How to survive a hypothetical SHTF NYC (assuming ~30th floor apartment)

How would you survive nyc with weapons in a 30th floor apartment. What caliber of guns would you use, what manditory supplies would you have ie.water tanks, what food, candles,medicine, tub liner bag. Would you bug out or bug in, lets say the thing you face are walking dead tier zombies

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 3 months ago

    Radios and electronics tok

  2. 3 months ago

    They aren't allowed to own guns in nyc anon

  3. 3 months ago

    You don't prep within the city. You prep outside of the city, where its more easier to hide stuff and avoid people. The best methodology is keep the bare minimum in the city and keep the rest of the shit out of the city.

    • 3 months ago

      Lets say if you cant afford it, how would you prep in anappartment downtown

      • 3 months ago

        If you can afford to live in NYC you can afford to not live in NYC.

        • 3 months ago

          Not everyone lives in manhatten

      • 3 months ago

        Offer bussy to marauding hordes of nogs and illegals

  4. 3 months ago

    You want to be OUT of the city when shit hits the fan. Cities will turn into Mad Max real fast. You need to head for the mountains

    • 3 months ago

      Im fricked, especially if it was zombies

  5. 3 months ago

    >How would you survive nyc with weapons in a 30th floor apartment.
    By getting the frick out of the city at the first sign of trouble. You're not going to survive long in a city experiencing a serious crisis. Bugging in in a 30th floor apartment would be especially stupid, because eventually hostiles will take over the building and you'll be cut off from the few escape routes you'd have.

    Keep in mind, even if you start your journey out of the city relatively quickly, many (maybe even most) roads out of the city will be blocked by traffic jams, abandoned vehicles, and possibly even road blocks / checkpoints, so be 100% prepared to ditch your vehicle and travel on foot with whatever you can reasonably carry. Remember how clogged roads were on 9/11?

    • 3 months ago

      The biggest problem imo is fire risk - with power and gas out people will start relying on camping stoves for cooking and boiling water, candles for light. Hell, if you're unlucky some Black person will have the bright idea of starting a camp fire in the steel bin he dragged up to his apartment. All it takes is one person to frick up and suddenly your whole apartment is up in flames.
      Unfortunately, I don't think there's much you can do about this. You can't control what people in the rest of your building are doing. Choose an apartment made from materials that'll at least give you time to escape and well insulated enough that people aren't forced to light fires inside for warmth. Maybe store a bunch of extra batteries and battery operated lanterns - distribute them to everyone else in the building when the power goes out so they at least don't have to rely on candles for light.

      >Bugging in in a 30th floor apartment would be especially stupid, because eventually hostiles will take over the building
      Take over the building first. Get a watch roster together with a few of your bigger, more trustworthy neighbors so there's always some people watching the lobby.
      Stock a few radios so the door men can call for reinforcements from upstairs.
      When food runs low (or before) get the same group together and go scrounging.

      Don't lone wolf it, we're a social species for a reason.
      Sure, they'll never be more loyal to you than to their own family or their own belly but there are pragmatic reasons not to frick with people who live in the same building, don't shit where you eat and all that. Especially if you're the one guy in the building with a gun. Just don't make it obvious you're a juicy target.
      Obviously how well this works depend on the demographics of your apartment building. And invite a few right thinking friends or family to join you from the start of the emergency so you have a larger voting bloc and people tied to you by more than pure pragmatism.

      • 3 months ago

        >Get a watch roster together with a few of your bigger, more trustworthy neighbors
        The problem with this is that the average city slicker living in an apartment building doesn't even know his next door neighbors, never mind anyone else who lives in the building, and getting to know your neighbors when an emergency is already unfolding really isn't the best time. You're not going to really know who is and isn't trustworthy, who might seem trustworthy but is a loose cannon, who's a liability, and who's going to turn on you the minute they start feeling desperate.

        Trust is a huge issue during any sort of SHTF situation, no matter where you are, but in a city where people frequently live right next to people they don't know at all, there's going to be a major lack of trust. It's much easier for someone to turn on you if they only just met you, as opposed to neighbors you've known for years.

        That said, a lot of people won't really have any choice. The large majority of people don't have anywhere to bug out to, and even if their parents have a cabin in the woods upstate or whatever, getting there is would be a survival situation on its own. Most people massively underestimate how difficult moving on foot with whatever they can carry is.

        store food and water
        block/destroy the stairs and chill in your apartment

        >block/destroy the stairs
        Seems like an okay idea until someone sets fire to your building somewhere on the lower levels.

