Question about guns and weeds, Ohio

If I had a medical marijuana card and tried to buy a handgun, i would be committing a felony and would likely get a knock on the door from the police or AT soon after, I would imagine (I guess you would have to lie on the 4473 to get it)

But what if it was reversed? What if I already own a gun, and then applied for a medical marijuana card? Technically applying for the card could be argued a felony, but would the feds actually come after you for it do you think?

Keep in mind this is ohio so you dont have to register your gun, just need to have the FFL transferred to your name.

Bonus question - if you got pulled over with weed but didnt have your gun on you but owned one, could the police find that out immediately at a traffic stop?

These are all theoretical and I'm curious without calling up a lawyer

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  1. 2 years ago

    Free men do not ask permission. But, I wouldn't personally carry weed and a firearm at the same time.

  2. 2 years ago

    Drug use is life abuse.
    It warps the minds of our children,
    and weakens the resolve of our families and nation.

    It is counter intuitive to someone who needs depressions to get through life- why dont you just 'chill out' instead of need to use a firearm for anything? You clearly have money for food, so you dont need to hunt- and just dont cheap out on your dealer and you dont need it for self-defense.

    • 2 years ago

      Alcohol is a drug, as is tobacco. Plenty of gun owners consume one or both, at times to excess. I do not see how weed is any different.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes unhealthy behavior is unhealthy, good job. Each has a different effect, tho. Some people don't have nicotine withdrawl- most use who weed have issues afterwards. Anxiety, aggression, dopamine levels that never reach their original levels. It's a sad irony.

        • 2 years ago

          So you agree that anyone that consumes alcohol and/or tobacco shouldn't have access to firearms, as they are as equally unhealthy as weed?

          drugs are bad m'kay. Tobacco (nicotine) is perfectly fine however because it is a weak stimulant like coffee that is not mind altering (psychoactive)

          Alcohol is mind altering however; the large amounts of drunk driving accidents and deaths demonstrate such.

          • 2 years ago

            Of course alcohol is mind altering, it may technically be worse than marijuana but both affect people differently with often disastrous effects.

            I only said nicotine was OK, like coffee is OK

          • 2 years ago

            >"so you agree with an aside I brought up as a stereotypical high schooler response ?"
            No. Also, never said they were equally unhealthy. There are not. Every substance you artificially put into your body affects if different. I can smoke pipe tobacco, but I havent in almost a year. Never had withdrawl or negative effects. It is different from cigarettes because of additives. You also dont breathe it into your lungs, so cancer there is not as common as mouth cancer. Not everything is the same.
            Would you say the effects of methamphetamine and caffeine are the same? Both are stimulants, right ?

        • 2 years ago

          drugs are bad m'kay. Tobacco (nicotine) is perfectly fine however because it is a weak stimulant like coffee that is not mind altering (psychoactive)

          A reminder that Washington and Jefferson grew cannabis, Jefferson also grew opium poppies. Washington separated his male and female plants and wrote about it in his diaries.

      • 2 years ago

        drugs are bad m'kay. Tobacco (nicotine) is perfectly fine however because it is a weak stimulant like coffee that is not mind altering (psychoactive)

        • 2 years ago

          Caffeine is psychoactive as is tobacco you fricking moron.

      • 2 years ago

        True. But it doesn't ask about either on the firearms form.

    • 2 years ago

      I hate contrarian morons so much, it's unbelievable bros.

      • 2 years ago

        >mom I used the word again !

        Yeah I worked at one and I can tell you they are absolutely set on making the highest profit possible. The standard margins for the place I worked at was %150 on edibles, %50 on outsourced products, %60-%70 on concentrates, and %90 on flower. Specialty edibles were %200-%250 because they were interesting thing like cheese cakes, pie, and holiday themed items

        >Yeah I worked at one
        I could tell from the start.

        You should also know that the vast majority of the customer base around %70 or so is over the age of 55. We tried targeting college students but we weren't close enough to the university to make any real impact on raising that number, even with sales and ads.

        Funny, about 95% of the people I saw walk in and out of the store a few doors down from my office were teenagers. Place got raided twice, too. But 'muh back' right? Valium bad, weed good, right?

        get your homosexual whiteboy ass leave nogunz

        You're emotional because you are under-developed. I am not mad at you, I can't be. I bet you've used drugs before, right ?

        • 2 years ago

          >You're emotional because you are under-developed. I am not mad at you, I can't be. I bet you've used drugs before, right ?
          How bored and lonely do you have to be to actually be bothered to type all of this projection out kid?

          • 2 years ago

            >responding to four posts with about three sentences is the same as typing a thesis
            You have to be over 18 to post here. I notice you didn't answer my question; maybe struck too close to home.

            • 2 years ago

              Holy shit you need to get a life my dude.
              I’m not going to answer some discord /misc/troon RPing as straight-edge on PrepHole since I am the one above 18 kid.

        • 2 years ago

          Drug use is life abuse.
          It warps the minds of our children,
          and weakens the resolve of our families and nation.

