So when is /k/ going to invade Haiti and establish the Republic of /k/?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 months ago

    Unironically, what's stopping a gang from declaring Gonave an independent nation from Haiti and petitioning the UN for aid until they get stable? At this point in its nonexistent state presence, these gangs might as well go full Somalia or some shit.

    • 2 months ago

      If you’ve seen Hamilton, it’s not the taking over that’s the hard but, it’s the transition from free land to independent nation. You need shit like economic prosperity, goods, trade, money in equal or greater than money out, good QOL, appeal to the common man, competitive modern resources and amenities, etc.
      Otherwise, you end up with Somalia or East Russia tier life, with no plumbing and no economy, which is rightfully what on.
      And the easier it is to take over a place, the harder it tends to be to start all this stuff.

      Now I’d happily accept this, but a lot of anons don’t like talking about the actual establishment of the nation if /k/ommandoland.

      • 2 months ago

        >If you’ve seen Hamilton


        • 2 months ago

          Referring to movies is idiot tier but

          >Haiti has no trade
          >Haiti has no goods
          >Haiti is literally the shitter half of Dominican Republic, a literal dumping ground for the people who can't even live in a shitty island country, so they quarantined half of the island
          >Haiti is literally the rejects of an already pathetic country
          >It's never actually even been a real country, it's just a bunch of cannibals and voodoo shit, I've never met an immigrant from there who didn't try to swindle me through guilt or force

          Let it fester. Once they lose half the people to famine (because they're moronic) just blocade it, let dominica take the land and we'll have cheap avocados.

          I only refer to Hamilton because it's got the National bank rap battle where A.Hamilton's whole angle is making that switch to "running a real nation."

          >Haiti has no trade, goods, and is a dumping ground that's never been a real country.
          That means it's both conquerable, and you can build shit from the ground up the way you want it.
          Imagine autistic neo-sparta, but everyone has AK's or some moronic shit.

          • 2 months ago

            >imagine autistic neo-sparta
            We are.
            That's the problem.

      • 2 months ago

        Referring to movies is idiot tier but

        >Haiti has no trade
        >Haiti has no goods
        >Haiti is literally the shitter half of Dominican Republic, a literal dumping ground for the people who can't even live in a shitty island country, so they quarantined half of the island
        >Haiti is literally the rejects of an already pathetic country
        >It's never actually even been a real country, it's just a bunch of cannibals and voodoo shit, I've never met an immigrant from there who didn't try to swindle me through guilt or force

        Let it fester. Once they lose half the people to famine (because they're moronic) just blocade it, let dominica take the land and we'll have cheap avocados.

      • 2 months ago

        You forgot the most important part, stability. Also kinda cringe to refer to Hamilton although I get your point

    • 2 months ago

      because the UN isn't going to support random successionist states?

      • 2 months ago

        But anon it's a humanitarian crisis, we'll use the aid to help the people :^)

    • 2 months ago

      Not much it seems

  2. 2 months ago

    Why would anyone want Haiti?
    >no economy
    >no natural resources because the dumb Black folk ruined it all
    >no support base or infrastructure for anything industrial
    >ugly Black person kids so they aren't even useful resources for sex trafficking

    • 2 months ago

      Well that’s part of the project. Taking it over, then developing an economy or investable traits.

      • 2 months ago

        aka how to get killed by US air strikes

      • 2 months ago

        You're asking to sink a couple Elon Musks' worth of wealth into a shithole hoping to come out with something out the other end. Frick off with your ponzi scheme.

        • 2 months ago

          If you bill it like UAE does ie 'if rich people buy a house then we won't tax you' i think it might be workable.
          Depends entirely on security tho; I bet there's some South Africans or Brazilians that wouldn't mind getting out of SA/Brazil but doing the same work

          • 2 months ago

            >tax free

            The problem with this plan is that the market is already flooded even in the Caribbean. As a small island nation you really had to pick your niche back in the 1900s, now it's largely too late to do more than be some shithole because you're playing catchup to everyone else.

