Should I learn to fight before my construction job?

I'm a quiet socially moronic guy who keeps to himself but I got my ass kicked by college so now I'm disposable meat. Decided to go construction but I heard it's full of alpha tough guys who do drugs and go to parties. Should I learn how to fight before I start working? How do I DIY out of this one?

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 year ago

    Just offer them blowjobs.

    • 1 year ago

      most carpenters are gay. it's why one of the village people was a tradesman.
      you should be fine as long as you develop good vacuum.

  2. 1 year ago

    Hello Anon. You should use this as the catalyst to finally learn to fight. All men should learn How to fight. But remember, the most important thing to learn is WHEN to fight. Which ideally is as little as possible - but be ready to do it as much as possible.

    The more prepared you are, physically and mentally to fight - the less likely you are to do it. It is paradoxycal, but once you get down the path of training and lifting, you'll come to understand.

    Learn to fight Anon; not out of fear, but out of knowing it is your birthright, and responsibility as a Man to know how to defend yourself.

    Recommend you start with Boxing, and any grappling-heavy martial art local to you.

    • 1 year ago

      can i just buy a gun instead? i think it would be legal in my state to open carry at the construction site.

      • 1 year ago

        >hey anon you fricking homosexual. Your mom doesn't work here. Get back over here and clean up your shit.
        >holy shit anon just shot Gary!
        >wow, I can't believe he's such a failure at life he fricking missed too.

        • 1 year ago

          >using lethal force over an insult
          There's no way this is realistic for all but a minuscule minority of people.

          • 1 year ago

            Like PrepHole sigma autists that bring a gun to work?

            • 1 year ago

              >carrying a weapon always means that you intend to use it shortly
              Have you ever heard of "it's better to have a parachute and not need it..."? Seriously, there's a lot of deranged freaks out there, and I want to be able to defend myself, but that doesn't mean that I want to actively seek out fights.

              • 1 year ago

                Yes. I love guns. I love 2nd ammendment. I love self defense.

                You can't handle some bants from your coworkers so your first thought is to start carrying because you're scared? Jesus christ that is terrifying

              • 1 year ago

                >You can't handle some bants from your coworkers so your first thought is to start carrying because you're scared?
                You seem to be mistaking me for OP, dude.

          • 1 year ago

            it's the straw that broke the camel's back

    • 1 year ago

      I'm in construction and trained pretty seriously as a striker.
      >But remember, the most important thing to learn is WHEN to fight.
      I find that being overly eager to fight tends to make people back down, which is unfortunate because I really honestly enjoy fighting.

      • 1 year ago

        Ill fight you. Hope youre good in the sack gay boy.

        • 1 year ago

          No thats why I don't grapple

  3. 1 year ago

    >go to parties.

    work on your trolling game

  4. 1 year ago

    Just be genuine and hardworking. Nobody cares about other bullshit

    • 1 year ago

      Only thing to add to this is dont engage in gossip. Listening to some gossip to you is fine, but dont be proactive in talking about people behind their back.

      • 1 year ago

        This 100%. If someone tells you some shit listen to them and nod or say, " thats nice. " Do not repeat the gossip to anyone else. Stay the frick out of other peoples personal lives and do your job.

        • 1 year ago

          I started working at an engineering firm as a driller (assistant) and a hint of construction and these dudes gossip more than b***hes honestly.

          Also OP you should learn how to fight but also learn how to de-escalate and let shit roll off your back. Work should never be that serious. I can't imagine fighting someone at work unless they cursed my mother or something. Blue-collar jobs are filled with people too dumb to make it in literally every other field, and people who are smart and don't mind a bit of roughing it. Just be cool and try to learn all you can.

          • 1 year ago

            >I can't imagine fighting someone at work unless they cursed my mother or something.
            Even that wouldn't be a reason to fight. I'd just agree with them because i'm not that fond of my mother either... Don't let em get under your skin at all and they will quit trying once they realize you're as cool as a cucumber.

      • 1 year ago

        This 100%. If someone tells you some shit listen to them and nod or say, " thats nice. " Do not repeat the gossip to anyone else. Stay the frick out of other peoples personal lives and do your job.

        i don't agree with this at all.
        every job i've ever had, people gossip - A LOT.
        if they don't gossip with you, it usually means they gossip about you behind your back.

        do you want to be the person gossiping? or do you want to be the person being gossiped about? it's your choice... but really it's no choice at all if you don't want to feel like an outcast

        • 1 year ago

          moron, listen to the gossip but dont engage in it.

