What kind of cheap long term food/rations should I stock up on for the next lockdown?

Alright, what kind of cheapo ration(s) do I mothball to outlast the next lockdown. I'm hoping about a year's supply that I don't have to cycle out anymore than once a decade or more

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250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 5 months ago

    2 tons of pemmican

    • 4 months ago

      I just made my first batch of Pemmican with some ground elk (my family doesn't like the ground stuff much so I decided I'd use it to experiment) and beef tallow and it was crazy easy. cooked in an oven (dont have a dehydrator) at like 160 for 10 hours overnight on a rack with a tray underneath it to catch dripping fat, food processed it up (though you could simply slice/grind it yourself if you have a mortar and pestle) and poured in the melted tallow and added salt.

      doesn't taste incredibly good but it certainly isn't bad and, as I understand it, it was mainly used as an ingredient anyway, like ship biscuits. I bet you could easily make a flavorful soup or pasta sauce out of it. I havent cut it into bars yet but I am sure that if you packaged well itll last decades - though I am sure most would use it quickly given its versatility.

      I bet you could use a very cheap, lean cut of meat to make it and get an excellent salt/protein/fat-source on a budget.

      • 4 months ago

        give us your recipe pls

  2. 5 months ago

    gacha gamers won't survive the next lockdown no matter how hard they prep

    • 4 months ago

      Jokes on you I'm more prepared than you.

  3. 5 months ago

    Learn to cook for yourself, learn to shop strategically and build up reserves of food you will actually use while saving money, work on practical shit that will make your household more resiliently to the more common more mundane crises as well as the more extreme, rather than coomsooming to feed a wank fantasy.
    also; focus on not being a fat ass and paying down any debts before zombie and red dawn shit.

    • 5 months ago

      >paying down any debts before
      Yes, of course Mr Shekelstein, would you like me to tip you too?

      • 5 months ago

        >what! what! what! pay my debts!? oyvay iz anada showah!!!11

    • 5 months ago

      If the covid response indicated anything, you cannot simply trust the government or even the general public when it comes to anything regarding life or liberty. I am not doing a scenario like that again without vast prep. There's already chatter about mystery virus x and public opinion is still quite gullible

      • 4 months ago

        rice, stored in rodent proof boxes, can leave in original sack, inside a large box, that's what i do.
        Cover your preps in a tarp incase of leakage above them.
        honey is a good call.
        But i would advise cycling your preps often, that way they last the longest possible time from point of SHTF.
        most canned/jarred food lasts 20 years. recently opened some pickled veg from before 2019, still good. have eaten crab paste that was also 5 years out of date, also good.
        t. eats out of date canned food regularly.

        >I am not doing a scenario like that again without vast prep.
        wise. anyone who fuds basic prepping has lived thier whole life in the mouse utopia, and never experienced covid panic at it's worst.

        • 4 months ago

          >crab paste that was also 5 years out of date
          Even if SHTF I don't think I'd do that

          • 4 months ago
  4. 5 months ago

    White rice and dried beans will last about 5 years in their original packaging if you freeze them for a few days first (to kill any weevil eggs that managed to sneak into the factory). If packaged in mylar bags or sealed buckets with o2 absorbers and dessicants then you can expect them to last 10+ years.
    White flour and oats last a year or so in original packaging but 10+ years if resealed without oxygen.
    Powdered nonfat milk can last 10 years
    Sugar and honey last indefinitely.

    You know what, just go look up the Mornon guidelines. They have to store food as part of their religion. They even sell #10 cans of various longlasting foods to help their parishioners and the general public

  5. 5 months ago

    10+ years? That's a steep order. If you've got mad money, buy a a bunch of mountain house freeze dried food. That'll last 25 years or more. Gold standard right there.

    Otherwise, yeah rice and beans prepared for nitrogen purged mylar bags in buckets.

    If you aren't dead set of 10 years and can make do with every 5, there are the SOS and Millenium Food Bars. Those tend to be pretty resistant to a wider range of temps too as they are meant to be marine rations.

    The whole "store years of food" thing requires a lot of space and really gets less managable with more than 6 months of food in most cases, but to each their own.

    Id suggest you start with a month or two worth of healthy food picked out for maintaining a diet that promotes a healthy weight and proper nutrition for building muscle then maybe throw on tope of that a month worth of freeze dried, nitrogen purged mylar bag bucketed staples, and millenium/SOS bars.

  6. 5 months ago

    4 chest freezers full of frozen pizza

  7. 4 months ago

    for the record I just priced out 12 months of "prepper food" and the cost is under 3k and lasts over a decade. Your move, naggers

    • 4 months ago

      Its insurance and if you can just do it once and be done with it... great.

  8. 4 months ago

    Why obey a lockdown? Are you moronic?

    That said you haven't even said what you have, what you eat and what kind of setup you're using. Do you have gas? Woodfire? Electric stove? Battery for solar backups? State feed wind turbines? Hydro on a daisy chained bunch of lead acid throaway truck batteries giving you 4 hours of strict power for a fridge and freezer only?

    Explain what you intend and where you are at to get an actual answer because without details no one can help you.

    What nation are you in? It would help to know if you are as british as you act or a californian.

    • 4 months ago

      the number of contingencies where things can go wrong is very high. I live in occupied territory where npc's actually believe the government

  9. 4 months ago


    Somebody in ONE of these threads was asking about emergency antibiotics, like, weeks ago. Here's your reply.

  10. 4 months ago

    jerkey (you can make your own)
    freeze dried berries
    freeze dried peppers
    potato flakes
    dried fish
    various snacks of choice

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