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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago


  2. 3 months ago

    >February 2022:
    >”Gee I can’t wait to sign up and fight a modern war. Lightning fast assaults, breakthroughs and combined arms manoeuvre warfare leading to huge encirclements. Casualties are a thing of the past and my chances of death/injury are smaller than driving on the freeway.”
    >February 2024:
    >the trenches call… another assault? Frick my fricking life

    • 3 months ago

      Stfu chud did you forget that neither Ukraine nor Russia have any significant air assets? Look at how the Iraqi war went and what happened to the Iraqi soldiers who got buried alive in trenches.

      Trenches are obsolete as soon as an actual first world country gets involved. Prove me wrong you can't.

      >be Russia
      >have a massive air wing compared to Ukraine circa Feb 22’
      >still can’t do anything because of the proliferation of MANPADS and SAM in depth
      Get in the trench, b***h boy.

      There is only one "modern" military and it's rapidly degenerating. The rest of the world literally has not advanced to where we were at the end of the Cold war. None of these Warlets are ever going to re-create the assfricking of the Iraqi army, and soon even we won't be able to do it anymore.

      America circa 1980 would whoop the shit out of Ukraine and Russia circa 2020.

      • 3 months ago

        >America circa 1980 would whoop the shit out of Ukraine and Russia circa 2020.
        Literally devolved into to
        >Yeah uhh, a Roman Legion could defeat a banner army also the kids that bully me

        • 3 months ago

          Change it to America circa 1990 and he’d be right.
          The degeneration of US force projection is real.
          1990s America would have coup’d Venuzuela by now, successfully supported a RWDS insurgency, all whilst simultaneously funding the opposition in Brazil to assassinate Lula AND arm Ukraine to the point of insanity.

          Oh how the mighty have fallen.

          • 3 months ago

            >Oh how the mighty have fallen.
            Translate that to Latin and make it the motto

          • 3 months ago

            No you wouldn't have. You didn't do shit to assassinate Goulart and the one who was pulling his strings, Brizola in the 1960s, why would you do anything now. The US embassador only found out Goulart had jumped ship and ran from the country after it happened and the BR military told him.

  3. 3 months ago

    Stfu chud did you forget that neither Ukraine nor Russia have any significant air assets? Look at how the Iraqi war went and what happened to the Iraqi soldiers who got buried alive in trenches.

    Trenches are obsolete as soon as an actual first world country gets involved. Prove me wrong you can't.

    • 3 months ago

      >be Russia
      >have a massive air wing compared to Ukraine circa Feb 22’
      >still can’t do anything because of the proliferation of MANPADS and SAM in depth
      Get in the trench, b***h boy.

      • 3 months ago

        That's because Russia is moronic and doesn't have any PGMs

  4. 3 months ago


  5. 3 months ago

    Yeah there's currently a war with static trenchlines and a war 100 years ago was similar.
    But there were a few other wars from 1917 to present without static trenchlines. Cola wars...console wars...1997 Albanian pyramid scheme civil war...I bet someone who knows history could name at least 3 other wars against your one example from 100 years ago.

    Aren't WW1 generals usually criticized for overconfident attacks, not criticized for entrenching?

    • 3 months ago

      >Aren't WW1 generals usually criticized for overconfident attacks, not criticized for entrenching?

      It took a hundred years and a lot of wild experimental shit in between, but we've finally perfected ground war
      It goes
      >dig deep into the earth and hide
      >send beep boop kill-all-humans hunter killer machines to murder the enemy
      >any moron that pokes his head out of the ground gets a sustained artillery bombardment called onto his position, his parents' apartment and his grandmother's grave
      >is that your 20th century fanboy ass flying a jet plane? oh no no no no no no

      The next logical steps are LEO>HEO>sailing the Great Ocean.

      • 3 months ago

        I've just had word that Biden needs us to plan the ground invasion of Yemen to stop Houthi scum from making tennis shoes cost 5% more money to ship.
        What kind of entrenching tools should the soldiers be issued?
        Have we lost our way by putting plastic handles on our e-tools instead of going all steel?
        Should they be sharpened and taught how to fight hand-to-hand with them?
        Can we reject the shovel altogether and achieve future warfare superiority with a trencher machine assigned to every platoon?

        • 3 months ago

          >Can we reject the shovel altogether and achieve future warfare superiority with a trencher machine assigned to every platoon?
          Unironically a game changer. Every platoon has a heavy duty digger drone with the option to launch driller sub-drones for sapper work before an assault

        • 3 months ago

          >Can we reject the shovel altogether and achieve future warfare superiority with a trencher machine assigned to every platoon?
          Give each soldier five sticks of dynamite and a box of matches to dig foxholes with. You can't possibly get any faster and cheaper

  6. 3 months ago

    >tanks and aircraft aren’t actually effective
    Every war since the Spanish civil war shows otherwise

    • 3 months ago

      Avant garde, inventiveness and pulling the quintessential rabbit out of your ass have always been shown to produce results in a military conflict.
      The weak point of lighting in a bottle tactics like tank assaults or having good pilots flying good planes is their sustainability.

  7. 3 months ago

    I apologize for believing the following weapons were gamechanger to finally retake Crimea..
    >Bayraktar drones
    >ghost of kiev.

    • 3 months ago

      Why are pajeets this obvious?
      Fricks sake, your propaganda is as shit as anything else your country makes.
      Aren't you embarrassed by something this low quality? Your words aren't even properly capitalized or spelled.
      Is feeling shame at incompetence only a white person thing? I just don't get it, /k/.

      • 3 months ago

        they need to eat, maybe their family depends on their shitposting

      • 3 months ago

        Chill, but you're right.
        I think someone a bit more wealthy than they should fricked up in the propaganda department, because ''rich and out of touch'' being interviewed by a literal Fox News talking head is not the optics you're looking for when going for mass appeal.

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