>Outperforms your $60000 American drone for $500

>Outperforms your $60000 American drone for $500

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 month ago

    modern warfare is so fricking gay

    • 1 month ago

      War… war has changed. Pozzed armies now fight with Chinese ewaste and post dance videos on TikTok.

  2. 1 month ago

    in what universe can that compete with the global hawk on anything other than price tag?
    the reason why actual military drones are more like small planes is because you need to be able to carry things like hellfire missiles and actually good cameras

    • 1 month ago

      In what world is a global hawk $60k you spastic

    • 1 month ago

      Different sized drones have different uses. China also exports drones like the Predator. In fact, they've sold more than 20 times as many large attack drones as the US over the last decade and these have been used extensively in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, etc. Reviews have generally been quite good and the former two have US stuff to compare it to. Drones are a place where China actually has an edge. Having like 85% of the private sector market really helps.

      • 1 month ago

        >Drones are a place where China actually has an edge
        In market share.
        Not capability or quality.

        • 1 month ago

          >Not capability or quality.
          This cope again

          • 1 month ago

            >only 10% of Iraqi fleet of CH-4s is operational.
            >Jordan is looking to sell its 6 CH-4 drones and replace them with Predators
            Great reviews buddy.
            Made in China, you will never get rid of it.

    • 1 month ago

      Wing Loongs do essentially the same things as the TB2 or Predator. You can fire missiles in permissive environments. Iraq for example says the work fine, getting the target near 100% of the time. A Predator can't really operate around AD any better than a Wing Loong and the missiles they have are quite similar.

      But a Wing Loong is $1-2 million, a TB2 $5 million. A Reaper is $32 million. There is a reason the US has barely sold any attack drones (12 from 2013-2023) and China has sold hundreds.

      Wing Loong III even opens up more possibilities because you're talking 40 hours of endurance versus 27 for the Reaper (although it is a good deal more expensive than the smaller ones).

      • 1 month ago

        Different sized drones have different uses. China also exports drones like the Predator. In fact, they've sold more than 20 times as many large attack drones as the US over the last decade and these have been used extensively in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, etc. Reviews have generally been quite good and the former two have US stuff to compare it to. Drones are a place where China actually has an edge. Having like 85% of the private sector market really helps.


        • 1 month ago

          Americans are very insecure about China. They will go through their day, walk into stores selling products largely made in China. Their appliances are all made in China. Their electronics are made in China. Major car components they rely on every day are made in China, their air conditions, aviation components in the planes they fly in. They will buy all this Chinese stuff, but then they turn to magical thinking when it comes to Chinese military equipment.

          Ultimately, it's because they know they are a declining power that is more likely to go to war with itself every day. They don't get that the relationship between China and the US today is much like the relationship between the US and UK before WWII. Sure, the US/UK has a current advantage, it can coast on its old successes. But the gap closes every day. The only reason it isn't closed is because China has other priorities. Ultimately, it sees US culture as decadent and divided; it is culturally and genetically inferior stock. But the gap in production capabilities and population is even larger than the UK/US example. China for instance produces almost more tonnage than the entire world combined. The US produces less than 1% of global shipping and can't even maintain its current fleet during peacetime without heavy use of foreign ports that would be closed to it during a war.

          This insecurity leads to petty jingoism and chest thumping to offset the knowledge that one power is declining and the other is rising in military and economic might, with a stronger more unified culture. But the illusion will be dispelled soon. Hell, half of America is all ramped up for "muh ebin boog," in six months, just dying to blow up their own cities and slaughter their own people. China can win without firing a shot.

          • 1 month ago

            >be china
            >recieve space age parts made of what you assume to be demon magic from three different continents
            >clip them together with twisty ties and resell the result for .01cents of profit
            >i made this 🙂

          • 1 month ago

            holy cringe

          • 1 month ago

            You didn't attach a stock photo of honyadong with your post. -5 social credits

      • 1 month ago

        >there is no conceivable reason that product A costs more than product B
        >surely they are just as good

        • 1 month ago

          yeah, but look at all the poor people that bought them!

        • 1 month ago

          >It something costs more it MUST be better.
          >Particularly in defense, with monopoly pricing and single buyers.

          Damn, the cope is getting downright delusional. "If I pay more it's better."

          • 1 month ago

            You get what you pay for.

            • 1 month ago

              No, you get what you design for.

              • 1 month ago

                Ah yes, the suprior and better product used by... turdies who cant get US gear.

                Get real.

