Rate Irans military competence and first strike capability in a region war scenario.

Rate Iran’s military competence and first strike capability in a region war scenario.

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 2 months ago

    Cant be worse than Russia im sure.

    • 2 months ago

      >Hold my goat semen

    • 2 months ago
  2. 2 months ago

    Iran is one of the few dictatorships where most people genuinely don't like the regime. If Iran was being invaded you could probably get everyone motivated but invading another country would be hard

    • 2 months ago

      Most people who don't like the regime are probably women.

      • 2 months ago

        This. Iranian women are westernised and crazy as frick.

        • 2 months ago

          They maybe the most craziest women to come out of the sandbox but I still love them (even if they are threat to my well being)

        • 2 months ago

          Damn it's almost like women like having rights and shit. Stupid westerners treating women like people, when will we learn that they're only purposes are for cooking, cleaning, and vegana

      • 2 months ago

        People started to get tired of the regime during the Iran-Iraq war the following Khomeini’s demise at the end of it. As time progresses the skew gets more and more in favor of those who abhor the regime rather than the fervent Shias following the words of every single cleric in existence. Oh, and the Azeris, Arabs, Kurds, Baluchi, and most groups that aren’t Persian Shia don’t like the regime.
        There are some small minority groups that might have higher levels of support but that’s because these autocratic regimes try to curry the favor of some minority groups to keep power. Like how Ba’ath party regimes operate.


        I judge the Iranian military solely on their ball caps and it's... not looking good, Irani-bros

        Their military is many ways is still stuck in the weird US 1950s-1970s style. Even their modem Safir Jeeps are M38/M151 knock-offs.
        If you look at pictures of Iranian society from the revolution in 1979 and 1988 when the war ended, the Revolution, sanctions, and total war basically stalled the country from any sort of progress for a period of 10+ years. All the heads of state, IRGC, and top military officers are veterans of that war and stayed with the styles and equipment they’re familiar with. Conscripts today still use G3s from the Shah era.
        I think the IRGC is probably the only paramilitary faction in the country that is relatively modern. The military is more of a cheap defense force.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm Iranian I can tell you this is the work of propaganda. The people in the cities don't like the government but the martial demographic in the countryside support them. It's why hardliners won the last elections. And it's why Iran will strike Israel soon, because the rural demographic expect it. The urban secular demographic is not representative of the population and like any country, the urban demographic are a lot softer. I don't live in Iran because I don't want to live in a sanctioned theocracy. But it is complete delusion and fantasy to think the Iranian government is unstable or that the population wants to overthrow it.

      • 2 months ago

        By soon you mean another 48 hours?

        • 2 months ago

          yes I think Iran will strike Israel directly in the next 48 hours. The IRGC is calculating how to strike Israel to appease domestic anger while at the same time not invite escalation. They dont want direct war with Israel, they want indirect war.

          so again, how are they gonna reach Israel?...

          No wonder why rural inbreed morons support the ayatollahs, me being from the capital city of my country can tell you the contempt I feel for these sort of people every time we got elections, oh well, the only good thing is they are often the first ones dying to the frickups created by the people they voted for.

          Also Iran clerics are getting senile, this means the ones running the show are probably the secretaries and IT, the old farts can barelly upload a file in their emails, let alone understand an excel worksheet, and that'swhen they aren't in emergency, you think they have any idea how things work anymore?

          I don't understand this question, Iran has thousands of missiles that can reach Israel. Did you think Iran was going to send armor columns towards Israel or something? You're not a very intelligent person.

          I doubt it; there’s aircraft carriers in the region so they’ll chicken out. Also they’re super corrupt and not interested in overtly inviting regime change any more than what they have — which is why the nuclear program is on hold. I’m sure they’ll do SOMETHING more than just incite the Houthis into shooting at stuff in the Red Sea, but if anyone is hoping for the cavalry to show up they’ll be just as disappointed as with the lack of action by Hezbollah; the brotherhood of resistance apparently goes only so far, I hope everyone in the Arab world remembers this.

          Iran does not want war escalation into direct conflict with Israel but they have to appeaase domestic anger inside Iran. It's boiling over. Israel fricked up decades of work the west did to build western sympathetic demographic inside Iran, it's all over now, everyone sees Israel as an aggressor and they want revenge. Mullahs need to appease the anger but dont want this going into tit for tat against israel

          • 2 months ago

            >Mullahs need to appease the anger but dont want this going into tit for tat against israel
            I imagine part of this is that le mullahs want the U.S. to disengage from the Middle East as a long-term goal, and they see the U.S. doing that (slowly but surely) so they're not crazy to think that, and a direct war with Israel that risks sucking in the U.S. back in (and worse, directed at them) will mess that up.

      • 2 months ago

        so again, how are they gonna reach Israel?...

