Realistically, how the frick do post-apocalpytic stories even work?

Realistically, how the frick do post-apocalpytic stories even work? They often take place decades, or even centuries, after a calamity. But yet, it's always some barren wasteland? Why? Everyone still speaks the languages from before the war, so they can still read, and maybe even write. If they're able to decipher text like "Nuka Cola" or "New Vegas" or form more complex sentences. There's still technology from the before times still laying around and functional. That probably requires some ability to read, coordinate, and logistics. So if there is still a wealth of knowledge of the old world still around, and technology from that era is still around, and not even the human population seems to have collapsed that much since the bombs fell... how exactly have they not rebound and rebuilt civilization in like, 50 years at most? Are they stupid? I never understand this with post-apocalyptic stories?

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    i farted (it stinks)

  2. 3 weeks ago

    keeping the status quo but making the buildings destroyed is easier and cheaper to make

  3. 3 weeks ago

    Because its fun.

  4. 3 weeks ago

    The first two games are about a post apocalypse society that is rebuilding itselt/has rebuilt itself in many areas. The Bethesda games (which the show is influenced mostly by) treat the nuclear apocalypse like it happened like couple of years ago. There's still rubble and trash everywhere like the bombs just recently dropped, even though it happened hundreds of years ago. People live in shitty huts and metal shacks etc. Because Bethesda writers and developers are moronic and their audience is also moronic. They don't really think about to stop the setting, they just see the "cool guns" and "cool retro shit" and want to shoot and blow things up. The Bethesda games are very surface level about the whole setting, style over substance, not much thought put into them at all.

    • 3 weeks ago

      this is my read on it as well. their games are just a map with some shit sprinkled on it to run around and find.

    • 3 weeks ago

      By the 2nd game there are some cities which are basically fully developed again

  5. 3 weeks ago

    >Are they stupid?
    They're Americans

  6. 3 weeks ago

    No America=the Apocalypse.

  7. 3 weeks ago

    BOS,NCR,ENCLAVE ect. do i need to go on ?

    • 3 weeks ago

      OP's talking about human civilization as a whole rebounding, not factions who hoarde the tech from themselves. Not even New California Republic is really at the same level of pre-apocalypse earth.

  8. 3 weeks ago

    all the easy oil sources are used up
    today's oil drilling requires incredibly complex feats of engineering and institutional knowledge that would be lost in the post-apocalypse, and you'd have no way to repeat the chain of progression
    there simply wouldn't be enough energy available to kickstart civilization, you'd only have small sources of energy, such as what you can get from hydro or geothermal

  9. 3 weeks ago

    Bethesda deliberately wants to keep resetting the setting. Every 10 years everything goes to shit and people have to start over again, living in shitshacks with skeletons and leaking roofs. Nothing will ever change, nothing will ever become better for anyone.

  10. 3 weeks ago

    I just said this in another thread but this is the reason:

    Look I realize this makes sense logically, humans rebuilding, cannibalizing old structures, etc.
    But think of it as from a "genre" point of view. People like post-apocalyptic settings to be post-apocalyptic. I want to see ad-hoc pipe-guns and sheet metal shanties. The scrounging for scraps to survive, not being able to trust people etc is what makes the setting good.

    I dont want to live in a "rebuilt" world, I want my characters to suffer.

    This was the worst aspect of the Walking Dead show too, btw. The second they settled down in a town and started farming, the show got super boring and they ahd to make contrived reasons to give them struggles.

    Rebuilding is realistic but its not a fun part of the genre.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I don't think this genre is fun at all, post-post apocalypse is better. I'd prefer to get another Dredd than some stupid post-apocalyptic zombie franchise.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >post-post apocalypse is better.
        what kind of story are you telling that makes it necessary to have a post-post apocalypse story?
        post-apocalypse stories usually have that setting in some way as a warning of "this is what happens if you let society break down". What's the story of post-post apocalypse? What makes it different from just setting your story in the future?

        • 3 weeks ago

          If the Post-Post apocalyptic world collapses, would it be a post-post-post apocalypse?

  11. 3 weeks ago

    no one cares

  12. 3 weeks ago

    Let's be honest, anyone left would barricade and kill anyone they saw on sight. There would be no trust, no alliances, none of that stupid shit you see. People would look after themselves and their families, and anyone dumb enough to go wandering around would die.

  13. 3 weeks ago

    It's why Worf was in every TNG movie.

  14. 3 weeks ago

    For a post-apocalypse, why does everything in this show look like a clean, overly colorful sound stage?

  15. 3 weeks ago

    What's funny is that Star Trek is technically post-apocalyptic

  16. 3 weeks ago

    Post-apoc fiction is always garbage, it’s just lazy fantasy for people who fail in the modern world but are also self absorbed sadists who want everyone to suffer horribly yet think they themselves will somehow be so cool and survive as a wasteland badass.

    The best post-apocolyptic fiction was Threads because it’s utterly horrible and the main charecter becomes a medevial serf trying to scratch a living from the wasted soil before dying young from cancer.
    The road is also good for similar reasons. As is the book version of I Am Ledgend.

    It’s good because it’s a cautionary tale, not a power fantasy. Even in I Am Ledgend where the main character does become a powerful survivor it’s completely hollow and he has no satisfaction at all.

  17. 3 weeks ago

    I think it would be kino to have a Fallout game set in the future where mankind has been able to properly rebuild and there's now massive cities and most of the rubble and remains of the old world is gone but now opposing nations/cities have built their own nukes and are threatening to repeat nuclear war and it's up to the MC to choose whether or not to try and save everyone, destroy one city/nation or destroy everyone. Sort of like New Vegas but with higher stakes.

  18. 3 weeks ago

    They had rebuilt civilisation and then Dale Cooper singlehandedly destroyed it again for no real reason

  19. 3 weeks ago

    NCR wad just that but Bethesda is moronic and doesnt know how to write anything requiring above 1st grade intelligence

  20. 3 weeks ago

    Do you understand theatre? Has all the media literacy overwritten your theatrical literacy? Would it actually be better if they were on stage in front of a wooden background? Fallout the musical is a billion dollar idea btw.

  21. 3 weeks ago

    post apocalyptical societies are always low trust societies for storytelling purposes

    you can't do any rebuilding when you think your neighbor is about to kill you for the bricks you're thinking to build with

  22. 3 weeks ago

    For thousands of years there was barely any noticeable “development” as far as the average person was concerned.

    The standard view of history until the modern era was of cyclical decline and fall, not progress toward anything.

    Fallout follows this sort of cyclical idea of history which is also why Caesar is correct and why the NCR is doomed.

  23. 3 weeks ago

    its just supposed to be a critique of the 21st century, the promising 50s teleported into the neoliberal wasteland (of today)

  24. 3 weeks ago

    >But yet, it's always some barren wasteland? Why?
    Supposedly due to radiation. But radiation doesn't work that way anyway, and we would have to worry about nuclear winter first, not a desert wasteland. After said winter you will probably have plants sprouting up again.

  25. 3 weeks ago

    Another shill thread hidden.

  26. 3 weeks ago

    Reddit series

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