Singapore has 8 submarines. Fricking 8. For what purpose? Shouldnt they be getting destroyers and transport ships?

Singapore has 8 submarines. Fricking 8. For what purpose? Shouldnt they be getting destroyers and transport ships?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 months ago

    To sink the Indonesian navy

  2. 2 months ago

    It's shrimple.

    • 2 months ago

      Shrimple prawnblems require shrimple solutions.

  3. 2 months ago

    >micronation situated on one of the world's most important naval chokepoints
    >part of their perceived strength comes from their ability to project power into the strait and interdict shipping
    Gee I wonder why they'd want submarines

    Fricking moron.

    • 2 months ago

      Couldn't you carpet bomb the narrow as frick strait with depth charges and eliminate all 8 subs in a single day? I feel like Singapore should focus more on air defenses by employing their iron dome but on ships too instead of just being at their air bases.

      • 2 months ago

        Have you ever seen something bigger then a creek in your life Anon?

        You're talking about carpet bombing an area the size of Maine. Then take into account the various depths you'd have to hit and it would take an insane amount of ordinance to achieve that.

        Not even taking into account there might be subs from neutral subs chilling around, which there tends to be whenever a conflict is about to get hot.

        • 2 months ago

          >neutral subs chilling around
          >during a war
          The frick? For what reason?

          • 2 months ago

            Intelligence gathering. This happens all the time.

          • 2 months ago

            In case there's a sudden reason for them to be not neutral as well.

          • 2 months ago

            Just to watch mostly, I mean wouldn't you if you had a sub and potential front row seats to the next big war?

      • 2 months ago

        Landlubber confirmed, I bet your landlocked ass has never even touched the sea

      • 2 months ago

        >transport ships
        to transport what, where?

        >19km wide, 113km long
        >2000 ships passing through per day
        so 2000 square km, 2000+ surface vessels, and you're bombing that targeting 8 subs that will be spending very little time in the strait itself?

        • 2 months ago

          >>19km wide, 113km long
          >>2000 ships passing through per day
          >so 2000 square km,
          I dont understand those units but I assume its very big. When war breaks out, all civilian vessels leave. Subs are slow so the moment one is spotted which WILL happen when they surface or when they attack, a quick carpet bombing of the general area will destroy them.

          • 2 months ago

            It's not very big anon, it's massive. Bigger then your peanut brain can clearly comprehend or you'd realize you don't carpet bomb shit at sea. The entire Mallacan straight is pretty much the size of Northern Vietnam. Imagine how much ordinance you'd need to carpet bomb that. The US tried during the Vietnam war but didn't even come close to bombing every square mile.

          • 2 months ago

            >knows he said something stupid
            >for some reason feels the need to double-down to save anonymous face

          • 2 months ago

            >I dont understand those units
            2000sqkm is about 372680 football fields.

          • 2 months ago

            Jesus frick, STOP. STOP POSTING. I'm an American-Malaysian expat who used to live there and you're fricking embarrassing dude.

            1. Singapore has by far the largest and most advanced air force in the region. It includes F-16s, F-15s and F-35s. What exactly are you going to carpet bomb them with? Malaysia and Indonesia's airforce have no strategic bombing capability. Even China would seriously struggle to project power that far without serious risk.

            2. You're talking about using UNGUIDED BOMBS to target SUBMARINES in a COUNTRY SIZED area of OCEAN

            3. Subs aren't slow, and they don't need to surface to attack. It's not World War 2. And even during peacetime, they aren't all docked in port.

            If you're not trolling you are seriously the single most fricking moronic person on this website right now. You should have stopped at the first post. But you were too arrogant to consider that you might be wrong. It used to be that stupid people had the humility to keep their dumbass opinions to themselves. Nowadays, the dumber people get, the smarter they think they are.

            Is Singapore just china light?