        No wonder why rural inbreed morons support the ayatollahs, me being from the capital city of my country can tell you the contempt I feel for these sort of people every time we got elections, oh well, the only good thing is they are often the first ones dying to the frickups created by the people they voted for.

        Also Iran clerics are getting senile, this means the ones running the show are probably the secretaries and IT, the old farts can barelly upload a file in their emails, let alone understand an excel worksheet, and that'swhen they aren't in emergency, you think they have any idea how things work anymore?

        • 2 months ago

          t. Liberal

          Misc Pot was right, the cities need to be emptied so that people can remember the foundations of their societies. We see this in the US where the cities are a net drain on society and siphon all the resources and taxes into feeding and taking care of the people there instead of investing it in less densely populated areas where the money would be much more useful.

          • 2 months ago

            > We see this in the US where the cities are a net drain on society
            You mean highly populated urban areas where commerce, industry, and logistics are concentrated?
            >and siphon all the resources and taxes into feeding and taking care of the people
            For Blacks sure, but not everyone in the city is a poorgay in welfare. In fact housing is more expensive and things like groceries, gas, and goods are often cheaper compared to rural areas.
            >there instead of investing it in less densely populated areas where the money would be much more useful.
            Money is invested in rural areas, but since rural areas are literally less populated and developed, it makes no sense than to pump so much money when it makes sense to do so for urban and suburban areas.
            Rural areas mostly run on state and federal funds since they seldom produce enough cash to pay for even basic needs like roads, education, infrastructure, and so on, whereas cities, with higher populations, taxes, and incomes, are bake to pay for most things out of pocket (if their respective municipal governments aren’t morons).
            I would also like to add that many rural Americans are already receiving financial assistance from local, state, and federal coffers be it for farming, small businesses, government, or as welfare/EBT/etc.
            It also doesn’t help that rural demographics are changing. Young people, especially females, are going to colleges and moving away as there isn’t any suitable jobs or lifestyle side them.
            Many places, especially out west, have massive growing Hispanic populations due to them being used as farm laborers. Many people are old and will die away soon.
            Land is being bought by real estate israelites, big agro, former urbanites, and local wealthy landowners so the prices for land is increasing fast despite the declining populations. These latter examples have little need to leech tax dollars that could go anywhere else.

            • 2 months ago

              You know the funniest part is we have heard some of the same arguments from "real native peruvians" who always ask for more gibs from Lima yet have money for pic related.

              These people are incorrigible and I bet you will find exactly the same bunch of jackasses in Iran begging for war against the West while getting all sort of free money from oil revenues, meanwhile Tehranians are probably the ones who have to do all the real job in keeping the most glorious and valiant Islamic Republic of Iran held together from morons both at the top and the bottom.

              • 2 months ago

                The rural demographic in Iran don't want war with the West, this is a fiction in your head created out of Zionist propaganda.
                I read Farsi telegram and I can promise you Westerners/Israelis are far more bloodthirsty. The hardliner demographic in Iran talk about revenge in terms of firing missiles at Israeli military bases, while Israelis/Westerners talk about killing everyone in collective punishment. They dont want general war, they want IRGC to fire missiles at Israeli bases where planes are taking off from.
                It's very funny to see how in the West they thnk everyone else is so bloodthirsty and savage but the rhetoric is 100x more bloodthirsty out of the pro-Israel side.

              • 2 months ago

                Ill further this to say Western media has completely poisoned the well on what's actually going on in Iran. If you get your information on Iran from western news then you have zero fundamental knowledge about Iran at all. All of it is propaganda fed through the paradigm of WW2/Holocaust themes, omitting critical information anyone would need to know about understanding Iran. It's all intentional so that the people are dehumanized, the government is evil, and you support the end goal which is regime change of Israel's opponent. The only thing true about the Iranian government is that its corrupt to the core. Just about everything else regarding nuclear weapons, antisemitism, islamic takeover, treating women badly, is deeply exaggerated if not completely fabricated. It's more accurate to view the IRGC/mullahs as a mafia than anything else.

              • 2 months ago

                >the government is evil
                this is correct, however
                i'm not gonna buy into your bullshit just because israelites are acting up

              • 2 months ago

                the government isn't evil, it's just very corrupt. The mullahs use revolutionary rhetoric from the 80's but their kids and grandkids live as milliionaires in the USA.
                Women are treated the same as men in Iran, the only difference is they have to cover their hair. There's no other problems for them, they're encouraged to get educated and get careers, they have preferential treatment in family court just like the West.
                Antisemitism isn't a thing in Iran, it's a european thing. There has never been a pogrom against israelites in 2500 years. Mostly because usury has always been banned thus they were never able to establish themselves as a political entity undermining the government in power like they could in western countries. israelites are protected by fatwah issued by Ayatollah Khomeini, they are mandated to have 1 MP in parliament, they get their schools and own hospitals funded by Iranian taxpayers. All this shit about Iran wanting the next holocaust is Israeli propaganda.
                The only thing true about iran is the government is highly corrupt. I consider them to be far less psychotic than governments of US, Israel, UK.

