no shilling. no shitposting. How serious are they of a threat?

no shilling
no shitposting

How serious are they of a threat?

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

LifeStraw Water Filter for Hiking and Preparedness

250 Piece Survival Gear First Aid Kit

  1. 1 year ago

    A green army with chinese manufactured weapons, you tell me
    Their only advantages are numbers and homefield advantage

    • 1 year ago

      >Their only advantages are numbers and homefield advantage
      Their only advantage is their economy. If they get into a war and start losing tens of thousands of men, they can look at their mistakes and reconstitute, and they are literally the only country that can wage war against the US and have the economy to back that war up for an extended period. So yes the army is shit but there is no other possible threat to the US.

      • 1 year ago

        Their economy is wholly dependent on the USA and its allies. Even if they miraculously became self-sufficient, the US has overwhelming naval power and could thus implement a blockade of their oil (and other) imports.

        no shilling
        no shitposting

        How serious are they of a threat?

        Really, even if they were somehow not a total clusterfrick, the ability of America to blockade them makes China indefensible in any war scenario.

        • 1 year ago

          I saw that no one else replied to this post calling you a stupid Black person so I guess I will. china has the largest land border with Russia out of any nation on the planet. It would be trivial for them to import oil from Russia. There is no blockading china.

          • 1 year ago

            >. It would be trivial for them to import oil from Russia. There is no blockading china.
            Not if you say, had bases in a newly western aligned proxy right on Russia's border lmao.

          • 1 year ago

            Even with their main(only) pipeline running at full capacity they wouldnt be able to sustain their entire god damn gas guzzling military with it.
            One tomahawk from a US sub would disrupt that b***h anyway

            • 1 year ago

              >. It would be trivial for them to import oil from Russia. There is no blockading china.
              Not if you say, had bases in a newly western aligned proxy right on Russia's border lmao.

              Doing anything to prevent Russia from resupplying china would mean war with russia. You can meme their army all you want, but they have nuclear weapons. Think about why Russia doesn't currently strike NATO routes supplying Ukraine.

              • 1 year ago

                The weak russia of 2023 isn't going to war over a pipeline, let alone launch nukes. Hell, we already blew one of their main ones up, and all they did was whine for a few weeks kek

              • 1 year ago

                you don't need to strike that pipe line in russia tough.
                that pipe runs above ground for over a thousand miles inside china and the main rail line runs more or less parallel to it and while more manageable to repair still a prime and open target

      • 1 year ago

        As the other anon said, they are dependent on the US for their economy, but they are also HEAVILY dependent on importing coal. They could be easily choked in a long war.

      • 1 year ago

        Their economy goes up in flames the second they attack anyone, especially the US. Isn't the US like 20%+ of their export business? That's also not factoring in that every single European country would then go full on sanction mode on China to support the US in such an attack.

        It also doesn't help China that virtually everyone in the EU has started divesting from Chinese-exclusive businesses after Covid happened because it showed how much everyone was over-relying on them. The world is also moving to Vietnam, Taiwan, Laos, and I know one other country for production of smaller end things and stuff that China is now charging more for and all those countries are happy to take the business.

        Then there's also the fact that China imports a lot of stuff into their country to keep it afloat. Pork is a good example where they have to import it because they can't supply it all themselves and it's a traditional food. Imagine when the Chinese civvies are told they can't have pork anymore or pork prices rise 5 fold when they go to war. That's ignoring everything else.

        • 1 year ago

          It doesn't help that they've converted much of their farmland to industry. If a blockade sets in there will be famine until the Chinese economy rebalances and with the lack of foreign investors this may take a while.

      • 1 year ago

        Don’t they need to heavily import food and energy?

        • 1 year ago

          They import about 35% of their food. Population decline will mean eventually they drop back to 10% imports or less by 2060.

          • 1 year ago

            Unfortunately they also import a LOT of animal feed and agricultural products needed to maintain that food though. One of the big frick-ups of Ukraine is that it represented a very useful counterbalance to having to buy from US/EU, and now that's fricked because Ukies can see how little China helped them.

        • 1 year ago

          No;they are used to Starving

        • 1 year ago

          They are self sufficient in calories, they just import animal feed and luxury foods.
          China is a big energy producers, they are self sufficient if they cut export to USA

          • 1 year ago

            Why would you go on the internet and just lie to strangers like that?

          • 1 year ago

            >hey are self sufficient if they cut export to USA
            If this were true they wouldn't be panicking about having to bid with the likes of Jordan and Egypt for food imports lol.

            • 1 year ago

              You mutt are the one with 9% inflation rn.
              China is decoupling from usa

              • 1 year ago

                China has literally admitted its GDP is made up. I wouldn't trust anything they say.

              • 1 year ago

                >I trust chinese official numbers
                hey champ I've got this great investment opportunity for you!
                as it turns out I've recently acquired the golden gate bridge's scrapping rights but I need some one to give me small bit of starter capital. Returns will be great!

              • 1 year ago

                More reliable than mutt number that's for sure

              • 1 year ago

                the usa is funny money with their debt
                but the rest of the numbers check out for instance usa companies have to subject their books to a lot of scrutiny to get on a stock exchange. chinese companies don't because that would be to hard for them because they are all funny money

              • 1 year ago

                Nah china make actual products, usa can only into ponzi.

              • 1 year ago

                call me when chinese cars are on american roads gongfei Black person

              • 1 year ago

                They already are already in EU lol.
                But your gov won't let them in because you can't handle the competition.

              • 1 year ago

                I've seen the full 1 chinese car on the roads here and it had a bulgarian license plate so not giving me a lot of confidence in chang construction

              • 1 year ago

                ignorant boomer

              • 1 year ago

                just saying as it is
                germany has over 40 million cars on the road
                so getting hundred thousand chinese cars by 2028 isn't some great feat
                especially when consider the sales number of teslas in germany
                I can't hop over the border without seeing a dozen of them just driving to the aldi

              • 1 year ago

                100000 is just by one car renting company, that translate to 10s of millions in 2028 lol

              • 1 year ago

                It really doesn't if that 100k turns out to be dogshit. Since it's made in China it probably will end up being dogshit.

              • 1 year ago

                america makes thing, it works
                china make a thing, it's a copy of an other thing, works once or twice, breaks needs to make it again
                See! See! china make more thing!

              • 1 year ago

                It's because China exports so much shit that we know that China has no QC. We keep seeing these cheap, flimsy, barely functional, and sometimes outright fraudulent products all bearing the "Made In China" stamp. So why should we believe that Chinese made weapons are any better?

              • 1 year ago

                Lmao, the bridge is still for sale man, great opportunity.

              • 1 year ago

                It's okay, I know xi is scared. It's okay chang. You did it. You posted.

          • 1 year ago

            >self sufficient
            >import animal feed
            Weak bait.

    • 1 year ago

      >home field advantag
      >during an amphibious assault
      >with 8 lst equivalents to move the entire force

      The biggest danger is the USN running out of red paint for kill markers. We don't carry much red paint on board generally.

  2. 1 year ago

    Pageantry doesn't help you actually git gud, technical data can be fabricated, scripted exercises are pointless. Won't really know until we see them actually fight something.

  3. 1 year ago

    A lot of what plagues the Russian military plagues the Chinese military, the major difference is that *most* of the money China invested in to the military actually went through.
    So yeah, even if they’re a bunch of corrupt, cowardly, “sell their own mother” hug race, they’re a threat larger than Russia.

    • 1 year ago

      >hug race
      Should have been bug race, I will off myself now

      • 1 year ago

        I knew something was off when someone tried to connect the Chinese and empathy

      • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >the major difference is that *most* of the money China invested in to the military actually went through

      This single fact immediately upgrades them to a serious legimate adversary.

    • 1 year ago

      Everytime I hug a Chinese person I get birdflu and SARS 🙁

    • 1 year ago


      With this most recent achievement, fate has in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. With the blessings of Chinese quantum direct-current electricity, quantum aircraft carriers and quantum enhanced railguns will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.

