If zombies came right now, how would you survive? SHTF WROL RP

Wherever you are in the world, if zombies came how would you survive? What weapons wouls you use? Would you bug out or bug in? For people without a lot of guns what would you use? How are your supplies

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    I've played a lot of Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead so I'll be fine.

    • 5 months ago

      fricking based CDDA enjoyer

      for everyone else, the meta for surviving the zombie apocalypse is to immediately raid libraries for books and then spend the next several weeks tooling up to smith plate armor

    • 5 months ago

      I love boomer zombie SHTF rp

  2. 5 months ago

    Any guys live in a city apartment how wouls you preparez and for those that do what do supplies and guns do you have. Im thinking about buying some vacumn sealed sugar, flour, oil, salt. As well as other non perishables, for weapons im getting a mosin

    • 5 months ago

      Buy only food that doesn't require cooking. Get canned food. Open and eat, no heating even necessary. Why does everyone thing they are going to be making pancakes and having barbeques in an apocalypse? You will have no gas, no electric. You will not be cooking. Even if you have a propane burner or something, you will eventually run out of fuel.

      • 5 months ago

        I have canned food too, spam, meat, MRES I have also propane and a small stove I can use with ut

        • 5 months ago

          Good. Water purification is also important. Finding water probably won't be hard, but finding drinkable water will be.

      • 5 months ago

        >You will have ... no electric.
        You might not.
        Tfw solar master race.

      • 5 months ago

        You can make shitty biscuits and shit on a campfire with flour and piss water. Canned food is heavy to carry and takes up a frickload of space. Its very salty too so if you arent doing manual labor enjoy bloating and drinking a metric frickload of water.

      • 5 months ago

        And if you're going to store a lot of food then you definitely need some professional-quality mouse traps. It only takes one of those little Black folk to ruin your supplies.

    • 5 months ago

      Why a Mosin? Prettty expensive for what they are. Could just get a durr rifle that's objectively better and I'm pretty sure ARs are cheaper at this point

      • 5 months ago

        Im in Canada and its going to be my first rifle, I plan to get an sks and a 22 m1 carbine

  3. 5 months ago

    I'd be dead in the first month or so from starvation, dehydration, or going out due to them

    • 5 months ago

      Have you thought about a water storage system. And for those that have one is plastic or metal better

      • 5 months ago

        >plastic or metal better
        Based on my extensive research with soda, drinks in metal taste slightly better than plastic. Glass tastes superior to both

        • 5 months ago

          >Based on my extensive research with soda, drinks in metal taste slightly better than plastic. Glass tastes superior to both

          Cans have a plastic lining inside, anon, the true choice is either glass or plastic

        • 5 months ago

          The correct answer is to get a copper still that uses a rocket stove to pipe the water up to a water tower on the roof

      • 5 months ago

        Water will last equally well in any food-grade container. I expect you'll have a much easier time finding plastic containers, at least I did.

        I've got a couple of plastic 55 gallon drums in the basement as well as a few gallon bottles that can be thrown in the back of the car in case we need to bug out.

        Glass tastes better, sure, and maybe there's some health benefit to not exposing yourself to chemicals released by plastics but taste isn't going to be a priority in a disaster and the health benefits, if they exist, are marginal enough that the majority of the world are going around drinking from plastic bottles without dropping dead as a result.
        Definitely not worth the risk of losing your water supply because you dropped your shit or an earthquake toppled a shelf.
        I drink from a glass bottle day to day but it's really not something I'm worrying about when it comes to my preps.

      • 5 months ago

        plastic if left out in the sun will begin to become brittle and degrade after a few months or years depending on quality

        • 5 months ago

          I would leave it in my dark basement

      • 5 months ago

        Steel is obviously better but tremendously more expensive.
        I have four 300 gallon stainless tanks I got from a dairy processing place that closed down, they're the best because they're incredibly robust, won't rust to shit, and can be sterilized with fire directly.
        They're also much heavier and if I hadn't gotten them for free would probably have cost $1k each though.

        • 5 months ago

          Do you put bleach in it with the water or just as it is, sone sites told me to put a tabalespoon of bleach...

          • 5 months ago

            it's generally a good idea to use water storage tablets in large containers and to refill them either yearly or biyearly

            • 5 months ago

              Thanks, any type of water storage pills?

              Not him but bleach can damage stainless steel so if that's what you're storing water in then obviously it's a bad idea.

