>Russia parked A-50 in range of Ukrainian weapons. >again

>Russia parked A-50 in range of Ukrainian weapons

Post yfw

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    on the one hand, I have a hard time believing they are this stupid
    on the other hand, I've also been paying attention for the last two years.

    • 3 months ago
  2. 3 months ago

    what, another one? source?

    • 3 months ago







      • 3 months ago

        >>hear explosions
        it's just morons fricking around with fireworks again
        a mass suicide drone attack
        >Someday I'll get hear a nuke and dismiss it as a nothingburger.

        • 3 months ago

          I lived just a few miles from an explosives development range for almost 8 years. i got so used to seeing mushroom clouds that I ignored one when a tanker truck exploded on the highway in front of me.

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            it should say
            >billions must live
            in the second bubble on the left

          • 3 months ago

            Søyjak is shit

        • 3 months ago

          straight from the bawds mouth

      • 3 months ago

        It truly boggles the mind how they continue to be so mindbogglingly moronic.

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        I wish but let's wait for some confirmation. I'd be hillarious if they managed to frick up another one.

      • 3 months ago


        >I'll cut off my balls

      • 3 months ago

        >Someday I'll get hear a nuke and dismiss it as a nothingburger.

  3. 3 months ago

    So what's the consensus on the Russian claim that the IL was carrying Ukrainian POWs?

    • 3 months ago

      Pictures came out of the crash site first and a lot of shills were still claiming it.
      Then there was HD drone footage not showing any bodies and they tried to memoryhole it never bringing it up.

    • 3 months ago

      it was completely memoryholed and never brought up, so you can be assured that was certainly not what really happened.

    • 3 months ago

      Probably nothing but fuel and perhaps munitions. I was really hoping for the schizo theory that it was transporting Iranian dignitaries to be true, even though the chances were nil. Would've been good content for my snuff folder to post in reply to dirkas.

  4. 3 months ago
  5. 3 months ago

    5000 POWs, slaughtered by their own ... JUST LIKE THAT!

    HATO is t3h ebbilz.

    • 3 months ago

      >wieners beltfed at the gates of the Siberian POW camp
      >remember, no Russian!

  6. 3 months ago

    Okay. I'm convinced Putin made a deal with the West after the Hostomel/Kyiv frick up - they lost the war then & there. That attempt was to avoid the situation they have been in ever since. Him & his cronies get to keep their lives in exchange for acting as moronic as possible while completely decimating their own country & military. It's the only thing that makes sense at this point.

    • 3 months ago

      It speaks to the vastness of Russian ineptitude, that in a desperate attempt for things to make sense; that we feel the need to come up with theories that Putin is a foreign agent. Someone has to be working for someone, because this can't be someone's best effort at invasion. All of us bumblefricks could get together and do a better invasion just on chance.

    • 3 months ago

      On the contrary, Putin burned the offramp when he annexed the oblasts. Victory is off the table, but as long as they keep acting the part, he might just live long enough to die in office and let somebody else deal with sorting this shit out.

      • 3 months ago

        I mean, if his plan is to die anyway, why doesn't he just take the hit of ordering the withdrawal, then get whacked so that his successor has a chance to rebuild Russia?

        • 3 months ago

          I think the low chance of this all working out for him keeps his hope alive and keeps him going. He doesnt give a shit that people are dying or that his country is worse off for him having made the decision, he wants to go down in history as a great Russian leader and he’s willing to burn everything down to accomplish that.

    • 3 months ago

      Putin genuinely believes he is winning and that Western resolve to support Ukraine will break before the Russian military does. he has repeatedly expressed a belief that the Western countries do not sincerely care about the things they claim to care about and all it will take is a direct challenge to make it all fall apart, which is why if he is successful in Ukraine he will likely reconstitute and try to undermine Article 5 and NATO by pulling something like Crimea in the Baltics or Moldova or Finland.

      he went into extreme isolation during COVID and was already undergoing a transformation from KGB mafioso type to a revanchist messianic delusion beforehand. everyone who speaks with him directly has mentioned he can just seethe and rant about historical sins against Russia by anybody and everybody for hours and is sincerely of the belief that Russia unironically needs a type of ideological lebensraum - that Russia has no borders until it is stopped. people don't occupy those pinnacles of power for that long without going fricking insane. its legitimately amazing how much Russian state propaganda mirrors the Germany of the 20s and 30s - the obsession with ideas about the 'mighty USSR' being stabbed in the back by leaders like Gorbachev and not collapsing because it was a decrepit shithole, that the West will collapse if you just kick in the door like Hitler said about the USSR, that the Russian people are locked in an existentialist race war with 'Anglo-Saxons'

      • 3 months ago

        >Western resolve to support Ukraine will break before the Russian military does
        Which is funny because my country alone can produce 155mm NATO ammunition, APCs, all small arms ammunition, small arms, grenades, uniforms, etc and we haven't even been tapped for Ukraine yet. He's put his foot in the front door and claimed that he owns the entire house.

        • 3 months ago

          which country?

          • 3 months ago

            He's talking about the vatican.

            • 3 months ago

              The Pope? How many divisions has he got?

              • 3 months ago

                I understood that reference.

              • 3 months ago

                back to


              • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        >Russia has no borders until it is stopped
        This Russian attitude is mentioned several times in the bok "The Great Game" by Pert Hopkirk. Allegedly in his testament tsar Niclaus I. (or some other tsar, I dont remember) secretly charged all leaders of Russia that succeeded him to enlarge the borders of Russia until they have conquered the whole world.

      • 3 months ago

        >Putin genuinely believes he is winning
        Not really. I mean, he can be blind and read only reports of his asslicking commanders, but when a war that supposed to be a 2 weeks walkthrough lasts over 2 years even he should start suspecting something. I think Putin knows that there are (maybe not in details) quite big problems, he has to mobilize more mobiks into the meatgrinder and do other stuff - which I think he will start doing shortly after his elections. His bigger hope hovewer is that Trump will become the president and save Russia, so Putin just has to keep things stable until this moment.