              • 2 months ago

                >I consider them to be far less psychotic than governments of US, Israel, UK.

                it's a literal muslim theocracy, the fact that israelites are also evil isn't going to turn me into a simp for based iran.

              • 2 months ago

                So women have to wear hijab and alcohol is banned? Other than that there is little legislated difference between. Everything is just iconography. Iran has seen a HDI increase the same rate as China, a lot went into education, healthcare, infrastructure. Most of rural Iran didn't have schools or hospitals before. Iran would be a fully developed country if not for sanctions which have isolated its economy for decades.
                Not asking you to like Iran, I'm saying your understanding of Iran is through the paradigm made out of propaganda.
                To be clear I don't live in iran because I want material wealth and its hard to do in a sanctioned economy. I'm not practicing muslim or anything either.

              • 2 months ago

                you don't live in iran because it's a shithole and you're a shill who's opportunistically pushing this narrative when it's most convenient.

              • 2 months ago

                No, Iran is pretty good. A lot less homeless and trash everywhere and less crime than the USA. But I earn $250k+ for my job here which would earn me maybe $15k in Iran. USA is better if you have a good job because you can get into a nice area.

              • 2 months ago

                Pyongyang has a lot less homeless and crime too, yet i'd rather live in the decadent west and for some reason you too.

              • 2 months ago

                same principle. I said the same thing but you're a bit dense. There's a lot of good things about Iran even relative to the USA. But if you've got ability and skills, USA is far better for social mobility.
                Iran is a highly corrupt country, nepotism and corruption is rampant. It's present in USA too but not as bad. In Iran, hard, honest work isn't enough to let you get ahead. Sanctions are a large part of it, but its also cultural too and Iranian tolerance of nepotism/corruption.
                I'm pretty sure if Iran was never sanctioned I would have had no reason to leave.

              • 2 months ago

                you're a strong argument against immigration if i've ever seen one, and yet that's all this place has been lately - a refuge for people who want to bring sharia law or some other flavor of thirdie fascism into the west.

              • 2 months ago

                I'm not religious. Your IQ is just very very low

                >That was 15 years ago though. Things are very stable now
                AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH have a nice day, brownie. The goal of paid shilling is to actually be convincing. You're a literal caricature.

                15 years is a long time and lots of things change. Imagine trying to convince people to use your they/them pronouns 15 years ago :^)

              • 2 months ago

                >I'm not religious. Your IQ is just very very low
                you said that, but you're also saying there's some very good things about iran even relative to the US, it's "very clean", "very stable" and all that protest stuff is actually overblown.
                there's a difference between what you actually say and what you believe.

              • 2 months ago

                the issue is your brain thinks in binary 1's and 0's and can't fathom complexity or nuance. It's a common problem for people of low intelligence such as yourself. As I said, if I liked it in Iran i would be there.

              • 2 months ago

                >As I said, if I liked it in Iran i would be there
                so you don't like it anymore? but i thought it was stable, nice and clean and all that bad stuff is just westoid propaganda. living under a muslim theocracy is fine, actually. it's a less "psychotic" government than anything in the west, apparently.

                which part of your nuance did i miss?

              • 2 months ago

                Iran, so stable. The evil west will never understand the true STABILITY and cohesion of the the Iranian nation. Here's to another prosperous 40 year of mullah rule!

              • 2 months ago

                >no argument

              • 2 months ago

                Is it true that in November 2019 people where protesting and irgc flew over the demonstration with a copper and opened fire killing 1.500 people?

              • 2 months ago

                >It's more accurate to view the IRGC/mullahs as a mafia than anything else.

                the government isn't evil, it's just very corrupt. The mullahs use revolutionary rhetoric from the 80's but their kids and grandkids live as milliionaires in the USA.
                Women are treated the same as men in Iran, the only difference is they have to cover their hair. There's no other problems for them, they're encouraged to get educated and get careers, they have preferential treatment in family court just like the West.
                Antisemitism isn't a thing in Iran, it's a european thing. There has never been a pogrom against israelites in 2500 years. Mostly because usury has always been banned thus they were never able to establish themselves as a political entity undermining the government in power like they could in western countries. israelites are protected by fatwah issued by Ayatollah Khomeini, they are mandated to have 1 MP in parliament, they get their schools and own hospitals funded by Iranian taxpayers. All this shit about Iran wanting the next holocaust is Israeli propaganda.
                The only thing true about iran is the government is highly corrupt. I consider them to be far less psychotic than governments of US, Israel, UK.