              I store my water in plastic drums and, yeah, I add some bleach when I fill them. Strictly speaking, if your water containers are clean and so is the water you're putting into them then you should be fine regardless but I figure it means I don't need to worry about rotating the water as frequently.

              Thanks, i knew that bleach could damage the stainless steel but when you say rotate the water, that means just spinning it around and getting s new.type

          • 5 months ago

            Not him but bleach can damage stainless steel so if that's what you're storing water in then obviously it's a bad idea.

            I store my water in plastic drums and, yeah, I add some bleach when I fill them. Strictly speaking, if your water containers are clean and so is the water you're putting into them then you should be fine regardless but I figure it means I don't need to worry about rotating the water as frequently.

          • 5 months ago

            Honestly I'm only using two right now, two are empty.
            What I did was pipe my house's water supply through them in series, so there is a constant refreshment/circulation of the water that is in the tanks, and they're not standing.
            If I end up having problems with bacteria, then I've also got problems with my current drinking water out of the well and am already either sick or fixing the problem.
            My thought is it's just an emergency backup quantity for when the power cuts short notice.
            I close a ball valve on either end of the tanks and they're instantly isolated.
            I've been meaning to create a bypass loop so I can seal the tanks off and still have water but haven't gotten around to it.
            I really lucked out with that dairy, got a bunch of food grade stainless pipe at the same time, diameters ranging from 1/2" to 1.5", in some pretty significant lengths.
            Keep your eyes peeled for farm/estate auctions in your region, sometimes you can pick up bargains for next to nothing.

            • 5 months ago

              Not a bad idea, though it may not be a good idea to cycle constantly, because let's say a boil warning goes into effect at some point during the day. If you don't know about it immediately, your water potentially could be contaminated. Personally the way I would do it is once a week connect the storage in series with my tap and use it for the day, then disconnect and go back to just the municipal supply for my sink.

          • 5 months ago

            Tamalespoon of blech

  4. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Very early 2010s

      >plastic or metal better
      Based on my extensive research with soda, drinks in metal taste slightly better than plastic. Glass tastes superior to both

      How long can it last in glass? Glass is also breakable while plastic and metal is not

      • 5 months ago

        >Glass is also breakable while plastic and metal is not
        Then don't break it

        • 5 months ago

          Eat shit

          • 5 months ago
          • 5 months ago

            >If X happens then Y happens
            >Don't let X happen

  5. 5 months ago

    Gather a frickton of supplies and claim a really big house or building outide of town that the stairs can be torn out of so you can live on the 2nd floor and even if zombies get in the house, they cannot get up to the second floor. Use a ladder to get up the 2nd floor and bring it up after you get to the 2nd floor. Also attach zip lines from the upper floor windows to locations 50-100 yards from the house in case you have to ditch out of there and run away. I would use the normal weapons: rifle, handgun, knives, perhaps a machete because zombies. I would try to fashion a leather coat with leather gauntlets and gloves that cannot be bitten through, and also those leather things around your lower legs to protect from snake bite. Basically I would do all the things that the idiots in zombie movies don't do. They are fricking morons who run around from building to building and sleep where they can be ambushed. Fricking tards.

    • 5 months ago

      the European walled farmhouse style, the Spanish ones are called Haciendas no idea what the Italian and French versions are called, would make a good defensive structure

    • 5 months ago

      Machete would be a useful general purpose tool but suck ass against zombies. It tends to get stuck in tissue and bones. Id put a 5lb hammer on a longer handle and make a scrap wood shield with motorcycle gear, i would be a god among men as long as i didnt get pulled down and crushed under the weight of a horde.
      Anyways my plan is gather my family and bug out to my relatives farmhouse innacountry. We have food, unlimited water with a manual pump for if electricity goes out, solar, guard animals and horses/donkeys, and a ton of land ive been working and gardening for about a decade. I assume most all violence would be getting out of the city and mainly focused on fending off feral Black personbandits. Once i get to the land its carpentry time, gonna be digging and logging wood, building walls, have plans for killboxes already. old school farmers live next to us and would be our equals, normie neighbors are either gonna be our slave labor or food for the hounds

      • 5 months ago

        How do you think a spear would function? I live in the suburbs , so would you bug in for a bit and hit the woods, or just go there right away

        • 5 months ago

          Spears would be good reach but suck inside if its a main weapon, zombies could just keep coming up the shaft once u speared them.
          Depends on situation. If its when everyone is all trying to leave i would hunker down until it got quiet. If i had the ability to miss the crowd i would leave asap

          • 5 months ago

            I agree, i would just stay in with my stoves and water and my mosin and not make much noise

          • 5 months ago

            >zombies could just keep coming up the shaft
            That's why you use a hog spear like pic related. They have cross-prongs to stop the quarry from running up the spear and attacking you. Should work pretty well on zeds too.