        • 3 months ago

          >His bigger hope hovewer is that Trump will become the president and save Russia, so Putin just has to keep things stable until this moment.

          Isn't this their last one in theater? They'd have to pull others from elsewhere if that one's gone.

          According to Girkin's take, Pootin is being strung along both by his own lackeys and Western leaders who keep telling him that aaaaany day now they'll drop Ukraine like a hot potato (if only he can capture a few more Pisskeys to convince their voter base that it's no longer winnable). Who knows if that's true but it'd be pretty fricking funny if it was.

          >According to Girkin's take, Pootin is being strung along both by his own lackeys and Western leaders who keep telling him that aaaaany day now they'll drop Ukraine like a hot potato (if only he can capture a few more Pisskeys to convince their voter base that it's no longer winnable).
          My guess is that, wittingly or not, Trump is also in on this game.

        • 3 months ago

          Trump, the one who told Putin he would nuke Moscow if he invaded Ukraine? That's the only reason Putin waited til Biden was in office. Don't believe everything you hear in mainstream media my guy, this is like an ego thing for Trump. He could easily escalate if he's not completely full of shit, and he tends to keep his words at least in regards to military shit. He deffo lies all the time about other stuff but he wants America to be respected and feared and has consistently been pro-Ukraine.

          • 3 months ago

            >That's the only reason Putin waited til Biden was in office
            Nope, they've unironically moved the plans because of covid

          • 3 months ago

            Have you been hiding under a rock?

          • 3 months ago

            >Trump, the one who told Putin he would nuke Moscow if he invaded Ukraine? That's the only reason Putin waited til Biden was in office.
            No, because Putin is a master of the ook ook nook rhetoric, so he knows Trump is all talk.
            Putin knows he can string along Trump and make him buy everything he's selling.
            Biden, as a cold war fossil, is far more dangerous to him and his plans and Putin should understand this too.

        • 3 months ago

          >but when a war that supposed to be a 2 weeks walkthrough lasts over 2 years even he should start suspecting something
          Hurr-durr fighting against the whole of NATO instead of Ukraine

      • 3 months ago

        >and that Western resolve to support Ukraine will break before the Russian military does
        Isn't he right? They can send mobikes in chink gold carts, use T-55s and waste a million pidors if needed. In the mean time US already cucked out more than six months ago. Germany doesn't want to give missiles. And things like jets are being done by small countries like Netherlands and Denmark of all people.

    • 3 months ago

      Girkin argued something similar. Me, I think this is only true at the mid-level. Like, some of these meat assaults (not all) make SO little sense even when taking S*viet doctrine and R*ssian disregard for human life into account that the only remaining explanation is that they got bought out by the West for a few million bucks. Up top it's back to regular incompetence.

      Putin genuinely believes he is winning and that Western resolve to support Ukraine will break before the Russian military does. he has repeatedly expressed a belief that the Western countries do not sincerely care about the things they claim to care about and all it will take is a direct challenge to make it all fall apart, which is why if he is successful in Ukraine he will likely reconstitute and try to undermine Article 5 and NATO by pulling something like Crimea in the Baltics or Moldova or Finland.

      he went into extreme isolation during COVID and was already undergoing a transformation from KGB mafioso type to a revanchist messianic delusion beforehand. everyone who speaks with him directly has mentioned he can just seethe and rant about historical sins against Russia by anybody and everybody for hours and is sincerely of the belief that Russia unironically needs a type of ideological lebensraum - that Russia has no borders until it is stopped. people don't occupy those pinnacles of power for that long without going fricking insane. its legitimately amazing how much Russian state propaganda mirrors the Germany of the 20s and 30s - the obsession with ideas about the 'mighty USSR' being stabbed in the back by leaders like Gorbachev and not collapsing because it was a decrepit shithole, that the West will collapse if you just kick in the door like Hitler said about the USSR, that the Russian people are locked in an existentialist race war with 'Anglo-Saxons'

      What he fails to appreciate is that powers throughout history, especially those with good intel, only back the winning side. Ukraine didn't get shit in the initial weeks beyond some anti-armor because Americlaps thought they'd lose. But once they demonstrated that R*ssia wasn't gonna win this like they touted they would, the support started rolling in. By now there are several multi-year aid agreements that will supply Ukraine with weapons for the foreseeable future, irrespective of what additional packages get custom-made in the meantime. This is a clear signal of intent that this geezer is somehow missing.

      You could see this in WWII, too. Military aid to the S*viets peaked AFTER the war was already clearly won and it was only a matter of cleaning up the remaining stragglers.

      • 3 months ago

        I'll point out that Russians don't really consider agreements to mean anything. They don't even see the 'loss of face' angle. So they see these aid agreements and assume they're fake.

        This war came at a bad time for Yooks to get aid, really. We just got out of Afghanistan and those worthless cowards didn't even try to fight. A trillion dollars down the drain. So Americans are pretty cranky about aid right now and suspicious of foreign fighting resolve. Ukraine needed to (and did) demonstrate actual backbone. What upsets me is it cost unnecessary lives for that to happen.

        • 3 months ago

          >We just got out of Afghanistan and those worthless cowards didn't even try to fight. A trillion dollars down the drain.
          That's what empowered the Russians to act because they legit thought the US had nothing left

          • 3 months ago

            crazy that they'd think a mere two trillion dollars would be enough to seriously impede the United States

            • 3 months ago

              >crazy that they'd think a mere two trillion dollars would be enough to seriously impede the United States
              It was enough to significantly disrupt domestic politics over several election cycles, so it wasn't nothing. At all.
              It was just ultimately more of a rough patch that they powered through, not a debilitating injury that exposed a weak spot they could slip a knife in, like some SmAUg or something.

        • 3 months ago

          >They don't even see the 'loss of face' angle.
          I know, rite? And this, coming from a turd world shithole that's all about hyper-masculinity and appearances and cargo cult "face." Not one of these fetal alcohol syndrome babbies can comprehend how hard the entire world is laughing at their insecurity and pathological lying. Utterly zero credibility, something that can't be erased for at least a century, or muc much more.