          It is counter intuitive to someone who needs depressions to get through life- why dont you just 'chill out' instead of need to use a firearm for anything? You clearly have money for food, so you dont need to hunt- and just dont cheap out on your dealer and you dont need it for self-defense.

          Get a life, virgin

  3. 2 years ago

    Idk about your state but in Arizona if you specifically get a medical card it is handled as a medical record and issued by the department of health. It's written into the medical marijuana bill that you're card, purchases, and any information collected by a dispensary are strictly medical records and are not given to any agency wether it's a state or federal agency (law enforcement included) with out it being through court order. Infact the police don't even know if you have one unless you tell them. The only way law enforcement or a dispensary can look up your card is with your card number. You can't lookup cards by name or address as the bill is written to specifically be a private system. only the issued number printed on the card can be used to search for you in the medical database.

    I know people who have a marijuana card and a ccw, plus that same buddy renewed his ccw (which means another background check) with no problems. He even tells me that he never has issues on gun store purchases.

    The trick is not to tell anyone about your medical card or your guns. Your medical card gets the same privacy protection as your positive aids test.

    Any questions? I'll be on here for a few minutes longer.

    TLDR, get a CCW before your medical card, and you won't have an issue if you live in AZ as long as you keep your medical card or guns (pick one) a secret.

    • 2 years ago

      Would you be drug tested after a DGU?

      • 2 years ago

        I don't know. I guess that would depend on the situation and policies of the responding authority.

      • 2 years ago

        I haven't heard of this being something that happens but I bet if you were involved in a DGU and the cops thought you were obviously fricked up or high on something they might want to test you.

      • 2 years ago

        Depends on the situation

        If I had a medical marijuana card and tried to buy a handgun, i would be committing a felony and would likely get a knock on the door from the police or AT soon after, I would imagine (I guess you would have to lie on the 4473 to get it)

        But what if it was reversed? What if I already own a gun, and then applied for a medical marijuana card? Technically applying for the card could be argued a felony, but would the feds actually come after you for it do you think?

        Keep in mind this is ohio so you dont have to register your gun, just need to have the FFL transferred to your name.

        Bonus question - if you got pulled over with weed but didnt have your gun on you but owned one, could the police find that out immediately at a traffic stop?

        These are all theoretical and I'm curious without calling up a lawyer

        >if you got pulled over with weed but didnt have your gun on you but owned one, could the police find that out immediately at a traffic stop?

        No, they won't know you have a gun (unless you have a CCW permit, then maybe depending on how your state CCW system is set up)
        However, you will now be barred from owning firearms for one year.

        After being arrested for any drug related offense, whether that be use, possession, dealing, misdemeanor, violation, felony, etc. You are considered by the ATF to be an unlawful drug user for a period of one year. If you try to buy a firearm within one year of that arrest you will be lying on the 4473, the ATF will see that you are an unlawful user, deny you, and you may face a felony.

        Also as you said earlier you know you would have to lie on the 4473 in the first place to get the gun, while they will not be able to see you have a medical marijuana card to know you're lying and deny you, lying is still a felony and if they ever find out somehow your fukt

        • 2 years ago

          not op but i'm wondering, could you argue that at the time of filling out 4473 that you're not filling it incorrectly? sure you have a card or even possess weed but 4473 just says "users or addicted to". If you aren't addicted to weed and don't use it when filling out the form you're fine, no?

          • 2 years ago

            Not gonna fly. if you have a regular dope habit you’re a regular user of a still federally illicit substance.
            t. been committed to bedlam and been through drug counseling, still has guns

            • 2 years ago

              what do they consider regular and how would they even test for that? hair?

              • 2 years ago

                There is no definition of "regular" as the law does not define a "regular user". It defines a "user". According to the ATF, and you can read this right on their website, a "user" is anyone who has used, possessed, or been arrested for a crime involving drugs within a period of one year.

                Technically speaking should you so much as hold a nug of weed once you are restricted from purchasing firearms for a period of one year.

                Drug tests are a complicated issue and in general it's not easy to get a warrant to drug test someone. It also likely would not be a hair test, it would probably be a blood or urine test. Also you'd probably be getting drug tested after the fact in probation, not at court.

                If you are being arrested for being a drug user while possessing firearms (or attempting to purchase firearms) you are already fricked, there won't be any need to test you as they will already have the evidence they need, otherwise they wouldn't know that you're a drug user in the first place moron.

              • 2 years ago

                Just stop with the weasel words.

                Federal law s clear: you touch/possess illegal narcotics (THC is Schedule A), you lose your gun privileges. You know when you've done this. Touching/ possessing a gun immediately becomes a felony, including any guns you already own or possess.

                What you are now talking about doing is lying about this condition. That is another felony. You're talking about committing two Federal level felonies. It doesn't matter if "they" catch you, you have committed those felonies. You are a Federal felon.

                Just because someone doesn't find out that you have broken the law doesn't mean some magic has occurred where you didn't break the law. You have broken the law and are a felon. Covering it up, hiding the evidence, lying/falsifying doesn't change that fact.

                If that upsets you, then you should contact your political representatives and get those laws changed.