            Your options are basically
            >Relatively unique resource/plantation (Haiti fricked this up)
            >Tax haven (usually requires stability and peace, because no millionaire or billionaire wants their summer home raided)
            >Tourism (Haiti is surrounded by countries that already do this and do it to a science)
            >Dumping zone for hazardous waste and shit (actually Haiti could still do this)
            >Port for a major nation's navy (US already has a big port in the region, and the USN is closer to the Dominican republic that way anyway)
            >Literal prostitute/drug mecca like Thailand (which I guess Haiti can do, but I think there's other options for drugs and underage hookers in the region that don't involve paying Babe-Eater d'Cannibale)
            >Manufacturing hub for slave labor work (We already have Mexico for that)
            >Ask for money from the Soviet Union 🙁 (removed in the 90s balance patch)

            So uh yeah they don't really have the stability to do anything fun or interesting, and even if they want to all of their neighbors have already got a head start. the UAE is even having this issue despite having a pile of cash, it's nearly impossible to diversify out of nothing or out of being a monoeconomy without decades of effort and investment.

      • 2 months ago

        Dude the soil is so degraded from centuries of shit farming practices and erosion it's gonna cost thousands of dollars/acre just to make it productive for anything but a barely subsistence output. There are almost 0 trees left because they've all been burned for charcoal or shitty land clearing projects. There is 0 economic value to that half of the island. The only way to restore it would be to kill every Haitian too stupid to find a way off, wall it off, and come back in a thousand years.

        • 2 months ago

          >kill off every Haitian and come back in 1000 years
          50% and 20 years with good administration

      • 2 months ago

        how are you planning to do that you moron?
        using your dip and adm mana to boost developement?
        the land is just plain ruined forever

        • 2 months ago

          But the anon got 6/6/6 stats, I believe he can turn Haiti into Singapore within a generation

        • 2 months ago

          >apply for UN reforestation funds
          >turn Port-Au-Prince into a giant resort town
          >gradually reindustrialize over 20 yrs
          Admittedly it's all contingent on 80% of the population getting the frick off the island, but a couple USMC divisions could make it work like they did in 1918

    • 2 months ago

      they are going to be headed to America soon buddy

    • 2 months ago

      Because it has:
      >no economy
      >no infrastructure
      >no natural resources
      >ugly moronic population
      It's a perfect black market/libertarian laboratory

  3. 2 months ago

    Haiti cannot be tamed.

    • 2 months ago

      Yes it can

      • 2 months ago

        you sure bout that?

        i say we take the island o' gonave, and leave the rest of the country to dominca republic.

      • 2 months ago

        >The kid obviously didn't stay in the barn

  4. 2 months ago

    >So when is /k/ going to invade Haiti and get massacred by angry Black folk.
    FTFY and the answer is /k/ won't.

  5. 2 months ago

    I'm going to be completely honest, I don't think you could muster a fighting force off /k/ that would match the pitiful structure and discipline of the opposition you would be facing. If you did, or you just had enough morons to throw away to kill every hatian, and still have enough morons to govern, you would essentially be inheriting an empire of shit. Haiti has pissed away their natural resources for so long that it would take decades to repair, and the price tag would be insane. If you want to get a group of buddies together to boat on down and take pot shots at gangsters, then you could honestly probably get away with it. Taking over that country would be such a burden it's not even worth it.

    • 2 months ago

      >If you want to get a group of buddies together to boat on down and take pot shots at gangsters, then you could honestly probably get away with it.
      How about good old fashioned slave raiding?

      • 2 months ago

        This is probably unironically happening in country.

  6. 2 months ago

    I've already explained why this is a silly idea, but here is my initial idea (I have 0 [ZERO] naval or soldiering experience). Three sizeable boats put in at places around Tortuga island on the norther coast. the two on the sides work their way inward clearing small towns while meeting with the third boat at trou basseux. once the island is secure, more people arrive, or join the cause, it seems like we should establish a beach head on the mainland, Ti Charles looks reasonable as there are natural features to set up defensible positions on to protect this port. Port-a-l'ecu looks interesting as well.