                >the government isn't evil, it's just very corrupt. The mullahs use revolutionary rhetoric from the 80's but their kids and grandkids live as milliionaires in the USA.
                This too. I think this is why they can also be bullied or intimidated into backing down like after the U.S. struck at the Iraqi paramilitaries. More of an authoritarian, mafia, thuggish police state type deal with "Islamic characteristics." There was a journalist who lived in Lebanon some years ago who I liked who described Hezbollah that way. Westerners see this Islamic militia-type force with the traditional clothing and think it's Al Qaeda but they behave very differently.

              • 2 months ago

                Was a israelite (harari) the one who pointed out through human history most states have acte like mafias? It's actually a very tempting comparison even today, particularly among one party and dynastic organizations, come to think and truth be told USA would be better if you have at least one additional party so there is an element of balance between both extremes.

                I have to recognize we should be doing better to not let these sort of threads devolve into /misc/ fodder, we rarely have the opportunity to go down the rabbit hole when it comes to non-western armed entities, some days ago we got a thread about turk and sa militaries and it was awesome until someone derailed into Milei being an agent of da joos.

              • 2 months ago

                >"we dont want war, we just want to bomb you guys and get away with it"
                What sort of IQ level is this

              • 2 months ago

                They want recognition of a Palestinian State and to force Israel to withdraw from Gaza. That requires military confrontation with Israel until it agrees to conditions it can't change. Iran wants to do this indirectly, not directly. Hence Hezbollah, Houthis and Iraqi PMU are doing their parts. Iran can keep this war going for years on end. Do you understand now?

              • 2 months ago

                Yes, they want war, but are too weak and pathetic to have a chance in hell

              • 2 months ago

                They have technological and wealth disadvantage so they have to be clever about it. And they win every single time.
                20 years ago Iran was isolated to its borders. Everyone Iran backed has won. Iraq, Syria. Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan, Algeria.... In what flashpoint did Israel/US defeat Iran? I think only Egypt with Sisi's coup against the MB

              • 2 months ago

                Oh G-d (lel) please, please, please, pretty please just fricking do it.

              • 2 months ago

                I would hardly call all of these Iran's victories, giving pocket money to some rebel groups to sow mayhem while fricking over the people within the region sounds to me more like the only thing they have left is to keep violence between sunnies and shiites while not having any real future prospect for the years to come.

                I mean, if your definition of victory is to diminish western presence at all cost then yeah, but anyone with a functioning brain knows that's like setting yourself on fire to tarnish some embassy entry... oh right, ok, go ahead, you are winning, keep going please.

                Are you sure about who you are supporting?

              • 2 months ago

                yes, diminishing western presence is victory. Iran won the War on Terror. The USA's goals were to overthrow several governments and install pro-American governments. Iran won in every country except Egypt.

              • 2 months ago

                >Iran won the War on Terror
                What a moronic statement

              • 2 months ago

                It's true. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Yemen. All the factions Iran backed won. The IRGC is now everywhere in the Middle East.

              • 2 months ago

                Did American objectives have anything to do with Iran?

              • 2 months ago

                Yes the final goal was regime change in Iran. This is obvious to anyone that lived through the War on Terror and was paying attention. The idea for regime change in Iran started getting promoted in about 2004-2005 under George Bush admin once Saddam regime was toppled. The goal was always regime change in Iran. That's when IRGC went on the offensive and destroyed everything the USA was trying to do.

              • 2 months ago

                What is the matter with all you worthless sandnigs that causes you to think everything is about you?

              • 2 months ago

                It's about seven countries including Iran :^)

              • 2 months ago

                And every single one seems to think it's at the senter of the universe

              • 2 months ago

                No they don't, you're just not very intelligent so misunderstood. I'm serious with that, not trying to insult. You're genuinely unintelligent.

              • 2 months ago

                You said Bush ramped up anti Iranian rhetoric in '04-'05, which just so happens to coincide with the beginning of the Iraqi insurgency and Iranian military personnel crossing over into Iraq both to take potshots at American troops and train Shiaite militias. Surely you must understand the connection between these two events

              • 2 months ago

                Bush put the heat on Iran once the Iraq war was formally over and things were stable, they planned to move on Iran next. It wasnt until the Axis of Evil speech that IRGC got involved in Iraq and took over from underneath american control. There was no confrontation between IRGC and USA until the axis of evil speech, written by a israelite, supported by israelites.

              • 2 months ago

                >Iraq War was over
                >things were fully stable

              • 2 months ago

                yes it was formally over. The baathist regime was destroyed and on the run, the country was stable. Iraq went unstable after the axis of evil speech hand IRGC got involved to get the USA out of Iraq. You're just very young and dont remember

              • 2 months ago

                Are you fricking moronic? What destabilized Iraq was the blacklisting of all members of the Ba'ath Party and the the dissolution of the Iraqi Army, leaving basically everyone in civil administration unable to work again and tens of thousands of soldiers, some experienced, without a means to provide for themselves under a foreign occupation. What on Earth does that have to do with Iran?

