North Korea intervenes in Yemen?

I'm aware that the DPRK support the Houthis and give them equipment to frick with America but what if they decided to go all in? How would things be if 10 cargo ships filled to the brim with equipment such as planes and tanks landed in Al Hudaydah along with 15,000 spec ops accompanying them. Could North Korean weaponry cause a Houthi victory? I imagine the jets, even if they're shitty, would allow them to run roughshod over the other factions without outside (Saudi etc.) help and huge stockpiles of ballistic missiles stationed in Yemen would make foreign intervention riskier, no?

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  1. 1 month ago

    How many more times are you going to make this thread?

    • 1 month ago

      >How many more times are you going to make this thread?
      I've only made this once?

  2. 1 month ago

    Looking at their weapon inventory on wikipedia, let's say for argument's sake they send:

    50 Chengdu J-7
    50 Shenyang F-5
    50 Ilyushin Il-28
    10 PZL Mi-2
    10,000 Type 69 RPG
    10,000 RPG-7
    5,000 RPG-29
    500 M-1937
    100 M-1985
    500 Type 63
    100 BTR-60PB
    1000 T-54/55
    500 Chonma-ho-1
    50 Hwasong-9
    500,000 Type 58 assault rifle
    1,000,000 PPSh-41

    How would this amount of North Korean weaponry impact the war in Yemen?

    • 1 month ago

      >norks claim:

  3. 1 month ago

    >NK goes full moron and sends said ships
    >NATO countries intercept said ships as they would have that convoy on ISR from the second it left port
    >Ships get captured
    >Weapons captured is sent to Ukraine

    Thats how it would play out.

    • 1 month ago

      This is assuming the ships get there, I thought about putting that in the OP but decided against it. In the scenario the ships are escorted by the DPRK navy and the norks claim it's food for the starving people of Yemen, the ships are loaded in secret so NATO doesn't know what's in them.

      Biden decides that intercepting the ships going to Yemen and it really being just food at a time where he's being called "genocide Joe" is just suicide shot for a second term when it's not needed so he decides against it.

      • 1 month ago

        >intercepting the ships going to Yemen and it really being just food

        Once they've confirmed it is just food and not riddled with COVID/tapeworms/etc. they'd hand it over to the WFP and take the credit when it reaches starving Yemeni kids, they're still interdicting it

        • 1 month ago

          >escorted by the DPRK navy

          >muh Biden
          The Brits decide to do an inspection of the ships. They insist.

          >North Korea exporting food

          Honestly the funniest and least realistic part of this whole dumb idea.

          >he ships are loaded in secret so NATO doesn't know what's in them.
          This is NATO we're talking about, not the UN.

          For fricks sake, for whatever reason (chalk it up to a combination of diplomatic and military miscommunications/frickups) the men and equipment land in Yemen. What now? Are the Houthis going to win or lose or what? Tell me what you think would happen.

          • 1 month ago

            >for whatever reason (chalk it up to a combination of diplomatic and military miscommunications/frickups) the men and equipment land in Yemen. What now?

            If the US doesn't bomb them the Israelis will, just like in Syria

            • 1 month ago

              It doesn't do shit.
              The planes cannot be used because Houtis lack qualified pilots and ground support so it's just a way to waste US's ammunition.
              The tanks and guns might be useful against the Saoudis and Yemenits but frankly, it would amount to handing them actual easy targets.
              The most useful are the small armes, as the Houtis actually have people skilled with this.
              The missiles are nice for propaganda, I guess.

              • 1 month ago

                >The most useful are the small armes, as the Houtis actually have people skilled with this.
                >The missiles are nice for propaganda, I guess.
                oh frick the Norks gave the Houthis sniper rifles! get dow

              • 1 month ago

                >oh frick the Norks gave the Houthis sniper rifles! get dow
                I imagine Houthis trained by Nork spec ops and well equipped with small arms and RPGs would be more effective than Houthis without either, don't you agree?

              • 1 month ago

                norks are a starving cargo cult, the results would be the same

              • 1 month ago

                >The planes cannot be used because Houtis lack qualified pilots
                North Korean pilots can be sent with the planes and the Houthis seemingly have at least some infrastructure for them as indicated by the fact they have one f-5 jet.

                >The missiles are nice for propaganda, I guess.
                Wouldn't they just start pounding the shit out of Mecca, Riyadh and the UAE? It seems like if they managed to make insuring oil infrastructure in Saudi Arabia and the UAE too costly it'd frick with their economies hard and business would slow down, suspend or cease operations all together until it becomes safe to work again and for that they'd only need to do a few large missile attacks, not even successfully and if the missile attacks were continuous and went on for months and months eventually shit would grind to a halt like in the red sea.