    • 2 months ago

      From ticharles, Port-de-paix could be softened with some form of cannon or mortar. red team and blue team would come up the road, blue team would get a little hiking in and attack from the south. meanwhile, more invading forces can come by boat from Tortuga.

      • 2 months ago

        FUGG :DDD

    • 2 months ago

      From ticharles, Port-de-paix could be softened with some form of cannon or mortar. red team and blue team would come up the road, blue team would get a little hiking in and attack from the south. meanwhile, more invading forces can come by boat from Tortuga.

      After taking port de paix, black team will continue along the coast from the Ticharles beach head, taking the lowlands. Blue team will head east along the coast and cut through the uplands as they already showed some aptitude on their initial hike through to the south of port de paix. Red team will cut through the river valley and rendevous with blue team at Gros morne. both teams will in turn rendevous with black team at gonaives attacking it from the west and northeast. the horn should be easy to maintain in the short run (I have no idea where the gangs actually are, all of this is best case scenario.)

    • 2 months ago

      From ticharles, Port-de-paix could be softened with some form of cannon or mortar. red team and blue team would come up the road, blue team would get a little hiking in and attack from the south. meanwhile, more invading forces can come by boat from Tortuga.

      After taking port de paix, black team will continue along the coast from the Ticharles beach head, taking the lowlands. Blue team will head east along the coast and cut through the uplands as they already showed some aptitude on their initial hike through to the south of port de paix. Red team will cut through the river valley and rendevous with blue team at Gros morne. both teams will in turn rendevous with black team at gonaives attacking it from the west and northeast. the horn should be easy to maintain in the short run (I have no idea where the gangs actually are, all of this is best case scenario.)

      From here Red and Black team will garrison in Gonaives while the Red and Black navies move down. at this time Blue team will go back through the highlands taking more territory, and will rendevous with their naval component in Cap Haitien first, then move to Fort Liberte. after this campaign. As that goes on Black team will continue south across the lowlands by the coast and take the small port of st mark where there navy will occupy. They will then head east. Meanwhile Red team sweeps the river valley parallel to Black team and Rendevous with them in Mirebalais.

    • 2 months ago

      From ticharles, Port-de-paix could be softened with some form of cannon or mortar. red team and blue team would come up the road, blue team would get a little hiking in and attack from the south. meanwhile, more invading forces can come by boat from Tortuga.

      After taking port de paix, black team will continue along the coast from the Ticharles beach head, taking the lowlands. Blue team will head east along the coast and cut through the uplands as they already showed some aptitude on their initial hike through to the south of port de paix. Red team will cut through the river valley and rendevous with blue team at Gros morne. both teams will in turn rendevous with black team at gonaives attacking it from the west and northeast. the horn should be easy to maintain in the short run (I have no idea where the gangs actually are, all of this is best case scenario.)

      From here Red and Black team will garrison in Gonaives while the Red and Black navies move down. at this time Blue team will go back through the highlands taking more territory, and will rendevous with their naval component in Cap Haitien first, then move to Fort Liberte. after this campaign. As that goes on Black team will continue south across the lowlands by the coast and take the small port of st mark where there navy will occupy. They will then head east. Meanwhile Red team sweeps the river valley parallel to Black team and Rendevous with them in Mirebalais.

      Blue team cuts back through occupied land, all naval components sail for PaP. Blue team Rendezvous with Red and Black reams in Mirebalas and each take a southern road into PaP from slightly different angles. After taking the capital, they can conquer the lower horn as they see fit.

      • 2 months ago

        Pretty basic, but I don't see why this wouldn't work with the right equipment.

      • 2 months ago

        Pretty pointless if we assume no foreign intervention.

        Mustard gas and phosgene are easy to make.

        Those guys have no gas mask.