              • 1 month ago

                Bro you can say cope all you want but a $3000 horrible kimber that’s poorly designed will always be inferior to any properly engineered and manufactured pistol, whether it’s US company, or turkshit, or whatever.
                People like you unironically sound like the air force politician homosexuals that defend this kind of theft and embezzlement


              • 1 month ago

                >its worse
                >because other products are cheaper

              • 1 month ago

                no. because anything that is not subject to normal market influences is almost always going to be a non-competitive POS.
                Whether it’s government incompetence or just boomers clutching to their pearls and fuddlore, companies WILL exploit that to drive up prices while simultaneously delivering a subpar product. An item’s price only determines a product’s real inherent value when actual supply/demand conditions are met in a non-controlled non monopolized market.


                If I didn’t know better I’d say you’re sounding like a communist

              • 1 month ago

                Yes, cute argument, however, foreign nations buy these products, thus mooting your argument.

              • 1 month ago

                Never said reaper drones weren’t cool or worth their value in the current market. but there’s reason to believe that if there was more of a supply of competition, that price would plummet. Now that the chinks are producing their toys it might drive the price down. Most militaries esp 3rd worlders probably figure that even if the chink toys are half as effective as a reaper? they have 20x which is fine for hitting golf carts(literally the 2nd most powerful military in the world, lmao)

              • 1 month ago

                >Now that the chinks are producing their toys it might drive the price down.
                It wont because it has to be like competition to drive the price down
                >Most militaries esp 3rd worlders probably figure that even if the chink toys are half as effective as a reaper
                Only people who buy them are those the US wont sell drones to.

              • 1 month ago

                >Saudis, Iraqis, and Egypt don't have access to US sales.
                Now we're just talking nonsense. They buy Euro shit too. So do the other Gulf states. They have no problem getting high end hardware including AD and fighters. They don't buy US drones because they are overpriced and don't really do things much better than Chinese ones. America is simply being outcompeted.

              • 1 month ago

                Bought Turkish
                Lmao not getting sensitive stuff from the US
                Doesnt really have drones.

                Get your head out your ass.

              • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        What China says it can do is something you should take with a grain of salt. Also, does China actually care if they don't work as advertised?

        • 1 month ago

          >According to a story in Kommersant, a Russian daily newspaper devoted to politics and business, translated and reported by The Register, up to 40% of the Chinese chips are turning out to be defective.

          • 1 month ago



            Sounds made up and fake

            • 1 month ago

              Like your sex life.

      • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          >Chinese sales to those countries have only increased since then
          >Based on US DoD report
          >Published by US outlet after the DoD probably forwarded them the story
          >Literally US sales propaganda

          Ok, let's see what Arab states say to Arab media instead of what the fricking US DoD says about Chinese sales that are in direct competition with them for $$$ and influence. Hmm

          >In Iraq, authorities say they used Chinese drones to carry out more than 260 air raids against ISIL (ISIS) targets as of mid-2018, with a success rate of nearly 100 percent.


          Interesting, this is from two years after you article and the countries named have bought even more Chinese drones. Really activating my almonds friend. It's almost like you're swallowing propaganda whole.

          • 1 month ago

            Cya in three days /misc/tard

            • 1 month ago

              >Hurr, Ill report you for posting an article about weapons because it contradicts my propaganda.

              Notice how any thread that isn't "America great, everyone else subhumans," gets deleted or filled with deleted posts. It's because they are incredibly fragile and can't face facts.

              • 1 month ago

                Sales of Chinese drones are so high because they are cheap and work maybe half of the time(if they are lucky), which is still cheaper than premium western drones(not to imply they would be granted a purchase).

          • 1 month ago



            It's also silly because US and NATO hardware also has issues in Arab hands. But when that gets reported it's always "they just don't know how to maintain it because they have moronic conscripts working on them."

            And this isn't wrong, but they want it both ways. When Western hardware has issues in third world hands it is the third worlders messing it up. If the same thing happens with Chinese hardware it is the hardware itself.

            No doubt that even if we saw the Patriots get massacred in Ukraine you would hear the cope of "they aren't using it right, the Slavs are subhumans," and indeed they have said this for some underperforming hardware. So literally no evidence counts as a deficit for their stuff.

            So to answer OP's question, they will debt any of it is good until we see US carriers smoking with missile damage and videos of F-18s burning, diving into the ocean. And even then they will blame the losses on DEI, wokeness, minorities, etc. It's a culture that can no longer fix itself because every problem is due to somebody else.