        • 1 year ago

          Do not listen to this lol, this guy is definitely the butt of every joke at their workplace

        • 1 year ago

          >if they don't gossip with you, it usually means they gossip about you behind your back.
          News flash idiot: they're gossiping about you whether or not you're doing it back. Talking shit isn't a magic ward that prevents it from happening to you. Only thing that happens when you gossip is that no one likes you.

          • 1 year ago

            Absolute bullshit. The most popular people on the worksite are the ones that gossip the most.

        • 1 year ago

          Gossip exists everywhere, you cant get away from it.
          The more YOU gossip, the more ammunition people have to use against you, it stokes the flame of gossip behind your back.

          The less you gossip like a woman, the better off you will be in the long run.

      • 1 year ago

        Any guy that gossips like a woman is fricking cringe and I would avoid them

        • 1 year ago

          Nobody ever said like a woman anon. Men have a specific way that they gossip, its not like women do it but its every bit as terrible.

        • 1 year ago

          so everyone?

          Nobody ever said like a woman anon. Men have a specific way that they gossip, its not like women do it but its every bit as terrible.

          maybe it's still womanly and sends you to hell haha

  5. 1 year ago

    Maybe don't learn how to fight, but you do need to learn how to face down a guy who's getting in your face. Construction is full of clucking hens who gossip constantly and fly off the handle if they think you're disrespecting them. You need to be tough enough to hold your ground, but rarely do you have to actually engage in physical contact.

    • 1 year ago

      This, fights rarely happen but standoffs and aggressive shittalking can be a weekly, possibly daily occurrence depending on how many low iq, emotionally stunted shitbags are working on a site. A real fight (punches thrown not just ape chestbeating and light shoving) usually results in someone getting fired even if nobody is injured, and runs the risk of criminal charges. Only the most impulsive and moronic will risk their paycheck and potentially freedom for some perceived personal slight, but plenty of them will default to threats as a standard means of conflict resolution and you'll have to learn to deal with that.

      My advice, if you're already a quiet guy, is to not joke, not talk unnecessarily, make sure you don't inconvenience others, but do NOT take shit from anyone. A simple "Frick off" if someone insults you, nothing more. Be competent and helpful on the job and others may come to your aid if someone gives you trouble.

      If you legally can, a small handgun like a Ruger LCP or Kel Tec in .380 in an well-fitted ankle holster (I personally swear by BUGBite holsters) is cheap, nearly invisible with baggy pants, and works as insurance if you absolutely need to drop someone who's about to put you in the hospital or worse, but you carry lots of legal risk doing so. If you started a fight, lost, then shot the guy, you 100% will be charged with murder. Take a CC class if you go this route, they'll teach you what you need to know.

      • 1 year ago

        >standoffs and aggressive shittalking can be a weekly, possibly daily occurrence depending on how many low iq, emotionally stunted shitbags are working on a site
        Man, I just want to make a living but also not chain myself to a computer in order to do it. Didn't think construction would be this annoying. I don't really take anything personally but if I get annoyed enough I might sock one of these morons to the fricking face until they drop, preferably having the concrete under us crack their neck and kill them. Is the environment seriously this bad?

        • 1 year ago

          >but if I get annoyed enough I might sock one of these morons to the fricking face
          You wouldn't do shit, NEET.
          >Is the environment seriously this bad?
          No. It's a bait thread for autists and NEETs like you to talk shit and claim things that will NEVER happen. Like, getting a job, ever.

  6. 1 year ago

    >Decided to go construction but I heard it's full of alpha tough guys who do drugs and go to parties.
    They're not kicking your ass because all of them have knee and hip problems and need you to jockey tools up the stairs. What is more important is building a tougher tolerance to jokes, self esteem, destroying retorting and not taking things too personal because those guys have shitloads of time to come up with some of the wisest cracks that are gonna throw you for a loop.

