OFF GRID/Economic Living

Most economical way of living in the city/outskirts of a city? I'm looking to raise funds living frivilously, while maintaining a decent standard of living. Off grid living, self built home ideas, guides, etc please. Im not scared of putting forth funds, i just want it to be the most economical solution.

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 year ago

    You’ll never do it and you’re a tourist from pol.

    You probably can’t even use a fricking drill

    • 1 year ago

      fpbp, this is why I don't tell people about this board, because it's absolutely perfect

    • 1 year ago

      >raise funds living frivilously,

      Use a search engine. Your question is so general and your lack of detail about your own situation which you should know is relevant means you're just bored so


    • 1 year ago
  2. 1 year ago

    buy finance cheap lot
    live in it
    and work
    just save what you would waste
    thats it

    its what this van shit suppose to be abought
    just a means to and end
    also land means buissness

  3. 1 year ago

    >outskirts of the city
    None lives off grid at the outskirts of a city, thats the most desirable location so its developed already, try 5 hours from the nearest city

  4. 1 year ago

    Househacking with a low interest loan plus state-funded subsidies is legitimately nearly a "live for free" scenario. Blows anything off grid completely out of the water.

  5. 1 year ago

    disguise your abode like one of these and plop it down next to a walmart or something, remember to put warning high voltage stickers on it so that you can remain undisturbed

    • 1 year ago

      until a copper thief busts in. So make sure those stickers also say something along the lines of toxic chemicals or gases.

    • 1 year ago

      How do you get in and out? Tunnel?

    • 1 year ago

      until a copper thief busts in. So make sure those stickers also say something along the lines of toxic chemicals or gases.

      >implying blacks can read

    • 1 year ago

      would work BUT make sure it's far away from actual electrical lines/buried lines AND away from any camera's(hard to do at most Walmarts, they keep adding camera's every month both inside and outside)

  6. 1 year ago

    >I'm looking to raise funds living frivilously
    ESL-chama, please consult a dictionary before posting

    • 1 year ago

      >I'm looking to raise funds living frivilously
      It worked for Hunter Biden.

  7. 1 year ago
  8. 1 year ago

    Living cheap and frugally in 2023 means living at home or in a crackden in the hood. The means of living you are seeking requires a decent amount of money if you want to do it legally. Now frick off

  9. 1 year ago

    Why did you even post this? You know you'll never actually do it anyway. If you're bored go shitpost somewhere that deserves it like PrepHole.

  10. 1 year ago

    Steel prefab 'workshop'

  11. 1 year ago

    >its this thread yet again
    You can't build a house by yourself. You have no idea how much effort it is. Unless you are a carpenter, electrician and plumber at minimum you're doomed to fail.

    You're also underestimating just how long it'll take one person just to do a relatively simple tasks like siding a house. There's a reason roofers show up as a squad of like, 5 guys to do a job. I also doubt you can lift extremely heavy/bulky things like bundles of shingles, drywall, bathtubs, kitchen counters, etc. by yourself. They're 2 person jobs minimum.

    The fact you've even made this thread proves you're a dipshit and an incredibly obvious tourist. You'll spend the rest of your life as a wagie rentcuck paying your chad DIY landlords for the priveledge of living in out slums. Enjoy eating your McSlop by your lonesome while we use your money to buy BMWs and frick b***hes.

    • 1 year ago

      Huh. I added a whole room on my house, dug the foundation, laid the block, framed it, roofed it, sided it, did the electrical, the plumbing, the drywall... Carried it all in by myself, and yeah, another guy would've helped, but it sounds like you're just a pussy that thinks a bundle of shingles is to much to tote up a ladder, and there's no way one guy could carry drywall, huh? How about you go back to eating the tendies mommy fixed for you and play Halo or some shit while the rest of us get some work done?

      • 1 year ago

        >IP count didn't change
        >same ESL posting style
        >same tired pol tourist memes
        OP you're embarrassing yourself.

    • 1 year ago

      >you can't build a house by yourself because bathtubs are heavy
      >self build -> no help ever
      lmao frick off.

    • 1 year ago

      I'll fling shit in the streets before becoming a rent gay

      • 1 year ago

        Get flinging, zoomlet

    • 1 year ago

      i am going to build a house on my own anyway
      as long as your standards are low enough anything is possible

    • 1 year ago

      >wall of horseshit
      >straight projection from a weak homosexual
      >hasn’t a clue how to do any of the shit he mentioned
      Here’s a link, you sack of shit. One guy.