        Just gas the main cities from afar and than proceed to move everyone else towards the border, make a very small walled off open air reservation over there and encourage them to move permanently into Dominican republic.

        If the locals get upset and try to break out their containment box just Gaza them.
        You might need to claim to be israeli to have the US veto all UN resolutions but that's only till the locals are properly ethnically cleansed. Of course you can keep a few of the most useful uncle Toms around for optics and for general labor but it's better to just use day/week laborers from Dominican republic at slave wages while you set your own local wages high and focus on tourism, offshore banking and remote tech work.
        Go for the Swiss setup.
        Legalize most of fun things gun related and drug related, gambling and sex related, import hookers from Philippines, eastern Europe and other low income asian countries for the guys that aren't into black booty.

        Clean up the country and keep the coasts beautiful while the cities are sin cities.

        Attract tech companies with minimal taxes and good internet (you might need to convince some big telecom companies to drop some new underwater sea cables if you can't afford it).

        • 2 months ago

          >Go for the Swiss setup.
          >Legalize most of fun things gun related and drug related, gambling and sex related, import hookers from Philippines, eastern Europe and other low income asian countries for the guys that aren't into black booty.
          >Clean up the country and keep the coasts beautiful while the cities are sin cities.
          >Attract tech companies with minimal taxes and good internet (you might need to convince some big telecom companies to drop some new underwater sea cables if you can't afford it).
          Turning it into a giant Epstein Island with gambling would work great if you could stomach it. Lower the age of consent a few years and letting people film their exploits too, you'd have every billionaire in the world funding you. Still need a plan for the initial takeover though. Honestly think one would have better luck taking that Russian island we had a thread about a couple months ago. At least the US wouldn't intervene there.

    • 2 months ago

      Your invasion plan is totally moronic. Mine is much easier and 100% certain to work.

      It goes like this:

      You fly over the islands at 35 000 feet dropping a 747s worth of VX gas containers. Then you repeat it over every city and village until there are only scattered Black gangs left. Then you send in the low level hunter killers, soldiers in chemsuits on the ground to flush the prey and drones to drop more VX on them.

      These islands are inhabited by a very effective bioweapon that makes any invasion impossible. If you do not remove it by destroying it or exporting it to Uhhmerica invasion will not work.

      • 2 months ago

        The gas you drop isn't going to abide by the invisible territory line that separates Haiti from the Dominican Republic. You'll be up to your eyeballs in bad PR before your first sortie returns to refuel. The only people willing to support you after that will be Israel because of how effectively you made the world forget about their current war crimes.

        • 2 months ago

          I don't know about VX but common chemical warfare gases like phosgene don't go that far and you would just need to make sure to not hit too close to Dominican republic or if you do to make sure the wind blows in the right direction.

          To avoid bad PR you would need to cut off the main internet and phone cables underwater and expel all foreigners and finish the genocide before the world understands clearly what is going on.

          Than make up a couple of scapegoat guys hang them and lobby any country with UN veto to prevent any further resolutions. If the genocide is total and someone paid for it 99% of people will easily lose interest.

  7. 2 months ago

    >opened this thread hoping for a discussion of the Republic of Korea getting some trigger time by pacifying the voodoos

    son, I am disappoint.

    • 2 months ago

      best korea living standards would be an improvement to what they have

  8. 2 months ago

    Hati is worse than worthless without either a genocide of its Black folks or their complete enslavement

    • 2 months ago

      >or their complete enslavement
      Probably not going to work with them. Too heavy historical precedents to keep the slave population pacified enough to be any useful.

      • 2 months ago

        Not without a good buckbreaking

    • 2 months ago

      Release the virus

    • 2 months ago

      Motherfricker that's how we got into this mess.

      • 2 months ago

        genocide it is then

    • 2 months ago

      The only effect enslavement will have is less subtlety

  9. 2 months ago

    Why did France continue to demand repayment for the slaves feed by the Haitian revolution?

    • 2 months ago

      To acquire money.