          When you sit down at a poker table and you don't know who the patsy is ... guess who it is?

      • 3 months ago

        >By now there are several multi-year aid agreements that will supply Ukraine with weapons for the foreseeable future,
        russia always argued that time was on their side. I always believed the opposite; that the longer this drug on the worse the outcome would be for russia. russia could "win" tomorrow... the victory would be against a backdrop of a destroyed military and populace, economic sanctions, and a diminished credibility.

        • 3 months ago

          >russia always argued that time was on their side
          obvious cope after the failure of Operation Market-Hostomel and the Kyvi Feint
          their only hope was always a lightning strike and a fait accompli, time was never on their side
          >US GDP: US$ 23 trillion
          >EU GDP: US$ 17 trillion
          >Four Eyes GDP: US$ 6 trillion
          >Russian GDP: US$ 1.7 trillion

          the only hangup now is partial rearmament and deciding how much is enough to frick them without overspending

          • 3 months ago

            No such thing as overspending. Russia will probably not be dismantled after this war and occupied as a resource colony (sadly), so you can parlay "overspending" now into preparedness in the future.

          • 3 months ago

            GDP is a shit metric and yeah russia has time on their side because western boomers are so moronic they keep pushing inflationary energy policies instead of deflationary ones.

            The world is lucky the vatnik offensive strategy are moronic meat waves and that there were two hot european winters.

            • 3 months ago

              >GDP is a shit metric
              It suffices to make the point. Go ahead and add whatever GDP modifiers you want, there is no way that Russia can overcome a more than 20-fold difference.
              >russia has time on their side because western boomers are so moronic they keep pushing inflationary energy policies instead of deflationary ones.
              What do you mean?
              General inflation reflects greater cost we're paying due to covid19, war, and previous late 2010s recessionary elements.
              >The world is lucky the vatnik offensive strategy are moronic meat waves
              The Russians have not been fighting as well as they could, but they haven't been only deploying meat waves, the large amounts of destroyed Russian armour and heavy artillery and missile barrages attests to that.

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah, GDP per capita makes russia look even more pathetic since they have a huge and useless population

            • 3 months ago

              >there were two hot european winters.
              It's almost like the climate has changed or something.

        • 3 months ago

          >diminished credibility.
          A diminished military credibility, but for politician and diplomat who lack understanding of the matter a russian victory (even pyrric) may make them afraid.

          • 3 months ago

            >for politician and diplomat who lack understanding of the matter a russian victory (even pyrric) may make them afraid.
            case in point: the Pope is crying uncle already, the fricking coward

            • 3 months ago

              The pope is a LATAM commie thirdie. They all love putin because it lets them try to dab on the collective west

              • 3 months ago

                6 out of 9 members of the Council Of Cardinals are NATO members, 1 is a pajeet and 2 are turdies of which 1 is Brazilian

                I dunno jack about the Roman Catholic internal politics but I didn't expect this. The only explanation I have is that a bunch of career priests have no fricking clue about military operations, economics and politics, and they're actually going mums spaghetti over Russia's continued assaults

              • 3 months ago

                NATO members are nations, anon. I think you meant "from a NATO country"

              • 3 months ago

                yeah that's what I meant
                e.g. Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, and of course USA
                so I didn't expect them to be this shook

              • 3 months ago

                >I dunno jack about the Roman Catholic internal politics but I didn't expect this.
                The northern hemisphere is developing and atheism (and islam kek) are skyrocketing. The growth target for the catholic church is the heckin global south.

              • 3 months ago

                Total Jesuit Death when?

      • 3 months ago

        >By now there are several multi-year aid agreements that will supply Ukraine with weapons for the foreseeable future,
        Yeah... like that Canadian order for a NASAMS system which got made a year ago and got stuck in red tape since. Nice contracts and support you got there brah.

    • 3 months ago

      Here's a brand new war crime for you.
      >knowing there's no way to win a conventional fight so you simply don't and let your enemy commit an atrocity by sending wave after wave of poorly armed poorly trained walking corpses until the enemy realizes they're slaughtering "combatants" and not real soldiers until the enemy can't stomach all the killing you any more
      Or when you're own soldiers are hostages

      • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        >sending wave after wave of poorly armed poorly trained walking corpses until the enemy realizes they're slaughtering "combatants" and not real soldiers until the enemy can't stomach all the killing you any more

        • 3 months ago

          Nice, no edges and well placed with different faces. In the great days of OC this would be but a morsel.

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            Dumbass HATO, at least Russia is getting results *~~*~~

            • 3 months ago

              No one will argue with that one. Russia is leaving bodies on the floor. Mostly their own, but still.

    • 3 months ago

      I legit think Putin is autistic as frick and just doesn’t get told the truth about anything.

  7. 3 months ago

    they are clearing the skies for the F16s
    TZD is right around the corner

  8. 3 months ago

    I'll pop open the good stuff when we get confirmation but not a moment before.

  9. 3 months ago

    No way. It has to inflatable bait or something, if this one blows does Russia even have any left?

    • 3 months ago

      Puccia has five working A-50s left, counting the one they mentioned in Taganrog

      • 3 months ago

        How many do they need to patrol the Northern border?

        • 3 months ago

          Three, though I suppose they might try to make do with 2

    • 3 months ago

      Isn't this their last one in theater? They'd have to pull others from elsewhere if that one's gone.

      >Putin genuinely believes he is winning
      Not really. I mean, he can be blind and read only reports of his asslicking commanders, but when a war that supposed to be a 2 weeks walkthrough lasts over 2 years even he should start suspecting something. I think Putin knows that there are (maybe not in details) quite big problems, he has to mobilize more mobiks into the meatgrinder and do other stuff - which I think he will start doing shortly after his elections. His bigger hope hovewer is that Trump will become the president and save Russia, so Putin just has to keep things stable until this moment.