            • 5 months ago


              lol should probably post the pic too.

              Nice hog, boss

              Oh no if only you had the ability to backpedal at twice the speed the zombie comes at you.

              Ok but the spear is still stuck in the dirty Black person. Do u plan to backpedal indefinately?

              • 5 months ago

                >Ok but the spear is still stuck in the dirty Black person. Do u plan to backpedal indefinately?
                Push the spear sideways and he'll fall over.

              • 5 months ago

                >Ok but the spear is still stuck in the dirty Black person. Do u plan to backpedal indefinately?
                Push the spear sideways and he'll fall over.

                If we're not talking about magical zombies, but the rule is still that you have to destroy the brain, the tip doesn't need to be sharp. A good thrust or chop from an oak stick with a round iron cap on it would be enough to crack skull bone and deal direct blunt force trauma to the brain.

              • 5 months ago

                >but the rule is still that you have to destroy the brain
                Sticks are cheap and a knocked over zombie is less of a threat, and vulnerable.

                Yeah, everyone thinks they're clever for bringing up the boar spear or other polearms or whatever, my point is that
                A) its really not that hard, generally, to pull a spear out of meat
                B) even if you get a spear "stuck" in the zombie, you can knock him over easily with leverage of the spear and probably get it back that way
                C) even if you're so bad you just ram five spears through every zombie's torso, it's no big loss, spears are cheap.

              • 5 months ago

                Warhammer's better. Even a short jab would be enough to bash his brains in, and you can really smash through his whole head and completely destroy it without any chance of being stuck. I don't see how you can carry 5 spears or five of anything, you have to stay on the move.

              • 5 months ago

                Warhammer's better. Even a short jab would be enough to bash his brains in, and you can really smash through his whole head and completely destroy it without any chance of being stuck. I don't see how you can carry 5 spears or five of anything, you have to stay on the move.

                For me its the sling and lil slugger. I dont wanna lug around big shit unless i have a horse, and if i do then id rather bring my waifu body pillow

              • 5 months ago

                For me, it's the gun sling.

          • 5 months ago

            >zombies could just keep coming up the shaft
            That's why you use a hog spear like pic related. They have cross-prongs to stop the quarry from running up the spear and attacking you. Should work pretty well on zeds too.

            lol should probably post the pic too.

          • 5 months ago

            Oh no if only you had the ability to backpedal at twice the speed the zombie comes at you.

    • 5 months ago

      >they cannot get up to the second floor.
      The zombies are 28 days later ones
      They climb anything a gymnast can get up

      • 5 months ago

        >The zombies are 28 days later ones
        Ah, good, so angry they cant drink water or protect themselves from exposure, all dead within two days.

      • 5 months ago

        Those zombies will be as lethal as a 28-year old Cumberland sausage, in 2.8 days.
        Lets take an average person and keep them loaded up so much PCP, LSD and meth that they become extremely aggressive and completely irrational. Now let's have them lose on the streets of fricking London. In the rain. For 2 days. How many of them would *not* have pneumonia and incapacitating fever from a lethal blood and bowel infection by day 3? And they have rabies. So they don't drink. For 2 days. It takes 3 days for a person to die for thirst at LOW levels of activity. But by day 2 with zero water, your muscles and joints will be so cramped up you'll struggle to make normal everyday movements. Yeah, I don't think so... The only dangerous zombies are magical Romero ones.

        • 5 months ago

          >The only dangerous zombies are magical Romero ones.
          Romero zombies suck ass and could be killed 1000-1 by humans with squirrel guns and rope.

          Dangerous zombies are ones like Return of the Living dead, where they can plan, run, use tools, survive anything short of being incinerated, and they've got the strength to smash your skull bare handed.

          • 5 months ago


  6. 5 months ago

    I'd play a trombone or trumpet or something and hope they're like cows.

  7. 5 months ago



    Water will last equally well in any food-grade container. I expect you'll have a much easier time finding plastic containers, at least I did.