        • 3 months ago

          >Honestly, being 30 floors up is a pretty cozy and safe spot.
          until the 29 floors below you are on fire

          Yes fire is not good. However, the likelihood of a high rise burning completely through at a rate that is inescapable is pretty low. Without fire services the likelihood is of course higher, but fire is slow moving in tall buildings made out of concrete and steel. When the fire starts below, get out before it spreads. Buildings like this have multiple fire escape routes. It's possible that they are all compromised, but not likely.
          Maybe have a rope ladder than can reach a few stories if the first few floors are impassible.
          Catastrophic fires in a high rise where no fire service shows up is highly unlikely. Even in war zones, fire crews arrive to evacuate and put out fires. I think OP can sleep soundly 30 floors up with some extra supplies on hand.

          • 3 months ago

            >the likelihood of a high rise burning completely through at a rate that is inescapable is pretty low
            That's arguable.

            In any case, I'm sure we can agree that the risk of escapable fire in general is high enough that one should plan for it.
            If I lived in an apartment I'd want
            >A BOB I can grab on my way out the door
            >Somewhere to go once my apartment is on fire, even just a friend in another apartment with a couch who's agreed to host you if shtf
            >Heat resistant gloves in case you to push through a burning door.
            >A fire blanket (one for everyone in the apartment) you can drape over your shoulders. Maybe layer a soaked towel underneath for additional thermal insulation.
            >A big bucket of water stored near the door that you can drench yourself with before evacuating (obviously you'd only fill this up and leave it by the door once the grid went down, I'm not suggesting everyone who lives in an apartment should live their life with a bucket by the door)
            >Fire extinguisher
            >Maybe a few spare battery operated lanterns so my neighbors aren't forced to rely on candles for light (even if I don't have enough for the whole building, making sure the fire doesn't start next door gives more time to evac)
            Most of these are pretty cheap.

  6. 3 months ago

    bugging innahighrise is a sure fire way to die. You are essentially trapping yourself in a location with limited resources, escapes and a location with reliance on technology that may/may not operate after a certain point.

    As the other anons say. Bug out.

    • 3 months ago

      A middle floor of a high rise can function as a fallout shelter. Highly radioactive stuff will be on the roof and the ground.

      • 3 months ago

        I was thinking more along the line of OPs premise which is dumb fricking zombies. But yes, the discussion changes if we talk nukes or natural disasters.

        • 3 months ago

          Zombies are fun to think about

          • 3 months ago

            >Fricking Gary
            >Made fun of our survival shelter
            >Told us for years us for years we were wasting time and money on it
            >Shit finally hits the fan and Frank just lets him in because "he is our neighbor, Susan"
            >Now that shit is sitting there in his stupid green shirt all smug reading my book
            >Fricking Gary

            • 3 months ago

              On the other hand, you can kill Gary, eat parts of him and use his body fat to make tallow candles. Disposing of any remains might be a problem though, if you haven't planned ahead for that.

    • 3 months ago

      >sure fire way to die
      They're literally fortresses that make the great pyramids look like babbys first engineering project kit by comparison. They're indefinite lifespan structures for all practical purposes.

      • 3 months ago

        Until the water runs out after the pumping station shuts down. It helps to understand how cities are built and what heavily urbanized areas are like in the details most people don't notice.

      • 3 months ago

        Structurally you are correct. The problem is all the other shit we've stuffed into them and the actions of outside aggressors. Zombies that smelled OPs piss bottles from street level dont care how good the load bearing columns are.

      • 3 months ago

        >buildings are built to last
        >except the plumbing
        >except the electrical
        >except the HVAC
        >except the elevators
        >except the furnace

        • 3 months ago

          I think he's talking about the structure itself. Of course mechanical appurtenances need to be repaired and replaced

  7. 3 months ago

    store food and water
    block/destroy the stairs and chill in your apartment

    • 3 months ago

      For food i got,
      >big jud of olive oil
      >canned foods
      >dried food
      >5 buckets of raw honey

      For water I am thinking either plastic or a food safe drum

      • 3 months ago

        That stuff seems good. Honestly just having a few weeks of food and water on hand will get you through 99% of shit that could happen. The bathtub liner mentioned in the OP would be good. They sell water containers on amazon called "aquatainers" that are good for storage but they take up a lot of room.
        If there's civil unrest type stuff going on, maybe have something to bar your door like picrel and a few fire extinguishers. Then a Louisville slugger (and a baseball glove for plausible deniability) by the door.
        Honestly, being 30 floors up is a pretty cozy and safe spot.
        If you eventually have to bug out, plan on complete gridlock. It's all going to be on foot. Get a decent hiking bag and be in good enough shape to walk for a few days.

