>Saturate the airspace with jamming drones. >You are now immune to drones

>Saturate the airspace with jamming drones
>You are now immune to drones
Tell me why this wouldn't work.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      'EMP' should really be a filtered word on /k/ that changes to "nanobots"

      • 2 months ago

        'report' should have a reason that says "mod's check out this post"

      • 2 months ago
  2. 2 months ago

    >turn on jamming drones
    >wtf where did my drones I'm controlling go I can't reach them

    • 2 months ago

      the trick is to launch an odd number of them.

    • 2 months ago

      just control them directly with a wire

      • 2 months ago

        laser beam is better

        • 2 months ago

          >laser beam is better
          That costs power and doesn't provide any.
          Transmitting over wire is more or less free and it supplies power into the bargain.

          I don't think anyone has a laser for power transmission yet, I'm sure it's possible but for some reason it's not practical to actually do.

  3. 2 months ago

    God I miss EVE, I really kinda wish I didn't quit after all despite how horribly CCP squandered the potential over and over. Because in the end contrary to my expectations nothing else ever came along that surpassed it we descended into themepark gatcha shit hell instead. What a fricking shame.

    • 2 months ago

      Same bro. Can't believe it's over a decade since I last played.
      I do miss blowing shit up and getting blown up in faction warfare space with my bros.
      Frick Hilmar though.

      • 2 months ago

        Even longer for me. Being a wormhole pirate with my own small corp was times no other virtual experience has ever replicated. Yeah it was niche and not for most people but it had /meaning/ nothing else does for that reason, nobody was just letting you blow up and steal their expensive ratting and mining kit, everyone wanted to preserve their isk, you had to hunt and do intel and earn it, and sometimes you miscalculated and fell into a trap or the prey got away. It was magic though. But I hated tons of shit CCP was doing and how stupid it was, and I was genuinely sure that there'd be new MMOs that'd take the core concept and run with it further.

        But then nothing ever happened :(. I don't know what went wrong but it sucks.

    • 2 months ago

      Same bro. Can't believe it's over a decade since I last played.
      I do miss blowing shit up and getting blown up in faction warfare space with my bros.
      Frick Hilmar though.

      Even longer for me. Being a wormhole pirate with my own small corp was times no other virtual experience has ever replicated. Yeah it was niche and not for most people but it had /meaning/ nothing else does for that reason, nobody was just letting you blow up and steal their expensive ratting and mining kit, everyone wanted to preserve their isk, you had to hunt and do intel and earn it, and sometimes you miscalculated and fell into a trap or the prey got away. It was magic though. But I hated tons of shit CCP was doing and how stupid it was, and I was genuinely sure that there'd be new MMOs that'd take the core concept and run with it further.

      But then nothing ever happened :(. I don't know what went wrong but it sucks.

      EVE taught me that trying to make a deal with russians is never worth it

      I honestly think had CCP introduced walk-in stations the game might still be popular. I think they mistook what the protests were over with monoclegate. People weren't mad it was being added to the game. They were afraid of pay to win shit being added because of it. All I wanted to do was open a bar in a station somewhere called 'DUI Friday's' bros.

      • 2 months ago

        >walking in stations
        No that was part of the problem, sure in principle it'd be neat but in practice it's a huge amount of time/money/effort on stuff that ISN'T SPACESHIPS. They needed to be expanding the sandbox, making cooler endgame that people could then fight over. Stuff like letting players design asteroid mining complexes of their own, with cool in-system resource management and so on, like early Factorio. Which could then be attacked and stolen/obliterated, thus needing defenses and political deal cutting and so on. Corporate system, banking, contracts and so on all had a ton of low hanging fruit. Better sandbox for player designed stations themselves, not just the lame tower POS thing (which yes I did in w-space). That was cool and revolutionary when introduced but it was really aged by early 2010s. Tons of players did npc missioning, but damn did that get stale. That really needed tons more TLC and raw variety, which given the state of things would have been quite easy.