    • 2 months ago

      Because Haiti kept invading and genociding the Dominican Republic after they genocided every white and mulatto on their side of the island, to the point where the DR had a much greater debt from fighting their defensive wars despite being half the population.
      The "muh Haiti is le poor because le denbts (please ignore every other country with greater debt loads on similar periods that didn't go full Haiti, ESPECIALLY ignore the Dominican Republic)" is reddit tier cope.

    • 2 months ago

      >people revolt
      okay we honhonhon'ed that
      >kill some of your former masters
      uoi honhonhon very revolution
      >kill everyone that has but a single drop of white blood but make sure to rape the women for a year first and kill any babies born from said rape
      this a bit to honhonhon for us
      >torture and kill any frog POW as a bonus
      this is very un honhonhon
      >then try to invade, take over and carry out the same genocide to the country next to you several times
      that's it honhonhon will have his agrent, debt for you!

    • 2 months ago

      Odd because France outlawed slavery and offered the Haitians full citizenship if they came back. The debt was to pay for the actual property that was stolen.

    • 2 months ago

      White people are evil and they don't care. Haiti had a more crippling indemnity than wwi Germany

  10. 2 months ago

    30 days of Sarin bombardment should clean up the island

  11. 2 months ago

    Have you seen haiti from satellite images? They deforested and ruined the soil. You couldn't do as much damage even if you salted the earth

    • 2 months ago

      The imagery of the border is absolutely insane; DR looks normal and haiti is a moonscape. Why would anyone want haiti, its absolutely fricked

      • 2 months ago

        I only refer to Hamilton because it's got the National bank rap battle where A.Hamilton's whole angle is making that switch to "running a real nation."

        >Haiti has no trade, goods, and is a dumping ground that's never been a real country.
        That means it's both conquerable, and you can build shit from the ground up the way you want it.
        Imagine autistic neo-sparta, but everyone has AK's or some moronic shit.

        How did Haiti get Dominicans to hate them so much? You'll see the most midnight dark Dominicans going on hitler tier genocidal rants about Haitians.

        • 2 months ago

          Well, basically imagine the current Ukraine-Russia conflict, except in this case invaders are Black folk in skin color too. And they do it multiple times.

        • 2 months ago

          Simple answer: by deserving it

        • 2 months ago

          >How did Haiti get Dominicans to hate them so much?
          By doing whatever they can to cause trouble whenever they could, seemingly for no other reason than to garner such major psychotic hatred. It's the one thing they actually worked for.

          • 2 months ago

            The worst part is they don't even work particularly hard at that either. it's mostly migrant chimpouts, random crackhead their crime that somehow pisses off local authorities and rivalgangs and a ceaseless demand for gibs despite never offering any reason why. It's literally like those stupid monkeys you see harass pajeets

        • 2 months ago

          By invading them multiple times, ENSLAVING them, and trying to ethnically cleanse them?

        • 2 months ago

          >How did Haiti get Dominicans to hate them so much?

          Borders are a wypipo idea, the haitians do raids into Dominican territory to loot ranches and villages. This led the Dominicians to develop a somewhat sour attitude towards them.

        • 2 months ago

          On one island, the Dominicans are trying to run a functional country (they do a fairly average job) and the Haitians are trying to do some We Wuz larp which involved them killing all the white people, killing all the mixed people, killing Dominicans, accidentally starving themselves, trying to invade the Dominicans (losing), then constantly trying to illegally enter the DR either for smuggling or immigration
          Worst of all, the Haitians have been yelling at the Dominicans in FRENCH this whole time

          It’s like a normal guy having a conjoined twin with Down syndrome

      • 2 months ago

        Same reason people buy land in Wyoming or West Texas

  12. 2 months ago

    Gonave Island is a better option than Tortuga Island.

    It has 80.000~ inhabitants and several outlying islands you can use as a staging ground. Tortuga is close to the mainland, you won't gather the manpower to take Haiti Proper, but an island off of Haiti is doable.