    I've got a couple of plastic 55 gallon drums in the basement as well as a few gallon bottles that can be thrown in the back of the car in case we need to bug out.

    Glass tastes better, sure, and maybe there's some health benefit to not exposing yourself to chemicals released by plastics but taste isn't going to be a priority in a disaster and the health benefits, if they exist, are marginal enough that the majority of the world are going around drinking from plastic bottles without dropping dead as a result.
    Definitely not worth the risk of losing your water supply because you dropped your shit or an earthquake toppled a shelf.
    I drink from a glass bottle day to day but it's really not something I'm worrying about when it comes to my preps.

    I drink from steel daily, where did you get your 55l containers and did you put bleach in them, i have heard that people do that

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago



  8. 5 months ago

    I find it hard to believe that Europeans would have to resort to blackpowder and caplock
    (Where would they even get working caps?)
    As the series progresses and Daryl makes it to Paris the paramilitary have automatic firearms
    So why do the ones in the countryside have to settle for vintage?
    And why weren't there more people at the convent since the nuns knew how to garden and farm you'd think it would become a larger commune

    • 5 months ago

      The show was good for the frist two episodes and the last, it should have been him and laurant dealing with stuff in the countryside and exploring ruins and abandoned towns. I was suprised by how much I liked it considering walking dead sucked after season 5.

  9. 5 months ago

    You would need to be close to a source of fresh water
    >lake, spring, creek
    Your body can last for upto 3 months (I think the record is close to 6) without food, but no more than 3 days without water.
    Foodwise you would need at least 3 months worth of stored food. Thats how long it will take even the most simple vegetables to become harvestable so you can rely less on stored food and foraging/hunting/fishing. If you are in a tropical zone you dont need to worry about firewood and heat, but chances are you are not in one of those few zones in the US. So firewood or a source of fuel is necessary for not only heat but water purification and cooking.
    And the most important thing is that you not be around a bunch of people outside of family and friends. Assuming a SHTF scenario and 90% of the population goes to shit, would your rather be in small rural community with 100 people that turn into 90 zombies or a a totally hip diverse woke urban apartment block of 1500 people that suddenly has 1350 zombies roaming the hallways eating people for socioeconomic reasons?

    • 5 months ago

      Some fat frick scot lived a yearish on just tea and coffee back in the 60s iirc

  10. 5 months ago

    >Wherever you are in the world, if zombies came how would you survive?
    suppressed 10/22 and suppressed 22 pistol. only guns quiet enough to work and I have enough ammo to depopulate my town.

  11. 5 months ago

    Just live normally because zombies aren't real

    (Black person hordes are tho)
    >just don't live in a city

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        The M9 gasmask is so goofy-looking. Glad it got replaced.

  12. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Thats a nice rifle, i love the short barell ar

  13. 5 months ago

    >Wherever you are in the world, if zombies came how would you survive?
    I'd pretty much just chill out at my property and stop going to work. It'd be great.
    >What weapons wouls you use?
    Mostly AR15s and AR10s.

    I have a large piece of property far away from any major cities. I've already got a pretty large garden as well as numerous fruit trees. Have chickens and a few cows and a bull. Both diesel and gas generators as well as solar. Obviously have my own well and septic system rather than sewer. Have both diesel and gas 4x4 pickups. Me and my few neighbors are all on great terms and would help eachother out.

    The only thing's that'd change for me is the ATF would no longer be ruining my two favorite hobbies, and I'd be eating a lot more potatoes and squash since they're so easy to grow.

  14. 5 months ago

    I'm pretty sure I could survive, but I think I'd kill myself regardless. Living through zombies seems pretty miserable to me. It's basically constant psychological warfare and I don't think I'd want to put up with it.