      According to Girkin's take, Pootin is being strung along both by his own lackeys and Western leaders who keep telling him that aaaaany day now they'll drop Ukraine like a hot potato (if only he can capture a few more Pisskeys to convince their voter base that it's no longer winnable). Who knows if that's true but it'd be pretty fricking funny if it was.

      • 3 months ago

        It’s probably what’s happening, intentionally or not

  10. 3 months ago

    Russians really hate that plane, huh?

  11. 3 months ago

    Can we just loan Russia some marines or something so they have a fighting chance and our guys get to do something? This is just getting moronic

    • 3 months ago


  12. 3 months ago

    Gonna give Russia a LOT of credit here and assume this is to bait a HIMARS strike to finally take one out.

    • 3 months ago

      >this is to bait a HIMARS strike to finally take one out
      pretty sure one was destroyed and two were sent back to the US for repairs in the last month

    • 3 months ago

      >this is to bait a HIMARS strike to finally take one out
      pretty sure one was destroyed and two were sent back to the US for repairs in the last month

  13. 3 months ago

    I’ve been catching up on the Oscar nominees before Sunday. What happened?

    Giamatti sweep btw

    • 3 months ago

      Something went boom in Taganrog and people are hoping it was the A-50 that was recently spotted there.


      • 3 months ago

        Thanks, very interesting

    • 3 months ago

      >Oscar nominees
      wow there really are normies here

    • 3 months ago

      LOL this post is the only thing that informed me the Oscars are happening soon. Or happening now, whatever. There wasn't even indirect osmosis from anything else I read or watch. Amazing.

      Putin genuinely believes he is winning and that Western resolve to support Ukraine will break before the Russian military does. he has repeatedly expressed a belief that the Western countries do not sincerely care about the things they claim to care about and all it will take is a direct challenge to make it all fall apart, which is why if he is successful in Ukraine he will likely reconstitute and try to undermine Article 5 and NATO by pulling something like Crimea in the Baltics or Moldova or Finland.

      he went into extreme isolation during COVID and was already undergoing a transformation from KGB mafioso type to a revanchist messianic delusion beforehand. everyone who speaks with him directly has mentioned he can just seethe and rant about historical sins against Russia by anybody and everybody for hours and is sincerely of the belief that Russia unironically needs a type of ideological lebensraum - that Russia has no borders until it is stopped. people don't occupy those pinnacles of power for that long without going fricking insane. its legitimately amazing how much Russian state propaganda mirrors the Germany of the 20s and 30s - the obsession with ideas about the 'mighty USSR' being stabbed in the back by leaders like Gorbachev and not collapsing because it was a decrepit shithole, that the West will collapse if you just kick in the door like Hitler said about the USSR, that the Russian people are locked in an existentialist race war with 'Anglo-Saxons'

      I only want to add one thing to your good analysis:
      Don't you think grabbing more of Georgia would be a better Article 5 test? Tougher logistics, less reaction buffer since the territorial objectives are an even shorter drive than Kiev, and resistance involves a smaller victim population too.

      • 3 months ago

        >Don't you think grabbing more of Georgia would be a better Article 5 test?
        Probably, but Putin sees Ukraine as more important to Russia's identity, and flattening Georgia completely would have given "the Zelensky regime" more time to prepare.

      • 3 months ago

        >Don't you think grabbing more of Georgia would be a better Article 5 test? Tougher
        Georgia is not a member of NATO.
        There *are* NATO forces in Georgia, they have some small base or lease a part of a base or something and Liberty Square in Tbilisi has the NATO mission right there and NATO flags fly in the square but the government is Putin influenced at least, if not owned, and they've been back pedalling on NATO and EU as much as they can without causing an actual revolution.

        So Georgia is another Ukrainian situation where it's only in candidate status and not an article V scenario. It won't get there under the current Hungarian-style regime either and that probably won't change until Russia collapses and then the oligarch ruling Georgia can pretend he was Georgian all along and try and buddy up to the west and hope all's forgiven.

        • 3 months ago

          That murky status of Georgia, with NATO troops hunkered down helplessly, denied escape "for safety reasons" and exposed to all sorts of deniable semi-accidental death from ND or intentionally inaccurate indirect fire, (then requiring "investigations" that Russia will never perform), is precisely why it would be a better test.
          Eroding legitimacy, causing humiliation.
          Not saying it wouldn't backfire. But from the perspective of how Rus approaches the goal.

          • 3 months ago

            >NATO troops hunkered down helplessly, denied escape "for safety reasons" and exposed to all sorts of deniable semi-accidental death from ND or intentionally inaccurate indirect fire
            the key weakness of this assumption is that the last time the Russians actually tried something like this they got merked by air support in pretty spectacular fashion
            I suspect that one of the reasons he picked Ukraine in the first place was the certain knowledge that there were no NATO forces for his troops to encounter

            • 3 months ago

              holy FRICKING kino. Can't wait for actual NATO involvement

            • 3 months ago

              Every time I watch this I get a red white and blue boner. NOTHING landed in the water. And, this ain't even carpet-bombing. It's saturation of the specific targets on a grid.

              We have failed Ukraine by not giving them this capability. Hopefully, once the F-16s arrive ...........

              • 3 months ago

                Agreed. Though it mildly pains my heart that 90% of the population won't actually be capable of recognizing what an achievement and how much training and tech went into that little vid turning out like that.

            • 3 months ago

              You can just see the fricking grid squares

            • 3 months ago

              >NATO troops hunkered down helplessly, denied escape "for safety reasons" and exposed to all sorts of deniable semi-accidental death from ND or intentionally inaccurate indirect fire
              The last time you steppe apes tried that, we effortlessly slaughtered you, your homosexual asses were crying and begging on the radio for it to stop, and the only person on our side injured as a local yokel who tripped and sprained his ankle. Did you know we use submunitions so small your imaging equipment couldn't even detect it? A bunch of Russians became good because their surgeons were helpless to find the razors of metal making them hemorrhage to death, no matter how much they begged and cried for their mothers. Please try again, please. We will kill as many Russians as is necessary to convince you of your place in the world.