    • 1 year ago

      >most of the money went through
      Proofs? Because I've seen where the funding went on their construction projects.

      • 1 year ago

        government oversight makes it harder to do straight up tofu dreg frickery.
        they can't cheat them as much.
        take note of that qualifier though lmao.

    • 1 year ago

      >*most* of the money China invested in to the military actually went through
      Did it? Apparently their high-tech MIC field operates on make something good enough to impress generals that don't no any better then go back to fricking around. I'm not saying some of it doesn't result in actual progress but it seems to have even more fat than the west.

      • 1 year ago

        thats how I see it going.
        it doesn't get embezzled by a few people, instead it gets trickled down to a number of people via bribes, and a lot of it is instead spent very inefficiently for war, but very efficiently for politics.

    • 1 year ago

      >actually went through
      to internal security you fricking homosexual

  4. 1 year ago

    To whom? They’re scary to Taiwan, moderately scary to Korea, annoying to Vietnam, India, Australia and Japan, laughable to america, potentially close to owning Russia on paper, and terrifying to any PRC citizen with wrong opinions regarding the Party

  5. 1 year ago

    About as big a threat as the average Chinese penis. Fairly small and laughable.

  6. 1 year ago

    complete paper tiger, go back to sleep

  7. 1 year ago

    only good at land-based defense
    literally a porcupine

  8. 1 year ago

    Mao xinyu, man's grandson, is a general

    • 1 year ago

      Im sure he eats great things

  9. 1 year ago

    They scored some minor victories against India however that’s a low hanging fruit

  10. 1 year ago

    These threads usually attract the same clique's and no actual information.

    straight off the bat the Chinese are one of the only three countries in the world with a strategic bomber wing, that makes them at worst the thirds greatest threat in the world. they also have nuclear missiles, ballistic missiles, SAM. So make no mistake this is a superpower which would shit all over most developed countries. You can compare then to the US or Russia, but comparing China to middle powers would be silly.

    China has a large force of air superiority fighters and an even larger force of fighter bombers, nothing like the US but China doesn't have foreign military bases to defend, so in terms of command centres it's less significant than you might imagine.

    China has an enormous flotilla, almost clownishly large. Huge mine laying capacity, very strong in low level conflict, most developed nations regularly have to deal with low level Chinese naval incursions. what's the strategic significance? well the flotillas stop foreign navies massing off the Chinese coast, the Chinese actually ram US warships and submarines and in peacetime there's an ongoing battle between western /backed saboteurs and Chinese flotilla.

    China has one point three million regular infantry, plus a million auxiliaries, plus a million militarized police which are trained as an occupying force. This is a serious threat to all neibouring states, if china invaded there would be no afghan style insurgency, the Chinese would saturate wherever they invaded to the point there would be a soldier for ever residential street.

    Where things really get interesting however is the combination of strategic bombers and standoff missiles, it's a realistic possibility that the Chinese could stop US carrier groups crossing the pacific. It's not the outright capability here, but a combination of just how many strategic bombers they could equip this way and the relavent scramble times.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >China doesn't have foreign military bases to defend
      You can tell this was posted by a wumao because of the blatant lying

    • 1 year ago

      >it's a realistic possibility that the Chinese could stop US carrier groups crossing the pacific
      Not really, bombers wouldn't be a problem. They gotta pass through okinawa/south japankorea. And SCS can be blocked by figjters in phillipines.
      Missiles they mighy

    • 1 year ago

      Bruh one bomb = hundreds of dead bugs. You can shoot in any direction and get a multi-kill. They’re basically a big Russia with a homogeneous population of conscripted Asian zerglings. They would probably set a record for most casualties in human history

    • 1 year ago

      >if china invaded there would be no afghan style insurgency, the Chinese would saturate wherever they invaded to the point there would be a soldier for ever residential street.
      Imagine believing this actually works.

    • 1 year ago

      Ling ling, put down the keyboard and go back to the shoe factory.
      You're making a fool of your country again.

    • 1 year ago

      >no actual information.
      >posts some different flavour of amerimutt moronation

  11. 1 year ago

    Huge standing army
    Enormous resources
    No real experience
    No proven strategies
    Unknown NCO status
    Prefer to utilize economic power, with some saber rattling on the side

    • 1 year ago

      >No real experience
      The Chinese have bought their way into EU peacekeeping and are receiving training from western defectors every day of the week, would you say Saudi forces had no experience? Chinese auxiliaries are cycled through Tibet for training and the Chinese conduct full scale mobilization drills. so it's not like the US but in relative terms they don't do that badly. COIN is of somewhat limited value and many western coutries only make small scale deployments in these campaigns.
      >Unknown NCO status
      Much like the US some branches of the Chinese forces are officer heavy and this is mostly politics, I'll check on this. I will say though that accusations of nepotism and cronyism coming from the west lack self awareness.

      • 1 year ago

        They have some of the worst armed forces in the world. They buy a bunch of stuff, but they have no will or ability to use it in an effective way. You really shouldn't ever use them as a positive example to prove your point.

      • 1 year ago

        I find it hard to assume that the chinese army is immune to the corruption, graft, politics first and allround shitty quality of the chinese mainland

        • 1 year ago

          I think you've deliberately missed my point, of course nepotism and cronyism are rife in the Chinese forces....but they are also rife in the US forces and in just about every other military I've ever seen.

          >Go on the attack when you have no experience

          Yeah, that could get pretty comical really fast.

          It may get comical, nobody really knows. my read is that the Chinese will launch a massed air assault against the US (see: pearl harbour) to try and cripple the US carrier groups, china is terrified of the US carrier groups in a way that's not really rational in the nuclear era. Results may vary, but Midway was a coin flip and it may very well be like that again with the Chinese only needing a few missile hits to achieve their strategic objectives. Hawaii is totally fricked and I have no idea why any sane person would live there. China still can't work out what to do about Tianjin, it wouldn't surprise me if the Chinese were to try and stop the flow of refugees by simply killing the refugees en masse.

          • 1 year ago

            >it wouldn't surprise me if the Chinese were to try and stop the flow of refugees by simply killing the refugees en masse.
            when taking into account the 25+ million illiterate malnourished north koreans - I agree, china is more likely to kill anyone that crosses her border

            • 1 year ago

              There's a reason every military conflict in the mainland starts like a riot and ends up with a million dead, food security is not good. China can't even keep the internal price of rice stable and is importing food from countries like Australia to meet unexpected shortfalls, while the offshoring of some agriculture to Cambodia and Myanmar has further harmed their case. Occupying these regions is a cakewalk but actually maintaining production? chinese troops may not even be willing to send the food they are guarding back to the mainland. I'm drawing a long bow here but in a general sense the civilian casualties are likely to be staggering.

              • 1 year ago

                >Occupying these regions is a cakewalk but actually maintaining production? chinese troops may not even be willing to send the food they are guarding back to the mainland.
                >drawing a long bow
                Well to me as much as I dislike them any assumption regarding China is a stretch so I'm arm in arm with you there. you raise a good point. I think they could hold these regions if they successfully occupy it a single time, but in the case of Myanmar I personally believe western intervention is inevitable in the form of a proxy war

          • 1 year ago

            Comparing US military corruption to the Chinese one or even Russian one shows an astounding lack of knowledge on the subject.

            • 1 year ago

              russia is irrelevant here. chinese military corruption is fast approaching that of the US in the sense that officials are vastly overstating certain numbers in order to receive more funding for the groups they oversee respectively. imagine if the Marines were constantly competing with the Air Force for more money, the PLA and its branches are highly disorganized and have a lot of infighting/hierarchy problems, but their procurement corruption and money changing hands is becoming similar to the US which - thankfully, the US military recognizes as fact - is a major indication of how their military is evolving.