      >inb4 muh plumbing and electric
      Figure it out, pussy

      • 1 year ago

        Wouldn't the wood decay over time?
        Wouldn't it be a good idea to coat the whole house with something inert like, I dunno, silicon?

    • 1 year ago


      >wall of horseshit
      >straight projection from a weak homosexual
      >hasn’t a clue how to do any of the shit he mentioned
      Here’s a link, you sack of shit. One guy.

      >inb4 muh plumbing and electric
      Figure it out, pussy

      >>inb4 muh plumbing and electric
      Easiest part, actually.

    • 1 year ago

      I really like these A frame cabins but I gotta wonder if the slanted walls on either side get old. In my fantasy I have property up in the Rocky Mountains. It has power lines and a decent internet connection. I can commute to the city when I want but for the most part I work remote. My connection to city life is mostly on a by need basis. I think that's probably the most sane take you can have vs the all or nothing idea.

      Here's your (you) random internet tough guy.

    • 1 year ago

      based look at all the seething replies. would love to see their diy home reno

  12. 1 year ago

    I've watched a lot of Youtube videos about "off-grid" living, and apparently the most important thing is having a full-time cameraman to get provocative shots of you "working" in yoga pants. Also don't forget to download a bunch of copyright-free background music before you cut the cord! Best of luck anon.

  13. 1 year ago

    >Most economical way of living in the city/outskirts of a city?
    Unironically, house sharing. Either rent a room from some family with a spare granny flat, or if you have the up-front capital buy a place, and rent rooms out.
    Living alone on the other hand is always more expensive.

  14. 1 year ago

    Here's what I did
    >Pic related
    >Extend the loft
    >Add a window on the side
    >Wood burning stove
    >Solar panels and 2 deep cycle marine batteries
    >DATA Extender
    >Backup generator
    And that's where it stopped being easy
    >Put a toilet in the woods, literally just a box with a toilet lid in the middle of the woods with no protection against the elements, many a freezing fricking cold shit in blizzards or getting drenched in rain
    >Had to haul water from over 20 miles away, easily the most difficult part about living there, sure it was cheap but I had to leave every months to get water which sucked
    A well with water hookups is by far the most sustainable, but in order for a plumber to work on your rig it needs to meet code...meaning you're fricked unless you want to shell out an unreasonable amount of money
    As far as I know. I would love to know if there's a way to get plumbing to a tinyhome but so far it looks like the joomers are dilating too hard to allow us millennials to survive in peace

    • 1 year ago

      dude, get a fricking rv pump. it holds pressure on the system and only cuts on when you release it.
      large rain collection, filtration system. pvc plumbing but keep the pipes insulated in the system under the house. small water heater via electric/ solar/ electric solar where it shunts the excess power to the water heater. on demand water heater if you have 1.5kv laying around to use.
      shits too fricking easy and I say that as a complete armchair expert

      • 1 year ago

        oh and get a septic system or make one. one of those big ass water totes buried with the proper outlets should be fine. one of those giant concrete drainage pipe sections would be better. or two stacked vertically

  15. 1 year ago

    op won't deliver, but just in case he feels he will, have a look at these posts





    I answered this exact topic in another thread yesterday with my solution that I have actually done and lived in for over a year now. It's not perfect, some things are a pain in the dick, but I've now got to the point where i've saved back the cost of the job so i'm making 100% back by not having any bills to pay (except for electricity)

    a warning to OP and any other would-be tinyhomers, if you're going to do it cheap, it's not going to be glamourous, if you're not going to do it cheap, what's the point?

  16. 1 year ago

    For the toilett "problem" I plan to use a compost toilett . No need for running water only a little bit to wash your hands .
    Having a garden out of town ( 1 hour with car" )..
    Putting up an old camper and maybe build a small cabin in front of it.

  17. 1 year ago

    The only advice i can give you is to not do it at 100% dont expect to build a house, maintain a stable food source all by yourself etc.

    You'll need a job, experience, time and motivation.

    Just a reminder that nobody can live off-grid like a savage it is litteraly impossible.

    but it is still possible to lower down the cost of living to a minimum and to reduce your autonomy by working day by day on enhancing your way of living.

    ignore the angry comments though, just remeber that life is not a game.

    • 1 year ago

      >reduce your autonomy
      i meant "reduce your dependency" *-*

  18. 1 year ago

    Has anyone thought about buying a small plot and living underground?