              • 2 months ago

                >muh CIA regime change
                That's vatBlack folktan talking point 1 to 1. I guess mudslimes and snow Black folk are truly brothers

              • 2 months ago




                Please explain yourself.

              • 2 months ago

                Taliban is in Afghanistan. Iran is the country next to Afghanistan.

              • 2 months ago

                >Everyone Iran backed has won. Iraq, Syria. Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan

                So Iran won by helping reinstall the taliban on Afghanistan? I mean,yeah, quite the victory, and good look to all the people involved.

                And yes, your next move will be posting about people killed by US or Israel because "they do it too", the problem with that is, you are supposed to support the morally superior side, which fails quite hard when you start seeing guys like Al-Assad, the Taliban and the ayatollahs themselves not doing their own cause some sort of good propaganda, a israelite may certainly try to convince you to get a mortgage you cannot pay and then frick over you, but an islamist will point a gun at your head and tell your luck has ran out.

                I perfectly understand you feel kinship with your country, I, who am not a white or a israelite, do it too. it's human nature.

              • 2 months ago

                Iran supported the Taliban in the last several years. Taliban have pros and cons. The previous government obviously treated women better but it was also allowing poppy plantations which was causing issues inside Iran and it was also enabling bachebazi among the pashtun tribesmen. Iran was getting swamped by millions of refugees because people had enough with the rampant crime under the US government. The taliban dealt with the crime, the drugs and the pedo warlords. They aren't a good option, just a better one.

              • 2 months ago

                >Iran supported the Taliban in the last several years.

                Boy that sure came back to bite them in the ass quick.


              • 2 months ago

                Knowing Iranians are so meek only makes me view them as pathetic

              • 2 months ago

                and nobody cares what you think

              • 2 months ago

                Ill further this to say Western media has completely poisoned the well on what's actually going on in Iran. If you get your information on Iran from western news then you have zero fundamental knowledge about Iran at all. All of it is propaganda fed through the paradigm of WW2/Holocaust themes, omitting critical information anyone would need to know about understanding Iran. It's all intentional so that the people are dehumanized, the government is evil, and you support the end goal which is regime change of Israel's opponent. The only thing true about the Iranian government is that its corrupt to the core. Just about everything else regarding nuclear weapons, antisemitism, islamic takeover, treating women badly, is deeply exaggerated if not completely fabricated. It's more accurate to view the IRGC/mullahs as a mafia than anything else.

                Then how you explain this?:


              • 2 months ago

                explain what

              • 2 months ago

                Ill further this to say Western media has completely poisoned the well on what's actually going on in Iran. If you get your information on Iran from western news then you have zero fundamental knowledge about Iran at all. All of it is propaganda fed through the paradigm of WW2/Holocaust themes, omitting critical information anyone would need to know about understanding Iran. It's all intentional so that the people are dehumanized, the government is evil, and you support the end goal which is regime change of Israel's opponent. The only thing true about the Iranian government is that its corrupt to the core. Just about everything else regarding nuclear weapons, antisemitism, islamic takeover, treating women badly, is deeply exaggerated if not completely fabricated. It's more accurate to view the IRGC/mullahs as a mafia than anything else.

                Everytime that some 3rd world authoritarian shithole tries the "WE WAZ WARRIORS N SHEET" approach and actually goes on offensive mode it backfires horribly, Sadam, Putin, Amin..
                But by all means go ahead and attack Israel, I'm sure this time will be different and it won't end up with thousands of dead iranians and even more angry people at the Mullahs

              • 2 months ago

                did you misread my comment? Can you please tell me what you think I was saying?

                Oh G-d (lel) please, please, please, pretty please just fricking do it.

                and to be frank, I know better than the collective of /k/. The consensus of this board is basically reddit headline educated with little understanding of what's really happening in the world. It's why you guys thought the Ukrainian counteroffensive was going to crush Russia, that Russia was going to collapse, that Ukraine would be in Crimea by now. You guys have even less understanding about the middle east. You're underestanding on everything is built bottom up by propaganda.

              • 2 months ago

                No wonder our Greco-Roman forefathers thought of Persians as a bunch of b***hmade fairyboys

              • 2 months ago

                but having sex with boys was a Greco-Roman custom, not Persian.

              • 2 months ago

                As opposed to goats in the contemporary Persian custom

              • 2 months ago

                the line for your mother is always too long

          • 2 months ago

            I think you are a bit confused with whom you are talking to, I am not a liberal, and you are doing yourself a disservice comparing your own with the subsistence farmers who keep sending idiots to Casa de Pizarro, there is this thing called "canon minero" (didn't Alaska had something like this with oil revenues?) which is sent to regional governments so they can "invest in less densely populated areas", yet, every single year they are incapable to use it because they are literally too moronic to invest in it:


            And it's not just being moronic, but outright corruption, I know people in regional governments who spend the equivalent to a basic salary on office breakfast for a bunch of their cronies because that's the only why they know how to show they are "investing" the funds.