              Forgive my ignorance, but what conflict was this?

              • 3 months ago

                Battle of Khasham.

            • 3 months ago

              god, it's beautiful
              the bombs are evenly spaced and in a straight line

          • 3 months ago

            Did hunkered down nato troops absolutely obliterate you guys in syria? I think someone might have skinned a knee

          • 3 months ago

            I think the traditional NATO counterplay to this is to call the Russians and politely ask if they have troops in the area. The Russian officials will deny everything on reflex, NATO will conclude that it must be terrorists then, and send in an airstrike.

          • 3 months ago

            >NATO troops hunkered down helplessly, denied escape "for safety reasons" and exposed to all sorts of deniable semi-accidental death from ND or intentionally inaccurate indirect fire
            The last time you steppe apes tried that, we effortlessly slaughtered you, your homosexual asses were crying and begging on the radio for it to stop, and the only person on our side injured as a local yokel who tripped and sprained his ankle. Did you know we use submunitions so small your imaging equipment couldn't even detect it? A bunch of Russians became good because their surgeons were helpless to find the razors of metal making them hemorrhage to death, no matter how much they begged and cried for their mothers. Please try again, please. We will kill as many Russians as is necessary to convince you of your place in the world.

        • 3 months ago

          Idk, Georgian gov called for sanctions against russia and overall seems hostile to russia. It seems you'renoit entirely correct.

          • 3 months ago

            >Idk, Georgian gov
            That's all you had to say. You don't know shit about Georgia if you think Ivanishvili and his cronies are opposed to Russia in any way. They just want to try and keep their hands clean enough to be able to jump ship if/when Russia collapses.
            All their money is in Russia, Russia funds their operations and lifestyle. They won't bite the hand that feeds them unless it's literally rotting off the corpse of their master.

        • 3 months ago

          >and that probably won't change until Russia collapses
          TBQH, 2020 onwards has been one PR disaster after another for GD, with EU candidacy being the only silver lining. I expect them to win the upcoming elections (mostly because the opposition is still in chaos) but with a smaller margin, which means they'll probably have to form a coalition with another another party or two, which will dilute their power.

    • 3 months ago

      Negative ghost rider, Oppy will carry the day.

  14. 3 months ago

    OH come the frick on

  15. 3 months ago

    Flight status?

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago


        Absolute fricking gold

      • 3 months ago



        Absolute fricking gold

        Fly eternal, fiery airdrome!

    • 3 months ago

      der ewinge flug

    • 3 months ago


      Well? Show yfw.

      >just woke up to this

    • 3 months ago
  16. 3 months ago

    we can win without AW-ACKS

  17. 3 months ago

    It's been three hours since OP came along, have we got any concrete info on what part of the city got blown up at least?

    • 3 months ago

      The one where A50 is located

      • 3 months ago


        Flight status?


        Well? Show yfw.

        Well I'll be damned, they really got three in three months.

        And man they cleared off that wreckage quickly.

        • 3 months ago

          I knew it.
          All these shitty slide bait threads over the last 24hrs.
          Fricking LMAO.

        • 3 months ago


          >just woke up to this

          i dont get it, what in the satellite images shows that a (3rd) A-50 has been destroyed?

          • 3 months ago

            Scorch marks on the tarmac right where the A-50 was photographed on 2-28. It's not proof but there's an implication.

            • 3 months ago


  18. 3 months ago

    Macron sends his regards.

  19. 3 months ago

    Balls achingly close to total air supremacy in Ukraine's own right.

  20. 3 months ago
  21. 3 months ago

    You're playing with nuclear fire, don't say we didn't warn you!

  22. 3 months ago


  23. 3 months ago

    No way. It’s too moronic to be true. As much as I want another A-50 to be blown up, I doubt it’s true.

  24. 3 months ago

    something clearly happened since turdies are currently flooding the board with bs claims.

    • 3 months ago

      They know that something went boom based on the size of the explosions even if they don't know what got hit.

  25. 3 months ago

    Jesus Christ, that's what, the third or fourth one so far? How many do they even have left?

    • 3 months ago

      2 have been confirmed destroyed(shot down) and 1 was confirmed damaged(while parked by drone). This would be the 3 one to be destroyed if it turns out to be true.

    • 3 months ago

      >what, the third or fourth one so far?
      This ->

      2 have been confirmed destroyed(shot down) and 1 was confirmed damaged(while parked by drone). This would be the 3 one to be destroyed if it turns out to be true.

      First one was Jan 2023, and the damage was probably so severe it's not yet back in flight. If it will ever be again. Maybe someone has the tailfin number from it to compare to anything flying today ..?

      • 3 months ago

        >Maybe someone has the tailfin number from it to compare to anything flying today ..?
        In all sincerity that's not a valid way to track aircraft. Look at the USAF transport/tanker fleet, they've all removed identifying insignia for exactly that reason and I think a while ago a few got spotted with fake tailfin numbers.

      • 3 months ago

        Is this the modern version of counting coup?

        • 3 months ago

          Yes and No. Apparently there was a dry run with the drone to see if they could even pull it off. A rumor that I have never been able to confirm. So, if that vid was the dry run, it would be coup. But, it went back later and laid an egg on the radar array, which was the Big Event. Which may or may not be that vid. I (vaguely & maybe inaccurately) recall the Big Boom happened at night, but I can't remember for certain.

          Anyway, that A-50 got shrek't as fricking Hell. That part wasn't coup, no matter whatever else happened.

      • 3 months ago

        >the damage was probably so severe it's not yet back in flight
        some people were claiming that was the one being repaired at taganrog, not sure if thats valid

        • 3 months ago

          >being repaired at taganrog
          I have a doubt? I don't think it was at Taganrog, so not sure how it could have been flown or transported there. I could be wrong, and maybe it could still be flown. Somehow. What I remember & have any evidence of is that it was originally in Belarus ... a pretty fricking long flight to Taganrog.