            It has some similarities, the majority of the population is ethnic Chinese but most of them originated from Malaysia's Chinese diaspora, since it was a part of Malaysia up until the 1950s. Their government is essentially authoritarianism lite, and is probably the closest thing to a real-life example of a benevolent dictatorship. Singaporeans generally toe the line, keep their heads down and don't question the government, and in turn they receive the economic benefits of their society and a first-world standard of living, very low poverty and crime. Their approach to law enforcement is draconian to say the least but they lack the raw malevolence and disregard towards their own people's lives that the Chinamen have. Still, if you live there long enough you get a weird, brave-new-world vibe, and their attempts at generating their own "culture" feel very artificial and tourism-motivated.

            • 2 months ago

              My wife's family are from KL and spent a lot of time in Singapore for school. Her aunt said SG is super boring but I'm sure it's a nice place to live compared with the rest of the region.

            • 2 months ago

              >You should have stopped at the first post. But you were too arrogant to consider that you might be wrong.
              But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fricking dead, kiddo.

    • 2 months ago

      An extremely shallow strait is suicide for subs. They’d need to operate outside it

  4. 2 months ago

    Submarines are not just the best anti-submarine platforms in the sea, they're also the best anti-ship platforms in the sea as well

    Also they don't have 8 OPERATIONAL subs.

    • 2 months ago

      >Also they don't have 8 OPERATIONAL subs.
      6, at any rate, which I suspect is going to be the RSN's baseline going forward. The last Challengers aren't long for this world, but the Archers went through an upgrade program as the Invincibles were being built.

      >>19km wide, 113km long
      >>2000 ships passing through per day
      >so 2000 square km,
      I dont understand those units but I assume its very big. When war breaks out, all civilian vessels leave. Subs are slow so the moment one is spotted which WILL happen when they surface or when they attack, a quick carpet bombing of the general area will destroy them.

      >I dont understand
      You could have just stopped there.

  5. 2 months ago

    While conflict doesn't seem likely Singapore knows Malaysians are moronic and so keep their armed forces up to date to make sure that even the dumbest Malaysian doesn't get any ideas

  6. 2 months ago

    Is Singapore just china light?

    • 2 months ago

      They're ethnic Chinese, but just like the rest of south east Asia, they do not like China.

    • 2 months ago

      at this point they're kinda like supersized San Fran Chinatown

    • 2 months ago

      Pretty much. While walking that fine line between support for China and the West, they are part of the One Belt, One Road Initiative. If they were given the choice to ally with China or the USA, they'd go China without hesitation.

      • 2 months ago

        they think they're the "elite" chinks, actually
        they're much richer and more educated on average, and in accordance enjoy western technology, entertainment and freedoms
        when the chips are down though, they throw their lot in with the CCP

        ^ wumaos trying to pry apart allies

      • 2 months ago

        Displaced Chinamen

        They're basically what Taiwan is trying to achieve, a separate country from China

        Being Chinese they're suspicious if not downright hostile towards their neighbors

        They're rich enough to buy Western weaponry and have conned both the US and Yurop into thinking they're just an island Hong Kong

        Lee Kwan Yew and his old boomer guard were all CCP sympathizers who sought to establish a Chink tax haven

        they think they're the "elite" chinks, actually
        they're much richer and more educated on average, and in accordance enjoy western technology, entertainment and freedoms
        when the chips are down though, they throw their lot in with the CCP

        Lmao, either you guys are wumaos or never met an actual Chinese person beyond said wumaos. They don't actually like China. At best, they thought them like some sort of shitty older brother who loves to pick on them because "they're family" and similar bullshit like that.

        There's also the fact that a lot of Mainlanders view SEA Chinese as some sort of brown backward mutant descendants of Southern Chinese. SEA Chinese in return view them as moronic chimping savages who obliterated their own traditional cultures and have the audacity to claim them as brothers in race and cultures. There's not a love between them.

        >t. SEABlack person

        • 2 months ago

          If one were to learn Chinpanese, would Hokkien be worth learning before/instead of Mandarin?