        CCP just didn't have focus and vision of what people were there for and kept getting side tracked into all sorts of shit that had nothing to do with the EVE sandbox. Dust and vampires and so on, all a waste. They should have gotten rid of default local in 0.0 as well, either entirely or made it a structure which could be taken out. Also I was never much of a loregay but remember some genuinely cringey absolute edgelord shit coming.

        Not that there weren't some decent solid additions of course, but overall there was so much squandered potential it was really painful.

        Yet even so your image there brings it all right back for me. Fug.

        • 2 months ago

          They did blackout local in Null for a while. It was pretty funny watching the corps out there be mad about it.

          I wish they'd make wormhole industry a thing but you have the issue of big corps monopolizing all the valuable wormhole systems like when moon mining was still a thing in WH space.

          • 2 months ago

            well the issue is that wormholes completely failed to live up to their design intention. they were supposed to be some kind of alternative nomadic lifestyle to nullsec rather than just eve in hard mode, and it is that to some degree, but you really aren't much of a nomad as you are stranded. it's eve where you're even more self reliant and that's like, cool, but it's bordering on contrary to the entire game's design because you really just hold up in a fortizar and blockade runner everything in

            i was one of the directors of the goonswarm wormhole corp and that entire situation completely fell apart because the leadership of goonswarm wanted to have people on call to do dirty work in places that were difficult to get to and none of the gameplay systems we used were reliable enough to be strategically useful to large organizations. and when all of your line members are also cap pilots in goonswarm nobody logs on. lol

        • 2 months ago

          >time/money/effort on stuff that ISN'T SPACESHIPS
          Some of my best memories in EVE delt in wheeling and dealing buy/sell orders (i.e. not being in a spaceship). I fricked up the mining laser market over Christmas Break from college like 7-8 years ago in Amarr Prime. Right before people would start logging in for the first time or were trying to buy stuff since more people were going to be trying to start their own corps over the winter I bought literally all of the mining lasers that didn't require an Omega account to use then relisted them at an inflated price. Other people started putting their lasers up to match and I even tricked a dude into buying all of my rapidly deflating lasers well over cost when I got bored after a week. Another memory of mine was tripping a dude out who was a higher up in a corp to show his hand by admitting he was going to gut the corp once he became security director by clearing out a common parts hangar that had no log and caused the current security director to look at all the containers that did have logs and saw the other guy had been stealing shit. I then got promoted to that guys old position within the corp and gutted as much as I could before they all logged on the next day. I always had far more fun with the market manipulation and social engineering in the game than I ever did right clicking lock target then F1.

          Finally I miss this station inerior:

          • 2 months ago

            Based, I ended up more on the yarr side of things but always appreciated the economic warfare angle and games people played and wished the system was richer there too.

        • 2 months ago

          Oh my fricking hod, my homeland right there. 12 fricking years later, H-PA the White Noise rising. I quit right before they went to become interstellar selebreties on some Russian oligarch payroll.

        • 2 months ago

          >CCP just didn't have focus and vision of what people were there for and kept getting side tracked into all sorts of shit that had nothing to do with the EVE sandbox.
          They tried those things because EVE was dying.
          No matter how much we would all like it to be the case you can't sustain an actively developed mmo without a significant casual/social player count
          Those players don't want to exclusively stare at ugly flying spreadsheets.
          They'll do it to a reasonable degree, especially if it results in them getting cool shiny things for their pretty avatar.
          EVE having good casual/social focused systems parallel to the turbo-autism that is the actual game would have lead to a healthier, more robust playerbase
          And they were trying to do exactly this but mega-autists like you REEing about all of it convinced they would kill their hardcore playerbase by introducing OPTIONAL FEATURES
          And it killed the fricking game

          • 2 months ago

            >They tried those things because EVE was dying.
            No, it literally wasn't you fricking moron. On the contrary EVE was the only thing growing and the only thing making CCP money. Every other stupid piece of shit they tried failed miserably.
            >EVE having good casual/social focused systems parallel to the turbo-autism that is the actual game would have lead to a healthier, more robust playerbase
            Again you're a fricking moron, do you work for CCP management? I absolutely called for things that would enhance the social and fun of the game. Like the hilariously awful and abandoned for ages PvE missions, which yeah I did a shitload of starting off. I had my carebear raven before I left all that behind. CCP didn't invest in any of that EITHER.

