Redpill me on bamboo, does it only grow in 6,7,8? What can you make with it?

Redpill me on bamboo, does it only grow in 6,7,8? What can you make with it?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 months ago

    PrepHole isn't a search engine

    • 2 months ago

      homie yo mom is a gotdamn search engine. I put my dick in her and she was searching for my cum

      • 2 months ago

        you should bring a shovel, but not sure there is much left of her (she´s been dead over a decade)

  2. 2 months ago


  3. 2 months ago

    >What can you make with it?
    Surprisingly effective knives. The bark has silica grit which acts like tiny glass saw teeth.
    Also traditional deer scares, which are my favorite functional garden decoration.

  4. 2 months ago
  5. 2 months ago

    Makes nice comfy temperate forest in a hot place. Grows like a fricking weed, because it is. You want the fat stuff not the shitty grass stuff.

  6. 2 months ago

    You’re a turboBlack person if you plant it, especially in a residential area. Once it gets established it doesn’t stop growing and is hard to contain. I used to be a landscaper and had several clients where I had to constantly cut down bamboo because their neighbor thought it would be cute to have a bamboo grove in their backyard and then it spread to their neighbors’

    • 2 months ago

      Can confirm (I was one of these turboBlack folk, I thought it'd be a good alternative to a hedgerow). I bought one of the supposedly non-spreading kinds, which turned out to be a lie. Still spreads, just slower. Ended up tearing them all out, roots and all. The roots grow through root barrier fabric, fyi.

      • 2 months ago

        You’re a turboBlack person if you plant it, especially in a residential area. Once it gets established it doesn’t stop growing and is hard to contain. I used to be a landscaper and had several clients where I had to constantly cut down bamboo because their neighbor thought it would be cute to have a bamboo grove in their backyard and then it spread to their neighbors’

        Frick yeah, then what did you build out of it?

    • 2 months ago

      Depends on the type. I just toured the Tobasco factory in south Louisiana, which has a 10 acre bamboo forest made of giant timber bamboo. That’s in hardiness zone 9a. Here’s a video where it was being cleaned up.

      It depends entirely on the type of bamboo. But yeah, a lot of it grows like a weed. I’d suspect the more common types do.

    • 2 months ago

      >20 years ago my neighbour planted bamboo
      >it grew over to my garden and beyond(before I moved in)
      >try to stop it as best as I can
      >my other neighbour doesnt trim it or care
      >now get gangraped by bamboo coming from two sides
      It looks somewhat cool though but whatever

    • 2 months ago

      >You’re a based eco terrorist if you plant it, especially in a residential area. Once it gets established it doesn’t stop growing and can't be stopped by man. I used to be a guerilla gardener and had several clients where I never had to replant bamboo because their neighbor knew it would be based to have a bamboo grove in their backyard and then it naturally re-wilded their neighbors’

    • 2 months ago

      Yep. I was considering planting some to function as a natural fence and to harvest free stakes for my tomatoes or running peas up or whatever. But, very rudimentary research let me know that would be a VERY bad idea. Also, I did some driving around and you never see a neat little row or a tiny patch. That shit always grows into a jungle and deeply invades neighboring property. I had a coworker once who was CONSTANTLY having to chop it down and eventually had to run a backhoe over it and years later they still somehow had little bits always trying to pop up that they’d take a shovel to.

  7. 2 months ago
  8. 2 months ago

    Its the ideal plant to grow as a hedgerow on your residential property. Important to get the running type. As big a species as your climate zone will permit. Theres some asian species that will do 10-15m in zone 6-7. The neighbours want to grow grass? No problem.
    Also ideal for gorilla gardening. Plant them into areas that look like they dont get cut back too often.
    Excellent building material. Long straight and strong poles. The young shoots are edible.

    • 2 months ago

      Black person are you trying to jangle our jhonsons because I'm mad

  9. 2 months ago

    Bamboo is superior to wood in every single way
    It grows fast
    Can be used to make complex stuff that you can't make out of wood
    Literally make anything and everything out of it
    Relatively strong
    You can eat the shoots if you're desperate enough
    Really light weight
    Any questions?

    • 2 months ago

      >And here's my 4x4 of bamboo

      • 2 months ago

        Yes, only its round and you can harvest it yourself with a handsaw. No milling required.
        It's also stronger than a 4x4 and longer than any milled lumber you can buy.

        • 2 months ago

          how do i start growing giant bamboo?

          • 2 months ago

            begin by removing all giant pandas in your area
            the zoos will be angry but it's the only way to be sure

            • 2 months ago

              noted, what is the most effective way to hunt or trap pandas?

              • 2 months ago

                bamboo spike traps
                it's kind of a catch-22 situation unfortunately

    • 2 months ago

      Bamboo is a grass and contains a lot of silica. This makes bamboo unsuitable for use as a kitchen cutting board or like because it dulls your knives fast.

  10. 2 months ago
    Anonymous Mogul

    imagine grass but big

  11. 2 months ago

    I wanted to bash this but it's one of the few somewhat original posts.
    If you're in a colder climate look up phylostachys atroveganata (hur) and musa

    • 2 months ago


  12. 2 months ago

    I lived in the jungle, bamboo is survival on easy mode. It's got a bunch of unique properties, any of which would individually make it valuable.
    If fire hardened property it's VERY hard. You can drill into other wood with it, make adze heads with it, use it as a spear or stake, it's incredibly wear resistant so you can use it as rails or a veneer, it's low friction so you could use it as a non load bearing axle like a water wheel or windmill. You can sew with it or use it as a awl, it's better than bone.
    >splits into flat pieces
    Forget building anything with any other material. Use bamboo as decking, to weave walls and roofs, use it as planks, you can weave it into armour. Make baskets, use it as wicker. It doesn't rot either so it's invaluable as a light building material
    >strong fibre that doesn't rot
    If you prepare bamboo correctly you can use it as a self hardening tie. Better than zip ties. So you can tie your bamboo frame with bamboo to hold a bamboo roof tied with bamboo, to support a water mill made of bamboo with a bamboo axle.
    Make a pot, a kettle, a jug, ferment food in it, protect dry goods in it. Use it as a water weight, use the hollowness as a kind of carpentry join, plug one bamboo into another. Make a bamboo gutter or aquifer. I've seen kilomiter long aqueducts made with nothing but bamboo. Even having PVC they prefer bamboo because it's UV resistant and more durable, it's easier to work with.
    >water source
    In the jungle clean water is very hard to find, many bamboos store potable water and you can just drill into them
    >barbed wire
    There's a few evil bamboos with thorns, you can use them as barbed wire. Great for penning animals where you don't have a solid fence.
    Solid bamboo, super light, hard and strong handles and wicker. A rarratan spear is a deadly weapon, possibly the best wood in the world for a lot of applications.
    >leaves are non toxic
    You can use bamboo leaves for farming

    • 2 months ago


      But as a gardener, let me tell you not to plant bamboo. It consumes a truly bizarre amount of water, which isn't returned in plant matter, if you put it around a pond it will empty the pond.

      It's highly invasive, very, very hard to remove manually and herbicide resistant. The roots are destructive (in relative terms) and animals can't generally control it. Don't fricking do it.
      As everyone else says only a turbo Black person plants bamboo, it's not as bad as kudzu or knotweed but those are the only things I could compare it to. Blackberries don't even come close

      • 2 months ago

        >if you put it around a pond it will empty the pond.
        why do i find that hilarious

        • 2 months ago

          Because they already look like straws. It's like gods are drinking the pond

  13. 2 months ago

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