          • 2 months ago

            Depends, some countries like Malaysia use Cantonese more. Singapore Hokkien is more common.
            Not forgetting theres also Teochew, Hakka, Hainan, etc.
            But your safest bet would be Mandarin, but do also understand Traditional and Simplified written Chinese too.

          • 2 months ago

            Honestly just learn Mandarin. Pretty much every Chinese knows Mandarin these days. Hokkien is only relevant as SEA Chinese's lingua franca amongst themselves, and that's kinda fading as Mandarin is gaining prominence. I can't tell you more though as I'm not Chinese lol

          • 2 months ago

            not really, it's even more dead than Gaelic or Welsh

            Honestly just learn Mandarin. Pretty much every Chinese knows Mandarin these days. Hokkien is only relevant as SEA Chinese's lingua franca amongst themselves, and that's kinda fading as Mandarin is gaining prominence. I can't tell you more though as I'm not Chinese lol

            >Hokkien is only relevant as SEA Chinese's lingua franca amongst themselves
            there are at least half a dozen communities of mini languages who all escaped China; Cantonese and Hokkien are only the two big dogs (it's an in-joke even here that nobody gives a frick about Teochews, Hakkas, Foochows, etc and these are all distinctly different-sounding dialects)
            and between Cantonese and Hokkien, Cantonese thrived because of British Hong Kong and its hugely popular media industry
            other than however these communities have slowly dwindled, the same way you'd expect Gaelic speakers in New York to die out
            now that Hong Kong is commie however and official support is sunsetting rapidly, Cantonese is dying fast as well

            Lee Kuan Yew contributed significantly to the problem as he dictated Singaporean Mandarinisation over preserving the traditional dialects of its people, for very practical purposes relevant to /k/: Singapore is tiny and had major defence concerns, and when the first Singapore Army recruits were stood up, recruits speaking four dialects and three languages and nothing else could barely understand each other

            without British HK and Singapore, only Taiwan remains as the sole non-Communist Chinese sovereign government

    • 2 months ago

      Displaced Chinamen

      They're basically what Taiwan is trying to achieve, a separate country from China

      Being Chinese they're suspicious if not downright hostile towards their neighbors

      They're rich enough to buy Western weaponry and have conned both the US and Yurop into thinking they're just an island Hong Kong

      Lee Kwan Yew and his old boomer guard were all CCP sympathizers who sought to establish a Chink tax haven

      • 2 months ago

        they think they're the "elite" chinks, actually
        they're much richer and more educated on average, and in accordance enjoy western technology, entertainment and freedoms
        when the chips are down though, they throw their lot in with the CCP


    • 2 months ago

      they think they're the "elite" chinks, actually
      they're much richer and more educated on average, and in accordance enjoy western technology, entertainment and freedoms
      when the chips are down though, they throw their lot in with the CCP

  7. 2 months ago

    submarines are the primary naval combatant. destroyers only exist to defend aircraft carriers.

    • 2 months ago

      Pretty sure aircraft carriers are the primary naval combatant despite the coping by every nation that isn't rocking double digit CSGs. Subs are cool, but they do a different job.

      • 2 months ago

        >only America fights, ever

  8. 2 months ago

    when I was a kid I imagined every country had like thousands of every type of major ship. was really eye opening to find out America only has like 3 ships

    • 2 months ago

      I know the feeling
      The US Navy is the best Navy in the world and still kinda mediocre

      It's weird as hell to look up the Navy of any trillion GDP country and it's just like
      >one LHD
      >six frigates
      >four corvettes

      Like someone post that chart that literally has the entire French Navy on it because it's that easy to list every single French ship in one image

      • 2 months ago

        >Michael Phelps is mediocre

  9. 2 months ago

    To sink ships around Singapore

  10. 2 months ago

    smuggling meth and precursors into australia.

    • 2 months ago

      God I want to catch a narcosub one day.