          • 2 years ago

            moron the 4473 clearly states in bold that medical users of marijuana qualify as restricted illicit drug users since it is federally illegal. And as I said the ATF considers someone a drug user for a period of one year after any involvement with drugs.

            Ie: say you had a medical marijuana card. It expires or you cancel it in a week. You would have to wait a year from that date to legally not be a drug user in the ATFs eyes.

            User as the ATF defines it does not mean "someone currently high as they fill out the paperwork", user means someone who has been involved with drugs (even possessing them) within a one year period.

            • 2 years ago

              ah 1 year ok. yes users qualify. i guess you technically could own a medical license for weed and apply for a gun with 4473 as long as you don't use the medical license... but that would be pointless

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not sure how owning a card would work. I imagine that would be some form of intent to use or possess drugs which would also disqualify you from firearms ownership, although I'm guessing on that and could be wrong.

                Again though there is no way they'd know you have a medical card unless you told someone (such as if you got pulled over by a cop and told him you had a medical card when he found your weed)

            • 2 years ago

              That's so fricking assinine it's fricking unreal

    • 2 years ago

      It also means he falsified his CCW application. Whoops.

    • 2 years ago

      So basically your buddy will get his butthole fricked with a broomstick by the the prosecutor when he eventually has to use said CCW on a violent Black person.

      • 2 years ago

        Prosecutors do not have access to medical records. Also, if there is zero cause to suspect he's under the influence of drugs then it won't come up in court (it won't even go to court if it's a good shoot). Prosecutors don't just do a comprehensive investigation into any possible thing you could be doing illegally when you're suspected of some crime.

  4. 2 years ago


    I can agree with this, dispensaries are so stupid. I worked at one for about 4 years and it was a terrible decision. I should have just stayed in the industry I went to school for because I would have way more experience at this point in my life and could probably leverage that for a higher paying job. Dispensaries are run by shitty owners.

    • 2 years ago

      Because they are b.s. loopholes for kids to get drugs pretending they have back pain.
      Pretty telling that you worked at one, huh
      certainly not biased

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I worked at one and I can tell you they are absolutely set on making the highest profit possible. The standard margins for the place I worked at was %150 on edibles, %50 on outsourced products, %60-%70 on concentrates, and %90 on flower. Specialty edibles were %200-%250 because they were interesting thing like cheese cakes, pie, and holiday themed items

      • 2 years ago

        You should also know that the vast majority of the customer base around %70 or so is over the age of 55. We tried targeting college students but we weren't close enough to the university to make any real impact on raising that number, even with sales and ads.

      • 2 years ago

        get your homosexual whiteboy ass leave nogunz

  5. 2 years ago

    >you dont have to register your gun, just need to have the FFL transferred to your name.

    pretty much the same thing.

  6. 2 years ago

    legally owning firearms and using illicit substances are mutually exclusive
    if you get caught, a particularly vindictive prosecutor could frick you sideways

  7. 2 years ago

    HIPPA, they can’t prove you have a weed card without you either showing it to them or admitting it.

    Frick the ATF
    Frick the DEA too
    But most importantly

  8. 2 years ago

    Legally, there's no difference. Once you get flagged for possession of a controlled narcotic (THC in any form), you are ineligible for any federal level clearance to be in possession of a firearm. No State law can change that. Federal law is clear: possession of controlled substances is the end of your ability to legally possess a firearm.

    Of course, you are welcome to initiate a case and take it to the Supreme Court. Could be precedent-setting.

  9. 2 years ago


    Describe the legal repercussions of purchasing from a non-licensed source. Take your time.

    • 2 years ago

      In some legalized states it's not unlawful to purchase cannabis, full stop. It is still against the law to sell it without a license though.

  10. 2 years ago

    >Got Medcard
    >Few years later bought first gun
    >Continue to buy guns and weed on a regular basis
    >Live in state where > 50% of adults smoke weed

    I never, ever, for one second considered that I might be breaking some law, no do I give one shit. I am sure if I were ever charged with a felony, it's possible my opinion on this may change.

    OP is scared of having their name on a list, because lists are bad and scary, especially when some gubermint has the list, too spooky apparently.

  11. 2 years ago

    Are you fricking moronic?
    Just put in no thats it they dont care if you have a medical card

  12. 2 years ago

    Possessing firearms and weed at the same time (one year as defined by the ATF) is a federal felony. That said, there is currently mass non-compliance in legal states. At a minimum there are tens of thousands of people if not hundreds of thousands who are CURRENTLY non-compliant in this specific firearms+weed combination. Even if the ATF had a crystal ball and knew the name and address of everyone who's non-compliant they don't have the manpower necessary to deal with it. I do not see it as a big risk.

    • 2 years ago

      posessing firearms and weed isn't inherently a felony. The relevant law is defined by use, not possession.

      PSA: Hemp, defined as cannabis with less than 0.3% THC-9 by dry weight and any products made from it with less than 0.3% THC-9 by dry weight are federally legal and can be bought in every state right now online. This basically limits you to edibles comparable to some recreational products (of which you can take as many as you want to achieve the desired effects), though, but it's literally the only way to legally do this as a gun owner.

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