Recently lost my gun virginity

My uncle told me he'd bring me on a fishing trip but he drove me into an abandoned settlement instead, pulled this thing out from the trunk and we shot at windows of old buildings.

Do you have an interesting story of firing your first gun? I'd love to read it.

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  1. 11 months ago

    >we shot at windows of old buildings.
    Great way to start your gun legacy, trespassing and vandalizing. Shit for brains.

    • 11 months ago

      Based if true. Sounds like fun and VEPR 12s are cool shotguns.

      Shut the frick up, every great man throughout history has trespassed and vandalized.

      • 11 months ago

        Ignore the israeli reddit cuckold, that's an awesome way to shoot your first gun anon, you've got a good uncle

        Thanks! It was a bit weird a long stocked gun at first but once i got it it was pretty tight.
        One thing that I was suprised by wasn't the recoil, which was suprisingly very manageable - it was the sound. I knew that guns were loud but GOD DAMN that shotgun was loud.

        Since I didn't know we were going shooting i haven't brought any ear protection. Not even headphones. The mad lad that is my uncle also thought it would be fun to get into a building, put some trash on the windowsills of the other building and shoot at it from there. I almost went deaf when he magdumped at the end of the trip.

        He also has a Makarov that he let me shoot into one of these old Soviet refigerator shelves. Man, it's such a nice plinker, I get now why some people love it so much.
        Sadly I didn't take any pictures of the Makarov but it was shiny, almost silver-like all around.

        >we shot at windows of old buildings.
        Great way to start your gun legacy, trespassing and vandalizing. Shit for brains.

        If they cared about their property then they shouldn't have abandoned it.

        It was a small town-like village with a
        couple five-story Khruschyovkas. Got abandoned 10-15 years ago. He told me he used to go to parties in the center. Must've been a special place for him.

        • 11 months ago

          Makarov is a nice gun, it's the first handgun I ever bought. They were only $200 here at the time. Upgraded to a heavy wolff recoil spring. Takes some moron gorilla strength to rack the slide but almost feels like a .22 while shooting.

          • 11 months ago

            Tough to imagine how light a .22 feels when a Makarov feels very light already.

        • 11 months ago

          Probably a Bulgarian Navy makarov, they chrome plated them, sounds like you had a lot of fun. I love my Makarov honestly.
          Always wear hearing protection, it's never uncool to protect one of your most important senses from being damaged.

          • 11 months ago

            I don't think it was a Bulgarian one, i never bought a pistol in Russia but I'd think it'd be easier to buy some Russian-produced version here.
            >Always wear hearing protection
            I hear you, wish i had been back then. Ow. Now I'm bothered when I see movies where people shoot shotguns near people indoors. None of them get eve stunned or hurt by it.

      • 11 months ago

        >every great man
        >has trespassed and vandalized.
        >Shut the frick up

    • 11 months ago

      If they cared about their property then they shouldn't have abandoned it.

    • 11 months ago

      cry more libtard

  2. 11 months ago

    Ignore the israeli reddit cuckold, that's an awesome way to shoot your first gun anon, you've got a good uncle

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        shut the frick up pussy, backseat janitor israelite homosexual.

  3. 11 months ago

    >Recently lost my gun virginity
    I thought you were shot

  4. 11 months ago

    This sounds like some kind of gay allegory. I suspect "window" = OP's butthole, and we can extrapolate the rest too.

    • 11 months ago

      Oh was taken to his uncles basement and his uncle shot his load into his anus.

      • 11 months ago

        It seems like OP is a Russian so you might not be too far from the truth

  5. 11 months ago

    >Go out shooting like two decades ago.
    >Brother in law and myself are shooting his Hi point carbine.
    >Shit was a blast.
    >On the way back his truck starts bouncing.
    >His truck tire is now rolling away.
    >All the rods were sheared the frick off.
    >Spend the next few hours on the side of the road shooting some more.
    Shit was fun.

    • 11 months ago

      Jesus, hope that didn't happen on a highway. Saw a vid once where a car hit a rolling tire and completely wrecked itself. It was scary.

      But hey, you had fun and no one got hurt, and I'm grateful for that. Do you remember what caliber was that HI-Point in? I'm guessing it was a 9mm. Pistol carbines must be so fun to plink about.

      • 11 months ago

        I never thought of that until now, now I'm thankful this happened out in the woods down some logging road away from everyone.
        I honestly can't recall what caliber it was, I was having so much of a blast that at the moment I didn't even care.
        I don't care for most PCCs because of the straight blow back, they tend to be pretty snappy for that reason, my god I do love shooting my MP5, the recoil is such a joke.

  6. 11 months ago
    Get one of these for your VEPR.

  7. 11 months ago

    >anon lost his virginity to his uncle
    Many such cases

  8. 11 months ago

    >pulled this thing out from the trunk and we shot at windows of old buildings.
    Oh hell yes, that's like losing your virginity to a supermodel as an endlessly horny teenager.
    The vepr12 is IMO both the best, and coolest shotgun I've ever laid hands on. Worth every penny, even at today's inflated prices. I love using it for clays and basically whatever needs destroying.

  9. 11 months ago

    You're not supposed to frick the gun OP.
    If you want though, you can stick the bolt up your ass. Just make sure you use enough Ballistol first.

    • 11 months ago

      who wouldn't want that sweet, sweet vepr hole

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