    • 1 year ago

      Most construction guys are all talk, because if you go around picking fights on job sites, you don't get hired back, and if you're blacklisted with all of the local contractors, you either leave the trade or leave the area. I have tons of family in the trades, I've been listening to them b***h and talk about putting a hammer through so and so's skull, but they don't do shit, because they want to work.

      And, you frickers fall for every damn bait thread on this site.

  7. 1 year ago

    The interview questions about fighting are just to screen you out at hiring agencies. Pick whichever multi choice answer best says you're a huge pussy and are unable to defend yourself in any scenario.

  8. 1 year ago

    getting into a fight will get you fricking fired these days, you're entire perspective of construction workers are likely from watching movies
    Just need to get thick skin because the culture is old school and not much room for acting like a b***h

  9. 1 year ago

    Just wear a T shirt with the OP pic on it, they will all know how badass yet totally cool you are and be your buddy.

  10. 1 year ago

    The two times I’ve seen beatdowns on jobsites were both because of homeless junkies stealing tools. Cops were called, junkies left the scene in an ambulance with felony charges. I’ve heard the tales of PMs getting curb-stomped over unpaid invoices and fab shop brawls but that really hasn’t been a thing since the early 90s. And no trade does the old school apprenticeship anymore because they realized hitting the the apprentices means you don’t get any new apprentices. That was wrong, and I was apprenticed to an old school guy who would throw fittings/tools at my head off a lift if I brought him the wrong thing.

    But beware of junkies/crackheads. You pretty much can tool on them and the cops don’t care but they will do sneaky shit.

  11. 1 year ago

    Anon people aren't going to he going around picking fights for no reason. They'd need to be even dumber than the cracked out morons I work with because that would mean they'd lose their job, get the cops called on them, get drug tested (which only half of them would pass on a good day), and further complications since half of them are on parole or felons. Just about the only someone is gonna be trying to beat your ass is if you did something you obviously shouldn't do like keep taking/using their tools after they've told you not to, if you frick up their tools, or if you are picking a fight yourself. That's not even considering unions where everything is even tighter

  12. 1 year ago

    What are you talking about, no one is going to fight you, just show up and do your job.

    If it's a rough work place where no one is happy and the pay isn't good, then work somewhere else.

    Some construction jobs can be good and some aren't. I would go for plumbing or electric so you have a future on your own.

  13. 1 year ago

    the most irritating aspect is not when they're acting like little b***hes or wannabe brawlers but when it's somewhere in between and they micromanage you and put you down in a backhanded covert way

    • 1 year ago

      The most irritating aspect is safety. I would prefer to be left alone for the entirety of the day without people checking on me to make sure I'm alive

  14. 1 year ago

    on construction a few raunchy anecdotes and jokes are a better skillset
    and just don't be a b***h
    laugh at collegues jokes
    be a good colleague, i.e. don't leave a mess others have to correct
    if colleague is in trouble, like lifting heavy shit, helping him correct his mess etc, help him
    just be a lad, so to speak

    hardest part for autists like you and me is reading the room. get to know yor colleagues, don't talk about stuff you have no idea about (for me: sports) and don't talk about, say, anime trivia or politics until you know them better
    if they make fun of you don't seethe if it's in jest

    my coworkers know i'm a moronic autist, but i'm always on spot when shit needs doing and i can make and take jokes.
    they respect that
    also the amount of spergs in blue collar jobs is often underestimated, i sometimes feel like 1/3 of all coworkers i ever head were nutcases in one way or another
    like my current job, there is silvio, he has a severe stutter going on and noone fricks with him about that because he's a lad

    never in my life i needed fighting on a worksite, ever
    maybe fighting on work is an american thing, idk

    • 1 year ago

      Sorry anon. You’re just to smart and helpful to be around here. Excellent advice though.

  15. 1 year ago

    Love by the sword, die by the sword.
    Instead use this as an opportunity to learn to avoid fighting. Use diplomacy, make friends.

    • 1 year ago

      >gets laid out by some drunk moron
      You cannot avoie fights if you are weak. You live by the whim of your betters.

  16. 1 year ago

    They're not just going to beat the shit out of you your first day on the job lol. All blue collar work is fueled by shit talking though so if that makes you uncomfortable it would be more worth your while to learn how to do that.

    • 1 year ago

      Ah there you go, shit talking. I was drawing a blank on the word and just defaulted to gossip.

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