            I am actually in a situation where I can sincerely say "my taxes pay these peoples food" while they frick over me by putting a moron in charge:


            This is what your libs are writing about the butthole they put into power and literally attempted to make a coup in front of national television:


            >Castillo, who remains in jail after his failed coup attempt, got his start in politics as a teachers union leader. Elected president in 2021, he was a powerful symbol for disenfranchised Peruvians: a man from the poor Andean region of Cajamarca and a political outsider in the sequestered world of Lima’s political elite.

      • 2 months ago

        I doubt it; there’s aircraft carriers in the region so they’ll chicken out. Also they’re super corrupt and not interested in overtly inviting regime change any more than what they have — which is why the nuclear program is on hold. I’m sure they’ll do SOMETHING more than just incite the Houthis into shooting at stuff in the Red Sea, but if anyone is hoping for the cavalry to show up they’ll be just as disappointed as with the lack of action by Hezbollah; the brotherhood of resistance apparently goes only so far, I hope everyone in the Arab world remembers this.

      • 2 months ago

        >But it is complete delusion and fantasy to think the Iranian government is unstable or that the population wants to overthrow it.
        >he says it regarding a country that literally had an armed revolution against the previous government a mere 40 years ago

        Wasn't there an attempted revolution in 2009 that marked the first use of social media to coordinate efforts?

        • 2 months ago

          2009 protests were the only big ones, the green movement behind Mousavi. That was 15 years ago though. Things are very stable now, protests in the last few years were very much overblown by western media. Problem is israeli media control on definitions and information.

          Put it this way. There aren't any restrictions of movement inside Iran, you can travel 1000 miles, East to West without a single police/military blockade on the road. This is in comparison to Israel where there is 11 military blockades stopping traffic between Bethlehem and Nazareth (90 miles). But western media portrays iran as being unstable.

          • 2 months ago

            >That was 15 years ago though. Things are very stable now
            AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH have a nice day, brownie. The goal of paid shilling is to actually be convincing. You're a literal caricature.

            • 2 months ago

              There was large protest's in Russia in 2014. But you don't remember them today.

          • 2 months ago

            >This is in comparison to Israel where there is 11 military blockades stopping traffic between Bethlehem and Nazareth (90 miles). But western media portrays iran as being unstable.

            Israel isn't exactly portrayed as being stable either. Every time it's in the news, it's because either they're bombing the Palestinians or the Palestinians are bombing them.

            • 2 months ago

              >we love death as you love life
              ironically the last time i heard this phrase it came from ISIS propaganda

              • 2 months ago

                Kino Music Video.
                War would never be fun as back then, drones ruined it.

              • 2 months ago

                Kind of fascist really. "Long live death."

                Was a israelite (harari) the one who pointed out through human history most states have acte like mafias? It's actually a very tempting comparison even today, particularly among one party and dynastic organizations, come to think and truth be told USA would be better if you have at least one additional party so there is an element of balance between both extremes.

                I have to recognize we should be doing better to not let these sort of threads devolve into /misc/ fodder, we rarely have the opportunity to go down the rabbit hole when it comes to non-western armed entities, some days ago we got a thread about turk and sa militaries and it was awesome until someone derailed into Milei being an agent of da joos.

                Reminds me of that scene from The Good Shepard where Joe Pesci realizes he's dealing with a much bigger, badder mob: the U.S. government:

      • 2 months ago

        >And it's why Iran will strike Israel soon
        Two weeks, final warning. If they bomb another 3 embassies Iran will raise the eyebrows.

        • 2 months ago

          Three more generals and the final velvet red line will be crossed. Only three more generals and maybe a mullah or two and Israel is finished. God willing, of course.

          • 2 months ago

            If the US sinks the whole Iranian navy 2 more times, there will likely be some consequences. Maybe.

        • 2 months ago

          Three more generals and the final velvet red line will be crossed. Only three more generals and maybe a mullah or two and Israel is finished. God willing, of course.

          Schrodinger's Iranian Boogeyman. Iran is simultaneously weak and impotent but also responsible for this war in Gaza and 5 months of Israel at war with 2000+ dead Israelis (would be like USA losing 60,000 people if scaled to size).

          Lmao cope

          • 2 months ago

            No one itt blames Iran for the war in Gaza. I doubt Israel does either. But you already knew that

      • 2 months ago

        >I'm Iranian

        You're some gangly 19 year old in France or the US who shills for Iran online as an act of rebellion against your parents or grandparents who had the misfortune to go through the arduous march of escaping Iran only to wind up with a little shit of a kid who spits on everything they did and stand for so he can feel edgy.