    Goal of the operation;
    Limited Conquest of a defensible part of Haiti, being Gonave Island

    Available resources;
    50 white men (acquired from various recruitment sources off of PrepHole)
    5 ships (acquired in the USA)
    150 light weapons (assault rifles, hunting rifles, pistols) (acquired in the USA)
    50 sets of light body armour
    55 kits of night vision
    3 months of supply
    100.000 bullets

    White Team;
    5 ships containing 50 armed men trained in private grounds in the USA
    Element of surprise; very high
    Initial organization and morale; extremely high

    Black Team;
    20.000 fighting age men

    several hundred varying firearms on the island, limited ammo, little acccesory equipment
    thousands of vehicles, trucks, motorcycles, fishing boats, ferries, and light motortboats, possibly a civilian light plane or two
    limited but existing internet access (enough for communications)

    Initial organization and morale; extremely low

    Forces ratio; 1:400

    Geographical situation;
    Some forest cover, medium population density, several high points on the island, 30% urbanization, tropical climate tempered by the seawinds, a decent distance from the mainland (20+ km), several outlying islands

    • 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      I say we have people sneak in and hide a load of homemade explosives near local garrisons and whatnot over a few months, maybe airdrop some or whatever, and set em all off as we land
      Mix of incendiaries, white phosphorous, basic shrapnel bombs, maybe some chlorine or mustard gas in places
      Good for disarray, with the only issue being that if the Haitians decide to actually check their trash cans for once some might be discovered
      That could be pinned on rival gangs though

    • 2 months ago

      I say we have people sneak in and hide a load of homemade explosives near local garrisons and whatnot over a few months, maybe airdrop some or whatever, and set em all off as we land
      Mix of incendiaries, white phosphorous, basic shrapnel bombs, maybe some chlorine or mustard gas in places
      Good for disarray, with the only issue being that if the Haitians decide to actually check their trash cans for once some might be discovered
      That could be pinned on rival gangs though

      Remember, we don't need to kill the 20,000 fighting age men.
      All we need to do is get the ones in charge, and then explain convincingly how we're the new bosses, why it's a good thing, and give them someone else they can mutually hate.
      Which I think is reasonable if we can declare the island independent from taxation, beat back the first few assaults by boat, and block off any major harbors or airstrips.
      Also I highly suggest we invest in drones. Even the recon alone would be useful, but if we can rig them to drop bombs and twenty or so men piloting them around, we're probably on force parity with Haiti's armed forces projection capacity.

      • 2 months ago

        Counterpoint, take the dumbest, blackest, most thuggish Black person in the US and multiply that by 2. That's the AVERAGE Haitian. You're literally dealing with a nation that has spent the last 200 years actively destroying its demographics. The only solution for Haiti is the final one.

      • 2 months ago

        >Which I think is reasonable if we can declare the island independent from taxation

        These people have nothing to tax unless you want your taxes paid in rotten fish and scrawny chickens. What is your major malfunction?

        • 2 months ago

          They don't even have rotten fish and scrawny chickens. Google mud cookies. That's all they have.

    • 2 months ago

      I said Tortuga because it is small and nearly uninhabited by comparisson. From there it would be a decent staging point to invade the north shore and take a small provincial capital. If they couldn't suceed there I would have serious doubts about the rest of the campaign. I also felt Gonave would be too close to PaP, and therefore retaliation would be instant with a large force. I do not know where their assets are, but I assume everything is centered on the capital right now.

  13. 2 months ago

    Something like this was already tried but it didn't work out

    • 2 months ago

      Says they failed cause the Feds busted them over the neutrality act.
      But the neutrality act just says:
      >If any person shall within the territory or jurisdiction of the United States begin or set on foot or provide or prepare the means for any military expedition or enterprise ... against the territory or dominions of any foreign prince or state of whom the United States was at peace that person would be guilty of a misdemeanor.
      But Haiti isn't a state it's just unclaimed land so we're in the clear.

