Skiing - Telescope - Camping

I have found the perfect place for astronomy in my vicinity.
It s 2 hours away by car, probably has the darkest skies in the entirety of Romania and has sub ½arcsecond seeing
(which is the standard for any mountain range outside of Europe, but whatever)
The place is called the Godeanu Mountain.
But there are two problems:
and if i think about it the place must be under lots of snow right now
I would like to camp there, possibly in the winter because of better astronomical seeing.
How would you go about achieving such a thing, is camping in winter in such a place a death trap?
My biggest concern are the strong winds, because it will make the mount wobble and there are no pine bushes to use as shelter. Are there any rules for finding shelter around mountain tops, like the shape of the terrain creating spots without wind?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    Are there lots of bears on mountaintops in the winter in Romania? Here they hibernate in the winter.

    • 5 months ago

      im not really an PrepHole guy, to me bear behavior seems pretty random, every winter there are news about bears coming down into Brasov to search for food in the garbage cans
      also in a summer camp, around the 7th grade, one of the guides told us that bears like to hide in the pine bushes above the tree line and joe rogan likes to talk about how fast bears are and how they can climb a mountain in seconds

  2. 5 months ago

    Hail Satan. I don't know about your mountains, but let me suggest a small, short scope that's easier to carry and less subject to buffeting in the wind. Something like a 60-70mm apo refractor or a 90-102mm Mak. Under any conditions, given a long scope and a short scope of the same mass, the long scope requires a heavier mount.

  3. 5 months ago

    >Those digits
    JFC, I wasn't going to respond but the devil compels me.
    If you get a good sleeping mat like a Nemo Tensor or Sea to Summit Ether--or euro equivalent, get a gortex bivy and a winter rated sleeping bag AND a one person tent you can survive a few nights in the wind.

    Bears shouldn't be up in the highlands in mid winter.. roll 2 d20's and anything above a 2 is fine.

  4. 5 months ago

    Bears are a non-issue. Just don't be stupid. They probably aren't even around in winter.

    What is a huge concern, is avalanche terrain. Do go wandering into avalanche terrain if you have no idea what you are doing.

    • 5 months ago

      Do not go*

    • 5 months ago

      Do not go*


      • 5 months ago

        Don't go into the mountains in the winter if you don't understand avalanche terrain. You will die.

        • 5 months ago

          You're not the boss of me

        • 5 months ago

          Shit bait thread but for anyone serious reading I second this. The mandatory beacon, probe and shovel aren't a life insurance either.

  5. 5 months ago

    can't u get and of the US mitary left behind guns or the weapons ukrain is laundering?

    • 5 months ago

      nowadays guns are as strange to romanians as the loo is to indians

  6. 5 months ago

    there are gray zones in romania

  7. 5 months ago


  8. 5 months ago

    Aaaaaa my fricking legs aaaaaaa

    t. Just went to bed after having done a full day of novice ski school lesson after a 2 year hiatus since the never ever lesson

  9. 5 months ago

    I haven't bought ski boots in a while. Should the toes be a bit pained before the moulding? I was right between 30.5 and 31. Toes could mostly lay flat in the 30.5, but the big toe was pressing against the front. Should be fine after moulding right?

    • 5 months ago

      Ski boots are often painful until you get them properly fitted.

      I had to take mine to the boot fitter multiple times to get all the kinks worked out.

  10. 5 months ago

    >darkest skies in the entirety of Romania and has sub ½arcsecond seeing
    I'm jelly as frick. I live near the "darkest" spot in my region, and you can read a book without a flashlight at night there.

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