            Just look at the Ukraine aid. It's fairly obvious exactly who caused the six months delay and why they did it, but anyone who supports that side absolutely refuses to see they have a problem. It's always someone else. American political rhetoric is like this too. It never says "hey, you need to tighten your belt or make a sacrifice," it's always "you should be able to consoome more and it's only evil people stopping us from unparalleled greatness."

            They can still coast on their old advantages but they lack all awareness of how much like post-Soviet Russia they really are.

        • 1 month ago

          Then why did Iraq buy the CH-5 drone?

    • 1 month ago

      >predator drone
      >actually good cameras

      • 1 month ago

        You do realise they downgrade quality in the public releases?
        USA isn't interested in broadcasting their capabilities, that's why F-35s fly with radar return boosters all the time.

        • 1 month ago

          >"we make footage look bad bro, trust me bro, we're just pretending to be moronic,"
          >'the internal JSOC study on effectiveness of signature strikes reported on the staggering inaccuracy related to personality strikes most notably due to the reliance of using a camera with the equivalent of 20/100 human vision in identifying ground target signatures'

          • 1 month ago

            >we weren't killing those civilians consciously, it was the ...[shuffles cards]... t-THE CAMERAS!
            So, the camer is 20% of human sight or is it 20% of human sight when looking at ground targets?

            • 1 month ago

              Uhh… cosmic radiation?

    • 1 month ago

      Kek global hawk is like 15m per and costs thousands and hour to fly

  3. 1 month ago

    Dude you buy drones like that for 23 dollars at Walmart
    This isn't funny anymore
    It's 20 year old tech

    • 1 month ago

      >he thinks walmart drones made in america

  4. 1 month ago

    Op here just wanted to let everyone know my gender affirming surgery went well

  5. 1 month ago

    >$60000 American drone
    i heard americans pay $90000 dollars for bushings

  6. 1 month ago


    >Also those drones cost maybe 50 dollars in America and that's a high grade civy drone
    maybe a toy drone for kids

    >two thousand burgerbucks

  7. 1 month ago

    >buying bulk in commercial boxes
    Arent these drones expendable? Why not work with dji to get 2 drones to 1 controller or something?

    • 1 month ago

      Negate dji is not exactly keen on having their drones be used as weapons.

  8. 1 month ago

    The free market wins again

  9. 1 month ago


    Your kids $23 toy drone cannot carry a nearly 1kg payload. Nor does it have the camera to identify targets from a distance. Or the battery duration, range, etc.

  10. 1 month ago


    >Jesus Christ my dad was right. You all can't just stop lying or saying dumb shit. It's like you are broken liars. We need to wipe you all out. Frick.
    Your dad really hated Ukrainians? Those are Ukrainians in the picture.
    >high grade drone
    >$50 dollars
    lmao, even

    >buying bulk in commercial boxes
    Arent these drones expendable? Why not work with dji to get 2 drones to 1 controller or something?

    The DJI drones are mostly used for recon, and are meant to be reused. The barebones ones on top of the boxes are the expendable ones, and cost about $300-500 to build.

  11. 1 month ago


    This is you saying a $20 pair of sneakers is enough for running multiple marathons. Totally disregarding durability, fit, support. Yeah, they look the same. The internals are completely different.

  12. 1 month ago

    is a drone just the poor man's guided missile?
    besides recon I mean

  13. 1 month ago

    also there's these guys (rc jets) for $1k
    not much talk about them but I've heard you could take out serious military drones by ramming with these

  14. 1 month ago


    >muh inefficiency
    Idiot take. Same with OPs "outperform".

  15. 1 month ago

    Good luck with that.

  16. 1 month ago

    >Google it
    >$2000+ a unit
    Bro why'd you lead me on like that I was looking forward to dropping golf balls into/around the holes at the local course from 300m up and fricking with people

  17. 1 month ago

    Yeah but look at how many MIC busy body npc consultants, middle managers and israelites made so much money from the over priced drones. That was always the goal and it was never about making good equipment

    • 1 month ago

      >chang tries a new angle
      Post guns.

    • 1 month ago

      Go leave shitskin.

      • 1 month ago

        15 IQ post

        • 1 month ago

          >im not a shitshkin, just looking for manlove down at the ymca

  18. 1 month ago

    >this ignorant 3rd world error doesn't know that the United States of America made these shit toys have a backdoor built into them so they can be tracked. Thinks they can't be tracked or controlled because other 2rd world countries haven't done it yet. L oh el.

  19. 1 month ago

    You can tell there are hella little high schoolers and younger on this site who have no money and know nothing about drones.

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