Separate forces for conventional and COIN wars

Would splitting the armed forces into a larger conventional force and a smaller COIN focused force make sense?
Think about it, instead of trying to shoehorn large flat bottomed IFVs or APCs into an IED rich environment you could just use your MRAP force. You could make use of gunships and armed prop planes that aren’t really viable for a conventional force. Did I invent this idea

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 11 months ago

    A better idea would be to not get into COIN wars because they are impossible to win

    • 11 months ago

      Me, as the stockholder wins

    • 11 months ago

      COIN wars are winnable, the British have a good track record.
      You just have to be willing to go far enough to win them. Which means
      >Concentration camps
      >Harsh curfew and anyone who breaks it gets shot
      >Confiscation of all foodstuffs
      Both the 2nd Boer war and the Malayan emergency had a combination of these things and the Brits won both of them. The Americans finished off the indians like this and the Germans broke the namqua and Hereros

      • 11 months ago

        That kind of war is both pointless in the modern era and illegal to wage effectively. That means it is invariably a strategic mistake.

        No logical reason exists to want to wage wars like Viet Nam (which was idiotically confused with Korea by cretinous hick LBJ), the nation-building attempt in A-stan (not to be confused with a punitive mission to deal with AQ), or the utterly pointless invasion of Iraq which was a Pyrrhic victory.

        American hubris ensures we'll do it again, just as Rummy etc thought he was smarter than McNamara's generation.

        It is too difficult for most of the US military to understand what should not be done because exceptionalist optimism deranges them. We're naturally good at nation-state war because it is a technical not an intellectual challenge. America does not produce military intellectuals of any note since Mahan. Our society hates non-simplistic thinking.

        The good news is US losses are trivial and we can afford constabulary wars for giggles.

        • 11 months ago

          >its another le americans are so stewpid
          >also totally a fellow dumb redneck moronic murican so I can say that

          • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago

              >golly gee us Americans sure are stupid
              >I just wish we were half as smart as (insert your favela country here)
              We all see you.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah dude your right trying to nationbuild in Afghanistan was a good idea. We totally crushed in Iraq too and we should do it again because it worked out so well. Fricking moron.

                The great thing about America is that we are able to talk about our missteps publicly Infront of everyone because we are also the greatest country on the globe. We don't have to play cheerleader online and deny every loss like some other places do

      • 11 months ago

        American Indians unironically got great-replaced which is a far more insidious manner of conflict then COIN.

      • 11 months ago

        You absolute mong, iron fist doesn't work unless you constantly pour resources and blood into it. This is more sustainable when said resources aren't hard to obtain, process, or move, and isn't even close to sustainable in the last century.
        If all it took for global hegemony was being a massive shitgoblin then India would be the global hegemon, or China.
        You can actually realize investment if you can sell what you're offering to the locals. What you're describing only works for raw resource extraction, and even then, it must be a high margin resource.

      • 11 months ago

        Based Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife poster

        Would splitting the armed forces into a larger conventional force and a smaller COIN focused force make sense?
        Think about it, instead of trying to shoehorn large flat bottomed IFVs or APCs into an IED rich environment you could just use your MRAP force. You could make use of gunships and armed prop planes that aren’t really viable for a conventional force. Did I invent this idea

        The marines should just be turned into a COIN force.

  2. 11 months ago

    >coin war starts
    Hi I’d like to enlist for the conventional army
    >conventional war starts
    Hi I’d like to enlist in the coin army

    • 11 months ago

      Combat pay can be very attractive. Especially when it’s tax free. Especially if you set up recurring index investments

  3. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago


        Embraer advertising the A-29 with WWII livery and invasion stripes. Ukraine also requested A-29s.

    • 11 months ago


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