it, it's defective and it's why you got it gifted.

  12. 5 months ago

    I want a watch that tells me the time, my altitude and the air pressure with a battery that lasts longer than 30 days. Is this possible yet?

    • 5 months ago

      My casio sgw 400 displays temperature, altitude, air presure, time, date, has alarm... I have that for 4 years, still no need for battery change

  13. 5 months ago

    I got a garmin watch as a christmas present a few years ago and its trash
    >hr tracker wildly inaccurate
    >compass is 100-200 degrees off at any given moment
    >gps activity tracker plots plots maybe 20% of my movement
    >battery will die randomly from 100%
    It lives in my junk box

  14. 5 months ago

    I bought a fitbit, the new one, to monitor my health metrics. Lasts a week on 1 charge, is small and unobtrusive. The other night I had a particularly intense dream about riding a horse around my old high school's field for some reason -- when I looked at the app the next day, it had noticed that my resting heart rate was much higher than usual at this time. I like the way I can monitor stress too, and activity but the step-meters on these devices is never great.

  15. 5 months ago

    I do day hikes
    I bought an Apple Watch to monitor my sleep, and I might as well wear it on the trail
    It’s neat to see elevation changes and estimated calorie counts and what my heart rate is
    This is not meant to be a ringing endorsement

  16. 5 months ago

    Op is a gay, and so is anyone who has a smartwatch. Sieg heil, b***hes.

    • 5 months ago

      Nice pegging gloves, homo.

    • 5 months ago

      i think your watch has autism

  17. 5 months ago

    Most people I've encountered while PrepHole wear Garmins and Suuntos if they're not wearing Apple or Casio watches. I'd like to get a Garmin Instinct 2 for my designated hiking watch but in the mean time I wear a Grand Seiko because I'm an autist.

    • 5 months ago

      >but in the mean time I wear a Grand Seiko
      fricking based. which one?

      • 5 months ago


        • 4 months ago


          Your black.

  18. 5 months ago

    I have an InReach mini 2, but mostly just have it for the SOS button, and am probably gonna get a new iPhone that has a GPS emergency function too.
    Is it worth it to sell to sell the InReach and buy a used nicer model Garmin watch with topo maps, tracking, heart rate monitor and such?
    What model, and what’s a good used price to look for?

  19. 5 months ago

    I'd like to use a smartwatch for navigation and I couldn't care less about 99% of the features that things like the Fenix offer.

    I basically want a watch to mirror Gaia that's running on my phone.
    also proper GPS tracking would be great because I have some very remote trips planned.

    is there a suitable product for me ?

    my no1 pain point right now is getting my phone out of my pocket to check the map. especially with gloves on.

  20. 5 months ago

    Casio Mudman in unubtanium tan

    • 5 months ago

      Jesus Christ anon are you on chemo?

      • 5 months ago

        Not with all that hair he isn’t

      • 5 months ago

        People will have slimmer wrists if they didn't get enough physical activity when growing up

  21. 5 months ago

    I've a forerunner that I bought just to see my heart rate when running but I've started bringing it with me in the mountains.
    I can just start it tracking at the start of the walk and then stop it when I'm done and see the route I took.
    I use it to practice navigation, I'll draw out the route I want to take on my map and go out when there's heavy fog and then the GPS let's me see how well I managed to stay on course

  22. 5 months ago

    I've been wearing a Garmin Fenix for a while now. really like it. Good battery life and has all the functions I need, specifically running, hiking, cycling and ski maps.

  23. 5 months ago

    I don’t live somewhere necessary for this unfortunately so no I don’t

  24. 4 months ago

    I've been wearing a Fitbit for 7 weeks. Initially it seemed like a good purchase because it really did soothe my mind about my health -- my resting heart-rate is good, my cardio fitness is apparently excellent for somebody my age -- but what it actually is, is just a digital watch with a shit battery...6 days and it needs charging! Casio digital watches came with a 10 year guarantee 30 years ago, yet this one lasts 6 days.

    I regret buying this gadget (as a birthday present to myself) because after a while the health data is not much use, and you just end up using it to tell the time until it goes flat again.

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