        • 3 months ago

          >Honestly, being 30 floors up is a pretty cozy and safe spot.
          until the 29 floors below you are on fire

        • 3 months ago

          Thanks, i gotta get a bag incase I leave. Probably would not be a good idea for a kilitary style one, people might target me

  8. 3 months ago

    You would not because there is no justification at all for doing so. That is not even a remotely intelligent hypothetical. Rail and roadbed make excellent low cover as no reasonably likely small arms are punching through two rail webs.

    If you wish to walk out or bike out (much better) find a railroad then use your map and compass to navigate. Rail doesn't get much attention and usually has many hiding places along the way.

  9. 3 months ago

    The shills are spamming pol with these prepper shtf wrol threads right now. Just a heads up that this is one of them.

    • 3 months ago

      No its not, why would I shill? Who am I shilling for? We have had prepper threads on her for 14 years

    • 3 months ago

      Shills for what lmao

      • 3 months ago

        idk, probably russia

  10. 3 months ago

    Buy a flintlock pistol. You only need one shot to punch your own ticket... you're pretty much guaranteed fricked. You should be paying attention and GTFO to a bug out outside of the city when shit's starting to get bad. Get out BEFORE shit hits and it's too late.

    • 3 months ago

      Hopefully I get my rolling block rifle

  11. 3 months ago

    By leaving.

  12. 3 months ago

    If you're inside the proverbial beltway you're fricked. I live in a hurricane zone, inside the beltway of a massive stinking city so I decided to run an exercise whereby I build an evac rout that uses only backroads to get me out the city

    If shtf then I'm going to die in a gridlocked 8 lane freeway.

  13. 3 months ago

    30th floor is good because your head will explode when it hits the concrete after you jump.

  14. 3 months ago

    Something that has always struck me the few times I've visited friends/acquaintances who live in big cities is how little food they typically keep. My girlfriend's sister in NYC has little more than snacks and booze in her kitchen. She orders Uber Eats or whatever for almost every meal. My cousin and his wife in Boston had maybe 3 or 4 days worth of food on hand last time I visited them. I think a major city experiencing (for example) a grid down power outage lasting more than 72 hours, supermarket shelves would be picked clean within 7-10 days.

    Something else a lot of people don't think about: hygiene and sanitation. If/when the water stops running, a lot of people are going to be in for a surprise. There's also the issue of how fast garbage piles up. If nobody's coming to collect and haul away trash, it's going to pile up fast no matter where you are, but especially quickly in the cities.

    Cities just suck ass for survival in any sort of SHTF scenario.

    • 3 months ago

      >supermarket shelves would be picked clean within 7-10 days
      More like within 1-3 days. I've seen supermarkets picked clean within hours of a major storm being announced and with 'just in time' inventory management it's not like they have more than a days worth of expected sales on site at any one time.

      • 3 months ago

        >More like within 1-3 days
        This. Supermarkets, especially in the city would be empty instantly. I lived in Japan when corona first showed up and most staple foods were sold out constantly. I remember there was an earthquake up north that spooked the cows and supermarkets didn’t have milk for weeks. Now imagine supermarkets aren’t being restocked, nobody is working there, everyone has grabbed all the food they can, and there’s some walking dead-esque warlord living in your Winn dixie. People have no idea how fricked it’s going to be.

      • 3 months ago

        try one day, Covid

  15. 3 months ago

    Friendly message for city individuals: we will block the interstates at the bridges, so even if you escape you're not getting out here. Some good must come of it after all

  16. 3 months ago

    >walking dead tier zombies
    Romero, unlike his zombies, is way too hard to get rid of.

    Seriously, mindless zombies, no powers, no sinister intellect, nothing? Yknow there are lots of zombie types besides the gay Romero ones. Zombies used to eat brains dammit. Okay, here's my plan to save the city from something that literally cannot avoid danger.
    Step one: Open a manhole
    Step two: Suspend a fricking windchime over the manhole
    Step three: I saved the city

  17. 3 months ago

    I would leave as soon as I found myself thinking about living in a big city. Being a disgusting urbanoid hive bug is just asking to starve or die of thirst the moment anything goes slightly wrong.

