opening a pmc company

i want to open a pmc mercenary company to provide services such as security of a site in dangerous zones, or even as private army to conduct small scale operations for governments or private parties.
the idea is to be able to live a military life and deploy instead of joining my local military and be in a welfare program.

I know it's almost laughable but I'd like to have some inputs on the feasibility of doing this.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 11 months ago

    Hit up the ATM machine, use your PIN number to withdraw some money

    • 11 months ago

      Nice pedantry, but the M in PMC doesn't stand for Mercenary, so it is repetitious but valid usage.

  2. 11 months ago

    I've also fantasized about this.
    Whats the legality of such a company in EU?

  3. 11 months ago

    >the idea is to be able to live a military life and deploy instead of joining my local military and be in a welfare program
    First of all the owners of nearly all PMCs are ex-military or have worked with governments previously. The administration does not deploy. You're better off joining the French Foreign Legion if you want to dick around in Africa.

  4. 11 months ago

    Join Wagner and be a force for good. Fight ISIS and other Israeli puppets

    • 11 months ago

      How was your coma? Are you recovering well?

    • 11 months ago

      but I want to fight for ISIS

  5. 11 months ago

    I hope you have extensive military experience and management experience

  6. 11 months ago

    Are you a multi millionaire retired military officer with government connections? No? Then you cant do it.

    • 11 months ago

      this tbh.

      Honestly the fact that you even had to ask makes it clear that you're not even remotely capable.

  7. 11 months ago

    Be at least a LTCOL in a major NATO army
    Good resume, at least Tier2 SF with US Command&Staff equivalent courses
    Recent (last 10 years) experience at operational command of SF units, preferably in a Coalition environment.
    Clean service record, and security clearances, plus clean civil and financial records.
    Good English is mandatory, added French is a bonus.
    Got all those?
    Go ahead, you've got the minimum experience to start a PMC
    Bonus if you have diplomatic experience as a military attache in your chosen region with a history of positive cooperation and training delivery to local troops - doesn't matter which country, you're about to be more flexible than your government's limits.
    >Nobody worth hiring will work for you without those minimum quals.

    • 11 months ago

      InB4 "but Prickgoesin was an ex-con running a hotdog stand"
      Yeah, but Wagner started off a GRU covert operation that needed a dummy to be the titular head, and act as patsy if needed.
      He got lucky and outgrew his GRU handlers.
      And he still doesnt get any worthwile employees, his foreign contracts were all set up by the Russian Diplomatic Corps, and his replacement staff are just gulag cannonfodder with the Army getting the (slightly) better recruiting material..

    • 11 months ago

      This guy gets it.

      Now once you're established, do your level best to keep you guys on a short leash. Until and unless you achieve a level of scale heretofore unseen in modern mercenary work, your existence is dependent on good public relations. Blackwater fricked themselves by being moronic cowboys in Iraq, and now they're an increasingly distant memory of a bygone age. Unless your content working with slavshit or chinkshit, you need to store up those good boy points for good gear and jobs beyond murder for hire for some tinpot in Africa.

    • 11 months ago

      This guy gets it.

      Now once you're established, do your level best to keep you guys on a short leash. Until and unless you achieve a level of scale heretofore unseen in modern mercenary work, your existence is dependent on good public relations. Blackwater fricked themselves by being moronic cowboys in Iraq, and now they're an increasingly distant memory of a bygone age. Unless your content working with slavshit or chinkshit, you need to store up those good boy points for good gear and jobs beyond murder for hire for some tinpot in Africa.

      You will also need that level of CV to get bankroll funding to set up.
      Not just weapons and kewl kit, a PMC needs company registration costs in a permissive country, company taxes, travel payments, visas, shipping costs (official and unofficial port fees), hire of premises, support vehicles, logistics and amenities, etc etc
      Even just simple medical evacuation insurance for highrisk travel in hard access countries is £2-3k/ yr/ person.
      >not PMC but exmil working in 3rd world as a "tech advisor" and I dont go into anywhere without a medevac insurance plan to fly me back to a 1st world hospital and white surgeons

  8. 11 months ago

    Depends, do you have a background in hotdog sales?

    • 11 months ago

      >sell hot dogs
      >become warlord

      I doubt OP could even run a hot-dog stand to get to Step 1.
      >Nobody will buy a hotdog from a stand if it looks like it was thawed out up OP's homosexual ass

  9. 11 months ago

    >sell hot dogs
    >become warlord

    • 11 months ago

      the hot dog warlord in question had a) procurement contracts with the MoD and b) connections with the sitting head of state of the Russian Federation who is known to delegate and give a long leash to his underlinings to screw around and accomplish state objectives as long as he gets a cut of what they steal.

  10. 11 months ago

    You could make an incel pmc. Hire only /k/ virgins over the age of 20 and go fight insurgenices in libya or something

  11. 11 months ago

    >should we send Delta or some of the NATO superstars for this op?
    >nah let's ask that bum who has a PMC in his mom's house and insists on using M16A1s and PASGT gear for ascetics.

  12. 11 months ago

    well guys you know it's pretty shitty to live in a country with a shitty military, not even talking about peacetime military, it's just the culture that surrounds it (welfare program) and the geopolitics of the country its controlled by (never deployed since ww2 aside from microscopic contingents and training locals, doesnt even use the navy to keep Black folk out of the country, but instead uses it to bring them in)

  13. 11 months ago

    Should probably work on mastering the English language first

  14. 11 months ago

    Post CV or frick off. If you have to ask here it's a larp.

  15. 11 months ago

    Where's that South African anon when you need him.

  16. 11 months ago

    >the idea is to be able to live a military life and deploy instead of joining my local military and be in a welfare program.
    Sooo... You're trying to establish a private military company without even having a smidgeon of military or combat experience or training, let alone the experience as a commissioned officer which would be extremely helpful in administrating such an operation, not to mention establishing credibility?
    If you want to "Live a military life", get together a bunch of unemployed ex-military people (Provided you can convince them to work for you) and rob drug dealers and other criminals.
    You get opportunities to kill and get killed by new and interesting people, which is arguably half of the military lifestyle

  17. 11 months ago

    you gotta be forklift certified

  18. 11 months ago

    Private Military Company company?

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