    • 2 months ago

      same, I'm somewhat constantly in a limbo of remembering how it's probably one of the most interesting and best games that exists and considering picking it up again whilst also remembering how much of a slog a lot of it is.

      • 2 months ago

        Part of what dissuades me each time is the time itself. It's been so long, all my skills are rusty, my knowledge utterly outdated, my connections gone. Feels harder in some ways to start up again, and not sure how alive it still is.

    • 2 months ago

      >God I miss EVE

      Same bro. Can't believe it's over a decade since I last played.
      I do miss blowing shit up and getting blown up in faction warfare space with my bros.
      Frick Hilmar though.

      >Can't believe it's over a decade since I last played

      Same bro. Can't believe it's over a decade since I last played.
      I do miss blowing shit up and getting blown up in faction warfare space with my bros.
      Frick Hilmar though.

      >blowing shit up and getting blown up in faction warfare space with my bros

      Even longer for me. Being a wormhole pirate with my own small corp was times no other virtual experience has ever replicated. Yeah it was niche and not for most people but it had /meaning/ nothing else does for that reason, nobody was just letting you blow up and steal their expensive ratting and mining kit, everyone wanted to preserve their isk, you had to hunt and do intel and earn it, and sometimes you miscalculated and fell into a trap or the prey got away. It was magic though. But I hated tons of shit CCP was doing and how stupid it was, and I was genuinely sure that there'd be new MMOs that'd take the core concept and run with it further.

      But then nothing ever happened :(. I don't know what went wrong but it sucks.

      >Even longer for me. Being a wormhole pirate with my own small corp was times no other virtual experience has ever replicated
      I miss it too but it's such a time sink.
      I can't quite bring myself to spend so many hours on something that made me have to schedule pissing and at the end of the day, gave me nothing but internet kredits.

      It was a lot of fun but I kinda feel like it was like spending every night stoned on the couch...there are better things I could be doing with my life.

    • 2 months ago

      EVE taught me that time is money and that stupid hurts. These lessons led me away from the game though. I miss it.

    • 2 months ago

      It took 10 years and half a billion dollars, but Star Citizen is mostly playable now. It's still not a complete game but it does have all the components of a game.

    • 2 months ago

      I think about going back every once in a while and then I remember how cancerous everything was post fattygay/fozziesov, I don't even want to know what it's like now.

    • 2 months ago

      Waking up at 3am for a pos bash cta and getting yelled at by a shitfaced US Navy officer for being a european monkey who can't even press F1 properly was probably the best preparation for the real world that my fifteen year old self could have gotten. I miss that game so goddamn much.

    • 2 months ago

      What happened with it? I quit like 10 years ago, assumed it was dying, never met a person who is actually still playing (tons of "i miss it" folks thoug) but they still having healthy online. I know its not chinese, they have their own server.

      P.S. EW drones drones are stupid idea before someone will put a nuclear reactor in it.

      • 2 months ago

        Eve is still alive and kicking. I still see some of my old comrades logged in via steam.
        I miss it too but I also know its simultaneously the best game ever made and a piece of shit. It took such insane amounts of time and the last 3 years I "played" I didn't even log in I just played other games with my e-friends instead of eve.

    • 2 months ago

      it eventually just felt like more of a chore to play the game for me, there were other game i had that were more fun.
      One day I might come back. My char hasn't been bio'd yet, he's still training his skills.


      >Saturate the airspace with jamming drones
      >You are now immune to drones
      Tell me why this wouldn't work.

      not a good drone analogy, ECM drones are kinda crap

      • 2 months ago

        >ECM drones are kinda crap
        Light Ecm drones were extremely op for a good while iirc they had a flat chance to jam regardless of target scanner strength.

        • 2 months ago

          >iirc they had a flat chance to jam regardless of target scanner strength
          Oh, I remember something like that.
          I trained to use them for that reason and they got nerfed before I was done.