  15. 5 months ago

    Ill do what i do in zomboid so dress in camo and use a machete bc guns make too much noise. Also go into the woods and build a cabin or smth

    • 5 months ago

      >machete bc guns make too much noise
      Machetes don't really go through bone well. Plus a suppressed .22lr is really quiet, and you can easily carry hundreds of rounds

    • 5 months ago

      Buy or make a cheap mace, even some nuts and bolts on a metal pipe will work

      • 5 months ago

        Just go to a hardware store and get a long handled hammer of some type, carpenters, cross peen, whatever if you don't already have one
        Wrap the grip in hockey tape and wrap the head in barbed wire to reduce glancing hits

        • 5 months ago

          Wouldent barbed wire increase the chance for it to stick

  16. 5 months ago

    Very easily solved

    1)"Realistic" viral zombies
    >listen to the PSA to lock my door and fill up a bathtub with water
    >sit indoors for a week
    >95% of zombies are dead or incapacitated from thirst/hunger/disease/weather exposure by day 6
    >on Sunday, drive around in a bulldozer, turning any stragglers into liquid pulp

    2)"Romero" zombies that magically do not require food/water/protection from weather
    >get in a cargo ship
    >arrive to a zombie-infested coastal city
    >play AC/DC from loudspeaker at 200 db
    >moronic zombies congregate on the shore, attracted by noise
    >bombard them with incendiary shells from a howitzer/pirate cannon/trebuchet
    >firestorm eventually engulfs the entire horde and gradually burns them all down to cinders
    >if any zombies wander into water, they sink or are carried out to deep sea where they gradually disintegrate
    >once city is cleared, repeat the exact same thing on land with armored train instead of ship
    >if you need to clear a building, equip scrap metal armor and move slowly; you suspect that a building contains a mini-horde, just burn the building; zombies will just sit there and burn and not try to escape

    Even made a video about it you want the long version.

    Zombies are the lamest, most boring and weak movie monster to ever exist.

    • 5 months ago

      Based autistic czech

      • 5 months ago

        I just wish there were more fun monsters in fiction, I don't hate fun.
        Like in the movie "Reign of Fire" where the apocalypse was caused by dragons from hollow earth or something. It's exactly as realistic as Romero zombies but it creates scenarios that are way more fun and unpredictable. And it's very plausible that a plague of semi-intelligent, giant flying fire-breathing lizards would be a big fricking problem even for US military, unlike zombies.
        The Quiet Place isn't as plausible, but it's a lot better than zombies too. The monsters are armored against rifle fire, very strong, have super-senses, super speed and have some animal intelligence and self-preservation. A real threat.
        It's not hard to write a good monster or postapocalypse scenario, you just have to have more than 2 brain cells, but if you say that in Hollywood today you're a fascist.

  17. 5 months ago

    I'd get a patch of land far away from any city or road, something in the mountains that you can only access with a capable 4WD and a long walk.
    I'd drill a well and collect rain water, as well as having enough water bottles for one year. Long lasting food, enough for a year as well. I'd do some farming, some fruits some vegetables. Have a few animals, especially chickens.
    I'd build a cabin and get solar panels on it.
    A guard dog, a single shot 12g shotgun and a knife are all I need as weapons go.
    Basically, I plan to stay by myself for at least one year, possibly more and wait things out. I don't expect any combat going my way. Especially not zombies, who would be dead after a few weeks and wouldn't be a problem in real life. I'd be more worried about the dark skinned zombies that currently populate cities IRL, but I don't expect those to drive and walk for hours in the mountains to find me.

  18. 5 months ago

    For zombies I'd just wear armor and go about my day e-girlng at them trying to bite through it.

    • 5 months ago

      Seems like a great way to get their infectious blood all over you through your armor.

  19. 5 months ago

    The only cool zombies are wacky supernatural or pseudo-supernatural ones, like in Return of the living Dead, those old italian horror movies, or deadalive/braindead.

    • 5 months ago

      Transforming Resident Evil zombies are cool

      • 5 months ago

        Considering they can generate mass and energy from nothing, and you inevitably get a zombie god that can shoot lightning and fire or teleport or zip around at mach 3, I count those as functionally supernatural.

        • 5 months ago

          I don't know what you're on about, looks like a common cold. Maybe covid.

    • 5 months ago

      Demons by umberto bava has really scaryb"zombies"

    • 5 months ago

      What about Splinter? One pin prick from this piece of shit and you join the circus. It moves very quickly and erratically, too.

      • 5 months ago

        I dont even know if I'd call that a zombie movie at a certain point. Like, not everything that takes over a body is a zombie. Splinter was a big send off to the Thing, only kind of in reverse with the Thing being moronic instead of smart.

        I guess you could say the Splinter-corpses are Zombies? they're corpses and behave in very strict patterns, learning which is the secret to beating them.