              • 1 year ago

                It is a good comparison, as Russian and Chinese societies suffer from similar sociologicals and political ailments (massive corruption, nepotism, apathy, sheep like mentality). These issue are not only located in the military, but other state branches are afflicted by it, because these issues are coming from the grounds up, not the other way around.

                So again, the comparison is laughable.

            • 1 year ago

              >accusations of nepotism and cronyism coming from the west lack self awareness.

              >if you're from a rural area it's one of the only ways to get your children proper jobs
              once a poster who had family in the CCP described this to me, by saying the west is not the only one with a surplus of middlemen. he could have been told exactly what they wanted him to hear but it sounded like a lot of boring administrative running back and forth. another poster detailed the main coalition of power in the CCP today as comprising of people with guerilla military history who partook in "pinching the tiger's ass" offensives but I may have misunderstood that.

              A rural Chinese person and a rural American would quickly realize they had the same opinion of their home countries. you will not find many people on the internet who know rural China, even expats don't really know. rural Chinese are like the Maoist image of a worker, but with cynicism instead of any of the benefits mao promised them. Like detroit without any of the benefits trump promised them. anyone who still supports the government is generally considered mentally deficient; anyone who opposes the government is beaten up for poking the bear

              • 1 year ago

                what is your opinion on the freedom of Tibet? I am very curious about it as of late regarding actual incentive/investment in their eventual autonomy, but I'm not so hopeful as to think it is easily let go. I don't have a particular interest in the religion but Tibet just fascinates me.

              • 1 year ago

                >what is your opinion on the freedom of Tibet?
                Please refer to your local public education officer.

                It doesn’t though, unless you believe that they’re on similar levels, which shows not only ignorance on the subject but also shows how deluded one would have to be to believe that.

                They really are on exactly the same level, I've been around man and it staggers me that americans have o self awareness. Ask a russian about Russia and he will tell you, Ask Chinese about corruption in China, or briazil, or kyrgestan- any place.
                How is it that only ameican don't know the situation is universal in the world?

                Hank Potter, google the commander of any US warship and find the captain, tell me what percentage are the direct relative of a higher ranking (serving or retired) captain. humor me. Navy is usually the worst but in army look for who gets a high profile job after leaving the army, who "bought out". Situation is universal friend.

              • 1 year ago

                >Please refer to your local public education officer.
                What is the average Chinese person's opinion on the party lines about Tibet/Xinjiang? The same way that Americans know
                is just their government being on-the-nose, what sorts of lies are obviously lies in China?

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago


                It is a good comparison, as Russian and Chinese societies suffer from similar sociologicals and political ailments (massive corruption, nepotism, apathy, sheep like mentality). These issue are not only located in the military, but other state branches are afflicted by it, because these issues are coming from the grounds up, not the other way around.

                So again, the comparison is laughable.

              • 1 year ago

                It doesn’t though, unless you believe that they’re on similar levels, which shows not only ignorance on the subject but also shows how deluded one would have to be to believe that.

              • 1 year ago

                The simple fact is you can't know that for a fact and your overconfident assertion indicates why I shouldn't listen to you.

              • 1 year ago

                We “didn’t know” that for a fact about the Russian army either, yet here we are.

              • 1 year ago

                >my opinion of a hypothetical scenario is related to when things actually happened in this unrelated scenario
                Russian incompetence is completely unrelated to this situation and I require you to elaborate if you desire any form of engagement on the topic

              • 1 year ago


                It is a good comparison, as Russian and Chinese societies suffer from similar sociologicals and political ailments (massive corruption, nepotism, apathy, sheep like mentality). These issue are not only located in the military, but other state branches are afflicted by it, because these issues are coming from the grounds up, not the other way around.

                So again, the comparison is laughable.

                Again, you will have to ignore all of that to make your argument valid, which will move you to safe hypernationalistic schizo Chang territory.

              • 1 year ago

                >you will have to ignore all of that to make your argument valid
                1, nothing in that post is relevant or true, 2, not everyone that disagrees with you is a chinese boogeyman. I'm not engaging with you anymore because you want validation, not discussion.

              • 1 year ago

                >these issues that plague Chinese society also plague their military, as we have seen in totalitarian societies across the globe
                Okay chang

          • 1 year ago

            yes you have bad actors everywhere
            But china is on a whole other level of corruption, incompetence and being general all round bad faith little shits
            and as

            the military is not a respected career in china

            reminded me the chinese do not want to join the army so it's full of what the chinese would consider rural hicks and the CCP likes that because those rural guys don't fuss over killing civilians unlike the urban garrisons.
            So when you have force of the people incompetent by the standards of incompetents, I don't have high hopes for them.

            • 1 year ago

              There will be a lot of wholesale massacres, far more than anyone in the west can really comprehend.

              • 1 year ago

                yes I know a few chinese that moved overseas to get away from the CCP. They aren't what you'd call political as in activists just that they saw china becoming a shitshow and took the out their studies abroad offered them. That and work hours here are a lot more livable.

                >China btw spends more on oppressing its own people than on the military.
                American self awareness, friend most of your defence spending is just corruption and for every dollar the us police draw in official funding they get a dollar from drug syndicates and a dollar pilfering.
                In China the "police" include many elements which in the west would be part of other departments, it's apples and oranges in that way.

                no friend I'm from the land of the rising waffles
                While there is corruption in the west. Those that assume it reaches russian or chinese levels are projecting their own societies standards onto the west.
                We recently had a bribery scandal in the EU parliament. Involving half a dozen people and about a couple million euros. That's less than a percent of the "mooncake" industry.
                But above all the police acts on this not just because it's politically useful to the ruling fraction, but because bribery and corruption are not accepted at all levels of society.
                And I didn't say it's just the police but the varius branches of the gouverment who's task it is to keep people in line. call the police in china about domestic violence and they don't care, call them a bout a theft and they don't care, post a mean message about a local ccp party member and it's mess around find out time.

          • 1 year ago

            >Midway was a coin flip
            The Kido Butai were dead meat as soon as Yamamoto separated them from their AA capable escorts, the battle was never actually in doubt

          • 1 year ago

            >it may very well be like that again with the Chinese only needing a few missile hits to achieve their strategic objectives. Hawaii is totally fricked and I have no idea why any sane person would live there.
            wouldnt't the biggest US military naval outpost consider this possible threat and be heavily defended? It seems like you'd need to do more than drop a few missiles on some carrier groups

      • 1 year ago

        >literally just lost a war to YEMEN

        Hurry up and ship my knock off surefire bug man

      • 1 year ago

        >US forces
        >Officer heavy
        Why lie about something hilariously easy to prove wrong?

      • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      So exactly what you were saying about Russia a couple of years ago?

  12. 1 year ago

    China is set to acquire the S-400 which is quickly becoming the bane of American overseas bases, Chinese domestic missile capability is mixed and hard to asses- most people in the know seem to think it's insufficient.

    Chinese Armor is an open question, it's hotly debated just how many MBT's China actually has. Chinese industrial production today is greater than the soviet unions in WW2 and China produces an inordinate amount of steel. Their armour could be anywhere in between Sadams red division and a Russian tank division. Again the working theory is that the Chinese will go for quantity and saturate south east Asia or Eurasia.

    Personally I don't think Chinese combined arms is where it needs to be to fight a defensive war, but the Chinese don't plan on fighting a defensive war and it's likely their navy will go in one direction and their army will go in the other direction. The positioning of the Chinese forces relative to Korea and Vladivostok is going to get really ugly at some point

    • 1 year ago

      >Go on the attack when you have no experience

      Yeah, that could get pretty comical really fast.

    • 1 year ago

      >China is set to acquire the S-400 which is quickly becoming the bane of American overseas bases

    • 1 year ago

      Meh they lied over and over again on their steel specs and i highly doubt their material technology is up to par with the west

      • 1 year ago

        >Meh they lied over and over again on their steel specs
        No, you lol

        • 1 year ago


  13. 1 year ago

    China is gay lol remember when that guy came on Mao?

