Shooting Games

Greetings /k/,
In a couple weeks I'm going camping on private land with 6 or 7 buds, and shooting will be one of our activities. Half of them have guns and half of them don't, so skill levels cover the whole spectrum.
I want to devise some shooting games/ competitions that are more engaging than just shooting the gong, but not so difficult as to discourage the lower skilled shooters.
I've been saving up empty glass bottles as targets for a while (I'm aware that I'm white trash), and want to integrate those into the game. Obviously I'll set the bottles over a tarp for safe& easy cleanup of the glass.
Here's my first idea for a rifle game, but I feel like it could be improved:
Set up 10 bottles on various stumps at 25yd. Load 10 or 15rds in the mag. Each shooter gets somewhere between 15 - 20 seconds to hit as many bottles as they can. For each bottle the shooter hits, the observers have to take a drink. For each bottle the shooter misses, they have to take a drink at the end of the round.
Any pointers? Anybody have any fun go-to shooting games?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 4 months ago

    OP again - this is a tried& true shotgun game the fellas& I have played for years:
    Each turn is 3 shells and 3 clay pigeons. The shooter goes up to the line, yells pull& shoots 3 times, then the turn rotates. Okce the rotation is over, the round is over and a new one starts. There are 10 rounds.
    For each clay the shooter hits, the observers take a drink. For each clay the shooter misses, he takes a drink at the end of his turn.
    Every time the shooter hits a clay, they keep the empty shell in their pocket or in a box. At the end of the game, the shooter with the fewest shells (fewest hits) has to chug a beer. If there's a tie for first, the two who tied play knockout until there's a winner, and the loser of knockout also has to chug.

    • 4 months ago

      I love that

  2. 4 months ago

    I have a couple buddies that I go on hikes with. If we bring rifles we do a sort of shoot-around, in which one of us picks a target in nature like a stump or distant rock and we all take a shot at it. Good for practicing range estimation and moderate distance shooting. Only caveat is that you need to be sure you have good backstops for whatever you're shooting attention, and that there are no other people around who could be hurt.

    • 4 months ago

      shooting at*

  3. 4 months ago

    Get simunition and shoot at each other.

  4. 4 months ago

    If you have a revolver then obviously Russian roulette. Just shoot at a bottle instead of yourself. You can also line up all the weapons you have with a few rounds in them and set up a 3,4,5, etc. gun course. Practice switching weapons, clearing, and moving.

    • 4 months ago

      I concur, Russian roulette is very fun if nobody has to die

      Greetings /k/,
      In a couple weeks I'm going camping on private land with 6 or 7 buds, and shooting will be one of our activities. Half of them have guns and half of them don't, so skill levels cover the whole spectrum.
      I want to devise some shooting games/ competitions that are more engaging than just shooting the gong, but not so difficult as to discourage the lower skilled shooters.
      I've been saving up empty glass bottles as targets for a while (I'm aware that I'm white trash), and want to integrate those into the game. Obviously I'll set the bottles over a tarp for safe& easy cleanup of the glass.
      Here's my first idea for a rifle game, but I feel like it could be improved:
      Set up 10 bottles on various stumps at 25yd. Load 10 or 15rds in the mag. Each shooter gets somewhere between 15 - 20 seconds to hit as many bottles as they can. For each bottle the shooter hits, the observers have to take a drink. For each bottle the shooter misses, they have to take a drink at the end of the round.
      Any pointers? Anybody have any fun go-to shooting games?

      A classic my dad and I would play is called rolling stone. Basically you take a round object (in our case it was a rubber target ball or horse apples) and try to keep it rolling for as long as possible until it stops for one reason or another, winner rolls the furthest

  5. 4 months ago

    Obligatory terrible suggestion

    Dizzy bat race but with a loaded shotgun.

  6. 4 months ago

    I dunno whose land it is but even if its BLM land or whatever be considerate and dont leave trash everywhere. Id say stick to cans. They are easy to clean up. Obviously be safe, especially if drinking is involved with people who dont have much experience with guns. I enjoy knocking back some beers with friends while shpoting, but they all have experience with firearms and safety plus the more people out there with you at once the harder it can be to keep an eye on things. Pair friends with experience wth ones who dont.

    I always had fun at doing a timed fire for targets at various distances. 10 yard, 25, 50 etc. Depends how far out you want or are allowed to go. Maybe for some more experienced shooters incorporate mag changes and put dummy rounds in some as added challenge.