        • 5 months ago

          The most dangerous thing about the Splinter is that it can defeat the usual bulletproof defense against zombies - armor. With its disgusting needles it could reach into very small openings in armor, or inside chainmail links, or pierce leather/kevlar. So you'd have to make a veritable Renaissance-level full plate and closed-up helmet to minimize openings. Whereas with regular zombies basically having any level or armor at all, even just leather or gambeson would be more than enough to stop rotten human teeth, because humans have the most pitiful natural weapons compared to any animal, and pathetic bite strength.

          • 5 months ago

            You dont want something insanely infectious bleeding on your armor anon, it's not waterproof and any tiny abrasion in your skin, or a tiny particle getting into your ear, eyes, nose, or mouth, would be death.

            • 5 months ago

              It's specifically bloodborne. So that means it would have to either pierce your skin or get into your eyes/mouth.

          • 5 months ago

            I fricking hate armor without the codpiece. If I were a medieval peasant and I'd encounter this knight, I'd just smack him in the balls with a quarterstaff.

  20. 5 months ago

    Now take your larp plan and larp gear and imagine you're an average man in a major Japanese city. Total frick-frick scenario, none of the usual advice works.

  21. 5 months ago

    >if zombies came how would you survive
    Same I do everyday. Realized all the NPCs are really just useless eaters. They're in turn zombies and not NPCs.

  22. 5 months ago

    Wtf why is 4chin being such a Black person about 'spam'

  23. 5 months ago

    should we get go pros and record it?

  24. 5 months ago

    >>if zombies came
    have a nice day, homosexual

  25. 5 months ago

    I'm Canadian, my country is already started to become overrun with mindless consuming monsters that destroy everything.

    I'd do the same thing I'm already doing.

  26. 5 months ago

    >Move all my guns and food to 2nd floor
    >Sledgehammer the stairs

  27. 5 months ago

    I liked the daryl dixon spinoff. European castles, black powder firearms, and medieval weapons go perfectly with zombies

    • 5 months ago

      Out of all the medieval weapons, the flail he uses is probably the worst fricking choice, especially if he get in one of them classic extreme close range scuffles. Just get a halberd and a small but thick dagger. long reach spear and axe in one and a short poker for shtf.

      But no, he has to keep fricking up his wrist by spinning that fricking flail around. Realistically he would kill one zombie and would have to spin it up all over again. If a single flail swing coul kill multiple zombies in one hit, it would suggest their entire heads are as soft as a tomato so you might as well just use a blunt stick at that point.

      • 5 months ago

        >it would suggest their entire heads are as soft a a tomato
        Well they are french so...

  28. 5 months ago

    >All these grand fantasies
    Literally just carry 2 pistols in 22LR and a rifle, each with a huge magazine. Something like an American 180 would be an ideal rifle.
    275 rounds capacity, fire at their heads in semi auto, bubba a suppressor on the muzzle.
    Why the frick would you want a tacticool AR with foregrips, pecs and acogs when the enemy is a slowly shuffling unarmored target?
    Now if the zombies are like the infected from crossed that’s another story entirely

    • 5 months ago

      >Why the frick would you want a tacticool AR with foregrips, pecs and acogs when the enemy is a slowly shuffling unarmored target?

      For other people. Suppressed 22 handgun or cut-stock suppressed, red dot equipped .22 semi-auto rifle for zambinos, and a suppressed rifle in an intermediate cartridge for everything else.

    • 5 months ago

      >click click click
      >get jammed
      >get jammed
      >get jammed

      • 5 months ago

        >every .22 handgun is a Zip-22

        • 5 months ago

          .22LR + American 180 = click click click

          • 5 months ago

            >click click click
            >get jammed
            >get jammed
            >get jammed

            That's why you carry 2 pistols on you as well, moron. I specified that in the post.
            >Hurr durr just throw away 80% of your magazine capacity and an even higher percentage on the ammount of rounds you can carry on the off chance 3 firearms all decide to jam.
            You don't care about jamming, you just want an excuse to imagine yourself in cool gear fighting zombies when that wouldn't be practical at all in such a ridiculous scenario

            • 5 months ago

              Rimfire ammo is inherently less reliable, especially shitty cheap .22LR. And doubly so in a cheap piece of shit varmint gun or American 180 or the .22 revolver used in the murder of Sharon Tate. If you go for not-cheap .22LR or better guns, that's not going to be much harder to find and expensive to use and maintain, as opposed to just using an AR which is a complete no-brainer to get anything for and is vastly more reliable even with cheap ammo, on top of the marked advantage of shooting .223 and not snakeshot that would might glance off a zombie's skull at medium range (and then your gun jams). Click-click-click.