    • 1 year ago


  14. 1 year ago

    To the US mainland? Zero, disregarding nukes. To Taiwan and neighbouring countries? Quite large

  15. 1 year ago

    china is rather interesting. the communist party would have us believe everyone is a han chinese individual descended from the same god emperor or some invented schizo nonsense, but anybody with a western internet connection can see the various ethnic groups that comprise china. I do believe china could capably quell social unrest, but it's a very curious topic regarding the degree to which there actually is dissent among the chinese people. also, go look up pictures of central asians, these are undeniably the people from the ancient art not the people claiming "han ancestry"

  16. 1 year ago

    they have a billion people and good economic potential
    but they have zero experience in wars, conscripts who might not really want to die to take a small island, marxist society that lacks morality and questionable quality military hardware

    • 1 year ago

      the military is not a respected career in china

      • 1 year ago

        Much like the US, certain branches are basically a pre-requisite for a political career, to join the ccp you have to get your hands dirty in Tibet, to get a civil service job you can retire in you sort of buy out of the military, if you're from a rural area it's one of the only ways to get your children proper jobs . Very soviet.

        • 1 year ago

          >if you're from a rural area it's one of the only ways to get your children proper jobs
          once a poster who had family in the CCP described this to me, by saying the west is not the only one with a surplus of middlemen. he could have been told exactly what they wanted him to hear but it sounded like a lot of boring administrative running back and forth. another poster detailed the main coalition of power in the CCP today as comprising of people with guerilla military history who partook in "pinching the tiger's ass" offensives but I may have misunderstood that.

        • 1 year ago

          yes but a lot of those people are involved in the internal security organisations like the armed police.
          China btw spends more on oppressing its own people than on the military.

          • 1 year ago

            >China btw spends more on oppressing its own people than on the military.
            American self awareness, friend most of your defence spending is just corruption and for every dollar the us police draw in official funding they get a dollar from drug syndicates and a dollar pilfering.
            In China the "police" include many elements which in the west would be part of other departments, it's apples and oranges in that way.

            • 1 year ago

              >most of your defence spending is just corruption
              I recommend not veering into the topic of corruption because it is vast across all nations and perverse across all industries. I do not assert or deny the form or presence of corruption in a given circumstance besides the fact it is pointless to compare because it is literally everywhere.

              • 1 year ago

                this is all i say. Corruption is the rule. Corruption so big the small people fear to even question.

                >Please refer to your local public education officer.
                What is the average Chinese person's opinion on the party lines about Tibet/Xinjiang? The same way that Americans know
                is just their government being on-the-nose, what sorts of lies are obviously lies in China?

                >What is the average Chinese person's opinion on the party lines about Tibet/Xinjiang? The same way that Americans know
                Please refer to your local public education officer.
                >is just their government being on-the-nose, what sorts of lies are obviously lies in China?
                Tokenistic grant projects, bullshit set up for camera, regional issues being hidden. Usually things of scale.

                yes I know a few chinese that moved overseas to get away from the CCP. They aren't what you'd call political as in activists just that they saw china becoming a shitshow and took the out their studies abroad offered them. That and work hours here are a lot more livable.
                no friend I'm from the land of the rising waffles
                While there is corruption in the west. Those that assume it reaches russian or chinese levels are projecting their own societies standards onto the west.
                We recently had a bribery scandal in the EU parliament. Involving half a dozen people and about a couple million euros. That's less than a percent of the "mooncake" industry.
                But above all the police acts on this not just because it's politically useful to the ruling fraction, but because bribery and corruption are not accepted at all levels of society.
                And I didn't say it's just the police but the varius branches of the gouverment who's task it is to keep people in line. call the police in china about domestic violence and they don't care, call them a bout a theft and they don't care, post a mean message about a local ccp party member and it's mess around find out time.

                the overseas Chinese are just rich gays who fell into some kind of cult. or are a disgraced family. The colonial Chinese are not Chinese at all, we see them like you see the israelites. foreign education is just a money question.
                Next time i am in rising waffles land I will do a corruption to tell you how it went. methinks same as everywhere else, i often take souvenir from corrupted official just to show other official what the world really is.

              • 1 year ago

                >Please refer to your local public education officer.
                is that what you could expect the typical Chinese to say regarding Tibet/Xinjiang? the censorship joke has been received, unwillingness to talk about the subject by Chinese is already established. It is okay if you have no opinion or do not want to share it, but please say so instead of pretending you do have information you are withholding.

              • 1 year ago

                You do not appreciate my sense of humor, I know china and tibet well but cannot say much about them, shitty places nothing is prouced, ethnic locals fight themselves then blame china, china gives things to the locals just to make the han hate them. lots of corruption.

                >chinese have no interest in piracy they simply fear american pirates.
                do you think privateering would make a comeback in a war?

                now is peak privateer friend. never a better time for piracy. thousands of stolen containers shunted into the bay of bengal, dumping of trash to avoid tax, dumping cargo at seas for insurance, stealing ships to skrew investors, american navy basically funds america though piracy, even small western navies are doing piracy and are conduits for the drug syndicats.
                Oh yea pirates took the boat over, not like navy sent the pirated to kill the crew then navy steals the drugs. if navy comes you better send money in a dingy. nothing changes.

              • 1 year ago

                is the chink still angry about the Taiwanese navy of a few decades ago.
                or is it part of the chinese national humiliation fetish that is the constant culture of seething over the century of "humiliation"

              • 1 year ago

                China hates taiwan more than can be believed, i hate taiwan, if you go taiwan even you would hate taiwan.

              • 1 year ago

                been there on the invitation of the Republic of China. Had a great time. and unlike my trips to the mainland it was clean, safe and people where friendly.

              • 1 year ago

                you forgot one group of overseas chinese, chinese women that fell for the BWC. I have 3 guys in my friends’ group that have chinese wives.
                >chinese girl goes to study abroad
                >gets a taste of anything over 2 inches
                >decides to stay
                >chinese wumao even more lonely and angry
                many such cases

                I would believe you on local officials being corruptible but by you saying you will make them corrupt you are admitting that they aren't corrupt right now. While also admitting that chinese officials are already corrupt. thus, undermining you claim that the west is just as corrupt as china. And if said official you corrupt is found out to have taken your bribe he will face persecution not just have it held over him for when it is politically useful for the current dictators little faction wars.
                This is the difference why you can trust such simple things as baby milk in west but in china buying locally made baby milk is gambling with your childs life. And even if the producer doesn’t frick with the formula the many fake goods producers will. Creating a flourishing trade in baby milk bought abroad and sent to china. Which in turn leads to Chinese making fake foreign baby milk. Because who cares about the children of your country dying when you can make some fast yuan. In fact of those couples that I know wanted to go china. But stayed once the Chinese wife got pregnant and suddenly safe baby formula was reason enough to stay. As easy money isn’t worth their child’s life.

              • 1 year ago

                >we see them like you see the israelites. foreign education is just a money question.
                who is we exactly?

    • 1 year ago

      >good economic potential
      Those days are behind it. A slave economy is only useful until it starts trying to better itself, and then industry moves elsewhere.

  17. 1 year ago

    Genuinely want to actually see their military do something in actual combat but overall I can say in a actual defensive or offensive operation they would be pretty good.

    Think a bootleg America with Russian tactics.

  18. 1 year ago

    A threat to whom?
    To their neighbors? A mortal threat.
    To people on other continents? Not at all.

  19. 1 year ago

    They do shill, they are just not very effective and it's mostly aimed towards the Chinese population. It's Russia that targets the schizos.