  11. 2 months ago

    maybe singapore's got nukes on those subs. maybe.

  12. 2 months ago

    They're basically heavily armed because they're export Chinamen who see their neighbors as literal enemies.

    They're also building 2 light carriers the size of the Izumo/Dokdo and their newest subs will have ballistic missile technology like what the Israelis have.

    Not to mention they're in line for more F-35s and F-15s to replace all of their old F-16s.

    • 2 months ago

      >their newest subs will have ballistic missile technology like what the Israelis have
      ? The Type 218s are dedicated torpedo boats, they aren't outfitted for strike in any capacity.

      Regardless, it's true that the RSN is spending a frickload of money to expand capabilities. I don't know if the JMMVs will ever be "light carriers" per se, but I'm sure the plan is for them to be employable as such for the F-35Bs in any conflict where roads and airbases are at risk. Arguably even more impressive is the MRCV program, through which their fleet of 600-ton corvettes is being "succeeded" by an equal number of ~8000-ton frigates, kek.

      Jesus frick, STOP. STOP POSTING. I'm an American-Malaysian expat who used to live there and you're fricking embarrassing dude.

      1. Singapore has by far the largest and most advanced air force in the region. It includes F-16s, F-15s and F-35s. What exactly are you going to carpet bomb them with? Malaysia and Indonesia's airforce have no strategic bombing capability. Even China would seriously struggle to project power that far without serious risk.

      2. You're talking about using UNGUIDED BOMBS to target SUBMARINES in a COUNTRY SIZED area of OCEAN

      3. Subs aren't slow, and they don't need to surface to attack. It's not World War 2. And even during peacetime, they aren't all docked in port.

      If you're not trolling you are seriously the single most fricking moronic person on this website right now. You should have stopped at the first post. But you were too arrogant to consider that you might be wrong. It used to be that stupid people had the humility to keep their dumbass opinions to themselves. Nowadays, the dumber people get, the smarter they think they are.

      It has some similarities, the majority of the population is ethnic Chinese but most of them originated from Malaysia's Chinese diaspora, since it was a part of Malaysia up until the 1950s. Their government is essentially authoritarianism lite, and is probably the closest thing to a real-life example of a benevolent dictatorship. Singaporeans generally toe the line, keep their heads down and don't question the government, and in turn they receive the economic benefits of their society and a first-world standard of living, very low poverty and crime. Their approach to law enforcement is draconian to say the least but they lack the raw malevolence and disregard towards their own people's lives that the Chinamen have. Still, if you live there long enough you get a weird, brave-new-world vibe, and their attempts at generating their own "culture" feel very artificial and tourism-motivated.

      >Still, if you live there long enough you get a weird, brave-new-world vibe
      I don't know about that, but I've been gone for years and still constantly get chicken rice vibes.

      • 2 months ago

        >by an equal number of ~8000-ton frigates, kek.
        Wtf who is the threat?

        • 2 months ago

          Just incase Anon.
          Just incase.

  13. 2 months ago

    This is more of a greater SEA issue
    If a tiny ass city state can afford all of those why not the larger SEA countries?
    They're simply low IQ and corrupt

  14. 2 months ago

    To teach the US Government and their proxies a lesson if they forget their place.

  15. 2 months ago

    why transport ships? unless they want to project power?

    • 2 months ago

      I don't particularly agree with OP, but HADR (which they already use their LSTs for).

      If one were to learn Chinpanese, would Hokkien be worth learning before/instead of Mandarin?

      No, that would be foolish. You could make a case for Cantonese.

  16. 2 months ago

    Long story short:
    You think the sea around Singapore us busy, wait till you see how busy below the surface is.
    I remember my friend who is a medic, was place on standby everytime a nuclear sub pass by Singapore. Subs would give a courtesy call saying they are passing by all the time.
    I was actually suprised when told that NK subs actually pass by the straits. I don't even know they had subs that could do that.

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