    • 2 months ago

      the bittervet circle
      >quit eve
      >miss eve
      >quit eve

      test redditors tongue my anus

    • 2 months ago

      The last truly great thing to happen in Eve was BOB being destroyed from the inside by a goon after years and years of CCP's homosexual devs cheating to prop the alliance up.

      • 2 months ago

        can you tell the story to an outsider?

  4. 2 months ago

    >saturate area with jamming drones
    >jam entire area disabling all drones
    >also jam all the jamming drones

    • 2 months ago

      >what is directional jamming

      • 2 months ago

        this, what actually is it someone explain i am an unashamed moronic

        • 2 months ago

          Make a wire of a specific shape, of a specific alloy.
          Zap enough electricity thru to cook with them, it's so frickin overloaded.
          Put the wires beside each other at specific distances from each other.
          Now put this row into a certain specific curve.
          All these factors together means that, when every piece of metal generates a frick huge electro magnetic field from all the juice you're blasting thru it, the waves don't crash and scatter, but rather flow together absorbing each other along the same exact path, like that annoying echo-reverb on a microphone. Into a beam of HRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMM.

          • 2 months ago

            couldn't you just get a guy with a microphone and some giant concert speakers to scream HHHHHHRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM all day?

            why don't we have weaponized mongolian throat singers they could be the key to winning this war

            • 2 months ago

              Russia has all the mongols. We'd need to hire native americans

              • 2 months ago

                >Russia has all the mongols

                Mongols are split between Mongolia (independent, western friendly-ish) and Inner Mongolia (Chinese province).

      • 2 months ago

        Phased array antena jamming? I suppose it's technically possible but you want a wide beam.
        Probably easier to just pre-program the mission waypoints and battery level it should stop jamming and RTB.

        • 2 months ago

          idk how the drones' GPS system works but I think pre-programming it would defeat the main attribute of these things - search and destroy

          • 2 months ago

            I mean so a jamming drone can exist without crashing as soon as it started jamming.
            But as


            A jammer's job is to scream AAAAAAAAAAAAAA as loud as possible in the electromagnetic spectrum.
            Do you think that's something that scales with electrical power?
            How much electrical power is in a flying lithium battery vs. a ground device with an engine or generator?

            Distance matters too so if it got right up next to another drone it might be able to jam it due to close proximity, triggering it to hover aimlessly for a while or return to base, but that's not the most effective drone-on-drone warfare idea I've heard.

            points out any battery powered jammer is going to suck.

      • 2 months ago

        Something that wouldn’t work when you saturate an area with fricking obscene amounts of jamming drones?

  5. 2 months ago

    Directional antenna

  6. 2 months ago

    is there something like sensor dampening? so whoever is being targeted needs to get closer to whatever its aiming at

  7. 2 months ago

    >I deploy my jamming jamming drones
    >They jam all your jamming signals
    >Now all signals work again
    checkmate atheists

  8. 2 months ago

    A jammer's job is to scream AAAAAAAAAAAAAA as loud as possible in the electromagnetic spectrum.
    Do you think that's something that scales with electrical power?
    How much electrical power is in a flying lithium battery vs. a ground device with an engine or generator?

    Distance matters too so if it got right up next to another drone it might be able to jam it due to close proximity, triggering it to hover aimlessly for a while or return to base, but that's not the most effective drone-on-drone warfare idea I've heard.

    • 2 months ago

      It does more than just AAAAAAAA, sometimes they spam the signals that they intercept back at them and other frickery.

      • 2 months ago

        Technique jamming also requires obscene amounts of power. The point that


        is making is that the OP solution of “saturate the area with jammers” might not be practical or effective. You’d need midsized drones, like Bayraktar sized drones… and at that point you’d want to use them for something better than just area denial

    • 2 months ago

      If you could take that energy and distribute it evenly over an area, the jamming is much more effective. Especially if you're dealing with modern highly directional jam-resistant antennas. You need to be more or less lined up with the target and the observer to be effective.

      • 2 months ago

        >If you could take that energy and distribute it evenly over an area, the jamming is much more effective
        Sure, but a ground station with a big antenna already does that much better than flying drones with much, much, smaller transmitters.