          I'm open to anyone who has reliable info. I try to keep up, but there's been so much carnage I'm losing perspective on the magnitude & extent of it all. Crazy shit, I know.

          • 3 months ago

            The 'potentially irreparable damage' to the belarus A-50 was supposedly in the sensors and equipment so I imagine it could have been made airworthy, but I imagine it could just has easily have been a different active A-50, they may even have been trying to clean up and modernise one of the inactive airframes. Information is slow to come out about it but hopefully we'll find out eventually

          • 3 months ago

            I would be very surprised if Russia decided to fly it to Taganrog considering it's very close proximity to the front, but the Beriev facility is there, which is the only place to actually repair it.
            The problem for Russia is that the A-50U has a Shmel-M radar, there just isn't that many of them to find spares.Thus replacement is extraordinarily difficult, so they may have left it in another Russian airfield far from the front until they could source the parts at Taganrog for it (ETA never).

            • 3 months ago

              >I would be very surprised if Russia decided to fly it to Taganrog considering it's very close proximity to the front,
              I wouldn't. Do you remember when Ukraine took out that helicopter base? And then the Russians dutifully resupplied it with more helicopters. So Ukraine did it again?
              The fact we're dealing with multiple losses of A-50 aircraft tells me all I need to know about the Russian ability to learn from mistakes.

      • 3 months ago

        Dear god, please please PLEASE someone in Ukraine make a drone with a thermite payload and then use it to burn a massive dick picture on Mainstay radar dish

      • 3 months ago

        >drone teabags A-50 before destroying it
        wild times we live in

  26. 3 months ago

    It's been more than twenty four hours, where's the info?

    • 3 months ago

      no russians shared footage from the scene, so I guess we're waiting for satellite photos.

  27. 3 months ago

    how do they keep loosing those!! they cant replace them! Holy shit!

  28. 3 months ago


    Well? Show yfw.

    • 3 months ago

      reposting satellite image in this thread for convenience

      • 3 months ago

        A-50 returned to other aerodrome under its own power

        thats why its gone

        >hugs and kisses, VDV

      • 3 months ago

        this is supposedly the day before the attack, so the lower scorch marks may not have been caused by the latest drone strike

      • 3 months ago

        why is this thread a weird /misc/ crossover?

        So they damaged some tarmac and roof?

      • 3 months ago


        this is supposedly the day before the attack, so the lower scorch marks may not have been caused by the latest drone strike

        however, the lower scorch marks are where the A-50 was parked on feb 28th. so idk guys. just reposting from the frontelligence blog and assuming they know what they're talking about

      • 3 months ago

        Looks like it got hit, but the extent of the damage is unknown?

        • 3 months ago

          pretty much. some buildings got hit by drones, the A-50 that was outside recently may be in the building, thats about it.

          this is the S300 on site that presumably missed the drones

      • 3 months ago


        however, the lower scorch marks are where the A-50 was parked on feb 28th. so idk guys. just reposting from the frontelligence blog and assuming they know what they're talking about

        So they have 3x A-50's left to cover the whole Russian airspace

        Oh my

        • 3 months ago

          is that including the one that got torched by the belarussians?

          • 3 months ago

            How many A50 are left? Weren't there only like three?

            yep, if this latest one (yesterday) is true then russia only has 3 operational left

            • 3 months ago

              the one from yesterday may not have been operational to start with, with a goal of preventing russia regaining capacity rather than reducing current capacity

        • 3 months ago

          Honestly at some point the collective civilized world should just waltz into russia and occupy it.
          Fixing that shithole and its population would be an enormous undertaking, but a great benefit for the human race in the long term.

          • 3 months ago

            Honestly, yes. Better that than letting its resource and nukes fall into the hands of the stans and China.

          • 3 months ago

            >occupy it
            That requires people to have to live in Russia, unless we're prepared to do another Australia and send our criminals and malcontents there I don't think it'll work.

            • 3 months ago

              It's actually not a bad country once you get rid of the Russians. Muddy as frick and lacking proper infrastructure (especially roads, oh god the lack of roads) but nothing that a trillion dollars over a decade or two couldn't fix. I bet it'd be pretty comfy actually, imagine having a nice little two story North-USA/Canadian/UK style house in the woods, basement, using Starlink with solar and house heating. A dog or two. Cold nights with comfy wind watching movies and shitposting on /k/. No people for a few dozen miles and no Russians within 1000 miles.

              • 3 months ago

                >nothing that a trillion dollars over a decade or two couldn't fix
                quite a bit more than that
                but you're right
                Russia could be like Finland if Russians quit being Russians

              • 3 months ago

                >Russia could be like Finland if Russians quit being Russians
                Well said.

            • 3 months ago

              >nothing that a trillion dollars over a decade or two couldn't fix
              quite a bit more than that
              but you're right
              Russia could be like Finland if Russians quit being Russians

              It'd be a tough place to live, but I've managed to survive living in Australia and plenty of people still consider Finland habitable.
              >Not me
              >I went there once
              >It was awful
              But apart from the climate it'd probably be close to Alaska in some ways as well, once some oil bucks or mineral taxes get kept in the region for proper roads, civil infrastructure and housing that isn't a 1960's communist slum it'd probably be at least bearable. Besides if the white man doesn't go there, the yellow man will and well technically, a lot of it was stolen off China and Japan a while ago.
              Only fair they go get it back

          • 3 months ago

            Containment is better then occupation.
            Just bomb the population centers power infrastructure, industry and fuel supplies, then let the remains starve and freeze to death.
            In the end a few Siberian tribes will be all that is left, and they probably don't care about Russia at all.

        • 3 months ago

          Hello thare, looking tasty

          • 3 months ago

            Siberia will be part of the People's Republic of China before this decade ends

            I said this in a 100% serious way

            • 3 months ago

              Its easier than you think because Putin and his circle would actually support something like that.