  19. 1 year ago

    I used to be homeless and work in a fishery on the West Cost back from 2009 to 2014. Lived in a tent innawoods and rode a shitstain Toyota Tercel to work. Went from Eureka/Arcata up to Astoria, Coos Bay was the best. All that ended when the cartels took over the local/state govts and brought their pet junkies in to shit up the place.

    Literally shit, as in piles of human shit, needles, and chicken bones.

    And you couldn't go innawoods because the fricking hispanics would steal your campsite and all your gear, then use it to grow their shitty weed.

    It's not possible to be poor in America anymore. I finally got VA disability so I'm moving to El Salvador next week. If you have any skills or money, I recommend you do the same. Go to Central/South America, marry a local, buy all the land you can afford, evict the beaners, and send them north to the USA. Let them starve in shacks for zog, I'm outta here.

    • 1 year ago

      >i hate junkies and spics, they brought crime
      >i'm moving to el salvador
      lmao room temp iq

      • 1 year ago

        he's not wrong. The illegal aliens are the trash people from other countries. All the doctors, engineers, and just good honest hardworking people don't live their lives as criminals working under the table. It's a filter, and only the human garbage is what you're seeing up here.

      • 1 year ago

        El Salvador just locked up 60k gang members. They haven't had a single homicide in a year.

  20. 1 year ago

    How many chores are you willing to do daily? Are you willing to change your diet to one that is reliant on your own food production capabilities? Are you willing to be ready to protect livestock at 2am? Are you ready to slaughter and butcher your own meat? How about getting up at 5am or earlier to milk a goat?
    Don't even get me started on gardening. Green house it, raised beds, soft grain conifer mulch mixed with horse/cow/goat shit. Use a worm composting system inside the greenhouse.

    • 1 year ago

      most, if not all these guys/gals DON'T even address how they'll get water, power, and deal with their own literal shit

      most fail because they need to get permits/permissions for septic systems for human waste(solid) and they think a composting toilet would work fast enough for their own shit to break down
      also underestimate how FAST the water tables all over are sinking, can't tell you how many old and even new wells suddenly dried up within the last decade out and about(drilling well lines is EXPENSIVE beyond the 20' depths)
      also no one downsizes/rework their own power demands while innawoodz, think they can get all their power constantly going into town to top off their generators for power

      !!WATER!! H2O(rain water and if lucky, still close to the surface well water, don't bother if you have to pay for a truck to cart a large tank of water to refill your cistern/tanks)

      SHIT!!!(have a good septic system and setup, or at least a good incinerator toilet setup if you can't get that going, paying to get shit sucked will probable bankrupt you in most places)

      POWER, this is why solar and windmill are so prevalent, with existing dams being popular, having to spend gas to get gas for generators, service said generator, replace them and parts, refill them costs more than replacing batteries every decade or so)

      Propane,oil,wood, and other things. How you going to get it, get it cheap, store it without methheads, cartels, and idiots fricking it over when drunk/looking for free(hey its free, its not behind a 30' steel reinforced wall with barbed wire around and my wirecutters/gate breakers say its free

      Wall of text done, tldr schizo other lingo here

      • 1 year ago

        Oh I know, figured I would start with the chores I do on a on grid hobby ranch.
        Even a small number of birds can be a b***h to handle. Goats add in another level of frickery.
        >But the runt of the goat kids is now demanding pets so my chores are better. His older brothers are like a 1/5th bigger and afraid of me.
        >My favorite chicken is also being a sweet heart and let's me just pick her up to check the communal egg pile she likes to sit on.

      • 1 year ago

        >FAST the water tables all over are sinking, can't tell you how many old and even new wells suddenly dried up within the last decade out and about(drilling well lines is EXPENSIVE beyond the 20' depths)

        This is a topic i've rarely seen discussed. It gets implicitly referenced but more often than not the big issue a lot of mountain region wells have is boron or lead contamination. Just to survive up there without poisoning yourself you have to either collect rainwater or use special filter systems which means you're locked into a repeating cost over your lifetime.

      • 1 year ago

        >also underestimate how FAST the water tables all over are sinking

        Define "all over". Locations vary but it's hard to get anons to understand that.

  21. 1 year ago

    The dirty little secret of cheap living is it will cost you a lot more in opportunity cost to live far away from opportunity and access to services than you'll ever save. Don't do it unless you're really that guy and he doesn't post here because he's already swinging a hammer at something.

  22. 1 year ago

    >decent standard of living
    First learn what words mean and go somewhere else. We're not teaching you how to live with no job, poorbitch.

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