    • 2 months ago

      Idea: Hot air balloon drones with propellers for course correction and randomly jerking around, connected to a battery and controller by a wire.

      • 2 months ago

        Funnily enough, in Ukraine v. Russia they've already deployed some drones that are connected to the ground by a strand of fiber optic cable. The agility is limited to avoid tying themselves in knots, but fiber is practically as light as a single strand of hair and doesn't weigh the drone down too much to fly.
        And 'power over fiber' is a thing, basically shine a laser down the fiber to collect super concentrated light on a tiny solar panel at the end. Not a ton of power but conceivably adequate to power the whole drone. In sci-fi scenarios maybe you just beam unlimited power to drones.

    • 2 months ago

      What if we build a bunch of A-50 sized drones and saturate the area with those?

    • 2 months ago

      Soon drones will be line of sight only and shortly after that, they'll say, "to hell with it" and put an operator in the drone.

      • 2 months ago

        I've been running a midget breeding program for years but I'm a little worried the AI companies are going to beat me

      • 2 months ago

        moron. They'll just switch to optical comms and AI. Jamming is a complete meme. There are lots of ways to get around it, and most drone work has zero fundamental need for humans.

        • 2 months ago

          >jamming is a complete meme
          lol, no. Jamming is the most important part of electronic warfare, by a country mile. It’s the reason Iraq was bombed into oblivion with virtually no coalition losses. It’s the reason Serbia had to fire 11 gajillion SAMs to take down a grand total of 3 aircraft. It’s the reason western forces continue to absolutely dominate the world. Jamming is king of deception

        • 2 months ago

          >switch to optical comms
          Do you have a broadband laser that can fit on a drone? Do you know what an aerosol is? No, actually, I'd like to see you try to do long-distance signal propagation in not just a thermal band, but a fricking wavelength NEAR THE SIZE OF ATMOSPHERIC DUST. I want to see you spend 20 years of your life coming up with ways to defend your optical comms system against me, armed with a flak gun that launches cans of hairspray. Oh, also we both know you need some kind of trunk or mesh network to overcome line-of-sight, so now I can just aim at the rearmost ones doing store-and-forward and jam the whole swarm. I want you to put two decades of your life into this shit before realizing that it was all in vain and you've become a balding failure with three postdocs and a dried-up DoD grant. It's the only way you will fricking learn. Fricking switch to optical comms.

    • 2 months ago

      This is why the future is distributed self-malding missiles like SPEAR 3 where a swarming cruise missile can activate OECM jammers as needed to protect its fellow missile frens from being intercepted.

    • 2 months ago

      Do jammers scream Touhou music at max volume to do their thing?

  9. 2 months ago

    Because ECM drones are trash, they never saved me in eve

    • 2 months ago

      >Doesnt train skills to increase ECM drone %s
      >Complains they are shit
      Tale as old as time

    • 2 months ago

      >someone never read the guide never learned to ewar properly never trained
      many such cases

      • 2 months ago

        Anon was talking about ECM drones.
        ECM drones != ECM modules

        I used to carry them on a Dominix ratter as a last resort against ganks or small gang Domi that was kitted with random support drones but they're never as good at any kind of support as a dedicated support ship and usually the effects are so low that they're pointless to have around.

        Now my Celestis or Arazu builds on the other hand....

        • 2 months ago

          The basic logic and math applies though, just adjust for the drones. You still need training and a specialized ship to have it be more then a dice toss. As you say, they could occasionally be useful as a last resort option if you weren't able/chose not to use other ones, but that's it. It'd be totally expected if they rarely worked, particularly since any serious pirate would have their own counters in turn.

          • 2 months ago

            Anon was talking about ECM drones.
            ECM drones != ECM modules

            I used to carry them on a Dominix ratter as a last resort against ganks or small gang Domi that was kitted with random support drones but they're never as good at any kind of support as a dedicated support ship and usually the effects are so low that they're pointless to have around.

            Now my Celestis or Arazu builds on the other hand....