        You probably can't even speak or read Farsi.

  3. 2 months ago

    1, 0 respectively

  4. 2 months ago

    No wonder why they only use proxies.

  5. 2 months ago

    low and low
    not much to say, honestly. Iran is a middling regional power in a region that is known for being bad at war. They could beat anyone in Africa and half of their neighbors; that's it.

  6. 2 months ago

    It's already been analyzed by a few journals.
    The tl;dr is that they're not any better than their Arab neighbors. Conscription followed by terrible training, terrible commanders, bifurcated command structure between the Artesh/Revolutionary Guards, mostly awful equipment with an obsession funding new, impressive looking platform. But these platforms, like new tanks, aren't supported well by the larger force development.
    Their entire strategy is trying to ward off invasion and crush domestic dissent. They have near-zero force projection capabilities. Most of the arty is static, their forces largely unmechanized. It's questionable how well they could logistically support the aging vehicle fleet they do have. The air force might as well not exist. Their air defense is mediocre, but at least they make a bootleg S-300, or so they claim.
    One bright spot is their numbers. Taking all of their security services together, it's a large force. That might make occupation more difficult, but on the offense it's just so much meat.
    The other is their ballistic missiles. They have a whole bunch. You can't win a war with them, but you can threaten to terror bomb your opponent for at least a while, similar to what Russia is doing now.
    If you want to think of Iran, imagine Russia's army but replace the T-90s and BMPs with cruder analogues and buses. And no Mstas. And no MiG-31s slinging R-37s, or really, any jet slinging anything. And even less logistical backbone. And create a permanent Wagner which is loyal but doesn't answer to Shoigu. And your defense industry is even more limited to Aliexpress. And drop the IQ of everyone involved by 10 points. That's basically Iran's military.
    It's a match for Iraq or Azerbaijan without Turkish support, but it couldn't face Turkey itself. Fighting Israel is impossible, since it could neither reach it without a guaranteed logistical shitshow or do anything but be slaughtered once it arrived.

    • 2 months ago



      All these raghead "superpowers" Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia are meme states who literally suffer from main character syndrome while continuously fricking over their own countrymen under the excuse it's to safeguard Islam and the nation, their armies are mostly built for rebellious supression and crumble whenever they are actually faced with real opposition to the point even fricking militias can give them a bloody nose.

      Also "le demographic and economic growth", like, literally there is no nation which isn't going to go through it if they just apply the bare minimum western standards in public healthcare and foreign investment, suddenly earning above one dollar daily and having some company build some mirror-window building at the capital is enough for them to start bragging about "WE WORLD POWER NOW!", all while ensuring the pic doesn't catch the shanty towns, slave labour and monstrous inequality because "SEE HOW THOSE INFIDELS DRAW PICS OF THE PROPHET KILL THEM ALL".

      Largest worry is their missiles and drones program.
      Remember Saddam ballistic missile scare? Well it was big joke, missiles with double CEP of V-2 only marginally useful for terrorizing large cities.
      Iranian missiles and drones on the other hand have pin point accuracy and much larger in numbers. That is the real deal. Guided weapon Wundervaffen that was reserved as bleeding edge tech of the first world now is hands of the Iran.
      Their Houthis proxy already won war against American Saudi Arabia proxy using these missile and now openly mock entire world with their blockade of Suez Channel.
      Big Worry, 3rd worders have first world tier Desert Storm era capabilities without having air force (pin point accuracy long range strikes).

  7. 2 months ago

    We've seen the aftermath of Iranian missile strikes vs Russian ones.

    If Iran had enough of them they could do some serious first strike damage as their missiles actually hit their target very accurately.

    • 2 months ago

      Most people who don't like the regime are probably women.


      All bark, no bite.

      All these raghead "superpowers" Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia are meme states who literally suffer from main character syndrome while continuously fricking over their own countrymen under the excuse it's to safeguard Islam and the nation, their armies are mostly built for rebellious supression and crumble whenever they are actually faced with real opposition to the point even fricking militias can give them a bloody nose.

      Also "le demographic and economic growth", like, literally there is no nation which isn't going to go through it if they just apply the bare minimum western standards in public healthcare and foreign investment, suddenly earning above one dollar daily and having some company build some mirror-window building at the capital is enough for them to start bragging about "WE WORLD POWER NOW!", all while ensuring the pic doesn't catch the shanty towns, slave labour and monstrous inequality because "SEE HOW THOSE INFIDELS DRAW PICS OF THE PROPHET KILL THEM ALL".

      • 2 months ago

        Checked. Why are thirdies like this?