    • 1 year ago

      the chinese people are the biggest obstacle to the party's goals

    • 1 year ago

      russia targets the fringes of the west because it wants to disrupt the body political from forming a strong opposition against them

      The chinese target the business and academic elite because it wants western investment and knowhow. China is also better at focusing it's shilling to those it wants shilled because parts of those western elites have taken over for them. t

  20. 1 year ago

    chyna is assho nuke them all

  21. 1 year ago

    They've got a big army but no force projection. You can't conquer the PRC but they also can't conquer anybody but their closest neighbors.

    There's also concerns with procurement funds being embezzled and PLA soldiers being unmotivated but the CCP likes to keep secrets.

    • 1 year ago

      they have projection on land, not much in the sea worth seizing, no supplies at sea, chinese have no interest in piracy they simply fear american pirates.

      • 1 year ago

        >chinese have no interest in piracy they simply fear american pirates.
        do you think privateering would make a comeback in a war?

        • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            >Introduced last February
            Unfortunately schizo nobody politicans do not count

      • 1 year ago

        The issue is that China's best trade routes are all at sea and their a net food importer. If someone blockades them then China will face economic issues on top of their civil ones.

        • 1 year ago

          well china is a net importer only if measured in USD, the upshot being they import expensive food for the middle class but have plenty of food in kilo terms. China can also bring in a huge volume from Asia by land in the normal course of a war.
          in many ways rationing would help china, who's domestic problems relate more to price fluctuation.
          A blockade of china is a blockade of the world, china controls most of the worlds sea frieght and there are only three straits between the US and the middle east.

          the chinese can close these three straits in many ways, in the suez simply crashing ships, ramming other ships, mass mine laying with the flotilla, parking nukes on cargo ships and relying on the malay to protect the suicide ships rather then eat fallout, the chinese have influence in other asian states and there's good old fashioned submarine sinking.
          China only needs to sink their own ships to cripple the whole worlds sea trade, so to "blockade china" is a funny idea.

          you forgot one group of overseas chinese, chinese women that fell for the BWC. I have 3 guys in my friends’ group that have chinese wives.
          >chinese girl goes to study abroad
          >gets a taste of anything over 2 inches
          >decides to stay
          >chinese wumao even more lonely and angry
          many such cases

          I would believe you on local officials being corruptible but by you saying you will make them corrupt you are admitting that they aren't corrupt right now. While also admitting that chinese officials are already corrupt. thus, undermining you claim that the west is just as corrupt as china. And if said official you corrupt is found out to have taken your bribe he will face persecution not just have it held over him for when it is politically useful for the current dictators little faction wars.
          This is the difference why you can trust such simple things as baby milk in west but in china buying locally made baby milk is gambling with your childs life. And even if the producer doesn’t frick with the formula the many fake goods producers will. Creating a flourishing trade in baby milk bought abroad and sent to china. Which in turn leads to Chinese making fake foreign baby milk. Because who cares about the children of your country dying when you can make some fast yuan. In fact of those couples that I know wanted to go china. But stayed once the Chinese wife got pregnant and suddenly safe baby formula was reason enough to stay. As easy money isn’t worth their child’s life.

          those are spies, their family are like a hostage.
          your semantic argument impresses only socratese, all are corrupt, my corruption would be an additional dick. If i do not frick an official does this mean they are a virgin? No. line of dicks.

          Domestic cartels and profiteering for online platforms is what made men like Jack Ma rich, he has a monopoly on imports through Ecommerce, fricking the domestic market deates that opportunity. I see this as being very much like US drugs market, or US guns market, or US cars market. Same issue, use bribery to frick domestic market, claim monopoly of import, runn an offshore industry you pay no tax in, pay bribes to make a cycle.
          How much do you pay for ammo friend? I tell you how much I pay and you will think i am nick cage.
          You pay $50,000 for an AK which is worth $500. Who got the $45,500 as profit? You talk about dollars and cents well I can bribe a chinese cop for like 500 kuai, your corruption is bigger

          • 1 year ago

            >but have plenty of food in kilo terms. China can also bring in a huge volume from Asia by land in the normal course of a war.
            This is not true. They have a lot of food but also a lot of population. It's why them cutting off basedbean imports from the us led to so much unrest and agricultural issues recently.
            They're currently scrambling because Ukraine was a major exporter and Russia is in the middle of bombing their farms

            • 1 year ago

              Hmm...I think Im starting to understand why they're buying so much farmland in Australia and the US now. I see the play, I just don't know if they're taking the L and hoping the next generations will be able to use the land or if they're hoping it will solve this issue for them outright.

              • 1 year ago

                they like to buy up real estate in western countries as a way of banking wealth abroad so their own government can't just take everything, they have from them at a moment notice.
                There is the idea of securing long term food security. But that would require that those nations just let the chinese import that food during a moment of global food crisis.
                wich is a bit like having to import frick loads of coal from Australia, throwing a hissy fit and stoping imports only to then start running low on coal.

              • 1 year ago

                No, that's more like the Japanese in the 90s. It's a way for the rich in China to have outside investments. It actually strengthens the us/australia instead because it means now China has to be careful lest their very important farmland get repo'd by an angry western aligned government. It also means the prices stay cheap during peace time for mainland, since the ccp can pay those businesses that own foreign land to artificially depress prices

          • 1 year ago

            I sit here and laugh at your seething chinky
            I've got food I can trust. People I can trust and perfectly legal FN Fal (the right arm for the free world) I got for 800 euro, no bribery needed and even though I'm associated with an opposition party the majority appointed autocrat gave me a nice big approval stamp on all my paperwork after just a few weeks of waiting. No dick's sucked, no "mooncake" given, no lobbying and certainly no begging.

            While in china firearms are illegal to all but party members. The party has had to make a separate farm system to guarantee the food safety of its top officials because it gave up on getting safe food for its serfs.
            You rant and rave about CHINA SO STRONG and the west so tiny and just as bad. because your own oppressors have fed you a steady diet of century of humiliation propaganda to the point that your brain is fried.
            Even the Chinese prefer to live in the west over the hell hole that is china once they’ve seen not all the world is like mainland china. And china could be good, china could be great, china could be powerful but not with the ccp and it’s culture of corruption, graft and incompetence. A culture so engrained in many Chinese they cannot even conceptualize a world without those things

          • 1 year ago

            >US drugs market, or US guns market, or US cars market
            Only one of these is remotely controlled lmao, and it's not the manufacturer it's pumped up for insurance profit.

          • 1 year ago

            >huge volume from Asia by land
            you mean all those nations that the CCP has been working so hard on turning against them.
            I'm sure India, Vietnam and Pakistan will bail you out chang.
            >china controls most of the worlds sea freight
            the only top 10 shipping firm that is chinese is cosco and it is dwarfed by Mearsk
            >only three straits between the US and the middle east
            The USa no longer needs ME oil imports to sustain its own needs and if need be can be shipped around the cape of good hope.
            >can close these three straits in many ways
            yes and china needs at least one of those straights for it's own oil imports and two other straights and the entire INDIAN ocian. good luck getting oil chang
            >chinese have influence in other asian states
            yes in that they hate your bullying so much they are turning to the USA. A person you bully into submission isn't an ally but a fair weather friend that will ditch you the moment it can.

            • 1 year ago

              >A person you bully into submission isn't an ally but a fair weather friend that will ditch you the moment it can.
              this is china's fatal foreign policy misunderstanding. there is truly a belief that the US achieves its alliances through strongarm tactics and debt trapping instead of mutual benefit

              • 1 year ago

                I mean I'd like for america to take a far less active role in the EU. But on the other hand, I don't hate american or the usa, just that they cool it on being involved in domestic issues like immigration.
                But the chinese think that insulting you is part of normal diplomacy. That their win state is you submitting to them. And why the frick would we do that to a nation that can't power project past the first island chain?

              • 1 year ago

                America succeeds because they offer a more gentle ass raping than other powers (unless you’re South America).