              • 1 month ago

                >it doesn't do shit, because the nork gibs are worthless anyway

              • 1 month ago

                >because the nork gibs are worthless anyway
                how are they worthless? 160 planes is a game changer, even if they're old not to mention the 25,000 rpg's and 1,000,000 ppsh's. To say none of this would have a tangible impact is moronic.

              • 1 month ago

                >160 planes is a game changer, even if they're old

                Do you think the West, the Saudis, and the israelites would let them actually fly those planes? You're technically correct in that it would have the impact of killing 160 of the Houthis who have a high enough IQ to figure out how to fly a plane, which is probably an endangered species to begin with.

              • 1 month ago

                >Do you think the West, the Saudis, and the israelites would let them actually fly those planes?
                No but it'd take time to muster forces and go after them. In the meantime the Houthis could make fake airfields, fake planes etc. to trick drones and use the planes while they still had them. The momentary advantage would be enough to get to Aden for sure and from there they'd have to just besiege or grind away in the city..

          • 1 month ago

            lets say nk manages to even get them there. OOPS looks like the us/uk just bombed all their airfields and fuel depots, tis a shame. That's how it would go in a nutshell going along with this dumbass scenario you made.

          • 1 month ago

            The houths would lose because every NATO aligned nation would immediately begin airstrikes and specops raids at the VERY VERY least. Not to mention that the gulf states would go immediate fullsend on military intervention to this massive disruption in a neighboring nation. And I mean FULLSEND. Division-level fullsend. The risk doesn't matter because at this level of escalation there's nothing else you can do other then roll over and present your anus for raping.

            It would potentially also get a UN intervention unit just like the last time NOrth Korea acted up.

            In short, the houthis would go from annoyance to genuine problem and stability threat, and unlike the zigger chimpout it's impossible for kvetchy non-interventionist homosexuals to wring their hands about nukes.

            • 1 month ago

              >kvetchy non-interventionist homosexuals to wring their hands about nukes.
              I'm sure the houthis could manufacture rudimentary chemical weapons and deploy them without much consequence tbh as happened in North Yemen, the Rhodesian Bush War, Angola, the Falklands War, Afghanistan, the Vietnamese border raids in Thailand, the Iran–Iraq War, Halabja, the Persian Gulf War, the Iraq War, the Syrian civil war and the Ukrainian-Russian War. The real escelaion would be if the Houthis launched a successful chemical attack on Mecca or Riyadh.

      • 1 month ago

        >escorted by the DPRK navy

      • 1 month ago

        >muh Biden
        The Brits decide to do an inspection of the ships. They insist.

      • 1 month ago

        >North Korea exporting food

        Honestly the funniest and least realistic part of this whole dumb idea.

      • 1 month ago

        >he ships are loaded in secret so NATO doesn't know what's in them.
        This is NATO we're talking about, not the UN.

      • 1 month ago

        >DPRK Navy
        They have two fleets that can't support each other because they're incapable of sailing around the Korean peninsula.

    • 1 month ago

      >NORKs supply Russia
      >NORKs supply Ukraine
      Crafty buggers. Send weapons to Ukraine via arms seizures which then keeps the russians coming back for more. Playing both sides and maximizing sales potential.

  4. 1 month ago

    >secretly attach signal generators to Nork ships
    >now they are sending American or Israeli cargo ship id signals
    >Houthis attack and piss off Norks

  5. 1 month ago

    kys norkshill

    • 1 month ago

      Assuming everything is delivered and apportioned correctly the small arms alone would have a tremendous impact on the Houthi's fighting abilities against the Yemeni government and other local forces. On the ground they'd be able to wipe the floor with enemy forces on the ground with the RPG's and planes would secure at least temporary air superiority over the local forces. The missiles would drive up insurance rates on oil installations in KSA and the UAE and if just a couple ballistic missiles destroyed a key oil installation in KSA their economy would suffer a terrible ripple effect as foreign investors get spooked and suspend operations and if things got too unsafe they'd just leave. which'd give the Houthis a tremendous bargaining chip to either force the Saudis to get drawn further in and bogged down in a mountainous Vietnam situation or sue for peace.

      What'd likely happen are regular missile attacks on key infrastructure in UAE and KSA, followed by a massive aerial escalation on KSA's part followed by more missile attacks and potentially incursions into KSA in order to put more financial pressure on them to withdraw. The UAE would undoubtedly buckle first once the planes of tourists stop coming and the financial costs get too high for their small country to bear which'd lead to KSA assuming the UAE's burden and continuing the war.