  29. 5 months ago

    Depends completely on what kind of zombies. For example, a Romero-type pandemic where every dead body rises again after a while would have huge implications for society but I very much doubt governments would be unable to contain it after a few months, so I'd just stay put and carry on. On the other hand, fast zombies would make me bug out to Canada, as far north as possible. On the gripping hand, if it's Crossed I'd just jump off a building.

    • 5 months ago

      >Romero or "viral" living zombies

      Very easily solved

      1)"Realistic" viral zombies
      >listen to the PSA to lock my door and fill up a bathtub with water
      >sit indoors for a week
      >95% of zombies are dead or incapacitated from thirst/hunger/disease/weather exposure by day 6
      >on Sunday, drive around in a bulldozer, turning any stragglers into liquid pulp

      2)"Romero" zombies that magically do not require food/water/protection from weather
      >get in a cargo ship
      >arrive to a zombie-infested coastal city
      >play AC/DC from loudspeaker at 200 db
      >moronic zombies congregate on the shore, attracted by noise
      >bombard them with incendiary shells from a howitzer/pirate cannon/trebuchet
      >firestorm eventually engulfs the entire horde and gradually burns them all down to cinders
      >if any zombies wander into water, they sink or are carried out to deep sea where they gradually disintegrate
      >once city is cleared, repeat the exact same thing on land with armored train instead of ship
      >if you need to clear a building, equip scrap metal armor and move slowly; you suspect that a building contains a mini-horde, just burn the building; zombies will just sit there and burn and not try to escape

      Even made a video about it you want the long version.

      Zombies are the lamest, most boring and weak movie monster to ever exist.

      >Crossed "zombies"
      Significantly less dangerous than even "viral" zombies, the easiest zombie to deal with. Because while yes they are "intelligent" they are even more inherently self-destructive than the "normal" zombie. Left alone, they not only fail to take any care of themselves, they actually mutilate themselves, fight and kill each other, rape corpses and so on. Literally a self-solving problem. Additionally, unlike with zombie viruses, the crossed virus has near-instantaneous effect; it's minutes at the most from infection to a very glaringly visible transformation, a Crossed is more obvious as a threat than any zombie. So, interesting horror idea, but very easy to deal with (they "deal with" themselves).

      • 5 months ago

        Crossed still take a while to die out on their own and are extremely extremely infectious.
        Sure, some will just disembowel themselves after turning but statistically there will be some smart ones poisoning water supplies, hunting after people e.t.c.
        Calling them "The easiest zombie to deal with" is silly. They're probably the most dangerous considering they'll quite launch nukes, use military vehicles, use actual tactics and firearms, set nuclear powerplants to melt down e.t.c. whereas for normal zombies you could just bug out

        • 5 months ago

          No, they will be all dead in 7 days from blood infection and elements exposure. Whoever survives that somehow will be stone dead in a few more weeks from gangrene, bronchitis, tuberculosis, typhoid, tenatus, etc, etc. Basically take a street hobo, make him violently insane and very self-destructive. Now take away his food and clean water sources (no more handouts, no more garbage, unable to hunt or forage, let alone do agriculture). Yeah, he won't survive a month. In a cold environment? A few days to a week. A normal person would struggle to survive in such severe conditions, let alone a violently insane psychotic with no impulse control.
          >launch nukes, set nuclear powerplants to melt down
          The technical genius of Garth Ennis strikes once more

  30. 5 months ago

    >Wherever you are in the world, if zombies came how would you survive?
    Hunker down and ride it out, like I would most any other disaster. I'd honestly be more concerned with desperate neighbors and fleeing urbanites than zeds.
    >What weapons would you use?
    Primary rifle: AR-15 (Colt 727 clone)
    - add in a CMMG .22lr conversion kit
    Long-range rifle: Mini-30 (don't worry, the spring's been fixed)
    Primary handgun: S&W Model 10
    Backup handgun: 1911 (in 9mm because frick you it was on sale)
    Last-resort weapon: the Hoplite spear I built last summer (pic related)
    >Would you bug out or bug in?
    I live out in the sticks, so I'm staying put and doming anything that manages to get over the razor wire.
    >How are your supplies
    Pretty good, thanks for asking. How are yours?

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