    • 4 months ago

      Lots of good suggestions here, keeping a target ball rolling is definitely an unusual and fun one, and some of the skill levelers too. That said also agree with , whatever you pick do try to clean up after yourselves reasonably well and not leave a mess. Particularly on private land, I know a lot of neighbors who were always fine letting everyone roam and shoot, love guns, right until the last 10-15 years and then for some reason the culture changed. A ton of people started leaving trash and messes everywhere, so all the land got posted. A real shame.

      I don't know why a lot of folks nowadays get angry if you tell them to carry out what they carried in and dig proper latrines and such but please don't be like that.

    • 4 months ago

      >Id say stick to cans. They are easy to clean up.
      This; every time I see someone on youtube break glass, even if they have tarps, it manages to escape and fly into the dirt/grass/leaves.

  7. 4 months ago

    Clays are always fun, get a cheapo hand thrower if you don't have one already.
    Dueling trees are fun with friends, if someone is a really good shot they can always handicap themselves by using their off hand. I also like those "self healing" targets that move around on the ground when you shoot them. You can also do something like the old Basketball game of "horse". The first shooter describes a shot then attempts to make it. If they fail they get some kind of penalty. If they make the shot then the next shooter in the sequence has to duplicate it. If they do, they get to pick a new shot. If they fail they get a penalty and the same shot goes to the next person.

    Something else that's fun is to get a few targets you can easily move to different positions, I use paper plates stapled to cheap wooden stakes. Mark some of the targets a different color from the others. These are no-shoots, the game works like this: The shooter looks away from the target area. While their back is turned someone else sets up a mix of shoot and no-shoot targets at various locations and distances from the shooter. When shooter is ready someone yells go and starts a timer. The shooter has to turn around and shoot all the "shoot" targets ASAP, while they are penalized if they hit a "no-shoot" target.

  8. 4 months ago

    Shooting from the hip and shooting without aiming are fun ways to level the playing field between various levels of experience. I've seen new shooters actually beat experienced guys doing this.

    • 4 months ago

      Plus it feels so satisfying to hit something like that. I remember one time I was shooting with friends and I just nonchalantly put a 38 from my hip dead center through a clay about 15 feet away. Felt like such a badass after that

  9. 4 months ago

    If you are near a water source then playing Battleship is fun. Throw some empty plastic bottles of various sizes out in the water and take turns sinking each others "ships".

    If you do play this then tie fishing line around the bottles so you can drag the sunken ones back to shore. Don't litter like a piece of shit.

    • 4 months ago

      I know an old dude who does this with pie tins and a pellet rifle IIRC.

  10. 4 months ago

    you can always try the classic trick shots, like shooting a playing card edgewise, shooting a cigarette out of the lips of a fake head, shooting out lit candles (careful with fire of course), etc.

    • 4 months ago

      M'lady out here killin' it, body lookin' like a pimp chalice.

  11. 4 months ago

    Just like the basketball game, someone shoots a steel target from a position or in a certain manner. The next person must repeat it.
    You can up the ante with betting $5 per person and the last one standing without horse takes the pot.
    Friends of mine and I do this with revolvers, step out to 150 yards and it gets interesting trying to repeat what the previous guy did. Put a full cylinder on steel at 100 yards and make the next guy do it.

  12. 4 months ago

    The "battleship" thing sounds like a lot of fun. If you were worried about getting lead in the water you could always do that with BB guns instead, though it wouldn't be as exciting.

    Something I've done with friends a few times though I'm not sure how fun it might be for newbies: pick a budget, hit up a hardware store, and have a friendly competition to see who can make the best armor. Our standard rules are the finished armor has to be at least one foot square (12" x 12") and can be no more than 2 inches thick. Budget like $20 or whatever everybody feels like spending at the time, and have fun shooting each other's creations with increasingly powerful guns.

    • 4 months ago

      The improvised armor sounds really creative and fun. Might give this a try

      Shooting from the hip and shooting without aiming are fun ways to level the playing field between various levels of experience. I've seen new shooters actually beat experienced guys doing this.

      Hip firing is fun, but hip firing while drinking could get dicey

  13. 4 months ago

    Damn it, I want some Coors Banquet now.

    • 4 months ago

      They're so goddamn smooth. Only heavy beer i can drink all night

  14. 4 months ago

    >I want to devise some shooting games/ competitions that are more engaging
    Russian roulette... ?

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