      At the end of the day war is all about finance, with this weaponry the Houthis would be able to spook businesses, drive up costs and put the financial squeeze on KSA until they buckle and withdraw leading to a Houthi victory over the disheveled remnants of Yemeni forces. The major ace up the KSA's sleeve is air power and missile defense (although as was seen with the Iron Dome not too long ago, missile defense is expensive), other than that they're pretty fricked.

  6. 1 month ago

    >How would things be if 10 cargo ships filled to the brim with equipment such as planes and tanks landed in Al Hudaydah along with 15,000 spec ops accompanying them.

    US Navy sinks every last one of them before they even reach the Red Sea

    • 1 month ago

      >US Navy sinks every last one of them before they even reach the Red Sea
      This is assuming that they aren't sunk and actually arrive, I've already addressed this. Once the shit is in Houthi hands how does it impact the war? A lot? A little? Somewhat?

      norks are a starving cargo cult, the results would be the same

      You can't possibly believe that random tribesmen with no formal training and equipped with a Mosin-Nagant, some antique bullets and a sword is the exact same in terms of efficacy as highly trained spec ops armed with old yet serviceable weapons and anti tank equipment, right? Like, the improvement is dramatic if only because the starting position is so abysmally poor. Just the spec ops training alone is an insane improvement.

      • 1 month ago

        >highly trained

        • 1 month ago

          Do you not believe norks have the capability to train spec ops?

          • 1 month ago

            I seriously question the capabilities of a country that cant feed itself and barely has electricity. I also wonder why you're always so eager to gargle their balls and shill their ratty equipment.

            • 1 month ago

              >I also wonder why you're always so eager to gargle their balls and shill their ratty equipment.
              I'm asking what'd happen if the weaponry and men were deployed in Houthi territory, i'm not shilling for anyone.

              • 1 month ago

                >i'm not shilling for anyone.
                im sure it's all just a coincidence then

              • 1 month ago

                >im sure it's all just a coincidence then
                you're just schizo

            • 1 month ago

              Counterpoint: the Norks have a pretty robust presence in cyberspace, hell it just came out that the Amazon show Invincible was "accidentally" subcontracted to a Nork animation studio, which apparently isn't the first time this has happened. This is of course to say nothing of their various thefts of cryptocurrencies and intellectual property.
              That, plus the rocky but steady progress their ballistic missile program has seen suggest the Kim regime, like the Soviets once upon a time, is capable of investing actual quality into things it cares about. Quality of life for the peons just happens to not be anywhere on that list.

              • 1 month ago

                Kim is unironcially one if the best leaders if the 21st century.
                North Korean tanks have probably surpassed russian tanks in quality unironically.

                Korea will become a super power once kim reunites with the south, thanks to feminist refusing to have kids. All kim has to do is wait and March over to take care of the aging population

              • 1 month ago

                >Korea will become a super power once kim reunites with the south, thanks to feminist refusing to have kids. All kim has to do is wait and March over to take care of the aging population
                I think it’s in the North’s best interest not to integrate the South, the North is a carefully managed smoke and mirrors act that any big knock to the status quo (ex: integrating a first world nation filled with people who very much do not want to be dragged back to the 1950’s) would have a catastrophic and potentially fatal affect on the entire system.
                For the North to survive it must remain cut off from the rest of the world and isolated.

              • 1 month ago

                nkoreans being subcontracted by chinks for cheap animation work isn't really as big a thing as you think it is. the chinese don't give a frick, they just hired some motherfrickers for a low low price.

                >a Chinese go-between was responsible for relaying information between production companies and the animators

                >none of the evidence gathered by 38 North suggests that any Western producers knew their projects were being subcontracted to North Korean animators. Comments written in Mandarin on the files point to these deals being made quite far downstream from them.

    • 1 month ago

      Nah they'd confiscate them and redirect all that stuff to Ukraine. Just as with all the Iranian shipping.

  7. 1 month ago

    North Korea wouldn't want a large group of veterans who have existed outside the direct control of the regime learning how to make decisions and fight a superior foe returning to North Korea afterward

    • 1 month ago

      Yes but they can easily be filtered for potential traitors and placed far away from positions of authority and power, akin to what the USSR did after ww2.

  8. 1 month ago

    >How would things be if 10 cargo ships filled to the brim with equipment such as planes and tanks landed in Al Hudaydah along with 15,000 spec ops accompanying them
    They wouldn't get there and Ukraine would be grateful for the weapons courtesy of the US Navy

  9. 1 month ago

    You know if England landed 100,000 icmbs on the moon, it would have 100000 icbms on the moon.

    • 1 month ago

      if they had they had that many icbms on the moon then england would have a bigger role on the international stage and become more geopolitically active imo

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