        • 2 months ago

          In truth most people out there aren't really motivated, they are mostly happy with the fact they aren't going to freeze to death and they have a tendency to be family tied, why do you need some powerful state when your family and assorted friends ensure you have a work, however shitty, a wife, however unexceptional and a retirement pension (your children)? Papa often pays college and then call some friends which will hire you because at least you aren't going to rob them while they know they can pay you peanuts. And if people die, well, God has them in their glory, he/she(not them, them goes to hell for being a gay) wasn't so bad and family helps out with the surviving children.

          Of late this is reflected in their military, they rarely fight to the point of complete annihilation as they aren't really constant in their effort, while it's all fun and flashy uniforms the moment trouble arises it's time to offer some peace agreement so everyone can return home.

          The Iran-Iraq war for example was an anomaly on that regard because you got in charge for a while the sort of fanatics and callous people you normally expect whenever chuds are involved, these people are normally ostracized from the very same societies they think are "based" because they don't understand nepotism, gossip and toading is the rule for pre-developed civilizations, not the exception.

          One last thing, most thirdies look down upon black africans because they go to the other extreme, instead of the cold "Übermensch" fighting for some abstract cause, guys like Barbecue and Charles Taylor are the sort for whom the quote "He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man" applies.

  8. 2 months ago

    Don't know, but I wish them the best against the humanity's enemy.

  9. 2 months ago

    I judge the Iranian military solely on their ball caps and it's... not looking good, Irani-bros

  10. 2 months ago

    All bark, no bite.

    • 2 months ago



      All these raghead "superpowers" Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia are meme states who literally suffer from main character syndrome while continuously fricking over their own countrymen under the excuse it's to safeguard Islam and the nation, their armies are mostly built for rebellious supression and crumble whenever they are actually faced with real opposition to the point even fricking militias can give them a bloody nose.

      Also "le demographic and economic growth", like, literally there is no nation which isn't going to go through it if they just apply the bare minimum western standards in public healthcare and foreign investment, suddenly earning above one dollar daily and having some company build some mirror-window building at the capital is enough for them to start bragging about "WE WORLD POWER NOW!", all while ensuring the pic doesn't catch the shanty towns, slave labour and monstrous inequality because "SEE HOW THOSE INFIDELS DRAW PICS OF THE PROPHET KILL THEM ALL".

      >the bad guys are the ones who never strike first
      >haven't even killed as many civilians as Israel has
      why are we supposed to hate them again?

  11. 2 months ago


  12. 2 months ago

    For context, the answer to your question can be defined by an analogy. In the end, a first strike by Iran wouldn't really be a deciding factor by any means. Hate them or love them, Israel actually has a really powerful military that would crush Iran on it's own.

    Houthis = Pre-historic cavemen
    Iranians = 11th century Saracens
    Israelis = 18th century Brits

    • 2 months ago

      You redditors really are cringe

    • 2 months ago

      Iran is like voldemort and Israel is like Gryffindor. Hamas is Malfoy and iron dome is like the elder wand.

  13. 2 months ago

    I ran

  14. 2 months ago

    Anyway it was nice talking to all of you /k/opers but I have to go. Just remember /k/ is ALWAYS wrong. Last time I was here you guys were telling me USA was going to stop the Houthis lmao.

    • 2 months ago

      You have successfully convinced me the Iranian people are moronic simpletons and fairboys worthy of contempt

  15. 2 months ago

    leave kiddo. Concession accepted.

  16. 2 months ago

    Against unarmed protestors and un-stolen government funds? much competent and elite

    Against anybody that shoots back? AAAAAAAA HELP ME UN!! I AM BEING GENOCIDED AGAIN!!!!!

  17. 2 months ago

    Is Iran unable or unwilling to go tit for tat with these assassinations? Imagine the JCS or the marine commandant being assassinated, the US would absolutely gank whoever did it.

  18. 2 months ago

    God I hope they fricking do it but they make this threat basically every month. It's almost like they're just trollin

  19. 2 months ago

    I ran so far away

  20. 2 months ago

    Iran is a dysfunctional shithole but it’s huge and has a lot of resources. This is starting to sound a lot like Russia but it’s more of a shithole and less huge. At least it’s more than half as populous as Russia and Russia is less than twice as rich so it’s not like they’re in different leagues there.
    Iran doesn’t have a huge USSR inheritance but my time as a hearts of iron 4 general tells me that Iran has a much more defensible geography. Russia probably has better equipment too.
    It’s a difficult comparison that I think comes down to what kind of war they decide to attempt.

  21. 2 months ago

    Mossad, CIA, and other western agencies are already deeply rooted inside the iranian government and military.

    They literally have zero chance of survival when they can't even clean their own laundry without finding a bug tracking them or bomb planted within their vehicles.

    Poor military, poor MoI agency, leadership that gets targeted on a monthly basis. There is nothing they can do against either israel or americas allies.

  22. 2 months ago

    Do they use AK derivatives?

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