  14. 2 months ago

    >invading Haiti
    That's a fricking punishment not a conquest.
    >creates a /k/ountry
    You would have to kill EVERY SINGLE Haitian. And I do mean every, no maids or sex slaves, no farm workers or anything.

  15. 2 months ago

    Haitians are literally the most useless people. They are entirely incapable of anything, lazy, and probably sub abbo IQ predominantly. They're incredibly quick to violence, and have no scope of morality whatsoever.

    They make the Jamaicans look like rocket scientists and the average Jamaican probably can't count to 100.

    Haiti is a useless, barren land. Crops don't grow, their reefs are all literally destroyed from overfishing and just trashing them (fishing nets literally everywhere underwater etc). There is next to no infrastructure in place and what is there is shoddy AT BEST.

    Even if you were to genocide every Haitian, the land itself is devoid of merit. It might well he the most cursed place on this planet. You would control a useless, diseased county that happens to get shrekt by about every hurricane.

    >t. spent a few years trying to teach basic good construction practices to the Caribbean and would never visit any non white controlled island ever again

    • 2 months ago

      Were there any positives to the places you worked? Even if its just a pretty view. Care to share any wild stories? You've intrigued me.

      • 2 months ago

        The islands (not Haiti) are beautiful and would be a virtual paradise were it not for the inhabitants. The things I witnessed alone at the bauxite mine in Jamaica would give the average OSHA guy a stroke. The population has ruined their islands a lot, though. The reefs are almost all ruined, predominantly by just pure garbage at the bottom. I dove a lot around them and there isn't even a ton to see. The Florida Keys offer significantly better diving.

        Barbados has some absolutely gorgeous women if you're into brown girls. But they're predominantly just after your money or a visa or something. Anything they can try to get from you. They're like flip women but blacker. That part is true of all the black government islands.

        Don't eat any fish or seafood handled by blacks outside of white controlled companies. They don't seem to believe in ice or even refrigeration. Your fish probably sat for hours on the deck of a boat. Maybe they put something over top of it at most, but probably not. Don't eat any fish from inland, the shit in their water would actually count as hazardous waste inside a chemical plant and I am not making a joke.

        If you want a tropical island vacation, do the Florida Keys. Or one of the islands still owned by yuros if you must.

    • 2 months ago

      >>t. spent a few years trying to teach basic good construction practices to the Caribbean and would never visit any non white controlled island ever again
      stories pls

      • 2 months ago

        I watched helplessly as a Jamaican dropped a running cutoff wheel (the switch kind where the damn thing can stay on) on his foot. He was wearing flip flops. He had a huge hash on the top of his foot, couldn't tell exactly how deep due to the bleeding, but pretty bad.

        If you're on one of these islands and the store is run by Indians, 360 and walk away. They will absolutely keep you and any goods they offer you can find at a different store for probably 1/10th the price. I watched tourists buy water shoes for $30. A block down the Jamaicas sell them for like $5. I think I hate Indians more than islanders.

    • 2 months ago

      How does the dominican republic hold up?

      • 2 months ago

        It's like if you drove through hell and ended up in heaven. It's one of the better islands and the Dominicans aren't as scammy as some islands, but that isn't saying a ton. Actually a lot of Indians moving to the islands and they're so scammy that it makes the islanders appear like angels which is appalling.

  16. 2 months ago

    >Whites discover an island, slaughter the original population
    >Import Black folk by the thousands to work as slaves
    >Black folk stay on those islands once freed, meaning you basically gifted them beautiful places that they will spend the next few centuries turning into barren shitholes

    Those places are rightful EVROPEAN clay

  17. 2 months ago

    There’s zero reason as to why we should invade Hati. Zero reason.

  18. 2 months ago

    I wish Sean Penn would've been murdered when he went there to shill for donations.

  19. 2 months ago

    While I am sure that we could make Haiti a great place if we run it ufortunately this board isn't israeli enough to get away with mass ethnic cleansing which would be a necessary requirement to turn that hellhole into a tropical paradise with guns extravaganza.

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