            • 3 months ago

              I think a more likely scenario is that China floods it with immigrants and then starts sabre-rattling about muh poor oppressed Chinese minority every time Russia does something it doesn't like, AKA, the same thing Russia's been doing to nearly everyone of it's neighbors for decades. They'll be able to maintain an economic stranglehold on the region without having to actually annex and manage it, thereby avoiding having to deal with too much russian moronation and the extreme blow-back or even war over such an extreme act of expansion.

        • 3 months ago

          >So they have 3x A-50's left to cover the whole Russian airspace
          boys get your nuggets, it's time to start a land war in Asia

      • 3 months ago


        this is supposedly the day before the attack, so the lower scorch marks may not have been caused by the latest drone strike

        Oh my god please let this have happened. The vatnik seething would be delicious.

      • 3 months ago

        That's our cue boyos.

      • 3 months ago

        hato proven wrong again, no damage airplanes here

      • 3 months ago

        Even if the A-50 wasn't there, this picture proves that those fricking drones are accurate AF.

        • 3 months ago

          Its a pretty bad hit because this was the only place they could repair the A-50s...

    • 3 months ago

      Ziggers just can't stop eating Ls

      • 3 months ago

        Probably a nice change from penis

    • 3 months ago


      reposting satellite image in this thread for convenience

      Someone needs to make a thread with the satellite picture as OP.

      • 3 months ago

        Go for it. I'll join in.

  29. 3 months ago

    posted yesterday

  30. 3 months ago
  31. 3 months ago

    How many A50 are left? Weren't there only like three?

    • 3 months ago

      I think it was 4-5?

    • 3 months ago

      6 to 4 left.

  32. 3 months ago

    Wait they actually hit the A-50 in that airport?
    I cna understand it flying sorties wothin range because gotta keep that radar coverage, but not fricking parking it that close

    • 3 months ago

      if they parked too far away, it cuts down time on station, and they don't have that many to begin with

      No such thing as overspending. Russia will probably not be dismantled after this war and occupied as a resource colony (sadly), so you can parlay "overspending" now into preparedness in the future.

      yes, you and I both know that, but not the EU peaceniks and their sub-2%-minimum spending
      the whole reason we are in this pickle is that they underspent and could not provide a sufficient deterrent, otherwise Russia would never have tried it on to begin with

      • 3 months ago

        Given that Russia has now squandered its Soviet inheritance in Ukraine, the argument could be made that a 2% expenditure isn't required to protect Europe anymore.

        • 3 months ago

          Russia will likely become nothing more than a Chinese protectorate within the next century. Assuming the CCP don't implode their country in the meantime, you will share a land border with some of the most evil people in history using even worse people as disposable dogsbodies. And while Russians cannot feel most higher human emotions, they can nurse a grudge and experience hate.

        • 3 months ago

          I respectfully argue the opposite; if say 1.5% was considered "enough" to undertake the anti-terrorism wars of the past 25 years (not really), having a royally pissed-off conventionally-equipped 1.5+ trillion dollar economy sharing a massive land border with the EU should demand a significantly higher defence budget

          Russia hasnt yet dared to go full Libya and turn to sponsoring Lockerbie / 9-11 / Bataclan-style semi-deniable terrorism ops in the EU. It could conceivably inflict a lot of damage very cheaply with that kind of budget

    • 3 months ago

      AFAIK it's not really an airport, it's the actual factory which makes them: Beriev Taganrog Aviation Scientific Technical Complex, basically the drone strike was on the factory where one of the planes was undergoing maintenance or something like that

  33. 3 months ago

    >a thread filled with nothing more than speculation

    • 3 months ago

      This is how it always starts. First the guessing, then the evidence.
      If you find this boring, come back in 10 hours, and you'll have an "eternal flight" twitter that can entertain your pea brain

  34. 3 months ago

    For me, it's Dune. Always.

    • 3 months ago

      >shilling for feminist wokeshit trash du jour
      back to


      • 3 months ago

        It's hardly feminist wokeshit dude. The feminist wokeshit is so mild. They really didn't have to add much of it to the story at all that wasn't already kind of there. And what was "woke" was basically just "lawrence of arabia". Like, there is a mention of women and men being equal among the fremen, but there's no fricking trans shit, the roles of men and women are vastly different in the main universe and I mean, this is kind of a crazy gripe to have with this story about a man leading a religious genocide across the universe and then getting a wife and a concubine. Like the only thing really close to what you are worried about is Paul's attitude towards Chani but he still refuses to marry the b***h and becomes a god emperor

        • 3 months ago

          >this is kind of a crazy gripe to have with this story about a man leading a religious genocide across the universe and then getting a wife and a concubine
          yeah, because they twisted the story so well that you don't even realise the difference

          the final encounter and the aftermath is hugely different:

          >Chani loves Paul
          Zendaya couldn't give a flying frick
          >Chani has a baby with Paul
          modern women despise having children, so Zendaya doesn't
          >Paul is in undisputed control of the Fremen
          Jessica is pulling his strings
          >Paul blackmails the Emperor into giving him Irulan and the throne
          Irulan offers herself in order to further the Sisterhood's plans
          >Paul declares he will never touch Irulan, reducing her to a hollow pretext
          they left this out so that Irulan appears in control and Paul looks like a two-timing butthole
          >Jessica reassures Chani she will be Paul's true wife
          Jessica says nothing; Chani leaves in a huff, because see again above
          >Paul totally exposes the Bene Gesserit Plan in front of everybody, driving Mohiam nuts
          the Plan isn't revealed, and Mohiam remains calm and in control, because she's a woman 😉
          >Paul even threatens to kill Mohiam, and Jessica renounces the B.G.
          Mohiam remains in control and Jessica continues flirting with them, because see above

          several reviewers noted the change means the Bene Gesserit are the real winners of DUNC 2, but didn't or couldn't say that this is because women couldn't be seen to lose at all, even if they're villains

          they changed everything in the ending so that the men look like fools and the women are in control, and they did it so subtly none of you realise it
          >inb4 sheeit it doesn't matter
          it mattered enough to them that they needed to change it
          it's all about feminist concepts of agency, power, and control

          • 3 months ago


            • 3 months ago

              >has no answer
              just admit you got bamboozled and move on

          • 3 months ago

            after how insultingly fricking stupid the screenplay for the first one was, it sounds like i'm not missing anything by skipping the second. both the lynch version and the miniseries were so much better, no matter how good the first one looked (some of the time. not the fricking power rangers fight.)