            >someone never read the guide never learned to ewar properly never trained
            many such cases

            does modern eve have the jammer bar under targets? That guide is old UI

            • 2 months ago

              Posted it kinda as a joke anon yeah it's mega old. Broski was the PrepHole corp for brief 6 month or so spell a bunch of anons piled in like, 2012 was it? 2011? Way WAY back at this point.

  10. 2 months ago

    EVE taught me that trying to make a deal with russians is never worth it

    • 2 months ago

      based lesson learner ahead of his time
      (and yeah that's actually eerie in retrospect didn't think about that but frick did we hate them in-game due to their bullshit)

      • 2 months ago

        I do worry about my old slavic tackle pilot. I don’t know exactly where he was from but I hope he’s not dead in a ditch somewhere

        • 2 months ago

          That's another reason I kinda regret quitting, there were some interesting dudes from across the world and different walks of life I chatted with and fought alongside virtually but for some level of stakes and wish I was still be in touch in these days as the world has gotten more chaotic. "Only a game" but was a much more meaningful thing then social media. I didn't appreciate it at the time though.

    • 2 months ago

      >EVE taught me that trying to make a deal with russians is never worth it
      We managed something with them once or twice, they never turned on us.
      I remember Goons got them onside and enlisted MC to turn on BoB, that's kind of when I bowed out of the game.


      I wish I could find Suas' sweet transvestite cover

      t. former IAC

    • 2 months ago

      Enemy might have smart bombing battleships.

      Nah, you just need to gain their respect by slapping them in the face hard enough.


      I honestly think had CCP introduced walk-in stations the game might still be popular. I think they mistook what the protests were over with monoclegate. People weren't mad it was being added to the game. They were afraid of pay to win shit being added because of it. All I wanted to do was open a bar in a station somewhere called 'DUI Friday's' bros.

      WIS was completely pointless and nothing good would have come if it.

      They did blackout local in Null for a while. It was pretty funny watching the corps out there be mad about it.

      I wish they'd make wormhole industry a thing but you have the issue of big corps monopolizing all the valuable wormhole systems like when moon mining was still a thing in WH space.

      Nullblobs couldn't compete with WH autists for any sort of extended periods.

      What happened with it? I quit like 10 years ago, assumed it was dying, never met a person who is actually still playing (tons of "i miss it" folks thoug) but they still having healthy online. I know its not chinese, they have their own server.

      P.S. EW drones drones are stupid idea before someone will put a nuclear reactor in it.

      Eve is still >online but the development has been largely abandoned or at least deprioritized with CCP focusing on a series of failing side projects.

      • 2 months ago

        >WIS was completely pointless and nothing good would have come if it
        I disagree

  11. 2 months ago


  12. 2 months ago

    how jamming drone not jam other jamming drone

    • 2 months ago

      they operate on a very specific frequency, so theoretically if someone was able to guess that frequencies out of the tens of thousands that are possible they might be able to fly a drone on the same frequency

      but usually jammers just block all frequencies and comms are very sparse

  13. 2 months ago

    I just got back into eve a couple weeks ago, it's fun lads. Hop back in FW is banger right now, lowsec is hyper dangerous comparatively to a decade ago.

    • 2 months ago

      I'd probably have to see if any old corpmates still existed. It's also a bad time of year though, winter is a good time to settle into that sort of thing, spring/summer/fall are busy and shooting season as well. I'll have to contemplate though. Interesting to know some folks are still going back.

      • 2 months ago

        I check zkillboard every once in a while. All my old eve frens are gone. 🙁

        • 2 months ago


          Tfw i will never bomb redditors or awox redditors or hunt redditors ratting.

          Why even live ;_;

  14. 2 months ago

    strap it to a tonk

    • 2 months ago

      This is very concerning. Vatniks appear to have discovered the use of pallets.

  15. 2 months ago

    Man kinda cool so many /k/ommandos remember eve, never knew. Wonder if we might have done a neat corp back in the day, PrepHole had one but it was mostly moronic (granted like 1/4-1/3 were cool dudes).