  18. 3 months ago

    Seal wheat and sugar in mylar ezpz

    Less than the price of car insurance to have years of calories

  19. 3 months ago

    >walking dead tier zombies
    i will relax knowing the military or armed civilians will sort them out in short order

  20. 3 months ago

    Cities are a trap.
    Too many things can go wrong with supply lines.
    Food: roads/rails/etc blocked, sabotaged or fuel issues. Stores have an average stock of 72 hours of good for the number of customers. 48 hours at best for produce.
    Fuel: See Food issues.
    Gas & Electric: All produced outside of the city and are sent in. Grid gets damaged or goes down, it could be down for a bit if replacement parts arent found.
    Sewage & Drainage: Requires active pumps and water. Electric is down will mean poop will not flow and back up. Lowest apartments will not have a good time.
    Water: Water lines in most cities also need pumps to work. No fresh water getting to your toilets, sinks and fire sprinklers.
    Weather: In Winter very few have alternative means to heat their homes and will most likely freeze. In the Summer those in the day will have heat stroke because of the lack of hydration.
    Garbage: All that body waste is going somewhere, and no one is picking it up.
    Health: Your frozen shit is good for 48 hours if you dont open the door at best. Anything more and you are get close to eating spoiled food. Dont matter how long you cook it. First 24 hours are calm for the most part, but after that you have the run on stores and looting. Those Frozen items getting ganked if not eaten right away are going to make a lot people sick.

    • 3 months ago

      It amazes me how unaware citygays are of their massive vulnerability. For $1500 you can buy a train derailer, and you can send a train careening off its tracks in such a way that the rail will be blocked for days, potentially weeks, until it can be cleared. Quite possibly longer, if the train is carrying hazardous materials. Fill the bed of a single pickup truck with 2 by 4s with nails in them, and you can lock down a cities traffic for a day for essentially no cost.

      Los Angeles, even on the best of days is a traffic nightmare, when nothing is even going wrong. Throw some homemade caltrops on the freeway and the city grind to a standstill. Throw a few molotov wienertails out of a car window as you leave the city heading north along I-15, in the mountains before you hit victorville, and you've shut down one of only three main arteries that bring food, medicine, toilet paper, EVERYTHING into the city.

      If you are in a major city, you really do need a plan in place to get out, one that doesn't rely on the freeways, because if things get bad enough that you need to escape, there are going to be half a million cars in front of you with the same idea, blocking you in.

      • 3 months ago

        >If you are in a major city, you really do need a plan in place to get out, one that doesn't rely on the freeways, because if things get bad enough that you need to escape, there are going to be half a million cars in front of you with the same idea, blocking you in.
        Unless you have a plane or heliwienersucker, you are doomed to beat feet. Most americans aren't ready for long distance foot movements tbh. Free loot drops for the fit people I suppose

        • 3 months ago

          It amazes me how unaware citygays are of their massive vulnerability. For $1500 you can buy a train derailer, and you can send a train careening off its tracks in such a way that the rail will be blocked for days, potentially weeks, until it can be cleared. Quite possibly longer, if the train is carrying hazardous materials. Fill the bed of a single pickup truck with 2 by 4s with nails in them, and you can lock down a cities traffic for a day for essentially no cost.

          Los Angeles, even on the best of days is a traffic nightmare, when nothing is even going wrong. Throw some homemade caltrops on the freeway and the city grind to a standstill. Throw a few molotov wienertails out of a car window as you leave the city heading north along I-15, in the mountains before you hit victorville, and you've shut down one of only three main arteries that bring food, medicine, toilet paper, EVERYTHING into the city.

          If you are in a major city, you really do need a plan in place to get out, one that doesn't rely on the freeways, because if things get bad enough that you need to escape, there are going to be half a million cars in front of you with the same idea, blocking you in.

          Just put a bike rack on your car. Drive as far as you can and then once the roads become impassable, cycle the rest of the way.

          • 3 months ago

            This is the way. Honestly, I'd go so far as to say get an ebike with an easily detachable battery, one of those backpack-portable solar chargers, and cargo bags for a rear rack. You can carry more gear that way, most modern e-bikes top out at 28 mph, and many will let you go anywhere from 30 to 75 miles using only the throttle, more if you're doing pedal assist. You can then recharge the battery if you've gotten to a point where you can stop for a day or two to do so safely, or you can detach it to lose the extra weight and keep on pedaling if you're in a desperate, dangerous situation.

            Even a regular, analogue bike lets an average, non-athlete go around 50 miles in a day, more than triple what most people can walk.

            In all the prepping channels that I've seen, it frankly ASTOUNDS me that more attention hasn't been given to bikes. Probably because they're not as sexy and most channels are focused on small items that they can shill through their own webstores.

            • 3 months ago

              Couldn't agree more.