            • 3 months ago

              I knew from the pre-release material it was going to be a trashfire
              >you know it's really bad when they have to buy guerilla marketing articles that explain YES I KNOW IT'S CHANGED BUT THE CHANGES ARE GOOD BECAUSE WOMEN INDIGS ETC before the movie drops so that audiences are primed with the goodthink beforehand
              but I watched both movies exactly once so that I can give a fair review.

            • 3 months ago

              I mean it's definitely enjoyable to watch exactly one time.

          • 3 months ago

            I didn't feel like the Bene Gesserit won at the end but they definitely got the better of Paul in Messiah, so it doesn't really feel that much different to me because the women pulling the strings is inherent to the story in the first place. Yeah I didn't notice the changes because I read the book once a decade ago but either way, it didn't manage to make me a feminist. I think if you actually notice the changes the act of noticing makes them feel far more pronounced in the film. I didn't feel like the Bene Gesserit came out on top but they apparently do look better than they did in the book at this point. Also women have been manipulating men IRL and making them look stupid from the dawn of time so I don't find that controversial at all. That doesn't mean I think they should be allowed to vote but they are literally hardwired to manipulate and influence sneakily and they have always done so. Genghis Khan's mom, Alexander the Great's mom, you know what I mean. I mean I don't like the changes and maybe I regret giving them my money now though.

            • 3 months ago

              You're changing your original opinion about the film because some autist with schizophrenia is mad about women? Grow a backbone.

              • 3 months ago

                >has no answer
                >trots out default ad hominem catchphrases
                you got bamboozled by the Hollywoke agenda, just take the L and do better next time

              • 3 months ago

                I'm mad about women too, homosexual.
                My opinion is still that it is watchable and entertaining but he makes a good case about why I should feel bad about giving them my money.

    • 3 months ago

      my donbass
      my warm water port
      my novorossiya

  35. 3 months ago
  36. 3 months ago

    >/k/ - Weapons

    • 3 months ago

      This is what happens when we're teased with a happening and then don't get any confirmation for nearly three days.

  37. 3 months ago

    There was a Thread in which someone mentioned a US built Machine that operated for decades in the soviet union and now was sent back by russia to the US for repairs.
    Can someone tell me the name of the Company and the machine?

  38. 3 months ago

    >troony jannies deleting threads left and right
    What's going on now?

    • 3 months ago

      slava ukraini until you like it

      • 3 months ago

        More like the opposite, look at the ones that are being deleted.

  39. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      let's play a game, /k/

      • 3 months ago

        Come on 45 red, daddy needs a new pair of shoes!

      • 3 months ago

        I kind of like 41 Red, they gave it a cool name

        A-50s aren't even that expensive. Probably cost Ukraine more to blow it up than it did to make it.

        $300million USD
        Chump change really

        • 3 months ago

          Pocket-change for any first world country with functional industry

          • 3 months ago

            Most petro-state shitholes have plenty of AWACS birds, its 'just money lol' and buy some.
            Even the Saudi's who are inbred and dysfunctional have about 5 of the E3's

            • 3 months ago

              Ah, but who will sell to the Russians?

              • 3 months ago

                Greatest Ally Xi Ping Pong and Gommunist friends China!

              • 3 months ago

                They've already declined to sell shells let alone these high spec items.
                Buying petroleum (at a discount), allowing Nork trade, and selling golf carts seems to be the furthest they've dared so far.

      • 3 months ago
  40. 3 months ago

    Wtf, did they blow it up?
    Can't find anything about it on the news.

  41. 3 months ago

    Any estimates on how many are needed to achieve a 24/7 coverage across the front?

    • 3 months ago

      More than Russia's got is the important part.

      • 3 months ago

        That's what I was thinking. Even if they still have some usable ones, they still need maintenance and can only cover part of the area.
        Each loss and damage is going to open wider surveillance gaps and put more strain on the remaining ones.

    • 3 months ago

      for standard ops? three
      that's part of the reason why NATO countries tend to buy and squadron AEW planes in threes or fours (which is actually 3 + 1 spare)

      indefinitely? well, based on one USAF AWACS statistic of about 3 operational flight hours a day across the E-3 fleet, roughly 7 to 8 aircraft for 1 station

  42. 3 months ago

    A-50s aren't even that expensive. Probably cost Ukraine more to blow it up than it did to make it.

    • 3 months ago

      Cope truck arrive

  43. 3 months ago

    Ok. So I’m late here.

    I know the A-50’s/AWACS have something to do with air defense. How does taking them off the board help? What specific opportunity does it present? Better access to the interior of Russia for drones and air strikes?

    • 3 months ago

      (Same poster)

      Right. The bridge. And the refineries. And the remaining airframes are going to need to take 50% flight time to maintain coverage.

    • 3 months ago

      (Same poster)

      Right. The bridge. And the refineries. And the remaining airframes are going to need to take 50% flight time to maintain coverage.

      Airborne Early Warning is crucial defence against flying nape of the earth tactics, because it can see over hills and ground based radar cannot

      Go up to the highest floor of the tallest building you can access, and look out the window
      Compare that against the highest hill nearer to you that you can walk up, wherever you are
      Unless you're living near some very tall hills or there are no skyscrapers where you're at, chances are you can see a lot further from the top of that tall building than from the top of the hill. So it is with AEW.

      Now I'm sure you can work out why this spate of events is hugely significant for the Ukraine war

  44. 3 months ago

    I fricking hate russians lads
    i can’t wait for that country to fricking die. if only shitholes like china and the sandBlack folktans (including india) would stop supporting it, this shit would be over already.

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