          • 1 year ago

            >those are spies
            When I lived in China the ease in which I could frick chink women was baffling. They were practically begging for 外国 wiener.
            Even now living back in the west, if I speak a little mandarin to a bug lady, she’ll get wet almost instantly. I’ve fricked more slant ladies than I can remember.

          • 1 year ago

            >moron thinks Chinese merchant fleets will jihad the Suez with no repercussions, but also somehow blockading ports.
            No moronkun. First ship to do so would have it's crew arrested and likely hung.

  22. 1 year ago

    >MacArthur reportedly told Truman that he was confident of early success in the North Korean offensive, and that he no longer feared Chinese intervention.
    >Just 10 days later, the Chinese army, which had been secretly massing at the border, made its first attack on the allies. In the days that followed, the allies' headquarters received intelligence that Chinese forces were hidden in the North Korean mountains, but this was disregarded.
    >The Chinese troops withdrew, and the allies interpreted these initial skirmishes as simply defensive. Undeterred, General MacArthur ordered a bold offensive on 24 November to push right up to the Yalu River, which marked the border between North Korea and north-east China.
    >He optimistically hoped this would finish the war and allow the troops "home by Christmas". But it was instead to mark yet another turning point in the conflict. The next day, about 180,000 Chinese "volunteers" attacked.
    >A shocked MacArthur told Washington: "We face an entirely new war."
    >He ordered a long and humiliating retreat - performed in sub-zero temperatures - which took the troops below the 38th parallel by the end of December.
    >As Chinese troops unleashed a renewed offensive, the allies were forced to withdraw south of Seoul in January 1951. Here, in the relatively open terrain of South Korea, the UN troops were better able to defend themselves. After a few more months of fighting, the front eventually stabilised in the area of the 38th parallel.
    MacArthur didn't consider them a threat back then and that led you the longest retreat in US military history:

  23. 1 year ago

    They actually know how to manufacturate micro electronics and I think that is one of the biggest and most crucial differences with Russia.

    • 1 year ago

      they can but they also can't at scale and at cost
      I'd recomend going trough some of this guys vids on a quick rundown of the microchip problems of china. And how the soviet union and also russia failed to get it's own chip production

  24. 1 year ago

    Anyway i go because i have made a shit in the catalog now. poo poo, clean it up.

  25. 1 year ago

    It's hard to know because autocracies project strength right up until they crack.
    That being said, it is most likely their star is fading as Xi has spent the last decade removing anyone who could tell him no, and that breeds the kind of nepotism and corruption we see in the Russians military. They are also going through a tonof shit with corona, being a net food importer during a time of global food shortage due to Ukraine, and they've dramatically bungled diplomacy enough even with America being complacent ent for two decades their best friends are still the kims and Russia. Their neighbors hate them, their trading partners hate them, and their own people seem to hate the ccp too.
    Are they a threat to the U.S. mainland? No. Are they a threat to their neighbors? Yes, for sure. I honestly se them sabre rattling for the domestic audience for the next decade, then fricking up by trying to actually use their military on something other than murdering peasant uprisings. They're definitely not a minor power anymore, but IMO they are Brazilian tier masquerading as something bigger simply due to their size

    • 1 year ago

      This. Everything I've seen with China is that it's a USSR LARP, with all the worst elements of Chinese society thrown in just to make it that much more terrible.
      Don't forget that China is teetering on a demographics crisis due to the One Child Policy, which is made all the more serious once you remember China's primary export is cheap labor. Once that runs out the CCP is levels of fricked.

      • 1 year ago

        OP you responded to. I think the more pressing concern for the CCP now is that about 300 million chinese live 'okay' lives - that is, running water, electricity, and a modicum of access to modern conveniences. Then there's the rest that continue to live in third-world tier misery. And now those people have ultra-cheap cell phones and their children go to work in the labor factories and they are very, very upset the CCP hasn't fixed their problems yet. Their western, non-coastal population is increasingly angry, and it wouldn't surprise me to see more labor strikes happening, which can and is already starting to frick with their place as the slave labor floor.
        I don't think anyone has realized yet just how awful Corona was for China. Pretty much everyone realized having multiple points of production spread globally is a lot better for the bottom line than using Chinese labor. You can already see this in the increased production of products in 'cheap' places like Mexico and vietnam and frick, Turkey I guess?

        • 1 year ago

          The next industrial go to for the world is projected to be, oddly enough, Africa. Think about it:
          >Vast mineral and oil deposits
          >Untouched arable lands in Central and Southern Africa
          >Huge population growths in the last 50 years
          >Almost no regulations with labor or environmental laws
          Right now the only major issue with Africa is security, but a Western coalition can sort that out rather quickly.
          China knows this fact very well. Which is why they have been trying to expand their influence in the region for the last decade with their debt schemes.
          However, it's only a matter of time before China goes full moron and implodes on itself. They have a decade, maybe two before they cannot contain the avalanche of shit they've made for themselves. It will be quite interesting to watch.

          • 1 year ago

            >The next industrial go to for the world
            Businesses and logistics are ditching this paradigm of producing in any one place. China was used exclusively because it was dirt cheap and regulation-lax, and it became cheaper to ship things across the Pacific than build it anywhere else. The only problem is Corona showed that the costs during ANY disruption are absolutely fricking miserable.

            Most likely, post-pandemic we'll have high-end manufacturing spread across high-end countries(chip fabs in US, Japan/Taiwan, and similar places in Africa, Europe, and eurasia), and cheap manufacturing in those areas cheaper markets - Mexico and vietnam for the americas and SEA for example. The business reasons for this are mostly pure economics - being able to get things from Mexico is way easier than dealing with a potentially hostile China, and if mexico implodes you still have your factories in vietnam, and vice versa. Businesses were just stupid(like they always are) and got addicted to the cheap profits and easy global shipping.

          • 1 year ago

            >next industrial go to for the world is projected to be, oddly enough, Africa.
            No. Population won't matter in the next industrial revolution

          • 1 year ago

            Latin America and SEA first, since Africa is too unstable for major investment. If Rwanda can keep its shit together after their present (competent) dictator dies, maybe other nations can follow their lead. Until then, the threat of some random warlord or corrupt governor just taking over and looting your $50m factory makes Africa impossible to use as a major manufacturing hub

  26. 1 year ago

    odds are they have the same exact issues that plagued russia and the soviet union for decades
    >political infighting
    >massive corruption
    >scripted exercises staged just so that officials can look good with their superiors and get a promotion
    >no NCOs worth a thing
    >highly centralized decision making
    >everyone lying through their teeth to avoid punishment and present a perfect fiction
    >technology decades behind the US/NATO
    >ill trained troops, officers are the only ones who know how to operate and maintain hardware
    >everyone in the west keeps overexaggerating their capabilities for more defense gibs

    however to their merit, china has a gigantic economy and industrial production that can rival that of the US, also they seem like a more modern country in mindset than the USSR.
    on top of it they still have a population of 1.3 billion people, that's a lot of men that can be thrown into the fight.
    other than that we have no way of knowing how a war would go, the last time they fought it was against vietnam and it didnt go too well
    now they're focused on taiwan, it would be a naval engagement of massive proportions against most pacific states+US with similar or better capabilities

    • 1 year ago

      Chinese corruption works differently than Russian corruption.

      Russian corruption goes all the way to the top, with the oligarchs n shiet. Chinese corruption meanwhile works in a "we'll turn away from your minor thieving/scheming but the moment it fricks all of us we'll put you down" basis.

      Most of the intense corruption happens in the lower levels, but guys up top are expected to deliver results still. Its how they manage to build up their country in the first place.

      • 1 year ago

        it used to be the same in russia, where bribes originally were just a way to pay civil servants for services, until it became endemic.
        i have no reason to believe china is any different.

      • 1 year ago

        Thus was true until the big purges by xi a few years ago. Now they're all yes men

    • 1 year ago

      i'll add to this that industrial capabilities begin to matter in a prolonged fight, if a major conflict for taiwan was to happen it would be a matter of weeks before their navy has been decimated (and likely the same applies to their enemies), so there would be no time to replenish losses or do any sort of massive industrial conversion for war production.