              My bug-out location is about 75 mi away so being able to cycle could be the difference between making it there in one day vs camping on the side of the road with the rest of the panicked cattle.

            • 3 months ago

              I think its not discussed much because bikes are semi-related to physical fitness, which doesn't seem to get many clicks even though its one of the most important things to prep. General audience seems to tune out when they hear do cardio and have a bicycle.

              • 3 months ago

                There are plenty of ways to be fit that don't involve being a homosexual.

          • 3 months ago

            Don't forget to bring one of the various types of bike trailers. Can significantly increase your supply capacity and is extremely useful even if it's actually empty for some reason when you're bugging out.

          • 3 months ago

            This is the way. Honestly, I'd go so far as to say get an ebike with an easily detachable battery, one of those backpack-portable solar chargers, and cargo bags for a rear rack. You can carry more gear that way, most modern e-bikes top out at 28 mph, and many will let you go anywhere from 30 to 75 miles using only the throttle, more if you're doing pedal assist. You can then recharge the battery if you've gotten to a point where you can stop for a day or two to do so safely, or you can detach it to lose the extra weight and keep on pedaling if you're in a desperate, dangerous situation.

            Even a regular, analogue bike lets an average, non-athlete go around 50 miles in a day, more than triple what most people can walk.

            In all the prepping channels that I've seen, it frankly ASTOUNDS me that more attention hasn't been given to bikes. Probably because they're not as sexy and most channels are focused on small items that they can shill through their own webstores.

            bicycle you say?

            • 3 months ago

              Thank you for volunteering to be the first notch.

              • 3 months ago

                e bikes at night with nods well outside city limits would be kino, if you have fusion thermal you would know when ambushs are coming up and pick them off for free loot. if you have thermal masking mesh like professionals do.

              • 3 months ago

                I've actually been thinking about getting into both nods and bikes this year. Nothing crazy, maybe just a PVS 14, but I'm thinking it would be fun to go up into the mountains like that.


                i will use my e bike as bait. and pick them off with a suppressed rifle. To ensure I can net my catch of siggers and dindus.


                bicycle you say?

                Yep. Grinder-proof d-locks for when times are good, and a gun for when they're not. It's one thing for bike cucks to try to pretend that being robbed gives them some sort of moral high ground, but when we're talking about e-bikes that run anywhere from 2 to 5 grand, it isn't something that you write a self-fellating comic for social media clout about anymore.

            • 3 months ago

              i will use my e bike as bait. and pick them off with a suppressed rifle. To ensure I can net my catch of siggers and dindus.

          • 3 months ago

            If the apocalypse ever happened and I saw some homosexual on a bike I would shoot them out of principle.

  21. 3 months ago

    become a mole people and thrive in the tunnels brother

    • 3 months ago

      Underground tunnel battles and going for km underground in the subway tunnels seem fun, reminds me of the movie the strain

  22. 3 months ago

    Zombies have magical powers and tons of plot armor or plot endless waves. A better question is how would you survive an invasion if you didn't have time to escape the city and the answer is you need to get out of structures that are going to be bombed to Hell and back by a modern enemy. If they don't have bombers you could try to barricade your tower and work with the other residents to keep watch, if the city isn't totally overrun with enemy troops.

    • 3 months ago

      another win for the tunnel rats

  23. 3 months ago

    Enough food, water and purification equipment to leave the city, and enough rounds for any weapon you can get your hands on to shoot anyone who tries to stop you. When SHTF, you will almost certainly be evacuated by force, and even camping alone in the woods with protein bars can be better than refugee camps.

  24. 3 months ago

    You can't prep if you live in NYC
    >oh frick S just HTF..
    >let me just teleport to my prepper compound hundreds of miles away to avoid the hungry and scared mob that will kill me the moment I step outside
    I guess live on the 30th floor and have a helicopter you can use to get escape lol or be in a car speeding out of the city the nanosecond something happens. Quite literally the only way to survive within a city in this kind of scenario is to be a part of a coordinated militia that all lives in the same building.

    • 3 months ago

      if you have access to the roof you could try a paraglider

      • 3 months ago

        that could be pretty based. I don't know much about paragliders though can they take off from just a roof and navigate the obstacles of a city including the irregular wind patterns?

  25. 3 months ago

    Bug out, you use a dirtbike like a CRF300L or one of those Chinese Hawk bikes from Amazon to bug out north along side streets and alleys until you can cut over into the CT back country or west into Pennsylvania

  26. 3 months ago

    You will last a long time and you will be getting all the pussy. Do not leave the cities.

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