  16. 2 months ago

    to saturate airspace with interference you need power - and drones are not very efficient at high power output for long time needed for saturation

  17. 2 months ago

    is there /korp/ or anything like it, I'm not joining one of the big blobs

    • 2 months ago

      Lets do the /k/orp
      it cant be worse than reddit doing test

      • 2 months ago

        I'd potentially be up for something

        If you've actually been playing for a while and have any idea what you're doing, just go hang out in an active lowsec system and do some solo stuff. Eventually you'll fall in with some group.
        If you pick Tama tell Quake590 that Jethro says hi.

        I've not played the game in years, spend most of my time doing explo (and killing explorers) and putting in a lot of time helping to run a corp and some really nuts spy stuff so it's an annoying mix of both having a good amount of experience with stuff but also being pretty useless at others atm, literally just logged in for the first time in 5 years a few days ago.

    • 2 months ago

      Join Tengu

    • 2 months ago

      If you've actually been playing for a while and have any idea what you're doing, just go hang out in an active lowsec system and do some solo stuff. Eventually you'll fall in with some group.
      If you pick Tama tell Quake590 that Jethro says hi.

    • 2 months ago

      If you've actually been playing for a while and have any idea what you're doing, just go hang out in an active lowsec system and do some solo stuff. Eventually you'll fall in with some group.
      If you pick Tama tell Quake590 that Jethro says hi.

      >just go hang out in an active lowsec system and do some solo stuff. Eventually you'll fall in with some group
      I'd add to anon there, if you get ganked by pirates, win or lose, you should chat them and tell them you were looking for a PvP corp in lowspace and that's why you're there.
      If you didn't suck, recruiting you is not uncommon.

      Pirates, more than most players, are about the fight and loot, not actually rivalry or trolling.
      If you're a good sport about it, you can win some respect from them and sign on, it's pretty common and more than one carebear has been converted that way.

      • 2 months ago

        >Pirates, more than most players, are about the fight and loot
        As a career lowsec player there really isn't such a thing as loot. Even the occasional blinged out ship never actually drops anything good. We're just here for the fights.

        • 2 months ago

          >As a career lowsec player there really isn't such a thing as loot
          As a null-sec/low-sec player, the gangs I've been in have pulled up some sweet faction loot off ratters or oligarch alt ships.

          Most successful PvPers have some gucci modules to their name that came from PvE players.
          At least that's how the raiding gangs I joined went.

          • 2 months ago

            If you get really lucky sure, I picked up a few nice modules here and there. But you're not really going to be making a living off it in low. I had a couple thousand kills, most of them small gang and solo, and I doubt I made more than a billion or two off of them in total.

            • 2 months ago

              I think the real money is in being paid off in one way or another.

              Maybe an industrial alliance pays you in T2 ships to stay out of their territory and raid their neighbours.
              Maybe a corp pays you rent to rat or mine in your home system.
              Maybe you hire out to alliances as mercenaries for specific operations like POS removal.
              Or, if you take something like a POS component or station egg hostage, then you can always ransom it.

        • 2 months ago

          If you get really lucky sure, I picked up a few nice modules here and there. But you're not really going to be making a living off it in low. I had a couple thousand kills, most of them small gang and solo, and I doubt I made more than a billion or two off of them in total.

          That was part of the fun of being a career w-space pirate, at least like 12 years ago when I played. Particularly early on people would absolutely equip truly gucci stuff. I still have a screenshot of my first ever Estamel loot drop somewhere. Granted I'd equip nice (though not that nice, but not ultra cheap) myself which was fun and got the blood pumping, I definitely cared about losing, but I made a solid 50-60 billion anyway over a few years.

          Though that's another thing, how has inflation been in EVE? I'd imagine that a lot of money to me back in the day would be not so much now.

          • 2 months ago

            back then w-space loot was worth a fair amount too so even ratting drops was decent maintenance money and you could potentially clear out sites you caught people at yourself

          • 2 months ago

            >Though that's another thing, how has inflation been in EVE?
            I really don't know. Haven't played in about eight or nine years.

  18. 2 months ago
  19. 2 months ago

    I was going to say I need to close and hide this thread before it becomes the thing to tempt me to go back after 11 years but then I realized I'm safe for a few more months at least, I don't have a computer that can run anything right now because I'm saving and planning for that this summer. Phew. But I could see a /k/orp actually being a pretty good match for what I remember of EVE. But frick would it be a haul to try to see all the shit I've missed, and what still exists of what I owned since I quit in a hurry.