      • 1 year ago

        problem being that the results of those top levels are the compiled results of those corrupt lower levels.
        So it's building on quicksand or building out off tofu-dregs

  27. 1 year ago


  28. 1 year ago

    >invade the West with an army in excess of 100,000 according to certain sources
    >lose their very first battle
    >sustain 50,000 casualties and promote the morons in charge

    • 1 year ago

      >Tibetan empire

  29. 1 year ago

    Possibly better than Russia but not by a large margin bar the fact they have a lot of ammo to throw around. Problem is who they are fighting, because if we talk about US they might start starving for food.

  30. 1 year ago

    >no shilling

  31. 1 year ago

    They had no logistics in Vietnam and don't seem to be rectifying the issue, instead building more logistical strain. They lack a culture of endless criticism, so they also lack the incentive to look at every part of their fighting force and actually invest in anything other than the offensive capability. Just on logistics alone, even if they are a superior fighting force at the start of an offensive, they will degrade rapidly within days as their logistical capacity rears its ugly head.
    That's assuming they are a superior fighting force to begin with - look at how their guns keyhole, how their tanks seem to lack stabilized guns, how they can't seem to make a good jet engine for modern fighters in large quantities, how their forever bomber is a version of the Tu-16. It all seems to be a façade - they can look like a strong, powerful, modern military, but really it's just a new coat of paint over more dated tactics and equipment.

  32. 1 year ago

    >How serious are they of a threat?

    To Europe? Zero. To Amerimutts? Massive latent threat since they undermine the amerimutt centered new world order by merely existing. The chink goal is to be able to provide anything that muttland can provide but at a far better price point, which means that you dont need muttland and their "misrules based order" parasitism. So the chinks needs to be buck broken by muttmerica. Buuuuut... its just that China is a wee bit harder target than some third world shithole. America cant even handle a trade war with China because so much of essential goods consumed in America is made in China. F.ex without chinese blood pressure medications, millions of 50+ amerimutts would die within months.

    The chingchongs next logical move will be to make an alternative to SWIFT/BIS which will remove american insight in monetary flows and also decrease the need of western financial "services". This will be devastatning to the anglojews and the mountain israelites and their banking enterprises.

  33. 1 year ago

    threatening but nowhere close to a near peer for something like the US Navy. They would definitely sink a few carrier strike groups in the conflict, but most of those would be preemptive strikes not during the actual war.

    Their achilles heel is that they are 0% self-sufficient, 80% of their food/energy comes through the ocean trade routes which are out of their reach. Stick some boats in the Indian Ocean/Malacca/etc. and they start starving and having rolling blackouts.
    Also they have no real allies.
    >Pakistan (comes at the cost of India NEVER being an ally)
    >North Korea (comes at the cost of South Korea NEVER being an ally)
    >Russia, but only as an 'enemy of my enemy' kinda deal
    Meanwhile their enemies are Japan, India, USA, Vietnam, etc. each of whom are a b***h to deal with since they can disrupt ocean trade before it gets to China

    • 1 year ago

      china's best bet against the US is to court yuros/russians for a eurasian alliance type deal. Too bad russia chimped out and torpedoed any chance at anything similar for the next century.

  34. 1 year ago

    Half of world's ship building capacity, greater industrial capacity than NATO.
    You tell me

    • 1 year ago

      ships take time to build, they'd need them ready before the war broke out

      • 1 year ago

        But that doesn't come with the experience or technology that a modern navy will need.

        PLAN already has more modern warships than the USN. The bulk of USN are outdated Burke i and Tico, which will get wrecked by 052d and 055. Even carriers will get kitted to death since, ship based asbm out range carriers

        • 1 year ago

          We weren't supposed to shitpost in this thread, anon!

          • 1 year ago

            Less than chinese airforce

            • 1 year ago

              Good thing that's not the US air force

              • 1 year ago

                Most US airforce can get to China lol. Naval airforce is all you got.

              • 1 year ago

                You’re right, most US Air Force can get to China from all the military bases the US has surrounding China.

              • 1 year ago

                >Most US airforce can get to China lol.
                >Naval airforce is all you got.
                Incorrect, ESL moron.

              • 1 year ago

                Most of us airforce can't get to China
                >Incorrect, ESL moron.
                I'm posting from phone, I'm not an neet like you who spend days on computer posting on PrepHole

              • 1 year ago

                Got it, so english is your first language, you have a phone with autocorrect, and you're still moronic. Cool.

        • 1 year ago

          Surface warships aren't a factor. Most of the ship to ship combat will be done by submarines and on this front the US has a strong advantage. While China does have a number of non-nuclear subs they won't be able to compete with the speed and endurance of natural circulation reactors.

          • 1 year ago

            The USSR cope about their submarine winning against US surface fleet. Now the US cope about china lol

            • 1 year ago

              Remind me of the last time the PLAN did something important.

    • 1 year ago

      But that doesn't come with the experience or technology that a modern navy will need.

  35. 1 year ago

    You could win a war with china without any actual combat occurring. All you have to do is use the US Navy + Air Force to blockade all trade in and out of china through the sea. They will not be able to break this blockade, and as china is highly dependent on foreign imports for the survival of their state (fuel, food, basic products etc) compared to the US, and the regime would collapse from the inside in a matter of months or years. This is also assuming that the war happens within the next twenty years at the very most; past that point, china will be experiencing total demographic collapse, and a war with the US would be the least of their worries.

  36. 1 year ago

    They have a few hundred nukes, which probably are in better shape than Russian nukes thanks to the Clintons. That makes them a fairly serious threat.

    Outside of nukes, they have a large navy, but would have serious trouble trying to operate outside the First Island Chain against the USN, so the threat is mostly contained to those particular allies. Their Achilles' Heel is their dependence upon sea trade to provide the inputs they need to feed their people and factories, as well as the exports needed to get the cash to pay for those imports. Their SLOCs stretch all the way to the US, Europe, and the Persian Gulf, and can be readily interdicted at any point in between. The USN could probably do it with a couple Burkes in the Indian Ocean backed by P-8 support from Diego Garcia (sanctions and economic pressure via maritime insurance providers would also shut down most commercial traffic other than small-time smugglers).

    So, in a broader conflict, PRC has to manage a fait accompli and then get the US to back off. That's basically what Imperial Japan sought to do in 1941, and it would probably work about as well this time around. Doesn't mean they won't try for Taiwan--there are a number of domestic factors that make it a tempting target regardless of how foolish that would be. It pretty much rules out trying to conquer Worst Korea or Japan, though.

    tl;dr it's about as big a threat as you'd expect from a paranoid dictatorship with hundreds of nukes, plus maybe a bit bigger than that because they have a bunch of fairly modern ships.

    • 1 year ago

      >but would have serious trouble trying to operate outside the First Island Chain against the USN

    • 1 year ago

      >china has a few hundred nukes

      lol, no. there is not much that they can do against american aggression, but the most important thing that they can do is drastically increase their nuclear arsenal (which has been underway for years). in the end, they will have thousands of warheads, and we will have 3 way MAD, with russia, china, and the us.

      • 1 year ago

        >not much that they can do against american aggression
        052d in the west coast, seem like it's the mutts who can't do much against chinese agressions

        • 1 year ago

          A lone destroyer spent a couple months travelling 30,000 to the West coast of the US alone and back with no supply ships? What, were they eating each other and drinking piss to make it back?

          • 1 year ago

            >alone and back with no supply ships
            Is that what you think?

            • 1 year ago

              >is that what you think?

              Fricking dickless wonder propaganda squad over here.

  37. 1 year ago

    >no shitposting
    Why post the commie flag then?

  38. 1 year ago

    American society is too divided to fight a war. The democrats will want to fight it and the republicans will want to suck the enemies wiener.

    China doesn’t have this problem because everyone stands behind the CCP

    • 1 year ago

      Friendly reminder that Tucker Carlson and terminally online /misc/-gays on twitter are not representative of right wing politics as a whole in the US. Support of Ukraine was and still mostly is a non-partisan issue. Doubly so against the chinese as it gives a socially justifiable reason to be racist.

      • 1 year ago

        Trump has said he will pull out funding from Ukraine to force Ukraine to negotiate with russia

        • 1 year ago

          He also said he would bomb Moscow if Russia invaded. Trump is fricking stupid.

        • 1 year ago

          He also said he would bomb Moscow if Russia invaded. Trump is fricking stupid.

          I'll re-iterate: Tucker Carlson and friends are not represntative of right wing politics as a whole in the US. There are many, many people that still (rightfully) believe Russia is a priority security threat to the US. As such they are more than happy (or at worst indifferent) to see their tax dollars go towards killing as many of them as possible.

      • 1 year ago

        >are not representative of right wing politics as a whole in the US
        No, there's just a lot less right wing people than tucker carlson/terminally online pol morons would have you believe. Most people are clintonite moderates because they want brown people kept out of their neighborhoods but also don't want to be mean to anyone.

  39. 1 year ago

    Threat to what. They could never invade a real country NATO would wipe them off the map. So for example south korea and japan are at no threat. Taiwan? A huge threat mostly because of weird poltical status of kind of not being a country and kind of being a country.

  40. 1 year ago

    On paper they are a threat but to fully asses the situacion they have to get into a proxy war to see how well their stuff works best solution whould be go to war with couple of African war lords due china has some financial interests there and I doubt it anyone will blow a stink up for going on an offense hell they might even get UN support to bring in some law and order in those shitholes if they do it professionally

  41. 1 year ago

    These threads always get swarmed with actual government shills.

    • 1 year ago

      China pays people for popular support. There is many political organization that are bought and paid for by china to try to control the narrative and put spies into goverment organizations. One way this done is trying to shit on american weapons. (Not china but russian state media always shitted on the f35) they also push for shit like stop chinese hate and bastardize it into saying "dont hate china as a country!" Just look up sinophobia and see the results. They arent as effective as russia of course in their ability to push naratives in america.

      • 1 year ago

        Stop tryibg to twist my words around, you fricking shill. I'm talking about you. You shills don't allow for any constructive criticism whatsoever. It's just bullshit pro-state, pro-biden propaganda 24/7.

        • 1 year ago

          I am not pro biden. I likes alot of the anti chinese policies trump implemented. Such as focusing intelligence agencies on the threat posed by china which biden got rid of.

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          >600 million dollars
          So nothing, lmao. Compare that to literal russian bot farms.

  42. 1 year ago

    >There are chinks in this thread unironically pretending the US MIC is "just as corrupt" as China.

    • 1 year ago

      >laughs in Sig Sauer
      but that name wouldn't mean anything to you noguns shills

      • 1 year ago

        I mean, nobody is doubting that the Military Industrial Complex is corrupt but HOLY HELL does the CCP have Issues. You've got entire regions being run by gangs. You've got local officials stealing land from farmers in the middle of food shortages. You've got Agricultural Banks refusing to give farmers their money back. All this leads to huge failures like Evergrande as the lendees default on their loans.

    • 1 year ago


  43. 1 year ago

    Why do Vatniks support the second amendment? So many school shootings could be prevented if it weren't for the Russoids and their rightoid puppets.
    And what's with Republicans wanting war with Communist China? Who cares if China gains domination over the Pacific? As long as Ukraine gets it's weapons to destroy Russia, America needs to be punished for it's Imperialism anyways, plus communism is a better system.

  44. 1 year ago

    Depends on what you mean exactly, treating to America itself or treating to its home region?

    If the former then not very. China has no real naval power to speak of in comparison to the US and friends and with that a very limited capacity to project its power. The only place where China could feasibly pose a threat to the US military would be a land war in its home territory, which is unlikely, as those exact parameters would probably just result in a nuclear exchange anyway so the only place they're likely to clash is on the water or overseas, both places where the US has overwhelming advantage.

    If you mean dangerous in regard to their immediate surroundings then it's a bit different. There's reason to believe that if nothing else their army is superior to any nation they border, including Russia and India. So a proper land war with anyone would likely result in a Chinese victory however bloody it may be, especially if NATO allies don't get involved, and even if they did its possible they might just end up in a Korean War situation again. However China's biggest priority by a mile is Taiwan, which is both over water and something the US I'd deeply invested in which puts it closer to scenario 1 in function.

    And finally if you just mean are they a danger to peace in general then who can say. Current politics and posturing certainly imply they want a fight, but given how things have played out for russia we have to assume they are at least second guessing that method. Win or lose a fight against a nation China's size is going to be a blood bath for everyone involved but it's a long way from being certain in China's favor.

  45. 1 year ago

    Their massive demographics problems will undo them long before a war with the west.

  46. 1 year ago

    Bigger than russia, less than the democrats.

  47. 1 year ago

    They can be contained to the Region. The US has more options globally for controlling the battlespace.

  48. 1 year ago

    Around 70% of China’s oil consumption comes from foreign imports and has been sharply expected to grow to around 80% by 2030.
    If China wanted a shooting war with the US they would have to deal with their spigot being turned off first. Considering the sheer scale of the monitoring efforts by every military asset allied with the US in the Indo pacific area...this would require a complete about face in the theatre. All other objectives would be secondary to securing their lifeline to the outside.

    • 1 year ago

      "But what about the pipelines?" You may ask.
      The pipelines extend for thousands of miles through countries outside of their reach. Many in countries where CIA still has friendly assets developed from GWOT, so blowing up a pipeline or two wouldnt exactly be a Herculean task.

      • 1 year ago

        those proposed pipelines also have to be build first
        and the fuel still has to get from kashgar to the coast where 80 percent plus of the chinese live as well as the bulk of it's industries

  49. 1 year ago

    they are the most serious threat and will have a better navy by 2040 and a better air force by 2050

  50. 1 year ago

    I imagine the cultural problem of "saving face" and all that type of Chinese bullshit along with a complete lack of recent military conflicts will cause them to fall apart spectacularly like this recent Russian special operation, perhaps even worse. I think they are smart enough to stick to economic warfare to achieve their goals and will sit on Taiwan for perhaps 50 years before they act militarily.

    • 1 year ago

      you never know, that same sort of mistimed hubris is what got hundreds of thousands of japanese vaporized

      • 1 year ago

        I wouldn't have made that statement a year ago but after seeing Russia's performance I can't help but draw similarities between the two cultures.

  51. 1 year ago
  52. 1 year ago

    >How serious are they of a threat?
    Still waiting for them to invade the tiny island of Taiwan, after their series of threats. But IsraelXI is such a massive pussy.

    All China can do is seethe and warn endlessly.

  53. 1 year ago

    They have not engaged in "serious" military operations since the sino-soviet border clashes of the 1960s and the Sino-Soviet border classes of the 70s and 80s.

    They have the manpower and materials to prolong a conflict, IF they're careful on how to deploy them. The will rely heavily on cyber attacks and the PLA. Their navy is a literal paper tiger and the air force has realistically not been tested, hence why their paying UK and AUS pilots buku money to train their pilots.

    I have no idea about their nuclear capabilities, but I wouldn't put it pass them slant-eyed chinks to use chemical and/or biological weapons.

    6.5-7/10 threat to the US

    • 1 year ago

      Sino-Vietnam border clashes of the 70s and 80s

  54. 1 year ago


  55. 1 year ago

    >no shilling
    >no shitposting
    wrong board for glowniggger free threads

  56. 1 year ago

    Any discussion about China on /k/ will just be a shitfest

    • 1 year ago


      chyna is assho nuke them all

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