    • 2 months ago

      I'd 100% be up for getting involved with a /korp/, perhaps even if it was just a loose confederation of people for a while as actually getting space and keeping it isn't the easiest.

      • 2 months ago

        I definitely would not want to do more nullsec games as a small anon corp. At most might be fun to grab a wormhole for awhile if that's still a thing, but it'd probably be better to stick to piracy or basing out of some NPC area or something. Granted a lot of us are absolutely ultra rusty as frick and step 1 would probably be getting rifters or whatever and just fricking around for awhile, plus reading up on what we missed. Jesus can't believe it's been over a decade already how the time flies by.

        • 2 months ago

          when I first got in to the game after finding a corp I spent nearly 80% of my time dealing with nullsec politics and it's gay as frick.
          trying to do something a bit more nomadic whilst we all get back up to speed with things could be fun.
          not sure what we would name the corp, something Kube related or just something with a /k/ in it

        • 2 months ago

          >I definitely would not want to do more nullsec games as a small anon corp
          Sorry to be clear "nullsec SOV games", I had plenty of fun for awhile with "nullsec games" of being in a bunch of AFs we could afford to throwaway with a guy adding a little curse/ewar (dunno what's good nowadays) and roaming around from a few pirate NPC 0.0 or from w-space entries, some fun enough nights there. But trying to actually get/hold territory is something for srsbsns.

          Or at least it was because yeah maybe all that has changed.

          • 2 months ago

            no I get you nullsec sov games are draining as frick

        • 2 months ago

          Personally I would set up the corp somewhere in low where there is active FW and you're reasonably close to trading hubs, because odds are that you're not going to have good logistics so players are going to need to be able to resupply themselves. Rakapas in Black Rise might be a decent choice for example. It's a choke point so you can camp one of the gates if you get bored, there should still be plenty of small ship action with FW players, and if you ever get someone with a JF I think it's still a single jump from Jita even post fattygay.

  20. 2 months ago

    You'd jam your jamming drones, making you vulnerable

  21. 2 months ago

    For all the EVEbros there is still a general for the game...somehow




    • 2 months ago

      >going to any PrepHole board to discuss video games
      the best discussion on a topic is always on other boards, anon. see space travel here (and not sci), video games here (and not PrepHole), etc.

      weapons, religion and politics are an interesting exception since /misc/ has brainrotted the website to the point you can't have any discussion without some 14 year old coming in and screeching. but this rule holds up for everything else.

      • 2 months ago

        Fair point

      • 2 months ago

        >the best discussion on a topic is always on other boards
        It's weird that that keeps happening. Hell, the few times I've been to PrepHole, the best threads were the ones that weren't about videogames.

        • 2 months ago

          it's because a lot of people on PrepHole are literal pedophiles or children, anon. people like that are not capable of having good opinions on video games. conversations about other things are better because only people with an actual interest get involved in those discussions, whereas on PrepHole you will get fricking morons talking about shit they've never played.

          legit go on PrepHole and start a discussion about space travel, specifically something not to do with musk or apollo 11 (since armchair engineers/midwits will immediately jump on those) and watch how high quality the discussion is. make sure it's about something sufficiently autistic.

          • 2 months ago

            >watch how high quality the discussion is. make sure it's about something sufficiently autistic
            I'd "blame" Kerbal and Children of a Dead Earth for that.

            I think the rule breaks down for some boards though, possibly in relation to how cool/fun/escapist the topic is perceived to be.
            Space flight is cool, we want to say we know about that. Weapons also, martial arts and obviously video games are attractive to man children and so on.

            OTOH: /n/ remains the best place to discuss technical aspects of bicycles, probably trains too. PrepHole is a very low quality board on average but if you filter the junk food threads then you're left with people talking seriously about baking bread or homebrew.

  22. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >Either too smoothbrained to put any effort into learning the game
      >Or was ganked while mining in 1.0 and ragequit

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